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1975 was the Anniversary Year for the Morrises. Yes, 25 YEARS COM

We are p.irl ol the National Leprosy CotJirol Program of India. They do not interlere in any way with our work nor do they contribute any funds,
or else we would not be able to use the hospital as an evangelistic tool

We arrived in Madras on June 3rtl, 1950 and started the South India
Church of Christ Mission work there. At this time there were just two small churches and 17 members of all the churches of Christian churches m S. In

The advantage we get from being a part of this is that we are accepted as a
proper and responsible member of the medical team and thus,no one can
lake over or sto|) our work.

dia. The preacher who had served there for Mrs. Rothermel and the Ragaul
Mission had done this much, but since he failed the 3rd ijrade, did not pos sess enough leadership to move on.






|)opulation and with around

22,000,000 born every year, you can imagine how busy our new facilities
We thank Dr. Pruett and FAME and all donors for their help in these won
derful new facilities.

It is the 40th anniversary of the starting of our Christian Church Mission

work in S. India. Back in the 19th century when our churches first opened

up India for the Lord, they ail went to the North, atul then to central India, but up until 1935 no one liad preached the Undenominational New Testa
ment message in the whole ()reat southern states of India.
Bro. Fred Smith and Dr. Mrs. Rolherntel did what they could lor the in fant church, but distance and language prevented real growth.

5. Children's Homes Evangelism. 01 all the tools in our kit, this has been

the most uselul, lor it not only saved the boys' lives, but it trained Christian

We, the first missionaries on the field, arrived with only a typewriter, re
cord player, and small generator, and hope.

Ruth started this project with the tithing Iromour family and a fewboys ii a useless shed. It grew and grew and today there are eight children's
homes, seven of them lor boys and a new one for girls. Most of our people are from.the backward classes and aggressive Christian leadership from this group is almost impossible. By the boys being with us and in close contact teaching for many years, they have changed completely. Of the over 1,000 boys trained in our homes for the last 21 years, now 225 of them are preaching every Sunday. It is the former Boys Home boys who work in the hospital and win souls there, who teach in the Bible colleges and who provide the aggressive leadership in the Indian church.

When we left the ship, we had only S75.00 and then $50.00 of that went for customs duty, leaving us with only $25.00 in a strange country half way around the world. We did not know the language, customs or culture and did not have any pledged support lor the work we would start. We just praise God for His love and blessings through these 25 years.

Though we did not write often, or visit them much, our partners in this program have been so very faithful all these years. Not one of the original Living Link churches have stopped giving, and so many of our regular sup porters have been with us for over 20 years. We praise God for you and your

The girls home has grown slower and now there are 75 girls. First year
there were 30 and then 50 and now 75. They learn stitching and homemaking along with their other school work.


The work has always been an India church and the faithful preachers and
their families have worked tirelessly and unselfishly for ail these years.

There were only two churches and by 1955 it grew up to 50 and then by 1962 to 100 and by 1968 to 200 and now there are 434 churches and over 35,000 active members in the three states of S. India. Many of the older preachers have won over 1,000 souls and some over 2,000. Now in our area north of Madras, we are the largest Christian group, and
our members are active in all phases of the comrnunity.

There are now 450 boys in the seven homes and most of the translators in our recent campaign were Boys Home boys. Praise God for this tool. 6. Rural Development Evangelism. This tool has been most helpful in opening doors for the Gospel. We have dug wells and laid roads and built school buildings as part of our Food Distribution program. Millions of dol lars worth of food has been used in this program and sometimes as high as 75,000 meals a day were supplied. It is an unusual program for us, but there
was a need and we made a program to fit it. In our recent well deepening

program, the Minister of Revenue, a top official of the Tamilnadu Govern ment made the following statement, "Mr. Morris, we love you, because you
love us". I think this explains this project. It is caring and sharing in every way lor the whole man in Order to win him to Christ.

