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Define OB with its Importance / Forces and explain Fundamental

Concepts of OB
OB is the study and applications of knowledge about how people as individuals and as
groups act within organizations.

Importance of OB

1. Globalization
2. Work force diversity
3. Quality and productivity
4. People skill
5. Empower people
6. Coping with Temporariness
7. Innovation
8. Ethical Behaviour

Fundamental concept of OB
A) Nature of people
(i) Individual differences: Unique person Individual
(ii) Perception: Behaviour of an individual is largely result of the
way one perceives oneself and the world around him at any
given moment
(iii) A whole person: Personal life is not separable from work life.
(iv) Motivated Behavior: Motivation is essential to the operation
of organization
(v) Involvement: Provide opportunities for meaningful
involvement in activities
(vi) Value of a person (ethical treatment): People want to be treated with respect and
dignity by employers
B) Nature of organization
(i) Social system: Formal social system and
Informal social system
(ii) Mutual interest: Mutuality of interest
among participants of organizations

2 ) Write a note on Models of O.B.
Feudal Model
This model depends on the owner-Hire and Fire principle-Carrot (Money) and stick
(Threat of retrenchment) approach for motivationFear psychosis among employees
Autocratic Model
The model depends on power i.e. authority or boss-Disobedient employees penalized-
Authority delegated by right to command over people-It assumes that employees have to
be directed, persuaded and pushed into performance-Management believes that it
knows what is best-Employees depend on their own authority figures;but they do not
respect them-Employees feel insecurity, frustration and aggression-The employees can
not express their genuine aggression feeling towards their boss, instead they express
Custodial Model
This model depends on the organization, rather than on the boss-Owners and managers
are considered custodians of resources- Management looks after the welfare of the
employees to a certain extent-Employees are allowed to redress their problems-Security
needs of employees are met-Employees are happy and contented; but not strongly
motivated and hence gives only passive cooperation-Employees do not utilize their full
potential because employees values , preferences and attitudes are not given due
Supportive Model
This model depends on leadership-Through effective leadership, management provides
climate to grow and accomplish employees capabilities. Leaders use the attitudes and
values of the employees for motivating them. Employees participate and involve in
activities of the organization. We feeling is created among employees. Status and
recognition needs of employees are met
Collegial Model
This model depends on a feeling of partnership between management and employees-
Managers are as joint contributors rather than bosses. Managers are co-workers.
Managerial orientation is towards team work. Sense of responsibility is created among
employees. Self-actualization and fulfillment needs of employees are met. Outcome of
this approach is cultivation of self-discipline among employees
Human Value Model
In this model, Behaviour and consequences are observed- People work in organization,
in addition to economic needs, for fulfilling their social and psychological needs- It is
briefly known as SOBC model (Stimulus, Organism, Behaviour and Consequences)-
The SO portion deals with the understanding of behaviour and the BC portion
deals with prediction and control of behaviour- The stimuli may be physical, social,
cultural and technological.

3)what is Perception ? perce
Definition: The process by which people select, organize, interpret, and respond to
information from the world around them.
E Perception (consciously and unconsciously) involves searching for, obtaining,
and processing information in the mind in an attempt to make sense of the
E Selection and organization often account for differences in
interpretation/perception between individuals observing the same stimuli
The process through which people select, organize and interpret or attach meaning to
events happening in the environment.
The behavior is largely a product of the way people perceive themselves and the world
around them at any given point.
What is the perceptual process?
E The process by which people select, organize, interpret, retrieve, and respond to
E Perceptual information is gathered from:
Factors influencing the perceptual process.
E Characteristics of the perceiver.
The perceptual process is influenced by the perceivers:
Past experiences.
Needs or motives.
Values and attitudes
E Characteristics of the setting.
The perceptual process is influenced by the settings:
Physical context.
Social context.
Organizational context
E Characteristics of the perceived.
The perceptual process is influenced by characteristics of the perceived person,
object, or event, such as:
Figure-ground separation.
Repetition or novelty.
Information attention and selection.
Organization of information.
Information interpretation.
Information retrieval.

