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Internet Edition


1. 2. 3. %. 5. * -. 8. $. 11. 11. 12.

Say Yes to Jesus Born Again Christ in You, the Ho e o! "#ory &e entan'e )aith +o,e Joy .he /aster0S#a,e &e#ationshi .he "#ory o! "od 2uggets o! .ruth3 4rayer, )orgi,eness, .reasures, and See5ing Hi6 )irst .he Anointing .he "reat Co66ission

3 18 2$ 3( %8 59 *% -1 -* $* 11118

Chapter One

Say Yes to Jesus

.he 6agnitude o! "od7s #o,e !or us and 8hat He does !or us at the ,ery 6o6ent o! our s iritua# 'on'e tion 8hen 8e are 9orn again 9y the S irit o! "od is one o! the 6ost a8e0ins iring 6ira'#es in
the 8or#d:

;hen 8e sin'ere#y re'ei,e the re,e#ation o! 8hat 8e a'tua##y a'<uire as a 9orn0again 'hi#d o! "od, it ta5es us into a su ernatura# rea#6 that is so !ar 9eyond our hu6an a9i#ity to understand that 8e shou#d a## !a## on our !a'es and 8orshi "od the )ather. .o 6e, one o! the 6ost e='iting rea#6s into 8hi'h "od ta5es us is des'ri9ed in 1 Corinthians 231* 'on'erning the !a't that 8e a'tua##y
ossess the 6ind o! Christ. I es e'ia##y #o,e the 8ay it is e= ressed in the A6 #i!ied Bi9#e But 8e ha,e the 6ind o! Christ, the /essiah, and do ho#d the thoughts >!ee#ings and ur oses? o! His heart.

"od #o,es us so 6u'h that He is 8i##ing to ta5e our dirty, sin!u# 6inds >re6e69er those dirty @o5es 8e used to te## and dirty thought s 8e used to thin5? and re #a'e the6 8ith the 6ind o! Christ. 4hi#i ians 2:5 says, Let this mind be in you which was a so in Christ Jesus. .he ,ery thought that "od 8ou#d #et the 6ind o! Christ 9e in us is so su ernatura# that it is i6 ossi9#e !or the natura# 6ind to understand. Ho8e,er, the thing that is so tota##y and 'o6 #ete#y e='iting a9out this is 8hat ha ens to our #i,es as 8e 9egin to rea#iAe and a'tua##y a##o8 this 6ind to 9e in us, which was a so in Christ. Consider these three <uestions3 B Ho8 shou#d 8e thin5C B Ho8 shou#d 8e a'tC B Ho8 shou#d 8e 9eha,eC Ho8 'an 8e 5no8 the ans8ers to a## these <uestionsC It is so easy i! 8e @ust understand the rin'i #es o! ossessing the 6ind o! Christ. %

.hroughout his #i!eti6e, 4au# taught a9out the 6ystery o! the ages, 8hi'h 8as, Christ in you! the hope o" # ory$Co ossians 132-?. /any eo #e 'annot gras the ro6ise that 8hen 8e are 9orn again 9y the S irit o! "od, Jesus Christ 'o6es to #i,e His #i!e in and throu#h us. ;e a'tua##y ha,e the S irit o! Christ, His a9i#ity, and His o8er 8ithin us 8hen 8e are 9orn again 9y the S irit o! "od. ;hen I thin5 that 8e ha,e the a'tua# 6ind o! Christ, it is di!!i'u#t !or 6e to e,en stay on this earth. I !ee# #i5e I 'ou#d go into or9it and ne,er 'o6e 9a'5 8hen I rea#iAe that "od has #a'ed in our hands su'h a ri'e#ess ossession as the ,ery 6ind o! Christ. .he <uestions as5ed o! us 6ore than any other are, Ho8 'an I 5no8 the 8i## o! "odC ;hat a6 I su osed to do as a ChristianC Ho8 a6 I su osed to a'tC It is so easy to !ind out: A## you ha,e to do is to o en the Bi9#e: 4i'5 u a red0#etter edition o! the Bi9#e. Ea'h ti6e you see the red #etters, you 5no8 that is 8hat Jesus said. I! 8e 9e#ie,e and say the 8ords that Jesus said and then a't u on the6, 8e 8i## 9e o erating 8ith the 6ind o! Christ. /any eo #e ha,e a ossession, 9ut ne,er en@oy it, ne,er use it, and ne,er get anything out o! it. .his is 8hat ha ens to too 6any eo #e 'on'erning the in,a#ua9#e ossession o! the a'tua# 6ind o! Christ. ;e 6ay ha,e the ri'e#ess o ortunity to ossess it, 9ut 8e 'an ne,er rea##y ossess it unti# 8e are 8i##ing to tota##y and 'o6 #ete#y su96erge our o8n ersona#ities, 8i##s, and inte##e'ts into the 6ind o! Christ and #et Hi6 9egin to o erate in and through us. .he day that the 9ody o! Christ #earns to do this is going to 9e the day 8hen the 8ra s 8i## 9e ta5en o!! the o8er o! "od: .he De,i# 8i## 5no8 he has to run, and the 9ody o! Christ 8i## !ina##y understand !u##y that the De,i# has to run. Be'ause 8e ossess the ,ery 6ind o! Christ, 8e ha,e a## o8er in hea,en and in earth: Any o! the "os e#s in the 2e8 .esta6ent 8i## start you on the road to dis'o,ering ho8 to rea't under a## 'ir'u6stan'es, si6 #y (

9e'ause 8e ha,e a##o8ed this 6ind to 9e in us, which was a so in Christ Jesus. In +u5e %3% 8e read, It is 8ritten, /an sha## not #i,e 9y 9read a#one, 9ut 9y e,ery 8ord o! "od. I! 8e are going to o erate 8ith the 6ind o! Christ, i! 8e are going to #itera##y ossess the 6ind o! Christ, then 8e are going to ha,e to 9e#ie,e 8hat this ,erse says. ;e are not going to #i,e 9y hysi'a# !ood a#one, 9ut 8e are going to #i,e 9y s iritua# !ood, 8hi'h is the ;ord o! "od. I! 8e are going to #i,e 9y e,ery 8ord o! "od, then 8e 'ertain#y need to 5no8 8hat the ;ord o! "od says. En#y then 'an 8e sit ourse#,es do8n to a 9eauti!u# and e='iting !east a## the ti6e. "od #a'es His S irit in us 8hen 8e re'ei,e the gi!t o! the Ho#y S irit. .herein #ies our sour'e o! o8er to gi,e #i!e to the ;ord. .he ;ord o! "od, or the ;ord that "od s ea5s, is a#i,e and !u## o! o8er, 6a5ing it a'ti,e, o erati,e, energiAing, and e!!e'ti,e. Do you rea#iAe that i! 8e #i,e 9y the ;ord o! "od, 8e 8i## 9e !u## o! o8erC ;e 8i## 9e o erati,e: ;e 8i## 9e energiAed. ;e 8i## 9e a9#e to 9e a#i,e in Christ and 9e e!!e'ti,e at a## ti6es. .here is no hysi'a# !ood that 8i## gi,e you the sa6e ty e o! energy, o8er, 8isdo6, and dis'ern6ent as the ;ord o! "od. ;hy is the ;ord o! "od so o8er!u#C Be'ause our a##0 o8er!u# "od is the Ene 8ho s o5e the ;ord, and He ersona##y 9a'5s 8hat He says. .here ha,e 9een 6any ti6es 8hen I ha,e 9een so e=hausted I !e#t I 'ou#d not go onFti6es 8hen 6y 9ody has 'ried out !or s#ee and rest. Instead, I ha,e gone into the ;ord o! "od and 'o6e out o! the ages an a'tua# tiger 8ith no #a'5 o! energy: 2othing 8i## in@e't energy and o8er into your 6ind and 9ody #i5e "od7s ;ord: So, i! 8e are going to #i,e and 9reathe and 9e energiAed and e6 o8ered 9y e,ery 8ord o! "od, then 8e 'ertain#y need to 5no8 8hat the ;ord o! "od says. +et us go to the eighth ,erse in that sa6e 'ha ter o! +u5e7s gos e#. It reads, %nd Jesus answered and said to him! &'et behind (e! Satan. )or it is written! &You sha worship the Lord your 'od! and *im on y you sha ser+e., I! 8e ha,e the 6ind o! *

Christ, 8hat are 8e going to 9e doingC ;e are going to 8orshi the +ord. ;e 8i## not 8orshi anything e#se. ;e are not going to 8orshi te#e,ision: ;e are not going to 8orshi 6o,ies: ;e are not going to 8orshi ho6es: ;e are not going to 8orshi !an'y '#othes: ;e are not going to 8orshi undesira9#e ha9its and attitudesF 8hi'h a'tua##y is 8orshi ing on#y ourse#,es. .his is a !or6 o! ido#atry. ;e are going to 8orshi the +ord. .here are 6any eo #e 8ho 8orshi a te#e,ision set. .hey 8i## sit in !ront o! it and 8orshi it !or hours. .hey 8i## sit and 8at'h soa o eras hour a!ter hour, 5no8ing !u## 8e## that there is nothing s iritua#, nothing to 9e gained, nothing that 8i## u #i!t the6, and nothing that 8i## edi!y the6 as they 8at'h the hu6dru6 .G rogra6s day a!ter day. I! 8e are going to tru#y o erate 8ith the 6ind o! Christ, then 8e are going to do e=a't#y 8hat Jesus did. ;e are going to 8orshi the +ord and nothing e#se: A## o! these things 9e'o6e o9so#ete 8hen 8e rea##y ut Jesus !irst in our #i,es. Sudden#y, the things o! this 8or#d 8i## gro8 strange#y di6 in the #ight o! His g#ory and gra'e i! 8e rea##y 5ee our eyes on Jesus. .here!ore, 9e'ause 8e ha,e the 6ind o! Christ, 8e are not going to 8orshi the things o! the 8or#d. ;e are not going to 8orshi go#! ga6es on Sunday instead o! going to 'hur'h. ;e are not going to 8orshi !ishing and 9oatingH 8e are not going to 8orshi guns or tro hies: ;e are not going to 8orshi ,a'ations o,er ser,ing "od: ;e are not going to 8orshi entertain6ent, 'ountry '#u9s, or other 8or#d#y things o,er the things o! "od. Do not #o,e the 8or#d or the things in the 8or#d. I! anyone #o,es the 8or#d, the #o,e o! the )ather is not in hi6 >1 John 231(?. -

;hen 8e #et the 6ind o! Christ a'tua##y ossess us, and 8hen 8e ossess the 6ind o! Christ, our 6inds 8i## 9e thin5ing in e=a't#y the sa6e dire'tion as Jesus. Eur ans8ers 8i## 9e the sa6e as His, and our dedi'ated, dai#y #i,es 8i## 9e the sa6e as His. ;e 8i## 9e out there doing e=a't#y the sa6e things Jesus did: Here is so6ething that is going to get a #ot o! eo #e. .hat7s 8hy I de'ided to ut this oint in at the ,ery 9eginning o! this 9oo5. Ene o! the 6ost di!!i'u#t areas !or 6any indi,idua#s to use the 6ind o! Christ is the area o! !inan'es. ;e do not ha,e di!!i'u#ty 8anting to 9e#ie,e to re'ei,e !ro6 "od. ;e ha,e ro9#e6s in gi,ing to "od. .his area is so i6 ortant in 6y #i!e 9e'ause "od dea#t 8ith 6e 8ithin se'onds a!ter I had 9een 9orn again. I had not e,en 9een sa,ed a s #it se'ond 8hen the a#6ighty "od s o5e to 6e. His 8ords 'hanged 6y entire thin5ing a9out gi,ing. I had a#8ays 9een a rea# tight8ad 8here gi,ing to "od 8as 'on'erned. I ne,er 8ent to 'hur'h 8ithout 'he'5ing !irst to see that I had a sing#e one do##ar 9i## in 6y 8a##et. .here 8asn7t a rea'her in the 8or#d 8ho 8as going to get 6ore than a do##ar out o! 6e. It 8ou#d ha,e ne,er entered 6y 6ind to gi,e a !i,e do##ar 9i##, a ten, or a t8enty. .8enty do##ars 8ou#d ha,e 6eant that I 8as a s endthri!t: "od a#8ays 5no8s e=a't#y ho8 to dea# 8ith us on the #e,e# 8here 8e are. I had not e,en 9een sa,ed 6ore than t8o se'onds 8hen "od s o5e to 6e. .here 8as no dou9t in 6y 6ind it 8as "od. I had gone !ro6 sinner to saint in #ess than t8o se'onds. "od 8as a#ready s ea5ing to 6e: I 8as o,er@oyed: .he "od 8ho 6ade the uni,erse had ta5en ti6e out to s ea5 to 6e, and the 8ords He said 8ere the s8eetest 6usi' to 6y ears that I had e,er heard 9e'ause He said the6: I 8ant t8enty er'ent o! e,erything you7,e got: I thought that 8as His 'harge !or sa,ing 6e. I 8as so ignorant o! the Bi9#e that I didn7t 5no8 6y sa#,ation 8as !ree. .he i6 ortant thing 8as that I 5ne8 it 8as the ,oi'e o! "od, and I didn7t ha,e to 8ait unti# three or !our eo #e 'on!ir6ed it. I heard 8

"od and didn7t <uestion it. I didn7t 8onder !or a sing#e 6inute i! it 8as the De,i# or one o! his 'ohorts. I 5ne8 instant#y it 8as "od: He didn7t ye## or ho##er or threaten 6e 8ith dire disaster i! I diso9eyed. He si6 #y ga,e 6e an o ortunity to 9e an o9edient ne8 9a9y. I 8ou#d ne,er ha,e 'onsidered diso9eying "od. A## I 5ne8 8as that I had heard "od and I 8anted to o9ey Hi6. )ro6 the 6o6ent o! sa#,ation, a## I ha,e e,er 8anted to do 8as o9ey "od. +et7s ta5e a #oo5 and see 8hat 'aused this tre6endous turnaround in 6y gi,ing attern. Be'ause I 8as tru#y 9orn again, I 9e'a6e a ne8 'reature >2 Corinthians (31- IJG? in Christ, so I instant#y a'<uired the 6ind o! Christ. /y thin5ing atterns 'hanged i66ediate#y. I didn7t ha,e to 8or5 on the6H they @ust 'hanged 9e'ause I 8as a ne8 'reation. /y 6ind 8ou#d ne,er ha,e #et 6e argue 8ith "od o,er 8hether or not to 9e o9edient. Jesus ne,er argued 8ith His )ather. ;hen 8e tru#y are 9orn again and #et His 6ind 9e in us, then it 8i## 9e easy !or us to hear and heed that sti## s6a## ,oi'e >1 Iings 1$312? o! "od. ;e ossess the 6ind o! Christ. .here!ore, 8e thin5 e=a't#y the sa6e 8ay Jesus does 8hen it 'o6es to gi,ing. ;hat does Jesus thin5 a9out gi,ingC Does He thin5 8e shou#d hoard our 6oneyC Does He thin5 8e shou#d stoc-pi e our 6oneyC Does He thin5 8e shou#d hide itC Does He thin5 8e shou#d sa+e it !or a rainy dayC +et us ta5e a #oo5 at S'ri ture and see 8hat it says3 'i+e! and it wi be #i+en to you: #ood measure! pressed down! sha-en to#ether! and runnin# o+er wi be put into your bosom. )or with the same measure that you use! it wi be measured bac- to you. $Lu-e .:/0! emphasis added1 /any eo #e thin5 8hen an o!!ering is ta5en that this is a ,ery ta'5y ti6eH this is a ti6e 8hen 8e need to 'ount our enniesH this is a ti6e 8hen 8e need to see i! 8e ha,e enough 6oney #e!t to ay a## o! our 9i##s. $

Is this 8hat Jesus saidC Does He say hide it, stash it, store it a8ayC 2o, Jesus has other things to say. He says, "i,e, and it 8i## 9e gi,en to you >e6 hasis added?. /any eo #e don7t 9e#ie,e in the gi,ing and re'ei,ing syste6 or the so8ing and the rea ing syste6. I! 8e ossess the 6ind o! Christ, 8hat e#se 'an 8e 9e#ie,eC ;e 6ust 9e#ie,e e=a't#y the sa6e as He does 9e'ause He ro6ised in His ;ord that i! 8e gi,e, 8e are de!inite#y going to ha,e our needs 6etFe='eeding#y a9undant#y >E hesians 3321? 6etF6ore than 8e 'an drea6 or i6agine. So6eone said to 6e one ti6e, Don7t you thin5 that is rea##y resu6 tuous to gi,e and e= e't "od to gi,e 9a'5 to youC I said, 2o, !or the ,ery si6 #e reason that 8hen I rayed the sinner7s rayer and as5ed "od to sa,e 6e, I e= e'ted "od to !u#!i## His ;ord. .he one thing that "od is o9#igated to do, and 8ants to do, is to !u#!i## His ;ord. ;hen I ga,e Hi6 6y sins, He ga,e 6e !orgi,eness. ;hen I 'on!essed 8ith 6y 6outh that Jesus Christ 8as +ord, He 'a6e into 6y heart and sa,ed 6e. I e= e'ted Hi6 to do this 9e'ause He ro6ises it: .here!ore, 8hen I gi,e, I anti'i ate that "od 8i## gi,e it 9a'5 9e'ause He said so in His ;ord: Be'ause 8e ha,e a##o8ed the 6ind o! Christ to 9e in us, 8e need to anti'i ate that 8hen 8e gi,e, 8hen 8e tithe, and 8hen 8e 6a5e se arate o!!erings o,er and 9eyond the tithe, these o!!erings are going to 'o6e 9a'5. .here is a 6oney09a'5 guarantee that is signed in the 2e8 .esta6ent 9y the Son o! the +i,ing "od, Jesus, 8ho says 8hen you gi,e, you are going to get it 9a'5. He doesn7t ro6ise a ossi9i#ityH He ro6ises a rea#ity: Besides our 9eing 9#essed 9y His return syste6, "od is 9#essed e,en 6ore 9e'ause He re'ei,es 9a'5 our 8i##ingness to trust Hi6 as our in,est6ent ad,isor. A##o8ing the 6ind o! Christ to 9e in us 6eans that 8e ha,e no dou9t in this area. It doesn7t say, ;e##, I thin5 "od 8i## do it !or so6e9ody e#se, 9ut He 8on7t do it !or 6e. Be'ause the 6ind o! Christ is in 6e, I 5no8 that I 5no8 that I 5no8 that Jesus is going to return it to 6e. 11

He 6ay not a#8ays return it to 6e 8hen I thin5 it shou#d 9e returned, 9ut 9e'ause I ossess the 6ind o! Christ, I 5no8 that I 5no8 that I 5no8 that it is 'o6ing 9a'5 to 6e. I a6 not going to 'hange 6y thin5ing that 8ou#d 'ause 6e to disagree 8ith Jesus. /y thin5ing is going to #ine u 8ith His: Jesus 5no8s our hearts and 5no8s 8hether 8e se#!ish#y 8ant 6ore !or ourse#,es or 8hether 8e 8ant 6ore !or the 5ingdo6 o! "od. Ene o! the greatest desires o! 6y heart is to get the 6essage a'ross to the 9ody o! Christ a9out gi,ing to "od. I 5no8 8hat it did in 6y o8n #i!e 8hen I #earned to gi,e, 9e'ause unti# "od gets your 6oney, He ne,er gets you: I use +u5e *338 o,er and o,er again as I ta5e o!!erings so that Christians 8i## 9e#ie,e that 8hen they gi,e, they 8i## re'ei,e it 9a'5. E,ery on'e in a 8hi#e I say to 6yse#!, "od, eo #e ne,er get the 6essage o! 8hat I76 ta#5ing a9out. I 5ee rea'hing on gi,ing to "od and 8onder o''asiona##y i! any9ody rea##y hears 8hat I ha,e to say a9out gi,ing.

% Chi d, Can 2nderstand

As 8e 8ere eating in our #o'a# 'a!eteria one day, a astor and his !a6i#y 8ere eating there, too. As a 8ay o! saying he##o, I #eaned o,er their ta9#e and said, I 'a6e o,er to get a 9ite o! your !ood 9e'ause I didn7t ha,e enough. .he astor7s eight0year0o#d son i'5ed u his 'ho'o#ate ie and ga,e it to 6e. I said, Honey, I 8ou#dn7t ta5e your ie. I 8as on#y 5idding. He said, "o ahead and ta5e it, 9e'ause i! you ta5e it, I7## get 9a'5 a #ot 6ore than 8hat is on that #ate right no8: He got the 6essage: He got the 6essage that 8hen you gi,e, it is going to 9e gi,en J9a'5K to you3 good 6easure, ressed do8n, sha5en together, and running Ja##K o,er >+u5e *338? the #a'e. I said, "#ory to "od: and you 'ou#d ha,e heard 6e a## o,er the 'a!eteria. I! no one e#se sitting under 6y 6inistry 8hen I ta5e an o!!ering e,er #istened and 9e#ie,ed 8hat I said, I !ound one 8ho did. An eight0year0o#d 9oy:


;e need to 9e#ie,e so !er,ent#y that, #i5e the eight0year0o#d 9oy, 8e 8i## 9e 8i##ing to gi,e u the 6ost s e'ia# art o! our dinner, 5no8ing that Jesus a#8ays gi,es 9a'5 6ore: >And He did. .he +ord dire'ted 6e to ta5e an o!!ering !or that #itt#e 9oy at the ne=t 'hur'h ser,i'e. It a6ounted to 6ore than L211:? It is e='iting to 9e a Christian and to re'ogniAe 8hat 8e rea##y do ossess 9e'ause 8e o erate 8ith the 6ind o! Christ. +u5e 831* reads, 3o one! when he has it a amp! co+ers it with a +esse or puts it under a bed! but sets it on a amp stand! that those who enter may see the i#ht. Christians ought to 9e the 6ost 9ri##iant #ights in the 8or#d and the #oudest 9#a99er6ouths in the 8or#d. ;e are going to do e=a't#y 8hat Jesus does 9e'ause 8e ha,e His ,ery 6ind. ;e are not going to hide our #itt#e #ight. ;e are not going to ut our heads underneath a 9ushe# 9as5et and @ust hide ourse#,es a8ay. Be'ause 8e are #i5e Jesus Christ, 8e are going to ho#d our 'and#es u high !or the 8ho#e 8or#d to see: ;e are going to ta#5 a9out Jesus 8here,er 8e are. ;e are going to ta#5 a9out Jesus in air orts. ;e are going to ta#5 a9out Jesus in the gro'ery store. ;e are going to ta#5 a9out Jesus at the ser,i'e station. I! 8e a##o8 His 6ind to 9e in us, 8e are going to 9e !i##ed 8ith that o,er8he#6ing, 9u99#ing desire to see that the 8ho#e 8or#d gets sa,ed. ;e are not going to #et our #ights go out: ;e are going to #et the6 shine 9righter and 9righter and 9righter a## the ti6e: Char#es and I ha,e the 6ost 6ar,e#ous ti6e in the 8or#d 8here,er 8e go. I! it is in an air ort, 8e are singing. /any ti6es 8e sing in tongues. /any ti6es 8e @ust go through air orts raising "od and ha,ing an e='iting ti6e. E!ten eo #e 8a#5 u to 6e and say, Are you a 9rideC @ust 9e'ause 8e #oo5 so ha y. ;hat a 8onder!u# o ortunity this gi,es us to 8itness. I say, Yes, 8e are the 9ride o! Christ, and 8e share Jesus 8ith the6. Jesus ne,er hid His #ight under a 9ushe#. He #et His #ight shine a## the ti6eH and as Christians 8ho ossess the 6ind o! Christ, 8e shou#d a## do e=a't#y the sa6e thing. .hin5 o! the g#ory that is going to 'o6e to the )ather 8hen 8e a## do this. .hin5 ho8 His heart 8i## #ea 8ith @oy 8hen eo #e 12

9egin to #oo5 at us and 5no8 there is so6ething rea# su er s e'ia# a9out us: 4hen *e said to them a ! 5" anyone desires to come a"ter (e! et him deny himse " and ta-e up his cross dai y! and "o ow (e. )or whoe+er desires to sa+e his i"e wi ose it! but whoe+er oses his i"e "or (y sa-e wi sa+e it. $Lu-e 9:2/6271 /any eo #e say, ;e##, 6y 'ross is 6y unsa,ed hus9and, that drun5en a#'oho#i'. He has 9een the 'ross I ha,e 'arried a## these years. He has 9een an a#9atross around 6y ne'5. He has 8eighed 6e do8n a## o! these years. He is the 'ross that I 6ust 9ear. Be'ause I 9ear it, I a6 going to 6a5e it into hea,en so6eday. So6e eo #e say, Eh, the 'ross I ha,e to 9ear is this si'5ness "od ga,e 6e. 4au# had a thorn in the !#esh, and "od ne,er hea#ed hi6 >See 2 Corinthians 123-011?. .he 'ross I a6 9earing is this si'5ness that I ha,e that I 8i## ne,er get o,er. But I 8i## g#ori!y "od, 9e'ause I 8i## 'ontinue to #o,e Hi6 in s ite o! a## this. Be#o,ed, that is not 8hat Jesus is ta#5ing a9out. I! 8e a##o8 His 6ind to 9e in us, 8e are going to thin5 e=a't#y the sa6e 8ay He did:

% i+e to 'od! 8ead to Se "

;hy did Jesus 'arry His 'rossC Be'ause it 8as so6ething that "od had sadd#ed Hi6 8ithC 2o, Jesus 'arried His 'ross so that He 'ou#d die 8i##ing#y to sa,e us. He 'ou#d ha,e 'a##ed e#ions o" an#e s >/atthe8 2*3(3? to res'ue Hi6. He 'hose to su!!er and die 9e'ause He 5ne8 the ,i'tory that He 'ou#d then share 8ith you and 6e. ;hen 8e i'5 u our 'ross dai#y, it is to die to se#! so that our a69itions, our desires, our 8ants, our #ongings, and our un<uen'ha9#e thirst !or the #usts and #easures o! this 8or#d 8i## 9e 'ru'i!ied e,ery day. &e6e69er 8hat 4au# said3 5 ha+e been cruci"ied with Christ9 it is no on#er 5 who i+e! but Christ i+es in me9 and the i"e which 5 now i+e in the 13

