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CPE Traduceri specializate, Filo III, sem.

I CPE 1 Translate into Romanian:

Examination Instructions During the examination You must listen carefully to, and comply with, the opening announcements, which will not be repeated. You should read all instructions on the examination paper and answer books. A copy of the answer book cover and instructions appears on the last page of this document. During the allotted reading time you may write notes, including on your exam paper and in your answer booklet. You must not write until instructed that reading time has commenced. The time allotted for the examination is the exact time prescribed after the opening announcements have been made and the reading time of 15 minutes has elapsed. If you wish to leave the room temporarily or leave the examination early you must indicate this to a supervisor. Use only approved answer books or approved paper for answering. Details required on the front cover of answer books must be completed even if the paper is not attempted. Marks may be deducted for illegible writing. Begin the answer to each question on a new page and write on both sides of the page. Use any page for rough work, but draw a clear diagonal line across this page. Materials permitted in exam rooms Severe penalties apply for misconduct, cheating, possession of unauthorized materials, improper use of materials, unauthorised removal of materials from examination rooms or ignoring the instructions given by supervisors. Penalties may include failure for the unit and exclusion from the University. Please read carefully the materials permitted for each examination listed on your timetable. Any authorised materials will be indicated on your timetable by way of a symbol or symbols for each unit. A legend of symbols is included on your timetable. Check this carefully it is your responsibility to comply with this regulation You are strongly advised not to take your mobile phone into the exam room. If you take your mobile phone into an exam, you must place it face up on your desk, turned off. You will be responsible for the security of your phone during the exam. You must not use your phone as a calculator during the exam.

CPE Traduceri specializate, Filo III, sem. I CPE 2 Translate the following five texts into Romanian: 1. It is commonly believed that women are more emotional than men, and also that they tend to be more timid and less physically aggressive. Although much opposing evidence may be quoted, none is at all firmly based, and it can at least be pointed out that in most species it is the male who is more aggressive. (H. J. Eysenck: Sense and Nonsense in Psychology) 2. The Society of Authors: You are invited to the Societys AGM, which will be followed by an Any Questions discussion. Please complete and return the slip below. in order to save costs, applications will NOT be acknowledged. (The Society of Authors newsletter) 3. Contributions to The Linguist PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY Submitting your manuscript in the way described will save the time and expense of unnecessary correspondence. It is essential that papers be submitted in the final form, because the printers will be justified in charging heavily for rearranging test to accommodate second thoughts. Typographical errors can be corrected on the proof, but changes and additions can only be made at the authors expense. (The Linguist) 4. Conditions of contract Carriers name may be abbreviated in the ticket, the full name and its abbreviation being set forth in carriers tariffs, conditions of carriage, regulations or timetables; the agreed stopping places are those places set forth in this ticket or as shown in carriers timetables as scheduled stopping places on the passengers route; carriage to be performed hereunder by several successive carriers is regarded as a single operation. Checked baggage will be delivered to bearer of the baggage check. In case of damage to baggage moving in international transportation, complaint must be made in writing to carrier forthwith after discovery of damage. In case of delay, complaint must be made within 21 days from the date the baggage was delivered. Times shown in timetables or elsewhere are not guaranteed and form no part of this contract. Schedules are subject to change without notice. (IATA, from the small print on the airline ticket) (Source: Allan Duff, Translation, OUP 1989)

