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Published quarterly by South India Church of Christ Mission. Mis

sionaries are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morris of Madrapakkam Village: via Gummudipond Post, South India. Editor and Forwarding Agent is D. Eugene Houpt, RFD 2, Danville, Illinois
SPRING. 1959, ISSUE craw a cbaw. potomac. lui..



The Christian Trade School





rolled by since we resigned from

graduates onf chuss and enrolls

another now cliuss. A new group of 52 is enrolled for Bible study.

the church we were serving in the United States to make plans

to come to India. If we could




you can





have foreseen the hardships and trials, it might have dampened

our enthusiasm but I doubt it.

adopt a student in this school for

|50. This will pay for his train ing and send him out to serve the Lord. Never again will you be asked to help him as he will work at his own job and preach or teach. i The
each evening












We left the States in April Ci 1950. So, nine years here and the one year in preparation mark
the close of a decade. It has

reading room is packed as many educated

This is a

been good to be used by the Lord

Hindus come to read. will read the Bible

good way of evangelism.



books here who would never lis

ten to the preaching of God's word. The printed word carries real power and we must use it. i
This c!ass of Trade School had

here and it has be?n good of you who have stood by our side with prayers and offerings through this time. Many have come and gone, but still there is a good
number who have been old with us

We thank




and our new ones for their won eight women, the wives of the derful help. men students. Now they are put ting into practice what they When we first mentioned go learned in the class. They go to Rntli, .Art, David, Joe and Patty ing to India, the question was each village, gather all the wo taken af Kody, February 130, 1959 asked us over and over, "What

men together, and

Jesus. This


them ^




fulness and prepares the women and go to the school again. I to do the same work when they took the famiy up and each year leave the school and go out Into it gets harder to do. Joe, our His service. youngest, is in the first grade. It's summer time already. Ruth has to stay there at least
For same reason which we can

can you do there for the Lord?" We did not know then and could

only reply that we would be used for Him. Now, after ten years,

I think we have a
swer that question.

right to an

until June so that he can study.

only one





not explain, summer came so ear

Then he and Patty will have to


ly this year. January was hot, February was hotter, and now the sun is really bearing down. (This was written early in March.) While you had unusu ally cold weather, we had unusu
ally hot weather. Between 11 a.

study here if the school will give '='mall Churches of Christ here in

One of those churches permission. They will then go IS. India. been closed for a year. back up to the school in January. had If this arrangement is not per Thrcue:h the years, the Lord has
mitted, Patty will have to go in blessed the work. Today, there to boarding school. If they come are 107 Churches of Christ and down in June, David will go into over 100 preachers and gospel

He does not workers. Of this number, only m. and 3 p. m., it is rea'ly hot. boarding again. "When the sea breezes come in, it mind it so much now. but no one 30 are regu'arly paid a salary.


not so bad.








The I






still nice but this may not last.

hold the

fort here alone.



It's school time here agairi. On January 10, we had to pack up

try tD get off one weekend each


14 families,

of there are 4500


(Cont. on Page 2, Col. 2)

(Cont. on Page 2, Col. 1)



SPRING, 1959
MORRIS CODE "Dedicated to our friends in

(Cont. from Page One, Col. 3)


Each thing we do is gov

erned b^ how it will affect the

winning of souls. The leper work Christ" living here in S, India where the gives us a tremendous opportun ity of preaching to the lepers of churches are located. both high and low castes. The The gospel is preached in Ta reading room gives us an oppor We had a fine time at the first mil, Telegu, Kanarese and Eng tunity of meeting and putting missionary camp of our mission
lish. Over 300 men and women Christian





either hands

through the tian College School. At there are 52

evangelism as the teacher is also the preacher. Half the children may not be Christian but they Christian Trade School prepar are daily exposed to the teaching ing to preach the gospel, along and singing of His word.

South India Chris or Christian Trade the present time, men studying in the

literature into the aries in India. This was the first of the educated Hindus. time that our independent mis had been dependent schools are real centers of sionaries

enough to meet together on an

all India basis.

It was a



at their own jobs.

