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ABSTRAK PENGGUNAAN ENCENG GONDOK (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solms.

) DAN KANGKUNG AIR (Ipomoea aquatica Forsk ) DALAM PERBAIKAN KUALITAS AIR LIMBAH INDUSTRI TAHU Oleh NATALINA Industri tahu pada umumnya tidak dilengkapi dengan unit pengolahan air limbah, sehingga pembuangan air limbah berpotensi mencemari lingkungan. Metoda pengolahan air limbah tahu yang mudah, murah dan efisien perlu dikembangkan. Beberapa jenis tanaman air berpotensi digunakan sebagai agen pengolahan biologis air limbah tahu. Tanaman kangkung air dan eceng gondok digunakan sebagai agen pengolah air limbah tahu dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan kangkung air dan eceng gondok dalam meremediasi air limbah tahu. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok Faktorial dengan 3 ulangan, dengan faktor pertama adalah jenis tanaman yakni eceng gondok, kangkung air, dan tanpa tanaman, sedang faktor kedua adalah konsentrasi air limbah tahu yakni 100 % ( asli ), 75 % , 50 % , 25 % dan 0 % ( air ). Parameter yang diukur adalah COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) , BOD ( Biologycal Oxygen Demand ), TSS (Total Suspended Solid), dan pH. Sampel diambil pada hari ke 0 , 2 , 4 , 6 dan 8. Penurunan BOD, COD, TSS dan kenaikan pH karena penggunaan kangkung air dan enceng gondok paling efektif terjadi pada konsentrasi limbah 25 %, atau pengenceran 4 kali. Penggunaan kangkung air selama 8 hari menurunkan COD 86.2%, BOD 86.7%, dan TSS 63.2% serta menaikan pH menjadi 7.4, sedangkan pengunaan enceng gondok dapat menurunkan COD 80.9%, BOD 83.2%, dan TSS 56.8% serta menaikan pH 7.4. Kata kunci : Eceng gondok, Kangkung air, Air limbah tahu

ABSTRACT THE USE OF WATER HYACINTH ( Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solms.) AND IPOMOEA AQUATIC ( Ipomoea aquatic Forsk ) TO IMPROVE QUALITY OF TOFU INDUSTRIY WASTEWATER By NATALINA Generally, the tofu industrials did not have been completed by wastewater treatment unit, therefore wastewater disposal was potential to make the environmental pollution. The eseay, cheep and effisience of the tahu industrial wastewater treatment have to improved. Some of water plant that have economic value were potential to be used as biologis media to treat the tofu industrial wastewater. In this research, Ipomoea aquatic forsk was used as media for the tofu industrial wastewater treatment with water hyacinth was used as comparing media. The purpose of this research is to know the ability of water sprouts and water hyacinth to remediate the tofu industrial wastewater. Randomized factorial design group with 3 times repetition was used in this research. The treatment was designed with factorial system which the first factor is kind of water plant , therefore water hyacinth, water sprouts and no water plant, the second factor is the tahu industrial wastewater concentration, therefore 100 % ( pure wastewater), 75 % , 50 % , 25 % and 0 % ( water ). The COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), BOD ( Biologycal Oxygen Demand ), TSS (Total Suspended Solid) and pH are the parametere that will be analyzed. The sample were taken at the- 0 , 2 , 4 , 6 and 8 days cultivation. The effective condition to decrease of BOD, COD, TSS and pH rise due to use of water sprouts and hyacinths most effectively occur at concentrations of waste 25%, or dilution of 4 times. The use of water for 8 days & lower the COD 53.6%, BOD and TSS 53.9%, 63.2% and raise the pH to 7.4, while the use of water hyacinth can lower the COD 50.3%, 51.7%, BOD and TSS 35.3% and raise the pH of 7.4. Key word : Water hyacinth, Ipomoea aquatic , Tofu wastewater

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