" esh 5 i+e by "aith in the Son o" 'od! who o+ed me and #a+e *imse " "or me. $'a atians. 2:2:1 Jesus 'arried His 'ross to die !or usH 8e need to 'arry our 'ross to die !or Hi6. .his death is a s iritua# dying to se#! e,ery day so that a## o! these 8or#d#y a etites that 'o6e u are trodden do8n. .hat is the rea# 'ross that 8e 9ear: .he 'ross you ha,e to 9ear is not that unsa,ed hus9and. It is not that unsa,ed 8i!e. It is not those unsa,ed 'hi#dren 8ho are out there in the 8or#d. .he 'ross you need to 9ear is the 'ross o! dying e,ery day to se#! and earth#y desires. I 8as ta#5ing to a gir# the other night, and she as5ed 6e to ray that eo #e 8ou#d sto hurting her !ee#ings. She said, 4eo #e are so 6ean to 6e, and I get 6y !ee#ings hurt a## o! the ti6e. I said, 2o, I a6 not going to ray !or you. She 8as start#ed, so I 8ent on to e= #ain3 ;hat you need to do is to die to se#! so that eo #e 'annot hurt your !ee#ings. Did you e,er see a dead 6an get out o! a 'as5et and say to the astor, You hurt 6y !ee#ings 9e'ause o! 8hat you @ust said a9out 6eC &e6e69er i! you are dead to se#!, you 'annot ha,e your !ee#ings hurt. 4eo #e 'annot hurt you 9y the things they say a9out you. "od7s ;ord te##s us that 8e 'an e= e't to 9e erse'uted 9y eo #e 8ho ha,e the 'arna# 6ind, 9e'ause the 'arna# 6ind is en6ity against "od >&o6ans 83-?. ;e need to die to se#! e,ery day i! 8e rea##y ha,e a##o8ed the 6ind o! Christ to 9e in us: ;e 6ust re6e69er to 5ee a## o! these 8or#d#y things out o! our 6inds and hearts at a## ti6es. .hen 8e need to !o##o8 Jesus, 8hi'h 6eans to do the sa6e things He did on this earth, 9e'ause He says 8hoe,er 8ishes to sa,e his o8n #i!e 8i## #ose it >+u5e $32%?. In other 8ords, i! you 5ee 8orrying a9out sa,ing your o8n #i!e and doing your o8n thing, you 8i## #ose it a##. But i! you #ose your #i!e !or Jesus7 sa5e, you 8i## sa,e it. Sa,e 8hatC Your ,ery #i!e: Your eterna# #i!e:


2se ;hat You Own

You 'an ha,e so6ething and ne,er rea##y ossess it: Years ago e,ery gir# had to ha,e a ho e 'hest 9e!ore she got 6arried. .here 8ere a#8ays three things she had to 9uy !irst o! a##. She 6ight ha,e 9een so oor that she didn7t o8n a air o! de'ent shoes, 9ut no se#!0res e'ting gir# 8ho e= e'ted to get 6arried 'ou#d e,er get ast eighteen years o! age and !ai# to start a set o! 'hina, si#,er8are, and 'rysta#. I started to 8or5 at the ,ery height o! the de ression. Sa#aries 8ere un9e#ie,a9#y #o8. I 5no8 8hat it 6eans not to ha,e anything at a##, 9ut one o! the !irst things I did a!ter I started 8or5ing 8as to 9uy one ie'e o! 'hina. It too5 6e se,en 6onths to ay !or it. .hen I 9ought one ie'e o! 'rysta#. It too5 a year to ay !or that: .hen 'a6e one si#,er teas oon. I don7t thin5 I e,er !inished aying !or that: /any gir#s did go on to !i## out the entire set o! 'hina, 'rysta#, and si#,er8are, 9ut 9e'ause a## o! these things 8ere so e= ensi,e and it had ta5en so #ong to ay !or the6, they 8ere a## 'are!u##y ut a8ay and ne,er used. .hose s e'ia# treasures 8ere ta5en out and used on#y at Christ6as, .han5sgi,ing, and Easter. E='e t to eat !ro6 the6 ,ery 'are!u##y, no one e='e t /other 'ou#d tou'h the6 or 8ash the6. .he 'hina and 'rysta# 8ere so de#i'ate that there 8as a#8ays !ear they 6ight 9rea5 or the si#,er 8ou#d get #ost, so a## o! these e= ensi,e ite6s 8ere ne,er used. .hey sat in 9rea5!ronts and 'hina 'a9inets to 9e sho8n o!! to e,eryone 8ho 'a6e to ,isit, 9ut to en@oy 9y using the6Fne,er: You 'an ha,e the 6ost 9eauti!u# 'hina in the 8or#d, 9ut it doesn7t do you a 9it o! good i! you don7t use it. You 'an ha,e the 6ost de#i'ate 'rysta# and the 6ost ornate si#,er8are. It doesn7t do you a 9it o! good i! you don7t use it. You o8n it, yes, 9ut you don7t rea##y ossess it. I en@oy e,erything I o8n. I use 6y 'rysta#. I use 6y 'hina. I use 6y si#,er. I! so6ething gets 9ro5en, !irst I as5, Did any9ody get hurtC I! e,ery9ody is o5ay, I say, Ha##e#u@ah: A## those 8or#d#y things 'an 9e re #a'ed. 1(

Be'ause I ossess e,erything I o8n, I en@oy e,erything to the ut6ost. I do not sa,e things !or a #ater date. I 9uy a ne8 dress and 8ear it the ne=t day. I use e,erything I ossess, and I ossess e,erything I o8n. +et7s a #y this rin'i #e to the 6ind o! Christ. ;e shou#d not ta5e 8hat 8e are gi,en at that 6o6ent 8hen 8e are 9orn again and ut it u on a she#! and say, 2o8, as soon as I get o,er a## o! these ro9#e6s, I a6 going to ta5e the 6ind o! Christ o!! the she#! and sti'5 it in 6y head. .hen I7## 9egin to use 8hat 8as gi,en to 6e 8hen I 8as 9orn again. /any eo #e say, I a6 rea##y going to 9e a 'o66itted Christian as soon as I '#ean u the 6ess in 6y #i!e. Be'o6e a 'o66itted Christian !irstH then the 6ess in your #i!e 8i## get '#eaned u 8ithout your e=erting a #ot o! e!!ort: &ea#iAing that 8e ossess the 6ind o! Christ and 6a5ing sure in our s irits that 8e 5no8 that 8e 5no8 that 8e 5no8 that the thin5ing 6e'hanis6 8e ha,e is a'tua##y the 6ind o! Christ 8i## ta5e us into su ernatura# rea#6s and out o! the rea#6 o! the unsa,ed 8or#d.

;hat %re You <atin#=

.he 8or#d says You are 8hat you eat. +et7s a #y that state6ent to our Christian #i,es. ;hat you eat in the natura# 8i## either nourish you or har6 you. .he sa6e is true 8ith the s iritua# !ood you eat. You eat o! the Bi9#e and gro8 u on "od7s #a8s, or you eat the 6essages o! the 8or#d and turn your 9a'5 on "od. .he rin'i #es that are #isted in the ;ord o! "od are e=tre6e#y i6 ortant. .he ;ord o! "od te##s you ho8 to o erate in today7s 8or#d. Jesus said, 5t is written! (an sha not i+e by bread a one! but by e+ery word o" 'od >+u5e %3%?. .his doesn7t say that you 8i## #i,e 9y on#y the ortions o! S'ri ture that you #i5e or that ti'5#e your !an'y. So6e ortions 6ay 9e a #itt#e hard to #isten to 9e'ause they a #y to you and 6ay hit a #itt#e '#ose to ho6e.


;e need to 9e nourished 9y the ;ord o! "od and not 9y hysi'a# !ood a#one. ;hat Jesus is saying to 6e is, I! I a##o8 this 6ind to 9e in 6e that 8as a#so in Christ Jesus, I a6 going to !eed on the ;ord o! "od so that I a6 s iritua##y a#ert and a8a5e at a## ti6es. 2one 'an go !or a !u## 6onth 8ithout hysi'a# !ood and not !ee# the e!!e'ts o! !ood de ri,ation. /ost eo #e 'an7t 6iss one 6ea# 8ithout 'ra,ing !ood. ;e ha,e 9een trained to eat dai#y. Eur 9odies are geared !or regu#ar !ood inta5e. Eur 9odies 8i## re9e# #oud#y i! 8e don7t gi,e the6 nourish6ent. So6e Irish6en re'ent#y ro,ed that you 'an star,e to death #i,ing on#y on rayer. .hey 8ere going to !ast unti# they got their o8n 8ay. .hey !astedH they died. +itt#e 9a9ies 8ou#dn7t #ast ,ery #ong i! 8e didn7t a''e t the res onsi9i#ity o! !eeding the6. .he sa6e thing is true in our s iritua# #i,es. "od sho8s us in the hysi'a# #i!e 8hat ha ens to us in the s iritua# #i!e i! 8e 9eha,e the sa6e 8ay in 9oth areas. ;e 'annot get a#ong 8ith @ust an o''asiona# dose o! hysi'a# !ood. By the sa6e to5en, 8e 'annot get a#ong 8ith @ust an o''asiona# dose o! s iritua# !ood. Eur s irits 8i## star,e. ;e need to eat the ;ord o! "od e,ery day. .here are ti6es 8hen I ha,e an o ortunity to read 6ore than I do at other ti6es. .here are other ti6es 8hen there are so 6any ti6e0'onsu6ing situations that I don7t get to read as 6u'h as I 8ou#d #i5e. I 9egin to !ee# s iritua##y star,ed i! I a6 not in the ;ord o! "od. "i,e 6e three, !our, or !i,e hours in the ;ord o! "od, and sudden#y I 'an !ee# 6yse#! 'o6ing a#i,e again. .he 8or#d 9e'o6es sunshiny. .he earth turns 8ar6 and rosy, and I a6 sitting right on to o! it. .he ;ord o! "od inside o! you 8i## 'ause you to gro8 and gro8. You 'annot sur,i,e as a Christian i! you don7t 'ontinue to !eed and !eed and !eed on the ;ord o! "od. Ene day you 8i## #oo5 9a'5 and rea#iAe that instead o! 9eing a 'ra8#ing, 'o#i'5y 9a9y Christian, you ha,e 9e'o6e a !u## gro8n adu#t s iritua# giant. 1-

Jesus 9e#ie,ed the ;ord. I 9e#ie,e the ;ord. .he 6ore I eat, the 6ore I gro8 and the 6ore I 'an uti#iAe the 6ind o! Christ. I! I s end 6ore and 6ore ti6e 8ith Hi6, He s ends 6ore and 6ore ti6e 8ith 6e. I! I re#in<uish 6y 8i## 6ore and 6ore to Hi6, He 'an use 6e 6ore and 6ore to do His 8or5. .hrough sa#,ation, 8e ha,e 9een gi,en one o! the greatest gi!ts i6agina9#e3 the 6ind o! Christ. +et us 9e'o6e so a8are o! His thin5ing in a## areas and 5no8 8hat His thought atterns are that 8e 8i## o erate 6ore !u##y as He desires us to a't. In the !o##o8ing 'ha ters o! this 9oo5, I ha,e tried to aint a #i,ing i'ture o! 8hat our 6inds 8i## 9e thin5ing on su9@e'ts that 8ere dear to the heart o! Jesus: )or years this 9oo5 has 9een a !#a6e 9urning in 6y heart. I ray I 'an ass this !#a6e on to you.

2n ess one is born o" water and the Spirit! he cannot enter the -in#dom o" 'od. >John /:5


Chapter 4wo

?orn %#ain
.he e= ression 9orn again has 9een used ,ery #oose#y o,er the #ast !e8 years, and it is easy to see 8hy 6any eo #e do not a'tua##y understand 8hat the ter6 6eans. ;hen 8e are 9orn again, 8e a'<uire the 6ind o! Christ, and 8hen 8e tru#y 9e#ie,e that, on#y then 8i## our thin5ing 9egin to #ine u 8ith His. .his ter6 has s'ri tura# roots. ;e read in John, %"ter dar- one ni#ht a Jewish re i#ious eader named 3icodemus! a member o" the sect o" the @harisees! came "or an inter+iew with Jesus. Sir! he said! we a -now that 'od has sent you to teach us. Your mirac es are proo" enou#h o" this. Jesus rep ied! ;ith a the earnestness 5 possess 5 te you this: 2n ess you are born a#ain! you can ne+er #et into the Ain#dom o" 'od. ?orn a#ainB eCc aimed 3icodemus. ;hat do you mean= *ow can an o d man #o bac- into his mother,s womb and be born a#ain= Jesus rep ied! ;hat am te in# you so earnest y is this: 2n ess one is born o" water and the Spirit! he cannot enter the Ain#dom o" 'od. (en can on y reproduce human i"e! but the *o y Spirit #i+es new i"e "rom hea+en9 so don,t be surprised at my statement that you must be born a#ainB $John /:D6E 4L?1 A''ording to the di'tionary, to 9e 9orn 6eans to 9e 9rought into #i!e or e=isten'e. ;hen 8e are 9orn hysi'a##y, 8e are 9rought into #i!e in the 8or#d 8here 8e no8 #i,e. ;e are at the sa6e ti6e 9rought into an e=isten'e that 8i## #ast !or a 'ertain nu69er o! years on this earth. ;hen 8e are 9orn hysi'a##y, 8e undergo a 'o6 #ete 'hange o! en,iron6ent, thin5ing, a'ting, and 9eha,ior. ;e go !ro6 a tota# de enden'e u on our 6other7s 9ody to a gro8ing de enden'e u on ourse#,es. 1$

.o 9e 9orn again is in 6any 8ays the sa6e thing as 9eing 9orn the !irst ti6e. ;hen 8e are 9orn again, our 9eha,ior 'hanges. our thin5ing 'hanges, our a'tions 'hange, and 6ost o! the ti6e e,en our en,iron6ent 'hanges. .hat doesn7t 6ean 8e ha,e to 6o,e out o! the house in 8hi'h 8e are #i,ing 8hen 8e are 9orn again, 9ut our asso'iations >en,iron6ent? 'hange 9e'ause 8e no #onger ha,e a desire to go to the #a'es 8here 8e !or6er#y had !un. ;e no #onger en@oy the eo #e 8ith 8ho6 8e re,ious#y asso'iated, 9e'ause 8e ossess a ne8 8ay o! thin5ing and a 9rand ne8 set o! ,a#ues. ;e go !ro6 a tota# de enden'e o! one !or6, u on our o8n 9rain o8er, to a tota# de enden'e o! another !or6, u on the o8er o! "od. ;e are going to thin5 #i5e ne8 'reatures. Ene Bi9#e trans#ation says that un#ess a 6an is a'tua##y or honest#y 9orn again, he 'annot see the 5ingdo6 o! "od. .his 6eans that 8e 'annot 5no8 the 5ingdo6 o! "odH 8e 'annot e,en 9e'o6e a'<uainted 8ith the 5ingdo6 o! "od unti# 8e are a'tua##y 9orn again 9y the S irit o! "od. /any eo #e say, Just saying a rayer 6a5es you 9orn again. ;hi#e there are 6any eo #e 8ho ha,e 9een 9orn again 9y raying a ,ery si6 #e rayer, un#ess a 'hange has 'o6e into their #i,es and they are a'tua##y a9#e to see the 5ingdo6 o! "od, or the 5ingdo6 o! hea,en, they are not tru#y 9orn again. I ,i,id#y re6e69er one o! the things I said the !irst ti6e I e,er ga,e 6y testi6ony. .he day I 8as sa,ed, I 9e#ie,e "od o ened the 8indo8s o! hea,en and ga,e 6e a g#i6 se o! 8hat eternity 8as a## a9out, and !ro6 that day on, I ha,e ne,er 8anted anything o! this earth. .his sa6e e= erien'e a #ies to e,ery 9orn again 9e#ie,er. ;hen you are tru#y 9orn again, you see the 5ingdo6 o! "od. It is not an a'tua# hysi'a# thing, 9ut in the su ernatura# you see that "od has 'a##ed you to a #i!e that is a9o,e and 9eyond the #i!e you are no8 e= erien'ing. En'e 8e ha,e tru#y seen the 5ingdo6 o! "od, there 8i## ne,er 9e 9a'5s#iding or going 9a'58ards. .here shou#d 9e no desire to 21

return to the things o! this 8or#d 9e'ause 8e ha,e 'aught a g#i6 se o! that er!e't ho e, 8hi'h is the eterna# 5ingdo6 o! "od. +oo5ing again at the !i!th ,erse, 8e see that Jesus said, Mn#ess one is 9orn o! 8ater and the S irit, he 'annot enter the Iingdo6 o! "od >.+B?. Be'ause 8e ha,e #et His 6ind 9e in us, 8e are going to 9e#ie,e e=a't#y the sa6e 8ay. ;e are not going to #et our 'arna# 6inds 'o6e into #ay and say, ;e##, I ha,e gone to 'hur'h a## o! 6y #i!e. I ha,e @oined 6y 'hur'h. I ha,e said the 'hur'h 'reed. .hose things ha,e nothing to do 8ith 9eing 9orn again. Jesus said, Mn#ess a 6an is 9orn again, he 'annot see the 5ingdo6 o! "od. 9e'ause 8e ha,e a##o8ed this 6ind to 9e in us that 8as a#so in Christ Jesus, 8e are going to agree one hundred er'ent 8ith Jesus that 8e 6ust 9e 9orn again 9y "od7s S irit 9e!ore 8e 'an a'tua##y see the 5ingdo6 o! hea,en. Yet on'e 8e ha,e tru#y 9een 9orn again 9y "od7s S irit, 8e 8i## 9e a9#e to see into that s iritua# rea#6 8ith our re'reated s irits, or that ne8 6an that has risen u 8ithin us. ;e are going to shed the o#d '#othes, the o#d ro9es, and 8e are going to ut on the ne8 ones, 9e'ause 8e are ne8 'reatures in Christ. Se'ond Corinthians (31- te##s us, 4here"ore! i" anyone is in Christ! he is a new creation9 o d thin#s ha+e passed away9 beho d! a thin#s ha+e become new ;e are ne8 'reatures in Christ. ;e are s ar5#ing ne8 #ights in the 5ingdo6 o! "od. ;e are trans!or6ed !ro6 the o#d ersons 8e used to 9e into the re'reated ersons that 8e no8 are. ;e shou#d ha,e no desire to do the things 8e !or6er#y did, 9e'ause the o#d things ha,e a## assed a8ay and a## things ha,e 9e'o6e ne8 >,. 1-?. ;e are going to act #i5e ne8 'reatures: ;e are going to thin- #i5e ne8 'reatures: ;e are going to spea- #i5e ne8 'reatures: .o go 9a'5 into sin, the o#d 8ay o! #i!e, 8ou#d 9e the sa6e rin'i #e as a gro8n 6an saying, I 8ant to go 9a'5 into 6y 6other7s 8o69 9e'ause it 8as so ni'e and 8ar6, and I !e#t so se'ure there. En'e you are 9orn, you are no #onger that #itt#e 9a9y 21

!#oating in the 8ater sa'5 in the 8o69. You are an indi,idua# 8ho is no8 #i,ing in the 8or#d, and you 'an ne,er 9a'5. .he sa6e thing is true o! a genuine 9orn0again e= erien'e. ;e ha,e no right, nor shou#d 8e ha,e a desire, to go 9a'5 to the o#d things o! the sin!u# 8or#d and 'ontinue arti'i ating in the o#d 8ays o! #i!e. Be!ore I 8as 9orn again, I s6o5ed, dran5, 'ussed, and to#d dirty @o5es. I 'ertain#y 8as not an e=a6 #e o! so6eone ossessing the 6ind o! ChristH ho8e,er, on'e I 8as 9orn again, I 9e'a6e a ne8 'reation and the o#d things >,. 1-? assed a8ay:

;hy %re Some Sa+ed and Others 3ot=

E,er and o,er I ha,e ondered this one <uestion. ;hy is it that so6e eo #e 9e'o6e ne8 'reations, and so6e eo #e don7tC ;hy is it that so6e eo #e ne,er see6 to ha,e trou9#e in their Christian #i,es, and others ne,er see6 to get o,er the hurd#esC .here are 6any things that tie together to 6a5e the Christian #i!e si6 #e and easy. It a## goes 9a'5 to the genuine 9orn0again e= erien'e. Being 9orn again is not an e6otiona# e= erien'e 8here 8e 'ry and are drained e6otiona##y, on#y to get u !ro6 an a#tar and #i,e the sa6e 8ay 8e did re,ious#y. ;e 5no8 that an indi,idua# 'annot 'o6e to Jesus un#ess the S irit o! "od dra8s hi6, 9ut on'e the S irit dra8s hi6, the res onsi9i#ity !or the e!!e'ti,eness o! the 9orn0again e= erien'e rests u on the erson hi6se#!. Sa#,ation is not a de'ision o! the e6otionsH sa#,ation is a de'ision o! the 8i##. E6otions are o!ten the resu#t o! a genuine 9orn0again e= erien'e, 9ut are not a#8ays indi'ati,e o! a genuine e= erien'e. "enuine sa#,ation 'o6es !ro6 our o8n 8i##s. Mnti# 8e 'an honest#y say, I 8i## to !o##o8 a!ter JesusH I 8i## to 9e o9edient to "odH I 8i## to 8a#5 a8ay !ro6 sinH I 8i## to 9e the erson that "od 8ants 6e to 9e, our sa#,ation 'an 9e 8ishy0 8ashy and on0again, o!!0again. ;hen 8e tru#y 6a5e this de'ision o! our 8i##s, 8e ha,e done our artH then Jesus does His art. .he S irit o! Jesus 6erges 8ith, or 22

'o6es into, our s irits. ;e are 'on'ei,ed 9y the Ho#y S iritH "od #ants His Seed, Jesus, and His #i!e, into our s irits, and !ro6 that Seed, Jesus, 8e are 9orn s iritua##y. &o6ans 83$ says, %nd remember that i" anyone doesn,t ha+e the Spirit o" Christ i+in# in him! he is not a Christian at a >.+B?. .he g#orious day 8hen Jesus 9e'a6e 6y Sa,ior and +ord, I 8i##ed to !o##o8 Hi6. I #oo5ed u to "od and said, "od, I7## 6a5e a dea# 8ith You. I7## gi,e You a## o! 6e !or a## o! You: "od too5 6e u on the dea# that I o!!ered Hi6, and e,en though I got the 9est o! the dea#, the de'ision o! 6y o8n inte##e't and 6ind has 5e t 6e on the Christian road !or a## these years. I ha,e #i,ed 8ithout e,er 9a'5s#iding, 8ithout e,er <uestioning or dou9ting "od, 8ithout e,er 8ondering i! the Christian #i!e rea##y 8or5ed, and 8ithout e,er 8anting to return to the o#d #i!e. I 6ade a de'ision that 8as not !or'ed 9y e6otions, a song, or a re#igious at6os here. It 8as a de'ision that I had '#ear#y thought a9out !or 6onths 8hi#e I 8as attending a Bi9#e0 rea'hing 'hur'h. It 8as a de'ision that had 9een 6ade 9e!ore I 8ent to 'hur'h on a arti'u#ar Sunday 6orning. I #oo5ed at 8hat the De,i# had to o!!er and at 8hat "od had to o!!er. I #i5ed "od7s o!!er 6u'h 9etter: So, 8ith 6y o8n !ree 8i##, I de#i9erate#y 'hose to !o##o8 "od. .hroughout His #i!eti6e, Jesus a#8ays 'hose to !o##o8 "od7s 8i## !or His #i!e. E,en at the 'ross, He ne,er <uestioned that "od7s 8i## 8ou#d o,erride any hu6an e6otions He 6ight ha,e.

*ea+en Cannot ?e <arned

.here is a#8ays a de#i'ate 9a#an'e 9et8een 8or5s and gra'e, 9e'ause 8or5s are insu!!i'ient to se'ure sa#,ation. 4#ease do not !ee# that I a6 trying to say that you 'an earn your 8ay into hea,en, 9e'ause I tried that !or years ,ia the tuna0!ish0and0'rea60'heese0 sand8i'h 9it and 8ashing dishes in the 'hur'h 9ase6ent a!ter 'ongregationa# dinners. It doesn7t 8or5. ;e 5no8 that by #race you ha+e been sa+ed throu#h "aith! and that not o" yourse +es9 it is the #i"t o" 'od! not o" wor-s! est anyone shou d boast. )or we are *is wor-manship! created in 23

Christ Jesus "or #ood wor-s! which 'od prepared be"orehand that we shou d wa - in them. $<phesians 2:06 D:1 "ood 8or5s 8i## !o##o8 the 9e#ie,er, 9ut the 8or5s a#one 8on7t sa,e the un9e#ie,er.