Sometimes we get discouraged makes us feel that each is a mem and yet, when we think about team building the In the beginning, we had to the problems and pray for guid ber of a pay all the workers as they did ance, we feel that this is surely Church of the Lord in this great not know about serving freely the will of God for us to work land of India. We discussed com mon problems and planned for for the love of the Master. But





fellowship. The group decided to carry this on year after year. The next meeting will be at Kolpahar in December of '59. This

now this is much better and the

supporting nicely, while the men past for our Master has labor mainly with the newer made possible because of

older churches are becoming self-






the future. The children enjoyed regular American-type camp. been Two missionary boys were bap your tized into Christ at the close of
the a
our camp.

groups. For example, one preach er graduated and went into a valley to labor for Christ with one church last April. Today,

help. What can and must be done in the future depends upon you also. Because of so much voluntary work here, we are able to do the things that have been there are seven churches there. We cannot expect them to sup done. It takes the work and sa crifice of lots of Christians to

On our way to the missionary camp, we stopped by the Taj Ma

hal for a few hours. It was a real thrill for us to see this beau

port themselves until they grow

Medical work was started

up in His grace.

put across such a program.

tiful building and renew fellow ship with Ralph Harter. We met
him there and he showed us the

1950 and still serves many. The dffshoot of this is the leper work BRIEF NOTES that they are doing in that area. which treats over 500 patients a (Cont. from Page One, Col. 2) Keep up the good WDrk, Bernie month. This leper work is only six months old and already earn month to go and visit since it is and Joan. ing fame for the Master. only an overnight trip. I think
We have distributed about

place. We a'so went out of Bilaspur to the home of the Getters and saw the work for the Lord

nor Davis for sparing time for a $1500 worth of surplus grains snakes, is loneliness. There is meeting with the English church often mention of the high cost of and milk powder from the Unit here in Madras the last month education and this is true here, ed States to the lepers, mothers, before they sailed home. Only too. Our school fees alone are and school children. Over two Don could come for he had to over $50 a month (that is the thousand children have a glass leave the packing to his good right to sit in class) but the sep of milk a day and about fifteen wife if he was to be here for the aration of family and unhappihundred children have a noon meeting. There were no addi ness are even more costly. Per meal. So you can see how im tions but the members were haps if there were several fami portant this is. It is free to us, greatly revived. Don made some lies here there could be a school thanks to you. good tape recordings of their in Madras but with ours the only Our village schools have also children in South India apart songs and words. If anyone is operated since 1950. We have from the natives, there is no oth interested, please let us know. It is all in English, so you will have 43 schools now, and they have a er way. Our North Indian mis very high enrollment. In June, sionaries have the same problem no trouble understanding it. we will start the first Nursery as well as most mission fields. We expect to see the David school with a trained college Reese family any day now. They
teacher for it in our District. It new items of surplus foods from will be as a model for all the
others to visit.

worse than heat, spoiled food, or

Our thanks to Don and


This past month, we got two









the U. S. They were corn syrup their way to the United States and cottonseed oil for cooking. for furlough. They sail from Co been These were an immediate suc chin so they have to pass through

Each month, we distribute Madras. We hope they can come food valued at more than $1500. out and give greetings to the home or away with Him. We This is a real joy in seeing this brethren in the Lord here. have preached at thousands of go for a good use and in helping It hardly seems possible that
our first and main interest, and cess.
will be so until the Lord calls us

meetings and used every method those whom we could not other we know of to win souls for our wise help.

(Cont. on Page 4, Col. 1)

SPRING. 1959




Then along came D. D. S.

live at home. This

This for about two years so we don't

We we
have never had such wonderful

can be given to them while they need any more for awhile.
has ushered

in a new day in leper work. We can treat 50 patients the modern way for the cost of treating one er shouting, "Unclean, unclean!" patient using the old method, in the Bible, but that is usually i There is hope of defeating lepthe limit of our knowledge of lep 1rosy in another twenty years.
All of us have read of the lep

have will

be used



need more before our furlough is due. We have no place to store them now. Thank you one
and all.