In medical care, we have a lovely new Christian hospital, which will have
the finest medical center north of Madras. It is not quite complete, because

of lack of funds, but has been in use ever since last November and by Indian standards is already BEAUTIFUL. We still need bathrooms, beds, and cha pel, but our three doctors are already rushed to do the necessary work for
the masses of patients now.

There are three of our Boys Home boys who went on to the University
and graduated who do this project now.

7. Bible college evangelism. We have three Bible colleges now and an en

rollment of 160 young men a year. This is still not adequate to train all the leaders we need but it really helps. Southern Asia Christian College in Madras, our first English medium Bible

In 1974, we had the only Volunteer Famine Feeding Program in our dis
trict for the victims of the severe drought. We fed over 9,000 people a day

in 52 feeding centers. There was not one starvation death in any of these vil

college was started in 1967, and now at last has its own beautiful new cam pus in Kilpauk, Madras. Here the students have to be high school graduates
and we teach similiar to any American Bible college.


In Madrapakkam, there are two more Bible colleges, the Tan>il College for

young men who did not finish their school but who want to preach and tin;
Telegu College for similiar young nten from the Telegu field. Reading and writing is the only educational requirement, that is in their own ntoiher ton

We have used every tool and method that we know to build His church in India. Some are very effective and some lesser and so by now we have hit upon the things and methods that work in our area. By diligent use of the following methods, we see a strong active church taking shape. 1. Our first tool was educational evangelism. We had up to 83 village

schools teaching 7,500 children, and then they weretaken over by the Gov
ernment. We are still winning some of our former students.

2. Night schools were our next major tool and this method won literally
thousands and now some daily because of these schools. At one time, we
had 320 schools and 15,000 students.

3. Adult literacy has been our faithful friend and we still use this tool. The first book the new literate gets is the book of John and out of 500 in
one test there were 306 who read themselves into Christianity. I was on the

revision committee of the Telegu Primer and am using it widely. The Tamil
Primer is old and useless now and we have prepared a new Tamil reader

which we are waiting to print for lack of funds. Just think, there are 15,000,000 Tamils who need to learn to read and millions could be won to

4. Medical evangelism has been a tremendous tool in the success here ever since our first hospital was started for S5.00 in August, 1950. We had only one nurse and one bed and today have three doctors and 80 beds. Our lady doctor is busy with maternity atd pediatrics, while the general doctor and
is full time with the over 7,000 cases.

We have a staff of 16 Bible college teachers and Ruth and I are the only Americans. The mass evangelism can come only because of these. 8. Mass Evangelism and Evangelistic Bands. This is our final tool and the one we are using so effectively now. In the last five years, there has been al most 20,000 souls won to Christ so you can see it is working. We thank Bro. Reggie Thomas for his many crusades and Bro. David Thomas for his training thousands of our workers. We thank Bro. Cecil Todd for bringing 72 Americans for the great January Campaign. While they were there, we had over 6,000 souls saved and added to His church. Our Village Evangelistic Bands work 25 days a month in preaching and soul winning evangelistic meetings. Each team has visual aids, sound set and projector so they can present the story of Christ to new villages. In the last 12 months, these three teams have won almost 2,000 souls to Christ. These teams and our guests and the 435 dedicated preachers make up our Team. We wish to thank our wonderful, faithful forwarding agents. Gene and Alice Houpt. They have been with us almost 25 years and have given literal
ly untold thousands of dollars of time for the work. Our children are: David, now married and living in West Virginia; Patty, living in Boston; Joe, at home, and Sharon, in 5th grade. Thank you all with all our hearts for your love and trust all these years.

superintendent are treating all general cases and operations. Our leprologist
We treat over 1,200 school children in our school clinics and last year 344 were cured of leprosy. Those with claw hands are operated on and made useful meml)ers of society again and thousands of ulcer cases are treated
each year.

ADMS3:Art unU Mm. Hulh Morns iturtough). 1008 Kelly Street.

Ellettsvilh. iAt--^7429rFA--OT-Euiiune Hoimh-firOr-BaiL-ZlS^ Danville. IL


Arthur Morris was born and reared in Daviess County, Indiana.

First Christian Church, Washington, Indiana.

