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Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine juridice, Nr.



Masterand Elena-Ancua NEAMU
The concept of human rights was first formulated in the 18 century, following the line of natural rights of the nations, being the foundation of the social contract theory, belonging to Jean-Jaques Rousseau. It began to materialize during two major events such as the French bourgeois revolution (1789) and the rebellion of the English colonies from North America against Great Britain (1776). Human rights protection by means of juridical instruments transposing these rights into legal stipulations began mandatory into the international community, shortly after the second world war; as a consequence of the constant perpetuation of violations of human rights within the nations that possess totalitarian regimes. This necessity materialized into a number of prescriptions with universal or regional character, following the ratification of the United Nations Charta, on the 26th of June 1945. Thus, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, proclaimed and endorsed by the General Assembly of the United Nations on the 10th of December 1948, was the first document with universal calling in this field of activity, and settles a unitary conception of the international community about the rights and liberties of man, opening a new path towards a system of international protection of human rights. Right after the year 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations has endorsed, within this area of activity, over sixty conventions and declarations with the purpose of creating specific mechanisms for the protection of these rights.


Student: Elena-Ancua NEAMU

The concept of human rights was first formulated in the 18th century, following the line of natural rights of the nations, being the foundation of the social contract theory, belonging to Jean-Jaques Rousseau. It began to materialize during two major events such as the French bourgeois revolution (1789) and the rebellion of the English colonies from North America against Great Britain (1776). Human rights protection by means of juridical instruments transposing these rights into legal stipulations began mandatory into the international community, shortly after the second world war; as a consequence of the constant perpetuation of violations of human rights within the nations that possess totalitarian regimes. This necessity materialized into a number of prescriptions with universal or regional character, following the ratification of the United Nations Charta, on the 26th of June 1945. Thus, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, proclaimed and endorsed by the General Assembly of the United Nations on the 10th of December 1948, was the first document with universal calling in this field of activity, and settles a unitary conception of the international community about the rights and liberties of man, opening a new path towards a system of international protection of human rights. Right after the year 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations has endorsed, within this area of activity, over sixty conventions and declarations with the purpose of creating specific mechanisms for the protection of these rights.

1. CONSIDERATII GENERALE CU PRIVIRE LA SISTEMUL DE PROTECTIE A DREPTURILOR OMULUI Omul beneficiaza de drepturi inerente fiintelor umane oriunde s-ar afla, indiferent de statutul sau regiunea unde s-a nascut, locuieste, munceste sau traieste, indiferent de nationalitate, rasa, sex, credinte religioase sau filozofice, stare materiala, fiindca acestea au un caracter universal ceea ce constituie un fundament al drepturilor lor egalesi inalienabile, ca un coloral al libertatii, dreptatii, securitatii si pacii in lume. Sistemul European de protectie a drepturilor omului a fost stabilit de catre Consiliul European al carui statut semnat la

1. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING THE PROTECTION SYSTEM OF HUMAN RIGHTS Men benefit from a number of rights that are inherent to human beings all over the planet, no matter the social status, the country of origin, the place of where they live and work, nationality, race, sex, religious or philosophical beliefs, material state, because all of these possess a universal nature that constitutes the foundation of their equal and inalienable rights, expressing the right of liberty, security and peace world wide. The European system for human rights protection was established by the European Council; its status signed in London on the 5th of may 1949, states in its third article that each member of the European Council must accept the