4he Critica Fo e o" the ;i

E,ery day 8e are 'on!ronted 8ith o ortunities to 8i## to 9e o9edient to "od, or to 8i## to 9e diso9edient. E,ery a'tion in 8hi'h 8e are in,o#,ed is an o ortunity to do 8hat "od 8ants us to do or an o''asion to 6a5e a de'ision not to o9ey Hi6. ;here 8e go, 8hat 8e #isten to, 8hat 8e read, 8hat 8e 8at'h, 8hat 8e hear, and 8hat 8e see are dai#y o ortunities !or us to 9e o9edient to 8hat "od te##s us in His ;ord. .hat is 8hy 8hen a erson has a genuine 9orn0again e= erien'e, it is easy !or hi6 to 9e o9edient to "od, 9e'ause he ossesses the 6ind o! Christ and 8i## 8ant to do the sa6e things Jesus did. Jesus ne,er e,en 'onsidered diso9eying His )ather. He had the 6ind o! "od. ;hen 8e !o##o8 Jesus 8ith a## our hearts, 8e 8i## ha,e the 6ind o! "od. I! 8e ha,e not 8i##ed to 6a5e a 'o6 #ete and tota# 'o66it6ent o! our #i,es >and it is de!inite#y a de'ision o! one7s o8n 8i##?, 8e are going to ha,e ro9#e6s throughout our Christian #i,es. .here is no 8ay 8e 'an 8a#5 8ith one !oot in the S irit and the other !oot in the De,i#7s territory. A 9eauti!u# S'ri ture that uAA#ed 6e !or years 8as re'ent#y 6ade #ain 9y the Ho#y S irit, and it !its in so er!e't#y 8ith 8hat Jesus thin5s a9out 9eing 9orn again. /atthe8 $31*F1- reads, 3o one puts apiece o" unshrun- doth on an o d #arment9 "or the patch pu s away "rom the #arment! and the tear is made worse. 3or do they put new wine into o d wines-ins! or e se the wines-ins brea-! the wine is spi ed! and the wines-ins are ruined. ?ut they put new wine into new wines-ins! and both are preser+ed. 2%

.he se'ond ,erse ertains to 9e'o6ing the ne8 'reatures in Christ 8hen 8e are tru#y 9orn again. It #ain#y sho8s the ridi'u#ousness and !uti#ity o! trying to #i,e a Christian #i!e 8hi#e sti## #i,ing in sin. You 'annot 'ra6 the ne8 9irth e= erien'e into a #i!e that is sti## interested in the things o! the !#esh, 9e'ause the ena#ty is that it 8i## 9urst at the sea6sH the and resu#t 8i## 9e 8orse than your #i!e 8as in the 9eginning. ;hen you ut the ne8 8ine, ne8 #i!eF8hi'h is the ne8 9irth e= erien'eFinto your #i!e, it has to 9e ut into a ,esse# that is '#ean and ure. You 6ay say, ;e##, 8hen I as5ed "od to !orgi,e 6y sins, didn7t He !orgi,e the6C Yes, He did, 9ut i! you 8i## to go your o8n 8ay and you 8i## to do your o8n thing, your te6 #e is going to 9e '#uttered u again i66ediate#y 8ith sin. .hen the ne8 8ine, or the ne8 9irth e= erien'e, and the o#d 8ines5ins, or the o#d #i!e, are 9oth ruined, and you are 8orse o!! than 9e!ore. Ho8e,er, 8hen you 8i## to 9e a ne8 'reature in Christ and you 8i## to 9e a ne8 'reature in your hysi'a# 9eing, then 9oth are reser,ed. It is i6 ossi9#e to 9e tru#y 9orn again 8ithout a 'o66it6ent o! your 8i## to "od and a de'ision to sto !o##o8ing a!ter the di'tates o! your !#esh. .he 6ost 6isera9#e eo #e in the 8or#d are those 8ho ha,e said a sinner7s rayer and then ha,e gone 9a'5 to their o#d 8ays o! #i,ing. .he 6isera9#e, atheti' 'hur'hgoer 8ho says, I @ust 'an7t gi,e u 'igarettes 9e'ause I sti## #i5e to s6o5e is !ar 6ore 6isera9#e than the indi,idua# 8ho has ne,er said a sinner7s rayer, 9ut @ust goes on en@oying 9eing a sinner. It is @ust as hard to 9e a ha#!8ay Christian as it is to try to 6a5e a ne8 at'h ho#d on an o#d air o! @eans. You ut ne8 6ateria# on to , 9ut the threads underneath are so 8orn out that they 8on7t ho#d the threads o! the ne8 one.

*ow to <nGoy Christianity

Co#ossians 3323 te##s us one o! the easiest 8ays to en@oy Christianity to its !u##est3 %nd whate+er you do! do it hearti y! as to the Lord and not to men. 2(

8o it hearti y 6eans that 8e shou#d ne,er 9e ha#!hearted in anything 8e do !or the +ord. Jesus te##s us in &e,e#ation 8hat7s going to ha en to us i! 8e are3 5 -now your wor-s! that you are neither co d nor hot. 5 cou d wish you were co d or hot. So then! because you are u-ewarm! and neither co d nor hot! 5 wi +omit you out o" (y mouth $Fe+e ation /:D56 D.1. Be'ause 8e ha,e a##o8ed this 6ind to 9e in us that 8as a#so in Christ Jesus, #et7s get red0hot, on !ire !or the +ord, 9e'ause that 8as Jesus7 #i!esty#e. Jesus said that un#ess 8e 8ere 9orn again, 8e 'ou#d ne,er get into the 5ingdo6 o! "od, so #et7s 6a5e sure that 8e are tru#y ne8 'reatures in Christ 9y 6a5ing that de'ision 8ith our 8i##s to sto #aying around and rea##y get serious 8ith "od right no8. +et7s say a rayer together to 6a5e sure you rea##y are 9orn again 9e'ause you wi to 9e a Christian: )ather, I76 not interested in going to he##. I 8ant to go to hea,en. I as5 You to !orgi,e 6e and 8ash 6e in the re'ious 9#ood o! Jesus. +ord Jesus, 8ith 6y mind, 6y inte##e't, and 6y 8i##, I in,ite You to 'o6e into 6y heart and to 6a5e 6e the 5ind o! erson You 8ant 6e to 9e. I 8i## to !o##o8 You. I 8i## to #i,e a9o,e sin. I 8i## to 9e o9edient in e,erything You te## 6e to do. I 8i## to ser,e You. I 8i## to 6a5e a 'o6 #ete 'o66it6ent o! 6y #i!e to You right no8. .han5 You !or sa,ing 6e and hearing 6y rayer. In Jesus7 na6e. So6ething ha ened to you in that s #it se'ond o! ti6e 8hen you 8ere 9orn again 9y the S irit o! "od. ;hen 8e !u##y rea#iAe 8hat a'tua##y ha ens to us in that 6o6ent, it shou#d 9e the 6ost a8e0ins iring thing that e,er o''urs in our #i,es.

Your 3atura (ind 5s 'od,s <nemy

/any o! us said a #itt#e sinner7s rayer in the ast, 9ut sin'e 8e did not ha,e any tea'hing u to that oint, 8e didn7t understand 8hat rea##y ha ened to us. Be'ause the 8or#d doesn7t tea'h us the


things o! "od, the 'arna# 6ind is at en6ity 8ith "od >&o6ans 83-? and 'annot understand the things o! the S irit. In one s #it se'ond, 8e @u6 !ro6 a sinner7s 8or#d 8ith a natura# 6ind into the S irit7s 8or#d 8ith a## the su ernatura# a'ti,ities o! "od. In other 8ords, "od sti## o erates through us as hu6an 9eings, 9ut He does it in su'h a su er 8ay that it 9e'o6es a su ernatura# 8ay. .here is a su ernatura# thing that ta5es #a'e 8ithin us 8hen 8e are 9orn again. ;e no #onger 9e#ong to the De,i#. ;e 9e#ong to "od. ;e no #onger o erate 8ith the 6ind o! a sinner 9e'ause 8e ha,e 9een gi,en the 6ind o! Christ. 2o8 8e ha,e to #earn to uti#iAe the 8isdo6 o! Jesus and thus o erate 8ith His 6ind in 'ontro#. "od doesn7t say, A!ter you ha,e 9een sa,ed si= 6onths, I 8i## a##o8 you to & et this mind be in you which was a so in Christ Jesus, >4hi#i ians 23(?. 2o, 8hen you are 9orn again, you 9e'o6e a ne8 'reation >2 Corinthians (31-?. At that ,ery 6o6ent, e,en though you 6ay not a't #i5e it or !ee# #i5e it, you rea##y are a ne8 'reature 8ith the 6ind o! Christ. So6e eo #e ha,e a ,ery dra6ati' e= erien'e. .hey understand and 5no8 they are ne8 ersons 8ith ne8 'han'es at #i!e. Ethers do not. It 9e'o6es a strugg#e unti# 8e #earn that 8e @ust ha,e to re'ei,e and a't on 8hat is gi,en to us. +et 6e gi,e you a si6 #e e=a6 #e o! 8hat I 6ean. I dou9t i! you re6e69er 8hen you 8ere 9orn in your natura# #i!e. So6ething ,ery dra6ati' ha ened to you on that day 8hen you a'tua##y 9e'a6e a se arate erson o erating inde endent#y o! your 6other. Mnti# that ti6e, you 8ere de ending on the !ood and the strength and the nourish6ent in your 6other7s 9ody to gi,e you the ne'essary su9stan'es to gro8. En'e you entered the 8or#d and that u69i#i'a# 'ord 8as 'ut, a drasti' 'hange too5 #a'e. 2o #onger 'ou#d you de end on your 6other in the sa6e in,o#untary 8ay as you had 9e!ore. You had to #oo5 to outside sour'es !or nourish6ent. 2o #onger did you ha,e 2-

a## o! your #i!e0gi,ing su9stan'e !#o8ing into your 9ody through the u69i#i'a# 'ord. Sudden#y, you 9e'a6e a #itt#e entity a## 9y yourse#!. 4ro9a9#y a## you did 8as 'ry, s'rea6, ho##er, and s#ee in 9et8een 6ea#s. Eh, you 'ou#d 8igg#e your hands and !eet, 9ut your rodu'ti,e a'ti,ity 8as ,ery #i6ited. I #i5e to 'o6 are an in!ant7s de,e#o 6ent 8ith the Christian #i!e. .he 6o6ent you are 9orn again, that u69i#i'a# 'ord to the De,i# is 'ut. You ha,e 9een !ed 9y the De,i# u unti# the ti6e you 8ere 9orn again. En'e that 'ord is 'ut, he 'an no #onger !eed you his #ies. You ha,e 9e'o6e a se arate and s e'ia# erson in the 5ingdo6 o! "od. /any eo #e thin5 they shou#d 9e s iritua# giants and !u##y 6ature right o!! the 9at. &are#y does that ha en. I ha,e ne,er 5no8n a 'hi#d 8ho 'a6e out o! his 6other7s 8o69 8a#5ing and #ea ing and raising "od. ;hen you are 9orn again, it is the sa6e gro8ing0u rin'i #e that a #ies to your hysi'a# de,e#o 6ent. .here are so6e things that are natura# !or us to do as 9a9ies. Crying is a natura# re!#e= 9a9ies use to 'o66uni'ate 8ith the 8or#d that they are un'o6!orta9#eF8et, 'o#d, hot, or hungry. As soon as their needs are 6et, they go o!! to s#ee . But 8hat ha ens i! they ha,e 9een gi,en the 8rong !oodC Ha,e you e,er heard o! 'o#i'C /any 9a9ies ha,e it at one ti6e or another. But do you 5no8 8hatC .hey a## gro8 out o! it. Co6 are this to the Christian #i!e. ;e ta#5, #isten, read, eat, and s#ee as 9a9y Christians. But 8hat ha ens i! 8e don7t get enough to eatC 4erha s 8e eat so6ething that 8e aren7t a9#e to digest. 4erha s 8e eat the 8rong !ood and get si'5. I 'a## this Christian 'o#i'. So6eti6es things get so 'o6 #i'ated that 8e thin5, Eh, I 'an7t understand this. I don7t understand this, so I 'an7t ossi9#y #i,e the Christian #i!e. A## you rea##y ha,e is a 'ase o! Christian 'o#i', and you need to 5ee on a 9it !urther. You7## get o,er that Christian 'o#i'. 2o 'hi#d 28

e,er gre8 u into his adu#t years 'ontinuing to ha,e 'o#i'. &are is the 'hi#d 8ho e,er has it a!ter he rea'hes t8o years o! age. .he sa6e thing shou#d 9e true in our Christian #i,es. As 9a9y Christians, 6ay9e 8e are entit#ed to a #itt#e Christian 'o#i' on'e in a8hi#e 8hen 8e are !irst 9orn again 9y the S irit o! "od. Ho8e,er, 8e need to get o,er it and go on in the +ord, gro8ing and rea'hing out to others. ;e no #onger shou#d 9e #ying there in our 'o6!orta9#e 9a9y 9eds s'rea6ing, ho##ering, 5i'5ing, and !ussing. Just as 9a9ies ra'ti'e 8a#5ing, 8e 6ust ra'ti'e the s iritua# #a8s "od has gi,en to us. Ba9ies tri , !a## do8n, and 9ruise their 5nees, as 8e## as their noses, as they #earn to 8a#5 But they don7t stay do8n. Young 'hi#dren see the e='iting things adu#ts are doing and are deter6ined to a't #i5e 9ig eo #e do. Ba9y Christians ha,e to do the sa6e thing. "et your eyes on Jesus and a##o8 this mind HtoI be in you which was a so in Christ Jesus >4hi#i ians 23(?. You 6ay !a## do8n, 6a5e 6ista5es, 9ruise your ego, and ha,e your nose 9ent, 9ut you ha,e 9een gi,en a## the too#s ne'essary to gro8 and de,e#o in the Christian #i!e. Just as in hu6an de,e#o 6ent, ho8e,er, i! you don7t e=er'ise your ar6s, #egs, and ,oi'e, they 8i## shri,e#, die, and 9e use#ess. "et 9usy and e=er'ise your s iritua# 6us'#es:

'od wi ed to ma-e -nown what are the riches o" the # ory o" this mystery amon# the 'enti es: which is Christ in you! the hope o" # ory.
FCo#ossians 132-


Chapter 4hree

Christ in You! the *ope o" ' ory

.he 9oo5 o! John is ro9a9#y the greatest o! a## o! the "os e#s in #ine 8ith 8hat 4au# rea'hed3 Christ in you! the hope o" # ory >Co#ossians 132-?. Jesus said so6e tre6endous things a9out Hi6se#! 9eing the true ,ine and the )ather the true ,ine0 dresser in John 1(31. <+ery branch in (e that does not bear "ruit *e ta-es away... %bide in (e! and in you >,,. 2, %?. It7s a t8o08ay ro osition. ;e a9ide in Hi6, and He a9ides in us: I #oo5ed u the 8ord a9ide, and it 6eans to go into. .o go into so6ething 6eans to 9e so 8ho##y su96erged that there is no art o! you #e!t o,er at a##. Jesus said, %bide in (e! and 5 in you. %s the branch cannot bear "ruit o" itse " un ess it abides in the +ine! neither can you! un ess you abide in (e>,. %?. Jesus is saying to us that i! 8e do not abide in Hi6, 8e 'annot ha,e the !ruit and the !ruit!u#ness He 8ants us to ha,e. He said, 2n ess you abide in (e >,. %?, or un#ess 8e go into Hi6 so tota##y and so 'o6 #ete#y that our o8n se#!0natures 8ho##y disa ear, then 8e 'an ha,e 6u'h !ruit. ;ithout Hi6, 8e 'an ha,e nothing. He ro'eeds to say, 5" anyone does not abide in (e! he is cast out as a branch and is withered9 and they #ather them and throw them into the "ire! and they are burned >,. *?. But ,erse - in that 'ha ter 'ontains so6e o8er!u# 8ords3 5" you abide in (e Jgo into /eK, and (y words abide in you Jgo into youK, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. ;hat a ro6ise o! "od: Anything and e,erything 8e 8ant 8i## 9e done, 8i## 9e a''o6 #ished, 8i## 9e gi,en, i! 8e @ust so 6u'h as desire it, i! 8e 8i## @ust so 'o6 #ete#y i66erse ourse#,es in Hi6 and go into Hi6 that there 8i## 9e a9so#ute#y no re'ognition o! 8hat 8e used to 9e 9e!ore 8e 9e'a6e Christians. 31

Jesus a#so said, %s the )ather o+ed (e! 5 a so ha+e o+ed you9 abide in (y o+e. 5" you -eep (y commandments! you wi abide in (y o+e! Gust as 5 ha+e -ept (y )ather,s commandments and abide in *is o+e. $John D5:96D:1 He 8ants us to go into His #o,e, so that 8e 8i## e= erien'e in our o8n #i,es a #o,e that is a9o,e and 9eyond anything 8e 8ou#d e,er 9e 'a a9#e o! doing in the natura#. He 8ants us to do so in order that His @oy 6ay re6ain in us, He 8ants us to ha,e His @oy o erating at to s eed 8ithin us at a## ti6es. En'e 8hen .. +. and Daisy Es9orn 8ere at our ho6e, 8e 8ere a## ta#5ing a9out Christ in you! the hope o" # ory >Co#ossians 132-?. I 6entioned to .. +. that the !irst thing I e,er #earned as a 9rand0ne8 9a9y Christian 8as that Jesus Christ #i,ed in 6e. He 8as sur rised that it 8as '#ear to 6e so <ui'5#y 9e'ause 8hen he 8as a young 6inister and rea'hed that Jesus #i,ed in hi6, 6any thought he 8as a hereti'. E,eryone shou#d understand that Jesus a'tua##y does #i,e in us. I! 8e 'an get to the oint 8here 8e tota##y, 'o6 #ete#y, and ositi,e#y 9e#ie,e that Jesus is #i,ing inside us, 8a#5ing through our !eet, 8or5ing through our hands, and s ea5ing through our #i s, it 8i## do a #ot to e#i6inate the ro9#e6s3 that so6eti6es de,e#o in our Christian #i,es. Honest#y, those ro9#e6s 'o6e 9e'ause 8e don7t understand the si6 #e rin'i #e o! Christ in you, the ho e o! g#ory, and our need o! a9iding in Hi6 8ith a## o! His g#ory, His o8er, and His 6a@esty.

*is %bi ity within 2s

It is su'h an in'redi9#e and a9so#ute#y o,er8he#6ing thought to rea#iAe that 8e a'tua##y ha,e the a9i#ity o! "od 8ithin us 9e'ause Jesus said, % authority>a power o" ru e>in hea+en and on earth has been #i+en to (e >/atthe8 28318 A/4?, and then Jesus turned right around and said to us, ?eho dB 5 ha+e #i+en you authority and power to tramp e upon serpents and scorpions! and $physica and menta stren#th and abi ity1 o+er a the power that 31

the enemy $possesses1! and nothin# sha in any way harm you >+u5e 1131$ A/4?. So6eti6es it is di!!i'u#t to des'ri9e the a'tua# e= erien'e o! 5no8ing that you 5no8 that you 5no8 that Jesus Christ is #i,ing 9ig inside o! you. It 'an 9e tough e= #aining ho8 you N8a#5 in !aith and 9e#ie,e that Jesus is a'tua##y #i,ing 8ithin, yet this 5no8#edge gi,es you un#i6ited o8er: ;e shou#d ne,er rea'h the "os e# i! 8e 'annot do the "os e#. I! 8e rea##y 9e#ie,e Jesus #i,es inside o! us, then 8e ought to 9e a9#e to do e,erything that 8as done in the Bi9#e. Christians #i,e !ar 9e#o8 the #e,e# o! 8here "od 8ants the6 to #i,e. ;e see5 the #esser things, 8e are satis!ied 8ith the #esser things, and 8e !ai# to rea'h u and to rea'h out into those higher heights o! g#ory into the 8or#d o! the un5no8n, into the 8or#d o! the unseen, into the 8or#d that has ne,er rea##y 9een ta6 ered 8ith: "od 8ants us to rea'h out to a ne8 8or#d: He 8ants us a## to o erate in the su ernatura#. ;hen 8e rea##y 9e#ie,e Jesus Christ is #i,ing in and through us in the o8er o! the Ho#y S irit, 8e 8i## 9e #oaded 8ith enteos, 8hi'h 6eans enthusias6. It 6eans "od 8ithin. ;hen you ha,e Jesus Christ #i,ing in you, you are going to 9e enthusiasti': "od 8ithin e<ua#s enthusias6. I ha,e ne,er 5no8n anyone 8ho 'ou#d ro,e to 6e that he 8as rea##y a Christian i! he 8asn7t e='ited a9out Jesus and 8hat Jesus has done in his #i!e. I ha,e ne,er seen a dead an Christian. I ha,e seen a #ot o! dead an eo #e, 9ut ne,er a dead an Christian.

Sa +ation Fe eases <nthusiasm

;hat are 8e going to 9e enthusiasti' a9outC I! Jesus #i,es 8ithin, 8e7re going to 9e enthusiasti' a9out our sa#,ation. .he ,ery !irst thing you are going to 9e enthusiasti' a9out is the !a't that Jesus Christ is #i,ing in you. I! you are tru#y sa,ed, you 8i## 9e e='ited a9out 8hat Jesus has done in your #i!e. .he reason I a6 so 8i#d and e='ited a## o! the ti6e is that I a##o8ed Jesus to do things in 6y #i!e. Did you noti'e that I said, I a##o8ed Hi6C "od ne,er !or'es you to do a thing. 32

I !e## so 6ad#y in #o,e 8ith Jesus that do8n the drain 8ent the 'igarettes, the a#'oho#, and a## o! those horri9#e ha9its that I had 9e!ore I got sa,ed. I a6 e='ited a9out sa#,ation 9e'ause sa#,ation ga,e 6e the o8er to 9e the 5ind o! erson "od 8ants 6e to 9e instead o! the 5ind o! 8o6an the De,i# 8ants 6e to 9e. /any eo #e hang onto the De,i# e,en a!ter they thin5 they are sa,ed 9e'ause they are not 8i##ing to #et "od 6a5e those 'hanges in their #i,es that need to 9e 6ade. I guarantee you that any 'hange "od 8ants to 6a5e 8ithin us is !or the 9etter. E,erything He does is an i6 ro,e6ent in our #i,es: /any eo #e say, Eh, I ha,e to gi,e u this. 2o, you don7t ha,e to gi,e u a thing. He #i!ts you a9o,e the desire to do the things you did 9e!ore you got sa,ed: .hat is 8hy I a6 so e='ited a9out sa#,ation. It ga,e 6e a ne8 out#oo5. I 9e'a6e a new creation >2 Corinthians (31-?. I 9e'a6e a ne8 'reature. /y 6ind 8as rene8ed. 2o #onger did I ha,e the o#d dirty, !i#thy 6ind that I had 9e!ore I got sa,ed. .hat is 8hy I a6 so e='ited a9out sa#,ation, 9e'ause Jesus Christ #i,ing 8ithin 6e 6a5es 6e 9u99#e u and @ust 9urst 8ith e='ite6ent o,er 8hat He has done !or 6e: ;e are a#so going to 9e e='ited a9out hea#ing the si'5. ;e are not on#y going to 9e e='itedH 8e are going to 9e su er e='ited: Be!ore I re'ei,ed the 9a tis6 8ith the Ho#y S irit, so6ething ha ened that I 8i## ne,er !orget. A 6an 8a#5ed u to 6e in St. 4eters9urg, )#orida, and said, "od has gi,en you the gi!t o! hea#ing. ;hy don7t you use itC Be!ore I had a, 'han'e to o en 6y 6outh, he @ust #ain disa eared right in !ront o! 6y eyes >I 8onder i! he 8as an ange#?. ;hoe,er he 8as, I ha,e ne,er !orgotten that ,ery s e'ia# 6o6ent 8hen so6eone said, You ha,e the gi!t o! hea#ing. .hat stayed in 6y 6ind, and I thought, ;o8: Cou#d that e,er ha en to 6eC Es e'ia##y during the ho#iday season, I #oo5 at so6e o! the unha y !a'es o! eo #e in the gro'ery store, in the sho ing 'enter, and in the 6a##. .hese eo #e are !ranti'a##y ra'ing around, trying to !ind the ans8er to #i!e. &unning, running, running, running, #oo5ing, #oo5ing, #oo5ing: ;hyC Be'ause they ha,e not 33

yet !ound the ans8er to #i!e. .hey ha,en7t !ound that Christ in you >Co#ossians 132-? is the on#y true sour'e o! g#ory: ;e don7t ha,e to 9e running, running, running, 'onstant#y trying to !ind the ans8er. ;e ha,e it: .hat7s 8hy 8e 'an 9e enthusiasti', 9e'ause "od 8ithin us 6a5es it ossi9#e. ;hen I got sa,ed, Jesus o ened 6y 6outh, and I ha,en7t shut it sin'e: And I don7t intend to shut it, 9e'ause it is that enteos 8ithin 6e that 6a5es it i6 ossi9#e to ta#5 a9out anything e#se e='e t Jesus. Jesus in us 8i## a##o8 us to 9e'o6e the ne8 'reatures that 8e are ro6ised. ;e are not going to 9e digging u the gar9age o! the ast, saying, Eh, 9ut I had a## these a8!u# things in the ast. ;ho 'aresC Ouit 9ragging a9out your ast. Start ta#5ing a9out 8ho you are no8 and 8hat Jesus did !or you. ;e are going to 9e#ie,e in our ne8 #i!e, and 8e are going to 9e#ie,e in our ne8 'reation.

Concentration Fe eases 'rowth

;e are not going to 'on'entrate on ro9#e6s. ;e are not going to ta#5 a9out the6, 9e'ause ta#5ing a9out ro9#e6s 6a5es the6 gro8 and gro8 and gro8 and gro8: 4retty soon 8e are o,er8he#6ed 9y ro9#e6s. "et your 6ind o!! the ro9#e6s and on the ans8er. ;hen you 9egin thin5ing a9out Jesus and 8hat "od has done in your #i!e, your ro9#e6s are @ust going to s#i a8ay, disa ear, and 9e as though they ne,er 8ere. .he Jesus in us has a hunger !or the ;ord o! "od. .he 6ore 8e get into "od7s ;ord, the 6ore 8e dis'o,er that as 8e 9egin to gro8, 8e 9egin to rise and rise and rise. Eur ro9#e6s don7t rise 8ith us. .he ro9#e6s stay 8ay do8n there. But as 8e rise, 8e get !urther and !urther a8ay !ro6 our ro9#e6s, unti# sudden#y they are so insigni!i'ant that 8e 'an7t see the6 any6ore. Ene o! the 9est e=a6 #es I 5no8 o! in this area ha ens 8hen you ride in a #ane. ;hen you !irst ta5e o!! !ro6 the air ort, you #oo5 out the 8indo8 and you 'an see e,erything #ain#y and in


'#ear detai#, 9ut the higher the #ane rises, the s6a##er the houses 9e'o6e. .he sa6e thing is true 8ith your s iritua# #i!e. As you 9egin to go into those s iritua# rea#6s, the ro9#e6s get s6a##er, s6a##er, and s6a##er, unti# sudden#y they are so #itt#e you 'annot see the6 any6ore. Christ in you! the hope o" # ory is going to 6a5e you e='ited a9out the o8er o! "od to o,er'o6e in e,ery area in your #i!e:

4he time is "u "i ed! and the -in#dom o" 'od is at hand. Fepent! and be ie+e in the #ospe .
F/ar5 131(


Chapter )our

Char#es and I are 9#essed to ha,e an e='iting 6inistry that goes around the 8or#d. It is an internationa# 6inistry that tou'hes the #i,es o! eo #e not on#y in the Mnited States, 9ut a#so in 6any other nations. As a resu#t, 8e re'ei,e 6ai# !ro6 eo #e o! di,erse 'u#tura#, so'ia#, e'ono6i', and ethni' 9a'5grounds. Sur rising#y, the 'ontents o! these #etters say the sa6e thing. A #etter sent !ro6 a 'ity here in the Mnited States 8i## 9e si6i#ar to a #etter sent !ro6 a 'ity in Euro e. A!ter a 8hi#e 8e 9egan to noti'e a attern in the needs e= ressed 9y eo #e in their #etters and dis'o,ered that s e'i!i' s iritua# ro9#e6s are not 'on!ined to any arti'u#ar #o'a#e. Ene ro9#e6 in arti'u#ar is 6entioned re eated#y a## o,er the 8or#d. It see6s that eo #e e,ery8here are strugg#ing and !ai#ing in their atte6 ts to #i,e a Christian #i!e. But, s !ar as 8e 'an deter6ine !ro6 their 6ai#, these eo #e are tri ing o,er ste one o! #i,ing an o,er'o6ing, ,i'torious, !u#!i##ed #i!e as a 9e#ie,er.

