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( )
( / /)

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University of Baghdad
College of Engineering
Department of Architectural Engineering

) (

) (


) ( .
) -: ()- (

) (
) (


) (

) : () (

- ...........................................................................................................................

--- ) ........................................................................................... (THE CITY
: ......................................................................
: .............................................................................
--- .....................................................................................................
---- ................................................................................
: .............................................................
: ...............................................................
: ........................................................................
: .......................................................................
---- ...............................................................................
: ........................................................
: ............................................................
: ......................................................................
---- .....................................................................
: ...........................................
: ..................................................
--- ..........................................................................................
---- ...........................................................................
---- ..................................................................
--- ...................................................................................
--- ...............................................................
---- ....................

---- ..................................................................
: ) .......................................................... (Place Theory
: ) ..................................................... (Linkage Theory
: ) ..................................... (Figure-Ground Theory
--- ................................................................................
---- ..........................................................................
: ................................................
: ..................................................................
: .......................................................
: ......................................................................
---- .........................................................................
: ) ........................................ (Urban Form
: .........................................................
: ) ..................................................................... (Skyline
. ) ............................................................... (Silhouette
. ) ........................................... (Panorama
---- ..................................................................
: .....................................................................
: .........................................................................
: ............................................................
: .................................................................
--- ..................................................................................................
--- ...................................................................................................
: .....................................
: ........................................

--- ......................................................................................
--- ) ................................................................... (Transformations
--- ...............................................................................................
---- ) .............................................................. (Changing
---- ) ................................................................. (Shifting
---- ) .......................................................... (Transforming
--- ......................................................
--- ....................................................
---- ..................................................................................
---- ...............................................................................

--- ..............................................................................................
: ................................................................................
: ........................................................................................
: ........................................................................
--- .........................................................................................
: ..................................................................
: ...................................................................
: ...........................................................................

- ................................
--- ..............................................................................
---- ....................................................................................
---- ..................................................
---- ..........................................................
--- ..........................................
--- ...............................................................................................
--- ...............................................................................................
---- ..............................................................
---- ............................................................
--- ....................................................................
---- .............................................................................
---- ......................................................................................
---- ................................................................
- --- ......................................................................
--- ...................................................................
--- .................................................................
---- .............................................................................
---- ...............................................................................
--- ...................................................................................................
---- ....................................
---- ..............................................................
---- ....................................
--- ..........................................................................................................
---- .....................................................................
---- .............................................................
--- .......................................

--- ...................................................................................
--- .....................................................................................
: ........................................................................................
: ......................................................................
: ......................................................
--- .........................................................................
---- .....................................................
---- ....................................


--- ) (REHABIED ............................................
---- ................................................
---- ..........................................................................
: ...............................................................................
: .....................................................................................
: ..................................................................................
: ........................................................................................
: .....................................................................................
--- ) ............................................................................. (AKDN
---- ...........................................................
: ..........................................................................
: ..................................
: .................................................
---- .............................................................................
: .............................................
: ..............................................................
: .........................................
--- .........................................................................................................
---- .....................................................
: ...............................................
: .............................................
: ....................................
---- ...................................................
: .................................................
: ................................................
: .............................................................
--- ) .......................... (I.N.T.B.A.U
--- ............................................................................................

--- )( ..................................................
---- ...................................................
)( ...............................................................:
) ( ............................................... :
) ( ....................................................... :
---- ............................................................
---- ..............................................
: .........................................................................
: ......................................................................
: ..........................................................
: .............................................................................
: ...........................................................................
: ..................................................................
: ................................................................
--- ...........................................................................
---- ...............................................................................
: .......................................................
: .................................
: ..............................................
: .....................................................
---- ....................................................................
: .....................................................
: .........................................................
: ..........................................
: ...........................................

- ................................
--- .....................................................
: ...................................................
: .................................................
--- ...............................................................................
--- .....................................................
--- ............................................................. .
---- ............................ .
---- ............................ .
---- ............................ .
---- ............................ .

--- .............................................................................
---- .......................................................................
: .................................................................
. ..........................................................................
. .........................................................................
: ..................................................................................
. .........................................................................
. ........................................................................
. ............................................................................
---- ..........................................................................
: ..........................................................................
: ..........................................................................
--- ............................................................................
---- - ...................................................
: ......................................................................................
: ................................................................................
: ..................................................................................
: .........................................................................
---- .................................................................
: .....................................................................
. .....................................................................
. ......................................................................
: ..........................................................................
. ...........................................................................
. .........................................................................
--- ...........................................
: ..............................................
: ........................................................................
--- ..........................



) (- .....................................................................................
) (- ....................................................................................................
) (- )( .........................................................
) (- ...........................................................................
) (- )( ...................................................
) (- ..........................................................................
) (- ..........................................................
) (- ..............................................................
) (- .............................................................................
) (- )-( ........................................
) (- )( - .......................-
) (- : )( ......................................................

) (- ) ( - ...................................................-
) (- - ............................................................-
) (- ) ( - .........................................-
) (- ) (- ........................................ .-
) (- ) ( - ........................-
) (- ) ( - ......................-

) (- - ..............................................................-
) (- ) ( - ........................-
) (- ) ( - ...............................-
) (- ) (Broadacre City - ........................-
) (- - ....................................-
) (- - ................................................................................................-
) (- - .......................................................-
) (- ) (Giambattista Nolli - ........................................-
) (- - ................................................................................-
) (- - .......................................................-

) (- ) ( - ...............................-
) (- ) ( - ..........................................-
) (- )- ........................................................ (Cullen-
) (- )- ................................. (Gordon Cullen-
) (- - ...............................................-
) (- ) (skyline-panorama - ...............................-
) (- ) (- ....................... .-
) (- - ...............................-
) (- - ..................-
) (- - ...........................................-
) (- - .......................-
) (- - .........................-
) (- ) ( - ........................................ .-
) (- - ...................................................................-
) (- - ............................................-
) (- ) :(The Formalist Stance - ..........................................-
) (- - .............................................-
) (- ) (Revitalization - ...........................................-
) (- - ......................-
) :(- ) (Rehabied - ...............................-
) (- , - .......................-
) (- - ..............................................................-
) (- / - ....................................................-
) (- / - ....................................................-
) :(- ) ( ...................
) :(- - .......................-
) :(- ) ( - .........................-
) (- ) ( - .......................................-
) (- )( - ..................................-
) (- )( - .........................-
) (- ) ) .(.(- .................-
) (- ) ) .(.( - ....................-
) (- ) ) .(.( - ....................-
) (- ) ) .(.( - .................-
) (- ) ) .(.( - .....................-
) (- -- ........................... .-
) (- ) : ( - ...............................-
) (- ) : ( - ....................................-
) (- ) ( - ................................-
) (- ) ( - ..................................-

. )
( )


) (


) (
) ( .

