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South India Church of Christ Mission
MARCH 1971
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Morris
Via Gummudipondi Post, South India
Mr. & Mrs. Elden Weesner
Via Gummudipondi Post, South India
Mr. & Mrs. Leonord Thompson
Continuing study in tho U.S.
D. Eugene Houpt
P.O. Box 215
Danville, Illinois 6)832
Mrs. Harold Kefley
11315 E. lh Street
Tulso, Oklahoma 74128
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Kilgediek
6808 Fairwood Drive
Indianopoiis, Indiana 46256
Church Growth Institutes
We were the proud hosts to the first of our Annual
Church Growth Institutes at Southern Asia Christian
Over a year ago when Bro. Laverne Morse was here, he
mentioned the idea of some of the best of our American
College professors going to different countries in the world
in their summer vacation and bringing the best of their
knowledge to the many church leaders around the world.
These men, all working with our scattered missionaries,
are preaching the Lord Jesus Christ in their own areas and
own languages. Some are well trained, but most of them
are not. They could not all go to America to study and it
would not be good for them to do so if they could. Still it
is not good for them to be doing less than their best. His
idea was that if we can not take them to America, we could
bring America to them. The subjects to be taught would
be Leadership Training, Church Growth, Current problems
and Radio and T.V. work. We immediately agreed and
later on found they would be coming out in July. We had
hoped to have 6, but some could not come, and finally only
3 arrived. Each was an expert in his own field. What a
thrill our people had. Prof. Don DeWelt from Ozark Bible
College talked on Christian Journalism and did a most
wonderful job. Prof. Gordon Clymer talked on Leadership
training and really opened our eyes to new ways. Then the
eldest of the group, a real veteran, Conley Silsby, spoke on
Radio and T.V. They had been to Korea, Japan, Taiwan,
Phillipines and Tailand before coming to India. This first
group of meetings was for Southeast Asia, where almost
half the world live, and have so little church work. We had
151 enrolled. Attendance at all services averaged over 100.
It was with great sadness that about 30 of us gathered at
Madras International airport to bid them goodbye, but to
come again.
This one meeting alone did so much good in the field of
restoration. We had invited our friends, small groups who
are independent, yet who believe like us, and are working
towards the New Testament Goal. The leaders of over
100,000 church members were here. All were thrilled by
the messages. Even in our whole lifetime we could not
have done so much.
President Tyrell Visits Madras
President Leland Tyrell of the Winston-Salem Bible
College stopped here with his Round the World Party. They
had been in Europe and Russia and were on the way to
Hong Kong, Korea and Japan. It was really love at first
sight, for our boys really liked the group and the meeting
that was to last for 30 minutes, lasted for 2% hours. Then
the faculty invited them over for ice cream and tea, and
that took until late at night.
He was amazed at the fine quality of our students and
that we were doing graduate work, a thing he could not do
even in America.
Welcome back and stay longer.
June and part of July have been set aside for a great
soul winning effort in South India. I spent time in January
of this year in South India laying plans for the coming of
the 10 members of the Reggie Thomas Evangelistic Team.
A goal of 2,000 additions has been set. Much work and
prayer will be done to reach this goal. It is estimated the
crusade will cost approximately $4,000.00 for all expenses
involved. This is a very small price for the benefits that
will be reaped and the souls that will be won. It is neces
sary that this money be raised as soon as possible. Please
do what you can in your congregation to help raise these
needed funds.
Yours for Christ and souls in South India
(signed) Bus Wiseman
Joe Garman Crusade Results In
739 Conversions During January
We have had a dynamic and thrilling crusade for souls
in the program directed by Brother Arthur Morris. God
has blessed our efforts with literally hundreds of souls be
ing added to the Kingdom. (Final total was 739, editor).
God bless each and everyone of you who supported this
program with your prayers and financial gifts.
Saved to serve the Savior,
(signed) Joe R. Garman, Evangelist
A Letter From Bus Wiseman
January 19, 1971
Mr. Eugene Houpt
Danville, Illinois
Dear Brother:
I just returned from India on a visit with your mission
ary, Brother Arthur Morris. I just wanted to drop you a
line to tell you how thrilled and impressed I was with the
work that Brother Morris is doing for Christ.
He is loved deeply by the people of South India and is
leading thousands to the foot of the cross. May the Lord
bless you and others like you who are helping this great
work to continue.
Your in Christ,
(signed) Bus Wiseman
Morris Code . . .
We bring you greetings from the Morris's again after
about one year.
First let me tell you a little about our family. Last
August 8th our son David married Kathy Bingham at
Emory, Virginia. Since then David has graduated with his
B.A. He won a scholarship to the University of Virginia
for his M.A. studies and can continue on through his Ph. D.
Kathy is a talented artist and musician. We are so happy
for their good fortune.
Patti has finished her Freshman year at Cincinnati Bible
Seminary and is now speaking in summer camps. She finds
it as hard to be in America without us as we find it hard
to be here without her. India is still very dear to her heart.
Joe is a Senior at the American School in Kodaika nal.
He has grown so tall, that even we do not know him some
times. He is an usher in the church here. Joe has been a
wonderful help in our program here, especially the adult
literacy program. We are very fortunate with his good
knowledge of Tamil. He is even studying Tamil again and
preparing for the language exam just as we had to take
years ago. Joe will graduate, if the Lord wills, on May 21,
1971. He will then be coming to the states in the fall.
Sharon is now 5 years old and has finished Nursery
school. She is so anxious to go to the First Grade, that we
are trying to make some provision for her to study. She
seems intelligent and a hard worker, but we could be pre
Ruth continues with news of her Maternity Center: My
maternity work has been really reorganized and has in
creased about 4009J in the last month. I have a new Lady
Doctor, Miss Janakai Bai, M.B.B.S. and D.G.O. All these
degrees simply mean that she is capable of the maximum in
women's work. Until recently she was the Superintendent
of a large women's hospital, with 600 beds and probably a
thousand in the halls. She was given the prize as the out
standing lady doctor in our state for the last 5 years from
the Ministry of Health and Family planning. Women will
just be sick and even die rather than be examined by a man
doctor, so getting this lady was really a gift of God. No
longer do they have to endure the pain and go home and
die. The fame of our new doctor has spread far and wide.
Thanks to you friends, we have some baby supplies on
hand. In my 20 years here I have never seen a woman
bring baby clothes to a hospital when she was expecting a
child. It is just not that way around here.
Our winter will soon be on us. It won't be cold by your
standards, but by ours it is. On the worst day it may even
go down to 70, but from 110 this is cold. It is pneumonia
weather now and colds and fever are everywhere.
Thanks for the bandages, sheets, gauze, baby clothes,
used clothes and food parcels. We do appreciate all.
We love to hear from you, so please do drop us a line.
In Him,
Ruth and Art
EDITOR'S NOTE: After the above was prepared for pub
lication, a tragedy struck the Morris family. David's wife,
whom he had just married in August, lost her life in a
drowning accident in December.
Thanks for the many parcels we have been getting. We
do try and answer each and every person, but sometimes
the parcels have lost their names. The tags are so often
removed and stamps cut off, so please help us by writing
your name on the inside too. Thanks for the bandages,
gauze, medicine, food and used clothing. Please don't put
any value over $2.00 on them and label the parcels (if for
lepers) for free distribution or as Charity. For the Boys
Home also address them as Boys Home for Charity and
they will come in duty free, otherwise 100'/ duty.
We do appreciate Food parcels too, but hate to ask.
Still favorites are cake mixes, tinned meat, cheese, puddings
and Jello.
Page Two
Leprosy Hospital Report
I want to introduce our new Medical Officer or Resident
Doctor. He is Dr. Vijaya Sankar, G.C.I.M. and D.M. and S.
A fine doctor about 45 years old, married with two fine
girls, and an energetic wife. He was working in a small
Government hospital, but had a large reputation. They
would give him no medicines to treat the hundreds who
came so he resigned and came to us. The Government
Doetor had been after us to get a really good doctor, then
when he saw our Doctor, he laughed and said "I did not
mean to take mine, and certainly not my best one." We too
believe that he is the man for the job. Our job is a very
large one indeed for we have the maximum control units of
any hospital. Each hospital can have 4 S.E.T. control units,
each of say 20 to 35,000 population. Each unit is a 10 mile
square. We have these 4 units in Madras State. Since we
are so close to Andhra we have 4 Control units in Andhra.
Even then the area is larger than usual and our area is 50
miles long. Thus we have 8 Control units and 8 Para
medical workers, a man for each area. Then we have the
main hospital at Madrapakkam and a branch one at
Nagalapuram, with nurse and dressers.
We now have over 5000 lepers under treatment, of which
1200 are school children in 46 schools. What a tremendous
field with a real opportunity to serve and witness for our
We also do a large tuberculosis clinic that is a real help
to these poor people. Here in India aver a million people a
year still die with tuberculosis.
Our General In-patients range from broken legs to heart
Please keep the bandages, medicine samples, gauze and
all coming.
Bible College
Southern Asia Christian College reopened for its 4th
year on July 1, 1970. Many of the former students are now
out preaching and some sent in their own converts. We
have 55 full time students in the G. Th. class (equal to our
B.E.L.), 45 in our external classes and 12 graduate students
who are doing their B.D.
There are two things new this year:
1. Graduate Students. This is a tremendous step for
ward. As far as we know none of our Mission field Bible
Colleges have ever done this before. All of these men are
Graduates of Madras University. So you can see that we
are getting some really fine men to study. Of the 18, we
are happy that 5 of them are M.A.'s, so they are even better
able to study and understand. Our students are studying
here, but writing the exams as External students of the
Serampore University. This is a fully accredited Seminary.
After they finish, our boys could go to even Yale or
Harvard and there get their Ph.D. Praise God for this
giant leap forward.
2. External students of our own on the G.Th. level.
The students who wanted to come, but could not, or who
were married and we have no family quarters, also girls,
make up the 45 external students. We send them notes and
they are able to study and then come and write exams here.
We have tutors who visit their homes and see that the
lessons are done on time.
One day soon we hope to have a Girls Dorm. Then they
will not have to be External students. Also apartments for
married students and even a graduate building. Until then
we do as we are. Thanks for your help.
Boys Home of India
We are happy to tell you of the progress made in the
homes since our last paper. We had to move the home from
Nagarai because it was in a very unsanitary place. The
boys kept getting sick. We moved it to Nagalapuram,
which is also the center for our new Leprosy program in
Andhra. We built a new building there and the boys love
it. It is out in the open and they have plenty of play space.
The Government gave us land at Kalamanaidupet. We
are building new buildings there. Right now we had to stop
(Continued on page 3)
(Continued from page 2)
due to lack of a well. The well is almost done and once we
get water we can continue. The land we have is real nice
and will make a wonderful home for them. It is next to
the elementaiy school and only '/j mile from the high school.
At Madrapakkam we have so many more boys we had to.
build another house for them. Again we thank all of you
who have helped us by adopting a son, here. This is the
only way we help these poor and homeless boys. I don't
know any place in the world where you can feed, clothe and
care for a boy for S5.00 a month. Please contact Christian
Church, Odon, Indiana, or Bro. Houpt, or us here.
Bibles Are S+ill Needed
Thanks to all of you who have sent Bibles. We are
happy to see that most of these gifts are small and per
sonal. Some are S2.C0, $4.00 and $1C'.C0, yet this has been
able to get the Word out to so many. Please keep them
Never have we had a year with so many souls won to
Christ at this time. This will be the 6th year in a row
with over 1000 additions. Usually it is much nearer the end
of the year before we reach the lOCO mark. Then with the
two great Campaigns of the Revival Fires Evangelist, Bro.
Joe Carman and the C.R.A. Evangelist, Reggie Thomas, we
can be ready for great things.
All our preachers and village leaders are being organized
for the campaigns and special tracts and teaching methods
are being worked out.
Our Thanks To Johnson Bible College
We want to thank Dr. David Eubanks and the staff at
Johnson Bible College for giving to us a set of their Bible
College Correspondence lessons.
This covers most of the Bible and now that we have it
here, we are mimeographing it and getting it out to hund
reds who would never have such a chance to study. The
Brethren there gave all their courses free and even paid
the postage. God bless you all.
Food For Work
In April, May and June of 1970, we had another
large Food for Work program. To help us we had 13
College boys who served free to guide the villagers on their
projects. We laid 4 big roads, dug 6 wells and will put in,
when completed, 23' bridges, as well as work on Hope
Rehabilitation Center for Bro. Weesner.
Adult Literacy
We were chosen as the first and only Mission to pioneer
in a new type of Adult Literacy program. This is how it
will work: We nave classes using the Lobauch system,
where each one will teach one, then they get Wheat for the
family food that night. Our students range from 21 to 75
years in age. They are in 20 centers, each with 25 students.
In most of the existing programs, usually only 10'/, of the
students ever attend and only about 5'/r pass. We have
been having 90Vf attendance and we hope for 807f to pass.
We don't want them to just read and write the letters,
we want them to become Functional Literates, be able to
use their new found knowledge.
They must freely read and write and use this knowledge
in their homes and daily life. At the end of 4 books all
have finished the 2nd book and are now equal to Grade 2
students. We have almost 100 other night schools that get
no ration and have very poor attendance. Still they are a
big help and the only way our very poor kids will ever be
able to read and write. Even in these the age limit is
flexible, about 6 to 60 years old.
Would you like to sponsor one of the schools? Only
$6.00 a month, of which $3.00 is for the teacher, $1.00 is for
oil and $2.00 is for books, including a Bible and a song
book. Just write about it.
The Weesner Family A Great Help
Since arriving in India in December, lyOJ)", the work of
Elden and Dorothy Weesner has been such a great help.
Elden is director of the Hope Rehabilitation Center. The
purpose of this center is to help restore Leper patients to
useful, happy lives. Elden also teaches in Southern Asia
Christian College. Dorothy Weesner, a registered nurse, is
active in the leper hospital and in every other area where
her help is so badly needed.
limited the work the Weesners can do. They have never
had adequate forking funds, and their living link is very
scant. You can help this work so very much by helping
them have additional working funds. Send to their forward
ing agent whose address is on the front.
Elden is baptizing four
ladies into Christ near Ma-
dras as a result of the work
by an Indian couple who
were converted through the
South India Church of Christ
Mission. The couple asked
for a preacher to come.
They have been teaching
house to house. They are in
need of a church building
which would cost about $400.
This man was brought to
the compound by a local
preacher. He has advanced
leprosy with total blindness.
This area is near the ground
for the Rehabilitation Center.
We would like to buy an acre
to build us a houss. The
cost would be about $150
with trees.
A former leper patient
working at the Swedish Red
Cross Center in India. This
is one type of rehabilitation
work the Weesner's will
Page Three
KRISTINA MARICE THOMPSON, the first addition to
the THOMPSON family arrived on October 1, 1970. Since
coniinfi she has been a joy to her parents and a delightful
blessinfj. Needless to say, she now runs the Thompson
household. Leonard will be graduating from Wheaton
College Graduate School in August with an MA in COM
MUNICATIONS. He will be working on an extended pro
ject in order to get that. In November of 1970 he had the
privilege of addressing a 45C0 strong audience at the
National Missionary Convsntion at Champaign-Urbana,
Illinois. His message, I WAS NOT DISOBEDIENT . . . ,
is available. You could get a copy by writing to him at
Apt. 1-F, 209 N. President, Wheaton, Illinois 60187.
The E. 38th Street Christian Church, Indianapolis,
Indiana, took on the sponsorship of '.the Thompsons, and
their elders will be responsible for their spiritual oversight
in their work in India. They are also the living-link church
for them. All additional work support will pass through
the forwarding agent who will be from the church. Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Hilgediek served as forwarding agents till
now, and will continue til! a new agent is chosen.
work of Leonard and Pamela Thompson in South India,
through the South India Church of Christ Mission. It aims,
in general, to be a concentrated city evangelism, with the
use of mass media as a base, outlined in three phases.
Briefly, with God's help, this is what we aim to do:
Using Radio, making
God's Word known in
Indian languages.
Making contact with
listeners and follow
up with literature
courses, mass
distribution, etc.
Mass evangelistic meet
ings in CITIES where
radio progi'ams are heard.
Preaching, baptizing
and teaching those
who respond.
Gathering converts
into N.T. churches.
Teaching the churches
that may grow.
Making the churches
Indian in nature, in
terms of buildings,-
hymnody, literature
and formats.
Church leadership
clinics so that
church officers may
be trained to lead,
preach and teach.
Stewardship motiva
tion programs designed
to make the churches
NOT dependent on
outside help.
Preparing Indians
and other Asians
for World
Endeavoring to
reach the millions
of Indians who live
outside India.
Looking beyond
the seas for
future missionary
***Contracts with the Far East Broadcasting Association,
Seychelles Islands; and Radio Ceylon, Colombo, Ceylon
have been already negotiated and await confirmation.
A professional recording studio will have to be built for
this work.
Page Four
This does not mean that Leonard and Pam are not with
the South India Church of Christ Mission. Rather it means
that direct responsibility will vest with the E. 38th St.
Christian Church making it easier for the Mission to oversee
its vast, other work.
Anyone needing more information regarding their work
could write to them at the above address. Right now they
are busy with plans for returning to India and are prepar
ing extensively to that end.
Dr. PruiH Visits Madrapakkam
At long last the day arrived when Dr. Dennis Pruitt act
ually came for that long promised visit. He had been
promising for 8 years to come to India to see about helping
us build a new and proper hospital. Then he came in June.
He is heading up a new oi'ganization called FAME (Fellow
ship of Medical Evangelists). We are happy to be a part
of this. It was Dr. Pruitt who first taught our people the
real need of Medical Evangelism and to think big in our
giving and serving. It was he who recruited more mission
aries than almost all of us together, so to be working
together with this great man of God was a real thrill.
Dennis feels that we must not put all our medical
evangelistic work in one country, but must have this in
many countries, for it is one of the very best ways to start
churches and win souls. Now in this new way Medical
Volunteers can volunteer for service and know immediately
the needs of each and every field. There will be a base
hospital and training center at Grayson, Kentucky, a hos
pital in Mexico and one in India in the first phase. Other
phases will include Phillipines, other Asian countries and
South America. It is a tremendous idea. We showed
Dennis around the work, had him meet the officials and he
really charmed them. Before he left he had all the neces
sary plans and agreements to build a new 150 bed hospital.