4hat step is repentance.

&e'ent#y, I read a #etter !ro6 a #ady in Oueens#and, Austra#ia, that 8as a6aAing#y si6i#ar to a #etter I had @ust read !ro6 so6eone in 2igeria. Another #etter !ro6 a 6an in Indiana o#is, Indiana, 8as a#6ost the sa6e. .hey 8ere a## saying, I 8ant to #o,e "od, and I 8ant to 8a#5 the Christian 8ay. I a6 trying to #ead a good 6ora# #i!e, 9ut 8hat is the 6atter 8ith 6eC In ea'h 'ase the 8riters o! the #etters des erate#y 8anted to ser,e "od, 9ut their #i,es see6ed e6 ty and 'o#d, and they 'ou#d not see the 6ani!estation o! "od in their ersona# situations. Ea'h one #itera##y 9ro5e 6y heart. Ea'h #etter a#so had another si6i#arity. A## o! the 8riters 8rote that they had said the sinner7s rayer 6any ti6es >one e,en 8rote that she had rayed it a9out !i!ty ti6es?, 9ut they had not seen any resu#ts !ro6 their rayers. .heir #i,es see6ed to @ust go on as 3*

9e!ore 8ith no rea# #i!e, no hungering !or the ;ord o! "od or the things o! "od, and they 8ere as de!eated as they had 9een 9e!ore the rayers. In /atthe8 %31- 8e read, )rom that time Jesus be#an to preach and to say! Repent! "or the -in#dom o" hea+en is at hand >e6 hasis added?. .hat is the i6 ortant ste the eo #e !ro6 Austra#ia, 2igeria, Indiana, and a## o,er the 8or#d ha,e 6issed in entering into the ty e o! Christian #i!e the ;ord o! "od e=e6 #i!ies. /ar5 131%01( says the sa6e thing. It states, 3ow a"ter John was put in prison! Jesus came to 'a i ee! preachin# the #ospe o" the -in#dom o" 'od! and sayin#! &4he time is "u "i ed! and the -in#dom o" 'od is at hand. Repent! and believe in the #ospe >e6 hasis added?. En'e again the ;ord o! "od instru'ts us in the ro'ess o! s iritua# gro8th. 2ot on#y did Jesus say to re ent, 9ut a#so to 9e#ie,e.

.he di'tionary de!ines repentance as, to !ee# ain, sorro8, or regret !or so6ething that one has done, or #e!t undoneH to 9e 'ons'ien'e stri'5en or 'ontriteH to 'hange one7s 6ind a9out so6e ast a'tion, intention in 'onse<uen'e, or regret or dissatis!a'tion. It goes on to say that the theo#ogi'a# 6eaning o! the 8ord is, to !ee# sorro8 !or sin as #eads to a6end6ent o! one7s 8ays, to 9e enitent. +et 6e sho8 you 8hat the ;ord o! "od says a9out re entan'e. &esear'hing the 8ord re entan'e in He9re8 and "ree5, I !ound there are eight 8ords des'ri9ing re entan'e. .hese eight 8ords, !our in He9re8 and !our in "ree5, gi,e us the tota# i'ture o! true Bi9#e re entan'e. .here are di!!erent #a'es in S'ri ture 8here ea'h o! these 6eanings is used !or a s e'i!i' ur ose. .he !irst repent in He9re8 is nacham, 8hi'h 6eans to sigh or to 9reathe strong#y or to 9e sorry. In this ty e o! re entan'e, one is sorry !or so6ething he has done. )or e=a6 #e, i! you ut your #i!e7s sa,ings in a arti'u#ar sto'5 that had sho8n tre6endous gain, on#y to sudden#y see it go right do8n to the 9otto6 and 9e 3-

8orth#ess, you 8ou#d 9e ,ery sorry. You 8ou#d regret ha,ing ut a## o! your 6oney into 8hat turned out to 9e a 9ad in,est6ent. .his is a !or6 o! re entan'e, 9y a,oiding so6ething 9e'ause you ha,e dis'o,ered 9y e= erien'e that it 8asn7t a 8ise thing to do. Another He9re8 8ord !or re entan'e is shuwb, 8hi'h 6eans to turn 9a'5. It 6eans not re eating so6ething 9e'ause you ha,e #earned that there is a 'onse<uen'e to it, su'h as tou'hing a hot sto,e. Any young 'hi#d 'an testi!y to that 5ind o! re entan'e. En'e he has 9een 9urned, he 8i## 9e 'are!u# to a,oid 'onta't 8ith the !#a6e so that it 8on7t ha en again. .he third He9re8 8ord !or re entan'e, nocham, is arti'u#ar#y interesting. It 6eans to regret rather than re ent. .he sorro8 is 'onne'ted 8ith 9eing !ound out rather than !or 'o66itting the sin. An e='e##ent e=a6 #e o! nocham is a erson 8ho ro9s a 9an5. I! he su''ess!u##y a''o6 #ished the ro99ery, 6ade a !ast geta8ay, #ea,ing no !inger rints or identi!i'ation 9ehind, and #i,ed his #i!e in ros erity to the end o! his days, there 8ou#d 9e no re entan'e. But i! the erson 8as 'aught and sent to rison, he 8ou#d regret his a'tion. .his is ro,en 9y the !a't that 6any risoners re eat their 'ri6es as soon as they are re#eased, 8hi'h indi'ates no re entan'e or turning a8ay, 9ut a desire to do it again and not get 'aught: Co6 assion is the 6eaning o! the !ourth He9re8 8ord !or re entan'e. It is nichum and is an e6otiona# 'on'ern !or other eo #e. ;hen 8e a'<uire the nature o! "od, 9e'ause 8e ha,e 9een 'reated in the ,ery i6age o! "od, 8e shou#d a'<uire the 'o6 assion o! Jesus. But @ust 9e'ause you !ee# sorry !or so6eone e#se does not 6ean you tru#y re ent !or 8hat you ha,e done in your #i!e. .here are a #ot o! organiAations that are not Christian, 9ut o erate out o! 'o6 assion !or other eo #e. /any 'o##e't !ood and '#othing and gi,e a8ay Christ6as 9as5ets and toys 9e'ause o! their 'o6 assion. .hat ty e o! 'o6 assion is ad6ira9#e, 9ut it is not re entan'e. In the "ree5 #anguage the 8ord metanoa 6eans to 'hange your 6ind !or the 9etter or to 'hange your attitude to8ard sin. .his is 38

stri't#y a 6enta# 'hange o! 6ind. It is sense 5no8#edge that says, I a6 going to straighten u 6y #i!e. It is not good !or 6e to 9e s6o5ing 'igarettes, 9e'ause the Surgeon "enera#7s re ort said it 'ou#d 9e har6!u#, so I a6 going to <uit s6o5ing. It 6eans to 'hange your o8n 6ind. So6eone 8ho is oor 6ight say, I ha,e #i,ed in o,erty #ong enough. I don7t #i5e o,erty, so I a6 going to 9e so6ething di!!erent !ro6 no8 on. I a6 going to 6a5e so6e 6oney !or 6yse#!.

% Chan#ed (ind <Jua s a Chan#ed Li"e

I said those 8ords 6yse#! 6any, 6any years ago 9e!ore I e,er got sa,ed. I 8as raised in a9@e't o,erty, and so6e8here a#ong the #ine, I de'ided I 8as going to 9e ri'h. It didn7t 6atter ho8 #ong or ho8 hard I had to 8or5, I 8as going to get so6e 6oney. )ro6 the ti6e I 8as se,enteen years o#d, I 8or5ed at #east t8o @o9s at a ti6e, so6eti6es 12, 1%, 1*, or e,en 18 hours a day, !or one reason3 I 8anted 6oney. I had 'hanged 6y 6ind a9out 9eing oor and 8as 8i##ing to 8or5 and do everything to rise above my poverty. But that kind of repentance has nothing to do with true repentance, which totally changes your life. .he si=th "ree5 8ord !or re entan'e is metame omai, 8hi'h 6eans to regret the 'onse<uen'e o! sin, not the 'ause o! sin. .his ty e o! re entan'e 8as '#ear#y i##ustrated to Char#es and 6e not too #ong ago. ;e re'ei,ed a !ranti' te#e hone 'a## !ro6 a young 6an 8e had 5no8n !or se,era# years. .he young 6an 8as in @ai#. 4#ease, 'o6e and get 6e out, he #eaded. ;hat did you do to get arrestedC I as5ed. 2othing, he re #ied. /y 'ar 9ro5e do8n on the high8ay, and I 8as trying to re air it 8hen the o#i'e 'a6e 9y and 9egan to a''use 6e o! doing so6ething i##ega#. 2o8 they ha,e ut 6e in @ai# and 8on7t e,en #et 6e ost 9ond. ;e 8ere ,ery 'on'erned a9out the young 6an, 9ut his e= #anation a9out his arrest didn7t 6a5e 6u'h sense. 4o#i'e6en 3$

don7t indis'ri6inate#y arrest eo #e 8ithout a reason. A#though 8e 8anted to he# the young 6an, 8e did not ha,e the !reedo6 !ro6 the Ho#y S irit to rush do8n to @ai# and try to get hi6 out. "od gi,es you 'onne'tions 8hen you need 'onne'tions and 5ee s you !ro6 going o!! the dee end to he# so6eone 8ho erha s shou#d not 9e he# ed at that arti'u#ar ti6e. .hrough a !riend in the o#i'e de art6ent, 8e dis'o,ered that the young 6an 8as not inno'ent#y hau#ed into @ai# as he had '#ai6ed, 9ut 8as 'harged 8ith 9eing 'aught in a ho6ose=ua# a't. .he young 6an had #ied to us @ust to use our in!#uen'e to get hi6se#! out o! @ai#. He 8as not sorry at a## !or 8hat he had done, 9ut 8as sorry he had 9een 'aught. He 8anted a <ui'5, easy 8ay out o! the situation.

Fepentance: Aey to 8e i+erance

.his res onse see6s to 9e 'o66on, 8e ha,e noti'ed, in ho6ose=ua# 9eha,ior. It is so6eti6es di!!i'u#t !or ho6ose=ua#s to tota##y turn around and 9e 'hanged into the i6age o! "od, 9e'ause they on#y regret the 'onse<uen'es o! their sin. .hey regret the !a't that they are !ound out, 9ut dee do8n in their hearts, they do not regret the a't itse#!. .hat is 9e'ause they ha,e ne,er rea##y genuine#y re ented o! the sin o! ho6ose=ua#ity in their #i,es. .his ty e o! re entan'eF9eing sorry on#y !or the 'onse<uen'e o! sinFa#so a #ies to other areas. )or e=a6 #e, s eeding. Ha,e you e,er re'ei,ed a ti'5et !or going o,er the s eed #i6itC Did it 6a5e you 6ore 'ons'ious o! the #a8 and he# you stay 8ithin the a##o8a9#e s eedC I 8as sto ed on'e !or rushing through a sto sign. ;hen the o#i'e6an u##ed u a#ongside the 'ar, I rea#iAed instant#y 8hy I 8as 9eing sto ed. I didn7t 'o6e to a dead sto at that sto sign, did IC I 'on!essed as he 8a#5ed o,er to 6y 'ar. He #aughed hearti#y at 6y tota# honesty. In !a't, he didn7t e,en 8rite 6e a ti'5et 9e'ause I 8as sin'ere#y sorry !or 8hat I had done. E,en to this day 8hen I 'o6e to a sto sign, I tota##y sto , ray in tongues, and ro'eed 'autious#y. /y re entan'e !or !ai#ure to a9ide 9y the #a8 that says 'o6e to a 'o6 #ete sto at a sto sign 'aused 6e to 'hange 6y 8ays. %1

.here are so6e eo #e I 5no8 >I76 sure you 'an re'a## so6e, too? 8ho ha,e had one s eeding ti'5et right a!ter the I other. .hat says, I a6 on#y sorry I got 'aught. I a6 on#y sorry I had to ay 9ig, 9ig !ines 9e'ause I 8as going 8( 6i#es an hour in a ((06i#es0 er0hour s eed Aone. .hat is not re entan'e. Instead, that erson 9e'o6es 6ore 'are!u# in 8at'hing his rear,ie8 6irror than 8at'hing his s eed. 2o Christian shou#d e,er get a s eeding ti'5et. And i! he does, it shou#d 6a5e hi6 re entant enough to 'hange his dri,ing ha9its to 'o6 #y 8ith #o'a#, state, and !edera# #a8s. "od7s ;ord te##s us to o9ey the #a8. I don7t ha,e to 8orry a9out 'he'5ing the rear,ie8 6irrorH a## I ha,e to 9e 'on'erned 8ith is "od, and He 5no8s 8hether I a6 going o,er the s eed #i6it or not. So6e eo #e thin5 I don7t dri,e !ast enough, that I a6 s#o8. It ta5es 6e a #itt#e #onger to get there, 9ut I get there. "od has ange#s around 6y 'ar. Ha##e#u@ah: .he ange#s get o!! 8hen you dri,e o,er the s eed #i6it, so I 8ou#d rather dri,e the s eed #i6it and 6a5e sure they stay there: ;hat 5ee s 6ost eo #e 8a#5ing the straight and narro8C So6eti6es they 8a#5 that 8ay not @ust 9e'ause they 8ant to, 9ut 9e'ause they are a!raid o! the 'onse<uen'es i! they don7t. /any eo #e 8ou#d go out and ro9 a 9an5 i! they thought they 'ou#d get a8ay 8ith it. /any 8ou#d stea# !ro6 stores i! they 5ne8 no one 8ou#d !ind out. E''asiona##y, it is re orted in the ne8s a ers that so6eone has e69eAA#ed 6oney !ro6 a 'o6 any or 9an5, or 6isa ro riated !unds in so6e other 8ay. ;hen they are !ound ut, the eo #e 8ho ha,e 'o66itted these deeds are sorry not !or the deed itse#!, 9ut !or the !a't they 8ere dis'o,ered.

8esire Fi#hteous )ruit

As Christians 8e shou#d a#8ays 9e 6eti'u#ous#y honest in a## 9usiness dea#ings, not 9e'ause 8e hare to, 9ut 9e'ause 8e 8ant to. .he Ho#y S irit 8ithin us 8i## a't as an u6 ire to 6a5e sure that 8hen 8e ha,e a'ted dis'redita9#y, 8e 'an as5 !or !orgi,eness, 'orre't our a'tion, and get 9a'5 on 'ourse. In the t8o S'ri tures I re!erred to ear#ier, the 8ord !or re entan'e that Jesus used 8as the 8ord rnetanoia, 8hi'h signi!ies %1

a rea# 'hange o! 6ind, an attitude to8ard sin, not 6ere#y the 'onse<uen'es o! it. In other 8ords, one 6ight sin'ere#y say, Eh, "od, I a6 sorry I said this or did that. .his 6atter o! true re entan'eFor #a'5 o! true re entan'eFis e,iden'ed in the 6any #etters Char#es and I re'ei,e. 4eo #e say that their #i,es are de!eated, 9ut they don7t rea##y 5no8 8hy. .hey thin5 the ro6ises o! "od don7t 8or5 in their #i,es. .hey as5, 9ut they don7t re'ei,e. .hey gi,e, 9ut they don7t ros er. ;hyC they 8onder. "od has '#ear#y sho8n 6e that the reason eo #e are de!eated, and the ro6ises o! "od see6ing#y don7t 8or5 in their #i,es, is that they do not tru#y re ent. "od7s ro6ises, 8hether a9undant #i!e, 9#essings, or ros erity, are a## 'onditiona# on our o9edien'e to His 'o66ands. /any eo #e say the sinner7s rayer, 9ut they sto right there. .he ;ord o! "od says, "od#y sorro8 rodu'es re entan'e #eading to sa#,ation >2 Corinthians -311?. I 9e#ie,e there are 6any de!eated Christians 9e'ause they ne,er rea##y understood 8hat Jesus 6eant 8hen He said, &e ent. He 6eant to turn your 9a'5 on 8hat you 8ere doing. .his isn7t 6ere#y gi,ing so6ething u to 9e a Christian. I ne,er ga,e u one sing#e thing: He #i!ted 6e a9o,e the desire to do these things. I 8as the 8i#dest s6o5er, drin5er, 'urser, and dirty @o5e te##er you e,er sa8, unti# I 6et Jesus as +ord and Sa,ior. Being a Christian doesn7t 6ean you ha,e to gi,e things u H it 6eans you get to: You get to gi,e u a## those destru'ti,e ha9its and #i!esty#es that 8i## hurt your #i!e. And you get to gi,e u that o#d, dead s irit 6an 8ho is 'onde6ned to eterna# da6nation. /any o! you 6ight #oo5 at 6e and !ind it hard to 9e#ie,e that 9e!ore 1$*( I 8as a 8i#d sinner. /y ,o'a9u#ary 8ou#d ha,e sho'5ed you. But a e'u#iar thing ha ened in 6y #i!e. I did not say the sinner7s rayer 8hen I !irst heard the third 'ha ter o! John. I heard it and rea#iAed that I 8as not rea##y 9orn again. I thought I 8as a Christian. I 8ent to 'hur'h on Sundays. E,en though I #i,ed #i5e the De,i# the rest o! the 8ee5, s6o5ing, drin5ing and 'ursing, I thought going to 'hur'h 6ade 6e a Christian. ;hat a sho'5 it 8as to !ind out I had not rea##y 9een 9orn again: %2

But e,en though I rea#iAed I 8as not rea##y sa,ed, I 8as re#u'tant to 6a5e a de'ision, I 'ontinued to s6o5e, drin5, and #i,e 6y o8n #i!e as I a#8ays had. But the S irit o! "od 'ontinued to 'on,i't 6e and sho8 6e I 8as a sinner. A9out nine 6onths #ater I 'ried out, Eh, "od, ha,e 6er'y on 6e, a sinner: .hat day, "od rea'hed do8n and sa,ed 6e. 2ot on#y had I 'a##ed on "od !or 6er'y, 9ut 9eneath the ,oi'e that as5ed !or he# 8as a heart that 8as 9ro5en and 'ontrite. ;hen "od sa,ed 6e, I 5ne8 I 8as sa,ed. In !a't, I 8as so eu hori' that !or a9out t8o days I didn7t e,en 5no8 8ho I 8as: But I 5ne8 Jesus Christ 8as #i,ing in 6y heart: I re6e69er thin5ing, He7s in there: He7s in there: Jesus 8as in 6y heart, so I s#a66ed the door, #o'5ed it, thre8 a8ay the 5ey, and said, Jesus, You 'an ne,er get out o! there: .he ,ery se'ond I said that, 6y #i!e 9egan to 'hange, not 6i#d#y, 9ut drasti'a##y: I a'<uired a hungering !or the ;ord o! "od and 8as sure that a## Bi9#es 8ou#d 9e 'on!is'ated 9e!ore I !inished reading the Boo5 that had #ain on a ta9#e in 6y house !or su'h a #ong ti6e, untou'hed 9y hu6an hands: I 8anted to !ind out e,erything "od had to say: I 'ou#d ne,er get enough o! "od: .here 8as so6ething s e'ia# a9out nightti6e. /ay9e it 8as 9e'ause I 8as a8ay !ro6 the hust#e and 9ust#e o! 6y rinting 'o6 any, a8ay !ro6 the te#e hones, a8ay !ro6 eo #e, a8ay !ro6 anything that 8ou#d destroy the inti6ate re#ationshi I 8as de,e#o ing 8ith "od. It see6ed I 8ou#d 9e engu#!ed in His #o,e 8hen I snugg#ed do8n into 9ed and turned the #ights o!!. It 8as Just you and 6e, +ord: I 8ou#d sa,or e,ery re'ious 6inute o! the #o,e0 re#ationshi 8e 8ere de,e#o ing. /y heart and sou# 'ried out to #ease Hi6. 2ight a!ter night a attern see6ed to 9e de,e#o ing. I 9egan to re6e69er a## the things I had done !ro6 #itt#e 9itty on. I re6e69ered the enny I sto#e !ro6 6y 6other. I said, Eh, "od, I a6 sorry !or that. I 8as genuine#y sorry. I 8asn7t sorry that I got 'aught. I 8as sorry I had sinned against "od. ;hi#e I do not thin5 it is ne'essary %3

!or e,eryone to do this, I 8ent 9a'5 o,er 6y entire #i!eH o,er and o,er again the sa6e thing 8ou#d ha en. I 8ou#d 9egin to so9. I 8ou#d 'ry and 'ry and 'ry. So6eti6es I 8ou#d 'ry !or t8o or three hours and 'ou#dn7t e,en re6e69er 8hat I 8as 'rying a9out. It 8as not a sad 'ry o! re6e69ering things #i5e, I #ost 6y 6other. I #ost 6y !ather. I #ost 6y hus9and 9e!ore I 8as 3( years o#d. It 8as not that 5ind o! a 'ry I 'ried on ea'h o! those o''asions. It 8as a 'ry that 8as a'tua##y a g#ad 'ry. So6eho8 or other, I see6ed to 9e so99ing !ro6 the inner6ost de ths o! 6y heart. I 'ou#dn7t !igure out 8hat I 8as 'rying a9out, and yet, 8hen I !inished and !ina##y !e## as#ee , I !e#t good. /y 9ody !e#t good, 6y sou# !e#t good, and I @ust !e#t good a## o,er. .he ne=t 6orning I 8ou#d thin5, I 'an7t stay a8a5e e,ery night 'rying, so tonight I7## go right to s#ee . But 8hen night 'a6e and I 8ent to 9ed and 9egan to #o,e "od and ta#5 to Hi6 in the <uietness o! the dar5ness, 9e'ause that is a#8ays su'h a 9eauti!u# ti6e to ta#5 8ith "od, I dis'o,ered I 8as doing the sa6e thing o,er and o,er again. I 8ou#d say, Eh, "od, I #o,e You. .han5 You !or sa,ing 6e. .han5 You !or !orgi,ing 6e o! a## 6y sins. Eh, "od, I a6 tru#y and sin'ere#y sorry !or e,erything 8rong I ha,e e,er done. .hen I 8ou#d 9egin to thin5 o! a #ot 6ore things, and I 8ou#d start a## o,er again. I a6 sure I to#d "od a9out things that He didn7t e,en thin5 8ere a sin any8ay, 9ut I 9e#ie,e I thought o! e,erything I had e,er done in 6y entire #i!e. I thought o! the 6ost e'u#iar things you 'ou#d e,er i6agine. But in 6y heart, I 8as genuine#y sorry !or anything and e,erything I had e,er done !ro6 the day I 8as 9orn unti# the day I got sa,ed. It7s a6aAing 8hat the Ho#y S irit 9rings 9a'5 to your 6ind 8hen you are tru#y re entant. I didn7t 5no8 then 8hat 8as ha ening to 6e in those night#y engage6ents I had 8ith "od, 9ut today I 5no8 it 8as Ho#y S irit tears that 8ere '#eansing 6e 8ith god#y sorro8 !or e,erything I had e,er done against "od: I do not 9e#ie,e it is ne'essary !or e,ery9ody to s6e## the gar9age in his #i!e 9e!ore he is sa,ed. In 6y 'ase, I 'an see it 8as ne'essary that I 9ring it out to 6yse#!, 9e'ause 6y 9iggest ro9#e6 %%

8as that I had di!!i'u#ty te##ing "od I 8as a sinner. ;hen He !ina##y did sho8 6e and 'on,in'e 6e that I 8as a sinner, I 9egan to see a## the things I had done in 6y #i!e that I had re!used to ad6it 8ere sin. ;hen you are o en to "od, the Ho#y S irit 8i## 9ring to your re6e69ran'e 6any things. Ea'h night I 8ou#d re6e69er so6ething e#se, as i! I 8as utting a sear'h#ight into 6y inner6ost 9eing. En'e again, 6y 9ody 8ou#d 9e torn 8ith so9s. It 8as a 'ry !ro6 the ,ery de ths o! 6y heart as I so99ed and so99ed, te##ing "od ho8 sorry I 8as and ro6ising Hi6 I 8ou#d ne,er do it again. .hat sa6e ty e o! re entan'e 6ay not ha,e ha ened to you, 9ut I 9e#ie,e that 'hur'hes need to rea'h 6ore a9out re entan'e, 9e'ause getting sa,ed doesn7t 6ean @ust saying a sinner7s rayer. You 8i## dis'o,er that you 8i## 8a#5 the Christian road as "od 8ants you to 8a#5 i! there is true re entan'e in your heart. .he 'onde6nation 6ost eo #e ha,e in their Christian #i,es is 9e'ause they ha,e not tru#y re ented and turned the o osite dire'tion.

