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Email: fadadusudeep93@gmail.

Sudeep Fadadu Webpage:
Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA
Masters of Science in Computer Vision Aug ’16 - Dec ’17
Robotics Institute, School of Computer Science
Courses: Deep Reinforcement Learning and Control, Visual Learning and Recognition, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Math
Fundamentals for Robotics, Advanced Multimodal Machine Learning, Geometry-based Methods in Vision
Teaching Assistant: Mobile Robots (16-761), Sensing and Sensors (16-722)
International Institute of Information Technology - Hyderabad (IIIT-H) Hyderabad, India
Bachelors in Electronics and Communication Engineering Aug ’11 - May ’15
Honors: Robotics
Courses: Mobile Robotics, Artificial Neural Network, Computer Vision, Digital Image Processing, Design of Mechanism, Advances
in Robotics and Control, Probability and Random Processes, Algorithms, Data Structures, Functional Analysis
Teaching Assistant: Mobile Robotics, Electronic Workshop-I/II

Aurora Innovations San Francisco, CA
Staff Software Engineer Jan ’20 - current
Building critical capabilities for Aurora Driver to achieve self-driving trucking technology safely, quickly and broadly.
Vicarious AI - Now Intrinsic, an Alphabet Company San Francisco, CA
Research Engineer | Computer Vision Team Mar ’18 - Jan ’20
Built a closed-loop control for robotic arm with multiview input, improved with Reinforcement Learning
Uber Advanced Technologies Group Pittsburgh, PA
Software Engineering Intern | Perception Team May ’17 - Aug ’17
Proposed, developed, evaluated and deployed real-time vision based scene understanding modules for self-driving vehicles
Amazon Lab126 Pittsburgh, PA
Computer Vision Capstone Project Member Dec ’16 - Dec ’17
Developed a deep learning based system to estimate 3D human pose from a single monocular in-the-wild image (Video)
Uurmi Systems - A MathWorks company Hyderabad, India
Project Lead May ’15 - Jun ’16
Built a low-cost self-driving car for Indian driving conditions. (Demo Video)

Leading a ground up design and development of fail-safe autonomy in perception Feb ’22 - Present
Built and led a team of 7+ to develop the Fault Management System for Perception towards Aurora’s Fail-Safe safety claim. This
involves identifying the possible failure modes, building accurate fault detectors; building a framework and architecture to handle
detected faults; end-to-end verification and validation; making perception robust against known and unknown failure modes.
Multi-View Fusion of Sensor Data for Improved Perception and Prediction (published at WACV-22) Apr ’20 - Jul ’20
Proposed an efficient end-to-end method for fusing multiple sensor modalities (LiDAR, Cameras) and views (Bird’s Eye View,
RangeView) for improved detection and trajectory prediction performance. patent pending - (arxiv)
Developed and Deployed Robust detection and tracking of Vulnerable Road User (VRUs) Feb ’21 - Jul ’21
Led the development of a new approach to improve detection and tracking of VRUs (such as Motorcycles) by multi-modal sensor
fusion and novel loss selection to boost underrepresented data samples in training dataset of Aurora Driver. - (demo)
Generative Adversarial Attacks on Vision Language Models Aug ’17 - Jan ’18
Developed a novel method to successfully fool SOTA VQA models with more than 70% attack success rate (Paper)
Improving Activity Recognition from Videos with Linguistic Prior Jan ’17 - May ’17
Enabled deep VQA model to use learnt representation of concepts from text (Improving benchmark from 14.3% to 19.21% - Report)
Other Projects
• Lightweight Fast Dense Inertial Visual SLAM for Stereo (Demo Video)
• HDR Image Reconstruction from LDR Images (Report | Result)
• Human Detection and Tracking in 3D space (Video)
• Autonomous Robotic Wheelchair using ROS framework (Team of 3 | Video)

Programming and Scripting: Proficient: C/C++, Python | Familiar: CUDA
Libraries and tools: Proficient: PyTorch, TensorFlow, OpenCV, PCL, ROS, MATLAB, Git | Familiar: SolidWorks

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