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To fight the HIV menace, it is more effective to concentrate on health awareness and treatment programmes rather than on preventive

programmes. Do you agree?

HIV is a serious matter that is causing the world turning upside down. Many people in the world deceased from HIV sickness because many attempted unprotected sex or in contact with a HIV positive person. HIV is also known as human immunodeficiency virus which can be transmitted through blood to blood or sex contact. The part where is it most common to be infected are blood, semen and vaginal fluid (What is HIV? 2009). HIV can be inherited from parents to children or one can also get it from the saliva of a HIV patient. Many believe that in order to withstand this HIV menace, it is more effective to concentrate on health awareness and treatment programmes rather than on preventive programmes. Therefore, the team strongly agree that using health awareness and treatments programmes is more eligible. HIV treatment programmes should be concentrated rather than preventive programmes because HIV treatment as prevention. This concept is acceptable when a new treatment is coming out. This new treatment is using of drug which is Antiretroviral (ARV) drugs. Intake of ARV can treat the virus of HIV infection, it can slow down the virus activity in the body. The virus of HIV will be damaged and become not active. It also can maintain people in healthy and decrease the risk of HIV transmission (HIV Treatment As Prevention 2011). Besides, the study confirmed that ARV can help to protect the peoples who are HIV negative from becoming infected. The immune system of body is strengthening because of ARV and it will form a barrier as protection to slow down the HIV infection. ARV can provide the treatment as well as prevention when it comes to HIV. Once AIDS/HIV treatment, the purpose is to slow the replication of HIV in the patients body, thereby delaying the immune system weakened. Common sense, virus of HIV is difficult to detect or can be said as undetectable, it will be lurking in the body for several years. Even it is undetectable, the virus still can be transmitted (Transmission,testing & treatment 2012). This means that the prevention of further perfection is useless. So, treatment should be concentrated with more effective than prevention. Besides concentrate on treatment programmes, health awareness also more effective than on preventive programmes. Health awareness regarding AIDS and HIV are created as educational programmes or extra lectures in school or public. It is more effective than prevention. For instance, use of drug, persons who addicted in drug will affect their decision

making power and it maybe will overspread the infection into the body without warning. Unsafely sex and share or reuse the needles also will lead them to then HIV infection. Unsafely sex always happen with people who lack of public awareness (Can we avoid AIDS 2011). The sex education and moral lessons are not spread it to the public successfully, they are ignorance and they omit the negative effect of HIV infection. These tragedies always happen because the people are lack of health awareness. If they can concentrate on health awareness, they will not repeat these wrong things again and again. So, good of health awareness can help the people prevent HIV, it is more effective than preventive programmes because preventive programmes are difficult to detect or prevent the HIV infection and accidents are always happened. Furthermore, early treatment is better than prevention in against the HIV infection. According to medical expert Dr. Edsel Salvana 2011, Early treatment is better than condoms against HIV. That means taking the treatment earlier is better than using condoms as prevention when having sex. Dr. Salvana said that early treatment is the key factor to success with against the HIV infection. The study of Dr. Salvana show that early HIV treatment is can reduce the transmission rate by 90 to 96 percent. It also has an efficacy rate of 95 percent when preventing the transmission of HIV (Early treatment better than condoms against HIV, says expert 2011). Based on the result, early treatment can be considered to more effective than preventive programmes. Other than that, early treatment can increase the success rate of treatment. This can also help make medicine more carefully and more in-depth study. This may help find a vaccine to treat HIV, which will be the breakthrough discovery. In summarizes, treatment is more effective than prevention if it taking earlier. Government also will concentrate the cost-effective plan with health awareness and treatment programmes. On the other hand, preventive programmes of against HIV menace is also need to be concentrated. HIV preventive programmes will help to build skills (Building Skills to Prevent HIV Infection 2012). It enables the society to develop the skills to guide themselves. For example, information, education and communication (IEC) programmes can combine three of each become a guide to lead the society. People can get the information through mass media, having an education through personalised counselling and have a good communication by discussion groups and peer support. In addition, usually focuses on HIV prevention in these three areas are sexual transmission, transmission through blood and mother-to-child transmission (How can HIV transmission be prevented? 2011). These three areas are the main

ways that transmitted the HIV infection. After having the prevention skill, people will be more knowledgeable to face these problems and make a right decision. Even preventive programmes can help to build the skills to against the HIV menace, but it is still not effective than health awareness and treatment programmes. In conclusion, health awareness and treatment programmes should be concentrated rather than preventive programmes because HIV treatment as prevention, using the new treatment of drug, antiretroviral which can treat the virus of HIV. Health awareness is more effective than prevention because giving early HIV awareness education can avoid the rate of people getting HIV decrease, as well as sex education are to be given to them. Early treatment is better than prevention in against the HIV infection because it can build up early antibodies for a patient to fight against the upcoming HIV. It is better than having condom because it has already be treated. It is a must for the government to take serious action against this matter and people all over the world should corporate to fight against HIV.

1. Building skills to prevent HIV infection 2012, Code of Good Practice, viewed as 30 January 2012, <>. 2. Can we avoid AIDS 2011, HIV SYMPTOMS, viewed as 29 January 2012, <>. 3. Cichocki, MRN 2009, What is HIV? ,, viewed as 30 January 2012, <>. 4. Introduction to HIV prevention: how can HIV transmission be prevented? 2011, AVERT, viewed as 30 January 2012, <>. 5. Park, A 2011, HIV treatment as prevention, TIME Specials, viewed as 29 January 2012, <,28804,2101344_2100769_21 00760,00.html>. 6. Transmission,testing& treatment 2012, KeepAChildAlive, viewed as 29 January 2012, <>. 7. Valmero, A 2011, Early treatment better than condoms against HIV, says expert, Loqal, viewed as 30 January 2012, <>.

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