)or#et Your @ast

.he ne=t 6ost i6 ortant thing is to go on and !orget your ast. ;e need to rea#iAe that our sins ha,e not on#y 9een !orgi,en 9y "od, 9ut !orgotten as 8e##, 9e'ause He 9uries the6 in the dee est sea, ne,er to 9e re6e69ered again. ;e need to a''e t the !orgi,eness o! "od in our #i,es, and go on !ro6 there. "od is not going to thro8 you out !or so6e #itt#e sin you 'o66itted a!ter you got sa,ed. .he 6inute you do so6ething 8rong, as5 His !orgi,eness right then and there and ne,er do it again. ;e don7t need to 8orry un#ess 8e 5ee on doing the sa6e thing o,er and o,er again. )irst John 13$ says, I! 8e 'on!ess our sins, He is !aith!u# and @ust to !orgi,e us and to '#eanse us o! a## unrighteousness. .he %mp i"ied ?ib e states that ,erse this 8ay3 5" we H"ree yI admit that we ha+e sinned and con"ess our sins! *e is "aith"u and Gust Htrue to *is own nature and promisesIand wi "or#i+e our sins $dismiss our %(

aw essness1 and continuous y c eanse us "rom a unri#hteousness>e+erythin# not in con"ormity to *is wi in purpose! thou#ht and action. Ene o! the things that a6aAes 6e a9out "od is that i! you said a sinner7s rayer right no8, and then !i,e 6inutes #ater re6e69ered so6e atro'ious sin you had 'o66itted and said, Eh, "od, did you !orgi,e 6e !or that a8!u# sin I 'o66itted 3- years agoC "od 8ou#d say, ;hat sinC 9e'ause He doesn7t e,en re6e69er. A!ter I 8as sa,ed, I 'ried !or t8o or three 6onths e,ery night. A## the nasty things I had e,er said to anyone 'a6e 9a'5 to 6y 6ind. I re6e69er that I #ied to a tea'her 8hen I 8as in the !ourth grade. I thought to 6yse#! Eh, "od, that 8as su'h a #itt#e #ie. .hen I rea#iAed there is no su'h thing as a #itt#e #ie. A## #ies are 9ig #ies. I said, Eh, "od, I a6 sorry !or that. I a6 sorry 9e'ause I 8as the #eader in the '#ass, and I to#d a #ie to the tea'her. .hen there 8ou#d 'o6e those 9u'5ets o! tears, the so99ing that ra'5ed 6y 9ody, and then !ina##y the ea'e o! "od: ;hat does re entan'e rea##y 6eanC It 6eans turning a8ay, turning as !ast as you 'an in the other dire'tion, and going as !ast as you 'an go a8ay !ro6 sin. /any eo #e do not 8ant to gi,e u sin 9e'ause they are not rea##y sorry they sinned. "ir#s 'o6e to 6e o,er and o,er again 8hen 8e are on the road and say so6ething #i5e this3 I 8ant to say a sinner7s rayer again. I 8ant to as5 "od to !orgi,e 6e. I 8ent to 9ed 8ith a 9oy #ast night and I 5ne8 I shou#dn7t ha,e done it. I say, Did you e,er do it 9e!oreC .heir ans8er is stereoty ed3 Eh, yes, e,ery Saturday night, e,ery ;ednesday night, too, and then .uesday and .hursday 8ith another guy, 9ut I 8ant to say a sinner7s rayer again. I guarantee you that 5ind o! a erson 8i## 9e 9a'5 at the a#tar the ne=t Sunday 9e'ause she 8i## do the sa6e thing a## o,er again. ;hyC Be'ause that indi,idua# 8as not genuine#y sorry. .he 6inute your heart rea##y and tru#y re ents, and you say, Eh, "od, I a6 sorry. I turn 6y 9a'5 on that, and I 8i## ne,er do it again, that is %*

the day 8hen god#y sorro8 8i## 'o6e into your heart. And god#y sorro8 is the 6ost @oy!u# e= erien'e in the 8or#d 9e'ause it #eads to your e,entua# ha iness in the +ord. I 9e#ie,e the reason I a6 so ha y and !ree today is 9e'ause o! the re entan'e that 'a6e into 6y #i!eFa re entan'e that said, "od, I 8i## ne,er, ne,er do it again. ;hen I s6o5ed 6y #ast 'igarette, there 8as ne,er a <uestion o! 8hether or not I 8as going to s6o5e again. I 8as sorry I had degraded the te6 #e o! "od. Your 9ody is de!inite#y the ho#y te6 #e o! "od, a''ording to His ;ord >1 Corinthians *31$?. I 8as so sorry 9e'ause I 'ou#d see those 9#a'5 #ungs in 6y 9ody !u## o! goo , and I 8as sorry I had e,er done su'h a thing to "od7s te6 #e. I 9e#ie,e that is the reason I ha,e ne,er 9een te6 ted 9y a 'igarette !ro6 the day I 8as set !ree. .he sa6e thing is true o! a#'oho#. .he day "od set 6e !ree !ro6 a#'oho#, I 8as sorry I had e,er had a drin5 in 6y #i!e. I 8as sorry !or the ti6es I had 9e'o6e drun5. I 8as sorry: I re ented 8ith e,erything that 8as in 6e, and as a resu#t o! genuine re entan'e, I don7t ha,e enough strength in 6y hand today to #i!t one oun'e o! gin, 8his5ey, ,od5a, 8ine, or 9eer, 9e'ause 8hen you re ent un'onditiona##y and 'o6 #ete#y, there 8i## ne,er 9e a desire to do anything against "od.

% )ina 8ecision
.he #ast "ree5 8ord is ametame etos, 8hi'h 6eans irre,o'a9#e. In other 8ords, "od, I a6 turning 9a'5. I a6 turning 9a'5. I 8i## ne,er 8a#5 that 8ay again, 9e'ause I ha,e 6ade an irre,o'a9#e de'ision, a de'ision that 'annot 9e re,ersed or annu##ed. You 6ay 9e ametame etos and not 'ry a tearH a## you need is true re entan'e in your heartFgod#y sorro8. He9re8s %312 states, )or the word o" 'od is i+in# and power"u and sharper than any two6ed#ed sword! piercin# e+en to the di+ision o" sou and spirit! and o" Goints and marrow! and is a discerner o" the thou#hts and intents o" the heart. ;e 6ay !oo# ourse#,es so6eti6es in our 6oti,es or intentions, 9ut "od 5no8s %-

our hearts. He 5no8s true re entan'e, and true re entan'e 8i## #aun'h you into the o,er'o6ing #i!e you ha,e desired. I a6 going to as5 you to do so6ething s e'ia# !or yourse#!. ;hen you go to 9ed tonight, say this rayer and 6ean it !ro6 the inner6ost arts o! your 9eing3 )ather, I a6 not @ust saying a rayer. I a6 not @ust saying 8ords. I a6 saying so6ething !ro6 6y heart. +ord, I a6 sorry !or e,ery a,enue in 6y #i!e that is not #easing to You. I a6 sorry !or those things o! the 8or#d onto 8hi'h I a6 sti## '#inging. )ro6 this day !or8ard, 9e'ause I a6 re enting in 6y heart, I 8i## turn around and go in the other dire'tion. I 8i## #oo5 to You !or strength. I 8i## #oo5 to You !or o8er. I 8i## ne,er again #oo5 to 6yse#!. )orgi,e 6e !or the things to 8hi'h I ha,e '#ung, and +ord Jesus, 'o6e into 6y '#ean and re entant heart to stay !ore,er. Jesus, #ease ossess 6e so that I 'an ossess Your '#ean and ure 6ind: Create in me a c ean heart! : 'od! and renew a stead"ast spirit within me >4sa#6 (1311?.

5" you ha+e "aith as a mustard seed! you wi say to this mountain! &(o+e "rom here to there! and it wi mo+e9 and nothin# wi be impossib e "or you.
F/atthe8 1-321


Chapter )i+e

Be'ause 8e #et the 6ind o! Christ 9e in us, 8e shou#d #oo5 u on !aith e=a't#y as Jesus does /u'h has 9een said in re'ent years in an atte6 t to 'ategoriAe and #ega#isti'a##y de!ine !aith. I 5no8 8e ha,e a## heard ser6ons and ser6ons u on ser6ons des'ri9ing !aith, and I 5no8 8e ourse#,es ha,e gi,en 6any ta#5s on the su9@e't o! !aith. Ho8e,er, #et7s ta5e the 8ord a art and #oo5 at it through the eyes o! Jesus and 8ith the 6ind o! Christ. I! I 8ere to 6a5e one si6 #e, un'o6 #i'ated senten'e des'ri9ing !aith, I 8ou#d say that !aith is si6 #y re'ei,ing 8hat "od says. /editate on that de!inition. +et your 6ind e= and and go into a## di!!erent dire'tions to see i! that doesn7t rea##y 'o,er a## that !aith is. )aith is @ust ha,ing enough trust in "od to 9e#ie,e in your heart e,erything He says, 8ritten or s o5en. I! you 9e#ie,e 8hat "od says, then you 8i## 9e a9#e to re'ei,e 8hat He has !or you. )aith is not so6ething that 'an 9e 'on@ured u , nor 'an it 9e e6otiona#iAed to a oint 8here it 9e'o6es 6ore e!!e'ti,e. E6otiona#is6 8i## o!tenti6es 'ause us to 'ross o,er into the area o! resu6 tion rather than a##o8ing our o8n !aith to de,e#o and 9e'o6e strong. .he ti6es in our #i,es 8hen our !aith has 9een the ,ery strongest ha,e not 9een su er0hy er,enti#ating ti6es 8hen 8e 8ere sitting 8ith a grou o! other 9e#ie,ers 9egging and #eading 8ith "od !or 6ore !aith. 2o, the greatest 6o6ents o! our !aith ha,e 9een in the <uiet so#itude and 'onstant 5no8#edge o! un<uestioning 9e#ie! that "od is going to do 8hat He says He 8i## do. &ea# !aith is ne,er so6ething that is 8or5ed u . I! you are honest#y o erating in !aith, it 8i## 9e a 'onstant#y so#id, a9iding 'a#6ness. It 8i## rodu'e @oy and ea'e that er6eates your ,ery 9eing to su'h a degree that there is no roo6 at a## #e!t in your 6ind !or any dou9t or un9e#ie!. %$

Dou9t and un9e#ie! are 9oth o osites o! !aith. ;hen 8e a##o8 <uestions to 'o6e in, su'h as Is this rea##y "od7s 8i##C Is "od going to do itC and A6 I rea##y going to 'o6e out o! this situationC 8e are a##o8ing dou9ts to 'o6e in that 'ause us to o erate on the negati,e side o! !aith. Jesus s o5e ,ery 8e## a9out this in the eighth 'ha ter o! /atthe8, starting 8ith ,erse (, 8hi'h reads, 3ow when Jesus had entered Capernaum! a centurion came to *im! p eadin# with *im! sayin#! Lord! my ser+ant is yin# at home para yKed! dread"u y tormented. %nd Jesus said to him! 5 wi come and hea him. 4he centurion answered and said! Lord! 5 am not worthy that You shou d come under my roo" ?ut on y spea- a word! and my ser+ant wi be hea ed. )or 5 a so am a man under authority! ha+in# so diers under me. %nd 5 say to this one! &'o!, and he #oes9 and to another! &Come!, and he comes9 and to my ser+ant! &8o this!, and he does it. ;hen Jesus heard it! *e mar+e ed! and said to those who "o owed! %ssured y! 5 say to you! 5 ha+e not "ound such #reat "aith! not e+en in 5srae B %nd 5 say to you that many wi come "rom east and west! and sit down with %braham! 5saac! and Jacob in the -in#dom o" hea+en. ?ut the sons o" the -in#dom wi be cast out into outer dar-ness. 4here wi be weepin# and #nashin# o" teeth. 4hen Jesus said to the centurion! 'o your way9 and as you ha+e be ie+ed! so et it be done "or you. %nd his ser+ant was hea ed at that same hour $(atthew 0:56D/1 Did you noti'e that Jesus said, I ha,e not !ound su'h great !aith, not e,en in Israe#: Jesus 8as rea##y 'o66enting on this 6an7s !aith si6 #y 9e'ause he did not ha,e to ut on a sho8. He did not de6and and 'o66and and say, 2o8 Jesus, You dro 8hate,er You are doing, 'o6e do8n, and tou'h 6y ser,ant. He had so 6u'h !aith in the a9i#ity o! "od to er!or6 through His Son Jesus Christ that he ,ery 'a#6#y said, You don7t e,en ha,e to go. You @ust s ea5 the 8ord, and it 8i## 9e a''o6 #ished. (1

See- 'od! and )aith ;i Come <asi y

.he outstanding <ua#ity e=hi9ited 9y the 'enturion is the !a't that he had an un8a,ering, un6i=ed, undi#uted, ure 5ind o! !aith. .here 8as no dou9t, no un9e#ie!, no <uestioning, no nothingF e='e t si6 #e !aith. Jesus said to hi6, As you ha+e be ie+ed. .hat 8ord be ie+ed 'o,ers a 6u#titude o! ans8ers and non0ans8ers to rayer 9e'ause 6any eo #e ha,e tried to generate !aith and ha,e tried to 'on!ess !aith instead o! @ust 9e#ie,ing and re'ei,ing 8hat "od has !or the6. Sin'e 8e ossess the 6ind o! Christ, ho8 do 8e get our 6inds into a osition 8here they 8i## 9e 'a a9#e o! re'ei,ing the thoughts o! "odC Jesus ne,er <uestioned the p an o! His )ather. Jesus ne,er <uestioned the abi ity o! His )ather. Jesus ne,er <uestioned the desire o! His )ather. He @ust 9e#ie,ed His )ather and 8as deter6ined to do a## that His )ather sent Hi6 to earth to a''o6 #ish. It 8asn7t si6 #y the !a't that the 'enturion 6ade the state6ent, 9ut he 9e#ie,ed 8hat he said. /any ti6es 8e thin5 8e are ste ing out in !aith, 9ut 8e don7t rea##y 9e#ie,eH 8e are @ust ho ing that so6ething good is going to ha en. /ar5 %33-F%1 te##s a9out the great stor6 that arose 8hen the dis'i #es 8ere in the 9oat 8ith Jesus. .he ,ery !irst thing they said 8hen the stor6 'a6e u 8as, 4eacher! do You not care that we are perishin#= $+. /01. Jesus came ri#ht bac- at them and said! ;hy are you so "ear"u = *ow is it that you ha+e no "aith= >,. %1?. Jesus to#d His dis'i #es ,ery #ain#y that they didn7t ha,e any !aith, 9e'ause they 8ere !ear!u# 8hen the ro9#e6s 'a6e u . .he sa6e thing is true o! us today. I! 8e a'tua##y 9e#ie,e that 8e ossess the 6ind o! Christ, 8e are not going to 9e !ear!u# in ti6es o! stor6s, distress, or trou9#es. 2oti'e that the 6an 8ith the si'5 ser,ant had no !ee#ings o! ani'H he did not say, You ha,e to 'o6e right no8. I! You don7t, (1

6y ser,ant 8i## die. He 8as ,ery 'a#6 and said, S ea5 a 8ord, and 6y ser,ant 8i## 9e hea#ed >/atthe8 838?. Ho8e,er, !ear, 8hi'h is the o osite o! !aith, i66ediate#y 'a6e into the dis'i #es. .hese t8o 'ir'u6stan'es are 8onder!u# e=a6 #es o! 8hat ha ens 8hen you 9e#ie,e and 8hen you don7t. +et 6e as5 you a <uestion. I! you 8ere in a 9oat 8ith Jesus and a 9ig stor6 'a6e u , 8ou#d you 9e the #east 9it !rightenedC 2ot 6e, 9e'ause I 5no8 I 8ou#d 9e right there 8ith the Ene 8ho has a## >/atthe8 28318 IJG?. Jesus had a #ot to say a9out un9e#ie! to His dis'i #es. /atthe8 1-31%F21 is a good e=a6 #e o! this. A 6an 'a6e to Jesus 8ith an e i#e ti' son and to#d Jesus that he had 9rought hi6 to the dis'i #es, 9ut they 'ou#d not 'ure hi6. Jesus re9u5ed the de6on, and it 'a6e out o! hi6. .he 'hi#d 8as 'ured. .hen the dis'i #es said, ;hy cou d we not cast it out= >,. 1$?. Jesus7 ans8er to the6 8as, ?ecause o" your unbe ie" >,. 21?. Mn9e#ie! and !aith are t8o a9so#ute o osites, and Jesus ne,er had any un9e#ie! in His 6ind, His heart, or His S irit. But then #oo5 at 8hat Jesus said. He didn7t say, 5" you had #reat bi# "aith! you cou d ha+e done it. *e simp y said! 5" you ha+e "aith as a mustard seed! you wi say to this mountain! &(o+e "rom here to there, and it wi mo+e! and nothin# wi be impossib e "or you >,. 21?. Jesus is not saying to us that 9e'ause 8e ossess His 6ind 8e are going to ossess great !aith. He si6 #y says, Ha,e that #itt#e tiny 5ind o! !aith that has no roo6 !or dou9t and un9e#ie!. ;e need to 9egin to 9e#ie,e that it is not trying to 6anu!a'ture, to 8ea,e, or to drea6 u an i6aginary 5ind o! !aith, 9ut it is si6 #y getting 9a'5 to #itt#e 9asi' rin'i #es 8here 8e 9e#ie,e e,erything Jesus said. .o 6e, one o! the 6ost e='iting e=a6 #es in the entire Bi9#e 8here !aith is 'on'erned >and I 5no8 there are 6any and ea'h o! us has a !a,orite? is the story o! Shadra'h, /esha'h, and A9ed0 2ego. .hin5 o! their si6 #e !aith 8hen they re #ied to 2e9u'hadneAAar7s <uestion, ?ut i" you do not worship! you sha (2

be cast immediate y into the midst o" a burnin# "iery "urnace. %nd who is the #od who wi de i+er you "rom my hands= >Danie# 331(?. I #o,e their ans8er. .hey said, O 3ebuchadneKKar! we ha+e no need to answer you in this matter 5" that is the case! our 'od whom we ser+e is ab e to de i+er us "rom the burnin# "iery "urnace! and *e wi de i+er us "rom your hand! O -in#. $8anie /:D.>DE1 +oo5 at 8hat they said ne=t3 ?ut i" not! et it be -nown to you! O -in#! that we do not ser+e your #ods! nor wi we worship the #o d ima#e which you ha+e set up >,. 18?. .he thing that is so 9eauti!u# to 6e in this arti'u#ar story is the !a't that they 8ere 8i##ing to gi,e their #i,es to ro,e that "od is "od. So6eti6es, to ro,e that, 8e ha,e hy er0!aithH 8e get out into an area 8here 8e thin5 8e are utting "od on a s ot so He 8i## ha,e to do 8hat 8e 8ant. In rea#ity 8e are 6ere#y de6onstrating a #a'5 o! !aith. I re6e69er years ago there 8as a ro9#e6 in the state o! /ississi i 8here terri!ying riots 8ere going on 9et8een the 9#a'5s and the 8hites. A 6an 8a#5ed out in !ront o! a 9u##doAer and said, "od 8i## rote't 6e. But I ha,e ne8s !or you. .he 9u##doAer ran right o,er hi6 and 6ashed hi6 !#atter than a !ritter and 5i##ed hi6. He 8as o9,ious#y not o erating under the 9#essing o! "od 8hen he did this. Ho8e,er, Shadra'h, /esha'h and A9ed0 2ego had a re#ationshi 8ith "od that 8as so !ir6 that they e= erien'ed a su ernatura# 6ira'#e. .hey 5ne8 9eyond a shado8 o! a dou9t that they 8ere 'o6ing out unhar6ed.

)aith or )ib=
/ay9e your !aith is #i5e 6ine. .here are ti6es 8hen I ha,e !aith !or 8hate,er situation is in !ront o! 6e, and then there are ti6es 8hen 6y !aith is not <uite that strong. I! I 9egan to s ea5 it and say I 9e#ie,ed it, I 8ou#d rea##y, in e!!e't, 9e te##ing a !i9. But i! I 8a#5 <uiet#y, in 6y heart 9e#ie,ing and trusting "od !or other things, #itt#e 9y #itt#e I ha,e dis'o,ered that 6y !aith 8i## gro8 to the oint (3

8here I 8i## 9e#ie,e "od !or the thing I 6ight not ha,e 9een a9#e to 9e#ie,e Hi6 !or one year, t8o years, three years, or ten years 9e!ore. Ene year 8hen Char#es and I 8ere at the 4.+ C#u9 !or their annua# arade, t8o se arate ti6es "od ga,e 6e si6 #e !aith to 5no8 that I had heard His ,oi'e, and 9oth instan'es resu#ted in our seeing the g#ory o! "od. En Sunday night there had 9een hundreds o! tents a## o,er that great Heritage MSA 'o6 #e=, and it 9egan thundering and #ightningH the rain 'a6e do8n in 9u'5ets. It 8as #i5e a 6onsoon. Can you i6agine 'a6 ing out in a tent 8ith ri,ers o! 8ater t8o !eet dee running through your tentC By the ne=t 6orning the tents had rea##y disa eared. ;e had to get u at (31( A./. to 9e at 9rea5!ast 9y *311 so that 8e 'ou#d get in!or6ation on the !#oats. ;e 8ent do8nstairs, and it 8as sti## ouring do8n rain. It 8as so6e o! the soggiest 8eather 8e had e,er seen and 8as 9#a'5 as night outside. .he sta!! at 4.+ ut us in ,ans and too5 us to the arade site. E,en though the rain had s#a'5ened, the s5ies re6ained o,er'ast. It 8as one o! the g#oo6iest days e,er. ;e '#i69ed u on our !#oat, and it 8as so 8et, the 8ater on the !#oat see ed onto the #ong dress I 8as 8earing. .he entire 9otto6 o! 6y dress !or a9out si= to eight in'hes 8as soa5ed in 8ater. A9out that ti6e, a re orter !ro6 one o! the #o'a# te#e,ision stations 'a6e o,er to as5 i! he 'ou#d ha,e an inter,ie8 8ith us. He said, ;hat do you thin5 the 'han'es are !or the aradeC I said, 2o chance at a##. ;ith "od there ne,er is an e#e6ent o! 'han'e. I si6 #y said >9e'ause "od s o5e to 6y heart?, .he sun7s going to 'o6e out, and there7s not going to 9e a dro o! rain on the arade. I 8ish you 'ou#d ha,e seen the e= ression on the 6an7s !a'e. I 8as o erating in a su ernatura# rea#6 o! !aith, 9e'ause I had ositi,e 5no8#edge that I had heard "od. I 8as #oo5ing at the rain, the o,er'ast s5y, and 6o6entari#y >in the natura#?. I thought, ;hat did I sayC And right on te#e,ision e,eryone heard 6e say, .here isn7t going to 9e any rain on the arade. (%

"od had gi,en 6e that su ernatura# !aith He gi,es to ea'h and e,ery one o! us on those ,ery s e'ia# o''asions. A9out 31 6inutes #ater there 8as a #itt#e tiny 9#ue #a'e in the s5y no 9igger than a 6an7s hand. ;ith E#i@ah, it 8as @ust the re,erse. He sa8 a '#oud the siAe o! a 6an7s hand. >See 1 Iings 183%1F%(.? .here 8as a #itt#e tiny 9#ue s ot and Char#es nudged 6e and said, Honey, ta5e a #oo5 at that 9#ue s ot u thereH it7s no 9igger than a 6an7s hand. I said, Ha##e#u@ah: But it7s going to gro8 and gro8 and gro8. 2ot a sing#e dro o! rain, not one sing#e dro !e## on that entire arade: ;e 6inistered a!ter the arade on the 4.+ te#e,ision sate##ite net8or5, and so6eone ran u to 6e and said, .here7s a 6ute here 8ho has ne,er s o5en in a## her #i!e. She7s t8enty0eight years o#d. I thought, I7## ray !or these short ar6s o,er here 9e'ause that7s easier. You see, I ha,e one hundred er'ent !aith !or so6e things, 9ut 8hen it 'o6es to a 6ute, I don7t a#8ays ha,e <uite that 6u'h !aith. Char#es and I are a#8ays honest, and that7s the reason I76 sharing this 8ith you. I 8ent to ray !or the ar6s and again I heard the sti## s6a## ,oi'e >1 Iings 1$312? o! "od. He said, Is it any harder !or 6e to hea# a 6ute than it is to hea# a 9a'5 or 'hange the 8eatherC I dro ed those ar6s and thought, Ho8 si##y: Isn7t it ridi'u#ous that 8e #et the De,i# 'o6e and te## us that 8e 'an do the #itt#e things, 9ut not the 9ig thingsC I said, ;here is that 6uteC "od had sudden#y oured on 6e a tre6endous gi!t o! !aith, and I #oo5ed at her and thought, .hat7s no harder than anything e#se. "od7s o8er is a#8ays the sa6e. He doesn7t 6a5e any di!!erentiation in 8here it !#o8s. .his !aith that I had heard "od 8as 9ursting 8ithin 6e and I said, Sti'5 out your tongue. She stu'5 out her tongue at 6e, so I @ust #aid 6y !ingers on her tongue and said, You du69 s irit, in the na6e o! Jesus, I ha,e 6ore o8er than you ha,e, so 'o6e out o! her right no8. )or t8enty0eight years she had ne,er said a 8ord in her entire #i!e, and I 8his ered in her ear, Say /a06a. And she said, Say /a06a: I 8as ne,er so sho'5ed in 6y #i!e 9e'ause I7,e ne,er ((

heard a 6ute ye## that #oud#y 8hen he or she got hea#ed. She rea##y ye##ed, and so I said, Say 4a0 a. And she said, Say 4a0 a. Sudden#y, it da8ned on 6e that she had ne,er heard her o8n #i s say /a6a 9e!ore, so I ointed to her 6other, a 9eauti!u# gray0 haired #ady standing near9y 8hose heart 8as @ust 9ro5en 9e'ause her daughter had 9een 6ute !or t8enty0eight years. I ointed to her and said, /a6a. .he gir# #oo5ed at her 6other and said, /a6a: )or the !irst ti6e in a## o! her #i!e she 'ou#d s ea5 the 9e#o,ed tit#e o! the 8o6an 8ho had ta5en 'are o! her a## this ti6e: ;hat a @oyous 6o6ent that 8as: Ho8 I raise "od !or that su ernatura# gi!t o! !aith that He ga,e 6e, and yet it 8as so si6 #e, 9e'ause I 5ne8 I had heard "od s ea5. I didn7t 8or5 it u . I didn7t get e6otiona#. I @ust heard "od and re'ei,ed 8hat He had !or 6e. )aith is simp y recei+in# what 'od has "or you. "#ory: Jesus hea#ed a dea! 6ute as re'orded in /ar5 -332F3-. .he 'ro8d 8ho sa8 the hea#ing 8ere astonished 9eyond 6easure, saying, &*e has done a thin#s we . *e ma-es both the dea" to hear and the mute to spea-, >,. 3-?. Doing the sa6e things Jesus did 8hi#e He 8as on earth !or the g#ory o! "od is a t8enty0!irst 'entury e=a6 #e o! ossessing the 6ind o! Christ Jesus: He7s a#i,e: )aith is a gro8ing ro'ess. It is not a @u6 in and I7,e got it a## situation. It is a ro'ess o! de,e#o 6ent. I 9e#ie,e e,ery ro9#e6 8e !a'e and su9se<uent#y o,er'o6e is a ste in the right dire'tion so that our !aith 8i## rogressi,e#y 9e 6ore #i5e Jesus: &e'ent#y, in a situation that 8as a'ted out in resu6 tion, so6e9ody said to 6e, "i,e 6e a 8ord o! 8isdo6. Shou#d 8e 'ontinue 9e#ie,ing "od to su #y the 6oney 8e need or shou#d 8e go 9a'5 ho6eC (*

I said, I! you ha,e to as5 6e, you are trying to ride on 6y !aith, and you 'an7t do thatH you ha,e to o erate on your o8n !aith, 9e'ause 8hen you ha,e to as5 so6e9ody, NShou#d I 'ontinue to stand in !aithC7 that 6eans your !aith has 8a,ered, and you ha,e #ost 9e'ause you ha,e not 'ontinued to 9e#ie,e "od. .he thing that is so e='iting in the story a9out Shadra'h, /esha'h, and A9ed02ego is that their !aith ne,er 8a,ered a sing#e, so#itary 9it. .hey didn7t ha,e to <uestion 8hether or not "od 8as going to do itH they ositi,e#y 5ne8 9eyond a shado8 o! a dou9t: But noti'e that on'e their de'ision 8as 6ade to trust "od, e,en to gi,ing their #i,es i! ne'essary, they 6o,ed into the see6ing#y i6 ossi9#e situation 8ith tota# 'on!iden'e in "od. .hey ne,er sto ed to thin5, It doesn7t see6 to 9e 8or5ing: .hey 8a#5ed into the !iery !urna'e o! sudden death in the natura#, 9ut they 5e t 8a#5ing.