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, No. 1/2008


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine juridice, Nr. 1/2008

Londra la 5 mai 1949, prevede in art 3 ca fiecare membru al Consiliului Europei trebuie sa accepte principiile statului de drept si principiul in virutea caruia fiecare persoana aflata sub jurisdictia sa trebuie sa se bucure de drepturile si libertatile fundamentale ale omului. Instituia drepturilor omului, care a cunoscut pe parcursul timpului, un laborios dar si indelungat proces de cristalizare, se infatiseaza in prezent ca o institutie deosebit de complexa, ce tine atit de ordinea juridica interna cit si de cea internationala. Afirmarea, respectarea i garantarea material a drepturilor omului prin legislaia intern a statelor i printr-un control internaional eficace al Naiunilor Unite i al instituiilor specializate este de natur s conduc la prevenirea nclcrilor i la corecta aplicare a legislaiei internaionale care consacr dreptul omului la via, demnitate, securitate, la pace, proprietate, la protecia sa social i politic mpotriva atingerilor aduse persoanei sale, drepturilor sale sacre, mpotriva tuturor discriminrilor. Omul, drepturile sale imprescriptibile, reprezint cea mai mare valoare a umanitii. De aceea, drepturile sale au fost afirmate, proclamate, consacrate prin mijloace juridice, materiale i instituionale, astfel ca persoana s fie protejat i aprat de efectele nocive ale rzboaielor, de manifestrile de intoleran etnic, religioas, filozofic i politic. Respectarea efectiv a drepturilor omului, presupune tocmai eradicarea srciei i accesul tuturor oamenilor la un nivel de trai decent, pe care societatea uman cu posibilitile ei contemporane trebuie s-l asigure tuturor membrilor si pe baza cuceririi tiinei i tehnicii i a folosirii naionale a resurselor materiale i financiare, astfel nct fiecare individ s fie interesat de progresul societii i al su personal. Aceasta implic un raport armonios ntre om, stat i societate, o solidaritate reciproc acceptat n interes comun. Respectarea plenar a drepturilor omului, presupune egalitatea ntre brbai i femei, o deplin egalitate ntre sexe astfel nct societatea s beneficieze de aporturi constructive al tuturor membrilor ei capabili de a-i exprima o voin politic i de a participa n mod

principles of the de facto state, and the principle that stipulates that each person under its jurisdiction should enjoy the fundamental rights and liberties of man. The Convention for Protection of Human Rights was signed on the 4th of November 1950 in Rome, by the representatives of thirteen governments, and became operative on the 3rd of September 1953, at the same time with the deposition of the second ratification document. It is the most important document, being the foundation of the mechanisms and the institutions that are needed for applying these rights and liberties of man. The Convention reunites all the nations that are members of the European Council, including Romania (since the 7th of October 1993); it was enhanced or modified up until now, by eleven additional protocols. The human rights institution, which has known along the years a long and laborious process of crystallization, appears to us in our days as a very complex institution that interacts with the internal as well as the international juridical regime. The declaration, the guarantee and the material observance of human rights by the international legislation of the nations and by a severe and effective control performed by the united Nations and specialized institutions, must lead to the prevention of violations and to the correct application of the international legislation, that guarantees the right of a human being to life, dignity, security, peace, prosperity, political and social protection against all the difficulties suffered by ones person, against its sacred laws and against all discriminations. The human being, its indefeasible rights, are the most precious value of humanity. Thus, human rights were proclaimed, established, dedicated by means of juridical, institutional and material procedures, in this way any person should be protected from the harmful effects of war, from the manifestations of ethnic, religious, philosophical and political intolerance. The de facto observance of human rights, precisely means poverty eradication and the access of all people to a decent level of existence, that must be ensured by the human society by its contemporary means, such as the new discoveries

