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4550 Central Ave Indianapolis, IN 46205 317.283.1352 FAX 317.283.2206
Scheduled Sunday Morning Services:
8:30 Chapel Worship
9:30 Church School
10:45 Sanctuary Worship

As we enter into our Fall season, one of the
first major events we share together is our
Stewardship Campaign for the next year. It
is through the prayerful and sacrificial deci-
sions that you make in pledging to our 2014
budget that we are able to continue a faith-
ful witness here at Northwood. In the first
week of October, you will be receiving a
packet which will include the Covenant Card,
an envelope to return your pledged amount
and a letter detailing our theme and spiritual
call to faithful giving.
During four weeks of October, we will high-
light our Stewardship campaign through the
use of video and the heartfelt witness of fel-
low Christians reminding you of all that you
receive in spiritual teaching and personal
growth, in fellowship and opportunities for
service through this particular church.
I hope you will take seriously this call for fi-
nancial commitment as your contribution
and devotion to God underwrite most of the
life of Northwood Christian Church. That life
will be especially manifested in the coming
months with events such as World Commun-
ion Sunday, a wonderful musical production
in mid-October, All Saints Day, a special
Presentation bringing in many new visitors,
Thanksgiving, and Advent.
Lets join together to continue this dynamic
spiritual community whose contributions to
your personal life, to the community, and to
the world are dear to our Lord and to all
who value goodness and truth in our time.

Pastor Ted

Is your special day missing from the
newsletter? Contact Traci Willis.
Thank you!
Alec Langford wishes to thank all the
members and friends who prayed for
him and sent cards and messages dur-
ing his illness. It was greatly appreci-
ated and will long be remembered.


The 2013 Reconciliation Offering will
be received in congregations on
September 29
. Your giving is
changing lives and building hope for
the realm of God, for our children and
for Christ's Church!

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Join Rob Leffler, Matthew Houghland, Travis
Person and Jack Fox as they explore the
repertoire composed and arranged for
various and sundry combinations of players
on piano and organ. These four guys will
perform music on two pianos, eight hands;
two pianos, four hands; piano and organ;
and piano, four hands and organ. Hear
music the music of Gounod, Handel, Rossini,
Wagner, Debussy, Schuber and Sousa.


Monumental Marathon waterstop again on
our corner. Enjoy a fun morning with fun
people & help earn money for our church!
More info: Denise Rogers

Chinese Dinner
September 24th
The Disciples Women's Ministries invite you
to attend their Chinese Dinner. The speaker
will be Wanda Burrus, a member of Light of
the World Christian Church. Ms. Burrus
went on the Women to Women trip to China
in the Fall of 2012. While in China the group
visited the work of Global Ministries.
Ms. Burrus will be telling us about her
trip. Women to Women Worldwide is
sponsored by the International Disciples
Women's Ministries and administered by the
staff of Disciples Women in conjunction with
Global Ministries.

The dinner will be held Tuesday, September
24 at 6:00 pm in Fellowship Hall at
Northwood Christian Church. The tickets are
$7:00. You may purchase your tickets from
your Circle Leader or from the Church

We will be taking a love offering for the
Women to Women Service Project. The gifts
will be used to fund projects for poor and
marginalized women and girls from the rural
areas in China, including education, support
of the poor, medical care, and small loans
for women starting small businesses through
the Zhoukou Lay Training Program (Henan
Province), and the YMCA in Shanghai.
"Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death."
(Saying One, Gospel of Thomas)
Among all the astonishing documents accidentallyor fatefullyunearthed in 1945 near the
desert village of Nag Hammadi in Upper Egypt, the Gospel of Thomas has made the greatest
impact on our understanding of Christianity. Like the Eastern sages, Yeshua speaks in paradoxi-
cal aphorisms that invite us to become conscious of our uncreated origin, of our boundless
freedom, even in the midst of the most severe difficulties. Thus we awaken to absolute Reality,
right in the heart of the ordinary life.
SUNDAY, November 3rd @ 4 PM SUNDAY, November 3rd @ 4 PM SUNDAY, November 3rd @ 4 PM
A Presentation by Ted Nottingham


What brought you to Northwood?

We had been
looking for some
time to find a
community that
would be a good
fit for us. Katy
came across the
Christian church
website a few
years ago, and
thought it seemed like a church we would
like to visit. However, it took us a few years
before we made that first visit. In the mean-
time, we had listened to some of Pastor
Teds sermons and talks online, and they
resonated strongly with us. After attending
the church, we felt at home immediately.
From the very beginning, church members
have been very welcoming toward our fam-
ily. Pastor Ted has a unique ability to inter-
pret scripture in a non-literalist way that
makes sense and is practical to our daily
lives. We are extremely happy to have found
our spiritual community at Northwood!

Who or what were some of the influences
that shaped your life and your faith?

Brandon: I first began attending a Christian
church as a teenager, after a friend gave me
a copy of the bible. Since then, I have
considered myself a Christian, and my strong
faith in god has helped me in all areas of my

Katy: As a child, my family did not attend a
spiritual community with any regularity;
however, as I became older, I enjoyed
learning about different religions. In
general, I have been drawn to more liberal,
progressive spiritual communities. I enjoyed
attending the Unitarian Universalist church
as a young adult. Later, I found myself drawn
to the unity church because of its emphasis
on practical spirituality, as well as its stance
with regard to acceptance of members,
regardless of religious affiliation, creed or
sexual orientation. Honestly, I have never
felt at home in most Christian churches, that
is, until we began attending Northwood. I
feel blessed to have found a church that
aligns with my values and challenges me in
new ways to have a closer relationship with

What are your hobbies and interests?

We both enjoy travel, hiking, kayaking,
camping, reading, bicycling, spending time
with our family and four cats, and playing
with our 5 year old twins, Janey and Joseph.
We are both interested in animal welfare
issues. Also, Katy enjoys sailing, and cooking
vegetarian meals. Brandon enjoys aikido,
spending time on our pontoon boat,
computers, and watching movies.

What else would you like us to know about

Our greatest joy is raising our children,
whom we adopted three years ago. They
just began kindergarten, and love it! They
are very loving, joyful, and active. They keep
us busy for sure!
Brandon works as a computer support tech-
nician with city securities, and Katy works as
a special education teacher for MSD of
Wayne Township.


Have you noticed the poster on an easel out-
side the Quiet Room? Its information about
another way you can support our food pan-
try and help stre-e-e-etch our limited fi-
nancial resources.

Each month we are highlighting one item
you might buy for the pantry. Some items
are most requested foods; others are very
much needed items but either cant be pur-
chased with food stamps or are very expen-
sive for a below-the-poverty-line budget.

The September item-of-the-month is dish
soap (any brand or size of bottle). Want to
plan ahead? Start buying now for October.
Were asking for spaghetti (boxed or
bagged). See the poster for other details!

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