<Cercised )aith 'rows

;hen 8e are de,e#o ing our !aith 9y s iritua# 'a#istheni's, ea'h ste !or8ard strengthens our !aith. ;hen you start into so6e untested area o! !aith, 5ee 8a#5ing and trusting "od: ;e ha,e a#so #earned that i! 8e ha,e not heard "od '#ear#y enough, 8e 8i## go to a do'tor rather than die standing on 8hat 8e 'a## !aith: "od s ea5s 6u'h a9out 'o66on sense a#ong 8ith !aith. ;e 6ust ra'ti'e !aith dai#y 9y hearing "od in our nor6a# day0to0 day !un'tions. .hen our !aith 8i## gro8 so strong that 8e 'an hear "od7s dire'tion in 6eeting 9igger needs. A!ter a##, !aith is a gi!t. ;e don7t earn itH 8e @ust 8a#5 in it 9y si6 #y trusting "od. .here are ti6es 8hen 8e say 8e 9e#ie,e and yet, in our hearts, 8e 5no8 good and 8e## 8e do not. .his has 9een one o! the ro9#e6s in the great !aith 6o,e6ent that 8as su'h a 9ig 8a,e !or a9out ten years. As eo #e 9egan to read and study and stand on the ;ord o! "od, so6e i66ature eo #e arose 8ho <uoted !aith, 9ut in their hearts did not 9e#ie,e at a##. "od has a ,ery se'ret 8ay o! #oo5ing 8ithin the ,ery de ths o! our hearts to 5no8 8hether or (-

not 8e a'tua##y 9e#ie,e or 8hether 8e are @ust s ea5ing 8ords. He 8ants us to rust Hi6, and He is g#ori!ied 8hen 8e do. I thin5 i! 8e 8i## @ust try to un'o6 #i'ate !aith 9y ta5ing out a## the su er hy ed !aith 'on!essions and get 9a'5 to the si6 #i'ity o! 9e#ie,ing !aith, 8e7## 9e a #ot 9etter o!!.

@roper 4imin# 5s <ssentia

Char#es and I ha,e noti'ed 6any, 6any ti6es that 8e are !or'ed, 9e'ause 8e are in 6inistry, to 6a5e dai#y de'isions that in,o#,e !aith. ;e ha,e dis'o,ered that 8hat so6e eo #e thin5 is !aith is in'orre't#y ste ing out ahead o! 8hat "od rea##y has #anned !or you at that arti'u#ar ti6e. /any eo #e ha,e di!!i'u#ties 9e'ause they go 9eyond 8here "od has 'a##ed the6 at that s e'i!i' ti6e. Ene o! the greatest ty es o! !aith you 'an e,er ha,e is the 5no8#edge that you ha,e heard "od, 8hether it is !or a #itt#e thing or a 9ig thing. "od 6ay 9e 8anting a #itt#e thing in your #i!e at this e=a't 6o6ent o! ti6e, and yet in the ego tra into 8hi'h 8e o!ten !a##, 8e 6ay 8ant a 9igger thing than "od #anned !or us at that 6o6ent. ;e 6ay si6 #y 9e un re ared !or 8hat 8e desire. It7s rea##y a <uestion o! trusting that you are a9#e to hear "od in e,ery #itt#e nitty0gritty area o! your #i!e. So6eti6es the 'hoi'e 8e 6a5e is not a 9ig de'ision re<uiring a #ot o! !aithH it7s @ust the 5no8#edge that 8e are hearing !ro6 "od. ;e need to #isten to "od 6ore instead o! as5ing "od !or 6ore. 4eo #e 'an o!ten get in,o#,ed in rogra6s or ro@e'ts that are a desire o! the !#esh, thin5ing, I 8ou#d #i5e to ha,e a 9ig 6inistry. I 8ou#d #i5e to ha,e a 9ig 'hur'h 9ui#ding. I 8ou#d #i5e to ha,e this. I 8ou#d #i5e to ha,e that. .hey !ee# that their desires are in a''ordan'e 8ith "od7s 8i## instead o! #istening !or "od to te## the6 8hat to do. I! 8e #et "od te## us 8hat to do, then 8e 'an a#8ays rest assured that 8e 8i## 9e su''ess!u#. I! 8e ha,e to 'onstant#y 5no'5 on the door o! the throne roo6 o! "od, 9egging, #eading, 'rying, and 'a@o#ing, 8e are a'tua##y trying to !or'e "od to do 8hat 8e 8ant. .here is a ,ery !ine #ine in the area o! !aith in this res e't, and it is so i6 ortant !or us to #earn to #isten to those (8

#itt#e things o! "od. It ta5es @ust as 6u'h !aith to hear "od in the #itt#e things as it does in the 9ig things. So 6any ti6es eo #e !ee# that they ha,e heard "od 8hen it is rea##y a thought that 'o6es !ro6 their !#esh or !ro6 the De,i#FI don7t 5no8 8hi'h. .he ,oi'e they hear 'auses the6 to say, "od to#d 6e I a6 going to ha,e a 9ig 6inistry and I76 going to go o,erseas and I76 going to s ea5 to hundreds o! thousands o! eo #e. .hat sa6e indi,idua# has ne,er #ed one erson on his 9#o'5 to the +ord. ;as that "od or !#esh s ea5ingC I! 8e rea##y 8ent 9a'5 and 'he'5ed that thought again, 8e 8ou#d dis'o,er in a## ro9a9i#ity that it 'a6e !ro6 the !#esh and not !ro6 "od. ;hen you 'o6e right do8n to it, a thought #i5e that is #i5e#y to 9e !or your o8n g#ory rather than !or the g#ory o! "od. Ene o! the things 8e ha,e dis'o,ered is that i! you #isten3 E "od, the things you a''o6 #ish 8i## 9e !or His g#ory and not !or your g#ory. .hat is a#8ays a good test as to 8hether r not it is you or "od. I! you are dead to se#!, the desire o! our heart 8i## 9e to #ease "odH i! you are not dead to se#!, he desire o! your heart 8i## 9e to #ease se#!. I! 8e 'he'5 our 6oti,es, it is easy to dis'o,er 8hat !aith rea##y is and ho8 si6 #e it is to o erate in 'o6 #ete !aith at a## ti6es. Big !aith is 8anting to #ease "od. Char#es @ust said that, and there is a tre6endous truth in that state6ent. ;hy did Jesus ha,e so 6u'h !aithC Be'ause He 8anted to #ease "od. He 8ho #o,es /e 8i## 9e


o+ed by (y )ather! and 5 o+e him and mani"est (yse " to hi6.

FJohn 1%321


Chapter SiC

Be'ause 8e ossess the 6ind o! Christ, 8e a#so ossess His ,ery heart0'ry: ;e ossess the 'o6 assion and the #o,e o! Jesus Christ. N;e ossess the sa6e attri9utes as "od 9e'ause Jesus and His )ather are one. Be'ause 8e are parta-ers o" the di+ine nature >2 4eter 13%? o! "od, 8e ha,e the 6ind o! Christ, the nature o! "od, the a9i#ity o! "od, the 'hara'ter o! "od, the 8isdo6 o! "od, and the Jdye o! "od: Ho8 shou#d 8e treat those around usC Ho8 shou#d 8e treat those 8e #o,eC I! 8e rea##y do ha,e the 6ind o! Christ, ho8 shou#d 8e treat those 8e don,t #o,eC ;e are surrounded 8ith #o,e: ;e are !i##ed 8ith #o,e: ;e ar' o,er!#o8ing 8ith #o,e: ;e are running o,er 8ith #o,e: ;hat a ri,i#ege, 8hat a @oy di,ine, 8hat a g#orious 5no8#edge to 5no8 in our hearts that a## these things are ours 9e'ause 8 9e#ong to Christ Jesus and 9e'ause 8e ossess His 6ind. 4ro9a9#y one o! the 9est e=a6 #es in the Bi9#e a9out ossessing the 6ind o! Christ 'on'erning #o,e is in the 9oo5 o! John. 4he Li+in# ?ib e 9eauti!u##y e= resses su'h a ro6ise o! "od7s #o,e. "od7s #o,e !#o8ing into us ena9#es us to rea'h out and #o,e those 8ho need #o,e so 9ad#y. Jesus said, 4he one who obeys me is the one who o+es me9 and because he o+es me! my )ather wi o+e him9 and 5 wi too! and 5 wi re+ea myse " to him >John 1%321 .+B?. In ,erses 23 and 2%, 8e read these 8ords o! Jesus, 5 wi on y re+ea myse " to those who o+e me and obey me. 4he )ather wi o+e them too! and we wi come to them and i+e with them. %nyone who doesn,t obey me doesn,t o+e me. *1

;hat an a9so#ute#y 6ind09ogg#ing state6ent !or us to 9e a8are o!: A## 8e ha,e to do is o9ey "od, and then 9oth Jesus and the )ather 8i## 'o6e and #i,e in us. .hey 8i## #o,e us, #o,e in us, and #o,e through us. .he 8or#d out there that needs so des erate#y to 9e #o,ed is going to !ee# the aga e #o,e o! "od that !#o8s through our ,eins si6 #y 9e'ause 8e are o9edient to Christ Jesus. A #ong ti6e ago, I heard so6e9ody say that "od 8ou#d not share His g#ory 8ith any9ody. Ho8e,er, i! you read the 9oo5 o! John, you 8i## see that 8e are the g#ory o! "od. ;hat an a9so#ute#y e=tra,agant state6ent to 6a5e. Yet it 'o6es dire't#y out o! the ;ord o! "od: Jesus to#d us in the !i!teenth 'ha ter o! John that He is the ,ine, and His )ather is the gardener >,. 1?. He to#d us to a9ide in Hi6 and #et Hi6 a9ide in us >,. %?. I #o,e 8hat Jesus says in that 'ha ter3 5 ha+e o+ed you e+en as the )ather has o+ed me. Li+e within my o+e. ;hen you obey me you are i+in# in my o+e! Gust as 5 obey my )ather and i+e in his o+e. 5 ha+e to d you this so that you wi be "i ed with my Goy. Yes! your cup o" Goy wi o+er" owB 5 demand that you o+e each other as much as 5 o+e you. $John D5:9>D2 4L?1 Do 8e !u##y rea#iAe 8hat 8e rea##y ha,e in Jesus ChristC He #o,es us so 6u'h that He 8ants our 'u o! @oy to 9e !i##ed. Be'ause I ossess the 6ind o! Christ, I a6 going to 9e !i##ed 8ith the @oy o! Jesus a## o! the ti6e: ;hat a 9#essing: 4ossessing the 6ind o! Christ 6eans agreeing tota##y, 111 er'ent 8ith e,erything Jesus said. I! He says He 'a6e so that re 'ou#d 9e !i##ed 8ith His @oy, then I a6 going to 9e !i##ed 8ith His @oy, and 6y 'u o! @oy is going to a9so#ute#y o,er!#o8. ;hat does Jesus say a9out #o,ing one anotherC He says, I demand, 8hi'h a#so 6eans I 'o66and you to #o,e one another as 6u'h as I #o,e you. I re<uire you to #o,e one another as 6u'h as I #o,e you. I char#e you 8ith res onsi9i#ity o! #o,ing your 9rother in Christ as 6u'h as I #o,e you.


.hat is the 6ind o! Christ. .he desire o! Jesus is that 8e #o,e our 9rothers and sisters in Christ as 6u'h as He #o,ed us.

Carna 4hou#ht @roduces Criticism

.here are ti6es in the Christian 8or#d 8hen 9rothers and sisters 9egin to 'riti'iAe and 'onde6n ea'h other. .his is the 'arna# 6ind, 8hi'h is the ene6y o! the #ans and ur oses o! "od. ;hen you 'riti'iAe a 9rother or sister in Christ, you are not 9eing o9edient to Jesus, 8ho 'o66ands us to #o,e one another in e=a't#y the 8ay He #o,es us. In re'ent years 8e ha,e seen 6any o! the #arge 6inistries get 'riti'iAed and !a#se#y a''used 9y other Christians. .his 'riti'is6 is the resu#t o! o erating in a 'arna# >!#esh#y? rea#6 instead o! o erating in #o,e 9y ossessing the 6ind o! Christ at a## ti6es. .his sa6e 'riti'is6 'auses stri!e and di,ision in 'hur'hes: I! 8e see a 9rother or sister doing so6ething 8e don7t #i5e and sudden#y !ee# 'onde6nation to8ard hi6 or her, 8e shou#d sto i66ediate#y. ;e ought to go to the6 in "od7s #o,e, not in hate, ;e 6ust 'ontinue in a 9eauti!u# attitude o! #o,e, saying, +oo5, 9rother or sister, your rogra6 see6s to ha,e a ro9#e6. +et7s dis'uss so6e other o tions. +et7s ray a9out it. ;e 6ust a't in #o,e @ust as Jesus did. .he A6 #i!ied Bi9#e has so6e 9eauti!u# 8ords on ho8 8e shou#d !ee# 9e'ause 8e ossess the 6ind o! Christ3 )or the uttered words that You #a+e (e 5 ha+e #i+en them. %nd they ha+e recei+ed and accepted them! and ha+e come to -now positi+e y and in rea ity>to be ie+e with abso ute assurance>that 5 came "orth "rom Your presence. %nd they ha+e be ie+ed and are con+inced that You did send (e. am prayin# "or them. am not prayin# $reJuestin#1 "or the wor d9 but "or those You ha+e #i+en (e! "or they be on# to You. % (ine are Yours! and a that are Yours be on# to (e9 and 5 am # ori"ied in $throu#h1 them>they ha+e done (e honor! in them (y # ory is achie+ed. $John DE:0>D: %(@1 *2

Do you rea#iAe 8hat He saidC Jesus said i! 8e 9e#ie,ed 8ith a9so#ute assuran'e that He 'a6e !orth !ro6 the resen'e o! then 8e are His g#ory: 4ossessing the 6ind o! Christ 6eans 9e#ie,ing 8e are the ,ery g#ory o! Jesus Christ Hi6se#!: Isn7t that dangerous !or he## 8hen you 5no8 that you are the g#ory o! "odC A9so#ute#y. I! anything shou#d 6a5e you #o,e the a#6ighty "od e,en 6ore than you #o,e Hi6 right no8, it is the 5no8#edge that you are the ,ery g#ory o! Jesus Christ: I #o,e 8hat John says @ust a #itt#e 9it !urther in that sa6e 'ha ter. Gerse 1* says, .hey are not o! the 8or#d, @ust as I a6 not o! the 8or#d. .he !irst ti6e I e,er read that ,erse, I near#y e= #oded. &ight a#ong the side o! 6y Bi9#e I 8rote, 4.+F 4raise the +ord: 4ossessing the 6ind o! Christ 6eans that 8e do not ha,e to go a#ong 8ith the 8or#d: ;e do not ha,e to go a#ong 8ith the things the 8or#d te##s us to do: ;e do not ha,e to go a#ong 8ith our eers: ;e do not ha,e to dress as e,ery9ody e#se does: ;e do not ha,e to a'<uire the ha9its e,ery9ody e#se does: ;e do not 9e#ong to this 8or#d any 6ore than Jesus does: I! the 8or#d hates you 9e'ause you do not 'on!or6 to s6o5ing, drin5ing, dan'ing, and ,ie8ing unho#y 6o,ies, a## I 'an say is, "#ory to "od. .hat is 'ertain#y a 6ar,e#ous indi'ation that you ossess the ,ery 6ind o! Christ. .he eighteenth ,erse gi,es us e,en 6ore ad,i'e !or ose sing His 6ind. Jesus says, %s You sent (e into the wor d! 5 ha+e sent them into the wor d. I! 8e ossess the 6ind o! Christ, then 8e are going to 5no8 that 8e are sent into the 8or#dF6ay9e not in the internationa# sense, 9ut in the sense o! our o8n #itt#e indi,idua# 8or#d that in'#udes our !a6i#y, our 'hi#dren, our arents, our 9rothers and sisters. ;e are sent into our 8or#d to share the good ne8s a9out Jesus Christ. *3

4ossessing the 6ind o! Christ is a su9@e't that has no 9eginning or ending. You 'an !ind Jesus in e,ery 9oo5 in the Bi9#e, 8hether it is the E#d .esta6ent or the 2e8 .esta6ent. E,ery thought o! Jesus 8as saturated 8ith and soa5ed in "od7s #o,e !or eo #e. ;e 8i## a#so 9e saturated 8ith and soa5ed in the sa6e #o,e !or eo #e i! 8e ossess the 6ind o! Christ. .hin5 #o,e: "od7s #o,e:

4he Goy o" the LOF8 is your stren#th.

F2ehe6iah 8311


Chapter Se+en Joy

Joy is a ri'e#ess and in,a#ua9#e 'o66odity a,ai#a9#e to the Christian. 2ot so6ething that 'an 9e 9ought or so#d, 9ut a gi!t a,ai#a9#e to e,ery 9orn0again 9e#ie,er !ro6 the +ord Jesus Christ: /y o8n @oy started the day I 8as sa,ed. ;hen I rea#iAed that a## 6y sins 8ere !orgi,en, I 8as so 'o6 #ete#y o,er8he#6ed 8ith than5sgi,ing that 6y @oy @ust 9u99#ed u and o,er!#o8ed. ;hat an e= #osi,e thoughtF6y sins 8ere !orgi,en, a## o! the6: I #itera##y 8a##o8ed in the g#ory o! that 6o6ent !or 8ee5s, and then rea#iAed that so6ething 6ore had to 9e done to 5ee that u #e,e# going strong a## the ti6e: I! 8e 8ant that eterna# s ring o! @oy 8e##ing u and 9u99#ing o,er in us at a## ti6es, 8e need to get into the ;ord o! "od !or a s iritua# !east. ;e 6ust ta5e 9ig 9ites and 'ontinue 'he8ing unti# our sou#s are !at. .he rea#, #asting, genuine @oy ne,er 'o6es unti# 8e are s iritua##y !at: Jesus had a #ot to say a9out @oy, and sin'e 8e ossess His 6ind, 8e need to agree 8ith Hi6 in e,ery area. 5" you -eep (y commandments! you wi abide in (y o+e! Gust as 5 ha+e -ept (y )ather,s commandments and abide in *is o+e. 4hese thin#s 5 ha+e spo-en to you! that (y Goy may remain in you! and that your Goy may be "u . $John D5:D:>DD1 .his arti'u#ar S'ri ture e= #ains 9etter than any other #o8 Jesus !ee#s a9out @oy. He had to ossess @oy, or Jesus 8ou#d not ha,e said in that #ast ,erse, My Goy may remain in you $emphasis added1. *e eCpected that we wou d ha+e Goy and # adness! or *e wou d not ha+e said! %nd that your Goy may be "u >e6 hasis added?. Jesus said His @oy and de#ight 8ou#d re6ain in us, and our @oy 8ou#d 9e !u##, !u##, !u##: 2ot @ust a artia# 'u o! @oy, 9ut one that is !u## 6easure, 'o6 #ete and o,er!#o8ing: A## o! this is ours i! 8e *(

8i## @ust stay ,ita##y united 8ith Hi6 at a## ti6es. He 8ants us to ha,e the a9so#ute 6a=i6u6 o! @oy in our #i,es at a## ti6es. "#ory:

Joy Fe eases Stren#th

Char#es and I ha,e o!ten 9een as5ed ho8 8e 6aintain the he'ti', grue#ing s'hedu#e 8e 5ee a## the ti6e. 2ehe6iah 8311 gi,es the ans8er, .he @oy o! the +ord is your strength: /ari#yn Hi'5ey 8as ta#5ing to us re'ent#y a!ter 8e had returned !ro6 a su er #ong tri , and she said, .he @oy o! the +ord is your tota# strength, isn7t itC You7d ne,er 9e a9#e to a''o6 #ish 8hat you do i! you didn7t a9sor9 your strength !ro6 the @oy o! the +ord: Another !riend said a9out us, .hey re!use to #et anyone or anything stea# their @oy. .hin5 a9out that !or a 6o6ent. I! you a##o8 'ir'u6stan'es or eo #e, or yourse#! >9y negati,e thin5 a9out yourse#!? to ta5e your attention a8ay !ro6 "od and ser,i'e to others, you 8i## !ind yourse#! 9e'o6ing dis'ouraged, dis'ontent, de ressed, 8orried, u tight, or ha,ing so6e other in'orre't, se#!ish attitude 'o6e into your heart. I! you 8ant so6ething to sa your strength !ast, #et that ha en to you: But i! you 8ant to 5ee strong and hea#thy, #et the @oy o! the +ord 9e your strength: ;hen Jesus to#d His dis'i #es that He 8ou#d 9e going a8ay, 9ut that He 8ou#d send the Co6!orter to the6, He 5ne8 they did not understand His 8ords. He 5ne8 they 8ere <uestioning a6ong the6se#,es and that they wanted to as- him so he said! %re you as-in# yourse +es what 5 mean= 4he wor d wi #reat y reGoice o+er what is #oin# to happen to me! and you wi weep. ?ut your weepin# sha be turned to wonder"u Goy Hwhen you see me a#ainI. 5t wi be the same Goy as that o" a woman in abor when her chi d is born>her an#uish #i+es p ace to rapturous Goy and the pain is "or#otten. $John D.:D9>2D 4L?1 I! you are a 6other, you 'an re6e69er 8hen you had your 9a9y. Do you o!ten re'a## ho8 6u'h it hurtC 2o, 8e se#do6 do. /others **

5no8 ho8 ain!u# 'hi#d9irth 'an 9e, and yet 8hen you see that dar#ing #itt#e 9oy or gir# "od ga,e to you, your anguish gi,es 8ay to ra turous @oy, and the ain is !orgotten. I 8i## ne,er !orget the !irst thing I said to the do'tor a!ter 6y son .o6 8as 9orn. His daddy 8as o,erseas !ighting !or the 2a,y, and I 8anted a 9ro8n0 eyed 9oy that #oo5ed @ust #i5e his daddy. .he nurse had said to 6e, Don7t s'rea6 unti# the #ast ain, 9e'ause re6e69er ea'h one is going to 9e 8orse than the one 9e!ore, so 8hen the #ast one got there, I 8as 8aiting !or the ne=t one that ne,er 'a6e: .hen 'a6e the good ne8s a!ter a## the 9ad ains. It7s a 9ig 9oy: I said, /y 'u runneth o,erF#et 6e 5iss hi6: /y 'u o! @oy 8as o,er!#o8ing a## o,er the #a'e. I 8asn7t e,en a Christian, 9ut in that 6o6ent 8hen 9irth a'tua##y too5 #a'e, I instant#y !orgot a## the ain, and a## I 'ou#d thin5 9out 8as ho8 I 8anted to 5iss that #itt#e 9und#e o! hu6anity "od had gi,en to 6e. Just as the S'ri ture had said, *er a#uish #i+es p ace to rapturous Goy and the pain is "or#otten >John 1321 .+B?. Jesus said, You ha+e sorrow now! but 5 wi see you a#ain and then you wi reGoice9 and no one can rob you o" that Goy >,. 22 .+B?. 3o one can rob you o" that Goy : Be#o,ed, don7t you e,er #et any9ody ta5e that @oy out o! your #i!e. .he De,i# 8i## do his 9est to ro9 you o! e,ery 9it o! your Christian @oy, 9ut re6e69er, it7s Jesus7 @oy that you ha,e: Continuing 8ith John 1*323F2%, 8e read3 %nd in that day you wi as- (e nothin#. (ost assured y! 5 say to you! whate+er you as- the )ather in (y name *e wi #i+e you. 2nti now you ha+e as-ed nothin# in (y name. %s-! and you wi recei+e! that your Goy may be "u . Be'ause 8e ossess the 6ind o! Christ, 8e need to agree 8ith Hi6 in e,ery sing#e area, and @oy is one area that He ta#5ed a #ot a9out. Christians shou#d ne,er run around 8ith #ong !a'es, 9ut 8e shou#d 9e !u## o! the @oy o! the +ord at a## ti6es. E,en right no8, I ray !or su'h a 9ig 'u !u# o! @oy !or you that you 8i## instant#y 9e 9u99#ing o,er 8ith the @oy o! the +ord. ;ere you a s8eet sinner or a nasty oneC In our !a6i#y , a#8ays say that Char#es 8as the s8eet sinner and I 8as nasty *-

one, 9ut the end resu#t 8ou#d ha,e 9een the sa6e !or 9oth o! us. 4raise "od, the no8 resu#t is e=a't#y the sa6e !or ea'h o! us. ;e are 'onstant#y o,er!#o8ing 8ith the @oy o! the +ord. A## you ha,e to do to re'ei,e @oy into your #i!e is to re6e69er 8hen you 8ere 9orn again, your sins 8ere a## !orgi,en and they 8ere 9uried in the dee est seaFne,er to 9e re6e69ered again: >See 4sa#6 113312.? I! that doesn7t 6a5e you run o,er 8ith the @oy o! the +ord, nothing 8i##: Just to 5no8 that your sins are gone, gone, gone is enough to 9ring @oy to the 8or#d7s unha iest erson: Jesus 8ants us to ha,e an e,er#asting su #y o! @oy and gi,es us the 'onditions to ha,e that ne,er0ending su #y. In John 1(3-, He says, 5" you abide in (e! and (y words abide in you! you wi aswhat you desire! and it sha be done "or you. I! you 8i## gi,e so6e e=tra 'onsideration to that S'ri ture and 6editate u on it, you 8i## dis'o,er so6ething that shou#d 6a5e you @u6 !or @oy. A## you ha,e to do is a9ide in Hi6, and then 8hate,er you as5 8i## 9e done !or you. .his 6ight see6 strange that you 'an @ust as5 anything and it 8i## 9e done !or you, 9ut 8e need to re6e69er that 8hen you a9ide in Hi6 or go into Hi6, your desires 8i## 9e e=a't#y the sa6e as His desires. .hat7s 8hy He gi,es us so 6u'h #ee8ay to as- what you desire. .he 8ord Goy is used 1$$ ti6es in the Bi9#e, so it didn7t @ust s#i in there a''identa##y. .he ara9#e o! the ta#ents is an e='iting story a9out Jesus s ea5ing @oy into eo #e 8ho 8ere o9edient to Hi6. ;hen the 6an returned 8ith !i,e additiona# ta#ents on to o! the origina# !i,e, Jesus s o5e 8ords to hi6 that shou#d en'ourage anyone 8ho is not !u## o! the @oy o! the +ord. Jesus 8ants us to 9e @oy!u#. ;e done! #ood and "aith"u ser+ant9 you were "aith"u o+er a "ew thin#s! 5 wi ma-e you ru er o+er many thin#s. <nter into the Goy o" your Lord>/atthe8 2(321?.