His home church is

Art is a graduate of The Cincinnati Bible Seminary with the class of 1948. for the first term of service in India.


completed graduate work toward an advanced degree in 1950 just before leaving
Now in India he and Ruth are both working

on the B.D. degree through Serampore University.

Art married the former Ruth Rice in December, 1946.

of CBS.
work of South India Church of Christ Mission.

Mrs. Morris is also a graduate

They with their young son arrived in India on June 3, 1950, to begin the
At that time there were 17 Christians,

two congregations and one faithful preacher.

These were products of the missionary

Today the work is very vast. The

work of Dr. Rothermel and the Fred Smith family.

area being served is over 800 miles in length and 250 miles in width.

Over 150

million people live in this area.

There are over

have been won to Christ

in-^^ears. There are more than 800 congregations; more than 500 trained preachers.
The work also includes Christian Hospital at Madrapakkam; seven homes for children

(five for boys and two for girls); Southern Asia Christian Collegea fully accredited
Bible College in Madras; and an extensive printing ministry and rural development


Art and Ruth Morris are the only non-Indian people involved in the work

of the South India Church of Christ Mission in India.

The Morrises have two sons, two daughters and one granddaughter.

Art Morris is serving as president of The National Missionary Convention for

Added note from the forwarding agent:
When Art Morris began his training at The Cincinnati Bible Seminary, he had a

terrible speech impediment.

Some advised him to forget about being a preacher;

But the Lord has greatly used

others advised against going to the mission field.

this man who refused to give up.

The speech handicap was overcome.

A voice has

been heard by thousands who have responded to the Lord.






Who's "They" ?
Where's "Home"?

!I?hey,..are Art L Ruth Morris

Home . is Madras, India

After a trief, md busy f\irlough, Art and Ruth are hack "home" at Madras, and are

"busy at the v;orlc of the South India Mission,


In a recent letter, Art des^_ibed_.1iheir

"We are "back home a^ain in India, and so very glad to "be here.
We were met at tiie airport by Mr. d Mrs, Myers and their two sons, Philip and Scotty, and about fifty of the Indian Ch\irch leaders.

, lEhey had so many garlands to give us, that it looked like we were in a funeral. My, vrhat a happy time this vjas."
How then, WIlAT^S THE LIT^-LE PROBM" 7 Briefly e^^lained, the problem is this.,. The Mission treasury was a little low when it came time to purchase Art & Ruth's air fare

for their return, and it v;as necessary to put the cost on a charge card. A nine month credit contract was arranged for repayment. As all of us know, credit cards are NOT interest free, so this means an additional expense, over and above the basic plane fare.

Who's 14ie "WE" ?

...(as in, WE'VE got a little problem).

First, the "WB", is the Treasurer and the Board of Trustees, v/ho are charged with the operation, and the payment of incurred bills of the Mission, It's rather difficult to pay bills when you

don't have enough funds to go around. Second, the "WE", are the supporters of Suth and Art... WE,.,being individual contributors, Bible School classes, and Churches.
What's the solution ? The First "Vffi" , are asking the Second "WE", to make a

^special effort to increase your contributions in the next month. If each Church, Bible School class, and individual would make a special sacrifice to send us an extra offering, vje would be able to reduce substantially, our present financial pinch. This is a doubly difficult time, because the summer months are upon us, and they are always slow, as far as contributions go. So "WE'EB" appealing to you for a little help. Will you send us
that special offering todzy?
South India Church of Christ Mission P. 0, Box 215

Danville, Illinois


the only v;ord. we can use to descrite your hospitality during Art &. Ruth's recent furlough,
e certainly wish to thank all

Ideally, tiie "best way to see what a missionary is doing is to visit the field. However, this is not always possible due
to the eroense involved.

those who provided lodging, transportation,

and meals.

The next "best v;ay is a secondhand

look through slides .cr-films. "^y writing

to Eugene Houpt at liie Mission address,
you can schedule a slide program or a,
l6mm film of tiie v;ork.

