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SUNDAY, MAY 08, 2011


Author Gloria Naylor Corroborates The NSA's Brain Fingerprinting/Remote Neural Monitoring Of Americans

Investigative Journalist Targeted For Organized Stalking & An Ongoing FBI COINTELPRO STING OPERATION/SMEAR CAMPAIGN -- This author has been used as an unwitting target of MKULTRA non consensual human experimentation for decades via the NSA's SIGNALS INTELLIGENCE EMF Scanning Network - a covert domestic spy program which uses brain scanners deployed via NSA signals intelligence satellites to remotely scan the brainwaves of any American citizen. The NSA's SIGNIT EMF Scanning Network is an outgrowth of the Pentagon and CIA's MIND and TAMI (MKULTRA) "mind control" programs, which use EEG Heterodyning technology to synchronize AI computers with the unique brainwave print of each American citizen. This technology enables the NSA to brand us like heads of cattle. Google: AKWEI VS NSA & The Matrix Deciphered to learn more about this Orwellian attack on the American people's Constitutional rights.

Senator John McCain And His Pals In The Nuclear

Power Industry Have Conveniently Forgotten About The Three Mile Island And Chernobyl Disasters, As Well As The Shoreham Power Plant Debacle On Long Island, NY In The 1980's, When They Propose Building More Nuclear Power Plants In The United States. And Like The Rothschild Rockefeller Morgan Drug Trust & Its Failed Slash, Poison & Burn Protocols In The Treatment Of Cancer, McCain Refuses To Ignore The Obvious Dangers That Nuclear Power Plants Represent

Gloria Naylor Corroborates

The NSA's Secret Brain Fingerprinting Of American Citizens When Gloria Naylor wrote her book (1996) in 2006, there were a scant few people on the Internet writing about their own experiences in regard to being targeted for such brain scanning technology. However, in 2010 this has become an entirely different situation, with thousands of targeted individuals (TI's) taking to the Web documenting these outrageous attacks on their privacy and inherent rights to freedom. Is the NSA the only agency responsible for perpertrating these covert attacks on the United States Bill of Rights? Not at all. TI's have reported being attacked by virtually all of the alphabet agencies, including the FBI, CIA, NSA and DHS.


9-11 Site Search Each of whom have been given access to the types of weaponized satellites from which electronic warfare can be deployed. In fact it's safe to conclude that any organization within the U.S. MilitaryIntelligence complex can have access to electronic warfare technology, However, when it comes to the Orwellian crimes of remote thought reading and mind manipulation, this requires the use of Signals Intelligence technology. And it is the National Security Agency which remains the premier Signals Intelligence organization on this planet. For more on the NSA's Signals Intelligence operations and its secretive domestic spying through the Signals Intelligence EMF WWW 9-11 Black Op

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Scanning Network see: John St. Clair Akwei has also documented this in his 1992 lawsuit against the National Security Agency. Two Texas Women Sue Police Department After Illegal Cavity Searches Were Performed On Them - The Patriot Act Is Being Used To Turn America Into A Nazi Idealized Police State - The Patriot Act Must Be Abolished

Their Eyes Were Watching Her

Gloria Naylor Meets the Thought Police In Her Fictionalized Memoir By Makkada B. Selah

Decades from now, Gloria Naylor's 1996--published earlier this year by Third World Press--may be considered a groundbreaking testament on the advent of the New World Order. The National Book Award winner writes in the first line of her book, "I didn't want to tell this story." Her self-described "fictionalized-memoir" claims that in 1996 she was targeted by the National Security Agency for surveillance and thought control. It sounds pretty outlandish, and the title's Orwellian nod isn't subtle, but in this age of privacy erosion and the NSA's recently unveiled warrantless surveillance program 1996 is timely. It proposes that it's quite easy for the average law-abiding citizen to become the target of an NSA investigation for reasons not directly related to national security. "The Naylor woman"--as the memoirist is referred to by the fictional NSA officials in the text--is vacationing at her beachfront home on St. Helena, one of the Gullah islands off the coast of South Carolina, when she gets into a spat with her neighbor Eunice Simon. Simon is a woman of many cats, which keep defecating on Naylor's property. All attempts to reason with Simon are unsuccessful. Other neighbors suggest she install a fence, but, Naylor writes, "I stubbornly rejected their advice. It was my land and my garden. Why should I be the one to make concessions?" In addition to the cat problem, Naylor has tree rats in her attic. An exterminator sets poisonous bait in the attic but says it would be more effective to place it underneath the house as well--provided she doesn't have any pets. She tells him she doesn't, but one day one of Simon's cats eats it. Presumably, fiction enters the memoir at this point. According to Naylor, her neighbor is the sister of the assistant deputy director of the NSA, Dick Simon. She supposes that her neighbor called her brother and told some lies about her to trigger her surveillance in retaliation for the death of her beloved cat--Orwell. Eunice, who is Jewish, also tells her brother that Naylor is an anti-Semite because she was quoted in the local paper as having "cried at the Million Man March." In addition, Eunice tells the sheriff that she suspects Naylor is dealing drugs. Naylor switches to an omniscient third-person to capture the thoughts of Dick Simon and the sheriff, who muses, "She's a writer. She's black. And she wears dreadlocks. Some kind of radical, that was for sure, but not necessarily dealing. Then again, how could she afford a place like that on that end of the island without some major help? You didn't pay for a place like that on welfare checks. " NSA Whistleblower, Russ Tice, Believes That The NSA May Be Secretly Running The United States As Part Of A Shadow Government, And Using Blackmail To Control The Leadership In This Country, Including The White House And Former Assistant HUD Secretary Under The Bush 41 Administration "The Decision Was Made - Let's Get All The Debt Up, Let's Move The Jobs Abroad, And Instead Of Reengineering Your Skills, We're Gonna Dumb Down America So The Middle Class Will Disappear" - Catherine Austin Fitts Former Captain Phillip Marshall, Authors A Book Claiming That 9-1 1 Was Perpetrated By The U.S. Military Intelligence Complex Marshall And His Young Son & Daughter Are Later Found Shot To Death In What Authorities Claimed Was A Murder/Suicide - However, Allegations Have Since Surfaced That Marshall & His Family Were Murdered In A CIA Black Operation, Making Them The Latest Victims Of The 9-11 False Flag Operation

