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Important - An Open Letter to President of America

Only Knowledge can bring paradigm shift in human thinking and lead humanity from brink of disaster to Golden Age
To Hon. President of United States of America Dear President Your office is the most power full office determining the fate of humanity on earth. I have lost count of the letters I wrote to your office since 9/11/2001. - I was striving to communicate one fact that war is not a solution - Solution is knowledge or Truth that evolves our thinking and brings transformative change in pathologically criminal mind of humanity. Both governing machinery and governed benefits out of knowledge Though not an American citizen I had fallowed your speeches and looked to you with hope for "Change" for the whole world. I had tapped your door through post and innumerable times through White House Site, sharing with you the knowledge acquired by Grace that is vital to humanity, its evolution and survival. As the world is poised in a critical state. I am doing my duty by writing to you. The world is endangered by two counts. Both has its roots in our ignorance 1] Global Warming and increasing climate catastrophes - there is debate on this subject as millions are being affected globally. This reality needs to be understood in terms of conservation of energy and matter and earth's struggle to maintain certain equilibrium. Earth has

"Principle and Parallel world design" by which it conserves its energy to matter ratio. There is a simultaneous day and night cycle which are opposing. When ratio favors energy in one cycle, in the other cycle it favors matter and thus balances itself. Since industrial period we have been exponentially increasing the heat of the environment and decreasing the forest in the name of urbanization. Plants are known to absorb light and heat. The loss of greenery and the fact that with globalization we have intruded in to the night cycle when she cools the system has further aggravated the situation. It is common sense that any system that is heated unilaterally will break down. We are witnessing natural catastrophes in the form fire/wind, flashflood/snows, cloud burst, earthquakes. It is common sense that two basic opposing forces the unwinding force of heat/sun and winding force water/earth governs the climate. When they give way to one another forming climate cycle. With exponential increase in heat of the environment, the loss of water from earth increases. It is apparent that all this water has to condense and fall. This is manifesting as flash floods, cloud burst and so on. The winding force of earth is causing chain of earth quakes. The end result of this would be huge volcanic eruptions that virtually turn inside out. We have proofs of many civilization buried in earth and water. Volcanic dust is known to cool and herald sudden ice age. The fallowing documentary speaks many scientific realities that all leaders should be aware of - Global Warming or a New Ice Age: Documentary Film

The symptoms we see around the world are the symptoms of nonlinear system that has reached its critical limit. The system is trying to evolve into new order. Unless it is facilitated by knowledge, we might end in paying huge price- Noble laureate James Lovelock has warned humanity about this destruction through increased heat.

The solution here is very simple - Reduce intervention into night

cycle. Develop global energy management of earth's environment. Develop technologies that release less heat. Tap the energy of the environment to reduce the volatility 2] More important than human ignorance of Nature and her working, is human ignorance of God. Much of the war, terrorism and bloodshed is fuelled by it. Human being empowered with the power of the material world is poised for self destruction in the name of God. Behind all major war exist an unseen hand of religious institutions trying to establish its religion, its power and human greed for material advancement. Most religions preach that they are God's ambassadors and pictures other religion as evil. Humans create religions twisting God's words to their advantage. In order to hide their evil intent, they picture others as enemy. The truth is that there is nothing called opposite and enemy. We are all one in God. The only evil I see is the evil of "Self" that distances us from God and leads to excessive materialism and destruction of our abode. Only when the world awakens scientifically to God in a simple manner such that common man understand it, will the world see peace and order and true prosperity. Only this can lead us to true spirituality and bring peace to the world. I have strived at this goal through a life time work, after I gave up a lucrative career in

Biotechnology to make nature my laboratory [gave up Plato's chair] . In the fallowing link I have summarized these facts. For the sake of humanity as a whole, I request you to look into the matter.
3] Yes, there will be a global opposition when we have to make Paradigm shift in our thinking. This opposition is bound to come from the big lobbies in religions, energy, medical and food sector. When truth is known as a science and when they realize that their life and their loved one's life is closely interlinked with this Truth, I am sure they will yield. We can have smooth transition from "information Era" to "knowledge era" discovering universe as living conscious and intelligent being. Once the new foundation is laid the brilliant minds in temples of science can work to develop new technologies in every field of human interest - energy, health/medicine, food/agriculture and so on. Life can give a billion clues for these technologies. New space can be created for human growth. The potentiality in life can be understood from the fact that a human heart pumps blood along 100000 KM of blood vessels 20/times per minute, carrying many trillions of cells, in addition it processes huge amount information and carries out various other functions of life on few pieces of bread and water. What is important to note is that the net amount of heat it releases into the environment is negligible. Note - The ancient Rishi's of India have shown that they can live for years without food and water by just taking energy form the environment and release energy that creates order to the environment than disorder.

We are under evolution force directed to awakening of humanity to Truth. The information era is part of it. Any attempt to subdue it by force will be suicidal. The foundation of America is built on freedom, one cannot go back on it. The only way out is to evolve the world into "knowledge era". This awakening can bring peace to the world and herald the Golden Age, where people become self disciplined and Love, Truth and Justice prevails not at gun point, but spontaneously and effortlessly. Your action on this is letter is vital. I hope you will act to save the world and evolve it to Golden Age Thanking You yours truly John Paily [] Date 01/07/2013

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