4) What Is Personality?
Relatively stable pattern of behaviors and consistent internal states that explain a person's
behavioral tendencies
Important Note: Personality alone accounts for only 2-12% of the variance in behavior
Interactionist Perspective: Note that both the person and the situation act as
significant causes of behavior in organizations, thus reinforcing the importance of
properly managing the situations that employees work in.
O Extraversion: Outgoing, talkative, sociable, assertive
O Agreeableness: Trusting, good natured, cooperative, soft hearted
O Conscientiousness: Dependable, responsible, achievement oriented, persistent
O Emotional stability: Relaxed, secure, unworried
O Openness to experience: Intellectual, imaginative, curious, broad minded

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Sources of Personality Differences
Heredity: Research on the nature-nurture controversy* indicates that about 50% of the
variance in personality is inherited, thus setting limits on development
Environment: Shapes at least 50% of personality?
Group Membership
Life Experiences

Job Satisfaction
A person's evaluation of his or her job and work context
A collection of attitudes about specific facets of the job
Job satisfaction is enhanced when:
1. Work is challenging and interesting but not tiring.
2. Rewards are equitable and provide feedback.
3. Working conditions match physical needs and promote goal attainment.
4. Self-esteem is high.
5. Others in the organization hold similar views and facilitate reward attainment.
6. Policies and procedures are clear, dont conflict, and aid goal attainment.
Job Satisfaction and Performance
1. Happy workers are somewhat more productive workers, but:
2. General attitude is a poor predictor of specific behaviors
3. Job performance affects satisfaction only when rewarded
4. Job satisfaction and motivation have little effect in jobs with little employee control (e.g.
assembly lines)

4) Organizational Commitment
Refers to the strength of an employees involvement in and identification with the
Strong organizational commitment entails:
a. Strong belief in/acceptance of an organizations goals and values
b. Willingness to exert considerable effort on behalf of the organization
c. Strong desire to maintain membership in the organization
Higher commitment is negatively related to absenteeism and turnover, and positively
related to productivity
1. Affective commitment
Emotional attachment to, identification with, and involvement in an
I do not feel a strong sense of belonging to my organization.
I do not feel "emotionally attached" to this organization.
This organization has a great deal of personal meaning to me.

2. Continuance commitment
Belief that staying with the organization serves your personal interests
I am not afraid of what might happen if I quit my job without having
another one lined up
I feel that I have too few options to consider leaving this organization.
One of the few serious consequences of leaving this organization would
be the scarcity of available alternatives

3. Normative commitment
Belief in some ethical/moral obligation to remain with the company
I think that people these days move from company to company too often.
Jumping from organization to organization does not seem at all
unethical to me.
One of the major reasons I continue to work for this organization is that
I believe that loyalty is important and therefore I feel an sense of moral
obligation to remain
Changes in Organizational Commitment Over Time
Initial Commitment is determined by individual characteristics and degree of
congruence between their expectations and organizational realities
Subsequent Commitment is influenced by job experiences, including many of the
same factors which influence job satisfaction (such as pay, interpersonal relationships,
working conditions, advancement opportunities, etc.)

Summary of Commitment Research
Affective and Normative Commitment are associated with positive outcomes: Higher
productivity, lower turnover, better health/well being
Continuance Commitment is associated with lower turnoverhowever, its
relationship to the other outcomes is less clear. It is generally uncorrelated and
sometimes negatively correlated with productivity
Whats worse than an unengaged employee who leaves the company?

Building Organizational Commitment
Provide justice and support
Provide some job security
Support organizational comprehension
Involve employees in decisions
Build trust

Definition: Relatively lasting feelings, beliefs, and behavior tendencies directed
toward specific people, groups, ideas, issues, or objects.
Attitudes consist of three components:
o AFFECTIVE = feelings
o COGNITIVE = beliefs
o BEHAVIORAL = predispositions to act

Attitudes and Behavior
Attitudes do not normally predict or cause behavior in a simple and direct way
Three principles relate attitudes to behavior:
General attitudes best predict general behaviors
Specific attitudes best predict specific behaviors
The less time that elapses between attitude measurement and behavior, the
more consistent will be the relationship between them

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