Also visas for G Americans. One great advantage in India,
over Africa and some other places, is that there are such
good training institutions in India that soon a really good
National staff could be trained. In some places it is
American staff or none at all. Also the hospital has to be
set up from scratch. Here that is not the case. We already
have a staff of 22 and have over 5000 leper patients and
1500 general patients. We are the Official Leprosy Unit
for a vast area in 2 states of about 300,000. We are a
member of the Christian Medical Association and have the
right to use the Indo Ameincan agreement for importing
equipment. We have a Postal concession, so no duty on
parcels or any limit on parcels. We have been doing
General hospital work for 20 years and Lepi-osy work for
12 years. We have Land, Patients, Staff and two well
trained doctors, so now all we need is adequate buildings.
Please watch Horizons and Standard for future informa
tion about this new Unit. Thank you, Dr. Pruitt for coming
and for your help.
Vol N. 1
Aaril/May, 1971 Issues No. 6. 7
( t
&euHi I .
.tMVMisii rOttNUl
We have been singularly blessed
with visits from folk In the States. In
the last letter v^e sent you, we were
expecting Bro. Leonard Spradling of
East Akron, Ohio and Bro. Roy Black-
more of East Tulsa, Oklahoma. All of
the folk who met them in India were
struck with their Christian kindness
and thoughtfulness. Friendliness Is
the keynote for visits to India, and
our folk here were tempted to keep
them for a month or longer, so you
can tell how they were appreclatd.
Their visit was all too short, but may
be again soon they can return and
renew their friendships. We all
appreciated the food they brought
with them, the cassette tapes and the
film. There are undoubtedly many
shortages here, especially for those of
us who come from abroad.^ But food
can be bought here. Our friends
went wUh Ijs to the meat stalls and
vegetable markets. It presented an
unforgettable sight to them. As I
feave mentioned before In the Drum-
Beat (March issue, 1971) fruits abound
here In tropical country, vegetables
can be bought the year round, but the
meat and cheese and other commodities
present a challenge to us, I was given
two pressure cookers while in
America in 1968-69. and they are
worth thir weight in gold. Chocolate
is very hard to buy now, and American
cheese is still the best 1 have ever
eaten. Biscuit and other quick baking
methods are unknown here. Powdered
milk is always welcome, all tins of
meats and other goodies" are enjoyed
by us ail
This issue Is a combination of
Easter and D. V. B. S. and Christian
Service Camps material. We hope it
will be useful to you, and that you
will be able to understand some of our
different customs and habits here
during the Holiday Seasons and
especially during the very special
week of Easter. There are several
different types of worship during
this Easter week, but we are
emphasising one cross-section of the
practices observed.
We personally have had a time
of rejoicing not only in the Resurrection
of our Lord, but also because Patty
has arrived back in India. She is
invaluable to us in our work here,
and does do any work that comes to
hand at any time. It is especlaty
good that she understands the people
and has very little adjustment to make
Needless to say, everyone here
is glad she Is back and just accept
that her rightful place is here in India.
Her plans are to go to Women's
Christian College for one required
year before she continues her studies
at Vellore Medical College.
Many of you have asked about
our family. Now I can say Patty is, \
here wich'us in tndia, Joe is graduating
from High School on the 18th of this
month. He plans t^ stay and visit
with the l^eggie Thomas family and
friends during the months of June and
July. His acceptance to Milligan
College. Tenn. arrived this week, and
he Is a very happy young man. We
are staying here in Kodaikanal until
his graduation and then we plan to
return to Madras and Madarpakkam and
get our house ready and food supplies
ordered in for our guests. Also the
Home will be white-washed and slightly
repaired before our returning. Boys
arrive ;^ne 1st. (Doors, windows,
floors, etc. as well as a new bathroom
system and dishwashing system which
we hopeto begin this year).
- Our eldest son David is planning
to arrive in India sometime in June.
Even tHouah he suffered the great
tragedy of losing his young wife Kathy
in (December, he has still continued
work on his M.A. in Oriental Studies.
He plans to continue those studies
here. We ask your prayers for bis
safe arrival in India.
As you will read in this issue,
Sharon is in. kindergarten and enjoying
every minute of the experience. As I
told her to study well when she -left
home this morning, she said, *well,
1am not in High School, you know'\..
(More in next issue)
!!!! Church of the Month !!!!
We would like to give credit to Odon. Indiana which has adopted over
40 boy5 from India. What a great thing you have done for the moral and
spiritual welfare of these children. At last, they have a chance to go to school
and become first class citizens of India,
Second, we would like to mention Versailles, Illinois with 26 or more
to their record. The Church is made up of active, interested people who are
unselfish in their hope for others.
Third prize goes to west Akron, Ohio. *A Church that has given much
to India from 1950, and which still continues in Its interest through financial
aid, advice and prayers for each and every project.
India is rich in tradions. Its piety
and devotion can be seen In all the
tovrns and villages. "Sky Scrapers
remind us of United States; but
Temples, Churches and Mosques
remind us of the deep devotion Indians
have for God and Religion. "Dv^eli
not in a place where there is no
Temple" Is a popular Tamil saying,
Christianity has a unique place in
India as is elsewhere in the Universe.
Easter Day-the day of resurrection
gave this place of esteem. D-Day and
V~Day are very different from Easter
Christmas Day, New Year Day and
Easter Day are the three popular days
Indian Christians observe In gaiety and
festivity. Christians are seen by the
multi-coloured dresses, exchange of gifts
(reminding the great gift of God) New
dresses for all- young and old. Glad
tidings and the Good wishes are
exchanged. Then ihe New year with
New Resolutions, New dedications.
New ways. New methods. New,
n...e...w...... ! i
break. You can see people winding
out of the church like white flowers
all In white. Ladies in their lovely
white Sarees, gentlemen in their
white garments young boys In their white
half pants, shirt and even the socks
and shoes In white, probably, symbo
lising known or unknownthe purity.
Oh ! the peace that Jesus brought-
white represents peace and calmness
Christmas is In colour but Easter is In
white !
For Christmas, Churches and
Homes are decorated with coloured
papers-with the 'STAR' playing a
prominent part. For Easter, Churches
alone are decorated. Tnis time not
with coloured papers but with white
flowers called Jasmine. As you enter
the Church in the eariy morning the
sweet smell of the flower welcomes
you with a thrill. Christmas meant
SAVIOUR' to the earth, Easter meant
'SWEETNESS'to the life. People carry
this sweetness from the Church to
their homes Yes, Church adds sweet-,
ness to many homes !
Chicken or Turkey Is the favourite
Easter Diy is very very different dish of Christmas Day for both poor
Early morning -- Services 'before Day and rich. But for Easter it is the Duck.
in India April is Summer month. Chlcl<en
curry is considered "HOT" and so is
probably taken In the cooler month of
December. Duck curry is considered
COOL' prefered in the hotter month of
April. So is it with Easter Day. It
has a meaning in the White Dress
and it has a natural purpose in
eating as well.
Easter^ means to Indians-Purity,
Peace and purpose in life with sweet
Peter David, the Blind Preacher
By Arthur Morris
My name is Peter David. I am a
Christian Minister now. i go from
village to village to witness about my
wonderful Lord. I always go led about
on the end of a cane, for i am blind.
My favourite message is that even
though I am blind, I now see. When
I could see, I was blind. Let me tell
you my story:
1 was a High Caste Hindu, living
In a village very near Pereiapalayam.
Pereiapalayam Is a holy place for the
Hindus. I did not like Christians and
would not help them in any way. 1
believed they were wrong, misguided
and unpatriotic, i was taught in the
old school of thought, that "to be a
good Indian, one must be a good
Hindu". Anyone who left the religion
of his forefather for a new foreign
religion must automatically be un
patriotic. I was a proud Hindu
farmer, tilling my own Ian i and living
well on the prbfit of it
One day I noticed that 1 could
hardly see This started my visits to
many hospitals to save my eyes. At
least 1hoped to regain my sight. No
matter to which hospital I went, no
doctor could help me. A Christian
evangelist came to our area and prayed
for me and told me about Jesus. 1
thought that through his prayer and
faith I was beginning to see again, but
it was a false hope. But his words
about Jesus had sunk Into my heart and
I began to pray to Him. Soon I came
to the stage of accepting His will, and
was baptised into His Name. I now
wanted to witness about my Lord but
even now I am blind and couldn't read
any books-not even the Bible. Iwentto
Madras and stayed with friends who
helped me grow spiritually. I was
there for over a year and they helped
me memorise large portions of the
Bible and learn many Christian songs.
Now I go from village to village,
led about by my good friend. Mr. Ray.
and elder of the local Church of
Christ. He sees all the stones along
the footpaths and guides me around
them. 1 preach and sing to the people
and they rejoice. It is a hard life but
an interesting one. 1 now see
spiritually and I count it a blessing
that 1am blind for now I can truly
see. *
For round the world Thy children sing their song;
From East and West their voices sweetly blend,
Praisingthe Lord, in whom young lives are strong,
Jesus our guide, our hero and our friend.
Where Thy wide ocean, wave on rolling wave,
Beats through the ages, on each island shore.
They praise their Lord, whose hand alone can save,
Whose sea of love surrounds them evermore.
Thy sun-kissed ehildren on earth's spreading plain.
Where Asia's rivers water all the land,
Sing, as they watch Thy fields of glowing grain.
Praise to the Lord who feeds them with His hand.
Still there are lands where none have seen Thy face,
Children whose hearts have never shared Thy joy ;
Yet Thou would'st pour on these Thy radiant grace.
Give Thy glad strength to every girl and boy.
All round the world let children sing Thy song;
From East and West their voices sweetly blend,
Praising the Lord in whom young lives are strong,
Jesus our guide, our hero, and our friend.
Basil J. Mathewa /879-195/
The Little Girl Who Always Loved God
By Arthur Morris
My name is Sarah - ammal. I live
in a small rural village near the town
of Kalahasthy. My father and mother
were Chrlstain converts, so I grew up
in the Church. When I was six years
old, my parents sent me to a Girls'
Boarding School, so I would be able
to go to school In a Christian
atmosphere. I stayed in this Board
ing School until I was 15 years old.
I had always loved ood and never
lost confidence or even doubted Him
once. 1 bad seen His hand so many
times in my life and I knew He
watched over me and cared for me as
a person. I made the best grades in
my class. Each year the teacher
rewarded me with special certificates
I witnessed to the other girls of my
faith In Jesus Christ. My dream and
hope was that 1 could give my life for
His service. Marrirge would not be
in my plans at all, and I planned to
travel from village to village and tell
the story of Jesus and His love for
Or so I planned and dreamed
To my shock and horror, my
maternal uncle came to my parents
for a visic. He revealed to them that
he had promised me in marriage to a
young relation of his. This young
relation was not a Christian, and also
was illiterate. I did not want to leave
school, for 1 had only two more years
to study until graduation. After high
school, I had dreamt of College and
Bible College and the Lord's Service.
Now I walked home from school
crying and sobbing, and my mother
met me on the way. How she
sympathised with me, but how
unchangeable are the ways of the
family? The uncle's promise was
sacred and he was the head of
the family, and so !
Although 1was truely despondent,
and wept constantly and refused to
eat my meals, still after two weeks 1
had to leave the boarding school and
my friends there. I was taken to a
new village and sat through the Hindu
wedding with a perfect stranger.
I was very unhappy. All day 1 prayed
for strength and wisdom. Gradually,
however, I was able to see that my
husband was not wicked man. He
had many good qualities and he also
loved God. Then I remembered the
Old Testament lessons I had been
taught in childhood- God used very
young girls to bring His message to
others. I began to understand my
husband, my life and God's will for
Though life has not been too
easy for me, today I am glad to tell
you that we have three fine children.
I am able to witness and teach for my
Lord. My husband attends Church
with me and sometimes he is called
on to preach the Good News. Yes!
He is also a Christain now. He helps
me teach songs and prayers to all the
village, and takes an active interest in
the morning and evening prayers of
our children.
I feel that through prayer and
trust in God that He was used me in a
very wond-erful way,
*^Fev/ people realise that
Christianity came to India as early as
the first century after Ch/ist, long
before Europe turned to it, and
established a firm hold in South India,"
wrote Jawaharial Nehru in his
Autobiography, published in 1939.
The orthodox Syrian Church of
Malanlcara (Kerala State) is almost as
old as Christianity, being founded by
St. Thomas, the Apostle of Christ
who csme to the Miiabar coast.
The "Syrian Chyistians*' of Malabar
form a colourful community, it is a
sigiitto see their women in immaculate
white, streaming out of a Church on a
Sunday with the curious '* fan
which is essential to their dress. If
England has her Jews, France her
Basques and America her mormons,
India has her Syrian Christians.
Only when one visits this lush
fringe of india (l<nown to John Milton
as a home of stately trees), one gets to
know of the fascinating variety found
among the Christians of the place.
Here one can walk into a fine Gothic
chapel like the one in the Carmelite
Seminary at Aiwaye, look at the
apostles in stained glass and hear a
Mass by Mozart or Palestrina,
Hemmond organ accompanying or see
humble peasants worshipping God in
a thatched shed on a windwhipped
hill, as does the Evangelical sect of the
Mar Thomites In many places.
As the visitor travels from Trichur
to Trivandrum, he will have the
opportunity to see every conceivable
Christian sect. Side by side with
veritable Vatlcans. he will see
Jehovah's witnesses, Seventh Day
Adventists, half- a-dozen Pentecostals
and every species of Quakers as well
as other groups. There Is a strong
Puritan tradition among these people,
comparable to the great ^Puritan
tradition of England One can listen
to Wesle/an sermons from pulpit
and roadside, see translation of
Bunyan's masterpiece in most homes,
and witness young men and women
standing up in revival meetings and
sobbing out resolutions to turn over a
new leaf. Culturally, of course, Kerala
Christians are Hindus to the finger-tips,
feeling more at home in a typical
Hindu setting than elsewhere.
To sit on the floor of a Syrian
Church, Buddha-like, and listen to
the Arabian chant of a bearded
priest the product of years of
drilling In Syrlac or Aramaic sung in
Palestinian modes while the coconut
leaves outside play a muffled fantasia
in trills, Is an experience few visitors
can forget.
The Syrian Church's Impact with
the west brought about much good
and evil. Colonel Munro (brother of
Sir Thomas, the majestic equestrian
in bronze who looks impassively at
the Bay of Bengal from Mount Road,
Madras), British Resident at
Trivandrum in the palmy days Qf
John Company, wrote to the Church
Missionary Society of England to send
out missionaries to bring the nazranis
( a term for the Christians of
Kerala, also used in Don Quixote for
Christians) into the main stream of
Chriatianity. Where upon started
many laudable things like the
translation of the Bible into
Malayalam, the establishment of the
Cambridge Nicholson Institute and
the C. M S. College at Kottayam with
adventitious results like the anglicis
ing of nazrani young men and women
who bade good-bye to their fine
Tahitian ways of lifesomeone has
referred to Kerala as the Gauguin
country-and migrated in consi
derable numbers to the big cities,
seeking new horizons.
David, the ordinary Church Member
By Arthur Morris
My name is David. I live in a little
mud hut with thatched roof, near
Madrapakkam. Our plates are made
of leaves ; our beds are of simple
grass mat. We cannot afford meat
but pour pepper water over our rice.
Both my wife and I work in the fields.
We have three children and are a
happy family and always glad to talk
with visitors.
I am just an ordinary church
member, like thousands of others in
this great land of 'ndia. I studied up
to the 5th grade, when there was no
more money in our family for school
When the Missionaries came to
preach about a new religion in our
village, I, as the only educated man In
our area was asked to come and hear
this new doctrine.
I listened and asked many questions
and finally I agreed to what 1 heard
God's marvelous love made me want
to tell everyone around me. Many
were baptised and we started a church.
I was chosen for training as a
village Church leader because 1 could
read and write (which no one else
could do), then after serveral months,
began preaching about my Lord Jesus
We had no Church building in our
village, so we went out and gathered
leaves and bamboos and after two
years were able to get a building put
up for our worship.
I have a son in the Boy's Home,
who I hope can study and even go on
to High School. He can learn many
things which I never got a chance to
learn Every generation we reach new
heights of education and service in the
land of India. s Puzzle Corner
Can you solve these problems ??
1. Give two plurals ihat are not formed by adding '*8' to the singular
2. If a train travels at an average speed of 36 m. p. h. how maxiy hours
will it take to cover 144 miles?
3 What number is it that by adding a letter becomes a sound in music?
4. What number is it from which you subtract a letter to form an
object in a park ?
What number is it that when you add two letters gives forth m\isic?
6. What number is it that when a two-letter word is inserted, becomes
strong ?
( Please turn to page 12 for the Answers)
The tribe of Bondas live* in the
province of Orissa, which is the north
eastern part of India. Particularly with
regard to their marriage they follow
a strange method of proposal and a
strange method of acceptance. If the
girl hits the man one can postulate
that she would marry him. If the girl
had screamed or run away, It would
mean that it signify of her refusal.
Convention then follows convention. If
a person gives a bracelet and in return
If the girl gives him the rings which all
Bonda girls carry on a string attached
to one of the neck hoops. The rings
are given only to a younger brother or
to the man one is going to marry her
The Bondas perhaps the only
community in India where marriage Is
a matter of choice rather than arrange
ment. Parents are rarely consulted.
The boys always choose women of four
to six years older than themselves. The
women look after the home and the
children, work in the fields, go to
market. They are also very practical
and have an Important say in
community matters. As a matter of
fact Bonda society is a patriarchal
society but would collapse, if the
women were not there to administer
it. When wives are old or incapaclated
men take the responsibility of provid
ing for the family
Marriage among the highlanders
starts with an elopement, goes
through a mock war and concludes
with consent. In olden days groom's
parents arranged the engagement by
paying a bride price and the wedding
ceremony was attended by festive
banquets given by both sides. Today
the "rice ceremony" is more popular
and less expensive. The boy brings
his bride home, feeds her a bowl of
rice In his father's house and
announces the marriage. The next
day twenty men from the girl's village
arrive armed with hatchets, knives,
bows and arrows to deliver an
ultimatum-immediate return of their
"sister" or death for the entire
village. The headman tries to convince
them that she ate the rice of her own
accord, that they do not really want
her, that there Is no need for all this
fuss over so ugly a person who is
luckily to find so good a husband!"