It is not hereditary or the

of some sin as so many We still need used Sunday There is one drawback to this It is transmitted by close new method. Some of the pa School papers. Children's picture contact with an affected person tients are so infectious that they papers are very useful and are

result think.

who at that time i'j contagious. Here it is usually transferred by families sleeping together under one cover or by wearing the gar ment of the affected person. Not all lepers are contagious

can give it to more people than one of the reasons why our Eng
we can cure with D. D. S. There

lish Sunday School has grown so

The children love them. should be a place where we can much. keep them in quarantine until at We do not get enough for all the least the worst infectious period Sunday services but when we do







not have them the children are thrill

Any pictures, picture rolls, been able to solve that problem. ed. by any means. Many are the type They can work even while in this or old flannelgraph supplies are that have only their nerves in "Standards" and condition. If we had the houses very helpful. fected and cannot give it to a and facilities, we could keep "Lookouts" are not very helpful person at all. It is said that asome in-patients. It would cost here so please send them to fields dults are about 90 per cent im us about five dollars per month where they can be better used. mune to it, and children 90 per "Junior Life" and to care for a person. Of the 500 "Straight," cent susceptible, and then only who come for treatment, only other children's papers are the
under constant contact. Some have been afraid we would catch

about twenty need be isolated.

ones we can

use to




it but we do not think so.


always wash In Dettol after hos pital work.

vantage. Marilyn Beaver of Mar We have a staff of five people tins Ferry, Ohio has been a very

working full time on this job un






Some also think that leprosy The Christian Youth Ambass give them D. D, S., but calcium, rots away the fingers and toes, adors have a very important pro vitamins, and yeast with iron to and leaves those unsightly stubs Ibuild up their bodies. They can ject In their program. They sup that you see so often here. But ply clothing for the poor Anglothen throw off this disease. Al that is not really true. Leprosy children on Christmas. so, we give each person a half Indian is not that kind of disease and i pound of milk powder, a slice of These children would not have few ever die because of it. It; enough clothing if this were not cheese, a meastire of wheat and
does destroy the nerves so there

der the direction of Dr. Joseph, literature. the leper expert. We not only


or toes.

is no feeling left in the fingers I week.

A leper can walk in a!

ia measure of corn for food per

Those who can pay for

(Cont. on Page 4, Col. 1)

fire or on nails and never know'


doing those things and infection

Still, he hurts his body by ^ jThis still leaves to us the salairies of the five workers and the

: the medicine do so, and !who cannot are treated

those free.

sets in and does the damage. Al

medicines. But the good that is so, leprosy strains the muscles being done is amazing. Each and nerves and tends to draw time they come, they hear ser them up so that one cannot work,
mons about Jesus and how He

The majority of lepers are still can heal the sick and those with Many are hearing the able to work if anyone will give leprosy. Many them a job. That Is the problem gospel of Jesus this way.




of are showing signs of healing, ev

en the children. are

them so they have no job.








out. have

When this is no choice but

true, they to beg or



India has over two miricn lep Of a*l the states in India,

Madras is one of the worst. So ver have we gotten so many. you can see how much of a need

that you have been sending. Ne-|r ^

Thanks for

the many Bibles I


there 5s for help. The old-time can Bible Society is glad to send way of treating a leper was to them to us if you only ask. I take him in as an in-patient, and feed and treat him. This fai!ed, Thanks for your wonderful One of t.he bud leper cases. for it is impossible to treat two help on bandages for the hospi-. is pictured with this man. face is badly scarred. million patients In this manner. tal. At present, we have stock I

have only four left. The Ameri- [t#'




SPRING. 1959
feel that it is sin. In time it will


and hard but He opened the door.

We had only one small boy then destroy you and send your soul (Cont. from Page 3, CoL 3) and now he is in the sixth grade. to Hell. DDS can cure leprosy but done. One of the Anglo-Indian Patty is in 3rd grade and Joe is only Jesus Christ can cure sin. They, along with I May God bless you.Art, Ruth gir^s who is so interested now in first grade. was almost starving last year. the majority of their school class
She has finished her school fin

mates, were born in India.