Obedience ?rin#s Goy

Being o9edient gi,es us the ri,i#ege o! entering into the @oy o! the +ord. Jesus 6ust ha,e !e#t this 8as a great re8ard 8 hi6 to enter into the 6ost de#ight!u# o! a## @oys, the @oy o! the +ord:


4he -in#dom o" 'od is not eatin# and drin-in#! but ri#hteousness and peace and Goy in the *o y Spirit >&o6ans 1%31-?. I! 8e7re #i,ing in the 5ingdo6 o! "od, then 8e ha,e not on#y righteousness and ea'e, 9ut a#so @oy, @oy, @oy in the Ho#y S irit: Jesus @oy 'annot 9e erased, o9#iterated, 'an'e#ed out, or 9#otted out 9y anyone 9ut ourse#,es. Jesus 8ants you to ha,e @oy in your heart at a## ti6es 9e'ause the greatest he# in the ti6e o! ro9#e6s and tri9u#ations is that e,er#asting @oy that Jesus uts into the hearts o! those 8ho #o,e Hi6 and are o9edient to Hi6. Anyone in 6inistry is su9@e't to ro9#e6s. 4ro9#e6s arise !re<uent#y. .he sing#e <ua#ity that has ta5en Char#es and 6e through e,erything that has 'o6e u is that 'onstant @oy in our hearts, inde#i9#y sta6 ed there 9y the /aster Hi6se#!, 8hen He ga,e us sa#,ation. .he ro9#e6s o! the 8or#d see6 di6 in 'o6 arison to the @oy o! 5no8ing that Jesus Christ #i,es in and through you. +oo5 at a## the @oy e= ressed in 4sa#6 (311F123 ?ut et a those reGoice who put their trust in You9 >+et7s re@oi'e, re@oi'e, re@oi'e:? Let them e+er shout "or Goy! >;e don7t ha,e to 9e si#entH 8e 'an e,en shout and shout and shout:? because You de"end them9 et those a so who o+e Your name be Goy"u in You. >I #o,e your na6e, I #o,e your na6e, I #o,e your na6e, so I 'annot 9e anything 9ut @oy!u#, +ord:? )or You! O Lord! wi b ess the ri#hteous9 >.han5 you, +ord, than5 you, +ord, !or 9#essing 6e:? 8ith !a,or You 8i## surround hi6 as 8ith a shie#d. "#ory to "od, 8e7re surrounded 8ith a shie#d 9e'ause "od7s !a,or is u on usH there!ore, I7,e got the @oy, @oy, @oy, @oy do8n in 6y heart: "#ory: *$

;hen you ha+e done a those thin#s which you are commanded! say! ;e are unpro"itab e ser+ants. ;e ha+e done what was our duty to do.
F+u5e 1-311


Chapter <i#ht 4he (aster>S a+e Fe ationship

.he 8ord ser,ant 'o6es !ro6 the "ree5 8ord dou os, 8hi'h has a 9eauti!u# 6eaning. A dou os is a erson 8ho gi,es hi6se#! 8ho##y to another7s 8i##. .he di'tionary des'ri9es a ser,ant as a s#a,e, or a erson ardent#y de,oted to another or to a 'ause or 'reed. .hat is e=a't#y the 8ay Jesus 8ants us to 9eFtota##y su96issi,e to His 8i##, gi,ing ourse#,es 'o6 #ete#y to Hi6, utter#y #aying aside our o8n #i,es and desires @ust to do His 8i##. Jesus 8as a ser,ant o! "od. He 9e'a6e a 6an in order to 9e a ser,ant o! "od. Jesus ga,e Hi6se#! tota##y to "od7s 8i##. ;e need to gi,e ourse#,es tota##y to His 8i##, a#so. ;e shou#d 9e so 'o66itted to the 'ause o! Jesus Christ that it o,er8he#6s us and tota##y do6inates our e,ery thought. En'e 8e 'an tru#y understand the s#a,e re#ationshi 8e ha,e 8ith the +ord Jesus Christ, 8e 8i## e= erien'e 6ore !reedo6 in our #i,es than 8e ha,e e,er 5no8n 9e!ore. 4au# said a tre6endous thing in the se'ond 'ha ter o! "a#atians, ,erse 213 5 ha+e been cruci"ied with Christ9 it is no on#er 5 who i+e! but Christ i+es in me9 and the i"e which 5 now i+e in the " esh 5 i+e by "aith in the Son o" 'od! who o+ed me and #a+e *imse " "or me. ;hen 8e get that S'ri ture into our hearts, into our 6inds, and into our s irits, 8e 8i## ossess the ser,ant 6ind o! Christ. Dying to se#! is one o! the 6ost i6 ortant rin'i #es 8e 8i## e,er #earn 8hen 8e ossess the 6ind o! Christ. Jesus had to die to se#! in order to #ease His )ather, and 8e ha,e to die to se#! in order to 9e a9#e to #ease "od and Jesus. .here is a tre6endous 6essage to 9e gained 9y the 9ody o! Christ in rea##y #earning ho8 to thin5 as Jesus thought. In the -1

se,enteenth 'ha ter o! +u5e, Jesus ta#5ed a9out ha,ing !aith as a 6ustard seed. He said, 5" you ha+e "aith as a mustard seed! you can say to this mu berry tree! ?e pu ed up by the roots and be p anted in the sea! and it wou d obey you. %nd which o" you! ha+in# a ser+ant p owin# or tendin# sheep! wi say to him when he has come in "rom the "ie d! Come at once and sit down to eat= ?ut wi he not rather say to him! @repare somethin# "or my supper! and #ird yourse " and ser+e me ti 5 ha+e eaten and drun-! and a"terward you wi eat and drin-= 8oes he than- that ser+ant because he did the thin#s that were commanded him= 5 thin- not. So i-ewise you! when you ha+e done a those thin#s which you are commanded! say! ;e are unpro"itab e ser+ants. ;e ha+e done what was our duty to do. Jesus 8as trying to 'on,in'e us that there is a 6asterF s#a,e re#ationshi 9et8een us and "od. ;e re9e# against 9eing a s#a,e, and yet the s#a,e is the one 8ho re'ei,es the un6erited gra'e, the un6erited !a,or, and the 9#essings o! "od i! he is 8i##ing to ut hi6se#! in a osition o! ser,itude. I! 8e are 8i##ing to 'o6 #ete#y die to our o8n desires, our o8n 8i##s, and 8ant nothing e='e t the 8i## o! "od, then 8e 8i## 9e that er!e't ser,ant e=a't#y #i5e Jesus. /y t8entieth0'entury trans#ation o! 8hat He said is, Don7t 'o6e in and order the 9oss around. .he ser,ant does not 'o6e in and ut his !eet under the ta9#e and say, Boss, you ser,e 6e. Don7t !a## into the ,ery rea# tra o! 9e#ie,ing that 8e 'an 'o66and "od to do things. Jesus is saying to us, I! you7## @ust 9e the ser,ant, then "od 8i## say to you, N;e## done, good and !aith!u# ser,ant. ;hen 8e 'an a''e t that o8nerFs#a,e re#ationshi and 9e so 'o66itted to "od and Jesus that 8e ha,e no ersona# desires o! our o8n, 8e 'an 9egin to o erate e=a't#y as "od 8ants us to and re'ei,e a## the 9#essings "od has 8aiting !or us. Is it rea##y ossi9#e !or us to tota##y die to se#! and deny !#esh#y desires in today7s 8or#d 8ith a## the outside inter!eren'e and 'o6 etition !ro6 the things o! the De,i#C Yes: -2

3o Lacation 3eeded *ere

I !ir6#y 9e#ie,e that Char#es and I are nor6a# Christians. 2either o! us has any desire 8hatsoe,er to do anything e='e t 8hat "od has 'a##ed us to do. ;e 8or5 3*( days out o! e,ery year. You 6ight as5 i! 8e 8or5 on Sundays. Yes, i! you 8ant to 'a## it 8or5. ;e 6inister o,er ha#! o! the year in 6eetings around the 8or#d, in addition to our regu#ar o!!i'e res onsi9i#ities and 8riting 9oo5s. .he reason 8e ha,e su'h tre6endous @oy is 9e'ause 8e 'ru'i!ied a## the desires 8e had in our #i,es 8hen 8e 9e'a6e tota##y 'o66itted to "od. Char#es used to #o,e ,a'ations 9e!ore 8e 8ere 6arried. He 8ou#d dri,e thousands o! 6i#es e,ery year sightseeing, i'5ing u a## 5inds o! sou,enirs, and #oo5ing !or 8ays to en@oy the things o! this 8or#d. .here7s nothing 8rong 8ith that, 9ut "od has re #a'ed see5ing #easure 8ith a 9urning Aea# to do His 8or5. "od sti## #ets us see His 9eauti!u# 'reation 8hi#e 8e do His 8or5. I used to do the sa6e thing. I7d #o,e to go on ,a'ation and see a## the sights. I re6e69er riding do8n to the 9otto6 o! the "rand Canyon on a 6u#e. ;hen I got 9a'5 u , 6y #egs 8ere so sore I thought I 8asn7t going to 9e a9#e to 8a#5 !or a 8ee5. I thought, ;o8, this is rea##y !un. Sin'e Char#es and I 6ade a tota# 'o66it6ent o! our #i,es to "od, 8e ha,e ne,er had a ,a'ation. 4eo #e o!ten as5, ;hen are you going to ta5e your ,a'ationC ;e say, 2e,er. 4eo #e ta5e a ,a'ation to get a8ay !ro6 e,erything. I don7t 8ant to get a8ay !ro6 anything. .he thing that 6a5es 6e the ha iest is 6inistering unto the +ord and doing the things He has 'a##ed us to do. Be'ause 8e are in,o#,ed in doing the +ord7s 8or5 t8enty0!our )ours a day, se,en days a 8ee5, 8e don7t need a ,a'ation. .here isn7t a ,a'ation you 'ou#d gi,e us any #a'e in the 8or#d that 8ou#d 'o6 are 8ith our ha,ing a 6ira'#e ser,i'e. .a5e a ,a'ationC 2o, than5 you. I 8ant to 9e doing the things o! "od e,ery se'ond o! 6y #i!e. .hat7s 6y !irst #o,e. -3

2o8 you 6ight say, Ho8 do I get to the oint 8hen I 8i## !ee# that sa6e 8ayC I ha,e to get u e,ery 6orning at *311 and go to 8or5 'o##e'ting gar9age !or the 'ity 8here I #i,e. .his is 6y in'o6e sour'eH this is 6y @o9. .ruth!u##y, I 'an7t stand 6y @o9, 9ut I ha,e to get u and do it. You 6ean to te## 6e you don7t thin5 I ought to ta5e a ,a'ationC Your 'ir'u6stan'es are di!!erent !ro6 ours. You <uite ossi9#y do need a ,a'ation to get a8ay !ro6 8hat you are doing in the se'u#ar 8or#d. I 8ou#d 'ertain#y re'o66end a retreat or 'on,ention 8here you 'an rest in the +ord and de,e#o s iritua##y a6ong other 9e#ie,ers during your one or t8o 8ee5s7 ,a'ation. .here are 6any !antasti' Christian retreats 8here 8ho#e !a6i#ies en@oy these 9ene!its in a Christian at6os here. ;hen 8e 8or5ed in our se'u#ar @o9s, 8e 'hose to use our e,enings and 8ee5ends to 8in eo #e to Jesus, so e,en then 8e didn7t need a ,a'ation. 2e8 riorities re #a'ed o#d ones.

Submission (ust ?e ;i in#

)oot 8ashing, i! it 8ere ra'ti'ed today, 8ou#d 6a5e 6ore o! us 6ore a8are o! 8hat the ser,antF6aster, o8nerF s#a,e re#ationshi tru#y is. In the thirteenth 'ha ter o! John, 8e !ind an e=tre6e#y !as'inating story o! Jesus 9e'o6ing a s#a,e. *e #ot up "rom the supper tab e! too- o"" his robe! wrapped a towe around his oins! poured water into a basin! and be#an to wash the discip es, "eet and to wipe them with the towe he had around him. $John D/:7>5 4L?1 4eter i66ediate#y 9e'a6e indignant and to#d Jesus that He 'ertain#y shou#dn7t 9e 8ashing the !eet o! the dis'i #es. 4eter to#d Jesus he 8asn7t going to #et Hi6 8ash his !eet, 9ut Jesus said i! He did not, then he 'ou#d not 9e a partner >,. 8 +B? 8ith Hi6. Jesus utter#y a6aAed His dis'i #es 8hen He 5ne#t do8n and 8ashed their !eet. At that 6o6ent He 8as the e ito6e o! ser,anthood: -%

.o 6e this is the 6ost 9eauti!u# o! a## the ordinan'es Be'ause I had su'h a uni<ue e= erien'e the !irst ti6e I e,er arti'i ated in a !oot08ashing ser,i'e. I 'ou#d not 9e#ie,e anyone in the t8entieth 'entury 8ou#d 8ash so6eone e#se7s !eet. /y astor 6ere#y teased 6e and said, Co6e and see. I 'a6e, I sa8, and I e= erien'ed so6ething 9eyond 'o6 are 8here #o,e is 'on'erned: ;hen you 5nee# do8n to 8ash so6eone7s !eet, you 9e'o6e a tota# s#a,e to that erson. .he /aster 'o6 #ete#y hu69#ed Hi6se#! 8hen He 9e'a6e a ser,ant. I! on#y 8e 'ou#d see that truth in our o8n #i,es: I! 8e 8ou#d 9e 8i##ing to %o anything and e,erything "od 'a##s us to do and Jesus te##s us in the ;ord, 8e 8ou#d 9e a9#e to '#i69 to heights 9eyond our greatest drea6s. E,en at this ,ery 6o6ent as I sit 8riting this 9oo5, I re6e69er 8hat I !e#t the !irst ti6e I e,er 8ashed so6e9ody e#se7s !eet. I !e#t "od 8as so '#ose I 'ou#d ha,e rea'hed u and ra ed 6y ar6s around Hi6. I 8as so 'o6 #ete#y en,e#o ed in His #o,e and so tota##y engu#!ed in His resen'e that it 8as a#6ost e<ua# to an out0 o!09ody e= erien'e. .he sa6e #o,e Jesus !e#t !or His dis'i #es !#o8ed through 6e as I 8ashed the tiny #itt#e !eet o! 6y astor7s 8i!e. A !oot08ashing ser,i'e 'ondu'ted under ro er 'ir'u6stan'es in e,ery 'hur'h or deno6ination 'ou#d 9e one o! the greatest things that 'ou#d e,er ha en to the 9ody o! Christ. ;hen you 8ash so6eone e#se7s !eet, you 8i## !ee# the ,ery ser,anthood o! Jesus as He 8ashed the dis'i #es7 !eet. A #ong ti6e ago I heard a testi6ony o! a ,ery 9ri##iant young Je8ish 6an 8ho had gone around the 8or#d see5ing the ans8er to #i!e. He 8as i'5ed u in S8itAer#and and 8as dis'ussing the ro9#e6s and !uti#ity o! #i!e 8hen the #itt#e o#d 6an 8ho ga,e hi6 a ride tou'hed his hand and said, /en ought to 8ash other 6en7s !eet: It 8as said 8ith so 6u'h #o,e that it 8as as though his heart had e= #oded. .hat si6 #e #itt#e state6ent 'aused the Je8ish young 6an to a''e t Jesus as his ersona# /essiah. Ene year at our Bi9#e s'hoo#, as I 8as tea'hing on the 9oo5 o! John, I shared 8ith the students 6y e= erien'es in 'onne'tion 8ith -(

a !oot08ashing 'ere6ony, and the S irit o! "od s o5e to 6e and said to ha,e a !oot08ashing ser,i'e the ne=t day !or a## the students. ;e <ui'5#y 6ade the arrange6ents, and the ne=t 6orning I to#d the6 8hat 8e 8ere going to do. /any o! the students 8ere un8i##ing to arti'i ate, so 8e 6ade it ,ery #ain that it 8as a de'ision on their art 9e'ause they 8ou#d not 9e !or'ed to arti'i ate. ;e started 8ith singing in t8o se arate 'ir'#es. Char#es had the 6en, and I 6inistered to the 8o6en. ;e sang, Eh, Ho8 I +o,e Jesus, and other si6i#ar songs. 4retty soon 8e noti'ed other students 'o6ing !or8ard to sit in one o! the 'ir'#es. Be!ore 8e !inished, not on#y had a## the students arti'i ated, 9ut they had e,en gone o,er into our o!!i'e and to#d our sta!! 8hat 8as ha ening. /any o! the sta!! arti'i ated, too: It 8as a genuine e= erien'e o! 9e'o6ing a ser,ant. /en ought to 8ash other 6en7s !eet:


Chapter 3ine

4he ' ory o" 'od

Did Jesus 9e#ie,e in the g#ory o! "odC In John 1133$ 8e o9ser,e Jesus ta#5ing to /artha, the sister o! /ary and +aAarus. +aAarus had @ust died. /artha thought Jesus had !idd#e0!add#ed around getting there. .hin5ing Jesus had #et her 9rother die and then @ust #ie there a## that ti6e, 8as rea##y heart9rea5ing to /artha. Jesus s o5e and said, 4a-e away the stone >,. 3$?. /artha re #ied, Lord! by this time there is a stench! "or he has been dead "our days >,. 3$?. In the natura#, /artha 8as right. +aAarus ro9a9#y didn7t s6e## ,ery good 9y that ti6e. She 8as tota##y 'ontro##ed 9y her senses. +et7s #oo5 at this 8ith the 6ind o! Christ. I! 8e #i,e in the su ernatura# 8or#d, then 8e ought to 9e 6o,ed 9y the su ernatura# and not 9y our senses. ;hen you are 9orn again 9y the S irit o! "od, your s irit ta5es on an eterna# 'hara'teristi'. You a'tua##y 9e'o6e a su ernatura# erson in your s irit. You are sti## a hysi'a# 9eing. You are sti## 8a#5ing on this earth, 9ut your s irit 9e'o6es su ernatura# 9e'ause your s irit has 9een 9orn again 9y the S irit o! "od. ;e are in the 8or#d, 9ut 8e are not of the wor d >John 1-31%, 1*, e6 hasis added?. Eur s irits #i,e in the su ernatura# rea#6. I! 8e rea##y 9e#ie,e that, then 8hat are 8e going to doC ;e are going to o erate, 8a#5, and #i,e in the su ernatura# g#ory o! Cod at a## ti6es. ;hyC Be'ause 8e are not the earth#y 9eings 8e 8ere 9e!ore 8e got sa,ed. You 'an o erate in the su ernatura# rea#6 to su'h a degree that you trust "od 6ore than you ha,e e,er trusted Hi6 in your entire #i!e. .hat7s #i,ing in the su ernatura# rea#6 and not in the sense rea#6. --

Ho8 do 8e o erate, 8a#5, and #i,e in the su ernatura# rea#6C By uti#iAing the 6ind o! Christ. He #i,es 8ithin us. He 8a#5s 8here 8e 8a#5. He ta#5s 8hen 8e ta#5. In e,ery situation, sto and as5 this si6 #e <uestion3 I! Jesus 8ere standing here right no8, 8hat 8ou#d He sayC ;hat 8ou#d He doC Sin'e Jesus is #i,ing inside o! e,ery 9orn0again 9e#ie,er, He is #i,ing 8ithin you. En'e your s irit 'at'hes ho#d o! the !a't that He is a#8ays there to guide you, you 'an a#8ays do 8hat He 8ou#d do in e,ery situation. You 8i## #i,e in the su ernatura# rea#6 in 8hi'h He is #i,ing today. +et7s go 9a'5 to /artha !or a 6o6ent. E9,ious#y, she 8as tota##y hung u on the natura# 'ir'u6stan'es. Jesus said to /artha, 8id 5 not say to you that i" you wou d be ie+e you wou d see the # ory o" 'od= >,. %1?.

;ant to See *is ' ory=

.he on#y 8ay you7## e,er see the g#ory o! "od is to @ust 9e#ie,e. ?e ie+e is su'h a 9eauti!u# 8ord: ;hen you get to the oint 8here you rea##y 9e#ie,e in the g#ory o! "od and the su ernatura#, you 8i## 8a#5 '#oser to "od than e,er 9e!ore. You 8i## then 8a#5 in the su ernatura# at a## ti6es. Jesus said, 8id 5 not say to you that i" you wou d be ie+e you wou d see the # ory o" 'od= $John 113%1?. Just 9e#ie,e, and you 8i## see the g#ory o! "od: I thin5 the desire o! e,ery Christian is to see the g#ory o! "od and to 8a#5 in His resen'e. &e'ent#y, I re'ei,ed a 'o6 uter rintout on the 8ord g#ory. I ha,e gone through 6y %mp i"ied ?ib e 6ar5ing the 8ords # ory and # ori"ied e,ery ti6e I 'a6e a'ross the6. Ea'h ti6e I o en 6y Bi9#e to a 6ar5ed age, I 5no8 that the 8ord # ory is there. I! there 8ere se,era# # ories on the age, I e,en ut a 6ar5 at the to o! the age. .hat 6ar5 te##s 6e ;o8, this age is a goodie: I! you 8ant eo #e to see the g#ory o! "od, @ust digest a !e8 'hoi'e 6orse#s !ro6 these arti'u#ar ages. "et a 'on'ordan'e and -8

go through your Bi9#e 6ar5ing the 8ord # ory ea'h ti6e you !ind it. Ene o! the ,erses I #o,e the 6ost a9out # ory is 2u69ers #1321, 8hi'h says, ?ut tru y! as 5 i+e! a the earth sha be "i ed with the # ory o" the Lord. Can you i6agine i! the 8ho#e 8or#d 8ere !i##ed 8ith 9e#ie,ersC Can you i6agine the g#ory o! "od that 8e 8ou#d 9e 8a#5ing inC "od7s g#ory di6s 8hen eo #e don7t 9e#ie,e. As a 6atter o! !a't, un9e#ie,ers don7t get to see the g#ory o! "od, e='e t on ,ery rare o''asions. Can you @ust i6agine i! 8e 8ere 8a##ed in 8ith 1,111 or 11,111 or (1,111 rea# 9e#ie,ersC Do you ha,e any idea o! the g#ory o! "od that 8ou#d 9e resentC ;e 8ou#d 9e #i5e /oses. ;e 8ou#d ha,e to go into the c e"t o" the roc- >E=odus 33322?. "od 8ou#d ha,e to ut His hand o,er us 9e'ause 8e 'ou#dn7t stand to see the !u## !or'e o! His g#ory.

% )irst @ee- at ' ory

Char#es and I ha,e 9een so 9#essed to 9e a9#e to ha,e seen the g#ory o! "od. .he !irst ti6e 8as <uite so6e ti6e ago in &edding, Ca#i!ornia, in the Ci,i' Center. I a#6ost 6issed 8hat ha ened 9e'ause I rea##y didn7t 5no8 8hat it 8as. I thought the #a'e 8as @ust sudden#y getting !oggy. But so6ething in 6y s irit #ea ed, and I 5ne8 it 8as the su ernatura# resen'e and the o8er o! "od. It 8as @ust as i! 8a,es o! the o'ean had started to rush in o,er the 9a'5 o! the auditoriu6. .his arti'u#ar auditoriu6 is 6ade #i5e a 9o8# 8ith seats that go u the 9a'5, not on the sides. Just #i5e a 8a,e o! the sea, a 9ig '#oud 'a6e 'rashing o,er the seats and ro##ed to the !#oor #e,e#. .he 8a,es 'ontinued unti# they 'o,ered e,eryone in that auditoriu6. ;hen you see the g#ory '#oud o! "od, so6ething de!inite#y ha ens inside o! you. ;hen the g#ory is resent and a''e ted, 6ira'#es ha en 8ith a 6agnitude di!!i'u#t !or the natura# 6an to 'o6 rehend. -$

.he g#ory o! "od ro##ed in that day in &edding, Ca#i!ornia. ;hat an e='iting ti6e that 8as: ;hen the g#ory o! "od tou'hes eo #e, they are going to 9e 'hanged either s iritua##y or hysi'a##y. I rea##y 9e#ie,e it7s "od7s 8i## that they are 'hanged 9oth 8ays. A 9us 'a6e in that day !ro6 a #a'e 'a##ed 4aradise, Ca#i!ornia. E! the eo #e on the 9us, !i!ty er'ent 8ere si'5 and !i!ty er'ent 'a6e 9e'ause they en@oyed attending 6ira'#e ser,i'es. E,ery si'5 erson on that 9us 8ithout a sing#e e='e tion 8as hea#ed 9y the o8er o! "od.

' ory % ways @roduces Chan#e

;hen you sit in the g#ory o! "od and you o en#y re'ei,e the g#ory o! "od, so6ething is going to ha en to you. You 'an7t sit in the resen'e and the g#ory o! "od and 'o6e out o! it e=a't#y the sa6e. Char#es and I ha,e ne,er 9een the sa6e !ro6 that day 8hen the Shechinah g#ory o! "od ro##ed in a## a,er that auditoriu6. .he testi6onies are sti## 6ind 9ogg#ing: .hree #itt#e 'ross0eyed 'hi#dren 8ere hea#ed 9y the o8er o! "od. A #ady 8ho had tra,e#ed a## the 8ay !ro6 Boise, Idaho, had 9een on the 9us the entire day and night 9e!ore. She 8as in su'h agony 8ith rheu6atoid arthritis that she 'ou#d hard#y 8a#5, ta#5, or s ea5. As she sat under the g#ory o! "od, she 8as instant#y and tota##y hea#ed 9y the o8er o! "od 8ithout any9ody raying !or her. ;ithout any9ody #aying hands on her or doing anything, she got u and 9egan to dan'e. Ha##e#u@ah: .re6endous hea#ings too5 #a'e that day. ;hyC Be'ause so6e9ody #aid hands on the6C 2o. ;hen you @ust sit in the g#ory o! "od and !ee# the resen'e o! "od en'o6 assing you, a s iritua# and hysi'a# 'hange 8i## ha en on the inside o! you. I @ust #o,e 6eetings 8here the g#ory o! "od 'o,ers e,ery sing#e erson, going into a## the #itt#e 'ra'5s, 're,i'es, and 'orners. I! you 'an @ust get your s irit 6an so in tune 8ith the ;ord o! "od, you 8i## 9e#ie,e in the anointing o! "od, you 8i## 9e#ie,e in 81

the g#ory o! "od, and you 8i## see things you ha,e ne,er seen in your entire #i!e.