"Ugly!'' cry the brothers. 'She
is the pearl of the Malkanglrls, the sun
only shines for her and everyone
knows that celestial beings come out to
stare at her and therefore there are
stars at night! Go tell the father that
we will release this jewel if he will give
us twenty cows, thirty pigs and a
hundred gourds of wine !
Thereafter, ensues a great deal of
noise and bargaining, pleadings
contradicted by more violent threats
of destruction. Around midday, peace
Is signed and the union blessed. The
war, that never took place but would
have been terrible If it had, has made
the warriors hungry. Besieged are
known for their generosity, a meal
is provided, jugs of wine appear, the
host village serves but does not join
the festivity.
Bondas do not mix nor do they
appear to want any contact with the
plains people There Is little doubt
that the other sophisticated - and
clothed tribals consider them
barbarous; the Bondas however, are
supremely indifferent and con
temptuous. Being excellent observers,
they are aware of their economic
superiority over the Inhabitants of the
plains. In the actual state of affairs,
civilisation to them means vegetarianism
wearing clothes, losing their identity,
conforming to Hindu customs and way
of life and yet to be considered
inferior by the Caste Hindus.
The.advantages of a primitive life
are obvious: the Bondas are stronger'
better fed and live In a self-sufficient
society, and the right to be primitive
is one they evidently wish. to
defend by Isolating themselves
as much as possible from the other
communities of the Malkangirls.
Will I Live or Die ?
By Arthur Morris
My name is Mary, and I am a
young 17 year old Christian girl. My
brother is a Minister of the Church of
Christ. He has been attending the
Southern Asain Christian College at
We were born and reared in a
Hindu family not far from Madra-
pakkam. Our parents are still Hindus,
but my brother found Christ as His
Lord and introduced me to Him also.
At that time I was 15 years old, and
even though I could not read and
write. 1learned Bible stories and many
Christian songs by memory.
Last year my father was too old
to go and work as a cooley any more.
I went to work In the fields, but some
how damaged my health. I got weaker,
and was no longer able to work In the
fields, or dig any more.
My brother took
Government Hospital in
told me 1 had cancer and
me to the
Madras; they
would surely
die very soon. We went to four
hospitals and ail of them told me the
same. They said I should go home to
my village to die.
Iam still young. I have not yet
lived. Iwant to serve Jesus. I just
can*t die now. After having visited so
many hospitals, lastly I came to the
Mission Hospital at Madrapakkam. It
was hard to think of how weak, and
such terrible pain 1 was in. The
preacher prayed for me and the staff
took me in. They showed such love
and help that I knew I wouid live. 1
have been in the hospital only three
weeks now, but my fever and pains are
reduced. 1feel my health is Improving
and 1am almost ready to go home.
1may still die. but I don't believe
so. 1believe that God has a job for
me. a poor Illiterate girl from the
village If God has a job for me, He
will cure me and equip me for the
task. Doctors can make mistakes, for
God stiM plans His universe.
Butto'ns and Bows
Guess what????? I am' now in
school. It is an actual kindergarten,
with real teachers. It is an American
School in Kodaikanal. There are 20
children in ray class.
I am learning to finger paint and
make pictures now. I Just love
school and naturally I am there each
day, until noon.
Now Guess What???'' I have lost
my first tooth and I can almost put
a straw between my teeth. Three
others are loose, but now that one
is out, I don't know if I want the
others to go or not.
But 1 do miss our house at
Madarapakkam I worry so about
the hostel boys and T know they
miss me too. Aruldoss said they
were all so quiet and sad without me
there. I don't know who is checking
on the sick boys and also, Tm not
sure if they will study properly.
\ usually have to taste their
food too, because sometimes there
is not enough salt, or chillies.
We have some beautiful flowers
here and every day 1 go and get some
for the vases. I let Mother take her
choice of colour, and now that my
sister Patty is here, I bring flowers
for her too. We were so happy when
Patty came back to India. I got to
stay up until 10-30 p. m. Air
India plane ^ot to Madras. How
excited we al! were!!!! At first wc
couldn't see her but Mammy held
me up to the window where they were
all standing in a long line, and there
she was!!!! She takes me boating
somedays and buys me books and
chocolate candy !!
Do you have any beautiful pictures
of America for me to carry to school
for Look and See Day? I would love
to take them for I remember how
beautiful America was in 1968-69.
You know, it's really funny, but
T am called Thangi-ka-chee. (or
little sister) here in India,
Bye for now,
1. Children, men.
4. Three; Tree
2. Three hours and twenty minutes 3. One; Tone
5. Ten; Tenor 6. Forty; Fortify
tf,.i[iiii:iiiiii .iriiiiiitiVi.ffmwwiiii'f'liW
~\ j)
I 1 '
W^ ,#|f, .?^:
Jfei <;. .;'. ^':"' ' "'" ' ~'^' ''i'.'; J/'v' <'' '>::v y. <,?
News of the Boys
This last month the boys were all
happily engaged In welcoming our
guests from the States, Bro. Roy Black-
more of Tulsa, Okla. and Bro. Leonard
Spradling. of East Akron, Ohio. For
the first time several of these young
men met their sponsors, and ihey were
thrilled to know of the direct touch of
the Churches In America. It will be
good when each of you visit and see
your own young man, and we hope that
the language barrier will not frighten
you off. English is a learned language
here from the sixth grade onwards, so
they can have limited conversations
with you Come soon, and stay for a
long visit ! ! ! !
This month is
month our students
now on leave for a month but our
Home is always open for those who
wish to return after about a week or
ten days in the villages. Food is always
a problem out In the villages and often
the only vacation
enjoy. Some are
they miss the companionship and
fellowship of their friends. Many are
totally orphans and are always glad to
be in the Home. We encourage each
to visit relatives and friends during thii
time, for they are a challenge to the
families and often open up the way for
further service in the villages.
Before the young men went home
they had a farewell service. At this
time they presented your missionary
with a pair of silver angle chains, very
beautifully hand worked with loops of
silver for attraction. It was very
happily received, especially since Patty
was coming to her very first function
after her return to India, and they
fitted her perfectly. She even wears
them with blue jean^ ! ! ! !
Several of the boys wrote their
final exams for High School and will be
going on to training or College in June.
For those who are sponsoring them.
we will be writing to you to^ask your
advice about continued support. Those
of you who continue to support them
are doing a real service for -new young
citizens of India, and we appreciate and
need your continued interest. For
those of you who would lilce to keep
supporting young school boys, new
ones will be added, and you can again
take your choice of boys to support i
will be sending the-.list. to Odon,
Indiana, and Mrs. Leia McElravy will
help you in your selection -
Jonathan, the Converted Communist
Bv Arthur Morris
I was born in a High Caste Hindu
village about 300 miles from 'adras
My father was a land owner, but he
was Interested in politics, and never
farmed his own land.
He soon
organizer and
village to village to cause confusion
and strike among the labours In villages
and factories.
1 did this too when I was a small
boy, but later, In order to protect me,
he enrolled me in a Hindu boarding
home I studied there, finished my
High School then went on to College.
By the time I was 19, I was in my last
years of College, and planning to be a
bigger and better political leader than
my father was God's plans, however,
are not always ours, and I got a fine
Christian man as a roommate.
I had always hated Christian very
much. I never listend to their words
became a Communist
went with him from
for our comrades said they were our
greatest enemies. This young man,
however, was so kind so generous
and lovable that I was soon secretely
admiring him.
1 longed to be like him and to
have his wonderful peace his calm
even temper, and his love One day
he invited me to an evangelistic
meeting at ou^ city, and just to please
him, I went. Then for the first time
I heard a new doctrine Do not kiil,
murder, hate etc . but love Love of
God for lost man I learned that God,
the creator loved the whole world
and to save lost mankind, had s^jnt
his son to die for me.
I gave my heart to Christ and after
graduation from college went to
Madras and enrolled in bible College
I will soon know enough to witness
to others an^d then I want to go out
side the land of India to Nepal and
start a church rh^ir. ' "
15 to Enjoy
Devilled Nuts
Savoury Beans
Take a half of an onion and chop it
up finely. Brown it In a little Crisco or
oil in a skillet. Now take four table
spoons of mustard seeds and fry in
the sil until they pop open. Open two
tins of sliced string beans, and after
removing nearly all the water, add to
the mixture Take the rest of the
onion, and slicing it, put it in with the
beans. Cook until heated and slightly
brown. Add salt to taste.
Serve garnished with grated coconut,
Any sort of nut can be used, but
they must be shelled.
Fry the nuts in butter or Crisco or
oil of your choice, until a pale yellow.
Drain, and while hot, toss them into
a mixture of salt and cayenne pepper
Pistachio Cashew, Almonds
Peanuts are usually used in India.
Savoury Indian Egg Omelet
Two eggs vvell beaten, to which one
small onion and one green chilli (minced
very fine) should be added. Pepper
and salt to taste, and if liked, a pinch
of finely minced mint or mixed herbs.
Beat all together for a minute or
two, then melt a Tablespoon of oil or
butter in an omelet pan. Pour In the
mixture and cook slowly until the
omelec is firm underneath Then either
fold the omelet in half and cook until
done, or turn the omelet right over
and cook on the other side.
The quality of a pun of ricc can be tested by
one i'lain.
A Child May Bring
The wise may bring their learning,
The rich may bring their wealth;
And some may bring their greatness.
And some brings strength and health.
We, too, would bring oar treasures
To offer to the King;
We have no wealth or learning,
What shall we children bring
WeTl bring Him hearts that love Him
We'll bring Him thankful praise.
And young souls meekly striving
To walk in holy ways,
And these shall be the treasures
We offer to the Kin?:
And these are gifts that even
The poorest child may bring.
We'll bring to Him the duties
We have to do each day;
WeTl try our best to please Him
At home, at school, at play;
And better are these treasures
To offer to our King,
Than richest gifts without them;
Yet these a child may bring.
I would like to adopt.
3oy(s) in the Boys' Home
of India. I am enclosing 5.00 per month or $60.00 for the year for complete
support of the boy.
I amnot able to adopt a boy, but want to send a gift to help a poor
boy or girl. ^ ^ & t-
AMOUNT. % __ _
above card "and I OR GIFT TO THE BOY'S HOME OF
Yol No 1
MARCH 1971 Issues No 5
0 A /V\AOttAS
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Ruth Morris
We are very pleased that this month
we are again to have visitors from
America. Bro. Leonard Spradling
irom WeHt Akron, Ohio and Bro. Roy
Blackmore from Tulsa Oklahoma are
to be with \i8 for a week. Even
though we are in the midst oi' an air
line strike, we are still expecting them
in just four daysarrival time
Saturday. We had hoped they could
stay two weeks, but it seems that one
week is all they can allow. We are
particularly happy that both of these
gentlemen are connecicdK^M'ith the
South India Church of Christ Mission,
and Bro. Spradling and liis fine wife
Mitzi are supporting the Boys' Honte
at least four boys in the Home. We
pray for their safe arrival, and also
hope that the recent extremely hot
weather will not affect them too much.
We a.-e sorry to aimoimce that
Charles Wogman is unable to continue
his help,with the Boys' Home as he
and his family have moved to Charles
ton Illinois to a Church there. We
sadly miss him and his most loyal
support. It was Bro. Wogman who
fi?\st suggested that" we set up the
adoption program and who willingly
sent the letters and pictures for the
first two years. In a letter received
recently, Bro. Wogman in formed us of
his plans and also of the wish of the
Odon, Indiana First Christian Church
to continue in their secretarial help as
well as receiving the monies, sending
it to India, helping you to keep in
contact with your child. Mrs. Leila
McCrary has been helping Bro. Wog
man and will continue to oversee this
program. Be sure to send your checks
and letters in America to Boys' ;Home
of India, Odon, Indiana, and overseas
to Mrs. Ruth Morris, Boys' Home of
India, Madarapaldcam Village, via
Madras, R]\IS, India.
It is hard to believe that your
Christmas parcels are still coming in
but there is a long shipping time of
about four months now, and then a your personal concern and Christian
month to six weeks through customs, love, and. these parcels help convince
The boys do not mind the delay but them that you do personally care or
they do enjoy everything you are sen- them. May God bless you for e
ding them as additional proof of your happiness you bring into their ife.
love to them. Many cannot believe of
Silver star,
luvrwft ' O will you be my mother? i
-."WUI you stay with me i v^.isi
rAndkiss me in the black night when !,[
t) JTnP J 'j < T* - o
.' Mi; : I cry -.4
-.tfc h,u. mju Laughing wind,
ti'.:' i i. -I want you for a brother.
hrJijEubr,, ;i; Will you play with me . i<>
iu! ^nv ^ And tell me stories ofthe seaand sky? J ?i.. ^
171 I'fiUo yi!'; Sometimes, O wind, '
[uiiH 'You know I am so lonely; tj. jiii niT
' O star, I am 6<fraid hid If
1f.i . Of sounds and creeping shadows on j. r>xTtrf
illiv/ I'L'i ' : the wall... *
.nr!'>q : - God, they say - ^
ah oj Lovea little children, only u .. t.hjl, .top-:!
(Bif lur. <1. : j that He had made ' , h.itwivi nrf
i)S Someone to love me and to heat me - ->rro hit b.n
hnA vi call. i 'ov^ i* vi
, 1 u A i'li .I-'jIf-yi1
Birds and bees , ^
v!h[Tn*(f > ;' ) And Flowers have one another '
vj(I r;Hj iit' t' The lambkin and the lark
- jij! t'io V 'j'jjg grey mouse and the squirrel
jIj f ' and the deer... :;7'r ft'iv.'
Does God forget
.n.iii', - much I want a mother ' ='
-,.1, ..iw ' To hold me in the dark '' ' V.nn
if "iO luifr whisper lovely secrets in my ear?
I ^
rii -' i-n!'
) r t >1?
i,n' .I..Sarojini Naidu . ;
i from "The feather of the dawn." 1,^
r.'joa i.HJii yti-.i
I i.
. . Once in the long ago days in
Audhra State, there was agreat king
dom at Vijayauagar, and the most
famous man there, was not the king
or crown prince, but the court jester
or fool as he was so called.
His name was Raman and since
he came from the village of Tenali,
he was called Tenali Raman and was
loved and also feared by all, even the
king for he was so clever. He wou
ld act so foolish and make all lau
gh, but when he saw the matter clea
rly, and the leaders did not, then he
would shame them, by his jokes and
actions. One such time was wben the
two sons of the dying king in locked
were deadly combat.
The preat king was old and lay
a dying. He had two sons of about the
same age, because they were by diff
erent mothers, and each one was sure
he was going to be the next king.
Each had not only his mother but all
his relations on her side in his party
and the only way it could be decided,
was by a word from the old king be
fore he died. He had a stroke and had
not spoken for several days and just
lay there in a combat.
The two sons, each thinking he
was the crown prince, and better than
the many other princes, for the old
king had many wives andmany child
ren, got into a terribly bitter fight.
Each day one prince would bring out
all of the weaknesses of the other pri
nce and of his family and soon even
of the old dying king and of his anc
estors. The crowds gathered for if any
one else had dared say any of these
bitter things and even state secrets,
fchey would have had their heads cho
pped off immediately. They told of
graft and corruption on such a scale
that no one could even dream of it,
and of such sin and wickedness, that
all the people were losing confidence
in the mighty old king who lay a dying.
He could not rally enough to spe
ak, even though his most trusted ad
visors and even the Prime Minister
came to him and told him the sad st
ate of affairs in his kingdom. His fav
ourite wife came to him and talked to
him and no sign of life came from him
so in desperation someone called in
Tenali Raman and asked him to stop
the young princes from this great abu
se of each other and of the old king.
He thought for a time and then with
his usual wit and'wisdom, asked perm
ission from the Prime Minister to do
whatever he needed to do and use
whatever was in the palace to prove
his point. They eagerly agreed and
this is what he did.
He went to the palace laundry
man, and told him that from this day
on, he was to bring his dirty clothing
out in the fish pond of the king, the
big one, right in front of the Durbar
Hall and the palace treasury. There
in the sight of all the people who ca
me by, the rich and proud and themerch
ants, and the nobles, all the dirty clo
thing of the palace was washed. This
made a real stir in the city and soon
all the people came to see all the dirty
clothing ofthe royal family and, were
disgusted at such a vulgur display of
dirty clothing and linen. ThenRaman
also dumped the garbage from the ki-
toh there beside the dirty clothing and
finally one of the fighting princes ca
me out shouting, that this nonsense
had to stop. "Just because my father
ii old and dying" he said, "that is
no reason to bring all of this dirt and
messout in the public. Some things
must be kept private or there will be
no room for a king." With a happy
heart, Tenali Raman agreed to move
this all back if the young princes wo
uld also stop all their dirty words and
actions. The two princes came and
shook hands and went inside to wait
upon the oldking and the peace of the
kingdom was saved by his brave acti
on. Let us never forget that even in
anger, some things are private and if
we air everything, the damage may
devour even us.
From the looms of one village in
Tamilnadu, Kancheepuram, a two-ho-
ur drive from Madras, come the world
famous handloom silk sarees, known
for their traditional designs and their
bright, eye-catching contrasts, these
heavy silk sarees have changed very
little over the years in pattern, quali
ty and method of manufacture.
Kancheepuram was once the ca
pital city of the Pallavas and later
came under the Cholas and the Vija-
yanagar kings. The tradition of wea
ving in this city is difficult to trace
but during the Pallava period there
were weavers in the capital city spec
ially employed to weave cotton fabri
cs for the royal family. These weavers
perhaps switched over to weaving silk
in the course of time. Today Kanchee
puram is almost a weavers' city and
its name has been made famous all
over India because of the sarees.
The weavers come from the Sau-
rashtra or Mudaliar community, wea
vingis their traditional art. The skill,
techniques and knowledge are passed
down from father to son. Often whole
families work together. The woman
wives, mothers, daughters - work as
hard as the men. Among the weavers,
community of 25,000 familes, there
are 65,000 throw-shuttle looms. Some
houses own upto four or five looms.