)) ()- ((
( )




) (
) ( .

) (
)) ()- ((
) ( .

) (.

) ( .

) : --
( -:


) (

) (

) : () (


( .



) (.

) ( .
) (



)( -:
) (



) (

) (
) (

) ( ) (

)) ()-((

) (









[Bridge & Watson, 2002, P.10] .

) (Rossi

[Rossi, 1984, P.35] .

[Steinberg, 2008, P.7] .

] . [

] .

[Newman & Jennings, 2008, P.32-33] .

) ( ) (

[Hamilton, 2005, P.92] . .
] . [, )(Lynch

[Lynch, 1984, P.5] .
] . [

: .
: .
] . [-

] . [

[Gordon, 2006, P.9-10].

)( )(
] . [

] [-

) ( (.

[Cooke, 2002, P.10] .

[Eisner, 1993, P.74] .

[Carmona, & Tiesdell, 2007, P.70] .

) (
[Banerjee & Southworth, 1996, P.37-38] .

) (Camillo Sitte
) ( [Carmona, & Tiesdell, 2007, P.70] .

) ( -:


)) ((.
) (Mumford
(What Is A City?) :

[Legates & Stout, 1996, P.183] .

) (Spatial Structure
) ( .

) ([Bertaud,2001, P1] .
: )? (What Is A City ) (Lewis Mumford )) Architectural Record
((1937 ).(The City Cultures Reader, P.28-32

) (
[Legates & Stout, 1996, P.185] .


[Legates & Stout, 1996, P.183] .
)) ((.
(Ernest W. Burgess)

[Legates & Stout, 1996, P.20-27] .

) [Legates & Stout, 1996, P.23-25] .(-
)) ) (Menial Life((.
) ( (Georg Simmel)

) (

)( .

[Miles & Hall, 2004, P.13] .

) (Ernest Watson Burgess )-(.

) ( ) American Sociological
) .(Association (ASA
: )(The Growth Of The City: An Introduction To A Research Project
) (Ernest W. Burgess ) (The City (1925) Ernest W. Burgess
).(The City Cultures Reader, P.20-27
: ) (The Metropolis And Mental Life ) Georg
(Simmel )] (The Sociology Of Georg Simmel(1950) [1903
).(The City Cultures Reader, P.12-19
) (Georg Simmel )-(
. )(
) ( . .

) (

[Miles & Hall, 2004, P.13] .
)) )( )(((.
(Siegfried Kracauer) ) (

) (

) (
[Miles & Hall, 2004, P.38] .
)( ) (

[Miles & Hall, 2004, P.33-34].

)( )(
)( )(
)) ((.
) (Bernard Tschumi ) (Event-Cities

[Casey, 1997, P.309] . ) (Michel Foucault

" . . .
"[Mirgholami, 2012, P.114] .
) (The Architectural Paradox

[Hays, 1998,P.215] .
) (Siegfried Kracauer, 1889-1966 ) (The Hotel Lobby
) (The Mass Ornament )(The City Cultures Reader


)([Tschumi, 1982,P.122-123] .

( .



) (
) (


) (



) That Actions Qualify Spaces As
(Much As Spaces Qualify Actions . ) There Is No
(Architecture Without Violence .

)) ((.

) (

)[Aguar & Aguar,2002,P.11] .(-
) (John L. Hancock

[Aguar & Aguar,2002,P.11] .
) ( )
)) ((.

) (

)Safdie & ] .(-
[Kohn, 1998, P.19-18

) (


[Kelbaugh, 2002] .
) (Le Corbusier

) ([Walters & Brown, 2004, P.10] .






) :(I ) (central business district

) :(II .
) :(III .
) :(IV ) (.
) :(V .

) (physical growth of the city

[Legates & Stout, 1996, P.23] .

) (City Beautiful Movement

[Aguar & Aguar,2002,P.10] .

) (Broadacre City ) Broad-Acres

) (

[Aguar & Aguar,2002,P.222] .




)) ) ( ) (((.
) (

[Legates & Stout, 1996, P.475-477] .
) (


) (Jacobs
) (The Death And Life Of American Cities
[Walters & Brown, 2004, P.9-10] .
) (



. : ) (.
( . .
. )
( . ) (.

) (
.City of Tomorrow[Safdie, Kohn, 1998, P.19-18] :


Broadacre City-
[Aguar & Aguar, 2002, P.228] :

) (

[Moughtin, 2003, P.79] .



)) ((.

: ) Tomorrow: A Peaceful Path To Social
(Reform .
) (William H.Wilson

Aguar & ] .
[Aguar,2002,P.11 ).(-

] [Freestone, 2000, P.36

) (


. ) (


Pullman, Illinois

[Aguar & Aguar,2002,P.12] .

) (Ebenezer Howard ).(Garden Cities of Tomorrow,1898

[Susannah, 2001, P.173] :

) (Ebenezer Howard
) (Garden Cities Of Tomorrow,1898

[Susannah, 2001, P.171-172] .
: (
) (

[Dempsey &Jenks, 1995].



[Dempsey &Jenks, 1995] .


) (Lynch )
( ) (Good City Form-:


) (Future Forms And Design For Sustainable Cities
) (Mike Jenks And Nicola Dempsey
: ) The Big Picture:
(Cities And Regions

[Dempsey &Jenks, 1995] .


) (.
[Lynch, 1984, P.37] .

) (

[Banerjee & Southworth, 1996, P.33] .




) (

) (


) (
) ( ) Central
(Business Districts ) (CBD
) .(- ) (.

] . [

. ) (Richard Evans

[Evans, 1999, P.4-3] .