We want to thank our forward

als and is now working in the of

fice of the Hercules Cycle Com

ing agent for his valuable work pany. She is secretary to a vice- as forwarding agent and editor president and gets only twenty Iof the ChallonKcr during most of He is dollars per month. But with this long period of time. that, she is helping provide food
for her own family as well as a very busy man as he is a school
teacher and full time minister of

helping others.

kind of clothing,
dren would

If you have any a church in addition to his work these poor chil-j for the Mission. If you do not appreciate hear from him immediately, you


your remembering them. The may know that he is very busy. people here can make over the It is a real sacrifice to do this

garments to suit their needs. | work for so long. We are grate Part of our personal offering! ful to Gene and his wife, Alice,
will go for the duty. Please keep, for all they do. I want to give a simple Illus at the most. And mark it "For tration that might be helpful to It kills free distribution." Thanks so you. Leprosy is like sin. the nerves until you no longer much.
the value low, one or two dollars I feel any pain. You can cut off

tracts are very helpful. None we j

can get here tell the full story ofi His church. Used tracts and! used books come in duty free.
If ycu would like to have stor

it off and the English services. The young not feel it because of the dead people are busy almost every day| nerve. So it is with sin. If you Pat, Joe and I)avi<] in tlic side telling others about Jesus, and: keep on sinning you no longer room of Taj >Ia!inI, Jan., 1051).

We can use English tracts in your


or burn

ies about India for your D. V. B. S.. Junior Church or opening ex ercises, just drop Bro. Houpt a
ine and he will send them.

These are all complete with Indi an flannelgraph pictures. Our hostel boys have grown sD
much this year that it is hard to imagine they are the same skin ny boys who came in June of last

year. We have had our regular food for them, plus American milk powder, cheese, wheat and syrup. They have grown about two or three inches in height and five to ten pounds in weight. School will be over May 14 and All of our missionaries in India. Taken at camp in January, 1050. now they say they hate to go See how many you recofinizc. home. They get only one mea!
a day at home and that consists
R. F. D. 2

of rice with pepper water over it.



(Cont. from Page 2, Col. 3)


Danville, Illinois



ten years have gone by since we,

that first missionary rally at West Morris Street Chris- i tian Church in Indianapolis and stcod with fear and trembling for a picture of the missionary recruits. The way looked so long attended

Form 3517 Requested

.McOlLVLV, W. E. 509 West Jefferson JOLTET. ILLINOIS


Published quart^ly by South India Chureh^f..Christ Mission. Mis
sionaries are

via Gummudipond Post, South India. Editor ^nd Forwarding Agent

und Mrs. Arthur Morris of ^Madrapakkam Village;

SUMMER and\^ALtr~^^ia

is D.^Hj^ene Houpt, RFD 2, Danville, Illinois






7. English church. The dictionary tells us that a this town there are churches, S. Gift food distribution. missionary or mission is a person schools, a hospital (or at least a 9. Model school. or group of persons sent out by doctor), a library, a book store, their own church to make con perhaps an orphanage, and some 10. Bible and tract distribution work. verts from a people or country to community activity such as the sports. Since the mission is a 11. Boys' hostel. their own particular doctrines. group of Christians set down in a 12. Christian trade school.

This is a simple idea, and yet place with no Christian knowl In all these 12 parts of the it does not in any way define the edge or background or communi-' length and breadth of a mission ty spirit, the mission must pro Mission body, there is the one "My or mission field. There are many ject itself into these avenues of' connecting thread or unity.
missions and mission fields. approach if it will be successful work is essential for the total Some do only one type of work. in winning many of those to the work and glory of the church." For example, those that work Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.' In India we have to cope with with homeless children, or the the Hindu systeni which is regu In like manner the work here blind and aged. Some missions lated from the cradle to the have a whole range of work in that started out to be just preach The people must know ing work has spread out into the grave.
order to do the work that is ne

cessary. In foreign lands it customary for the mission have a broad approach. Many the jobs that often are done private and civic groups have be done by missionaries.

is following channels: to 1. Church planting of gelism. by 2. Day schools. to 3. Night schools. 4. Leper hospital.
In 5. General hospital. 6. Reading room.




of Jesus


our Lord.



Every dollar that you give is divided up into these 12 parts,

but the results that are achieved could not be done without the to

We can liken the mission to a





tal picture. A hand is good or a foot is good as is the eye, nose or

heart. It takes them all to make a man that is alive and useful. In

like manner, it takes many ave nues of approach to win people

and to edify the converts. If there is no school, then there are
no educated Christian leaders. If


there is no hospital, there is no

help for the sick. If there is no reading room, there is no chance to win the educated Hindus. If






there is no place for the Chris

31 [

tians to meet together for meet ings, fellowship and prayer.