The throw-shuttle loom is used for
weaving fabrics with designs, while
the fly-shuttle loom is used for plain
lengths of fabric.
The main raw materials used are
silk and gold thread. The gold thread
comes from Surat. Silver thread is
coated with gold and therefore, the
price of the thread depends upon the
price of'gold and silver. The raw silk
yarn, which comes from Mysore is
^ale and dull in colour as it is coated
with a yellowish gum. This yellow
coating has to be removed before^ the
silk is dyed and this process is called
After the raw yarn is wound on
to a 'Parivattam' ( a cone made of
bamboo pticlts ) with the aid of a eh-
arka, the silk is transferred to 'pirons.'
The next process is fcwistinfj the yarn
into skeins. For "warp" (lengthwise-
thread), two strands of raw silk are
twisted into a single filament, while
for the "weft" {breadthwise thread),
three strands ai-e twisted into a single
filament. This twisting, once done by
hand, is now done by power. In the
whole process, this is the only stage
at which 'a machine is used. The twis
ted filaments are again wound on the
"parivattams" separately.
Now the yarn must be 'de-gum
med'and cleaned. In a copper vessel,
the yarn is treated with acetic acid
and lemon juice which improves the.
! Rtre and softness of the raw silk.
After this, the yarn is dyed and dried
in the sun for a day.
The dyed yarn is made into leng
ths of 18 yards each. Out of this, eit
her two sarees of nine yards each, or
three sarees of six yards each can be
woven. The full length piece of 18
yards of yarn is stretched out in the
open air, by dying the ends on two
cross-bars erected on the ground at 18
yards apart. Each twisted thread is
carefully checked. Dirt, if any, is re
moved and broken ends mended care
fully. Kow the yarn is rolled into a
hank anfl is ready for weaving.
Although the designs and method
are traditional, the weavers and desig
ners try to keep pace with changing
trends. The expert designers prepare
designs on graph sheets which are th
en transferred on to the ^harness* of
the loom. A six-yard saree takes nea
rly a fortnight to if the weaver p^od^l-
ce is assisted by a woman and a boy.
Kancheepuram sarees, for centu
ries, have been a traditional must for
every South Indian woman. Today,
the sarees are considered high fashion
among a more cosmopolitan sot and
have amark3t not oaly all over India
but in the U.S A., U.K., West Germ-
U.S.S.R., Italy, East Africa and
Aden. Kanchcepuram is only a small
city, almost an overgrown village in
South India and the weavers of this
one city meet the ever increasing de
mand for their sarees from all over
the world.
*** O
"Come and see! How many beau
tiful flowers I have," Each morning
begins with its own excitement when
five year old Shaj'on is around.
The most elementary things are '
wondrous ordinary becomes extras
special. Even drilling andfilling of teeth
is exciting,
A teeny tinywarm charms her.
And what? No Parcel for me? Doesn't
anyone ICNOW I am here?
Precious and Special- Our late
arrival five year old SHARON LEE!!
Exasperating too. J3he's sooanxious to
get in school.
More about Sharon next month.
The' flag ofeach country has its symbol of courage and truth. The flag of
India has been well thought out andbroiight intoexistance. Soon after independence
free India adopted her own Constitution, the JSTational Emblem, the National Flag
and the National Song.,
; The National Emblem of India is an adaptation from the Sarnath Lion Capital
of Asoka as it is preserved in the Sarnath museum. In the original, raised by
the Emperor to mark the hallowed spot where the Buddha first preached to his
disciples the eight-fold path of salvation, there are four lions, standing back
to Back, mounted on an abaciis with a frieze carrying sciilptures in high relief of
"an .elephant, a galloping horse, a bull and a lion, separated by intervening wheels
(Chakras) over a bell-shaped lotus. Carved out of a single block of polished stand
stone, the Capital was crowned by the Wheel of the Law (Dharma Chakra(.
The National Emblem adopted by the Government of India on January 26,
1950, only three lions are visible, the fourth being hiddenfi'om view. The
Wheel (Chakra) appears in relief in the centre oi the abacus with a bull on the
right and a-horse on the left and the outlines 6f the other wheels on the extreme
right and left, ^he bell-shaped lotiis has been omitted. The words, "Satyame
Jayate", from the Mundaka Upanishad meaning **Truth alone triumphs" are
inscribed below the Emblem in-the Devanagari script.
The National Flag is made..up of three colours.: The,.-first broad stripe of
de^p saffron jon the^topi white in the middle.^and dark'green at the bottom in
equal proportions. The ratio of the width to the, length of the .Flag is two to
tliree. IiVthe centre of the w.hite bjand'there is^a. Wheel in navy blue to represent
the C.harkha. The wheel is made up of 24 spokes and as broad asthe white stripe
Its design is that of the wheel which appears on the abacus of the Capital of
Asoka Pillar at Sarnath.
The saffron colour represents coiiragc, the white stands for truth and
peace, and the green stands fox faith and chivalry. The wheel "is a symbol of
iiidia s anoi( nt culture and represents dynamism and peaceful change.
The National Fiag was adopted bythoConstituiiut Assembly of India onJuly 22^
1947 and was presented to the nation, on behali ofthe, women, of India, at the
midnight session of the Assembly on August 14, 1947. . . ,
Rules and regulations to ensure the proper use and display of the Flag have
been drawn up by the Government of India, These prohibit the dipping of the
Flag to any person or thing. The regimental colour, the State flag, the organisa
tional or institutional flag will be used for this purijose whennecessary.
No other flag or emblem should be placed above the National Flag or to its
right. All flags are placed to the left of the National Flag if they are hung in a
line. \V hen other flags arc raised, the National Flag must be at the highest.
When other flags are flown along with the National Flag on th? same haly
rad, the latter should be at the top. The Flag should not be carried flat
horizontally, but always aloft and free. When carried in a procession it must be
^orne high on the right shoulder of the standard-bearer and carried in front of the
When the flag is displayed from a staff projecting horizontally or at an
angle from a window sill, balcony, or the front of a building, the saffron end
should be at the top.
Normally, the National Flag should be flown on all important Government
buildings such as high courts, Secretariats, comissioners, offices, CoUectoratea
Jails and the offices of the district boards and municipalities. The frontier areas
may fly the National Flag at some special points. The President of the Indian
Republic and the Governors of States have their personal flags.
The use of the Flag will, hower, be miresticted on certain special occasions
such as Indpendence Day, Rupublic Day, Mahatma Gaudhi'b birthday, durin g
the National week and on any other days of national rejoicing.
The Nationl aong is beautiful when sung but the words are some what hard
to pronounce. Rabindranath Tagore's song Jana-gana-mana was adopted as the
National Atnhem of India on January 26, 1950. The song was first Sung on
December 27, 1911, during the India National Congress session at Calcutta,
song was first published in January 1912 under the title Bharat Vidhata in the
Tattvabodini Patrika, of which Tagore himself was the editor. The poet tran
slated it to English in 1919 under the title Morning Song of India. The complete
song consists of five stanzas. The first stanza, which has been adopted by th
Ddfonce Forces and is usually sung on ceremonial oocaiions, reads as follows:
Jana-gana-mana-adhinayaka jaya he
Uchchhala-jaladhi-taranga i
rr vv . :
lava Bubha name jage , j - , i,.
Tava sbbha asi samage
Gahe tava jaya-gatha.
/-. #rij ij-i'v
li Jt' 7<1'' !I i; li MTHi
Jana-gana-mangala-dayaka, jaya he 5 g, j ..w
. , luJUT-'i. ii."-iii U.' IkJ!"!)
Jaya he, jaya he, jaya he,
Jaya jaya jaya jaya he. Vi " ^ hi
I") "J-"'.'--' H'
The following is ail English rendering of the above stanza:
Thou art the ruler of the minds of all people,
Thou Bispenser of India's destiny.
Thy name rouses the hearts of the Punjab, Sind,
Gujarat and Maratha, of Dravid, Orissa &Bengal
It echoes in the hills of the Vindhyas and Himalayas,
Mingles in the music ofJamuna and Ganga,
And is chanted by the waves of the Indian sea.
They pray for Thy blesfiings and sing Thy praise.
Thou Dispenser of India's destiy,
Victory, Victory, Victory to Thee
: vf fr f'l
Mtt Arctldoss
1. That the language of Tamil has ^ letters
in the alphabet, that combined with......
2. That the money we use is called rupees
(bills) and paisa (change)
3. That we have 100 paise in a rupee.
.4. That a new brass 20 paise has been
5. That we measure weight by kilo?
6. That the measurement of cloth is by the
7. That we drive on the hft side of the road?
8. That all radios are licensed?
9. That coconut oil applied daily helps hair
to grow long?
10. That 4-ir' is about average height for young
That to be fat is to be beatiful? 11.
That we worship on Sundays while sitting
on the floor on a mat?
That the sermon is often 2 hours long?
That there is no T.V. in all of S. India?.
A letter from Lloyd and, Eleanoi'
Purcell. old friends starts as
"Thank you for the little paper
Drum Beat. We are hoping thit in
the near future we can adopt one or
two boys so they can go to school,
learn the Word of Gk)d and become
Christians and further the cause of
Christ'^ God bless you, Eleanor.
Ps- Yes, I do the translation work for
the boys. James is a very lucky-lad!
A check oi $5.00 from Mrs. Nell
Straganoff of the Keystone S.S. Class,-
Cincinnati, Ohio. .Thank you for this
practical prayer to the boys.
A belated congratulations that
sweet MOM, Mrs. Robert Vorse,
on her 53rd wedding anniversary. May
you and Pop have many, many more
years of happiness. ^
To Virginia Talosaa big
THANK YOU for your gift of
clothing. Send them to our address
here in India, allow about 5 months tiifully engraved card announcing the
travelling time I'll let you know 50th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
when they arrive. Our prayers are
with you at this time. San Francisco is
very dear to my heart, also.
A letter from Mayrlee Sims, "We
are so glad to hear from our son Athi-
sayam" well, he is a very fine
young man. Has recovered, recently
from typhoid fever, but continued his
D. Pradhaban is also here and
under our care. How thoughtful you
are to help these "sons",
Dear Lettie HendrickWe have
added your loved ones to our prayer
hst. Harvey and LeAnn are a credit
to the Lord. He will reward them
Narayanan was' -thrilled and
happy with his Christmas card and
special book mark from the Ratleys of
Missouri. All the Christmas cards
were greatly appreciated and so
beautiful for the boys.
Mrs. Greeryou will most siu'ely
hear from Gangarty in the very near
future. I find the secretary work
riioves most slowly. ^ soniethimes
breaks down altogether. He should
get your parcel in March or early
A special thanks to Dorothy Hod
ges fpr being a real mother to our own
Pat. We just naturally enjoyed all
yoiir compliments about her. She
should be with us here in her home of
Sout hindia very soon.
I have here on hand a most beau-
John Thomas Florence. Will you
please accept my belated congra
tulations and wishes for many more
years of happiness? '
Dear Mrs. Linda Preu^. Yea, Ja^;^'.;
has received all your goodies including
the fruitcake. Needless to say, they
didn't last long. She also writes "May
your experience with Christ continue
to be blessed and grow" We need your
works of encouragement!we are often
perplexed these days but not cast
down. Please tell your Primaries I
will be sending thema letter from Jay
a speciail 6iie...very soon.
A letter from Olive Pattinson of
Wisconsin states "We are enjoying
Drum Beat and think it a swell idea,"
Also, thanks for the lovely
scenes.. Very appropriate here, as at
12. 30 A.M. (I am somewhat behind in
my work), with a fan blowing on me,
I can especiallly appreciate snowl!
pahsees in india
Tho greenery on the left as
you go beyond the Hanging gardens
ia part of the parsee Towers of
Silence; the place where they dispose
of their dead. (There is a model of
the towers in the Prince of jWales
Museum). Apark surrounded by a
high wall conceals these bastions so
that they are hardly .visible. Even
relatives of the deceased are not
allowed to go beyond a certain point
within the enclosure but may stay in
the park where they can sit and
meditate. Bearers carry the body to
the top of one of these cylindrical
towers where it is laid out to be im
mediate ly devoured by waiting
vultures. The skeleton- after a few
days* exposure to the elements-is
then thrown down the tower's well
where it is reduced to dust.
This strange method of dispo'
sal has a twofold explanation.
Zoroastrian religion-of which the
Parsees are the last surviving com
munity-respects the earth and the
fire too mu<ih to pollute them with
the bodies of the dead. Another of
its tenets declares that rich and poor
must imite in death.
The Parsees, who appear to be a
very numerous group in the city, are
really a small minority, but their
economic and cultural influence is
considerable. They have done a
great deal to build up Bombay's
trade and industry; a large proportion
of India's leading businessmen have
been Parsees, and many of them
philanthropists as well. Parsee
means "from the City of Pars" in
Persia, from where this group came
to escape Muslim persecution 1,300
years ago.
When they landed in Gujarat and
requested admission, the local king is
said to have sent a jug brimful with
milk, indicatingthe place was full up.
One of the Parsees carefully slid a
small coin into the jug without spill
ing the milk. The king was reassured
that his new subjects would not
displace any of the old. They were
allowed to settle.
' ' "T"' ' ^ . ' . i . . I f!,1 - |P> . .rj f- *
iI fou^d a poem just the othpr diay that I would like to, ^
has to do with Helping Hands: .^/ !
* * . . , . W i ' '\Z 'V>* ' ' ^
' . A rnbthbr's hands are i; :^x:oj>7/ i
that touch the fevered head. . ,.ahf; \-i(n hi/tiU ^
A nurse's hands are gentle hands ;i
they smobth Ihe wiinkled bed.
A doctor's hands areable hands
they give the proper pill.
A father's hands aie ATOxking^M^nds
the ones that pay the bill. .
^ pastors's hands ai'c.prayinghaiids *^'1'
-flit'. 4i. they help dispel the fear. - '.'-bfio/M-.f oy imv ^
%" Then there are the writing hands, ,!l
n V. - I n,.-. that send cards full 01 cheer ^ ''
tu.-f All the;e hands and many more ...{ ..vj 'ali
fi help make, the body whole - y, 'mn-wM >-
;^r'^ But the greatf in i.,'.mis are God's healing hartds'
they heal tho sinsick soul.! di '.-U > "
* 'A n -^ be^e hands are needed here in India in the villages and cities ofthis great
cOTcAt'r^?-.: -Ai-e you willing to lend your hands^^td tho tasks mentioned in the poem.
abi{!)Vtjf'Will youserve India???? ^
. . i OGO OOO. . . . , .
- :n.>: _ ; .
I would like to adopt ;boy (s)in.the Boy's Home of^ India. am'
si)^g Oj-OO per. month or $60^00 for .the year for complete support'of the"boy.
, J' ai'lf Ubt able to adopt a bov, but want to send, a (rift to he)p>a poor bftj'MOrf-t
' ' " ^ . . .w.iv
' ... i.i T' ;r . ;,;f . _ - -.1- t
.,i:u}n /-IT
ifjuh /loX
[T. $ " V-- ...... . ,
ADimESS ..,.'1.:
Vol No 1
February 1971
Issues No 3. 4 I;
As this New Year of 1971 begins let
us hope that it will be a happy one for
all of us. Each year does bring forth
its own happiness andjoy, sorrow and
grief. The year 1970 held just such
emotions, but the end of the year was
a very sad one for us. Our beloved
Kathy Morris, wife of our eldest son
David, reached the end of her life here
on earth through accidental drowning.
Kathy was just 21 years old at the time.
She and a friend were taking a short
cut to their car in Oak Ridge, Tennes
see. On the waywas a railroad bridge
and they decided to walk along it. An
oncoming train forced them to jump
V. .
into the water below. Although an
excellent swimmer, Kathy did not make
that shore but came up at the Great
Shore of Heaven. We ask your
special prayers for the bereaved
family, for David and her father and
mother especially. Kathy was an only
child in this family. How we miss her
vitality and her talent. She was so
needed by us all and she was so
compassionate and kind to every
living creature. God has called one
of the most lovely flowers to be in His
bouquet, and we know she is happy
and rejoicing where she is. But, On,
how hard
This issue is naturally running a
little behind. In the midst of our
sorrow, and running like a golden chais
through it, we have had Joe German
here for a very fine Crusade- Mane
were won to the Lord through his
Now we are back into our regular
duties of hostel boys and hosptal
work; not neglecting our teaching by
the Bible College.
In this New Year of 1971 we look
to the future. We have our hope in
this; that whatever happens this fyear
has already happened to Jesus.
Because He knows, our help is in Him*
In January Tamil people' all over
the country celebrate a festival. ' In
1971. on the 14th of January, Pongal
is celebrated-
This is a time of joy and thanks
giving among the Tamil people. On
this day the Sun is considered to set
out on its journey north from the Tro
pic of Capicorn. This day starts a
period of Sunshine and prosperity to
the people who live north of the
In the northern sections of the
country, Pongal is celebrated by bath
ing in the sacred rivers. On this day
the housewives get new and beautiful
utensils for their kitchen and home,
throwing away the old ones. This is
the first day.
green, red, blue, orange etc., and
beautiful. They lend a striking contrast
to the green paddy fields as they cut.
At first, you could easily think they
are butterflies-their colours are so vivid
and beautiful. They work hard, but
they know the new rice will soon be
This harvest festival-something lik^
our Thanksgiving in Nov. lasts
days. Each day have a special pro
gramme. This is where the difference
mainly lies between Thanksgiving
have in India and Thanksgiving in
The first day is one of bathing and
bonfires. Old order changes to yield
plan to the new.
The 2nd day is one of thanksgiving
and a family festival day.
In the south, the festival glorifies
agriculture. It is a festival for the
young and the old and there is a lot
of excitement mthe air. Both rich and
poor take part in this holidays. This
year m many of the Tamil Hieh
^hools, 10 days leave was granted.
The boys are very excited by this leave
because there was only one day for
In all the houses the women and
young girls will be busily cleaning the
rooms, new clothes have to be stjtched
for all the family. The fields are Gold
with rich harvest.
