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Fotwardlac Agent: D. Eiceae Hoapt

R.R. 2

Potwvdlng Agent: His. Marilyn Beaver

R. D. 1 Sharon Rd.

Dut1U0. IU. 61832

Bridgeport, OUo 43912

Ar)ril 1968

Dear Christian Friends & Prayer Partners:

It is very hard for us to realize after learning to love all of you th^st soon we shall be leaving for India. will be missing you all.
We want to specially thank you for your fine response to the needs of the

work in February. The response has been the finest yet. Th^ink you so much every one of you - children, youth, church groups and adults. Ralph Johnson has said, ^Our missioaary giving is more like a thermostat than a

jf/hereas a thermostat determines it."






temperature in a room,

On Mirch 8 and 9, we had the opportunity of visiting the Fairbrothers, a missionary family that was recently asked by the Indian government to leave India a7''ter 16 years of service. We were happy to see them but in reality were sad because their leaving means our loss in number of the much needed workers there. This however has not discouracied, but challenged us the more

to go back to India as soon as we can, V/E C.i:r frTTEH INDIa. HLiTH'?R 13 A CI

TIZEN OF THE COUI^TRY. We must hurry and train the nationals and counteract this hostility of the government to-^ard missionaries. The picture below shows the fine young men we are training now. They are your overseas prea chers. Please continue to pray for them. V/e need your loving concern more in these very trying days. Please continue to stand behind us and we will do our test v;ith God*s help to carry on the work you are supporting.

The Morrises are

can return



on furlough in June,

i lease pray that they

to India without problem.

We are leaving for India on July 4.

We are



to help

us reach our needed fare ($1910. more).

Time is

short, but we know that with God's help, and yours, we will make it.
s t i l l need

bandages, used clothing and more books for the school library. Sunday school material may be withheld for a while.
May the Lord continue to bless you abundantly. Again thank you for your prayers and gifts, xlease do drop us a line now and then. If



a picture

of yourself,

please send us one to take with us This picture will mean a lot to us. 1 rint your name and address on the
back of it,

'Vith our love in Christ,

Jerry Heather lacson

lijil/^a/ siineih Ihe jmiiesi h ike iiu^kesf

0, ^i^zZfS ~:~

^ciHviUe, *?tiOto4d, 6ff22



Tel. -(217) 442-6736

MR: and MRS. ARTHUR MORRIS Madrapakkam Via Gummudipondi Post

South India

Dear friends in Christ:



-December 1, 1968
. -

It has been so long since' have written, -and'now we want to bring you up to date on what we have been doing for--the Lord in the past three months. We arrived in the states just time to put up
a booth at the North iimerioan Christian Convention in Cincinnati.

How we enjoyed meeting with a'll of you there I

It was really a great


experience and one that has set the tone for our year here.

children (Patty and Joe) were amazed and thrilled by the kindness
and generosity of the people there. David,(who has been in the states for about four years, but met us in Istanbul, Turkey, and

was with us at the North American) also enjoyed bhe fine presentations^ Such singingl Such fellowship I .. Such marvelous messages! As soon as the Convention was over, we went to our camp com


From those we went into rallies, church speaking, faith

promise rallies', ladies* meetings and banquets. Since arriving in the states we^iiaiiie^Jiravell^d near^ 4Q,,000 miles, and it has been a

thrill to meet all of our olT^riehy^' again"'aS'"to. make some new^

ones too. Now that we know you more personally, our cooperation together can be a challenging experience. Our address i^^ now: hr. & Hrs. Arthur 1-Iorris, 4-66 Sheldon St., Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. Our phone number is 812 537 0919. We did not know where we would live when we caiie home, but the Lord guided us to this place and we are happy here. Patty and Joe are^. enrolled in the local high school where Patty is a senior and Joe
a sophomore.. David is back in Tennessee working this term," He hopes to be able to attend college when the new term starts in J&n. Sharon, age 3? with either Huth or me, depending on who has the
s-oealiin& ' dates.

We are so happy about the progress of the work in India, Since


the Hees'family, arrived on the fieli, OTSS3^;;;5^;s^ti.s,-have been added to the Lord there. AIrq the good newsthatTiKe Lacson family
has arrived on the fields and Jerry is busy.teaching the seminary boys. Two more of our teachers are now in.the states, and we are delighted to be able to be with them here. Leonard Thompson is
working on his master's degree and his good wife is enro^lled as an undergraduate. Both are at the Cincinnati Bible Seminary, If you
wouli like to have an actual report from the field from those who

grew up there, please write to

Thompson at 2700 Grlenway,

Cincinnati, Ohio.

Pam is always anxious to show off the Indian

dress, the dolls and various articles they brought over with them for your enjoyment.

We were in camp at Round Lake and Elkorn Valley in Ohio; V/onder Valley and Illiana in Indiana, and as a family at the school of mis sions at Ijake James. V/e were also at the liissionary Convention in

Texas where I (Art) brought the closing address,

v/e have visited the

churches in Kentucky at Carlisle, Indian Creek and Clifton (Louir-ville).

La Indiana again we have "been to Washington, Lawrenceburg, Englewood

Also at Griffith, Brownstown, Petersburg, loogootee, Leatherwood,

(Indianapolis), Traders Point and University Heights (Indianapolis).

Scottsburg and Ladoga.

Also at Washington we have visited the Bethajiy

and Antioch congregations.

Ferry, Palmyra, Western Hills (Cincinnati), North Akron, and the Northern Ohio i'ien*s Fellowship, Wilmington, Bellville and Columbiana, The FaithPromise rallies have been at Peru, Indiana, St. Louis in Louisville; Ladoga, Indiana; Bellville, Ohio; and Anna, 111. In aissouri we spoke at St. Louis Christian College and Jennings

In Ohio we have visited at West Akron, Holmesville, Uartins

Ghri^ti:in College, St. Charles, iio., Traders Point, Indiana; Clifton

Church; St. Ann, St. Charles and Belle. While vi"siting relatives in California, we spoke at Ocean View
and Pleasant Hill near San Francisco.

We are constantly adding to this list and will report again

in a later news letter.

More good news from India. seminary students and faculty

In just one week lirs. Rees Andhra.

Please use .

Remember that bandages, used clothing and medicines should be

sent on to India as usual for all the work continues.

the same address only to David Rees instead of us,

all. Pray for us.

God bless you


Your co-workers.
Art and Ruth Iforris

P.S, by foirwarding agent: Your financial support is still very greatly needed. The load is very heavy with the work in India continuing at full
the liorrj^es being in the states and traveling; the Thompsons
gof:i2 to school in Cincinnati. All of this is vital to the work in


V/e muj^t not let up now.

Next month you will receive a very attractive calendar from us which we hope you will be glad to use in your home, office or church class room. If you for any reason would not like to have one, do let us know so that we will not waste them. Thank you all for yotir fine
support in every way.

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