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The problem--here and elsewhere--with Naylor re-creating the thoughts of those she believes invaded her privacy is her sarcasm, such as the above reference to welfare checks. While it's believable that racism does make somebody a target, very few people, black or otherwise, have endured the break-ins, noise disruptions, tagging, tapping, and electromagnetic mind tampering that Naylor says she experienced. Presuming to read her watchers' minds makes it harder to believe her story--and it does feel like Naylor wants us to believe her. But these fictional passages are filled with hyperbolic language, what Naylor presumes her adversaries were thinking--and it comes off simply as the real-life Naylor putting words into people's heads and mouths. Instead of true fiction, what you get are machinations and puppeteering. And Naylor is not a political threat--her books of fiction, save this one, aren't radical. If we believe Naylor's interpretation, we are forced to believe that the second highest ranking official in the NSA would waste thousands of dollars spying on someone whose only crime was killing his sister's cat--and maybe being antiSemitic, if saying you liked the Million Man March tags you as that. Stranger things have happened, but if Naylor's objective was to alert us to the abuses of the NSA, a lopsided-fiction approach, while perhaps safer legally, only clouds the issue. The most successful parts of the book are the straight memoir sections because, ultimately, the fictional spying motives and objectives don't make sense. At first it feels like the Simons' objective is to scare Naylor off St. Helena, but the harassment intensifies when she returns to New York. Naylor describes an experience of "electromagnetic thought tampering" through the use of classified brainwashing equipment, which she says is pointed at her from a neighbor's home. Supposedly, the NSA and military have used such equipment for many years and call it "zapping." She writes: I remember watching Mel Gibson's "Braveheart" for the fifteenth time when the first thought came to me: I am a bitch. It seemed to have just floated up from the bottom of my mind. It had nothing to do with what I was thinking because at that moment I wasn't thinking anything at all. I had been watching a particularly gory battle scene. I am the worst bitch in the world. I want to kill myself. Where was this stuff coming from? I frowned and rubbed my forehead. Why was I thinking these things? This wasn't me. A thought came that hit me to the heart, I hate Jews.

The Congress - This Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg In Regard To The NSA's Treasonous Crimes, Which Also Include Electronically Fingerprinting The EMF Signatures Of The American People, As Part Of An Orwellian Signals-IntelligenceDriven Domestic Surveillance Program Website Dedicated To The Written Works Of Eustace Mullins - The Greatest Political Historian Of The 20Th Century - If American Youth Were Educated Through The Written Works Of Eustace Mullins, Instead Of The Rothschild/Rockefeller Contaminated Educational System In The United States, The Rothschild Controlled Corporate Government In Washington D.C., The Federal Reserve System, And The IRS Would Have Been Abolished Long Ago, And The United States Would Have Returned To Economic Prosperity Instead, Most Of America's Youth Remains Completely Unaware Of The House Of Rothschild And Its Collusion With The British Monarchy, To Destroy The United States Of America And Her Citizens, While Returning Us To Our 17Th Century Status As Slaves Of The British Monarchy In Recent Years, Much Of Investigative Journalist, Serge Monast's Research Regarding A Covert U.S. Military Intelligence Operation Known As Project Blue Beam, Has Come To Fruition - We Can Now Understand Why Monast Was Murdered Less Than Two Years After Writing His Expose On This Government False Flag Operation, The Likely Victim Of A Directed Energy Induced Heart Attack - Since Evidence Of Project Blue Beam Is Now All Around Us Was A NY Advertising Executive

This thought tampering continues for months until Naylor goes to a psychiatrist, who thinks she has schizophrenia. Frustrated that no one believes her she finds a community of people on the internet who call themselves T.I.s--targeted individuals. They claim to have been subjected to electromagnetic mental torture and 24-hour surveillance, too. While their numbers are few--500 or so documented cases--their stories are astonishingly similar. Some people--on web sites such as,, and say, like Naylor, that they got "turned in" for this form of harassment and privacy invasion because of a personal vendetta with an influential person, or because of some sort of political activism or whistle-blowing. Others say the targeting is random but that the surveillance process, in most cases, extends the T.I.'s entire life. Many people believe it a form of experimentation. While few of the T.I.s claim that the government itself is behind their surveillance, most of

By The Name Of Suzanne Hart Covertly Murdered Through The Use Of Electronic Warfare Technology, And As Part Of A Psychological Warfare Operation That Federal Agents Continue To Subject This Author (And Target Of MKULTRA) To? "The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those who speak it" George Orwell As of 8/15/13 - As part of the COINTELPRO attack against my person, FBI/NSA psychopaths illegally disable all of the

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them say governmental agencies are complicit and help the stalkers gain access to classified weapons. Editor's Note: * There's even a lawsuit which was filed by a former NSA operative against the NSA in 1992 which was dismissed by a corrupt federal judge and asset of the U.S. Intelligence community by the name of Stanley Sporkin. See the contents of this lawsuit here: John St. Clair Akwei, who says the V2K or "voice to skull" technology was used on him, and he cites the NSA's "covert operations to monitor individuals." The book ends, and Naylor says nothing about whether or not the surveillance stopped, or when it stopped, though in a recent interview posted online, she says she hasn't had an attack for about a year. In the final scene, she has retreated to a public library to write her memoir where the thought police can't read or interfere with her mind. She begins with the words: "I didn't want to tell this story." 1996 is not, in any sense of the word, a "good read"--not just because of its troubling subject matter, but also because of the understandably awkward and speculative manner in which it is presented. It is a haunting book, though, one that stays with you: You don't want to believe it. In the end, no hard conclusions can be made, but there are too many things we do not know to discredit 1996 completely. At the very least it's a book of this era, and the implications that it raises are only now being mined.