The women go in to cut the rice or
paddy. Their dresses are so bright
The 3rd day is devoted to the dumb
cattlefriend of the farmer. Their
work is appreciated and bulls and
calves are decked with garlands, silk
towels on horns, coloured heads and
bells, tinkling as the cattle graciously
On the 4th day, social calls are
One of the main objects of this
festival is-to remind us of our duty
to God and to man. It points up our
obligation to animals.
It gives a chance to forget all differe
nces and to live together as brothers
on earth.
Long ago in Ancient Ir^ia, there
was a very good man who had only
one daughter. Her name was Rani,
meaning Queen, and shewas beautiful
and graceful, but had one serious fault.
She-always told untruths at every
opportunity. When there was a chance
to lie she did it, and since her father
was a good and just man, it grieved
him very much. Her mother was a
wise and honest lady and when all
other means of discipline had failed,
decided to take her to the temple, where
they knew a wise old sage lived. His
name was Satya, meaning a follower
of truth, and so soon the family made
the pilgrimage to toe temple in the
hills to meet the man who might help
them with their daughter.
He was somewhat of a wizard, and
could do many wonderful things and
since he was a great friend of the
Truth, all children who lied often
were brought to him.
When they reached the temple, and
found the strange man with almost no
clothes, and his hair all long and
flowing, little Rani was a little afraid.
As soon as he spoke to her, she felt
happy for he had the sweetest voice
she had ever heard in her wole life.
He offered her a wonderful gift, a
beautiful necklace. It was bound to
gether with pure gold and had
diamonds and rubies in it. It was the
most wonderful thing that little Rani
had ever seen, and with no further
words, the great sage gave it to her
and then went inside to meditate. She
tried to thank him or to pay him for
such a wonderful and valuable gift,
but he would not have it and would
not speak. Finally as she and her
family were leaving, he very quietly
spoke these words. **Igive you this
necklace to wear, but in a year from
today, you must come back and bring
my necklace to me again. You must
wear it at all times and never take it
What do you think the necklace
was ? It was the wonderful necklace
of Truth. It would tarnish when the
wearer told a lie.
The day after they returned from
their journey. Rani went to school
and was so proud of her beautiful and
costly necklace. She did not as yet
know what the necklace would do and
fell into her old habit of lying, the
minute she was at school. When her
friends asked her how she got such a
costly necklace, she made up a story
that her father had given it to her
for her birthday. Immediately it chan
ged into a dull and worthless necklace
and she was afraid. She then had to
admit to her friends that she was a lier
and the necklace was given to her by
the great sage Satya, the man of Truth.
They laughed at her for they all knew
only liers went to visit this man and so
she could not fool them any longer.
Next day when she was questioned
about her trip, she replied that the
great sage had sent his own chariot
after her and called her to his palace.
He had given such fine food and on and
she went. Then when she looked
down the necklace grew and grew and
even reached the floor. What could
she dp ? Again she had to admit that
she was stretchmg the truth and again
it went back to norn^al.
Once again she had to learn the hard
lesson of truth, and when a person
asked her ifshe could keep the beautiful
necklace for good and she replied that
she could, tben it got smaller and
smaller and choked her. She was
weeping and grasping for breathe, when
she told the truth and from that minute
on, she never lied again.
At the end of the year, she gave the
necklace back, for he had other child
ren who needed it. Then he died and
no one knows where the Necklace of
Truth is now.
Young friends would you like to
wear it ? Would you always keep it
bright and not too long or too shoit ?
The Three Sons and Seventeen Elephants
Once upon a time in South India
there was a great city of Vijayanagar.
This was the capital city and in this
city lived many rich and wise
merchants. One very rich and very
wise merchant was named Manicka
Chetty. The Chettys are all merchants
and shop keepers and very good
businessmen. He was very rich and
powerful and had 3 sons who were his
In those days before trucks and
tractors, the elephant was the most
useful animal to merchants. This
man had 17 of these big Indian
elephants who were trained to move
great loads and lift heavy bags of rice.
In all the great city of Vijayanagar,
there was no man so wise and to test
the wfsdom of his sons, he made a
strange request to them just before he
died. He told them that he was
leaving all his great wealth to them if
they followed exactly his orders. Tf
they did not follow his rules, then his
great wealth would go to charities, to
feed the poor? beggars and the starving
He died and the sons had a grand
funeral for him, to show their love and
to honor him. Then they read his
will and this is what they founds. "I
give all my property to you, mythree
sons, if you do exactly what I say to do.
I have 17 elephants, and the eldest
must get half of them, and the second
son must get one third and the third
and youngest son must get one ninth
of them. In the same way, you must
divide myhouses, andlandsand jewels
arid gold and clothes." They were
amazed at their father, for no matter
how hard they tried, they could not
divide the elephants the way he had
requested. If they could not divide
the elephants, then they could not get
the lands, jewels and gold- What
would they ever do ?They called in all
the wise men of the capital and not one
of them could help the sons. Just
think, how could they ever do what
their father had requested them to do.
Whocould they get his money ? Would
they have to give it all away and be
poor again?
At last someone toldthem of a very
wise man who lived over the 7th
mountain and in a village bythe great
sea. He was a very old man and called
Appaji, or wise father. They went on
the long journey to this village that
was called Anegoadia. and finally met
the great man. He stopped to think
about the problem and was
immediately lost in concentration. For
three days and nights he d id not speak
or eat, and then when he had thought
of the answer, this is what he said.
"You are the sons of a very wise man.
I will go with you, and help you, for
I -know the answer to your fathers
riddle. First you must go and hire an
elephant for the long journey and 1will
go back with you to your city."
They went out and hired an elephant
and all of them rode home over the
7 mountains to their capitol city. The
wise man called for them to bring out
the elephants and divide them
immediately. They did not know how
but could not refuse. The sage put
the borrowed elephant along with their
elephants and then he gave the first
son half of them, which was
9 elephants. Then he gave the second
son, his one third and this was 6 and to
the third son, he gave him his one
nint hand this was 2. How many did he
give out ? A total of 17, and then he
got on the borrowed elephant and
started to ride back over the mountains
to go home. He called out over his
shoulder that if they were the true sons
of such a wise father, they could surely
divide the rest of the items.
If we are selfish, we too might lose
our most precious possessions*
A good way to get a sample of
Indian temperament and behaviour
is to take a journey in a compartment,
other than air conditioned or first
class, of an Indian railway train. It
will be probably a bit uncomfortable,
nevertheless a memorable experience.
The people look at you for a little
while and try to comprehend why a
foreigner of means should be wanting
to enter a second or third class com
partment and not ride in an airondi-
tioned coach. Then they shuffle
against each other and make room for
you do sit down (Something they may
not always do for their own corapat-
riouts). The women will take sidelong
glances or peer through their veils,
and the children will pester t eir
elders with questions about you. When
curiosity gets too much for the men
one of them knowing English will
open the conversation with you. In
all likelihood the first question will
be about your name, the second about
your profession, and if they find you
sufficiently communicative they will
certainly ask you for your impressions
of this country. Within half-an-hour
of such intimate conversation ihey
will know all about you ms you will
know all about them. You will be
claimed as a dear friend, almost a
If it is nearing meal time you will
be invited to partake of their food.
Some people may hesitate to offer
their simple fare simply because they
would not know how to say "no" if
you in return offered them food which
may contain something which is for
bidden to them by their religion. (A
large proportion of Indians are strict
vegetarians who will eat neither meat
not fish nor eggs nor any food which
contains any of these things. Hindus,
who form the great majority of the
population, will never touch beef; the
Muslims have the same food laws as
the jews and may not eat pork or
meat not from a kosher butcher. The
Sikhs do not smoke: like Hindus they
abstain from eating beef.) But if you
jom Indians at meal and in return
offer something they can eat without
hesitation, you will have created a
close relationship indeed.
. By the time you are about to leave,
yoii may receive pressing invitations
to visit, your new friends in their
homes. The men will shake you by
both your hands and wish you Gad-
Speed; the women will join the palms
of their hands to saynamastey-(Indian
women do not shake hands so you
must not 'extend yours). The children
will simply ogle and like any other
children refuse to be bullied into
saying anything.
The introduction in the railway
train will stand the foreigner in good
stead when he visits a traditional
Indian home- It will not take him
long to learn that in many homes one
takes one's shoes off at the threshold;
how to recline on a charpoy of sit
cross-legged on a mattress on the
floor; to eat chappatties, dal and rice
with his fingers and find out that not
all Indian food is spicy nor does it
offend a host if a guest politely
excuses himself from eatingsomething
he does not like. For the rest, it is
the same as in the raliway train;
women are not spoken to directly
unless they speak first and children
may be fussed over but not admired.
When you flee temptation, be sure youdofi'
leave a forwarding address.
He that thinketh by the inch, and talketh
by the yard, deserveth to bekicked bythe foot.
Without Him, not even an atom will move
Did you know that Kuru is the name aof laughing disease which is
fatal and afflicts only Foretribe in Easte:rn New Guinea ?
\Ve would like to bring the following article to the attention of all you
youQg peopb who Iiope to bring the Gospel to unreached places. I am sure
Bro Patterson has done a great service through this article. All of the
projects will not apply to India, but it is a good all-rounded program.
Here is an article that deals with reality and the theme should be " Tell It as
It Is".
Musings On Missions
With tongue firmly in cheek, I recently outlined to the Seminary chape^
audience my plans to educate Preachers, Prospective missionaries and
ordinary church members to the complexities of doing mission work abroad.
At the heart of my proposals was a non-profit co-ordinating organization
called Missionary Instruction Laboratories Ltd.
Mill is, at the moment, promoting a program for individuals and churches
which should prove invaluable to the brotherhood. It consists of exercises
and scientifically designed projects which those participating are to do
during a week to be called MISSION EMPATHY WEEK.
A few sample projects are mentioned below :
Project 1: Pulverize handsful of little white stones and mix them in a
pound of rice. Now try to devise some way to separate the
stones from the rice. Cook the riceiand eat. Now beginmaking plans to go to
a deQtist. Wait two months and choose a-dentist in a town not less than 40
miles from your home.
Project 2 : Learn to cook on a primus stove with diluted kerosene.
Project 3: Get some pet snakes, roaches, micdaen, lizards and turn
themloose in your house.
Project 4 : Ask your butcher to raise the prices at least three times the
usual amount, without telling you. Then argue him down
- for not less than forty-five minutes daily.
Project _5: Buy your bread from one super-market, your fruit from
another, your eggs from another, your vegettibles from
another. Haggle over the prices at each place. Do not buy
anything in tin cans. Never get more than oneday's supply
Project 6: Occasionally by drop a fly into your cup of tea. Drink it
without making faces.
Project 7 : Pour water into all your salt shakers to simulate conditions-
during a monsoon season.
Project 8 * Break your best china and the dish that was given yon as a
wedding present. (Shipping companies excel in this parti
cular skill when a missiemary sends his possessions abroad )
Project 9 : Turn off the shower and hot water. Bathe twice daily with a
bar of laundry soap, splashing yourself from a bucket.
Project 10 : lonely. Pretend your adolescent chiidrea. are away at
boarding school and have come down with the measles.
Project J : Get a firt.;e.i year-old Jeep and practice pushing it one hour
Project 2 : See if you can carry 20 people in your Jeep, over a bumpy
road, without breaking a spring.
Project 3 : When you have broken the spring, take it to any repair shop
that does not carry Jeep parts. Have them order the part
from Kenya and walk until it arrives. (To properly simulate
real conditions, make sure that the part ordered is the wrong
one. order, wait, walk; order, wait, walkj
'roject 4 : Go to the Court House at least three times a week and
pet stamps and signatures on permits and legal papers.
Visit at least five offices on each trip and drink at least one
cup of tea in each office.
roject 5 : Write at least once a week to MILL headquarters for a
permit. We will require such permits as these: Permit
to own and use rotary can-opener, permit for repainting
: Jeep, permit for moving grass, permit for typewriter,
foreign exchange permit for gold fish. You will be
expected to submit eight copies of each application. MILL
will reply after a suitable waiting period by writing for
further information and specifications. (Example : "Please
specify age, caret, length, and number of scales each gold
fish, what is intended use of said fish, and whether or not
you intend to re-export said fish if it should tarnish. Also
enclose notarized vaccination certificate and autographed
photograph for each fish.") If this sounds absurd to you,
just wait until you get on the foreign field.
Project 6: Submerge at least ten of your favorite. books in water
and pretend the monsoon has just blown off your roof.
Project 7 : Lend four men 10 dollars and try to get it back without asking.
Project 8 : Have your best friend take you to court and try to take
possession of your house.
Project 9 : Go to every meeting at leist one hour early to accustom
yourself to waiting.
Project 10: Pretend your wife is lonely and that she blames, you.
because your adolescent child has measales and there is
no way for her to gst to the boarding school.
Project 1:
Project 2 :
Project 3 :
Project 4 :
Prjoect 5 :
Project 6 :
Project 7:
Project 8 :
Project 9 :
Project 10:
Put locks on all doors, including your refrigerator door.
Practice daily locking and unlocking doors.
Now that you have trained yourself in keeping every
thing locked lose the refrigerator key. Try to make a
new one with a file and a piece of metal. Oh well, one
can get along without a refrigerator.
Sleep on the floor at least twice a week.
Ask you neighbors to follow you around and stare at you
no matter what you arc doing or where you are going.
Learn to change clothes modestly under their stares.
Make believe someone has stolen your roast chicken one
of the kitchen while you were saying grace.
(MILL knows of one missionary to whom this happened^
Personally take all your letters to the Post Office. Insis
the postman cancel each stamp before you drop it into
the box. (This is the routine in some countries where low-
paid workers may steal stamps from the parcels.)
Write for funds to someone youVe never met at least twice
a day.
Ask your preacher to write to you about his new stone
parsonage, his new Buick, and the new educational wing.
Ask him also to include some paragraphs criticizing you
for wasting so much money on Jeep springs.
Give at least one devotional talk daily in any language
you do not know.
Write a letter inwhich you sound grateful for a gift of speu
dry cellbatteries for which you must pay Dollres 25 customs
These are only a few of the exercises and projects offered by MILL*
There areno examinations. MILL can tell if you have faithfully completed
the course by an examination of your before and after handwriting. At the
conclusion of the week's course. Missionary Instruction Laboratories\td. will
supply all who have completed the course with a beautiful simulated diploma,
suitabe for framing, certifying that the participant tias been thorugh tbe MILL,
course and is now ready to think like a missionary.
It is rather startling at first in any
Indian city to see traffic wait patiently
while a cow amnles across the street.
But no loyal Hindu would dream of
bringmg any harm to a cow for they
are all sacred animals.
Throughout India's long history
her people have depended upon cow
and oxen for help of many sorts
Pulling plows and carts, providing
milk for drink and food and dung
cakes for fuel in the homes, the cow tias
been India's most valued domestic
The Hitjdu affection for the cow
is somathing special. The worship of
a cow is said to give a married woman
sons. And the feeding of any wander
ing cow is a worthy religious act.
When festival time comes in India-
and there are many festival scattered
through the year-the animals are
often given a part in the celebration.
Temple elephants may be painted
with heads decorated in patterns of
yellow and red. For surely sacred
animals should have a share in happy
Women As Evangelists
A woman is a natural evangelist.
Evangelism after all, is but telling the
Good News to friends and neighbours.
Woman with her unique position in
the home, is ever ready and able to
tell His Good News.
We often think that women do not
go about preaching the Gospel. But
when we start to consider examples of
women evangelists, we are astounded at
the great place they have in the his
tory of evagelism and the wide variety
of plac^^s that they can evangelize. Jn
the New Testament, we find that Mary
was the first at the tomb and so the
first to spread the Good N^ws that her
Saviour had risen. She took the Mess
age to the Disciples. When Jesus
visited the home of his friends, it is the
women who spread the Good News
(hat He was there, and that he could
help other women as they had been
helped. In one sense, the history of
women evangelism is brought clearly
before us in the example of the little
Maid who showed her master how he
could be cured of leprosy, through
the prophet Elisha!!! Bear in mind
the names of the women evangelists
of the New Testament Mary Magade-
lene, Mary, the mother of Mark.
Priscilla, who taught Appollos, Lydia
the first women convert in Europe
who evangelised wnile selling dyes etc.,,
Salome, and a host of others-
Women have always evangelised
through the home. So it is in India
we find many devout Christian women
preadiog the Good News through
home situations. Woman, by nature,
tends to reveal what has happended
in herhome or some unusual situation
in which she is involved. In the long,
hot afternoons when hard work is
impossible and when the women gath
er to talk and rest until evening, a per-
fact chance is available for evangelism.
In the mornings at the marketing in
the bazaar, a perfect chance is afforded.
On Sunday morning there is School for
Church children and women. During
the countless meeting around the vill
age well, and while waiting in queue
for ration or other reasons, -here is the
place where the women can excel at
evangelism. What better way to get the
gospel acrossthan this?
Women are the keepers of the home
here in ndia and at night as she is
watching over the study of the child
ren and putting them to bed, a Christ
ian women will automatically witness
of her Lord through her childre .
Women are not very concerned with
caste or creed when it comes to talking
So it is the Hindu women will learn of
Christ and through them the Hindu
man. A Christian woman will atomati-
cally witness her Christianity to a
Hindu community through the religi
ous faith of her children, through the
behaviour, which will be Christian
throughout, and through her hospita
lity to others and her attitude through
this hospitality.
Let us awake and realize the potent
ial of evangelism through this means.
Go into all the world was also spoken
to the women, and our world is the
world of women and children.
One of the finest examples of teach
ing evanglism is through D.V.B.S.
through Christian Service Camps held
especially for Indian woman and for
special classes that teach her the basic
concepts of telling others of Him.
1. Why does a music teacher have to be a good teacher ?
2. Why is a thief very comfortable ?
3. What kind of servants are best suited for hotels ?
4. What is the difference between one yard and two yards ?
5. When must a non man keep his word ?
6. Why are clouds like people on horse back ?
. 1. Because she is a Sound teacher.
2. Because he takes things easy.
3. Those who are in-experienced.
4. A fence
5. When no one will take it.
6. Because they hold the rains, (reins)
Every Hindu home has an altar
and it is proper to offer some small
gift, daily, to the gods. If you are
too poor, as many Hindus are, to
bring a bit of oil or milk, a flower or
a scrap of ribbon, you may name
in your mind the gifts you would like
to offer and be given credit for the
The thought is more important
than the actual offering as God is
more important than the images.