Without your help, furloughs would "be an endless, "boring round of motels and restaurants. 3?he service you provide is

You can adopt an orphaned or home

less "boy or girl for $7,00 per month.

Ve are always in need of GOOD used clothing. If you would, care to send any, let me pass along a few tips, Heep your packages small, since duty is charged "by weight. If you v/ish to send lIBtf clothing,
wash i t first, then it can legally
"be declared as USED.

You can train a selfsr5)porting

preacher for only $10,00 per month.

You can contri"bute a Bil)le in the

Indian language for only $2.00, or a Hew

Testament for only 75^


You can provide ptranspotation for a native preacher for TBH TBAEJS for only $50,00, "by "buying him a "bicycle.
These are just SOME of the ways that you help with the work in India.

Please remem"ber that India is a

hot climate couiitry, so your clothing should "be lightweight.

Pray ahout it, and then v^rite Gene Hoi^t

of your intentions,

South India Church of Christ Mission P, 0, Box 215

Non-profit Organizatioi
U,S. Postage Paid Akron, Ohio

Danville, Illinois


Permit! 189
SOX \77


Address correction requested Return Postage Guaranteed


2 1976

Merry Christmas
\m Dear Friends in Chris_ . ..

ttappy New Year


MADM'S 600 OOe


We are so happy to write to you this Christmas time and thank you for your help to us In the past'^
and especially in 1976.

it has been a great year, both on furlough in States and in reorganizing and regular work here.
We want to share an unusual Christmas Card with you.


We now have 8 homes for almost 500 children.


are 2 girls homes and 6 boys homes, where those poor unfortunate children get a Christian
home and loving care.

'^3 is for HOSPITAL. Both the General and Leprosy units work together with 3fine Christian
doctors and 32 staff to heal thousands in the name of Jesus.

Is for RURAL DEVELOPMENT. Digging wells and teaching adults to read and better health measures, along with new crops and love means a new Village.

Is for INDIA.

There are now 640,000,000 people in India, the largest democracy and

second largest country on earth.

is for SCHOOL for the Word.

Think of it 98% do not know Christ or Christmas.

There are now 3 Bible College in 3 languages with over

110 young full time ministerial students.

Pray for them.

is for TEAMS. The Three wonderful Gospel Teams that are out in the villages for 25 days a month. Rain or shine they are there witnessing and winning over 1000 souls in 1976.

w a

is for MISSION. That is YOU, dear supporters and us and the dedicated men and women of India, all together. It is not us alone, but now over 500 Dedicated families working in
harmony under God to build His Church In India.
Is for the ASSOCIATION. We trained the men of India to look after their own Church

and now the Church of Christ In India is almost Self Governing and we are free to Evangelize and teach. is for SUNDAY SCHOOLS. We now have over 9000 regular Sunday School children In over 500 places. From the slums of Madras to farthest village, the Good news Is taught each week. This makes evangelism possible.

God bless and keep you wonderful folk who help us make this all possible. everyday.

Please pray for us

Your Co-workers In HI

ron Morris



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How We Celebrated Christmas in the

Boys Home of India, 1976

The celebration of Christmas always starts with the decoration of each

and every Home. Crepe paper streamers are hung and other paper
decorations are made with loving care.
just this time.

On the first day of December,

carolling is started, which continues almost all month long. It stops only when the children have to study for exams, which unfortunately come at
Next the dramas are prepared and practised. This year great and
patient care had gone into just the right selection and these dramas are
given publicly. Many who have never heard of Christ have seen for the first time how He came to this earth as a babe. There is such excitement

at this time because mike sets have to be brought in and lights and platforms put up. Then there is the garlanding of the chief guests, and
several small speeches must be given.
is over, the special meals must be eaten.

After this ever-old, ever new drama

This year exceeded anything that we have ever witnessed before, because of your love for these children. They have been overwhelmed with

your care and love for them. I really think your love was just like a bright light flowing from overseas to them here in rather dark Madrapakkam. But it
wasn't dark for long, as drama after drama was shown and functions attended.

