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Advance Communications Lab Manual 1.

Measurement of Bit Error Rate using Binary Data n=23; k=12; dmin=7; ebno=1:10; ber_block=bercoding(ebno,'block','hard',n,k,dmin); berfit(ebno,ber_block) ylabel('bit error probability'); title('ber vs eb/no');


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Advance Communications Lab Manual 2. Verification of minimum distance in Hamming Code m=3; n=2^m-1; k=4; msg=[0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 1; 0 0 1 0; 0 0 1 1; 0 1 0 0; 0 1 0 1; 0 1 1 0; 0 1 1 1]; code1 =encode(msg,n,k,'hamming/binary'); code2 =num2str(code1); code= bin2dec(code2); number1= []; for i=1:8 for j=i+1:8 [number]=biterr(code(i),code(j),7); number1=[number1 number]; end end minidistance = min(number1)

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Advance Communications Lab Manual 3. Determination of output of convolutional Encoder for a given sequence %convolution encoder;input=1bit output=2bits with 3 memory elements,code %rate=1/2. function[encoded_sequence]=convlenc(message) message=[ 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 ]; enco_mem=[ 0 0 0]; %no.of memory elments=3 encoded_sequence=zeros(1,(length(message))*2); enco_mem(1,3)=enco_mem(1,2); enco_mem(1,2)=enco_mem(1,1); enco_mem(1,1)=message(1,1); temp=xor(enco_mem(1),enco_mem(2)); O1=xor(temp,enco_mem(3));%gener.polynomial=111 O2=xor(enco_mem(1),enco_mem(3));%gener.polynomial=101 encoded_sequence(1,1)=O1; encoded_sequence(1,2)=O2; msg_len=length(message); c=3; for i=2:msg_len enco_mem(1,3)=enco_mem(1,2); enco_mem(1,2)=enco_mem(1,1); if(i<=msg_len) enco_mem(1,1)=message(1,i); else enco_mem(1,1)=0; end temp=xor(enco_mem(1),enco_mem(2)); O1=xor(temp,enco_mem(3)); O2=xor(enco_mem(1),enco_mem(3)); encoded_sequence(1,c)=O1;%01 generated polynomial(1,1,1) c=c+1; encoded_sequence(1,c)=O2;%02 generated polynomial(1,0,1) c=c+1; end M.Tech DECE II Sem

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Advance Communications Lab Manual

RESULT: ans = Columns 1 through 17 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

Columns 18 through 34 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1

ans = Columns 1 through 17 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

Columns 18 through 34 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1

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Advance Communications Lab Manual

4. Determination of output of convolutional Decoder for a given sequence tb=2; t=poly2trellis([3],[7,5]); encoded_sequence=[ 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 ]; decoded=vitdec(encoded_sequence,t,tb,'trunc','hard')

RESULTS: decoded =

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Advance Communications Lab Manual 5.Efficiency of DS Spread Spectrum Technique %direct sequence spread spectrum clc clear all; %generating the bit pattern with each bit 6 samples long b=round(rand(1,20)); pattern=[]; for k=1:20 if b(1,k)==0 sig=zeros(1,6); else sig=ones(1,6) end pattern=[pattern sig]; end plot(pattern); axis([-1 130 -0.5 1.5]); title('\bf\it original bit sequenece'); %generating the psedorandom bit pattern for spreading spread_sig=round(rand(1,120)); figure,plot(spread_sig); axis([-1 130 -0.5 1.5]); title('\bf\it psedorandom bit sequenece'); %xoring the pattern with spread signal hopped_sig=xor(pattern,spread_sig); %modulating the hopped signal dsss_sig=[]; t=[0:100]; fc=0.1; c1=cos(2*pi*fc*t); c2=cos(2*pi*fc*t+pi); for k=1:120 M.Tech DECE II Sem

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Advance Communications Lab Manual if hopped_sig(1,k)==0; dsss_sig=[dsss_sig c1] else dsss_sig=[dsss_sig c2] end end figure,plot([1:12120],dsss_sig); axis([-1 12120 -1.5 1.5]); title('\bf\ it dss signal'); %plotting the fft of dsss signal figure,plot([1:12120],abs(fft(dsss_sig)));


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Advance Communications Lab Manual

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Advance Communications Lab Manual

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Advance Communications Lab Manual 6. Simulation of Frequency Hopping (FH) system clear all; s=round(rand(1,20)); signal=[]; carrier=[]; t=[0:10000]; fc=.01; for k=1:20 if s(1,k)==0 sig= -ones(1,10001); else sig=ones(1,10001); end c=cos(2*pi*fc*t); carrier=[carrier c]; signal=[signal sig]; end subplot(2,1,1); plot(signal); axis([-1 200050 -1.5 1.5]); title('/bf/it original bit sequence'); %BPSK modulation of signal bpsk_sig=signal.*carrier; subplot(2,1,2); plot(bpsk_sig); axis([-1 200050 -1.5 1.5]); title('/bf/it BPSK modulated signal'); %FFT plot of BPSK modulated signal figure, plot([1:200020],abs(fft(bpsk_sig))); title('/bf/it FFT of BPSKmodulated signal'); %preparation of six carrier frequencies fc1=.01; fc2=.02; fc3=.03; M.Tech DECE II Sem