*'One needs images and symbols,"
says one great Hindu teacher, '' so
long as God is not realized in His true
form. It" is God Him-self who has
provided these various forms of suit ... different stages of
spiritual growth and knowledge."
Religion is very much a part of the
Hindu's daily life. There is a reli
gious ritual for every act-for getting
up in the morning, bathing, cooking
for and eating meals. It is not proper,
example, to eat with a person of
another caste. Even families do not
usually eat together, for the wife
serves her husband first, and eats later
I suppose all of you have heard of
h e lucious fruits of the tropical coun
tries. There are ever so many fruits
available here in India. Many of them
can be picked off the trees that grow
in our back yard. Otners can be
bought in the little fruit stall? that dot
any city street or country bazaar. On
any morning, if you were to go shop-
ing here, you could find limes fin-
stead of lemons, which can be bought
sometimes), mangoes, bananas of all
Banana fritters
cups sifted flour
1 cup sugar
11 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoon baking powder
^ cup milk
1 eggs
2 bananas, mashed (well-riper ed)
Method: Sift flour, sugar, salt and
descriptions, oragnes, tangerines, jack
fruit, guavas, custard apple, passion
fruit, tamarind, gooseberry, both black
and green grapes, pineapple, apples,
pomegranate, plums, apricots, cocoa-
nut and papaiya. There may be others,
but these are the basic fruits of South
Many delicious dishes are prepared
from these fruits. One of the reccipes
follows and I am sure you will enjoy
it as much as we do :
baking powder together into a medium
bowl; set aside. Put milk, eggs, and
bananas in bowl and mix together.
Add banana mixture to this alternately
with dry ingredients Drop batter by
teaspoonsfuls into deep fat heated to
370 degrees ; cook until fritters are
golden brown. Drain on absorbent
paper ; sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Yield: obut 30 fritters.
Bro JoeGarman, who represents the
Peesent Generation to us challenged
the youth of India to arise and set
about the work of the Lord. His visit
was a refreshing breeze, and his wis
dom out standing in one $o young.
Come again soon, Bro Joe.
Six of our boys are down with mea
sles No doubt others will follow
One boy was attacked by a snake.
We; had many hectic moments of
finding herbs and other medicines to
treat the bite with. We are happy,
even proud, to announce that he lived.
A vicious scorpion attacked another
young boy as he accidently trod upon
it No realizing it was a scorpion, he
again walked on it. After calling for
a flashlight and seeing it was a scor
pion, he reacted violently. Again
medicine came totherescue, buta long
night was spent with him.
Along this line, we request you
prayers for the continued safety and -
welfare of these young men. Also
prayers for their studies are needed,
and for the many problems of every
day existence that they have.
From '*The Anchor*' published
from Cincinnati BibleSeminary Alum
ni Association we find the following
paragraphs about sacrifice. We often
think of the great sacrifices invjolved in
the missionary life. It is quite true
that there are many ch^n^es inhis way
of thinking and living. Cultural habits,
language, frienships all differ. Yet
we must think more broadly about the
sacrifice made. 1 quote "I once heard
a missionary talking about sacrifice.
She said that people so often made a
big thing of ihe ^'sacrifices" she was
making to preach the gospel abroad.
She repliedthat what they weretalking
about weren't sacrifices at all. She
said it was not a sacrifice for ker to do
what she really wanted to do. There
were inconveniences, of course. But
a sacrifice would be for her not to do
what she really wanted to do. She
wanted to go and to teach. These were
not sacrifices. But it would have been
a sacrifice for her to stay in the States
and be kept from teaching the good
news of Christ to thsoe who had never
heard of Him,"
I believe this is a perfect definition
of the word sacrifice. Care to join us
inthis work ofthe Lord ?You can help
by prayer, by adopting a young boy
by sending advice, etc., and by person,
ally comihg to aid us?
New Hostel Building.
Many of you may wonder what our Boys ' Home looks like. It is hard to
get a clear idea through a photography, so we had an artist sketch it for you
Not shown are, storeroom, dining hall, well and other out build
ings. The artist would sketch in some trees, but really, we are not able to keep
so many as are in the picture. In the winter months we do have lots of flowers,
shrubbery and some trees,
Just now we are harvesting eleven acres of beans, and these field are also
not shown.
Istd Batch. Lurthu (IVth. Std.) Arivalagan (Illrd. Std.) S. Rajendran (Ut. Std.)
IIq j Batch. Edvin (Illrd. Std) Chellaii (Hlrd. Std Kumar aswamy Clllfd-td)
lEr . Batch. N. Chandran (IVth, Std) R. Cbockalingam) -NIL-
M. Sadanandam (Vlth, Std) P. Ravi (Xth Std) G. Dilli fVlIth Std)
f " Sisi Kumar (VHIth. Std) Dayalan (Vllth Std) John Wesley (Vltfa .Std)
1st. Batch. N. Muthu fVflih, Std) T.M. Radhaknshnaa(VUth, Std) Gangadaran CVIth Std)
lad. Bitch. Masthan (Vllth. Std) Krishaan (Xlta. Std) Narayanan (Xlth Std)
1st-Batch. Sadanandam(Vlih. Std) E. Peruraal (Vlth. Std) S. James (Vllth. Std)
Ilnd. Batch. S. Ravi (Vlth Std) M. Iruthayaraj (Vlth Std) John Wesley (Vlth Stdi
1st. Batch. Danaraj (Vlllth Std) Arjunan (Vth Std) -NIL-
Hod. Batch. Neelakantan ([Xth Std) E)umalai (Vlth Sti ) -NIL-
V. Mariappan (Xti Sid) KABADI - SENIORS
A. Shanmugam (Xth Std) Sasikumar i
M. Radhakrlshnan T. P John T. P. Masthan.
KABADI .. JUNfORS Other Prizes
I WINNERS. RUNNERS. utner iTizes-
T. P Ravi T. Sbantnugam ' Kannan 1st Prize in Bible and lit in a
KABADl-SUB-JUNIORS school of 700 children.
Vasudevan Babu Rajan 2nd Prize in Bible
1. DEVASUNDARAM, 7 years old, 1st standard. ^ ;
2. MURUGIAH, 7 -do- 1st standard. . :
3. GEORGE, 13 -do- 6th standard. ' " "
4. GNANASUNDARAM, 9-do- 2nd standard, ." .V.?*". ^^
5. GOVINDASWAMY, 10 -do- 3rd standard.
Please remember to make all checks payable to Boys home of lodial
Thank you
I would like to adopt boy(s) in the Boy's Home of
India. I am enclosing S5*00 per month or S60*00 for theyear for complete
support of the boy.
I am not able to adopt adopt a feoy, but want to send a gift to
help a poor boy or girl. /
AMT. $.
Vol No. 1 December 1970
Issue No. 2
. -
ji ^
We, the missionaries, the staff and the childien of the Boys'
Home of India, greet you at this Christmas season. -4
You will find different customs and habits from here in India in this
issue. Also, we offer you the receipes for Christmas candy. We hope you
will like it as much as we do here.
The article ''A Gift to India" tries to convey what God's gift
to the world means here in India. Because of the gift -from"; God, men
and women lead a sacrificial life that others might know of His Son and
His saving grace. We thank you for bringing new hope to the hearts
of the boys.
As this season is upon you, we pray that all your dreams
will come .true, that your health may be improved, and that you will
remember and pray for us through the coming year, (si.) ruth morris
A little child
A shining star...--
A stable rude
The door ajar
Yet in that place
So crude, forlorn
The Hope of all
The world was born.
Author Unknown
Give a gift of laughter.
Give a gift of song.
Give a gift of sympathy
To last a whole, life long
Give a cheerful message,.
Give a helping hand,
Tell your sorry neighbor
That yoa understand:
Give a newsy letter
To a far-off friend;
Give a garden flower
With the book you lend
Wash the supper dishes
Help to dust the room;
Give a smile to leaven
Someone's hour of gloom:
Give a gift of sharing.
Give a gift of hope ;
Light faith's gleaming candle
For the ones who grope
Slowly through the shadows,
Sweeten dreary days
For the last and lonely
Give yourself, ALWAYS!
{Margaret. E. Sang ster
Christmas in South India
There are many habits and customs
celebrated in the religious holidays of
India. The Christians celebrate in
yet a different way.
Many of the Christmas customs
are the same as those celebrated the
world over. Others are peculiarly
Indian, and it is those we will look
at now.
Christians invite their relatives one
week before Christmas. The ladies
all clean the house thoroughly,. They
use white flour and make intricate
designs on the ground in front of
their houses. These designs are used
to welcome friends and strangers at
a time of celebration and will stay
for a week to ten days without
disappearing. The houses will be
decorated inside with colored papers.
A beautiful big star is put up inside
the house and Church. It is made
out of bamboo and tissue paper, and
usually will have a candle inside.
Everyone in the home will receive
new clothes.A great deal of excitement
will be in the air, withthe coming
and going of friends and relatives,
with the making of Christmas sweets.
CReceipe included in this issue^.
Early in the morning of Christmas
Day the family will be up and go
to the Church program. Many go
carroling, the entire night before.
There they will have a joyful service,
remembering He who came to save
them, TJie birth of Jesus is preached
here through sermon, songs, drama.
carolling and processiqns through the contact with the Western habits), do
streets, witnessing as they go along, not have Santa Claus, nor exchange
Lastly, sweets will be given out to presents- The_ weather here
all the children, a big meal will be Christmas is warm, m face
eaten in the home, relatives will return j!} over by Christm^ and
home, but the feeling ofjoy will linger ? tropical sun reappears. There
foralonfftimp & is never snow of any kmd, SO we learn
that the good news of Jeaus* birth
We have had to adjust at several can be preached to all, in whatever
things they do not do here- At first, climate, in whatever country, and
with our children, it was hard, but under various conditions. The birth
they do not decorate Christmas trees of Jesus is Universal news, Unliriiited
(except those who have been in and Ever joyful.
4 oz. Full-cream powdered milk 1 teaspoon crushed cardamom seeds
8 oz. Sugar 1 dozen pistachio nuts (finely sliced)
1 teacupful water Edible silver leaf (optional)
Boil the sugar and water fairly qnickly for aix or seven minutes.
The syrup should form a round ball when tested in eold water. Then
add the powdered milk; mix well, then turn the mixture onto a well-
greased shallow plate. Pat and spread with the palm of your hand,
and cut the mixture slantwise into diamond shapes. Decorate with
crushed cardamom seeds, pistachio nuts and silver leaf. Yield : 20 diamonds.
Almond Sweets
3/4 pint fresh milk 2 oz. full-cream powdered
IJ oz. ground almonds milk
2 dozen almonds nuts 1 teaspoonful crushed
5 oz. Sugar cardamom seeds or
grated nutmeg.
Using a heavy alumimium frying pan, boil the fresh milk;
add the ground almonds and boii fairly quickly until the
mixture thickens. This should not take more than 20 minutes.
Add the powdered milk and cook gently for 5-7 minutes.
Add the sugar, mix well and keep on medium heat for
another 10 minutes. The mixture should now be fairly thick.
Remove on a well-buttered shallow dish and spread out
Decorate with peeled and sliced almonds and cardamom seeds
or nutmeg. Cut into diamond shapes when almost cold.
Yield: 15 small pieces.
Activities in our Home during the month of Novembel^
We have welcomed Dr. George
Daniel, Secretciry for Southern India
Leprosy Mission, London and
American Leprosy Mission, New
York, who came for an inspection
tour of Leprosy Hospital.
Welcome to Babanasan Uriah,
newly arrived from USA and on
his way, after customs, etc., to
Assam, India.
Welcome Home to-Joe Morris,
who is on his last vacation here in
India before his graduation from
Kodaikanal American school in
Welcome to Joe R. Garman who
made a quick stop while on his
way to preach in a nearby village.
Bro. Joe will be with us in a meeting
during the month of January. Good
to know that he is safely here.
The dedication of our new song
books, just off the Press- These
song books are long overdue for
our churches and Bible college and
hostels. They contain English-Tamil
Choruses, Spiritiual Tamil songs and
Tamil words to English tunes, etc.
Thanks must go to David Bala-
sundaram. Hostel warden of the
Southern Asia Christian college for
the time and work he put into this
Also, this month, our adult
literacy programme has been success
fully completed. Jt is an Adult
Literacy, "Bach one Teach one"
programme With tne help of flash
cards, flannelgraph andnight teaching,
376 adults from age 25 to 70
learned to read Tamil for the first
time. Almost half of these men and
women are from the Church of
The certificates were given out
by the Revenue Divisional officer,
representing the District Collector of
Chingleput, after conducting a test.
A ''Convocation Address" was deli
vered by Mr. D. M. Dorai Raj, Area
Representative of CASA, in the
presence of a large gathering of the
learners, teachers and villagers. This
meeting was hosted by Mr Arthur
Morris, Church of Christ Mission,
Madarpakkam, South India,
Attended a meeting at the CMC
Hospital, Vellore, India. This is the
first all India work shop on Leprosy
problems, sponsored by HEW (Health,
Education and Welfare^ from the
U.S. Government.
Visited Bangalore Churches and
inaugurated the English Service in
the after noon. It was the 16th
Anniversary of the Andugodai Church
and the 3rd Anniversary of the
Appareddeypalayam Church. Very
encouraging to see so many young
people interested. We ask you to
pray for the health of Bro. Robert,
who is suffering from a stroke.
Bro. Robert has been preaching
regularly for 12 years without salary
or outside help. He was able to come
to the meeting and give a short talk,
but had to be rushed home immedi
ately afterwards. A man sent to us
by God how we miss faithful
stewards when they are absent.
Who Was the clever brother and who is the stupid one?
Oncelong ago in the Tamil Country,
there was a father who had two sons.
One son was considered very clever
and he went to the school and learned
all that there was to know about the'
village life and work. His younger
brothers was called stupid, and no
one listened to him. One day he cut
the village tank (Water Reservoir) in
order to get all the fish at once, and
the village had many problems, as
there was no water for the coming
months. Tbey called him the stupid
one and the elder brother would often
abuse him and even hit him with a
strick, to get some sence in his head*
Now begins our story. The elder
brother was very religious and went
to all the temples and on many
pilgrimages. The younger brother
did not go and simply stayed at home.
One day there was to be a festival in
their own village, and the two brothers
went together to pray to the God. It
was lerge and black and covered with
cloth, and the younger said to hig
brother "That is not a God, that is
only a stone with a rag on it". The
elder brother was so angry that he
took his stick and beat him very
hard. Over and over he made him
to repeat these words. **That is no
a stone, that is a God. A God, a God
etc". The elder brother fefi that he
had done a good job of teaching his
younger brother and was some what
sorry that he had beaten him so hard,
and so he suggested that they go to
the meals hotel and eat their night
food. They say at the table and the
rice was brought in for them. The
younger one was so hungry and
quickly ate a big mouth full of rice
and curry. There was harsh soun
as his tooth bit down on a small ston^
that had not been sifted out of the
rice He jumped up and down and
was saying like this "O samy, O samy,
meaning O God or O God I have
done a terrible thing, I have bitten
into you. I am so sorry, please
forgive me, I did not mean to do this
terrible thing. His elder brother was
so embarrassed and took the stick
and beat him again. Do not call
that a God, just call it a stone or a
rock. Don't carry on like this, as all
our friends will see it and know you
are crazy.
The younger brother in front of the
whole hotel people then came out
with this bit of wisdom. "You are
a strange brother". You called a stone
a God and because I did not do so,
you beat me. Now I, like you, call
a stone a God, and you beat me^ and
say call it a stone. Who is smart and
who is stupid ?
Pandita Ramabai
One of the greatest Christmas
gifts ever given to India, arrived on
a cold night in December in the
year of 1858. In an Indian forest,
far away from the city there was
born a little Indian girl named
Rama. This baby was carried along
in a basket by the father and mother,
for they were holy pilgrims, always
searching for God. They had no
- home or any house, were just on
the trails, from one temple to an
other, in the hope that at last, they
might find the real God.
As little Rama grew up, she wss
taught all the Sanskrit Scriptures
by her fsther, and so well was she
taught, that by the time she reached
womanhood, she could say from
memory, at least 18,000 verses of
the Hindu Scriptures. She was so
clever, that when as a young lady
she visited Calcutta, the honoured
title of Pandita; was given to her.
Bai means woman- All this education
did not help her, and within 6 years
from that time, she lost 5 of the
people most near and dear to her.
First it was her father, who died of
starvatioUf and then her mother and
sister followed him. Next it was
her brothers, and then she was
married and soon after that her
husband died of cholera. She decided
that this relgion no longer had any
hope for her and one day was given
a copy of Luke* s Gospel in Bengali.
Now she read it over and over and
over and had two strong convictions,
one she must find Religious satisfaction
- and the other that ^he must devote
her life (the rest of it) to the educa
tion a;nd help of the Indian women.
She was specially toudhed by the
plight of^the widows and orphans and
the blind*
She won a scholarship to go to Eng
land and by this time was studying in
the College there. Here she found her
true Guru, or Teacher Jesus Christ,
and all the rest of her life was spent
willing by and joyfully in His Service.
She was then immersed into Christ
and spoke in England and America
and came back to India in 1889 to
start a Boarding Home and School
for widows. This was so amazing
for widows were completely neglected
and even most girls were not educated.
She found it was too costly to have
her home in Bombay and moved it
to Poona, out in a forest, and it is
still there today. A terrible famine
came along and in its wake, there
were 5,000,000 dead. This was the
signal call and even though she had
money in her home for only 50, she
took immediately 300 and later 1900
helpless women.
All of these were destitutes and
had to be fed and clothed. She was
everything and everywhere. Tired
often beyond measure, she never gave
up. Heir widow's white sari could be
*seen all over the many acres as they
worked and ate. She trusted in God
as if all depend on God and prayed
as if all depend on prayer and
worked as if all depend on work.
Soon helpers came from many lands.