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, No. 1/2008


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine juridice, Nr. 1/2008

contient la luarea deciziilor adecvate n of science and technology and the use of national, interesul comunitii. material and financial resources, in a way that every individual is to be interested with the 2. MECANISME DE PROTECTIE SI progress of society and of it self. This implicates GARANTAREA DREPTURILOR that people, nations and society, are in the best of terms, all being in a solidarity mutually accepted OMUNLUI La nivelul continentului, mecanismele for the common well-being. The overall observance of the human constituite in baza conventiei pentru apararea dreptulor omului si a libertatilor fundamentale rights implies the equality between men and adoptat la Roma, la 4 noiembrie 1950, asigura women, absolute equality between genders in such posibilitati sporite pentru apararea drepturilor a way that the society may benefit from positive omului, daca se constata violarea acestor efforts from all its constituents, capable of drepturi. Aceste mecanisme reprezinta un expressing a political will and of consciously sistem inchegat care mai ales in anii 1995-2000, participate to the process of taking decisions in the si-a demostrat eficienta in protectia si garantarea best interest of the community. drepturilor omului in statele europene.. Dintre mecanismele cunoscute pe plan 2. PROTECTION MECHANISMS AND international pentru garantarea drepturilor THE HUMAN RIGHTS ASSURANCE All over the continent, the mechanisms omului, mecanismele jurisdictionale si-au dovedit in practica cea mai mare eficacitate. Ele that derive from the convention for the protection au la baza doptarea unor instrumente juridice of human rights and of their fundamental liberties prin care se creeaza organe cu atributi signed in Rome on the 4th of November 1950, jurisdictionale a caror competenta este sa provide for enhanced possibilities for defending examineze plingerile ce le sint adresate si sa human rights, if proven violation of these pronunte o hotarire care sa aiba autoritate de rights. Those mechanisms represent a unitary lucru judecat. system which, especially between 1995 and 2000 Acest tip de mecanism este caracteristic has proven its efficiency in the area of protection sistemelor regionale de protecie a drepturilor and assurance of human rights within European omului, existente pe continentul european - n states. cadrul Consiliului European - i pe continentul From the mechanisms internationally american - n cadrul Organizaiei Statelor known for the assurance of human rights, on one Americane - instituite prin Convenia european hand on the European continent there is the pentru salvgardarea drepturilor omului i a European Council, and on the other hand on the libertilor sale fundamentale (1950) i prin American continent there is the Organization of Convenia american privind drepturile omului American States. These two structures were (1969). established by the European Convention for Mecanismul European de protectie a safeguarding of human rights and its fundamental drepturilor omului, are un caracter complex in liberties (1950) and by the American Convention exercitarea atributilor sale. La infiintare, acesta regarding human rights (1969). avea in vedere activitatea a trei organe, care isi The European mechanism for desfasurau activitatea in colaborare, desi aveau safeguarding human rights possesses a complex natura diferita. character in exercising its attributes. At its Primul oragan care intervenea in in foundation, the mechanism was considering the procesul de asigurare a respectarii drepturilor activity of three organs, running their activities in omului era Comisia pentru apararea complete co-operation even thou their nature was different. drepturilor omului. The first organ able to intervene within the Aceasta este un organism important de protectie a drepturilor omului si este alcatuita process of respecting human rights assurance is the dintr-un numar de membrii egal cu cel al Commission for Protecting Human Rights. This is an important organism operating in statelor. Membrii sint alesi in mod individual de
Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, No. 1/2008


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine juridice, Nr. 1/2008

catre Comitetul de Ministrii a Consiliului Europei. Comisia isi desfasoara activitatea dupa propriu sau regulament in baza caruia isi alege un presedinte si doi vicepresedinti pentru o periada de trei ani. Lucrarile Comisiei nu sint publice, dosarele sint confidentiale, iar sedintele se desfasoara in secret, tinand sema de implicatile fiecarui caz adus in fata acestui organ European. Comisia reprezinta primul organ care primeste orice cerere referitoare la o incalcare a drepturilor omului prevazute in conventie, indiferent daca acesta cerere provine de la un stat parte sau de la o persoana fizica. Comisia poate desfasura, in timpul examinarii cereri si o activitate de solutionare amiabila. In siuatia in care nu se poate ajunge la un asemenea rezultat, Comisia redacteaza un raport pe care il inainteaza Comitetului ministrilor. Al doilea organ care intrevine in procesul de solutionare a unei plingerii privind incalcarea unor drepturi reglementate de Conventie este Curtea Europeana a Drepturilor Omului. Aceasta este singurul organ jurisdicional propriu-zis din sistemul existent. A fost creat n anul 1958 i a nceput s judece, un an mai trziu, n anul 1959. Constituirea Curii a fost considerat a fi necesar pentru a oferi garaniile pe care le ateapt europenii n realizarea drepturilor ce le-au fost consacrate. Curtea Europeana a drepturilor omului se compune dintr-un numr de judectori egal cu acela al statelor membre. Pe baza unei liste prezentate de statele membre, judectorii sunt alei de ctre Adunarea parlamentar a Consiliului Europei. De la constituirea Comisiei Europene a Drepturilor Omului i a Curii Europene a Drepturilor Omului s-a acumulat o experien, care a confirmat rolul important al acestor mecanisme n domeniul proteciei i garantrii drepturilor omului. n cazul plngerilor cu caracter statal, procedura se declaneaz n baza art. 24 din Convenia European a Drepturilor Omului, iar n cazul plngerilor individuale, temeiul juridic al declanrii procedurii l constituie art. 25. Att Comisia European a Drepturilor Omului, ct i Consiliul de Minitri pot sesiza Curtea European a Drepturilor Omului. Curtea poate