*YouTube videos that this author has embedded on this Website, for the past decade, as further punishment for my exposing the NSA Signals Intelligence EMF fingerprinting of the entire U.S. population - On 8/27/13 the YouTube video links to this Website are restored except for one - The link to the 1981 movie Looker, which documents the use of CGI video morphing technology to animate the image of any person, through the theft of their physical attributes. If you can purchase Looker or rent it at your local library, you will understand why the FBI had it removed from YouTube. *All Of The YouTube Videos That FBI/NSA Psychopaths Have Blocked From Entering My Website Can Be Found At My YouTube Website - See Them Before These New World Order Criminals Sabotage This Website As Well Before You Can Effectively Control The Minds Of A Nation's Citizenry, You Must First Do So With Its Body Politic, Military-IndustrialIntelligence Complex, And Media System - The EEG Heterodyning Of Our Nations' Political, Defense, News Gathering, And Entertainment Personalities Is The First Step In Brainwashing An

Freedom Of Information Act Requests - There's No

Entire Population "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds" - Ralph Waldo Emerson What Emerson was referring to in

Guarantee That You Will Get The Information You Request And You May Pay Quite A Bit To Go Through The Process - However, There Are Waivers For Special FOIA Requests That May Be Beneficial To The Public Learn More About The Freedom Of Information Act Here

"A l-Qaeda Is A Front Group For The US Military-

the above quote, was for people to stop following the (mind controlled) hive mind mentality propagated by the House Of Rothschild, and to instead learn to think for themselves and develop their own ideas As A Target Of MKULTRA This Author Documents Nine Consecutive Months Of FBI/NSA/DHS Organized Stalking, Psychological Warfare, & Directed Energy Microwave Weapon Attacks, Which We Are Subjected To On A Daily Basis - These So Called Agents Are Nothing But Pathological Murderous Psychopaths, Who Are Covering Up The Fact That The American People Are The Targets Of A

Industrial Complex" - This Statement Answers So Many Disturbing Questions Regarding Why Al-Qaeda Remains A Consistent Part Of This False Flag Operation


Intelligence Operations) Illustrates The Criminal Mindset Of The Bureau & Its Complete Disregard For The Rule Of Law In America As Set Forth By The United States Constitution - COINTELPRO Expert, Paul Wolf Discusses This Treasonous Operation In Detail - One Which Has Been Used To Violate The Civil Liberties Of Millions Of American Citizens, While Even Resulting In The Torture And Murder Of Myriad Americans

"High Tech Crimes & Electronic Madness" By Arlene

Tyner - A Powerful Indictment Against The U.S. Military Industrial Intelligence Complexes' Use Of Unwitting Subjects To Test Its Classified Technology On

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A Swedish Target Of Mind Control - Non Consensual

Domestic Spy Program Which Includes The Illegal Fingerprinting Of Their Bodies' Own Unique EMF Signatures - Not Only Is This Covert Program Treasonous, It's Being Used To Both Steal The Biological Property Of Every U.S. Citizen, While Branding Each One Of Us Like A Head Of Cattle "The 13Th Tribe" By Jewish Historian, Arthur Koestler, Debunks The Myth That Ashkenazi Jews Are The Descendants Of The Israelites - The Ashkenazis, In Spite Of Their Claims, Are Not Legitimate Jews - They Were Originally From Asia, And Adopted Judaism As Their Religion Hundreds Of Years Ago, Just As The Emperor Constantine Adopted Christianity For The Roman Empire - The Only Legitimate Jews Are The Sephardic Jews From Ethiopia, Who Are The Real Descendants Of The Israelites Sephardic Jews Are Also Discriminated Against And Treated As Second Class Citizens In Zionist Controlled Israel The following interview with political historian, Eustace Mullins, describes the ties between the Ashkenazi Khazar Zionists (Those who have perverted Sephardic Judaism and falsely claim to be the descendants of the Israelites - For the past three centuries the House Of Rothschild has been the most powerful Zionist organization in the world), and the emergence of the antichrist, which authors Tom Horn and Cris Putnam believe will occur in the near future. The Ashkenazi Khazar Zionists are referred to as the serpent people because of their allegiance to Satan (the Antichrist):

Human Experimentation Creates Yet Another In The Thousands Of Websites Describing This Orwellian Crime Against Humanity - Like The U.S. Federal Government, The Swedish Government Also Denies That This Covert Attack On Its Citizens Is Taking Place

The Scare Tactics Implemented By The U.S. Intel

Community Via Our Elected Officials And The U.S. Media Are Being Used To Instill Fear In The American People While Simultaneously Destroying Our Constitutional Rights

FBI Nationwide Raids Target Peace Activists, With The

FBI Using Its Usual Gestapo Tactics In Which To Violate The 1St Amendment Right To Freedom Of Speech And Public Assembly

Dr. Ron Paul Introduces House Resolution 6416: The

American Traveler Dignity Act - This Has Been Done In Response To The TSA's Orwellian Use Of Body Scanning Technology & The Molestation Of Any Airline Passenger Who Refuses To Submit To The Body Scan - However, This Bill Will Likely Go Nowhere And Neither Will Dr. Paul's House Resolutions Regarding The Abolition Of The Federal Reserve System's Board Of Governors, Or The Bill To Audit The Federal Reserve - Further Evidence Of The Zionist Control Over The U.S. Congress & The White House Which Both Represent The Will Of The House Of Rothschild & Its Federal Reserve Banking Cartel; Not The American People

"High Tech Crimes & Electronic Madness" By Arlene

Tyner - A Powerful Indictment Against The U.S. Military Industrial Intelligence Complexes' Use Of Unwitting Subjects To Test Its Classified Technology On

Are You Being Electronically Tracked By The National

Security Agency's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network?