On Christmas Day, the big event of course is Church early in the morning. All the Christians meet to thank God for the gift of His Son, as
they did again this year. We are thrilled that the Christians here in India

put Jesus first on Christmas Day. They do not open gifts on Christmas Morning as we do in USA, nor do they hang stockings. But they are generously giving gifts all day long and show hospitality to one and all who
come to their door.
Kalam Anai Dupet Home welcomes Ruth

Christmas Vacationa visit to the Beach

For those of you who sent special gifts for general and birthdays, that gift is also included in the list above. We have needed pots and pans for the kitchens, repair on the dining hall, also the well we are trying to dig or bore in Madarapakkam is still unfinished. The well is 125 ft. deep now, and we may have to get heavier equipment in to finish it up. One building is being put up in stone and is about 3' above the ground. As funds come in we will finish these projects, and try to get all home located in good areas, for the benefit of the children living in them. We know you will not forget us in 1977. And now we must close this little supplement, but not before we wish you a



madr\pa;u;am VIA GUMiViu3i^o;;Di pjsr

SOJi'i'l I4iu'-A

We have so many wonderful firends overseas that it is hard to limit

Christmas to just one day.

Our wonderful forwarding agent, Mr. and Mrs.

Eugene Houpt, along now with other well-wishers, send money for a goat so we can ail enjoy a lovely curry meal on Christmas. This year they sent
enough that all the families of the Church in Madrapakkam could meet and
eat together.

Almost a month before Christmas, Aruldoss, who you know is our right hand and our ever gracious helper in all our Homes' works (as well as others), and Art went to buy some of the gifts with the money you sent. As the month progressed, and more and more gifts came in, they felt like

the original Santa Claus. I want to just make a list of some of the things we were able to get for the children; so you can enjoy this part of
Christmas with us.

We had 110 lbs. of sugar for making special Indian sweets.

Karem boards for all the 8 Homes Hundreds of marbles for all the

Newclothes forall the boys and girls Cricket sets for 2 homes

small boys and girls Sling shots for all the small boys

Volley Ball sets for all 8 Homes Weight lifting sets for 3 Homes Football for 5 Homes for the big boys Ring toss for all the small children Shot put sets for 2 Homes Checkers, snakes and ladders and small games for all the Homes. A new pair of thongs for all the children, both boys and girls.

Every child got an eraser and ruler and either a pencil or pen, depend
ing on his or her grade.

The girls all got hair ribbons, clips and pins, mirrors and combs, as
well as jumping ropes.

We bought 100 Bibles with the gift of $ 50.00 that came for Bibles.
We bought also 5 big goats and these were all used for the Christmas

dinner. The goats were fed and made fat so the mutton was very tender. We made sweets by the hundreds and all got their fill of lovely Indian sweets.

Besides the many new clothes from the sponsors in the way of gift parcels, we had many parcels of good used clothing, so almost everyone got something from these too. All the High School seniors at Madrapakkam
got new long pants and shirts and did they ever look handsome and fine I It is wonderful working with children. Who knows the potential that

is hidden in these little hearts ? Perhaps by your help your child may be a
great leader of the Church or Government or business. The children in our

Homes have longed to be people, with hopes and dreams that would be
possible for them. Because of you, these dreams can be realized. It is not

just that you are helping to feed and clothe a hungry little boy or girl. It is that you are remodelling, remaking a life. You are giving them the water from which a great tree can grow. May God bless you for your
interest in each and every precious little child in the Homes.

We do not want to stop this little letter to you, but must get It in the printers. But not until we have sent a great big THANK YOU to all the

staff at the First Christian Church, Odon, Indiana. Bro. Tom Haney,
Leila and Mrs. Brown have taken on a giant size job. With what love and care they transfer your wishes and hopes over to us, and who knows how

many long, struggling hours Mrs. Brown has donated to match sponsor and
child ? On behalf of Art and myself, Bro. Aruldoss and ail the staff of the Homes, as well as the boys and girls of each Home, we HEARTILY THANK

Yours in His Service,


Juanita Beall

Sylvia Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hook

Donna Newkirk

Mrs. Nancy L. Feola Loyal Ladies S. S. Class, Carlisle, Ky.