the field of protecting human rights and comprises a number of members equal to that of the states involved. The members are individually selected by the Minister Committee of European Council. The commission runs its activity following its own regulations, selecting one president and two vice-presidents for a period of three years. The committee works are not public, the files are confidential, and the meetings take place in secret, considering the implications of each case brought to justice before this European organ. The commission constitutes the first organ that receives every request reffering to a violation of human rights stipulated within the convention, no matter if this request is from a member nation or an individual person. The commission may display, during the process of examining the request, also an activity of conciliatory solving. In the case that such a result can not be obtained, the commission wrights a report that is brought forward to the Minister Committee. The second organ that intervenes in the process of solving complaints regarding the violation of rights stipulated by the convention, is the European Court of Human Rights. This was the only proper jurisdictional organ belonging to the existent system. It was created in 1958 and began to work one year later, in 1959. The setting up of the court was considered to be necessary for offering the assurance that the Europeans are waiting for in the realization of the rights that were made for them. The European Court for Human Rights consists of a number of judges equal to that of the member states. On the basis of a list presented by the states that are members, the judges are selected by the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Council. Since the constitution of the European Commission of Human Rights, and of the European Court of Human Rights, a vast experience was accumulated, experience that confirmed the major role played by these mechanisms in the field of protection and assurance of the human rights. In the case of complaints belonging to a state, the starting of the procedure is based on article 24 from the European Convention, and in case of individual complaints, the legal terms of releasing the procedure is based on article 25. Both

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, No. 1/2008


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine juridice, Nr. 1/2008

fi sesizat i direct de ctre un Stat-parte la Convenie ori de ctre statul al crui cetean a fost victima unei nclcri sau unor nclcri. -Comitetul Minitrilor era cel de-al treilea organ al Consiliului Europei creia Convenia i recunotea competene i atribuii i n domeniul garantrii drepturilor omului. Acestui organ i se recunoteau funcii judiciare, prevzate de art. 32 i 54 din Convenie nainte de modificarea acesteia. ntr-o alt opinie, Comitetul Minitrilor era considerat organ politic de decizie. Ali autori, analizeaz intervenia Comitetului, ca organ politic, ntr-o procedur quasi-judiciara, fapt pentru care a fost deseori criticat. Mecanismele internationale de garantare a depturilor omului sint complexe si diversificate. Se impune n primul rnd preocuparea comunitii internaionale pentru asigurarea cadrului normativ, att internaional, ct i intern, de promovare i garantare a drepturilor omului i a libertilor sale fundamentale. n al doilea rnd, trebuie evideniat rolul mecanismelor internaionale de supraveghere a respectrii drepturilor omului pe plan intern, ca organisme care au sarcina de a corecta acele decizii interne care sunt de natur s ncalce n vreun fel drepturile i libertile cetenilor. 3. PROTECTIA DREPTURILOR OMULUI IN UNIUNEA EUROPEANA Nefiind numai o problem intern a statelor, problema drepturilor omului este una dintre problemele majore ale contemporaneitii, a crei respectare i aplicare demonstreaz capacitatea de nelegere i cooperare a tuturor statelor i popoarelor ca n prag de nou secol i mileniu, s practice acele msuri i aciuni care favorizeaz democraia, libertatea, nelegerea, cooperarea multiform, tolerana i prietenia ntre toate naiunile i statele, grupurile entice i religioase n scopul salvagardrii pcii i securitii n lume. Uniunea i propune s se ocupe de fora de munc i promovarea progresului economic i social ceea ce ajut la crearea unui spaiu fr frontiere interne i stabilirea unei monede unice. Se dorete instituirea unei cetenii a Uniunii prin ntrirea proteciei drepturilor i intereselor