A Long Island Town Seeks To Ban New Construction

Of Cell Phone Towers Citing Their Dangers - Cell Phone Towers Operate On The Same Frequencies As The Human Brain Yet Few Cell Phone Users Know This

Editor's Note: It's interesting to note that the Urban dictionary coined the phrase "ostrich syndrome" in 2006, in reference to those Americans who still refuse to accept the fact that the U.S. Federal Government has lied to us regarding who the real terrorists behind the attacks on 9-11 are. It is also interesting to note that in 2006, the famous writer, Gloria Naylor, penned a book entitled 1996, regarding Naylor's experiences as a target of the NSA's Signals EMF Scanning Network, and the predation covertly perpetrated by a U.S. Government Agency conducted by way of satellite. Ostrich Syndrome: "Denying or refusing to acknowledge something that is blatantly obvious as if your head were in the sand like an ostrich." Eustace Mullins Describes The Link Between Ashkenazi Khazar Zionism And The Antichrist

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Author, Gloria Naylor, is one of the more famous citizens to document their experience as a target of the types of non consensual human experimentation that this author has been writing about for the past several years. Like the myriad others who are subjugated to this Orwellian nightmare, each account has a similar theme: Years of being illegally surveilled by a government agency, used for some form of non consensual human experimentation, subjected to the vigilante hate crime of organized stalking, being demonized, dehumanized and denied our inherent rights as citizens of our respective countries. Whether you refer to such rights as God given, civil rights, or any form of basic human rights which protect you from a government which seeks to deny you your Constitutional rights to privacy and due process of law, the leadership within these governments, including the United States, are committing the most serious crimes imaginable against us. And doing everything possible to cover up these crimes, as well as the brain fingerprinting technology which is being used in which to covertly perpetrate them. What Gloria Naylor is documenting for us is what former NSA employee John St. Clair Akwei, this author, and many other targets of non consensual human experimentation are exposing over the Internet: The National Security Agency's implementation of a national brain fingerprinting program which has been used to electronically brain fingerprint the U.S. population, while cataloguing our brain fingerprints into the NSA's vast computer database. "NSA personnel can dial up any individual in the country on the Signals lntelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA's computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-aday. The NSA can pick out and track anyone in the U.S. NSA agents in remote offices can instantly identify (using~ RNM) any individual spotted in public who is in contact with surveillance subject." -- Former NSA Employee John St. Clair Akwei Cell Phone Cameras Have Become An Enormous Threat To People's Privacy - Before You Use Your Cellphone To Take A Photo Of A Family Member Watch This Video Short Was The Wistar Institute's Elaine Defreitas' Research Program, Regarding Chronic Fatigue And neither the NSA nor the politicians in this country are ever going to admit to this high crime of treason; one which has been used in which furtively destroy the United States Constitution. And with the destruction of the U.S. Constitution, the control over the U.S. Federal Government, that the Constitution guarantees the American people. The U.S Federal Government was created to be the American people's public servant; not the other way around. However, since this Government was subverted by the House of Rothschild with the creation of one of its Communist central banks in 1914, the U.S. Federal Government now exists in name only; being controlled by a Zionist oriented shadow government which secretly controls the three branches of the U.S. Federal Government (as well as the U.S. Treasury), the U.S. Military Intelligence Complex, and the American economy. Moreover, the Rothschilds have always made most of their money by fomenting wars between the governments of other countries, Was A 1972 Eastern Airlines Plane Crash The Result Of An Accident, Or Was It The Result Of A U.S. Military Intelligence Black Operation That Involved Holographic Imaging Technology, Which This Complex Intended For Later Use As Part Of NASA's Project Blue Beam Program? Syndrome, Sabotaged By The U.S. Centers For Disease Control And The National Institutes For Health, Because Dr. Defreitas Was On The Brink Of Discovering That CFS Is A Biological Weapon? CFS Has Many Similarities & A Linking Pathogen To Other Biological Weapons, Including Lyme Disease

In A Case Of Art Imitating Life, Does The 1981 Movie "Looker" Reveal The U.S. Military Intelligence Complexes' Technological Ability To Digitally Recreate The Image Of Any Person, By Using An Advanced Form Of CGI Technology? And Has This Technology Allowed The U.S. Military Intelligence Complex To Create Computer Generated Actors And Newscasters Which Have Been Animated Through The Theft Of The Physical Likenesses Of Real People? The Above Video Has Now Been Removed From YouTube Under A Bogus Copyright Violation Excuse, Since The U.S. Military Intelligence Complex Doesn't Want The American People Learning About This Technology, Or How It Can Be Used Against Us

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and then profiting by financing both sides of these wars. Something their predecessors continue to do in the modern day through the Communist central banks which they establish in these countries. For instance, every war that the United States has fought since World War I has been financed by the Rothschilds' Federal Reserve System Communist central bank, since the Federal Reserve prints its counterfeited currency and then lends it to the United States Treasury at usury interest rates. The Federal Reserve then passes this debt from the Treasury to the American workforce in the way of a federal income tax. To say the Federal Reserve System is operating criminally is a gross understatement. This organization is an abject cancer on the American people, and being used in which to destroy America's middle class by imposing a form of class warfare on us which is being used to steal what little wealth America's middle class has left, and giving it to the wealthy Zionists who control the Federal Reserve System - a 150 billion dollar a year counterfeiting and money laundering cartel. High Tech Surveillance Vehicle Prototype For Surveillance Of Police Brutality In The American Police State - What The Well Meaning Owner Of This Vehicle Does Not Understand Is That An Agency Like The NSA Has The Ability To Completely Disrupt The Electrical System In His Automobile, By Using A Signals Intelligence Satellite To Remotely Disable All Of The Surveillance Cameras He Has Installed In This Car - The American People's Ignorance Of This Classified Technology Is Almost As Great A Danger To Their Freedom As This Signals Intelligence Technology Itself Is - And If The Police Were Not So Abusive Under The Patriot Act, There'd Be No Need To Have Such Covert Surveillance Systems

Also See:

"Secrets Of The Federal Reserve" By Eustace Mullins Lt. Colonel Terry Lakin Imprisoned For His Challenge

That Barack Obama Is Not A Naturalized Citizen Of The United States & Thus Can't Be Considered The Legitimate President Of The United States - It Would Appear That Most Americans Agree With Lakin, However Few Realize That Obama's Deception Is Just The Tip Of A Series Of Treasonous Lies That All Lead Back To The House Of Rothschilds' 18Th Century Conspiracy To Destroy The United States, Because America's Creation Of Its Own Currency & Intent To Maintain A Debt Free Status Was Considered To Be A Threat To The House Of Rothschild & The British Monarchy - Thus From The Late 1700's The Rothschilds Fomented A Plot To Destroy The United States, By Establishing One Of Their Communist Central Banks In America In Order To Takeover The U.S. Federal Government, Through Their Control Of The U.S. Treasury - This Was Accomplished By The Rothschilds With Their Creation Of The Federal Reserve System