CPE Traduceri specializate, Filo III, sem. I

5. Netherlands opens up to east-European workers Netherlands is to open its borders to workers from Poland and other central European states that joined the EU in 2004, but leave Bulgarian and Romanian workers outside. Social Affairs Minister Henk van Hoof recommends opening Dutch borders to workers from central Europe. In a recent letter to the parliament, he wrote: "The situation on the Dutch labour market is such that free movement of workers from the new member states is desirable." So far, only eight member states from the 'old' EU-15 - the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Finland, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain - have lifted restrictions on migrant workers from the ten countries that joined the EU in 2004. Other countries, such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, France and Luxembourg are, however, gradually opening up their labour markets. The Dutch labour-market opening will not involve workers from Bulgaria and Romania, the two member states that joined in 2007. The parliament's upper chamber is to vote on the opening of the labour market on 27 February 2007. BORDERS OPEN TO POLISH WORKERS The cabinet feels it's important to open the borders as of January 1st, 2007 for workers from Poland and seven other Central- and Eastern European countries that joined the European Union in 2004. At a time when the number of vacancies is rapidly rising and it is becoming increasingly difficult for employers to find sufficient workers from the Netherlands or from the old EU-member states, it is desirable to implement free movement of workers. In addition, in the view of the cabinet enough measures have been taken to prevent foreign workers from competing unfairly with Dutch workers. . The cabinet fears that keeping the borders shut will slow down economic growth and the development of employment. According to figures from the national statistics office CBS the number of vacancies has been rising faster in the past few months than the number of people suitable to fill these positions. The cabinet therefore wants employers to be able to call upon workers from Poland, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

CPE Traduceri specializate, Filo III, sem. I CPE 3 Translate the following text into English: Translate into English:

Britanicii - prea ostili pentru a vedea beneficiile migratiei

Economia Marii Britanii a beneficiat de valurile de forta de munca migratoare din Estul Europei, dar nu de aceeasi parere sunt si britanicii, care pun sentimentele ostile inaintea argumentelor economice, arata un studiu al Financial Times. Corespondenta de la Londra, de Magda Barascu. In ciuda politicienilor si economistilor care au aratat ca valul migrator de polonezi si lituanieni din 2004 a dus la pastrarea nivelului inflatiei si a avut efecte benefice asupra economiei britanice, un sondaj Financial Times/Harris arata ca argumentul politic s-a pierdut. Conform sondajului, britanicii adopta cea mai ostila atitudine asupra imigratiei dintre toate popoarele vestice, contrar perceptiei ca Marea Britanie este o tara primitoare si liberala. 47% dintre britanici cred ca muncitorii veniti din tarile UE au avut un efect negativ asupra economiei, fata de numai 24% din spanioli care impartasesc aceeasi viziune. 76% dintre britanici vor un control mai sever al granitelor si 66% au spus ca sunt prea multi straini in tara, ambele procente depasind Franta, Italia, Spania si Germania. Sondajul demonstreaza esecul politicienilor si economistilor britanici in incercarea lor de a convinge opinia publica de beneficiile unei politici a usilor deschise, fata de muncitorii esteuropeni care ar reusi sa revitalizeze economia Regatului Unit. Peter Mandelson, comisarul UE pentru comert, a dezaprobat anul trecut statele membre care nu au urmat exemplul usilor deschise adoptat de Marea Britanie fata de muncitorii din cele 8 state membre din fostul bloc comunist. "Lasati temerile. Vedeti oportunitatile pe care le aduce extinderea tuturor europenilor", spunea Mandelson. David Blanchflower, membru al comitetului de politica monetara al Bancii Angliei, a declarat luna trecuta ca imigrantii din Estul Europei nu au dus la scaderea salariilor sau ratei de angajare a muncitorilor britanici. Dar ingrijorarile publicului britanic au fost intretinute si de campaniile mediatice intense care au exagerat efectele migratiei est-europene. Statul britanic se astepta la un numar de 15.000 de muncitori polonezi care sa solicite un loc de munca in Marea Britanie. Cifrele din august anul trecut au aratat ca 427.000 de oameni, in majoritate polonezi, au aplicat pentru un permis de munca in Marea Britanie. Ca urmare a acestor ingrijorari, guvernul de la Londra a impus restrictii temporare muncitorilor din Bulgaria si Romania, care au aderat la UE la 1 ianuarie 2007. Marea Britanie ramane o destinatie preferata pentru imigrantii europeni - ocupa locul 2 dupa Spania - si este privita ca una din tarile cu cele mai sanatoase economii alaturi de cea a Germaniei.