European Commission of Human Rights and Minister council, have the right to inform the European Court for Human Rights. The Court may also be informed directly by a member state, or by a state having a citizen that was the victim of one or more violations of the human rights. The Minister Committee is the third organ of the European Council, recognized by the convention. This organ has judiciary functions stipulated in the article 32 and article 54 from the Convention, prior the modification. Other say that the Minister Committee was considered a political organ of decision. Other authors analyze the intervention of the Committee, as a political organ within a semi-judiciary procedure, for which it was often criticized. The international mechanisms for the assurance of human rights are in fact complex and diversified. First of all, the concern of the international community for the assurance of the laws stands forward. These laws and regulations, promote and guarantee the fundamental human rights and liberties. Secondly, it must be underlined the role of the international mechanisms in the surveying the application of human rights on a intern level, as organisms in charge to correct those internal decisions that may violate in one way or another, the rights and liberties of the citizens. 3.THE PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS WITHIN THE EUROPEAN UNION The problem of human rights is not only a internal problem of the nations, but one of the major problems of the contemporary society. The observance and application of this problem demonstrates the ability of understanding and cooperation between all states and nations, as in the verge of a new century and millennium, to be able to take those measures and actions that promote democracy, liberty, understanding, multi-level cooperation, tolerance and friendship between all nations and states, ethnic and religious groups, with the purpose of safeguarding peace and security all over the world. The Union wants to take care of the labor related problems, of the promotion of economical and social progress, in order to help creating a border free space, and to help implementing a unique currency. The Union wants to create a

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, No. 1/2008


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine juridice, Nr. 1/2008

cetenilor care aparin Statelor Membre. Uniunea este fondat pe principiul libertii, democraiei, respectului drepturilor omului i libertilor fundamentale, precum i al statului de drept, principii care sunt comune statelor membere. Uniunea respect identitatea naional a statelor membere Protecia drepturilor omului are o natur juridica dual [1], intern i internaonal i contribuie la cristalizarea societii civile, la trecerea de la principiul majoritii la principiul ocrotirii individului i a minoritii, la consolidarea statului de drept. Individul, ca i statul, este obligat s participe activ la aceste transformri n scopul realizrii unei adaptri corespunztoare evoluiei fireti a societii. Legea i implicit juritii sunt printre aceia care ii pot aduce aportul pozitiv, benefic, la realizarea unei armonii ntre finalitatea normelor juridice i dezvoltarea societii, gndirii, culturii i civilizatiei. Funciile statului n societile democratice au cptat noi valene, acordndu-se atenie sporit celei sociale, care contribuie la dezvoltarea societii n ansamblul su, dar n egal msur contribuie la satisfacerea nevoilor individului. Constituirea sau cristalizarea statului de drept n rile din centrul i estul Europei, adoptarea unor noi constituii n urma evenimentelor radicale ale anului 1989, precum i adoptarea unor acte juridice internationale de ctre state sau organizaii internaionale, reflect preocuparea i dorina statelor, popoarelor indivizilor de a participa activ la transformrile care ne marcheaz viaa, n mod direct sau indirect (prin intermediul reprezentanilor abilitai de lege s acioneze pe plan intern sau internaional).
domestic jurisdiction of states, n A.Eide, A. Schon, International protection og Human Rights , Ed. Almquist i Wiksell, Uppsala, 1968, p.47

citizenship by fortifying the protection of human rights and peoples interest within their nations. The Union is founded on the principle of liberty, democracy, human rights and fundamental liberties respect, as well as of the state itself; these principles are common to all member states. The Union respects national identity of all the states. The human rights protection has a double juridical nature [1] , internal and international, and contributes to the crystallization of the civil society, to the passage from the principle of the majority to the principle of protecting the individual and the minorities, to the reinforcement of the state itself. The individual, as well as the state, must participate in a active manner to these transformations, with the purpose of an adequate adaptation to the natural evolution of society. The law and consequently the lawyers are among those that may bring their best to the accomplishment of such a harmony between the end use of the juridical regulations and the development of the society, culture, thinking and civilization. The functions of the state within the democratic societies have acquired new meanings; enhanced attention has been payed to the social dimension, satisfying the needs of the society but in the same time the needs of the individual. The formation or the crystallization of the state itself in central and eastern Europe, the embracing of new constitutions following the radical events that took place during the year 1989, as well as the implementation of international juridical laws by states or international organizations, reflect the constant concern of individuals, nations, states, of actively participate to the transformations that make a mark through our lives, directly or indirectly, by means of representatives qualified by law to act on any level, [1] M. Markovi Implementation of human rights and the internaly or internationally.
[1] M. Markovi Implementation of human rights and the domestic jurisdiction of states, n A.Eide, A. Schon, International protection og Human Rights , Ed. Almquist i Wiksell, Uppsala, 1968, p.47

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, No. 1/2008


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