[Longley, 2001, P3-4] .

[Banerjee & Southworth, 1996, 47] .


: )(

[Towers, ,2005, P.64] .


[Moughtin, 2003, P.79]Compact city-



] . [-

) (--:
)Central Business District (CBD

)Historical District Center (HDC

) (
) :(

. .


) ( )

[Kahn, 2006, P.1-2] .

) ( .

[Thomas, 2002, P.9] .


) (

[Hays, 1998, P.13] .





[Tabbaa, 1997,P.19] .
[Eisner, 1993, P.53] .

] . [

) (
) -:
) (CBD
( .
[Larkham, 1998, P160-162] .

] . [

[Safdie & Kohn, 1998, P.86] .



] . [

[Evans, 1999, P.5-6] .
( ) (.

( )
[Evans, 1999, P.6-7] .

( .
) (
[Evans, 1999, P.4-5] .



/ ( .
) (Richard Evans -:
) :(Viability .
) :(Vitality

[Evans, 1999, P.151] .




[Kahn, 2006, P.20] .

) (
) ( .
] [Carmona, & Tiesdell, 2007, 67


) (


[La Rocca, 2010, P.85] .

) (
) ( .
] [Banerjee & Southworth, 1996, P.37-38


)( [UN-HABITAT (1),2008, P47] .

) (

[Banerjee & Southworth, 1996, P.47] .

[Bertaud, 2001, P.1] .

) (

[Allinson (1),2008, P.16] .
) (

[Watson & Bentley, 2007, P.99] .

- :










) (




) (


) (
) (
) (
[Serageldin, 2001, P.355] .
) (Charles Landry

[Bridge & Watson, 2002, P.10] .
) (

) (
[Serageldin, 2001, P.14] .



] . [-
] . ) ( [

] . [


] . [

) (
)( .

[Tabbaa, 1997,P.1] .

] . [-


] . [
] . :
[ )
[Grabar, 2005, P.3-18] .

. )Kufa:
(The Model for an Open City

[Allawi, 1988, P.57-60] .

] . [
( ) (] . ) ( [


] . [

] . [

] . [


[Montgomery & Others, 2004, P.5] .

[Allinson (1),2008, P.17] .
[Eisner, 1993, P.81] .



( )

) (

. .

) (

) (
) ( .

) ( )
( .





) ( )




) (Structure
) (Form . ) (Mark Aronoff, Kirsten Fudeman
)(Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
) (1749-1832
) (Morph [Aronoff & Fudeman, 2011,P.1] .

[Aronoff & Fudeman, 2011,P.2] .

) ( ) ( ) (
)( .

) (Schluter

[Larkham, 1998, P.159] . ) (Evans

[Evans, 2005, P.18] .

)[Larkham, 1998, P.172] .(-
) (Peter Bosselmann )

[Bosselmann, 2009, P.10] .

[Correa, 1983, P96] .






) .(
) .( .
) .( )
( .
) .( .
[Edwards, 2008, P.109, 110, 112, 180] :

[Fawcett, 2003,P.93-94] .
: ) :(City Layout ) (
)) :(City Configuration (
: )) :(City Processes (

) (CAD ) (GIS

[Larkham, 2006, P128-129] .

) (M.R.G. Conzen
) (Layout And Configuration ) (Processes
[Conzen, 2004, P.198] .



[Larkham, 1998, P.159]. ) Urban
(Transformation In China


( .


Master Plan



] . [
) (



: .
: .
: .
: .
: .
: .

" "-


) (-

) (Peter Kresl

) (StrategicEconomic Planning
[Kresl, 2007, P142] .

][Steinberg, 2008, P7




Land Use

[Krieger & Saunders, 2009, P.103] .

[Kelbaugh, 2002, P.1] .

. .
. .

) (

[Evans, 1999, P.7] .

[Gandelsonas, 1981, P.18] .

[Russ, 2002, P.409-410] .
) (
) ( ) (
] . [

) (
) ( .
] [Evans, 1999, P.7

[Hsing, 2010,P.4] .

] [Moughtin, 2003, P.194

[Moughtin, 2003, P.194] .


)) : ) (Figure-Ground Theory
) (Linkage Theory ) .((Place Theory


Place Theory


[Moughtin, 2003, 97] .



[Bruyns, 2005, P21] .

) (Roger Trancik

[Trancik, 1986, p.10] .

Linkage Theory


[Moughtin, 2003, 97] .

[La Rocca, 2010, p.10] .

[Rapoport, 1977, P.20] .

Figure-Ground Theory


[Moughtin, 2003, 99-97] .


. ) (Colin Rowe ) - (
) (Collage City




[Steadman,1983, P.10] .

[Hillier, 2007, P.10] .


[Trancik, 1986, p.99] Giambattista Nolli-

) (Three- Dimensional Grid
) (Peter Cook ) (Plug-in City, 1964 ) interchangeable
(parts ) .(Mega structure ) Peter


[Trancik, 1986, p.102, 111] -

) (D'Arcy Thompson )(Growth And Form

[Antoniades, 1992, P.67-68] .
) (Steadman

[Steadman, 1983, P.10] .


. -:
) (.
) (.





) (Thompson .
) (Antoniades
) (

Urban Elements and Landmarks
) (The Art Of City-Making

] [Landry, 2006, P.210

[Allinson (2),2008, P.13].

) (
[Moughtin, 1999,P.79] .

Moughtin, ] .

[Moughtin, 1999,P.73].



Street And Paths

[Biddulph ,2007,P.137] .

) ( ] . [

[Moughtin, 2003, P.6-7] .

[Omeara, 1996, P.1-2] .

[Carmona, & Tiesdell, 2007, 72] .

] . [,

[Biddulph, 2007,P.41-42] .

) (

) (-

[Hillier, 1996, P.102] .
][Moughtin, 2003, P.107

[Banerjee & Southworth, 1996, P.47] .

) ( )

[Evans, 1999, P.8] .




) .(
) .(

) .( -
[Unwin, 2003, P.99, 104, 105] .


) (



) .(
[Edwards, 2008, P.100, 101, 103] .

) (
- --.