CPE Traduceri specializate, Filo III, sem. I

UE e "distanta si neprietenoasa" Publicat: 6 Iulie 2004 Un sondaj realizat de Friends of Europe, Gallup si EurActiv, intitulat "Can EU Hear Me?" (Ma aude UE?) a descoperit ca UE este perceputa ca "distanta si neprietenoasa". Critici dure la adresa metodelor UE de a comunica cu cetatenii Europei se regasesc in cocluziile unui sondaj de opinie publicat recent de Gallup Europa, think-tank-ul de la Bruxelles Friends of Europe si EurActiv, cu sprijinul Weber Shandwick Worldwide and European Citizen Action Service (ECAS). Peste 90% din repondenti au fost oameni cu experienta directa de lucru cu chestiuni legate de UE - in interiorul institutiilor UE, ca oficiali in statele membre, in afaceri din sectorul privat si in media. tabloul pe care il schiteaza raspunsurile lor ridica intrebari serioase despre modul in care birocratia europena ar trebui sa abordeze politica informatiei. Analiza realizata de Gallup pe aproape 2.000 de formulare de sondaj arunca o lumina nefavorabila asupra institutiilor UE si reflecta o ingrijorare adanca in randurile repondentilor de nivel profesional in privinta naturiimetodelor de comunicare ale UE. In sumarul realizat, Gallup raporteaza: "Comisia Europeana este descrisa de acesti profesionisti ca un organism neprietenos, birocratic, distanta fata de oamenii obisnuiti, condus de proceduri complicate, neclare si uneori nerezonabile." Rezultatele ordoneaza raspunsurile la aproximativ 25 de intrebari asupra informatiei la nivelul UE si asupra problemelor de comunicare. Giles Merritt, Secretar General al Friends of Europe, a adaugat: "Aceste rezultate ofera o gama larga de sugestii importante si folositoare si, luate in ansamblu, incurajeaza viitoarea Comisie din noiembrie sa mareasca drastic importanta comunicarii." Rezultatele preliminare sunt publicate pe site-urile Friends of Europe si Gallup Europa pentru a atrage comentarii si sugestii care sa fie incluse intr-un raport cu recomandari concrete, care va fi publicat in toamna. Friends of Europe a inceput din 1999 sa accentueze cercetarea pentru a imbunatati tehnicile de informatie care sa poata fi folosite de UE. In acelasi timp ei au publicat un "Manifest al informatiei pentru UE". Manifestul de trei puncte a fost realizat in asociere cu ECAS - the European Citizens' Action Service - pentru a coincide cu alegerea unui nou Parlament si inceperea unui nou madat de 5 ani pentru UE. Manifestul subliniaza nevoia unui efort de comunicare mult mai sustinut la nivel UE si face un apel la noul presedinte al Comisiei, Barroso, sa numeasca un comisar responsabil cu comunicarea si informatiile, impreuna cu dublarea imediata a cheltuielilor UE pentru activitati de comuicare. Raportul Friends of Europe aflat in pregatire va reflecta rezultatele finale ale sondajului Gallup, inclusiv interviuri fata in fata cu personalitati-cheie care au de-a face cu informatii si comunicare.

CPE Traduceri specializate, Filo III, sem. I

CPE 4 Translate into Romanian:

Feb 7th 2008 / From The Economist print edition

Why the Bank of England is moving cautiously to stave off a downturn THE cast of Bankwatch may be less easy on the eye than that of Baywatch, but the interest among its City viewers is intense. Can the Bank of England's intrepid lifeguards rescue the economy from the financial storm that broke six months ago? The central bank's monetary-policy committee (MPC) took its time last year, flinging its first lifebuoy into the water in December when the base rate fell from 5.75%its level since Julyto 5.5%. On February 7th the MPC threw out another lifeline by lowering the rate to 5.25%. America's hyperactive central bank, by contrast, has brought down its main interest rate from 5.25% last August to 3.0%. More British lifebuoys will be needed as trading businesses feel the chill in the American market, which accounts for a sixth of Britain's exports. The euro area will also slow, tempering demand in the market that purchases almost a half. The effects will be mutually reinforcing, since Britain is also the euro area's biggest market (followed closely by America), buying 16% of the goods and 24% of the services the block exported in 2006, according to Eurostat. Sterling's recent depreciation (see chart) will help British exports, but it will take time for this stimulus to offset the drag from a slowing European economy. Despite the darkening outlook, the MPC will continue to move more cautiously than rate-setters at America's Federal Reserve, for three reasons. First, recent British growth has been relatively strong. Although the economy weakened in the last three months of 2007, it still grew at a respectable annual rate of 2.4%, compared with America's dismal 0.6%. Second, the housing market has only recently started to keel over whereas America's capsized over a year ago. Third and most important, the Bank of England is more worried about inflation than the Fed appears to be. Unlike America's central bank, which is mandated to achieve full employment as well as stable prices, the Bank of England must concentrate on hitting the government's inflation target of 2.0% a year. Inflation is set to rise again: energy bills are increasing and import prices will be pushed up by the fall in the pound. As a result, consumer-price inflation, now running at 2.1% a year, will head up again in the next few months. If it exceeds 3.0%, Mervyn King, the bank's governor, must write to the chancellor of the exchequer explaining the overshootuncomfortably soon after his first public letter last April. The MPC is particularly concerned that people are starting to expect higher inflation. According to a recent poll by YouGov for Citigroup, the median expectation is that prices will rise by 3.3% over the next 12 months, up from 2.7% in December. Confidence in price stability has been undermined by the gap between the consumer-price measure, used for the inflation target since the end of 2003, and the longer-established, broader retail-price (RPI) index, which shows prices rising at 4.0%. The MPC's tricky task is to convince people that it will keep a lid on inflation even though it is relaxing monetary policy to prevent a sharp downturn. This helps to explain why it has been slower than the Fed to bring down rates and has cut them in bite-sized rather than mouthcramming chunks. The more successful the bank is in taming inflationary expectations, the readier it will be to make further rate cuts to rescue a floundering economy.

CPE Traduceri specializate, Filo III, sem. I

CPE 5 Translate the following text into English: CONTRACT DE LEASING Intervenit astazi................... intre: 1. Societatea comerciala ........................ cu sediul in ........... str. ........ nr. ....localitatea........... judetul ............... tel. ........... fax.............e-mail............ inmatriculata in Registrul Comertului ............... cu nr. ............ cont nr. ................. la Banca ................... cod fiscal .................... prin reprezentantul sau legal.................. cetatean roman................... posesor BI/CI seria de Sectia.................Politie, cod numeric personal......................... in calitate de locator si 2. Societatea comerciala .......................... cu sediul in ............. str. ......... nr. ....localitatea.............. judetul ............... tel. ........... fax .............e-mail............. inmatriculata in Registrul comertului .............. cu nr. ............... cont nr. ............. la Banca ................... cod fiscal ............... prin reprezentantul sau legal ........... .............. cetatean roman............... posesor BI/CI seria. eliberat de Sectia...........Politie, in calitate de utilizator. OBIECTUL CONTRACTULUI Obiectul contractului il constituie transmiterea dreptul de folosinta si posesia asupra.........................( se arata care este bunul, individualizandu-se cu elementele caracteristice, documente de provenienta etc.) Valoarea bunului este de va fi utilizat in scopul ................ PRETUL Pretul pentru folosirea bunului este de ........... pe luna. Plata se face pe data de... a fiecarei luni in lei, in contul..................deschis la banca..............( cambie, fila cec etc.). Ultima data de plata va fi......... La ajungerea la termen a contractului utilizatorul poate opta pentru cumpararea bunului. OBLIGATIILE LOCATORULUI a) sa transmita dreptul de folosinta si posesia bunului; b) sa predea utilizatorului bunul pe cheltuiala.............. la data........................... adresa baza unui proces-verbal de predare-primire semnat de ambele parti; c) sa acorde pentru bunul livrat o garantie de .............luni/ani, conditiile acesteia fiind prevazute in certificatul de garantie anexat la prezentul contract; d) sa nu faca nici un act de dispozitie cu privire la bunul ce face obiectul contractului fara a-l notifica in prealabil pe utilizator; e) la incetarea contractului sa transmita bunul in proprietatea utilizatorului sau sa il primeasca inapoi, pe cheltuiala............., in functie de vointa utilizatorului manifestata la data ultimei plati sau cu 30 zile inainte de expirarea contractului; f) sa il garanteze pe utilizator pentru evictiune; g) sa efectueze reparatiile capitale. 7