She not only cared for 1900, women
but translated the Bible into
Truely the great gift of a little
gill baby, that cold Christmas of
1858 was one of the Finest and
Noblest Christmas pfeseht^hat fiidia
ev^-recdved* i - " . i . ix c
j: J.Li jiUJ UV
6^ la
Cl^ristianity has long siniqe come
to India: The name of^ Jesus is
known throughout the length and
breath of India, in a wide sense.
Many many thousands have atill not
heard the name of Jesus, but the
work of Christians here in India has
made His name widely known.
Just now, at this Christmas
season, we pause to think what the
of Jesus has meant to India.
The Christians have used the word
togetherness as the kingpin of modern
thought and development In one
area, with "work for food" as their
motto, they have used university
students to dig wells and irrigation
canals; taken on the superhuman
task of refugee rehabilitation, of relief
to earthquake stricken and flood
afflicted; constructed dams, gifted
tractors and quality seeds; establi
shed workshops for agricultural equip
ment; plied mobile medical units; built
vocational guidance schools and
carried out nutrition programmes that
have given the downtrodden the hope
that springs from basic security.
Christian hospitals, leprosy mis
sions and medical research centers,
where thousands of dedicated Indian
and foreign Christians workers meet
together, have an undisputable place
on the country's roll of honor.
Christianity in India has by error
bee?i classified as a Western religion.
It is in -fact Asian in origin and
(India's connection with it is believed
to be one of the oldest in the world.
, Christian's endeavour has given to
Ind^a over 150 Cdlleges; 2,177 high
isphools, 214 rtechnical schools and
150 tochers' ti-aining ;schools; i^20
hospitels, 670 dispensftcigs,^ lBf?9W
713 oi^bl^ges*it HbmSs fbr
,thp agQd, 681 hostels and .^e^are
organisations; 275 creches..44 agricul
tural settlements, 27 industinar qeijtres
and several institutions for the blind,
the deaf and the handicapped.
All this because of the gift of the
Son of God to the world
The Churches of Christ in America
are responsible for helping many
Christians in these different areas.
The Bibles you send through the.-
American Bible Society reached these
Christians; the bandages come )o the
lepers the vitamins help sustain the-
maternity section and the anemic
hostel boys. Your monthly support
helps to train young preachers in the
Southern Asia Christian College, who
have come from and who will go to
all parts of India and other countries
Used clothes have helped keep
students in school. Just now in this
very cold and wet weather, the
sweaters and blankets have gone out
to the children of preachers and elder
families. They will help prevent
colds and pneumonia, which is
prevelant now.
The stretch material given by
Carlisle, Kentucky during our fur
lough is being utilized in undershirts.
All are so appreciating this material.
Our thanks to you, Carlisle.
A box of used Christmas cards has
just arrived. Now we can make up
Christmas cards and sell them. From
that money we can feed ,the hostel
boys a really good Christmas rbeal.
There are other ,gifts ypii sent us,
and just now at Christmas time we
do most especially thank you for
thinking of US ^d helping out, in this
$cQpe of work here in l^outh
Building a new boys' home at Nagalapuram
Last year our third Boys* Home
was in a very bad place and the boys
often got sick, so we left this rented
house and moved the home nearer
us to Nagalapuram. This is also
the center for our Andhra Leprosy
Work, so we wanted these projects
all together. We got a nice place of
about I acre down at the end of a
quiet road where the boys have a
big place to play and grow- There
was no mud for walls, so we had to
haul in by bullock cart the necessary
dirt It took 165 loads of dirt to
make the walls. Then we had to buy
some palm trees for the beams and
the leaves to put on for roof
We went to the forests and got
120 bundles of branches and limbs
for the rafters and then scoured the
whole country side for enough palm
trees to give us 1800 leaves and then
we called the country carpenter and
started to work. It took 60 days to
complete the walls and roof and then
there were the windows that we
made in the Bible College Carpentry
class, and finally all done but the
plastring. Cement will stick righton
the mud once it is good and dry
and so we plastered the inside and
floor and then on a happy day in
October we were ready to dedicate
this new Home to the Glory of God
and His church. It has 3 rooms,
one for sleeping and study and then
a store room and a kitchen. It is
really nice and 20 happy little boys
live there now, but big eiough to
accomodate twice that many next
Bro. Valentine the local Minister
of the church is looking after the
boys in rhis new Home.
Thank you friends for making
this possible.
Gardening Classes at the Boys' Honne
As you can see in the picture, the
boys are busy in the plowing of
crops each year, and on this we
grow all kinds of beans, peas,
radishes, egg plant, spinach and other
greens. One of the big crops here
is a pea that is most nutritious
and helpful in a diet that isoverleaded
with starches. It is called by the
uiitasty name of horsegram, but it
is really a nice pea We have now 9
acres sf tnis planted and it is growing
veay well. We have now 3 acres
of tapioco, which is another kind
I; f of potato here and gives a very high
yield. It is used as a vegetable,
boiled as a sweet, or copked and
made likg rice. The boys also have
black gram! and American black
the land and in getting the crops eyed peas too- The protiens are
nUt. We have 14 acres of garden always lacking in the Indian diet*
Digging the well for the new Boys' Home at
The Government of Andhra Pradesh
has given us at least 3 acres and
up to 5 acres of land on a dry
barren hill if we will use it, for
our Second Boys Home. Up unti-
now we have been just renting houses
for the boys. The land is on a hill
at the edge of a village of Kalama
There is no water there anywhere
for the laying of cement or for the
boys (o drink or any other purpose,
so before we started on the
construction work, we had to dig a
well. We called an old man who
knows how to tell where the water
is and he gave us a good place to
1. As is the thread so is the cloth.
As is the mother so is the child.
2. Even nector is poison if it goes
beyond the limit.
3. The food one gets free on new
moon day, can he get it on all days.
(Tamil Proverbs)
4. There are no castes in this world
expect two. If one asks who they are:
The one gives help to the needy
is the high caste; and one that does
not do it is the low caste. (South
Indian great Poetess)
5. What is the good of one's worldly
knowledge if he or she does not
worship the holy feet of Him (God)
who has a fund of knowledge
(Tamilians Holy Kurai)
We called some well men, and they
started to dig. Just 4 feet down in
the ground, they ran into solid granite.
No bar could dig the earth, and it
had to be blasted ont with dynamite.
Each time we blasted, the sides of the
well would fall in, and so it took a
weel to dig out the extra dirt. Then
again we blasted and again the dirt
fell in. We got down 20 feet and the
earth is getting damp, so we know
there will soon be water. It has taken
3 months to get this level and so
construction work is delayed. Pray
for us that soon we will get good
water, in abundance.
Needs of the boys
More used shirts and pants, either
half or full length for school wear.
All sizes from age 5 through High
School-size 16 is about the largest
used here.
Flannelgraph material and standard
pictures, and or picture rolls.
S.S.Papers of the beginner and
primary classes. Good for their
S.S.Note books and for reading easy
We are suggesting that you choose
any or some of the articles from the
following list to be included in the
gift parcels sent to your boy:-
Flashlight and batteries, pocket
knives. Games of checkers or chess
ring toss, soft balls, key chains. Bill
folds, Comb, Hair brush, -Pocket
mirror, Note book paper, pencils,
ball points, small New Testaments,
coloured alumimun foil fto be used
in dramas) Paste, crayons, gum,
simple story books, Hair oil, soap.
Talcum powder, vitamins, Towelsi
Bed sheets, wash clothes,, Religious
pictures. Alphabet flash cards and
number cards, Bible card games.
Anything you send is welcomed.
This is only a suggested list for those
of you who need, help in this line.
.-i V..
7. Guhdselan 2 Karntuikaron 3- GoviudasWamy

1. MURUGAN, Second Class, 7 years old.,,prphan. i
2, D. ARUMUGAM, Third Class, 9 years old, half orphan:
3%. J, ; RAMACHANDRAN,' Third Class, Father dead.
4i M. JESU, Fourth Class, No mother.
5, A. MANI, Second Class, 7 years old. Family tbo poor.^' .
I would like to adopt boy (s) in the Boy's Home of;
India. I am enclosing $ 5*00 per month or $ 60-00 for the year- ior
complete support of the boy.
. ; ' J "i . . -
I am not able to adopt a boy, but want to send a giftyto
help a poor boy or girl.
AMT. $
We the Members of
c::? oui
Vol No. 1
November 1970
Issue No. 1

ODON, INDIANA We wcicome you to the
reading of this new paper. So
many of you wanted to know
more about your boys, their
homes, way of life herein India,
that we felt the need to send
"Drum Beat" into your home.
In the festivals and stories
of Ancient India, there is a
great heritage and a wealth of
homespun philosophy. Herj
we see wisdom and goo 1
shining over evil, and the poor,
but the faithful win the race.
In the sayings of the boys and
in their daily lives, it brings us
back to a simple way of life,
where just a pencil brings a
thrill and three meals a day is]
more than one can hope for. '
I have been doing this work for the last
15 years and today someof my boys have gone
through. High School and College and have
good jobs and responsible positions in the
Church. This was done on a small scale,
but now that you, too, are sharing in the
joy of service, we want to acquaint you with
some of the background and lives of our
We hope you will like "Drum Beat" and
that you will share your copywith your family,
Bible School Class and friends.
We welcome your letters and advice. If
you have a particular idea which you want
to see in the paper, we will be glad to print
that, also.
Good Reading,
Mrs.' Rath Morris
boys' home of INDIA
News Of The Month
Susi Kumar has seeminglyrecovered
from his serious illness. A few
months ago he was rushed to the
hospital with a severe case of
tuberculosis with no chance of living.
Through the grace of God, prayers
of the faithful and attention at the
hospital, he is with us today.
We are happy to report that two
boys who fell out of a small tree at
the hostel. have recovered. One of
the young men , had a severe case
of dizzyness as a result of the fall.
I still haven't found out why they
were in the tree??
A new student has joined our
family. Although only in the first
standard (grade) Saeker has lived a
long, long life. Tied to the railway
by his father and rescued at the
last possible minute, he has many
nightmares yet." We are happy to
report at this stage he has no signs
of the disease that drove his father
to such extreines: leprosy.
An addition to our staff is to
be reported. He is Sinderaj of
Oothakotie. He is the "father" of
the first five grades here at Madara-
pakkam, Sinderaj is a trained
teacher and a dedicated Chnstian-
A very big welcome to Sinderaj.
October is farming month, the
beginning of our rainy season- We
have just plowed 15 acres and are
busily trying to get. the crops out
before the rains cease. This year
we are planting tapieoaj green beans
black eye peas, tomatoes, cabbage,
carrots, radishes, lettuce, castor seeds,
okza and horse gram. Most of these
seed came free to us froni the Pete
Mitchell family from Robinson,
Illinois. Thahks, Pete, for all the
time and effort you took to explain
this farming -to us.
So far today we have found 9 very
poisonous snakes within , five yards
of our house. Our record this week
is 14 snakes, all found within just
a few minutes from the first one.
They come out of their holes during
the rainy weather- i don't know if
it is better to flush them out of their
holes, or just leave them peacefully
in; being unaware of how close
danger is to us.
Our Senior Hostel father, Aruldoss,
takes the prize for a house garden^
He not only has vegetables to eat,
but also marigolds which his charming
wife brings to grace our table.
The Wisest Man in Madras
Lorg a?o when America was
youno:. there was a very wise and rich
king living in Madras along the sea
shore- He was the king o^ the Carna-
tics and very rich and powerful. Once
each year, he would invite all the
wise men and great scholars to his
palace for a festival of learning. Each
man would come and demonstarate
his wisdom and knowledge. India
was in that day filled with many wise
scholars and they travelled around
from these fea^s of knowledge and
tests of wisdom. If a man won the
day, he would be richly rewarded with
many gold coins and several fine
spts of clothing and manv acres of
He would then retire from the
ronrds and live in a place and set nn
a small school where he would be
thf teacher or Guru, and call several
students to him and teach them his
It was at t^is great man held bv
the fabulously wealth "Raja of the
Carnatic, that once a poor but very
wise man came to compete in the
tests of wis(fom. He had made much
money, but had given it all away to
the poor. Now he had only his
knowledge and his ragged and torn
clothing. He did not care, for he was
wise and this was enough ,for any
At the gate, he was refused admis
sion by a foolish guard. The king
was not there or else he would
have let him come in, but trv as he
might and telling all the festivals he .
had attended, he still could not go
inside. Quickly, he went to the home
of the dhoby man, or washerman for
the dress of some rich people there and
agreed fora small price to rent a beauti
ful white shirt and silk waistie (worn
like trousers) for a day. He came then
to the gate and was immediately let
in. He appeared before the king and
he too admired his fine clothes and
asked him hard questions and what
no one else could not answr-r he did
with ease. He amazed the whole
court with his wisdom and knowledge
and easily won the prize, a bucket of
pearls and 100 acres of land. Then
as he was preparing to leave the king
bade him linger a little and eat with
his nobles. This he was not willing to
do, but as the king sat beside him, he
had no choice- As the food was
served, beautiful rice, rich curries of
many varieties, choicy vegetables
and the very best deserts, this wise
man then filled his whole banana leaf
with all this rich food, and willfully
smeared it all over his shirt and
pants. The king was shocked and
the nobles horified. They thought
that too much learning had made the for his 'clothing and show of wealthi
maa mad and were so upset they Alright, I won the prize and I will
could not eat. Finallyone man dared take it, But this food was not for my
to ask him why he had done such a wisdom, but for my clothes, so I am
terrible thing- This is his reply. You not wrong in giving it to my clothes
see, I came here this morning in my to eat."
own poor clothes and I was turned
away and not even allowed to enter The king was verv sad and went
the gates. Then after I borrowed away in shame into his house. He
these fine clothes and came in you too had been guilty of judging a man
honored me so much. I know what by his clothcs and not his head or
you people really are, you do not heart.
' honor a man for his wisdom, but only
Who Shows Gratitude
Long ago in Ancient India there morrow there would be the worst
was once a very good man whose flood this valley had ever seen. He
home was not blessed with children, suggested the man build a raft and
He and his wife lived alone and they immediately he set out to do so.
worked their little garden and Barely had he finished it. when the
fished in the streams and just barely water came down from the hills very
made a living. They did only good quickly and soon all their lands and
to every and hurt no one and were homes were under water. The man
loved by all. One dav while fishing and his wife and the turtle were safe
the man caught a turtle, and being and they floated for days on the
so kind he let him go. The next day water near their former home. They
again he. caught the turtle and the talked about many things and as the
day following.^ The turtle had grown turtle was so old he knew very much
fond of the man, and asked .to be and the man soon so relied on him
taken home and taught to speak. He that he did not make any decision
taught him his own tongue and soon without asking his adopted son-the
the turtle became just like a son to turtle.
the man- He slept at night in the ja . i
man's house and all day was in the Then one day floating on a log,
river. One day the turtle told the but half starved came down a very
man that there was much water poisnonous viper. Heasked if hecould
coming down stream and that the
man consulted . the turtle , and he
advised him to let the snake join if
he promised to do no hapn to tha
man. This was done and the
snake joined. The next day they saw
a tiger floating and nearly drowned.
He too asked to join and again the
man asked the turtle. Hi agreed to
let him join and all was wcli. The
next day they found a mm floating
on his house roof without foo^
and water, Fc begged to join ad
promised his eternal gratitute to the
man if he saved his life. The turtle
told the man that since this was a
man, one of his own he would have
to save him, but to be careful. He
took him and after sonie more days-
the flood ended all were able to go
home. Soon the flood was forgotton
and life went on as before. A new
king came, and conquered this land
and built a beautiful palace near the-
house of the old man. His way of
life went on just as u-mal, and he had
nothing, but- wanted nothing more.
One day there was a theft of the
queen's jewels from the palace and
the new king was beside himself with
anger. He threatened all kinds of
punishment upon them and
rewards if any one found the missing
Jewels. The thieves were so afraid
they left the jewels hidden in the
jungle and went away to save their
lives. The tiger saw them bury the
jewels and knowing it was something
that men. valued, dug them up and
gave them to the man and woman
who had saved his life as a present.
They did not know they were stolen
and were delighted and now atlast
had all the money they needed or
could wish for. The man who they
had saved came "by, but now he was
in search of the jewels and^a righ
reward. He inquired if anyone had
suddenly become rich and found the
poor oldman and called the king and
him and his wife arrested and put
in jail. How sad the old couple were
for they had not stolen the jewels and
no matter how much they were beaten
they would not lie and say they did
steal them. The snake heard this
story . and was sad. He came and
bit in the eye of the daughter of this
king and the princess lay as if dead
for days and in much agony. The
king forgot, the jewels and offered a,
land some reward tg any doctor whq
could cure his daughter. It was a
bag of gold and even half of his
kingdom- That night the stiake crept
into the cell and told the man what
had happened and gave him some of
his own venom and said "Take this and
rub it in the eye of the princess and
she will recover immediately." The
man asked permission to go and Cry
and since all doctors had failed he
was allowed to try and immediately
she was well. He took the bag of
gold and his land and set himself as
king and lived for many years.
Who was the one who was ungrateful ??
In order to enlivan and stimulate
this little magazine, we request all
groups who are supporting boys here
to send us a picture of your group,
which we will include in a near
future issue. Be sure it is clear and
in black and white. We hope you
will enjoy this news of those who
you are helping, and will join the
editor in helping to make this a
Christmas Presents for your Child
Last year, your parcels were joy
fully received. Some of you sent
late; which gave the whole year a
flavor of Christmas. The shining
black eyes and wide smiles testified
to the satisfaction and amazement
of the children. This year, again if
you wish to send, please address them
as follows*
Mrs Ruth Morris
Boys' Home of India
Madarapakkam Village
(Via) Madras, R.M S.
S. India
In the place of "Value," please
list: "For Charity'*.
This way there will be no duty
and customs will pass them through
quickly. You may list the name of
the boy inside, and we will pass it
along to him.
Thank you very much for your
patience in waiting for letters and
pictures. We have made a definite
start in' this directioh and hope to
complete the list soon-
Mr. Aruldoss
1. Can I please have more soap
for tne boys ? What about hair oil ? ?
2, If the moon is bright, can we
play kabardi tonight ?
3. Can we get some old clothes to
use for putting on the drama.; We
have decided to poitray the Ten
Virgins. Oh, by the way, the boys
want to know if they can keep the
clothes afterwards??