DARPA Creates An RFID Implantable Microchip For

The Human Brain That Is Far More Advanced Than Digital Angel - A Further Indication Of The House Of Rothschilds' Intent To Create A Global Zionist Dictatorship Under Its Illuminati Crime Syndicate While Turning This Planet's Middle Class Into A Group Of Mind Controlled Slaves

Vehicular Stalking Is Part Of Organized Stalking Campaigns Orchestrated Against American Citizens By A Network Of 72 Nationwide Fusion Centers Overseen By The Department Of Homeland Security And The Department Of Justice (FBI) - These Organizations Have Become A Modern Day Version Of The Nazi's Third Reich, Completely Disregarding The American People's Rights Under The U.S. Bill Of Rights, While Helping To Promulgate The 9-11 False Flag Operation Deception

Camelot Cancer Care Holistic Therapy Center Raided By FBI/DEA Based On The Rumor That The Center Was Using Laetrile (Vitamin B17) As Part Of Its Cancer Treatment Program - The Therapy Center's High Success Rate In Curing Cancer Is In No Doubt Due To Its Use Of Vitamin B17 Therapy - This Serves As Further Proof That The American Medical Association And FDA Use The FBI To Attack Alternative Medical Practitioners Whose Cancer Treatment Protocols Are Far More Successful

The NSA's Inclusion Of Superconducting Quantum

Interference Devices (SQUIDS) On Its Echelon Spy Satellites, Allows These Spy Satellites To Track The Minute Electromagnetic Field Given Off By The Human Brain -- SQUID Technology Also Enables The NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Satellite Scanning Network, To Catalogue The Unique EMF Field Of Each American Citizen's Brain Into Its Vast Computer Database -- This Enables The NSA To Illegally Track & Through Wireless Computer To Brain Interface, Remotely Monitor & Manipulate A Person's Thoughts - This Clearly Indicates That The NSA Has Been Used To Secretly Brain

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Fingerprint The American People, Even Though Its Charter Strictly Prohibits The NSA From Spying In The United States

Than The Deadly But Profitable Cut - Poison - Burn Junk Science Of The AMA And Hospitals Like Sloan Kettering - Google: G. Edward Griffin's World Without Cancer To Read About The Collusion Between

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The Rockefeller Foundation, The American Medical Association & The FDA, To Ban Vitamin B17 From The United States, After Medical Research Financed By Sloan Kettering Hospital In The 1970's, Showed That Vitamin B17 Is A Much Healthier Treatment Protocol For Curing Cancer, Than The Use Of Such Medical Quackery As Chemotherapy And Radiation Junk Science

"Silenced: TWA Flight 800" Is The Only Documentary In Regard To The U.S. Navy's Accidental Downing Of TWA Flight 800, In July Of 1996, That The U.S. Federal Government Has Not Been Able To Influence - This Is Why The Controlled Media Continues To Ignore This Documentary, In Spite Of Its Accuracy

Did The FBI Murder An Electronics Genius By The Name Of John Iverson, After Iverson Threatened To Sue The FBI For Illegally Confiscating His Inventions, Claiming Government Privilege? Before You Can Effectively Control The Minds Of A Nation's Citizenry, You Must First Do So With Its Body Politic, Military-IndustrialIntelligence Complex, And Media System - The EEG Heterodyning Of Our Nations' Political, Defense, News Gathering, And Entertainment Personalities Is The First Step In Brainwashing An Entire Population

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Testimony From Connie Marshall, A Former Candidate For Mayor Of Louisville Kentucky, Who Describes How She Is Being Attacked With Directed Energy Weapons After Filing A Formal Complaint In Regard To The Dangers Of The Smart Meter Installed In Her Home - Smart Meters Are Installed In More Than 36 Million American Homes, And Give Off Hazardous Electromagnetic Radiation Public Radio's Charitable Trust Con Continues To Be Used To Fleece Millions Of Radio Listeners Out Of Their Money Each Year - A Century Ago, John D. Rockefeller Learned Of The Charitable Trust Concept Through The Carnegie Foundation (Who Developed This Scheme Through The Rothschilds), And Decided That It Made Sense To Take Over Organizations That He Had An Interest In, Through The Use Of Charitable Bequests - These Bequests Required That Certain Criteria Be Met Before These Organizations Would Ever Receive Any Donations From Rockefeller The Educational System In The United States Was Infiltrated By The Rockefeller Foundation Through The Charitable Trust Scheme

NSA Insider Exposes This Sinister Orwellian Organization Operating Under The Guise Of An Intelligence Agency "A number of collateral operations are required in support of a successful psychic warfare program. Chief among these are human resource recruitment (procurement), technology development, field operations command/control, and financial/legal relationships administration. As with psychic training and warfare, the preferred NSA management tools include subterfuge, intimidation, bribery, blackmail, coercion, and (when expedient) outright violence. To the extent the NSA could be said to have any agency wide policy or standard of conduct, it consists of the following:

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If it moves, enslave it. If it doesn't, steal it. If it resists, kill it. If it's no longer useful, destroy it." *Excerpted From "Citadel Of Evil" By Steven J. Smith In His Expose On The U.S. National Security Agency, Former NSA PSI Warrior Steve Smith Describes The NSA's Torture Of Children Who Are Used As Psychic Warriors For The Agency - Within A Year Of Doing So Smith Would Be Murdered "Exo-Vaticana: Petrus Romanus, Project LUCIFER, and the Vatican's astonishing exotheological plan for the arrival of an alien savior" - Have Authors Tom Horn And Chris Putnam Really Uncovered Something Astonishing Here, In Predicting That The Vatican Is Presently Preparing For The Coming Of An Alien Savior, Who Will In Reality Be The Antichrist? Or Is Their Research A Spin On The U.S. Military Intelligence Complexes' Operation Blue Beam Bible Rapture Scenario? - In Any Event This Book Is Very Well Researched And Offers An Entirely Different Perspective On The Concept Of UFO Craft And Extraterrestrial Beings "The Russian Woodpecker: experiments in global mind control? - In 1978, various U.S. researchers argued that a signal originating from within the Soviet Union, the so-called Russian Woodpecker, was an experiment in global mind control. Thirty years on, what do we know?" What we know is that the United States is using this signals intelligence mind control technology on the American people, without their knowledge or consent