CPE Traduceri specializate, Filo III, sem. I h) sa asigure asistenta tehnica pentru bunul livrat; i) sa livreze bunul insotit de documentatia (instructiuni de folosire, carte tehnica etc.) si accesoriile aferente utilizarii in bune conditii. OBLIGATIILE UTILIZATORULUI a) sa preia si sa foloseasca bunul conform destinatiei care rezulta din documentatie si clauzele prezentului contract; b) sa nu incheie contract de sublocatie privind bunul incredintat fara acordul locatorului; c) sa efectueze platile la termenele stabilite in contract; d) sa efectueze reparatiile curente si de intretinere; e) sa asigure bunul; f) sa nu incredinteze bunul altor persoane decat cele convenite cu locatorul; g) sa il despagubeasca pe proprietar in caz de disparitie/ deteriorare a bunului din culpa sa. Forta majora este cauza de exonerare de raspundere. h) in cazul optiunii pentru restituirea bunului, acesta sa fie imnanat locatorului-proprietar in stare buna, considerandu-se ca buna starea in care se afla bunul dupa folosirea cu buna-credinta ca un adevarat proprietar. DURATA CONTRACTULUI Contractul se incheie pe o durata de ...............ani, cu incepere de la data de ................. pana la data de .............. Contractul se poate prelungi cu o durata de pana la..............., incheindu-se in acest sens act aditional la prezentul contract. RASPUNDEREA CONTRACTUALA Oricare dintre cele doua parti poate cere rezolutiunea contractului in situatia in care cealalta parte nu isi executa obligatiile in decurs de ... zile. Depasirea de catre utilizator a datei platii cu mai mult de... zile atrage penalitati de ...% pe zi de intarziere. Neplata timp de ... zile atrage de drept rezilierea contractului fara a mai fi necesara punerea in intarziere a debitorului. DISPOZITII FINALE Orice divergente in executarea acestui contract vor fi solutionate pe cale amiabila, iar daca nu va fi posibil se va recurge la arbitraj, partile convenind sa aleaga ca arbitri pe............. Prezentul contract a fost incheiat astazi........ in doua exemplare, ambele originale, cate unul pentru fiecare parte. LOCATOR, UTILIZATOR,

CPE Traduceri specializate, Filo III, sem. I CPE 6&7 Translate into Romanian:
EU agrees key criteria for testing health of banks Published: 19 July 2010 | Updated: 20 July 2010 European Union officials have agreed the key criteria of stress tests for the bloc's banks, including the minimum level of capital, EU sources said on Friday (16 July), as senior policymakers voiced optimism on the results. Banks will need to have a core Tier 1 capital ratio of at least 6% under the health check, one of the sources said. The test will assess if 91 European banks are strong enough to withstand a second economic downturn. Under the agreement, each bank will publish its result at 1600 GMT on 23 July, and the Londonbased Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) will issue a statement summing up the outcome a minute later, several sources said, asking not to be named. That should provide time over the weekend to digest the results and also time to deal with any trouble spots, industry sources said. Banks have rebuilt capital in the last 18 months and major banks have lifted their core Tier 1 ratio - a measure of banks' financial strength - above 6%, which many see as the minimum accepted by market investors. The main criterion of the test will be to have a certain minimum capital level even in adverse economic conditions, sources said. Exposure to sovereign debt risk will be the second indicator in order of importance. The final details of the tests will be discussed on 22 July at a teleconference of senior finance ministry officials from EU countries and representatives of the European Commission and the European Central Bank. Reassuring noises International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn said the tests should not reveal any major problems among the big names, although it was possible that some smaller banks would have to be recapitalised. "I get the feeling that what will come out will be rather reassuring, and that we'll see that all the big European banks are sufficiently solid to resist any earthquake," he told a French television station. Jean-Claude Juncker, chairman of eurozone finance ministers group, offered similar reassurance, telling Austrian newspaper Kurier in an interview: "I am not expecting any big catastrophes." However, if all major banks pass then it could raise questions on whether the tests are severe enough. "The problem is it seems all the banks are going to pass and I don't think that's credible," said Arturo de Frias, analyst at Evolution Securities in London. "If Europe goes for the easy solution and says only a couple of cajas in Spain or landesbanks in Germany fail and everybody else is fine [...] then that's not really a stress test."