4- Amma, one of the little boys
has no trousers to wear to school
today. Can I have one of your towels
for him ?
.,5>. '
I- Sekar, 7 years old, first grade, orphan.
2. K, Rajendran, second grade, orphan
3- George, third grade, widowed mother
4. M. Daniel, fourth grade,
5 Balar.iman. fifth grade
By actual count 32 boys received medical attention this evening. I
am glad to report none were seriously ill
Thanks go to Denmark for 57,000 vitamin tablets. Even though these
are to be divided up with the hospital, still many of them will benefit
our boys.
I would like to adopt boy {s) in the Boys* Home of
India. I am enclosing S5.00 per month or $6000 for the year for
complete support of the boy.
I am not able to adopt a boy, but want to send a gift to help
a poor boy or girl.
AMT. $ ; ;
* " xr.
Missionaries Arthur Morris and Doctor
Dennis Pruett announce their intention of
jointly establishing a hospital in India!
This modern, fullyeQ[uipped medical
facility will "be located at the site of the
present Christian Hospital which is opera
ted by Brother Morris and his wife, Ruth, at
Madras in South India. It will embrace all
the present scope of operations of Mashoko
Christian Hospital in Rhodesia, established
by Dr. Pruett, plus including a division to
treat the high incidence of leprosy in the
South India area. This section of India has
the highest rate of leprosy cases in the
world o
The new Ohristlan Hospital will continue
to be operated by the South India Church of
Christ Mission under the direction of the
ilorrises. Dr. Pruett, through the medium of
a newly-formed non-profit religious corpor
ation, Fellowship of Associates of Medical
Evangelism, Inc,, or FAi, will be respon
sible for building, staffing and directing
he initial medical program of the hospital.
This will be not only a program of faith,
ut one founded upon a spirit of Christian
co-operation and service a challenge to
do the job, without consideratioxi of pub
licity or credito PAivJE is designed to ad
vance the cause and fame of Christ, rather
than to enhance the reputation of mortal mano
An urgent and joyous invitation is ex
tended to other missionaries, in India and
elsewhere, to the churches in America aiid
the world, to Christian doctors, nurses,
businessmen and to charitable foundations
and church-oriented non-profit organizations
to join Brother Morris, Dr. Pruett and PAlvIB
in making- PAT^-IFDIA a great suocess and
scoring an impressive victory for the cause
of Christ in the seventies
Estimates indicate that a one million
dollar hospital (stateside) can be construc
ted in India for around one hundred thousand
dollars . This then is the goal of our fund
drive Groundbreaking will occur in Janu
ary 1972, completion of the facility in t_he
spring of 1973o
Chairman of the funiraising drive is
Milford Anness, of Columbus, Indiana All
contributions should be directed to PAi^iE-INDIA
P. 0. Box 623, Columbus, Indiana 47201,
This is the Lord's business! We earn-
estly solicit your participation and sup
port, even as we urge you to continue to
support and increase the faithful witness
of all other New Testament Mission activ
ities wherever they are locatedo
P. 0. Box 623
Oolumbus, Indiana 47201
South India Church of Christ Mission
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morris
Via Gummudlpondl Post, South India
D. Eugene Houpt
P.O. Box 215
Danville, Illinois 61832
We have just witnessed the greatest Evangelistic campaign
ever held by our Churches in the land of India. Never have so
many been won to Christ in such a short time, and so much
good done and so many plans made for the future. Congrat
ulations to Bro. Reggie and family and the Rostovit Twins.
For you worked harder, sacrificed more and won more souls
than even our highest expectations.
There were many trials and problems. These did not stop
our faithful band. Instead they worked harder. First there
was the heat. It was in the middle of the summer and over
100 degrees heat daily. This coupled with extremely high
humidity brought on severe illness in all the team members.
Some days only one or two of the members were able to
walk and work. Often the singers were so sick and weak that
they could not sit up in the Volkswagen, yet they came along
and would lie down until meeting time, then get up and sing.
Not only once or twice, but 8 or 9 times a day. We left the
house at 5:30 in the morning and would'get home only by
noon. Then they would teach their classes and go out again
until midnight. This went on for 6 weeks. We did 172 meet
ings in 163 village churches. The Volkswagen often broke
down, as it suffered when I had an accident in it the night
before the team arrived. We had to wire the doors shut with
wire and even wire the gear box, but it served heroicly. The
food in India was so different for the team members and the
water all had to be boiled. The well at the house went dry
and to get a bath the members had to go and put on swim
suits and jump in a well about a mile away. The distance was
often great and we had to drive 2 hours each way to the
meetings. The money ran out to pay for gas and mike sets,
but still we carried on. We had 520 baptisms before the meet
ings started, from January 18th to June 4th, and then while
the team members were with us we had 2,003 more baptisms.
Many rededicated their lives and many transferred member
ship, but we did not count them. We only counted those who
were actually immersed into Christ in our presence.
We actually had a 3 ring circus each day. The 1st ring was
the children's programs for the hostel boys and village
children. This was taught by Miss Patty Briggs and Tony and
Tracy Thomas. The second ring was the Volunteer church
leaders and their wives classes. These were taught in the early
afternoons by Reggie Thomas and the Rostovit Twins, and
then the rest of the time by full time evangelists and preachers.
The third ring was the village evangelistic services. We had
the first meeting at 7 in the morning and then at 8:30 and
10:00. Then again in the early evening at 5:00 and 7:00 and
9:00. This was on the easy days. There were more meetings
on the hard days.
We had to feed 200 Volunteer leaders at the mission com
pound every day, take them on ni^tly evangelistic meetings,
then send them home on the weekends. But that let all of
them meet our wonderful American friends and they unan
imously invited them back in December 1972 for another
meeting. In the last 12 months we have now had 3,579 souls
baptised into Christ.
All of these new converts were first surveyed, showed
interest in becoming Christians, then taught for 3 months
and are living in the villages where we have established
Churches and preachers. Our usual average is about 5 to 10%
of all converts drop off within a year. We look for even less
of these. We are only stopping for a breath of air before we
plan for the 1972 Crusade. We already have chairmen for the
'72 Campaign. Our goal now is 2,000 baptisms and souls
added in 2 weeks. (That is all the time Reggie could spare.)
Our team has finished 6 weeks of evangelistic meetings
working with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morris and the native.
Indian preachers and churches in South India. During this
six week campaign we held 166 meetings and traveled 5,000
I want to report that Art Morris is the hardest working,
fastest moving human being that I have ever been around. He
and his wife are also among the most sincere and dedicated
Christians I have ever known.
The Morris team - husband and wife - have built a truly
marvelous mission among the needy people of South India.
The evangelistic method of Art Morris revolves around a 4
prong thrust of the Gospel, 1. Establishing churches. During
the Morrises 21 years in India they have led in establishing
230 congregations. 2. The Bible College. The Southern Asia
Christian College is a 4 year college where Indian young men
are being trained to preach the Gospel. Approximately 300
preachers and leaders for the churches have been trained
during the Morris' 21 years of service. 3. Hostels. From the
start Mrs. Morris saw the need for boys hostels where young
men could be brought up in the nurture and admonition of
the Lord. Many of these former hostel boys are now church
leaders. 4. The Christian Hospital. We observed first hand the
6,000 in and out patients in the leper hospital work. We also
observed the T.B. and maternity hospital work of the
Morrises. With a 4 prong thrust such as this plus a background
of 21 years among these people it is little wonder that 2,573
souls could be baptized during an evangelistic meetmg.
Our 6 weeks with the Morrises is the one outstanding
spiritual event of our lives. Art Morris told us ahead of time
that he was putting his all into this evangelistic effort and
that it would be the campaign of his whole ministry. He
certainly lived up to this promise. Our whole team tried to
put our all into the effort also.
Christians in India and America prayed daily for these
meetings and certainly God answered prayer in a most re
markable way. We thank God for every soul won to Christ
and we thank God for the Arthur Morris family and their
faithful service in India.
Reggie Thomas
Page One
j,V-^ \
II V*rf(W8jJii
Rostovitt Twins
Bro. Reggie Thomas was the Convocation Speaker and the
Rostovit Twins sang on the impressive ceremony marking the
5th. Opening of the College.
Each year we are getting a better class of students. This
year we were so impressed with the new students. Most of the
old students are already preaching and came back telling of
the many souls they had won to Christ. Reggie challenged the
young men on their Duty to the Living Lord and the Lost
conditions of India. Later on when they were in Madras for
the week of special meetings he and the Rostovit twins taught
the combined classes for a week. Thanks, dear friends, who
sent them to India, for this one week alone was worth all that
it cost.
Truely the answer to India's need for preachers is a strong
Bible College in their own land. To send students to America
is costly and disappointing. We made a survey of all the
students sent from our churches in Asia and Africa and in no
case is it working out to send them to the States. Then let us
make our Bible College overseas strong. Let us send teachers
over to teach the young people there, instead of sending the
young people here.
In line with the program, we want to commend to the
Brotherhood at large the fine example of the Antioch
Christian Church, a rural church near Washington, Indiana.
They sacrificed and sent their preacher to India for 2 months.
The elders did the preaching, the young Timothies of the
church helped and they carried on, while their minister was
in India. The Churches of the area raised all the money and
sent Bro. Ron Barnes over for their teaching assignment. By
his being there, we were free to work with the Thomas's and
the Revival closed victoriously. Also they got to hear and
learn from another teacher. When one man can teach 50
students isn't that a wonderful thing? Ron gave his time
freely for the work and now is back home'carrying on an ever
greater work for the Lord. God bless you all.
We are so proud of our wonderful dedicated Indian
teachers. These men are on duty at least 18 hours a day,
every day. Now that I am here for one term our staff is
small. Bro. Elden Weesner of Tulsa, Oklahoma and my wife,
Ruth, are the only foreign teachers. Would you like to
sponsor a student for a year in Bible College? It costs only
$20.00 a month for 10 months. This amount pays his com
plete costs food, room, medicine, books and travel.
We try not to ask for food parcels, as we can get food in
India, but there are some things that we just can't get. If you
would like to help us on these items we would be so very
happy. All food parcels are also Duty Free. We just can't get
Jello, cake mixes, pudding mixes, canned meat - like Spam
or cheese. The ships take so long to come that if you mail it
in September, we will get it only by Christmas.
Page Two
We need books for our library. Just now we have 1,000
books in our Library. We urgently need another 2,000 books.
Many of the ones we have are very old and badly worn. We
just can't give a first class education without books. We need
Text books from our colleges, Bible teaching books and aids
of every kind. Remember many of our boys have been to
college, and all read English, for our classes are in English.
I can take them back when I go in December by ocean freight.
Churches, Youth Groups, Bible College Students, Preachers,
Retired Preachers, Anyone - HELP!
For further information contact Bro. Gene.
(Most urgently needed are Books on Life of Christ, Acts,.
Epistles, Christian Doctrine, Homoletics, Hermeneutics and
Old Testament.
Oldest student in adult literacy class. Age 77.
Never had read before. Art looks on.
Our many new converts need Bibles. We have none to give
to them. Can you help? Bible prices went up. Now a whole
Bible in Tamil or Telegu costs SI.30 and a New Testament
costs 35 cents. Please send the money for this labeled Bibles
to Bro. Gene or to the American Bible Society, designated for
us with the Bibles to be delivered to us in India. Remember,
dear friends, as we approach the Thanksgiving to Christmas
Season many of our churches give offerings to the American
Bible Society. If you designate it your money serves twice.
It helps them reach their goal and provides the Bibles for
your own Christians. Just ask them to send it to us through
the Bible Society of India, Bangalore, who will tell us to go
to the Madras and pick them up. Just now to bring us up
even we need $5,000 worth of Bibles. Every dollar is precious.
Bro. Reggie Thomas
We are happy to tell you that many newboys havejoined
our family since the last Challenger. We now have 300 children
that we take care of. We have 275 boys in the 3 boys homes
and 25 girls placed in different boarding homes until we have
our own. The girls are all studying in preparation for a career
in nursing and child care in our planned new hospital.
Ijust wish you could see these boys as they.come in, tired,
dirty and ragged. Never have we seen boys in such need. We
still need support for about 75 boys. Because this has not
come in, we are having a terrible time feeding and clothing
the boys we have. Another problem has arisen again. All the
gift wheat that we have been getting for the last 13 years is
beingsent to Bangala Desh to the Pakistani refugees who came
into India. Sowe must buy every mouth full of food they eat.
We are not complaining about the lost wheat, for this is one
of the greatest problems in the world today. Every day about
25,000 people starve to death from among these refugees. We
of CASA or CROP as it is called here are feeding about VA
million people a day. This is tremendous, but woefullyinad
equate, as there are 7,000,000 people there without food.
Ourhelp ismore than all the other relief agencies put together,
still it is not enough.
We need extra help bad now that all of our boy's food is
going to help the Refugees.
Did you ever think about adopting a Son in India? If so
now is the time that it is most urgently needed! It is only
$5.00 a month, and you will get a letter and picture and the
Arthur and Ruth Morris
S. India Church of Christ Mission
Madrapakkam Village
via Madras RMS
South India
Thomas N. Haney,
First Christian Church
Race and Spring Streets
Odon, Indiana 47562
Brother ARTHUR MORRIS of South India Church of
Christ Mission asks in behalf of many orphaned and homeless
boys, for help.
Will you; as an individual, a member of a Sunday School
Qass, or a Church accept the responsibility to provide home,
food, and school for one or more of these less fortunate
All this can be provided the boys for $5.00 per month.
The funds for the boys will be sent to the Odon Christian
Church, where the total amount is recorded and forwarded to
Eugene Houpt, Danville, Illinois, the forwarding agent for the
Morris family. There are no expenses involved, so your total
gift is used in India.
We would like for you to take an adoption form and fill it
out and mail it to the above Odon, Indiana address. In so
doing you are helping the South India Mission and making it
possible for a young boy to have Christian training and help.
When your application is received at Odon, we will assign
a boy to be "your boy" for as long as you wish to continue
to support this work. We will send you some brief informa
tion about your boy; such as: age, grade, religion. Also, we
do hope to be able to send you letters from your boy and
possibly a picture.
(indicate whether individual or group)
I desire to help the India Boys Home Work and Art Morris by:
l. Adopting a boy at $5.00 a month.
n 2. Giving a donation to the Boys Home Work.
D3. I desire to know more about this work and to receive
its newsletter, "The Drumbeat".
IZ|4. I will pray for the work which the Morris's are doing
in India.
Please check the space or spaces of interest and mail to:
Thomas Haney, Minister
First Christian Church
Race and Spring Streets
Odon, Indiana 47562
Thomas Haney
We want to thank each and every one of you wonderful
folk who have been so faithful in sending parcels. We are so
sorry that the post rate has gone up. Many are writing to ask
us if it is still good stewardship to send parcels when now
they cost so much. When we went to India you could send a
nice parcel to India for $1.00, then $3.00 and on to $5.00
and then $7.00, now it is about $ 10.00. We still need parcels
for bandages, used clothing, medicine and food, but it is so
very costly. We offer one suggestion. Instead of sending two
parcels, please send only one and the amount of the postage
for the other. With this high price of postage the money
would buy almost as much in goods in India as the value in
the parcel.
I know we have the most faithful bandage tearers and
rollers in the whole wide world. Please, Ladies, don't stop
completely, but for economy's sake you can limit the
activity. Don't forget that when you have 7,000 leper
patients plus 2,000 general cases it takes a lot of medicine.
We can sure use that extra money for this.
Page Three
For many years we have had a dream of building a proper
Acute General Hospital at Madrapakkam. There is no proper
hospital for many many miles and because of this many
patients needlessly die. We have to operate in a makeshift
room or out under the trees. We are the Official Leprosy
Hospital Unit for a large area in both Madras and Andhra
States. We have 4 large control areas in each state and each
control area is 100 square miles. Thus we have over 800
square miles of territory that is allotted to us. No one else
can come in this area and do leprosy treatment. Our program
is approved by the State Government and the Government of
India. Also by the UNICEF and WHO the world wide Health
Organizations. We are the only Church of Christ - Christian
Church hospital in the world that is accepted and approved
for Leprosy control. We also cooperate with the American
Leprosy Mission and the Leprosy Mission of London. We have
two doctors, one in Maternity and Pediatrics and the other
in full time Leprosy work. We have a staff of 26 trained and
dedicated workers. Now we stand at the Cross Roads. For
the last 13 years the Government of India has been asking
us to build adequate buildings for the work that we were
doing. When the people from London came out to make
"Under the Cloud called Ignorance", the movie on leprosy
hospitals in India they freely told us we had the worst
hospital buildings in all India and the world. We mentioned
this over and over again and when we were home in 1968-69
we told this over and over again. Still no one helped us to
remedy the situation. We met Dr. Pruitt and he agreed to
come out to India. In June of 1970 he came. They told him
of the need for new buildings and even demanded a new unit.
He promised that as soon as possible we would do the needful
and now they have issued an Ultamatim. "Build or give up
your area."
This leprosy work has been a tremendous boost to the
church work and yearly at least 500 souls are baptized into
Christ from this work. It is one of the best keys to open the
doors of the Indian heart. What shall we do? Sit down and
wait and lose out to others? No. We shall build a new Hospital
and keep our area, and win thousands more to Christ. For
this purpose and to answer the urgent need, I returned to the
States on August 20 and will be here until December 13.
Ruth, Patty and Sharon are still back in India carrying on the
work there, while I am here setting up this campaign. In this
area where we have the leprosy hospitals we have 225
churches, 100 village night schools and many adult literacy
schools. This is our main area where we have worked for the
last 21 years. We must not lose it.
Please don't give to the Hospital and stop the regular giv
ing, this is even now running behind. If you can give a little
more, then please remember the hospital. Please watch the
next Challenger for the newest details.
We plan to set up a 100 bed Acute General Hospital with
2 airconditioned operating theatres and staff quarters for the
American and Indian staff. We already have an American
Doctor and his family ready to come just as soon as the
building is built.
Page Four
Leper patient.
Just came in
for treatment.
V, -v;.
Patients waiting
for treatment
at the hospital.
Patient on
Joe & Art Morris
using common
means of

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