) .( ) (Siena, Piazza del Campo
) (Saint Marks Cathedral, Venice
) .( ) Piazza San Marco,
) ([Fawcett, 2003,P.97-96] .

Urban Stracture and Urban Fabric


[Bertaud,2001, P.1] .
] [Clark, 2003, P.152

[Clark, 2003, P.141-142] .

) (

) - (

[Carmona, & Tiesdell, 2007, P.68-69] .
( ) ( .
Banerjee & Southworth, ] .
[1996, P.47

] . [-



Urban Spaces
) (

) (

] . [
) (Trancik )

[Trancik, 1986, P.43].
)(City As Space

[Frey, 2005, P.5] .

[La Rocca, 2010, P.10] .

[Maciocco, & Tagliagambe, 2009, P.41] .

) ( .

Urban Form

) (Guglielmo De Angelis

)[Petruccioli, 1998, P.45] .(-
) (People And Space )
( ) (City Without City


) (
. ) (Le Corbusier

[Trancik, 1986, p.22] .
: .

) (Agora .

[Lynch, 1984, P.36] .

).(Form Follows The Collective Memory Of Society

][Dutton & Mann ,1996, P.52

) (

[Banerjee & Southworth, 1996, 33] .

[Larkham, 2006, P.132] .

[Kemp, 2000, P.16] .
) (-


[Panerai, 2004,P.75] .

[Moughtin, 2003, 193] .


) (Flowing Spaces
[Moughtin, 2003, 21] .


[Panerai, 2004, P.75] .(Historic Centre Of Amsterdam)

) Master
(plan for the development, 1930
) (
[Heynen,1999, P.54] -

[Goddard & Champion, 1983, P.9-12] .
([Banerjee & Southworth, 1996, P.47] .

[Banerjee & Southworth, 1996, P.33] .

[Longley, 2001, P.77-79] .


Townscape and Image Of The City

) .(-

[Cullen, 2006, Cover] . ) (Cullen

)[Cullen, 2006, P.19] .(-

) (

[Boyer, 1996, P.65] .

) (Townscape
)(Gordon Cullen
. ) (The Concise Townscape ) (-



[Cullen, 2006, p.17] -

[Cullen, 2006, p.19]Gordon Cullen-

[Cullen, 2006, P.16-17].

[Edwards, 2008, P.100] .
) (
(Boyer, 1996, ] .

) (

) (Ken Allinson
) (
[Allinson (2),2008, P.13] .
(Kevin Lynch)

[Lynch, 1990, P.46-48] .
) (Lynch ) (The Image Of The City


) (The Image Of The City

) (Jersey, Los Anglos ,Boston
) ( .


) ( )
) ( :

) ( : )



) ( ) (

) (
) ( ) (
)( )
( .



)-( [Qian, 2012, P.152] .

[Guneya, 2012, P.160] .

[Moughtin, 1999, P.73] .


[Moughtin, 1999, P.77] .


[Cullen, 2006, P.40].
) (Silhouette .

[Banerjee & Southworth, 1996, P.41] .

[Walters & Brown, 2004, P.136] .


) (

)[Boyer, 1996, P.40-41] .(-

) (

)[Moughtin, 1999, P.72] .(-


[Guneya, 2012,P.160] .

[Krieger & Saunders, 2009, P.101-105] .

) ( ) (
[Boyer, 1996, P.41] .

( .


) ( ) (

. -:

) (Weber Clegg, 1990, P.180-] .

[Hillier, 1996, P.102].


. . .

).(Panorama OF london Historical Centre


[Allinson (1), 2008, P. P.24, 32, 45, 54, 55] :

) (

) (
] . [


[Boyer,1996, P.67] .

][Heynen,1999, P.127,126





[Bruyns, 2005, P.21] .

) (
[Biddulph, 2007, P.46-55] .

[Hays, 1998, P.12] .

] . [





) (







) (
) () ()
() () (

) (







. ) (




) (- )(.





) (
. :


( .

( ) (.
( ) (.

) (.
) (
) ( )
( -:



) :
( )( . ) (
) .( ) . ( ) . (
) ( ) (] . [
) (
. .
) (Transform )
( ) (Transformation ] . [
) (Transformation, Change
) (Transformation ) (Transform
][Cowan, 1976, P.218,219
) (Conversion

. (Transfer) : (Transition)
(Translocate) ] . [,,,
) (Transforming
[Goldsmith, 1995, P.2] .
) (-
) (Transformation
) (.

. )(Goldsmith
: .
: [Goldsmith, 1995, P.2] .

( [Tabbaa, 2001,P.xi] .
] . .









) (- )( ) .(


) (Transformation .
) (Transformism

] . [

) (Metamorphism
) (


. .
) (Spiritual Transformation

[Raymond, 2005, P.334] .
) (Peripatetic ) (
) ( .

) (
) (
] . [-

) ( -:

) (Transformation ) (An Act
) .(Process ) (Transformation
) (Transition
) (
) ( .







[Steinberg, 2008, P.7] .

[Antoniades, 1992, P.69] .

] . . [
) (Thomas Kuhn
" .
] . )( . [-

) (


] . [
) (Universal Order .

] . . [

] . . [

) ( .
] [Akkach, 2005, P.208

] . [


] . [
) (

) : (

. :

) (

) (Change
[Edwards, 1967, P.111] .

] . [

] . [,

]. [

] . [

: .

] . [,

] . . [

) (Immutability ) (Changelessness
[Edwards, 1967, P.111] . ) (
] . [-


] . [
] [

] . . [-

] .

] . . [



] . . [-

: .
: .
: .






) (
] . [-

] . .
) (

[Ardalan & Bakhtiar, 1973, P. 12] .

] . [
( :

]. [

] . [


: ) (





] . [



) (
] . [

] . . [
: .
] [







) (
) ( .
)/() /(


) (Transition
[Steinberg, 2008, P.8] .

] . [-
) (Hsing

[Hsing, 2010,P.2] .

[Chen, 2009, P.27] .
) (M.R.G. Conzen
)) (Central Business District (CBD -:

[Conzen, 1998, P.112] .
) Georg
(Simmel ) ( ) (

[Miles & Hall, 2004, p.13-14] .


[Conzen, 1960, P92-97] .

[Mirgholami, 2012, P.115] .