CPE Traduceri specializate, Filo III, sem. I

"I think it's important for Europe to get some confidence in the European banks," Citigroup Chief Financial Officer John Gerspach said on Friday after the US bank's results. "It's of somewhat importance to us, obviously for stability in the system. It would be nice to see the markets calm down. So hopefully the results will be something that everybody can put a good deal of faith in." Spain's cajas and Germany's landesbanks in the spotlight The tests are expected to show that Spain's cajas and German landesbanks, the regional lenders, need capital. Analysts have said each of those sectors could be shown to be at least $30 billion short of capital. Lenders in Greece and elsewhere may need to raise modest amounts, analysts estimate. Greece's central bank chief said on Saturday he expected the country's debt-laden banks to smoothly pass the EU stress tests. "My feeling is that things will go smoothly for the six Greek banks included in the sample," George Provopoulos, governor of the Bank of Greece, said in an interview published in newspaper Imerisia. Irish Central Bank Governor Patrick Honohan said his country's two biggest banks had already passed domestic stress tests more severe than tests being organised by CEBS, but the process was good to remove "exaggerated concerns about some particular risks". EU sources would not discuss whether there was agreement on the size of the "haircut" for government bond holdings and how long any failing bank will have to raise funds. (EurActiv with Reuters.)

Translate into English: Stimai domni, Am primit scrisoarea dvs. datat 28 noiembrie 2010 prin care ne-ai informat c ultimul nostru transport de anvelope a fost reclamat de clientul dvs. ca fiind defectuos. Am discutat situaia cu productorii i acetia au descoperit c printr-o scpare din vedere a marcajului, un numr de anvelope reapate, care urmau s fie trimise unui alt client, au fost ambalate pentru dvs. Am artat productorilor ct de preocupai suntem de faptul c v-a dezamgit calitatea produselor i c dvs. le-ai livrat deja unui nou client. Ei i-au exprimat regretul pentru aceast situaie neplcuta i am aranjat cu ei expedierea unui transport de nlocuire, cu taxele pltite. Dac v intereseaz anvelopele primate deja, am putea discuta cu dvs. vnzarea lor la un pre mai mic. Intre timp v rugm s le pstrai n depozitul dvs. pn la o decizie ulterioar. Ne cerem scuze pentru neplcerea cauzat i vom lua toate msurile posibile ca o asemenea greeal s nu se mai repete. Cu stim, P. Georgescu


CPE Traduceri specializate, Filo III, sem. I Translate into Romanian: Dear Mr. Smith, Thank you for your letter of November 23rd, 2010 concerning your order no. 1342 which should have been supplied to you on November 21st. First let me apologise for your order not being delivered in due time and for the problems you have experienced in getting in touch with us about it. But we have been facing considerable problems resulting from a temporary shortage of staff and, as a consequence, all production has been held up over the past few weeks. However, I can tell you that we have been able to hire temporary staff and we are back to normal production. Nevertheless, there is a backlog of orders to catch up with, but we are using associates of ours to help us fulfil all outstanding commitments; your order has been given priority, so we should be able to deliver the required devices before the end of this week. May I point out with respect that your contract with us did have a standard clause, stating that delivery dates would be met unless unforeseen circumstances arise, and we think you will agree that this is an exceptional circumstance. However, we quite understand your problem and will allow you to cancel your contract if it will help you to meet your own commitments with your customers. But we will not accept any responsibility for any action they may take against you. Once again, let me say how much I regret the inconvenience this delay has caused, and emphasize that it was due to factors we could not have known about when we accepted your delivery dates. Please phone or cable me letting me know if you wish us to compete your order or whether you prefer to make other arrangements. I look forward to hearing from you within a day or two. Yours sincerely, B. Murphy General Manager


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