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Advance Communications Lab Manual fc4=.04; fc5=.05; fc6=.06; c1=cos(2*pi*fc1*t);c2=cos(2*pi*fc2*t);c3=cos(2*pi*fc3*t); c4=cos(2*pi*fc4*t);c5=cos(2*pi*fc5*t);c6=cos(2*pi*fc6*t); %random frequencies hoops to form a spread signal spread_sig =[]; for n=1:20 c=randint(1,1,[1 6]); switch(c) case(1) spread_sig=[spread_sig c1]; case(2) spread_sig=[spread_sig c2]; case(3) spread_sig=[spread_sig c3]; case(4) spread_sig=[spread_sig c4]; case(5) spread_sig=[spread_sig c5]; case(6) spread_sig=[spread_sig c6]; end end figure,plot([1:200020],abs(fft(spread_signal))); freq_hopped_sig=bpsk_sig.*spread_signal; figure,plot([1:200020],abs(fft(freq_hopped_sig)));


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Advance Communications Lab Manual


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Advance Communications Lab Manual 7. Histogram of a Image clc; clear all; f=imread('cameraman.tif'); figure,imshow(f); title('Input Image'); h=imhist(f); h1=h(1:10:256); horz=1:10:256; figure,bar(horz,h1); figure,plot(horz,h1); title('Histogram Equalized Image'); Z=adapthisteq(f,'cliplimit',0.9,'distribution','uniform'); imview(Z); b=imhist(f); figure,imshow(b);


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Advance Communications Lab Manual


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Advance Communications Lab Manual


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Advance Communications Lab Manual 8. Verification of various Transforms - FT


RGB=imread('peppers.png'); I=rgb2gray(RGB); J=fft2(I); k=ifft2(J); subplot(2,2,1),imshow(RGB); title('original image'); subplot(2,2,2),imshow(I); title('gray scale image'); subplot(2,2,3),imshow(J); title('DFT'); subplot(2,2,4);imshow(k,[0 255]); title('IDFT');


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Advance Communications Lab Manual 9. Verification of various Transforms - DCT x=imread('lena.png'); subplot(4,1,1); imshow(x); title('input image'); %convert rgb to BW image a=im2bw(x); subplot(4,1,2); imshow(a); title('input BW image') %convert bw to rgb b=bw2gray(a); subplot(4,1,3); imshow(b); title('bw to rgb image'); %DCT d=dct2(a); subplot(4,1,4); imshow(d); title('DCT image'); %Inverse dct i=idct2(d); subplot(4,1,5); h=imshow(i,[0 255]); title('IDCT image');


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Advance Communications Lab Manual 10. Detection techniques using derivative operators - Edge i=imread('coins.png'); imshow(i); j=edge(i,'sobel'); figure, imshow(j) k=edge(i,'prewitt'); figure, imshow(k) l=edge(i,'robert'); figure, imshow(l) h=edge(i, 'log'); figure, imshow(h)



M.Tech DECE II Sem

Dept. of ECE

Advance Communications Lab Manual


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Advance Communications Lab Manual


M.Tech DECE II Sem

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Advance Communications Lab Manual Detection techniques using derivative operators - Point %point detection% I=imread('circuit.tif'); H=[1 1 1; 1 -8 1; 1 1 1]; B=imfilter(I,H); subplot(1,2,1),imshow(I),title('Original image'); subplot(1,2,2),imshow(B),title('Point detection');


Detection techniques using derivative operators - Line f= imread('coins.png'); imshow(f) g= edge(f,'horizontal'); h= edge(f,'vertical'); figure, imshow(g) figure, imshow(h) k=g+h; figure,imshow(k) l=g-h; figure,imshow(l) M.Tech DECE II Sem Dept. of ECE

Advance Communications Lab Manual


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Advance Communications Lab Manual


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Advance Communications Lab Manual


11. Implementation of FIR filter N=60; R=0.5; b=firnyquist(N,4,R,0,'nonnegative'); h=firrcos(N,0.25,R,2,'rolloff'); hfvt=fvtool(b,1,h,1); set(hfvt,'color', [1 1 1]); legend(hfvt,'FIR NYQUIST DESIGN','FIR RCOS DESIGN');

M.Tech DECE II Sem

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Advance Communications Lab Manual


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Advance Communications Lab Manual 12. Implementation of IIR filter clc; N=10; %UNCONSTRAINED NUMERATOR ORDER M=10; %UNCONSTRAINED DENOMINATOR ORDER F=[0 0.4 0.5 1]; %FREQUENCY VECTOR E=F; %FREQUENCY EDGES A=[1 1 0 0]; %MAGNITUDE VECTOR W=[1 1 100 100]; %WEIGHT VECTOR Nc=12; %CONSTRAINED NUMERATOR ORDER Mc=12; %CONSTRAINED DENOMINATOR ORDER R=0.92; [b,a,err,sos,g]=iirlpnorm(N,M,F,E,A,W); [bc,ac,errc,sosc,gc]=iirlpnormc(Nc,Mc,F,E,A,W,R); H(1)=dfilt.df1sos(sos,g); H(2)=dfilt.df1sos(sosc,gc); [z,p,k]=zpk(H(2)); %FINDS THE POLES AND ZEROS OF CONSTRAINED FILTER sqrt(real(p).^2+imag(p).^2) %RADII OF ALL POLES hfvt=fvtool(H); legend(hfvt,'IIR unconstrained design','IIR constrained design'); set(hfvt,'color',[1 1 1]);


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