) (




[Lynch, 1990, P.5] .
) (Kevin Lynch

[Lynch, 1990, P.5] .
) (
[Steinberg, 2008, P.7] .

Conzen, 1960, P.109-] .

[Goddard & Champion, 1983, P.8] .

[Braga, 2007, p.4] .

[Vermaas, 2008, P.273] .

[UN-HABITAT (2),2008, P13] .

[Maric, 2010,P.47] .

[Chen, 2009, P.27] .

[Hsing, 2010, P.2] .

] . [
] [


[Vermaas, 2008, P.273] .

] [Mirgholami, 2012,P.114
) (Main Street Renewal
]-:[Kemp, 2000, P.17
) (Thorns

[Thorns, 2002, p.75] .
) (Hsing
: .
: .
: [Hsing, 2010,P.3] .

] . [

)- -(( .


) (
] . [

[Evans, 2005, P.22-24] .
) (Burayidi

[Burayidi, 2001,P.4] .

[Clark, 2003, p.151] .

[Kemp, 2000, P.16] .
) (Urban transformation in China

[Chen, 2009,P.25] .
: .
: .
[Chen, 2009,P.32-34] .

] . [-

] . [-
) (Eisner ) (The urban pattern

) (Jacqucs-Ange Gabriel

[Eisner, 1993, P.86] .

) ( [Kemp, 2000, P.16] .

[Hays, 1998, P.13] .

) (Camillo Sitte

) (

) (
[Legates & Stout, 1996, P.466] .

) (Trancik -:
) ( .
) (.

[Carmona, & Tiesdell, 2007, P.64] . ) (Burayidi

) (
) (

[Burayidi, 2001,P.3] .

) (IBA )-(
) (

[Miller, Wallis, 1993, P207] .

[Azara, 2008, P.362-363] .

: .

[Evans, 2005, P.16-18] .

( )) ()- ((

) ( .

: .

[Cooke, 2002] . ) (


[Landry, 2006] .

) (Philip Cooke ) A Companion

(to the City : ) Urban
.(Transformation in the Capitals of the Baltic States: Innovation, Culture and Finance

) (Charles Landry ) (The Art of City-Making

) (Re-enchanting [Landry, 2006] .

[Evans, 2005, P.16-18] .

] [Evans, 2005, P.16-18
[Antoniades, 1992, P.67] .

[La Rocca, 2010] .



) (





) (Urban Transformation
) ( ) Soft Mobility and Urban Transformation,
.(some European Case Studies

) ( -:

) ( .
) (Peter Bosselmann

[Bosselmann, 2009] .

) .(- -:


) (


) (Future Forms and Design for Sustainable Cities
) (Mike Jenks and Nicola Dempsey

) (Peter Bosselmann : ) Urban Transformation:

(Understanding City Design and Form
)( )(
. ) (

: ) (Comparing ) (Observing ) (Transforming ) (Measuring )(Defining
) (Modeling ).(Interpreting



[Bosselmann, 2009] .

) (Upper City Transformations

[Jenks & Dempsey, 1995] .




) [Jenks & Dempsey, 1995] .(-
(M.R.G. Conzen)


) (




) (M.R.G. Conzen
) (Thinking about Urban Form, Papers on Urban Morphology

) (Land and Building Utilisation .
) (Ecular Changes )
) ( .
) ( .


[Jenks & Dempsey, 1995]

[Jenks & Dempsey, 1995, P.187]. .()
[Jenks & Dempsey, 1995, P.107].
( The Turning Torso) .()
[Jenks & Dempsey, 1995, P.431].
:( ECO-town) .()
Jenks&Dempsey, 1995, P.275 .
[Jenks & Dempsey, 1995, P.84]. .()

[Larkham, 1998] .

[Larkham, 1998] .

) (Roger Trancik)

) (

[Trancik, 1986] .



) Typological Process
(and Design Theory



) (Roger Trancik :
) (Finding Lost Space: Theories of Urban Design

) (Privatization
. ) (.

) (Steadman, J. P

)[Steadman, 1983] .(-


) (Space is the machine


. (Hillier)
) (

)[Hillier, 2007] .(-



[Hillier, 2007] .





[Steadman, 1983, P.8] .

) .( [Steadman, 1983, P.15,17] .

) .( [Steadman, 1983, P.17] .







) .( .() .
) .(
.() .
.() . .

) (

] [

] . [-

) (

)] .(- [
) (


( .
) Michael
(A. Burayidi ) Downtowns: Revitalizing the Centers of Small Urban
(Communities .


[Burayidi, 2001] .


) (Downtowns ) (City Centre

. ) (Downtowns



] [-



) .( ) ( .()
) ( .


[Burayidi, 2001] .

[Grant, 2009, P.27] .

) (Rossi
) (
] [Rossi, 1984, P.9
) (
[Rossi, 1984, P.3] .




. -:





) (








: .
: .
: .

) (
) (

) (- )(

: )
( ) (

) (Organizations ) (Processes



) ( :



) (- ) .(







) (
) ( .

) (- ) .(








) (.


) ( ) -

) (
) (




) :( )
) (
.( ):(

Urban Governance

Re-enchantingurban solidarity



urban livabilitySoft Mobility





Upper City Transformations

Quality of Life

) (


changeresistanceShifting Patterns


) (


.( Physical Form)

(Socio- (Processes shaping), (Organizations) (Individuals)
Economic) ,
) (

Space is the machine
) (




[Steinberg, 2008, P14] .

[Moore, 2001, P.130] .

)( ( )( )[Hays, 1998, P.12] .
[Banerjee & Southworth, 1996, P.41] .
) (

[Susannah, 2001, P.171] .( )

) (

[Powell, 1985, P.45] .

[Hays, 1998, P.13] .
) (Matthew E Kahn

) ([Kahn, 2006, P.8-29] .

[Russ, 2002, P.1] .

[Carmona & Burgess, 2001, P.15] . )
) (
[Walters & Brown, 2004, P.10] .

Banerjee & Southworth, ] .
[1996, 42


[Biddulph, 2007,P.131] .
: .

[Hays, 1998, P.14-15] .