Some complain about the cost of missions. They wonder why
we should spend so much for so

little. A pioneer work takes a long time. Remember thisfor

all you give the missionary has

Downtown Madras. Taken fi-om Parry's Corner, whore all city bu.sscs start. These an' banks and .stores; Supreme Court building: l.s on left. to give many times more in his

(Cont. on Page 2, Col. 1)




(Cont. from Page 1, CoL 3)

schools have come many leaders. GENERAL HOSPITAL

Several of our volunteer preach

ers trained in our Christian own money, time and life. The Trade School were our students This has been an important work done for the Lord can not of 1950, 1951 or 1952. In the part of our work since August, be measured in numbers or dol future, this will be more evident 1950. Many lives have been

lars, but by God's eternal meas

uringsaved or lost.

than now. Education, while be saved and many babies delivered. ing costly, is a must. The fact Now we have the best staff ever, Some of you may be interested that we are now able to do so including a trained doctor and in one project and not in anoth much on the same amount of nurse. We are in the process of er. In the order named we are money we used to spend only on being recognized by the Christian giving a few lines on each divi evangelism, shows to an extent Medical Association of India. sion of the mission work here in the less number of teachers em Then we could get gift medicines South India. In each depart ployed. in freely from the U. S. ment there is a person in charge
and workers. OF When each man

and woman does his job well the


This project is now 18 months old and is very popular in Madra-



There are now 109 Churches of Christ in South India. We

have 25 full time preachers and

41 volunteer preachers. The
The churches are in three states.

services are in Tamil, Telegu and English, with one in Kanarese. Not only must we convert the Fathers sit beside their children ppoplp hut wp miiat alao-ContinuBand try tb^^rite th^ Tetters on
to teach them and build them in

Night schools are conducted by our volunteer preachers in their own villages. Many can not at tend a day school because they must earn a living. Some must work all day and, without the night school, would grow up il literate. This schooling makes him a useful member of society. It is also a good opportunity of evangelism. The night school is an interesting sight to behold.

pakkam. It is the first contact of any value we have had with the high caste people of Madrapakkam. Though none have ac cepted Christ as yet, two are very interested in doing so. If it were not for the awful fear and perse cution of their families, they would have long ago. Daily pa pers are an attraction and, when they come here to read, they also see Christian papers, Bibles and

to self-supporting, self-governing, self-propagating churches. This task is a great one. No one can do it alone, only by the power of the Holy Spirit is it being done. The people are very ignorant and poor. When you think that nine
out of ten can not read and that

sage goes into their hearts. It is a sure way, but slow and long. small children lean over and try One man works during the morn to help them. It encourages stu ing, and another the afternoon dy and learning, and some of the and night. It stands as the only first words the new literate reads Christian place of business in the are simple words from the Bible. Bazaar. As day schools decrease, night
the floor in the sand. Their schools will increase for us here.

They, too, get a meal just as the ENGLISH CHURCH their average pay is less than 20 day students under the Gift Food cents per day, you can see how Program. difficult the task is. They are The English church in Madras born in heathenism, fear and dis is a source of great joy and pain. trust. When a man or woman It is made up of educated Indians accepts Christ, the task is not LEPER HOSPITAL and Anglo Indians. Anglo Indi doneit is just the beginning. ans are those of mixed English and Indian parentage. We are DAY SCHOOLS This project has grown more 35 miles away and that is too far than many others in its short life. to do all that should be done. This year we have 20 Christian It is not yet one year old, and its Their singing and spiritual fel Day Schools in the key areas fame has spread far and wide. It lowship is great. We have been where there is no government is not uncomiiion to have pa trying to get someone to come school. When we came here in tients come from '30 to 50 miles. and study in some college here or 1950, there were only three gov They are hopeless and desperate, work with a company and preach and the herbs, oil arid voodoo to them and lead them on to ernment schools in this whole ar Now we greater heights. ea. There were no high schools. cures have all failed. Now we are in a building fund There are government schools in have offers to take our hospital almost every village now, and a to four new centers but we do campaign to build a new house They have been high school on each side of us. not have the funds to do this. If of worship. Once we had 60 schools, then we we could, many hundreds more working for 2 months and have They are all so dropped to 40. Now there are 20 could be reached and cured. We only $15 so far. They have a very active! full time day schools taught by then could work out a control poor. our preachers. These are in ar program for an area 20 miles youth group called the Christian From this eas where government schools square, which now contains at Youth Ambassadors. group, two young men are now have not gone as yet. From our least 10,000 lepers.




learning to preach. Fifteen of teaching methods mean better lars a month for food and about the young men have given devo students and better leaders in a one dollar for books, etc. tions and short sermons. It is a few years. If we are going to have edu live wire group of 35 young peo cated Christian men in the vil ple, from 13 to 30 years of age. lages, there is no other way than BIBLES AND TRACT educating them ourselves. We

This is very important, for the

have a full time warden for them.