Mars Hill Church of Christ,

Mr. and Mrs. Alvis Kettery Dorothy Guinn

Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Plew Mr. and Mrs. Merle Darst

First Christian Church of Castro

Valley South Range Church of Christ,

Nova Scotia

Palmyra Missionary Ladies

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Skidmore

Home Builders Bible Class, Butler,


Missionary Circle, Johnston City, II Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Stump, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Purcell
Dora M. Kumraw Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sears

Mr. and Mrs. Bart Vergano

Mrs. Leta Woodbury

Mr. and Mrs. William Stump

Paul B. Efaw
Miss Ina Botts.

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas

E. Braithwaite

Mr. and Mrs. Copenhefer

Olive F. Pattisen

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Charles 0. Swickard Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baker

WCS Ladies Organization, Saybrook, III.

Diana Dunn

Dr. and Mrs. Roy DeMotte

Mr. and Mrs. William Wall Mrs. James Davis Clarence W. Garten

Mrs. Jesse Payne Mr. and Mrs. Terry Corwin Missionary Society, Chrisman, 111.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morris Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sims Mr. and Mrs. Glenwood Listen

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Riley

Mr. and Mrs. Obert G. Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Sedwick Sue Farren Mr. and Mrs. Calvin

CWF, Williamsport, In.

Women's Council, Oakland City, In.

Mrs, Oscar Pierson

Mr. and Mrs. John Lyie

Hazel Rosenbaum

First Christian Church, Hillsboro, Mo.

Emett L. Mull

Mrs. Frances Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Randall Rink Sharon L. Vernon

Mrs. Henry Roberts

Sue Belcher Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Hartman

Woodland Christian Church, Texas

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Hooks Christian Missionary Women,

Brazil, In. Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Frum

Maxine Logsdon Vera Temple Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Payne

Edna Huddleson Mrs. Phil Cramer Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Radcliffe

Mr. and Mrs. Rovert Huges

Hoovensen Hts. Church of Christ Mr. and Mrs. Chester H. Talbott

Janet Moody
Golden Rule Class, Cedar Lake
Church of Christ Mrs. Ed. Lukacs

Pairs and Spares, Lake Ave.

Christian Ch. Mamie Beaver

Women's Group, Madisonville,


Esther Circle, LaHabra, Calif. Christian Mission Council, Russellville, O.

Mrs. Walter Gibbs

Franklin Hts. Christian Church,

Vincennes, In.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Morris Crusaders Class, Antioch Christian


Go Ye Missions, Zeigler, III Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harbison

Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Habeggere

The Special Goats for Christinas Dinner

Shoes for every Boy and Girl

Christmas, 1976 will be long remembered in Madarapakkam and the

Homes here in India. Never have we experienced such a shower of blessings. Your cards, letters, special Christmas wishes, and most of all your gifts of love to these children have brought the spirit of Christ to each

and every child. No one was neglected, and there is still a lingering air of
happiness in the faces of these children.

You can rejoice because you have helped in this happiness. I am listing those who have helped just because we are so proud of you and want all to know of your love and sharing. As the list is a bit long, I know you will understand that I can just list your name, but we will be writing to
you personally also.
West Akron Church of Christ and Bible School Warwood Christian Church Ellettsville Christian Church

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hilgedick Night study Group, Sapulpa, OkIa Jeanette Young
Ada 8. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cole

Mt. Tabor Women's Fellowship First Christian Church, Sapulpa,


Couples Class, Shoals, In

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Anderson

Missionary Society, Warwood

Christian Church

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fulk

Mrs. Howard Leslie Mrs. Brenda Teaford

Woodlawn Women's Fellowship Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hilgedick

Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Bond

Judy Jones
Marie Anness

Holmesville Church of Christ, Missionary Fund

Missionary Circle, Stanton,

Christian Church James Wade Mrs. Gerber
The Real Spirit of Christmas

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Copenhefer Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Kehl

T -

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