"Convenient Crashes - The Death Of Journalist Michael Hastings" - The

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Corbett Report Website

Tom Horn & Chris Putnam Describe Their Research In Regard To Their New Book "Exo-Vaticana" And Their Belief That The Vatican Is Presently Awaiting The Arrival Of An Extraterrestrial Being And False Prophet, Whom Horn And Putnam Claim Is The Antichrist

The Movie Deja-Vu Is An Example Of How The U.S. MilitaryIntelligence Complex Uses The Media To Show The Public Technology That Really Exists, Yet Is Presented In A Fictional Venue For The Purpose Of Plausible Deniability - If You Advance This Movie To About 31 Minutes Into Deja-Vu, You Will Be Able To See The Type Of Advanced 3D Thermal Imaging Technology That The U.S. Military Intelligence Complex Is Using To Spy On Targeted Individuals Within Our Own Homes - This Technology Is Being Used To Completely Circumvent The American People's 4Th Amendment Rights American Politicians & News Journalists Are Being Subjected To EEG Heterodyning, Through The Air Computer To Brain Interface, Non Consensual Experimentation Of Their Persons, Without Even Realizing It

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The Real History Of Zionism & The Ashkenazis' False Claim To Judaism The NSA's Clandestine EMF Fingerprinting Of American Citizens, And The Agency's Theft Of Our Biological Property In Which To EMF Fingerprint Us (Which Is Then Used As Part Of An Illegal Signals Intelligence Domestic Spy Program), Will Turn Out To Be The Greatest Scandal In American History

CIA Insider Admits That The Terrorist Attacks On 9-11 Were A False Flag Operation Based On A Much Larger Agenda For Rothschild Zionism's New World Order - When Will The American People As A Citizenry Realize This? Was A NY Advertising Executive By The Name Of Suzanne Hart Covertly Murdered Through The Use Of Electronic Warfare Technology, And As Part Of A Psychological Warfare Operation That Federal Agents Continue To Subject This Author (And Target Of MKULTRA) To?

The Creation Of The Federal Reserve Act & The Birth Certificate Were Two Of The Rothschilds' Final Steps In Enslaving The American People, While Making Them Part Of The British Monarchy/Rothschild Owned U.S. Corporation In Washington D.C. The Above Video Is In Reference

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To A 1913 Conversation Between Rothschild Agent, Colonel Edward Mandel House (Founder Of The Council On Foreign Relations), And President Woodrow Wilson, In Which House Describes Some Of The Plans The Rothschilds Will Be Using To Destroy The United States; Including The Creation Of A Communist Central Bank (The Federal Reserve) And The Implementation Of Birth Certificate And Social Security Programs Which The Rothschilds Will Use To Covertly Enslave American Citizens To The British Monarchy And House Of Rothschild - Their Plan Was As Brilliant As It Was Evil, And Succeeded In Deceiving The American Middle Class, While Stealing Their Country Right Out From Under Them

In A Case Of Art Imitating Life, Does The 1981 Movie "Looker" Reveal The U.S. Military Intelligence Complexes' Technological Ability To Digitally Recreate The Image Of Any Person, By Using An Advanced Form Of CGI Technology? And Has This Technology Allowed The U.S. Military Intelligence Complex To Create Computer Generated Actors And Newscasters Which Have Been Animated Through The Theft Of The Physical Likenesses Of Real People? After I Embed This Video In The Following Article, The FBI Has YouTube Remove "Looker" From Its Website Computer Generated Actors And Newscasters Digitally Recreated From The Images Of Real People, Which Are Then Used To Serve Some Political Agenda - Has The U.S. Military Intelligence Complex Developed A Proprietary Technology Which Uses Super Computers To Digitally Recreate The Image Of Any Person, Whose "Digital Persona" Can Then Be Used For Some Government Political Agenda, Like The 9-11 And Boston Marathon False Flag Operations? The Obama Signing Statement Regarding The National Defense Authorization Act Is The Only Thing Preventing The American People From Being Included As

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Enemy Combatants Under This Orwellian Legislation - Obama's NDAA Signing Statement Protecting Americans From The NDAA Is The Only Thing Standing Between Americans And An All Out Police State - With More Than Three Years Left In His Term Of Office, And The Imminent Conspiracy To Dissolve The United States While Making It Part Of The North American Union Region Of The House Of Rothschilds' Global Dictatorship, Is The Current Media Attack On Barack Obama Being Fomented By The U.S. Military Intelligence Complex, In Order To Remove Him From The White House, So That His Signing Statement Protecting Americans From The NDAA Can Be Repealed?

The Types Of Sorcery CIA/Zionist Hollywood Uses In Its Mind Control Programming - Such Sorcery Can Be Seen In Everything From Disney World To The Clothing Worn By Hollywood's AList Actors "It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" - Voltaire

Is The Pentagon Using HAARP Weapons To Physically Manipulate The Global Weather Climate As Part Of A Genocidal Policy Secretly Implemented By The Vatican, British Monarchy And House Of Rothschild? Website Of A Targeted Individual Which Does A Credible Job Of Describing This Orwellian Nightmare - This Person Also