Every day there are 3,000 chil against all the powers of evil. dren having a glass of milk and We have been able to distribute 1,490 children of this number so many Bibles because you folk get a noon meal of the surplus have been so willing to send in American wheat, rice or corn. It your contributions to the Ameri is a tremendous blessing to these can Bible Society. The Bibles in people. So many children who Tamil or Telegu cost $1.00 each. would have no food all day have New Testaments cost from 25c to a good hot meal at school. The 35c each. Just in the post today

He gets them up at five o'clock so they will have time for their morning devotions. There is also Word of God is a powerful force a full time cook, who prepares
their sent meals the and sees miles that to it is three school.

This is the training ground for preachers where they are nurtur

ed in a spiritual atmosphere. So the need is great and the task joyous.







as came from






from you friends in the U. S. So May the Lord bless you and all CHRISTIAN TRADE SCHOOL you can see how much it really who have sacrificed to send His

does for the people here. We Word to us so we can use it here. have powdered milk, rice, wheat, We have had not a single re corn and cotton seed oil. sponse to the tract idea. We can Though some of these gifts still print a million tracts for on may be misused in some places, ly $2,000. Think of it, $100 will we know these are being used to print 50,000 tracts in three lan a great advantage here. Most of guages. We are here on the fir We need the grains are made into por ing line for the Lord. ridge as this is the cheapest way. true, honest Bible truths to give If you could just see those chil to the people and we do not have dren gulp down a bowl of por as many as we need. We can get ridge, it would thrill your heart. thousands of tracts put out by Most of our poor Christian every belief in the world in all boys now can attend school. Be languages, but none of the New
fore, they had to go out and work. In one village, Poovlambedu, we had 15 children in the
school before the meals were

The Christian Trade School has trained 142 men and women so

far. That is far short of our goal of 500 in five years. But again, this costs $50. While some have sent in for three students, many have neglected it altogether. The last class has gone out now and
another will start next month. This idea has been the lifesaver

provided. Now there are 65, so you can see what it Is doing for
the children.

of the whole mission program for it has given us 42 good 'self-sup porting men and many others' Testament Church. This is our who serve also. We have a po third request and, if no one an liceman who preaches two or swers, we will give up and be three days a month on his leave. lieve that it is not the will of Many housewives witness as they God to have them. can. The 42 men are doing the work that a full-time paid preach

We have had hostels here

er used to do, and much better

for it is their village.

in others

They love

the Lord Jesus and want to win


their village to Him.


South India for a long time, and Unless more help comes soon, we
still some do not understand the

will never make the goal of 500.

We have been back now three

need for this type of work. Ev This year, we started this new en with the steady growth of project of a model school, the high schools, many children live only one of its kind in our whole from seven to twenty miles from

years of our second term.

If you

want us to train these men and

women, you can make it possible.






It costs only $50 to train a per

son for a life of service. Not all

Most village schools go We have a trained teacher, busses. To qualified to teach in high school. up only to the fifth grade. He has also studied for teaching give the poor boys, who cannot small children. Others can come afford to pay rent or buy food, a here and observe, and learn new chance to study, we have a board and better methods. Our men ing school or hostel. Some can will come in and learn, and so pay a few pennies on their fees Some will improve our schools. Edu and books, some cannot. cation is on a very primitive lev have enough clothes, some have None of them can el here, particularly in the small none at all.
er classes. Those who cannot do


be faithful


many will

work if they can. Some have very large families and must work. The volunteer worker acts as the local elder and cares for

the church he is serving.