][Krieger & Saunders, 2009, P.103-102

[Walters & Brown, 2004, P.9] .
) (Camillo Sitte-1843-1903
) (The Art of Building Cities

[Legates & Stout, 1996, P.467] .
) (
) (Evans
) ( .

)( .

[Evans, 1999, p.3] .



[Safdie & Kohn, 1998, P.86] .
) (Christopher Wren

[Eisner, 1993, P.86] .


] . [
] . [

( -:

[Steinberg, 2008, P.14] .

) (

[Cooper & other, 2009, P.4] .

[Romaczyk ,2012,P.126-127] .


] . [

] . [- -:



[Kong, 2003, p.364] . .



) (

) (


[Conway & Roenisch, 2005, P.217] . ) Historic
(Cities and Sacred Sites, Cultural Roots for Urban Futures


[Serageldin, 2001, P.355].

Freestone, 2000, ] .

) (

[Carmona & Burgess, 2001, P.15] .
[Moughtin, 2003, P.12] .

[Steinberg, 2008, P.10] .

[Bertaud, 2001, P.1-2] .

[Carmona & Burgess, 2001, P.24] .


[Kelbaugh, 2002, P.182] .

[UN-HABITAT (1),2008, P47] .

[Newman & Jennings, 2008, P.32-33] .
) (
) ( ) ( ) (
[Carmona & Burgess, 2001, P.8] .



[Moughtin, 2003, P.192] .

[Carmona & Burgess, 2001, P.15] .
[Carmona & Burgess, 2001, P.7] .

Larkham, ].
[1998, P.160-162

) (Commonwealth Games, 2002

[Jones & Eva, 2008, P.4] .

: : .
: : .
: :
[Carmona & Burgess, 2001, P.7] .


) (IBA

[Miller, Wallis, 1993, P.206] .





[Moore, 2001, P.137] .

) (Oscar Niemeyer ) (Lucio Costa

[Sebestyen, 2003, P.5] .

) (

[UN-HABITAT (2),2008, P13] .

[Moughtin, 2003, p.189] .


[Banerjee & Southworth, 1996, p.41] .

[Bridge & Watson, 2002, p.10-21] .

[Kresl, 2007, P.142] .

[Chadirji, 1986, p.11] .

[Banerjee & Southworth, 1996, P.42] .
: .

[Serageldin, 2001, P.102] .


( .
[Banham, 1980,P.14] .

) (
- :
) (Enclosure .
[Sebestyen, 2003, P.13-14] .

[Mirgholami, 2012, P.115] .
) (Master plan for the development, 1930
) (

) .(-
] [Heynen,1999, P.54 -:
: .

) (
) ( ) (



) (Camillo Sitte -:


[Legates & Stout, 1996, P.476-477] .
) (Ebenezer Howard
) (Dean Hawkes
) (Magnets of the environment
) .(- ) (Jane Jacobs
) The Death and Life of Great
(American Cities

[Carmona & Tiesdell, 2007, P.70] :




[Boyer, 1996, P.41] .
) (Mark Gelernter ) The Sources of
(Architectural Form

[Gelernter, 1995] .


) (Taking shape: a new contract between architecture and nature,Architectural

) (Ebenezer Howard ) (Garden Cities of Tomorrow,1898

) (Differentiation) (Symbiosis) (Visibility
) ) (,(
[Susannah, 2001, P.172,173,183] .

) (Three Magnets, Ebenezer Howard,1898

)[Susannah, 2001, P.107,108] . (Three Environmental Magnets, Dean Hawkes, 1996


[Thomas, 2002, P.9] .

[Chadirji, 1986, p.11] .
) (Antoniades
) (
) (
) (.

][Antoniades, 1992, P.66

[Conway & Roenisch, 2005, P.17] .

] . . [-



[Larkham, 2006, P.132] .

[Trancik, 1986, P.10] .

) :

) - (
) ( .


[Degen, 2008, P.26] .

[Bertaud, 2001, P.1-2] .

[Steinberg, 2008, P7-8] .

) :(Traditional Urban Space System

) (Figural Space ) .(Urban Blocks
: ) (Figural Buildings .

[Wei, 2012,P.398] .



. ) (

[Heuvel, 2008, P.5-6] .
) (Michel Bonnette

[Serageldin, 2001, P.129] .

[Heuvel, 2008, P.248] .

[Kong, 2003, p.354] .


) :

[Edward Ng, 2010, P.27-28] .

[Wong & Yuen, 2011, P.5] .

) (

[Scott & Soja, 1998, P.32] . ) Community Design And
(The Culture Of Cities

[Lozano, 1990, P.12] .

[Wong & Yuen, 2011, P.25] .

[Edward Ng, 2010, P.41] .


[Madanipour, 2007, P.11] . ) (

)[Edward Ng, 2010, P.47-48] .(-

) (
) (

[Lozano, 1990, P.23] .


Attoe ] .(England published in Architect and Building News, 21 March 1941)
[& Logan, 1989, P.3

) (Gordon Cullen and Kenneth Browtie

[Attoe & Logan, 1989, P.6] .

) ([Attoe & Logan, 1989, P.102] .

[Madanipour, 2007, P.34] .

] [Lozano, 1990, P.23

[Lozano, 1990, P.37-38] . ) (Sensing cities

[Degen, 2008, P.3-4] .

[Degen, 2008, P.26] .

[Faninstein, 2010, P.24] .

) [Nash, 1978, P.61] .(-

) (

[Faninstein, 2010, P.37-38] .
) (

[Walters & Brown, 2004, P.10] .
) (Martin

[Carmona, & Tiesdell, 2007, P.72] .

) (
) (

[Attoe & Logan, 1989, P.1] . -:
: ) (

) ( .
][Attoe & Logan, 1989, P.1-5

: ) (

[Attoe & Logan, 1989, P.5-9] .

[Attoe & Logan, 1989, P.9-13] .
: )

)[Attoe & Logan, 1989, P.13-18] .(-





Attoe & Logan, 1989, P.17

[Cooper & other, 2009, P.10] .


) .( ) (The grid plan of Atistin,Texas,1910

.() ) Jefferson
[Attoe & Logan, 1989, P.122, 95].(Court, Georgetown, 1985

) .( ) (
[Edward Ng, 2010, P. 48] .