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Describes Family Involvement In The Crimes Being Perpetrated Against Her - All Of The Family Members Of Targets Of MKULTRA Non Consensual Human Experimentation Are Brainwashed And Mind Controlled Via EEG Heterodyning, Via Signals Intelligence Satellite Networks Like The NSA's Echelon Satellite Array - A Primary Focus Of Rothschild Zionism Is To Use Such Mind Control To Furtively Destroy The Nuclear Family, While Making Children Distrust Their Parents, And Instead Pledge Their Loyalty To The Rothschilds' Zionist World Communist Government Mind Control Of The Masses: The EEG Heterodyning Of The Human Brain Via Signals Intelligence Satellite Could Not Be Accomplished Without The Ability For Such Satellites To Locate The Minute Electromagnetic Fields Which Emanate From The Brain This Is Why Signals Intelligence Satellites Like Those Used For The NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, Rely On Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices (SQUIDS) To Locate These Frequencies In The Human Brain Kathleen Prisco, Accused Of Murdering Her Husband In 2009, Declared Insane And Incapable Of Standing Trial - In 2009 This Author Wrote The Following Article In Regard To Prisco, Questioning If She May Have Been The Target Of An Organized Stalking Campaign At The Time She's Alleged To Have Murdered Her Husband - I Also Stated That If Prisco Is A TI, She Would Be Declared Incompetent To Stand Trial In Order To Cover Up The Fact That She Is A Target Of Organized Stalking, Which May Have Come Out During Her Testimony - Is Kathleen Prisco A TI? "In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. Gold stands as a protector of property rights." -- Alan Greenspan's belief, prior to heading up the Federal Reserve

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Convenient Crashes - The Death Of Journalist Michael Hastings Many UFO's Are Satellite Projected Holograms Being Used To Condition The Global Population Into Accepting The Existence Of Extraterrestrials - However, Is The Purpose To Expose A Mass Alien Invasion, Or The New World Order's Use Of "Project Blue Beam" In Which To Fabricate An Alien Invasion, In Order To Implement A Global Dictatorship? "All formal dogmatic religions are fallacious and must never be accepted by self-respecting persons as final" - Hypatia of Alexandria

In Another Case Of Art Imitating Life, The 2007 Movie "The Signal" Is Another Example Of How Hollywood Is Used To Showcase Classified Technologies Used By The U.S. Military Intelligence Complex In A Fictional Venue - In This Case The Movie Alludes To The National Security Agency's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, And Its Ability To Enter The Neural Pathways Of The Human Brain Using EEG Heterodyning Technology, In Order To Remotely Implant Artificially Created Thought In The Mind Of An Unsuspecting Victim Of This MKULTRA Technology As In The Case Of All Of Its False Flag Operations, The U.S. Federal Government Uses The CIA Controlled Media In This Country To Lie To The American People In Order To Conceal The Federal Government's Role In Such Black Ops - The JFK Assassination Was A False Flag Operation Used To Get Rid Of The Only 20Th Century President Who Wasn't A Controlled Puppet Of The House Of Rothschild,

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And People Died To Protect The Real Masterminds Of Our 35Th President's Murder - A Congressman By The Name Of Hale Boggs Was Yet Another Victim Of The JFK Coverup - When Boggs Chose To Expose Collusion By The Nixon White House, CIA and FBI, In Their Attempt To Conceal The Role They Played In Murdering John F. Kennedy, They Orchestrated Boggs' Murder

Was A NY Advertising Executive By The Name Of Suzanne Hart Covertly Murdered Through The Use Of Electronic Warfare Technology, And As Part Of A Psychological Warfare Operation That Federal Agents Continue To Subject This Author (And Target Of MKULTRA) To? A week after the Boston Marathon bombings a Google search showed more than 60 million Websites when the term "Boston Marathon Bombing False Flag Operation" was used. Today, this term turns up less than half that number. Is the Intel community using Google to remove these Websites from its search engine?

The Boston Marathon False Flag Operation Is Just One Example Of How The U.S. Military Will Be Used To Declare Martial Law In America, Under The National Defense Authorization Act - We Are Seeing The United States Being Turned Into A Full Fledged Dictatorship While False Flag Black Ops Like 9-11 And The Boston Marathon Bombing, Are Being Perpetrated By The Very People Within Our Government, Who Are Attempting To Enslave Us Through Their Destruction Of Our Constitutional Rule Of Law

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Eustace Mullins Describes The Rockefeller Family's Control Over The American Medical Association And Its Perversion Of The Medical Community In The United States

Former Superior Court Judge, Andrew Napolitano, Comments On The Dangers Of The FBI's Entrapment Schemes And False Flag Operations - Not Long After He Made These Comments, Napolitano Was Fired From His Job At Fox News Who Claimed That His Program's Rating Were Not High Enough - This Excuse Is An Example Of Plausible Deniability - This Is Also Yet Another Example Of How Media Personalities Are Controlled, And That Any Man Or Woman Who Serves In This Capacity Will Be Fired From Their Job If They Challenge The Official Position Taken By The U.S Federal Government On A Particular Issue

A Three Part Series Regarding How Neural Linguistic Programming Is Used By The Mainstream Media In America To Discredit Any Person Who Accuses The U.S. Federal Government Of Perpetrating The Attacks On 9-11-2001

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In the above video, Dr. Nick Begich describes HAARP technology and its ability to create artificial natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods and earthquakes Hurricane Sandy was most likely created by this HAARP technology Sedgwick Maine Declares Its Own Food Sovereignty Ordinance While Completely Disregarding The Federal Government's Food Guidelines "There is a food revolution taking hold all over America, whether it is in the form of demanding labeling of GM foods, the right to produce and sell raw milk and other commodities, or in the case of Sedgwick, Maine declaring all local food transactions of any kind free and legal. According to the website, Sedgwick is the first city in the U.S. to free itself from the constraints of federal and state food regulation. Published reports say the town has passed an ordinance that gives its citizens the right 'to produce, sell, purchase, and consume local foods of their choosing,' regulations be damned. The ordinance includes raw milk, meats that are slaughtered locally, all produce and just about anything else you might imagine." Under this ordinance, will Sedgwick Maine make it legal to use Vitamin B17 for medicinal purposes within the city's borders? Given B17's proven track record for killing cancer cells, based on the research done by the late Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura for Sloane Kettering in the 1970's (which Sloan Kettering disregarded when it was determined that the hospital could not profit off of Vitamin B17's Laetrile derivative, because it could not patent a natural substance), if Sedgwick decides to allow Vitamin B17 to be used in the