If we

anything else are used to teach

and write

They sit on the floor

in the sand. Better

are here or not, we know these churches will continue to func tion and grow. We are not mak pay for their food. So we have ing branches of a mission but lo to make up for whatever is lack cal churches that are self-govern ing. It is costly and we have 36 ing, and more and more self-sup boys this year. It takes two dol porting.



SUMMER-FALL, 1959 this is especially true with the new converts. Our inspiration must come from the Bible, from letters, from prayers our friends are offering for us, and from Christian magazines and papers.
We have been so thankful to

boys and girls happy. These lit tle children are so poor that they never have a breakfast, very lit tle for lunch and sometimes they "Dedicated to our friends who have dinner. They have no make this work possible." clothes to wear so they go with out. But there are so many that Dear Friends in America,






start have the Restoration Herald, The

Now that most of our family is together again, we feel like writ ing to you all. David is still in boarding. He is doing very well in school and Patty is getting ready to go in January. Did you ever think of stopping school right in the middle of the year and taking a long holiday? That is what Patty has done and she
i3 afraid she will be behind the other children when she starts

the dressing them. Just to give them Standard, The Plea, and a little something to make them Christian Herald to read and use Other blessings have happy and to tell them of Jesus this year.
who loves all children and will come but we will not have room

again. Joe says when Patty goes to school that he wants to go again, too. There won't be any one here for him to play with. He will be lost, it is true, but for a short time only. Then we will all be. together for a while in Kodaikanal, where the only Amer from someone who wanted hand
ican school in South India is lo

take care of them. Is about all to mention them in this letter, but they are a real challenge to we can do. Not only were the Christmas us. The villages here are very dif cards wonderful, but also all the packages of bandages, Sunday ficult to get into. We went back School papers for the English into a village two weeks ago on church, and Bibles that have Sunday afternoon, and followed come and are now coming thru a cart trail almost all the way. the American Bible Society. We Then we came to an irrigation have just received one such order ditch in the middle of the road, Now a from Mrs. Jesse Baldwin and we but It seemed passable. The will pick them up today. The de very odd thing happened. mand for them is already with car died as we crossed this ditch, so we turned the switch off. But us. Thank you! How thrilling to get a letter the engine kept running. It was

weird. Art had to get out and writing of an Indian person, plus disconnect some of the wires, and

Bless it took some time to get that car And we think Gad must a little dirt from India. have .been watching over us very her for her interest. I'm sending across the ditch. The boys who come here from Sev closely when He sent us to Ma that letter off today, also. dras, as the other missionaries eral bottles and jars of cosmetics some of the villages believe in ^^-nvthin^-. 'mugual Christmas evils^iiritis barretosemitlrerrchrhiren ar -were sent-me~ for a very long, long way to school. present, and they have been very that happens, they believe is
Sometimes it takes them three or

four days to reach their schools, but in South India it takes only one night on the train. One night plus a few hours going up the

Our people useful. Thanks to Mitzi for caused by a Genie. thinking of missionaries needing here are not so firmly entrenched





so in Hinduism as such, but more of

animism. This we have found

terrible that I

find them invalu

again and again, although we be

All the letters we have been lieved they worshipped the gods. receiving that have kept us up They do worship the gods, but

One thing we feel sad about is on the news from home are such more than that is animism. that the other missionary chil a help. Well, Art tells me It Is time to Dorothy Gale has sent dren are going to the very hill such wonderful letters it is al mail this out to our good for
school where the Dalai Lama is

most like a

visit with her.

We warding




now staying! Wouldn't it be especially appreciate letters from and his wife, so they can get It wonderful to go and visit him? preacher's wives, yet we know into the mails for you. So we And he seems such a nice man they have so little time for writ will say just one more thing that I'm sure he wouldn't mind ing. Our fellowship is very lim May God be gracious to you and our talking to him. To that same ited here, and we give and give keep you. hill station, the children of the of ourselves to the people here. In Him, Callaway familv have come, and But they have so little spiritual others will probably come in the fellowship to offer in return Ruth.
near future from Thailand and









all the American people who sent us Christmas cards. They are so
beautiful that we look at them


KQ i? 195S



again and again all through the year. Christmas was different to us this last year. We adopted different villages and gave the



children of tbose villages Christ

mas toys, hair ribbons and mir


This year, we are going to

and make more little


do the same thing to five more



509 West Jefferson

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