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After the Government showed positive signs to declare Telengana as new State, th e demand for new States has

gather momentum. I have framed some questions on the past, present, and the States-in-demand. There is a quiz contest on August 15 a t the Nagpur Quiz Club. Dr Supantha Bhattacharyya will conduct the quiz. 1. For better and easier administration, the leaders of which State want the Sta te to be split into five States, namely: Harit Pradesh, Bundelkhand, Paschimanch al, Awadh Pradesh and Poorvanchal? 2. "PEPSU" was a State of India between 1948 and 1956. It was created by combini ng eight Princely States. The state was inaugurated on July 15, 1948 and formall y became a State of India in 1950. Its capital and principal city was Patiala. W hat is full form of PEPSU? 3. Three members of a Commission viz: Fazal Ali, HN Kunzru and KM Panikkar trave lled over 98,420 sq km, interviewed 9000 persons and examined nearly 1,52,000 do cuments to compile a 267-page report. What was the name of the Commission and wh y was it formed? 4. Who among the following, as per the Constitution of India, can establish new States, alter boundaries of States, merge States, or increase of decrease the ar ea of States? Options: a) President of India; b) Parliament; c) Chief Ministers of India; d) Governors of State 5. Which former Princely State was in the news recently when the daughters of th e erstwhile Maharaja won a 20-year-old legal battle over a forged will? 6. Leaders of 10 districts of a State have a long-standing demand of a separate State, which they call it as 'Koshal region'. The 'Koshal region' lies in which State? 7. This region has its mention in Mahabharata as a kingdom among the many kingdo ms ruled by Yadava kings. Damayanti, the wife of Nala was the princess of this r egion. Similarly, Rukmini, wife of Lord Krishna, was also from this place. Which region is being discussed? 8. The demand for a separate State called "Bhojpuri Prant" failed back in 1972. In the same State, people are demanding "Mithilanchal". To which State are both these demands related? 9. Whenever the activists for a separate State of Bodoland call for strike, a ci ty which connects North-East with the rest of India is affected, thereby crippli ng the transportation system. Which city? 10. There are demands of two separate States in Gujarat. One is Saurashtra inclu ding Kutch, name the other. ANSWERS: 1. Uttar Pradesh; 2. Patiala and East Punjab States Union; 3. State Reorganisati on Commission (1953) - to study reorganisation of States on linguistic; 4. b) Pa rliament; 5. Faridkot; 6. Odisha (Western Odisha); 7. Vidarbha; 8. Bihar; 9. Kok rajhar; 10. Bhilistan

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