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treatment of cancer, how long before the FDA attempts to challenge Sedgwick in federal court? Sedgwick, Maine Declares Food Sovereignty Opposing State And Federal Laws

4/18/13 - "Amongst the myriad of electronic tamperings to this Website, I have noticed that in order to reduce the Internet traffic to particular articles that have attracted a great deal of public interest, FBI-NSA operatives will hack my Blogger account and convert the particular posts which are of interest back to a draft, so that they are no longer accessible on this Website or the Internet. This is usually done with posts that have a significant number of page views. When they attempt to access a specific post that has been converted to a draft, the readers are told that the post no longer exists, when in reality, it does exist, yet has been electronically tampered with by these Nazi idealized miscreants. There are well over 3000 posts on this Website, so it's impossible to keep track of them all. Consequently, this enables these agents to prevent a significant number of readers who regularly access this Website from reading many of the specific posts that they have an interest in. Given the chronicity of these electronic tamperings, it is truly remarkable that this Website still has as much Web traffic as it does. Then again, the content of this site is extraordinarly provocative for anyone who is interested in reading about crimes which the federal government in this country continues to commit with complete impunity." - James F. Marino For The Trillions Spent On Cancer Treatments Over The Past 50 Years, The Rockefeller Drug Trust Placed In Charge Of Finding A Cure For Cancer Has Yet To Do So - Is The Cure For Cancer Really So Elusive? Or Are Those Who Claim To Be

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Constantly Searching For The Cancer Cure Simply Waiting For A More Lucrative Disease To Surface, Which They Can Then Financially Exploit, Before They Proclaim To Have Miraculously Found A Bonified Cure For Cancer? "Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction." -Pascal It would appear that after many Wall Street investment bankers make their fortunes raping and pillaging the average investor, their next rape and pillage is in writing tell all books regarding the industry that made them rich, while biting the proverbial hand that once fed them - This former investment banker is one such example

New Book Implicates The CIA In The Murder Of John F. Kennedy And His Mistress, Socialite Mary Pinchot Meyer Was John F. Kennedy's Long Time Mistress, Mary Pinchot Meyer, Murdered Because She Attempted To Convince JFK To End The Vietnam War?

1913 Conversation Between Woodrow Wilson And Colonel Mandell House In Which Mandell House Confides In The 28Th U.S. President, In Regard To How The House Of Rothschild Will Use The Federal Reserve Act To Secretly Reduce The American Middle Class To A Nation Of Slaves - A Century Later The Rothschilds Have Realized Their Goal Of Destroying The United States And Her Middle Class Through The Greatest Series Of

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Deceptions Ever Perpetrated "60 Minutes is a Propaganda Machine - 60 Minutes Japanese Disaster Brainwash" - "The takeaway from this story is that the worst has passed in Japan, and that things are getting better since the earthquake/tsunami combo that hit the island in the spring of 2011. Ask yourself why CBS didnt do a story on the real problem in Japan . . . radiation from Fukushima nuclear reactor meltdowns. Meltdowns worse than Chernobyl."

FBI Complicity In The 1993 Bombing Of The WTC Towers 1993 Was A Trial Run For The Attacks On 9-11-2001

""The more corrupt the state the more numerous its laws" - Publius Cornelius Tacitus Civil Rights Attorney William Kunstler Was Despised By The U.S. Federal Government For Independently Investigating The 1993 Attacks On The World Trade Center, As Part Of His Representation Of The Patsies Who Were Set Up To Take The Fall For This False Flag Operation Kunstler Would Die During The Time He Represented These Defendants - The Question Is Was His Death By Natural Means, Or Was It Caused By A Microwave Energy Weapon Directed At Kunstler's Body To Cause His Illness? If This Is The Case, Then Who Murdered William Kunstler? Was It The FBI, In Seeking To Coverup The Bureau's Role In The 1993 Bombing, Based On The Testimony Of An FBI Informant Named Emad Salem? "FBI/NSA Psychopaths Using Psychotronic Weapons To Torture And Murder American Citizens" -

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As A Target Of MKULTRA And FBI/NSA Satellite Predation Since The 1970's Via EEG Heterodyning Technology, I Can Attest To The Fact That The "Details" Described By The Person In The Following Website Are Accurate - These Agents Really Are Murderous Psychopaths

Since Former Governor Jesse Ventura Interviewed Targets Of Mind Control Weapons In An Episode Of Conspiracy Theory Called "The Brain Invaders" His TV Show Has Been Sabotaged - Is Ventura Himself Now A Targeted Individual? If So, Is Ventura Being Targeted Because He Is The Only Person Within The Mainstream Media Who Has Tried To Expose The U.S. Military Intelligence Complexes' Nazi Ideals (Via Project Paperclip) And Use Of Electronic Warfare Technology On American Citizens?

Reporters Caroline Crowley & Serene Branson seen speaking almost the same exact gibberish during live TV broadcasts is the result of the EEG Heterodyning of their own brainwaves, and the same information being remotely broadcast into each woman's brain. The Intel community was quick to post comments on the Internet claiming that the Crowley video was a mock version of the Branson video, however, the voices on both videos are completely different, and there appears to be no lip syncing on the Crowley video. There have also been at least 20 other TV reporters and a baseball radio commentator who have all started to speak incoherently while doing live broadcasts. The fact that these two women are speaking nearly

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identical gibberish proves that migranes (the official explanation) were not the real cause of this phenomenon. Moreover, and as previously stated, there have been at least 20 different TV personalities over the past year who have started speaking such incoherent sentences while doing live TV broadcasts, as the result of their being unwittingly subjected to the remote influence of their own brainwaves via EEG Heterodying technology. This also serves as further evidence that the media are being subjected to mind control experimentation, while their brainwaves are being synchronized with artificial intelligence computers, via the type of EEG Heterodyning technology that Dr. Robert Duncan refers to in his book "The Matrix Deciphered" - Like the rest of the American people, the men and women within the U.S. Media have now become unwitting targets of this satellite predation.

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