) .(Pre- Industrial Cities
[Nash, 1978, P.58,75,71] .
:(The Formalist Stance)-

: .

[Cooper & other, 2009, P.18] .

[Cooper & other, 2009, P.25-26] .
) (

[Towers ,2005, P.50-51] .



) (Coleman

[Walters & Brown, 2004, P.9] .

[Kresl, 2007, P.142] . )

[Edwards, 2008, P.108] .

) (Peter Eisenman

) (Jacques Derrida

[Antoniades, 1992, P.70] .
( ) (

[Fawcett, 2003,P.93-94] .


[Kelbaugh, 2002, P.95] .

[Trancik, 1986, P.43] .

[Vermaas, 2008, P.282] .
) (Christopher Alexander


[Vermaas, 2008, P.282] .

) (Architectural Form Follows Technology

[Dutten & Man ,1996 , P.52] .

] . [
) (Le Corbusier
) (Walter Gropies

[Towers ,2005, P.50-51] .
) (

] .
2012 [198

[Safdie & Kohn, 1998, P.35] .

[Eisner, 1993, P.86] .

) (Ken Allinson

[Allinson (2),2008, P.442] .



[Vermaas, 2008, P.284-285] .
) Nikos
(A. Salingaros ) :

[Salama, 2007, P.124] .

) (

[Crowe, 1997, P.149] .
) (Howard :
) Form And Process In The Transformation Of The Architects Role In

[Vermaas, 2008, P.273] .

[Kelbaugh, 2002, P.106] .

) (Nikos A. Salingaros

[Salama, 2007, P.120] .


[Moore, 2001, P.133] .


Conway & ] .
[Roenisch, 2005, P.15

[Sebestyen, 2003, P.10-12] .




) (D. Kelbaugh :
[Kelbaugh, 2002, P.106] .
) (Typology



[Kelbaugh, 2002, P.82-84] .



[Kelbaugh, 2002, P.106] .
) (

. "
"[Dempsey & Jenks, 1995].
:(Truth) )

[Dempsey & Jenks, 1995] .
:(Limits of originality)

) (...

[Dempsey & Jenks, 1995] .

[Bosselmann, 2009, P.117] .
) (Seyyed Hossein Nasr
) The Contemporary Muslim and the Architectural
(Transformation of the Islamic Urban Environment

[Aga Khan Award, 1978, P.1] .



[Conway & Roenisch, 2005, P.15] .

) (

[Conway & Roenisch, 2005, P.15] .


[Carmona & Tiesdell, 2007, P.66-67] .

) (Machine for Living

[Dutton & Mann, 1996, P.52-55] .

[Aga Khan Award, 1978, P.2] .

][Scott & Soja, 1998, P.28-23

[Banerjee & Southworth, 1996, P.31-33] .

Walters ] .
[& Brown, 2004, P.130

[Casey, 1997, P.315] .

) (Tschumi ) (La Villette
) ( )
) (Event-Cities-3 ) (

) (


) (La Villette
[Casey, 1997, P.315-316] .

) ( ) (
) (
[Casey, 1997, P.316] .

[Landry, 2006, P.208] .
) (Heidegger
) (

[Casey, 1997, P.263-264] .

[Ayers, 2004,P.8] .

[Gelernter, 1995, P.288] .
) (Henri Lefebvre )(The Production of Space

Hays, 1998, ] .

[Chadirji, 1986, p.5] .
) (

[Thomas, 2002, P.18] . .


[Petruccioli, 1998, P.47] .




) (Cliff Moughtin ) (Urban Design: Street and Square

[Moughtin, 2003,P.192] .

[Carmona & Tiesdell, 2007,P.72] .

)[Freestone, 2000, P.29] .(-

[Larkham, 1998, P.160-162].

[Carmona & Tiesdell, 2007, P.86] .

Walters & ] .
[Brown, 2004, P.9


basic plot layout

) -(
[Carmona, & Tiesdell, 2007, 74,75] .

) (Freestanding Objects


[Banham, 1980,P.9] .


) (

[Boyer, 1996, P.65] .

[Sebestyen, 2003, P.3] .
) (
] [Sebestyen, 2003, P.13 ) (

) (Timeless Imager
[Dutten & Man, 1996, P.52] .



( ) (

]. . [-

)[Sebestyen, 2003, P.13] .(Pompidou Centre

) ( ) (

) ( .

[Omeara, 1996, P.2] .




) (Architecture and Identity


[Correa, 1983, P.11-13] .


] . : [

) (Charles Correa
) (

) ( ) (([Correa, 1983, P.10] .

[Correa, 1983, P.11-13] .

] .
[ ) (

[Fincher & Jacobs, 1998, P.26] .

[Fincher & Jacobs, 1998, P.1-2] .


[Serageldin, 2001] .

] [Steinberg, 2008, P8

[Riddell ,2004,P.85] .

: ) Historic Cities And Sacred

(Sites, Cultural Roots For Urban Futures
) (Transformation ) (Adaptation ) (Reconstruction



Asian Development Bank(ADB)

( Manila) .()
[Steinberg, Florian,2008, P.189] .
( Kota Tua) .()

[Steinberg, Florian,2008, P.154] .
( Ha Noi) .()
. ) (

[Steinberg, Florian,2008, P.85] .

Revitalization Of The Historic Urban Core-

][Romaczyk ,2012,P.128



) (



[Powell, 1985, P46-47] .
) (Paul Rudolph )(Regionalism in Architecture

) (
[Powell, 1985, P43] .

[Powell, 1985, P12-16] .
) (Steven Moore )
( Moore, 2001, ] .
[P.132,133 )
[Powell, 1985, P12-16] .

( ) (
[Powell, 1985, P.44] .


[Powell, 1985, P.12-16] .



) ( -:




) (

[Wei, 2012,P.396] .

Riddell ] .
[,2004,P.274 ) (Parker Morris

)[Towers, 2005, P.39-43] .(-

[Chadirji, 1986, p.11] .

[Cullen, 2006, p.15] .


] . [-

[Serageldin, 2001, P.129] .

) (

. ) (

. ) (







( Walter

Gropius) .

[Towers, Graham,2005, P.51] . .
(Planning Of Blocks) ( Parker Morris) .

