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Holy Love Messages

May 4, 2011 (Given by St. Catherine of Siena) False Virtue / False Gifts Practiced to impress others. Genuine Virtue / Genuine Gifts Practiced quietly - not to be noticed.

Much spiritual pride. (May claim ownership of a virtue or spiritual gift.)

Accepts what God gives humbly and without pretense.May even hope no one notices.

Feels one-upmanship towards others; i.e., 'I'm Considers all others more holy than himself better than these people because I have this more worthy than himself. or that gift - I'm chosen'.

May believe others' holiness is his responsibility since he himself is so 'gifted.'

Prays quietly for others, and tries to give a good example of holiness.

Definitely desires spotlight as a 'spiritually gifted' person.

Desires hiddenness.

In his heart, does not accept that gifts and virtues come from God and his own cooperation with God's grace; believes they come from soul's own merit.

Gives God the credit since He is the author of all good. Does not just say this but means it in his heart.

Believes too much in himself; i.e., everything that he thinks, says or does is an inspiration from Heaven. Is easily misled because of this weakness, and misleads others, as well.

Waits on the Lord. Prays for discernment. Does not offer direction or guidance to others except after much prayer and guidance from a spiritual director. Is prudent.

May 3, 2011 Public "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."

"My brothers and sisters, realize the mission of Satan is to claim your souls. It is he alone who turns good into evil. Just when you think you are leading a virtuous life, the enemy turns genuine virtue into false virtue by encouraging you to use what God has given you to impress others." "You are children of light and of truth. It is to truth alone that I call you to. Do not dilute My call by presuming you are spiritually superior to anyone or the bestower of gifts or graces upon anyone. All of these things come from above. While they may pass through you, they are not yours." "Humility is the test of every virtue and the barometer of the genuine versus the false. This is the tried and true test - a reality often missed by infant Christians." ------------------------May 4, 2011 Public St. Catherine of Siena says: "Praise be to Jesus." "Humility of heart precludes any pride in graces received or spiritual gifts given. The truly humble soul does not claim any selfimportance. He does not see himself as the bearer of gifts but rather the unworthy recipient of God's generous Provision. He, in humility, gives all glory to God." "Further, he does not seek recognition as being one who has many spiritual gifts. Many say they give glory to God, but in their hearts take pride in God's actions through them."

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