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Your first name: last innitial Identification Mineral

on the board.


Rose quartz

Do you think the steps below of the scientific method must be followed in order? Yes, because the order is

1. State the problem (the objective in the form of a question). 2. Gather information. 3. Form a hypothesis. 4. Experiment!

5. Record and analyze data. 6. Form a conclusion. 7. Communicate results.

Now that you are done researching and identifying your mineral fill-in the information for each step of the scientific method below. Then, number which step was first, second, etc. Objective: Use the steps of the scientific method to identify a mystery mineral. Materials: -Mineral -Streak Plate -Computer -Hardness test kit 1. Mr. Finan gave us a mineral. 5. We recorded if we were right. 2. We gathered information. 6. We filled out this sheet 3. We formed hypothesizes 4. We shared on what we thought our mineral was.


1. State the problem. (Hint: Just write the objective above in the form of a question.) How can I use the scientific method to identify a mystery mineral? 2. Gather information. (Look it up and/or ask an expert) *see the attached Mineral Identification Data Sheet 3. Form a hypothesis. Write a statement that tells what mineral you think yours is (your two guesses). I predict Rose quartz or RUTILATED QUARTZ WILL BE MY MINERAL.

4. Start the experiment! (Follow the procedure.) 5. Record and analyze data. *see the attached Mineral Identification Data Sheet 6. Form a conclusion. This must be a paragraph that includes:
An answer to the problem (question 1). How your hypothesis compares with the actual results. (Was your hypothesis correct? If not, how close were you?) A description of your mineral and what helped you find the identification of your mineral the most.

Science Project Nate

In science, we got to choose a mineral from a box, and then we had to identify the mineral using the scientific process. Here are the steps of identifying my mineral: first, I got my mineral; next I performed a streak test on it, and then I looked at the websites that Mr. Finan gave us. After performing these steps, I came to the hypothesis that my mineral was rose quartz. In saying this, I was correct. My mineral was transparent pink, and its hardness was 10. My mineral was also nonmetallic and had a streak color of white. It had some special properties; the one that it had was optical properties. What helped me the most was the hint that my mineral started with an "r". Another thing that helped me a lot was the website Overall, I

thought that this was a fun science project. 7. Communicate your results. Post this report and your Data Sheet where people can see it!
WCS 6th Grade Science

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