[Towers, Graham,2005, P43] .
[Towers, Graham,2005, P.52]

) (

[Freestone, 2000, P.33] .



[Kelbaugh, 2002, P.182] .

[Bertaud, 2001, P.1] .
)( ) ((

[Landry, 2006, P.209] .

Romaczyk ,2012,P.126-].

[Allinson (1),2008, P.17] .



([Miller, Wallis, 1993, P207] .

[Bridge & Watson, 2002, p.10] .
] . .

Kresl, ] .
[2007, P.142
[Qian, 2012,P.152] .



) ( .












) (Environmental Pollution


) (Investments : ) (
) ( .







) (.




) (

) ( .



) (

. .



. ) (
) - (

) (

: )(
) (





. :


[Hamilton, 2005, P.92] .

) (

] . . [

[Maric, 2010, P.55] .

[Steinberg, 2008, P14] .

[Burayidi, 2001, P.5] .







] . . [
) (

[Towers, 2005, P.39-43] .

[Hamilton, 2005, P.31] .

[Evans, 2005, P. 30] .


[Burayidi, 2001, P.1-2] .


[P.12 [Steinberg, 2008, P14] .

] Gordon, 2006,

[Shakur, 2005, P.1] .

[UN-HABITAT (1),2008, P41] .




[Burayidi, 2001,P.5] .

[Boyer,1996, P.67] .

] . [

] [Moughtin, 2003, P.193 ) (
) (
Newman & ] .
[Jennings, 2008, P.129



[Krieger & Saunders, 2009, P.103] .

[Wei, 2012,P.401] .


[Hays, 1998, P.13] .


. -:

) (
) (
) (


) (


) (


) ( .

) (



. -:




) ( .
) ( .
) ( .










) (















( )



: :


) (
) ( .








) (

] . [

( ] . [
) (


) (
( . )
( ) ( ..



] . [
) (


: .
: .
: .
: .
: .

) (




. )
( -:





] . [ -:

) (

] . [

( .



] [ -:






] . [





-: )

( )

( )
( ) (.


) (] . [,

. : .

] [- -:


) (.
) (.
) (.
) (.
) (.
) (.





(] . [


] . [



) (

] . [



) ( .
) (.
( .







) - (


) ( )
( )
( .



[REHABIMED (1), 2008, P.37-38]

: .( )

[REHABIMED (2), 2008, P.11]

: .( )

REHABIMED, Renovation and Sustainable Tourism in Kairouan, Tunisia Tradition, residents and

[REHABIMED (2), 2008, P.28-30] :

.( )




. )

] . )( [


) ( ] . )( [-

) (.







] . )( [
) Toward an
(Architecture in the Spirit of Islam

[Aga Khan Award, 1978, P1-44] .

) (

] . )( [

) ( .

] . )( [-


) ( ( .

: ) (Getty

. ) ( )
( .
. .

] . )( [

] . )( [



)] .(- )( [

Main Sectors of intervention

Basic social services sub-sectors

Housing & open space upgrading

Access to credit




Programme for
Darb al-Ahmar

Access to basic social services

Solid waste disposal

/ ) ( ) (The Azhar Park Project in Cairo

(] . )( [

) (FMFI ) (



(] . )( [-



) :

(] . )( [






) ( .

] . [
) (Socio-Economic Survey

[Aga Khan, 2005(2),p6] .


(] . .[-
) (





[- ]:

) (

] . [

) ) (


)[Aga Khan, 2005(1),p15-16] .(-



) (


[Aga Khan, 2005(2),p. 2, 5, 36, 37] :





[Aga Khan, 2005(2),p.29,34, 38, 39] :


) ( .


1- Iconos (the Intemational council of Monuments and sites).
2- Icom (International council (Museums).
3- IIC (International nstitute of conservatiom.

( .





. .

) ( . -



. ) (

) ( .






/ .
)( .

)( )( .

. )(



( .






) ( ) (.




) (


( .

" .




- .

" .


" ".











) (
] . [

) ( .








) ( +

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(I.N.T.B.A.U) International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture & Urbanism


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University of Baghdad
College of Engineering
Department of Architectural Engineering



Email (

The phenomena of urban expansion, and the change of structure which are composed
term elements and violations, within which the centers of historical cities were built, is in
erased because of the existence of buildings with historical values, those buildings and
monument are braise references is denoting (the accumulated transformations) of city centers.
This change threatens those centers of losing the historical and a cultural qualities character,
and happening now in most of the historical centers of Iraqi cities which suffer than basic
transformation (and secondary) ones to study these transformation specially the what in the
morphology other centers.
The subject has been handled by a lot of studies in various fields, but there are still some
aspects which has not been exposure to it in a holistic manner and adequate, especially in
connection with the specificity of the morphology of the historic centers of Iraqi cities.
the research problem is specified by the non-clarity of priorities of the basic design within
the projects of urban renewal in the historic city centers, especially the relationship shifts
morphological between components of the city menu (main references of the city) and core
functions of the traditional one hand, and between systems and additions urban
development's where (or expatriate) the Other hand.

There for research assumed Find the following aspects: - (individuals - institutions)
- (legislations) plays the most important role in providing an integrated vision of the
city, and aspects control in a way or another on the other the morphological
transformation within the historic cities centers, so the research is interested in the
nature of the relationship which control that system.
Variables have been studied with a focus on basic methodologies to deal (with
theoretically and practically) and extract indicators and applied to the example
selected (center of the historic city of Najaf) also suggestion the most suitable
methodology the application.
Results appeared in the morphological transformations in the historic city centers in
general, and Iraqi cities, in particular, rise in two conditions: The first condition, the positive situation when the priorities are of the interaction of
the elements of the transformations in contemporary cities with original components of
the city menu (the basic city references) and traditional functions leads to a balanced
development between them.
The second condition is the negative which happens at the absence or weakness
of planning which this leads to partial interfaces by many sides without coordinator the
weakness of control of the city.
So (individuals - institutions), (legislations), play the most important role in gives
integrated and control the morphological transformations.


A Thesis Submitted to
The Council of the College of EngineeringUniversity of Baghdad
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture

(M.Sc., 2005)
Supervised By

Rajab/ 1434

May/ 2013

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