%n#e s Come with the ' ory C oud

I a6 e='ited 9e'ause 6ore and 6ore eo #e ar' re orting to us that they are seeing ange#s. Is that 9e'ause "od has 6ore and 6ore ange#s to send to earth todayC 2o. Ange#s don7t re rodu'e the6se#,es. .here are no 6ore ange#s today than there 8ere 2,111 years ago. Ange#s are rote'ting you and 8or5ing 8ith you 8here,er you go. >See &e,e#ation 1$311.? "od stationed an ange# 8ith us in A9i#ene, .e=as, in 1$-8. He e= #ained to us, .hat ange# is a s e'ia# 8arrior ange# that I ha,e sent to rote't you !ro6 the !iery darts o! the De,i# unti# Jesus Christ 'o6es 9a'5 again. ;here,er Char#es and I go, 8e 5no8 8e are rote'ted 9y a giant 8arrior ange# 8ho6 8e o!ten see He gi,es us an e=tra !ee#ing o! se'urity at a## ti6es. Did Jesus 9e#ie,e in the g#ory o! "odC Jesus 9e#ie,ed in His )ather7s g#ory or He 8ou#d ne,er ha,e said to /artha, Can you i6agine i! the 8ho#e 8or#d 8ere !i##ed 8ith 9e#ie,ersC Can you i6agine the g#ory o! "od that 8e 8ou#d 9e 8a#5ing inC "od7s g#ory di6s 8hen eo #e don7t 9e#ie,e. As a 6atter o! !a't, un9e#ie,ers don7t get to see the g#ory o! "od, e='e t on ,ery rare o''asions. Can you @ust i6agine i! 8e 8ere 8a##ed in 8ith 1,111 or 11,111 or (1,111 rea# 9e#ie,ersC Do you ha,e any idea o! the g#ory o! "od that 8ou#d 9e resentC ;e 8ou#d 9e #i5e /oses. ;e 8ou#d ha,e to go into the c e"t o" the roc- >E=odus 33322?. "od 8ou#d ha,e to ut His hand o,er us 9e'ause 8e 'ou#dn7t stand to see the !u## !or'e o! His g#ory. A )irst 4ee5 at "#ory


Char#es and I ha,e 9een so 9#essed to 9e a9#e to ha,e seen the g#ory o! "od. .he !irst ti6e 8as <uite so6e ti6e ago in &edding, Ca#i!ornia, in the Ci,i' Center. I a#6ost 6issed 8hat ha ened 9e'ause I rea##y didn7t 5no8 8hat it 8as. I thought the #a'e 8as @ust sudden#y getting !oggy. But so6ething in 6y s irit #ea ed, and I 5ne8 it 8as the su ernatura# resen'e and the o8er o! "od. It 8as @ust as i! 8a,es o! the o'ean had started to rush in o,er the 9a'5 o! the auditoriu6. .his arti'u#ar auditoriu6 is 6ade #i5e a 9o8# 8ith seats that go u the 9a'5, not on the sides. Just #i5e a 8a,e o! the sea, a 9ig '#oud 'a6e 'rashing o,er the seats and ro##ed to the !#oor #e,e#. .he 8a,es 'ontinued unti# they 'o,ered e,eryone in that auditoriu6. ;hen you see the g#ory '#oud o! "od, so6ething de!inite#y ha ens inside o! you. ;hen the g#ory is resent and 5" you wou d believe! you wou d see the # ory o" 'od >John 113%1, e6 hasis added?. .hat 8as a ro6ise He 8as 6a5ing to /artha. He 8as te##ing her that the )ather #o,ed her so 6u'h that He 8as going to #et her get a #itt#e sa6 #e o! the g#ory o! "od. "od #o,es us so 6u'h that He 8ants us to see His g#ory, too. Eh, 9e#o,ed, @ust 9e#ie,e, and He 8i## o en your s iritua# eyes to His g#orious su ernatura# 8or#d. ;e ossess the 6ind o! Christ: Are 8e going to 9e s'o!!ersC Are 8e going to 9e s'ornersC Are 8e going to say, I don7t 9e#ie,e that is 8hat "od is doing today. I don7t 9e#ie,e "od is sending !ire into ser,i'es. 1 don7t 9e#ie,e "od is sending His g#ory '#oud. ;e##, ha,e I got ne8s !or you: I! Jesus said it, Jesus 9e#ie,ed it, and I76 going to 9e#ie,e it, too. I a6 #oo5ing !or 6ore and 6ore o! the su ernatura# to 9e o9,ious to the 9e#ie,ers. +et 6e ut in a #itt#e 8ord o! 'aution right here. .he Bi9#e says, %nd these si#ns wi "o ow those who be ie+e >/ar5 1*31-?. 82

Don7t run a!ter signs and 8ondersF#et the signs and 8onders run a!ter you. .hen 8hen they ha en, you 8i## en@oy the6 e,en 6ore:

4he Lision o" Jesus

At our 'a6 6eeting in 1$83, 8hi'h 8as entit#ed % Supernatura Spree! 8e 8ere 8orshi ing "od on a Saturday a!ternoon. During raise and 8orshi is 8hen you are #i5e#y to rea##y see the su ernatura# o8er o! "od dis #ayed. Dire't#y 9ehind 6e a eared a huge 8hite '#oud. It 8as so thi'5 it #oo5ed #i5e it a'tua##y had su9stan'e. I !e#t as though I 'ou#d rea'h out, tou'h it, and get a hand!u#. It 8as so 8hite it #oo5ed #i5e /arsh6a##o8 Cre6e. I thought ;o8, that7s rea##y neat u there, isn7t itC I did not yet ha,e any idea 8hat 8as going to ha en. .his '#oud 6ushroo6ed @ust e=a't#y the 8ay a thunderhead #oo5s in the s5y. .hey are a#8ays so su er 8hite 8ith that 6ushroo6 sha e on to . .his '#oud 8as a#so su er 8hite, and it 8as 6a66oth. As I 8at'hed, I thought, Eh, the g#ory o! "od: /y s irit 8as stirred. You 'annot e,a#uate the 6ani!estation o! His resen'e 9y 8hether or not you sha5e, ,i9rate, or get goose i6 #es that are ten !eet high. 4eo #e e= erien'e the resen'e o! "od in di!!erent 8ays. .he resen'e o! "od entered the auditoriu6 in a ne8 and di!!erent 8ay than I had seen 9e!ore. I 8at'hed. I! I 8ere as5ed to des'ri9e 8hat the '#oud #oo5ed #i5e u there, I 8ou#d ha,e to say it #oo5ed #i5e a 'o'oon. Eut o! the 'enter a eared the +ord Jesus Christ in a## o! His g#ory and His o8er and His 6a@esty. /y heart e= #oded 8ithin 6e. En'e 9e!ore Jesus a eared to 6e in erson. ;e 8ere in a 6eeting in a #itt#e to8n o! A#e=andria, Indiana, se,era# years ago. As Jesus sat do8n 9eside 6e, He said, .he anointing is on Char#es tonight, and he is to s ea5. You are to #isten. 83

;hen Jesus a ears to you in erson, it a!!e'ts your 8ho#e #i!e. You 8i## ha,e an an'hor oint in your #i!e #i5e ne,er 9e!ore. You 8i## ne,er again dou9t the rea#ity o! "od. You 8i## ne,er again dou9t the 'a## o! "od. Jesus a ears as a 9#essing !ro6 "od and usua##y as a tre6endous sur rise. Don7t 9e#ie,e that you 'an e,er i6agine that Jesus is right here, and thus see Hi6. It 8on7t do you a it o! good. I 8as so o,er'o6e 8ith the resen'e o! "od, I @ust stood there as i! I had 9een stru'5 du69 and stared at Jesus as He a eared on the stage @ust a !e8 !eet a8ay !ro6 6e. A## I 5ne8 8as that I 8as 9as5ing in the g#ory o! "od. .hen Jesus disa eared into the '#oud. Eh, Jesus, I 8anted to 'ry out. Don7t go a8ay: Don7t go a8ay: Co6e 9a'5: Co6e 9a'5: Co6e 9a'5: Ho8e,er, I re6ained si#ent 9e'ause the ser,i'e 8as sti## going on. I 8as thin5ing, Ho8 6any other eo #e are seeing e=a't#y the sa6e thing I76 seeingC I 8anted e,ery9ody to see Hi6. Sudden#y, He a eared again. E='ite6ent 'oursed through 6e again. Ho8 #ong He stayed ,isi9#e I rea##y don7t 5no8. ;hen you are seeing in the S irit, ti6e tends to stand sti##. ;hat see6ed #i5e t8e#,e to !i!teen 6inutes 'ou#d a'tua##y ha,e 9een a 6atter a !e8 se'onds. I 'ertain#y didn7t thin5 a9out #oo5ing at 6y 8at'h. I didn7t thin5 a9out #oo5ing at anything other than Hi6. A## I 8as thin5ing a9out 8as Jesus. I 8as tota##y 'aught u into the g#ory o! "od. Co6ing and going in and out o! the '#oud, He a eared se,era# ti6es. Sudden#y, "od s o5e, .hat7s the 8ay I 8ant you to 9e. I 8ant you to 9e so #ost in Hi6 that 8hen eo #e see you, a## they 8i## see is the g#ory o! "od. A## they 8i## see is /y g#ory.


/any ti6es sin'e that day, I ha,e ondered 8hy "od a##o8ed su'h a su ernatura# 6ani!estation o! His resen'e. .he rea#ity o! 8hat "od 8as saying 'a6e to 6e ,ery ,i,id#y. Jesus s o5e these 8ords, #i!ted u His eyes to hea,en, and said3 )ather! the hour has come. ' ori"y Your Son! that Your Son a so may # ori"y You! as You ha+e #i+en *im authority o+er a " esh that *e shou d #i+e eterna i"e to as many You ha+e #i+en *im. %nd this is eterna i"e! that they may -now You! the on y true 'od! and Jesus Christ whom You ha+e sent. 5 ha+e # ori"ied 4hu on the earth. 5 ha+e "inished the wor- which 4hu ha+e #i+en (e to do. %nd now! O )ather! # ori"y (e to#ether with Yourse " with the # ory which 5 had with You be"ore the wor d was. $John DE:D651 He 8as saying, )ather, 8hi#e I 8as do8n here on the earth, I 8as 8a#5ing 8ith a## that g#ory. 2o8, /y 8or5 is !inished. "#ori!y /e together 8ith Yourse#! 8ith a## the g#ory that I had 8ith You 9e!ore the 8or#d 9egan. )ather, do this so they 8i## 5no8 You: 5 ha+e mani"ested Your name to the men whom 4hou hast #i+en (e out o" the wor d. 4hey were Yours! 4hu #a+e them to (e! and they ha+e -ept Your word. 3ow they ha+e -nown that a thin#s which You ha+e #i+en (e are "rom You. )or 5 ha+e #i+en to them the words which 4hou ha+e #i+en (e9 and they ha+e recei+ed them! and ha+e -nown sure y that 5 came "orth "rom You9 and they ha+e be ie+ed that You sent (e. $John DE..601 Jesus 8as raying. He 8as saying, Eh, )ather, I ray !or those You ha,e gi,en /e. I don7t ray that You 8i## ta5e the6 out o! the 8or#d, 9ut that You 8i## rote't the6 !ro6 the E,i# Ene. I76 raying !or those You ha,e gi,en /e !or they 9e#ong to You. I 8ant the6 to 9e in hea,en 8ith You and /e, and I 8ant the6 to see /y g#ory, 8hi'h You ha,e gi,en /e, 9e'ause they are /y g#ory. %nd the # ory which You #a+e (e 5 ha+e #i+en them! that they may be one Gust as ;e are one: 5 in them! and You in (e9 that they may be made per"ect in one! and that the wor d may -now that You ha+e sent (e! and ha+e o+ed 8(

them as You ha+e o+ed (e. 2/1

$John DE:226

Do you understand 8hat He saidC Jesus is g#ori!ied in you and in 6e. 4he Li+in# ?ib e says, 4hey are my # oryB >,. 11?.

Gods ' orious 8esire

.hin5 9a'5 to 8hat I shared a9out our 'a6 6eeting. Do you re6e69er 8hat "od saidC He said, I 8ant you to 9e so in Hi6, I 8ant you to a9ide so in Hi6, that 8hen eo #e #oo5 at you, they 8i## not 9e a9#e to see you in the !#esh. A## they 8i## 9e a9#e to see is /y g#ory. ;hen "od gi,es you a re,e#ation, you7re going to ha,e to sit do8n and thin5 a9out it. You7re going to ha,e to get 9a'5 in the ;ord and say, "od, sho8 6e in the Bi9#e the 6essage You 8ere trying to gi,e 6e that day 8hen Jesus a eared. I 9egan to go 9a'5 o,er this se,enteenth 'ha ter o! John. It 9e'a6e so rea# to 6e that "od 8ants us to 9e so a9iding in Hi6, so going into Hi6 that 8hen eo #e #oo5 at us, 8hen they #oo5 at you, 8hen they #oo5 at 6e, a## they7re going to 9e a9#e to see is the +ord Jesus Christ. He is the g#ory o! "od, so 8hat are they going to see 8hen they #oo5 at you and 6eC .hey are going to see on#y the g#ory o! "od. .hey are going to see the resen'e o! "od surrounding you. .hey are going to see an aura o! ho#iness around you as they ha,e ne,er seen 9e!ore. Do you 5no8 8hat this is going to do to the sinner in this end ti6eC .hese are the ti6es "od 8as s ea5ing a9out 8hen He said, 4ut in the si'5#e. Just ut in the si'5#e. >See Joe# 3313.? .he !ie#ds are so white "or har+est >John %33(? that you don7t ha,e to s end ti6e ta#5ing to eo #e !or hours a9out Jesus. +et the g#ory o! "od 9e so seen u on you that your resen'e, your ,ery resen'e, 8i## 'on,i't the sinner. 8*

"od has so 6u'h to o!!er i! 8e @ust rea#iAe that a## He 8ants is a tota# 'o66it6ent. 2o erson 8ith a sin0stained #i!e is e,er going to see the g#ory o! "od. "od is #oo5ing !or a eo #e 8ho are 8i##ing to 6a5e a tota# 'o66it6ent o! their #i,es to #o,e Hi6 8ith their 6inds, their hearts, their 9odies, and their sou#s. He is #oo5ing !or a eo #e 8ho are not interested in the things o! the 8or#d, 9ut on#y in the things o! "od. He7s saying, "et the sin out o! your #i!eH get anything out o! your #i!e that 5ee s you !ro6 9eing a art o! /e. Does JJesus 9e#ie,e thatC Yes: Jesus is 'o6ing 9a'5 !or a 9ride 8ithout a sing#e s ot or 8rin5#e or 9#e6ish, and these are the days 8hen "od is s ea5ing to the 9ody o! Christ a9out rea##y '#eaning u their #i,es. "od is saying to the 9ody o! Christ, Are you s ending a## the ti6e you shou#d in reading /y ;ordC Are you s ending a## the ti6e you shou#d in 'o66uni'ating 8ith /eC Are you s ending a## the ti6e you shou#d 8inning eo #e to JesusC He says that 8hen you get yourse#! on that #e,e#, that7s 8hen He 8i## 9e a9#e to sho8 you His g#ory. Jesus said, (a-e them pure and ho y throu#h teachin# them your words o" truth. %s you sent me into the wor d! am sendin# them into the wor d! and 5 consecrate myse " to meet their need "or #rowth in truth and ho iness. $John DE:DE6D9 4L?1 Jesus 'o66itted His #i!e to 6eet our need !or gro8th not on#y in truth, 9ut a#so in ho#iness. +et us ne,er #et Hi6 do8n. .hen He said, 5 am not prayin# "or these a one but a so "or the "uture be ie+ers who wi come to me because o" the testimony o" these. (y prayer "or a o" them is that they wi be o" one heart and mind! Gust as you and 5 are! )ather>that Gust as you are in me and 5 am in you! so they wi be in us! and the wor d wi be ie+e you sent me. $John DE:2:62D 4L?1 Do you re6e69er 8hat I said that "od to#d 6eC He said, I 8ant you to 9e so in Hi6, I 8ant you to 9e one 8ith Hi6, I 8ant you to 9e so in Jesus that 8hen eo #e #oo5 at you, a## they 8i## 9e 8-

a9#e to thin5 a9out is the +ord Jesus Christ, and the o8er o! 'on,i'tion 8i## !a## o,er the6. I 'an hard#y 8ait unti# the day 8hen "od7s saints @ust 6ar'h do8n the Street and sinners !a## do8n and 'ry out, "od, sa,e 6e: Do you thin5 that is !ar0!et'hedC 2o, that is not, 9e'ause that is e=a't#y 8hat "od is doing in these end ti6es. You are going to see 6ore and 6ore Christians 8a#5ing in the g#ory o! "od 8ith the @oy o! the +ord a## o,er the6. You are going to 9e a9#e to see the6 shining in His g#ory. You 8i## 9e a9#e to i'5 the6 out o! a 'ro8d o! a thousand eo #e. Jesus has se arated us and set us a art !ro6 the things o! the 8or#d, and 8hat the 8or#d is en@oying. I! 8e get into the ;ord o! "od, #o,e "od, 9e#ie,e "od, and 'o66it our #i,es to Hi6, 8e 8on7t 9e interested in doing any o! the 'arna# things o! the 8or#d. He '#oses that 8onder!u# 'ha ter in John 8ith so6e g#orious, ins iring ro6ises to you and to 6e in the t8entieth 'entury. 5 ha+e #i+en them the # ory you #a+e me>the # orious unity o" bein# one! as we are>5 in them and you in me! a bein# per"ected into one>so that the wor d wi -now you sent me and wi understand that you o+e them as much as you o+e me. )ather 5 want them with me>these you ha+e #i+en me>so that they can see my # ory. You #a+e me the # ory because you o+ed me be"ore the wor d be#anB O ri#hteous )ather the wor d doesn,t -now you! but 5 do9 and these discip es -now you sent me. %nd 5 ha+e re+ea ed you to them! and wi -eep on re+ea in# you so that the mi#hty o+e you ha+e "or me may be in them! and 5 in them. $John DE:22>2. 4L?1 Jesus #i,es in us: ;e ossess the 6ind o! Christ: ;e thin5 the thoughts o! Jesus: ;e say the 8ords Jesus said: He said the g#ory "od had gi,en Hi6, He ga,e to us. +et us 8a#5 in the resen'e o! "od 9e'ause Jesus #i,es in us and 8e ossess His 6ind: 88

He7s 'o6ing 9a'5 !or a 9ride 8ithout a sing#e s ot, 8rin5#e, or 9#e6ish. +et7s 9e e='ited a9out 9eing a art o! that 9ride and 8a#5 in the g#ory o! "od: As !or 6e and 6y house, 8e7re going to 8a#5 in the g#ory o! "od a## the days o! our #i,es. Join us:

(ore ' ory

At a 6eeting in De'atur, I##inois, on the !ina# night o! a 'on,ention, the g#ory '#oud o! "od !i##ed the entire #a'e #i5e a thin '#oud o! s6o5e, ange#s 8ere 6ore nu6erous than eo #e, and a so#id 9#an5et o! 9#ue !#a6e 'o,ered the entire audien'e. .hen "od s o5e, ;hi'h is the hottest, the ye##o8 !#a6e, the orange !#a6e, or the 9#ue !#a6eC .he 9#ue !#a6e. .here!ore, I ha,e sent 6y hottest !ire to 9urn out the sin in your #i!e 9e'ause I ha,e 'a##ed this grou to a s e'ia# 6inistry. A se'ond 8ord !ro6 the +ord i66ediate#y !o##o8ed, 8hi'h 'on'erned getting sin out o! #i,es and re'ei,ing a rea# 9a tis6 8ith !ire. &e orts 'a6e to us #ater that 8e 8ere the on#y ones 8ho s#e t that night. .he entire 1,(11 eo #e 8ho 8ere resent 8ere so a8are o! the g#ory o! "od that they 'ou#d on#y raise and 8orshi Hi6 8ho had sent it a## night #ong: It7s @ust as Jesus said, 5" you J8i## on#yK be ie+e you J8i##K see the # ory o" 'od >John 113%1?: Da,id said his heart 'ried out !or "od. He 8as so e='ited 8hen he sa8 the ar5 o! the 'o,enant 'o6ing 9a'5 that he had to dan'e 9e!ore the +ord. He said, 5 am wi in# to act i-e a "oo in order to show my Goy in the Lord >2 Sa6ue# *321 .+B?. He said this 9e'ause the ar5 o! the 'o,enant 'ontained the g#ory o! "od. Da,id 8as a 6an a!ter "od7s o8n heart >1 Sa6ue# 1331%H A'ts 13322?, and he 8anted to see the g#ory o! "od at a## ti6es. So do I: I ha,e a !ee#ing that the 2e8 .esta6ent 'hur'h 8as one o! the 6ost e='iting 'hur'hes in 8or#d history. .hey 'ertain#y didn7t sit there #i5e 9u6 s on a #og. I 9e#ie,e that e,ery ti6e they got together they had a !antasti', 8ingding ti6e. 8$

I 9e#ie,e they 8orshi ed "od. I 9e#ie,e they sang, '#a ed their hands, and @u6 ed around re@oi'ing 9e'ause they 8ere in the 5ingdo6 o! "od. I a#so 9e#ie,e that i! you 8ent to 'hur'h and said, I ha,e a ain, e,ery hand in the 'hur'h 8ou#d 9e on to o! your head in nothing !#at, and e,eryone 8ou#d 9e as5ing "od !or a 6ira'#e. .hat7s 8hy the Bi9#e re'ords so 6any 6ira'#es that ha ened 8hen the dis'i #es @ust 8a#5ed 9y and their shado8 !e## u on eo #e. >See A'ts (31(.? ;hen the dis'i #es tou'hed the si'5, those 8ho had 9een i## 8ere instant#y hea#ed 9e'ause the g#ory o! "od 8as there: Around the 9eginning o! the t8entieth 'entury, there 8as a tre6endous 8a,e re#eased as "od 6ighti#y oured out His S irit. 4eo #e at that ti6e 8orshi ed "od 8ith their hands u in the air. 4raise "od, raise "od, Ha##e#u@ah: .hey rea##y had !un in 'hur'h 9e'ause they 9e#ie,ed that 'hur'h 8as the 6ost e='iting #a'e in the 8or#d. But 8hat ha ens to a #ot o! eo #eC ;e get !or6a# a!ter 8e ha,e gone to 'hur'h !or a 8hi#e. Did you e,er ta5e a #oo5 at ne8 'on,ertsC .hey a9so#ute#y a't #i5e they don7t ha,e a 9it o! sense in their head. .hey 8ant to run around and te## e,ery9ody a9out Jesus. I re6e69er in 6y o8n #i!e that I ra'ti'a##y 9eat eo #e o,er the head 8hen I !irst got sa,ed 9e'ause I had to share 8ith e,eryone 8hat a 6an na6ed Jesus had done in 6y #i!e. I 8as a9out as 8i#d as you 'ou#d get. I a6 sti## the sa6e 8ay: .he sa6e thing ha ens 8hen 8e re'ei,e the 9a tis6 8ith the Ho#y S irit. ;e ray in tongues a## night #ong. ;e get so e='ited 8e 'an7t go to s#ee , and 8e thin5 the !er,or 8i## ne,er 8ear o!! and ho e it doesn7t.

8ri"tin# 5s 2nnecessary
.he e'u#iar thing is, the sa6e thing ha ens in your #o,e a!!air 8ith "od as ha ens to 6any 6arried 'ou #es. .hey are 6ad#y in #o,e 8ith ea'h other 8hen they get 6arried and 'an7t stand to 9e a art, 9ut 9e!ore #ong they 'an7t stand to 9e together:


Eur #o,e a!!air 8ith "od and our #o,e a!!air 8ith our hus9and or 8i!e are a#i5e in 6any 8ays: Both o! the6 need to 9e nurtured. ;e need to s end a #ot o! ti6e and attention 8ith ea'h re#ationshi i! 8e 8ant to get the 6ost out o! ea'h one. /any ti6es a!ter eo #e ha,e 9een 6arried !or se,era# years, they don7t sit near#y as '#ose to ea'h other. .hey don7t ho#d hands the 8ay they used to ho#d hands. .hey don7t ut their ar6s around ea'h other. Sudden#y, #o,e gets a #itt#e 9it 'oo#er and a #itt#e 9it 'oo#er and a #itt#e 9it 'oo#er. ;hat ha ened to the g#ory o! 6arriageC It shou#d ne,er 9e that 8ay. ;e shou#d #o,e ea'h other 6ore, not #ess. E,ery day that 8e are 6arried, e,ery sing#e day that 8e are 6arried, 8e ought to #o,e "od and our s ouse 6ore than 8e did the day 9e!ore. /arriage is the 6ost e='iting institution "od e,er in,ented. "od #aid do8n the guide#ines !or it. It7s e='iting 9e'ause He 8ants us to 9e ha y. "od does not 8ant us to 9e unha y, 9ut it is 8hen 8e don7t do our art, don7t nurture, rote't, 8ater, and !erti#iAe our #o,e, that 6arriage 9egins to 8ither and die. Char#es and I ha,e 9een 6arried 6any, 6any years, and I #o,e 6y hus9and in a 6u'h 8i#der 8ay than I did 8hen 8e 8ere !irst 6arried. ;hyC Be'ause ea'h o! us does e,erything 8e 'an to #ease the other one and to 6a5e ea'h other ha y. .hat is 8hy our #o,e 'ontinues to gro8. I7## gi,e you the se'ret o! our 6arriage3 Jesus is the 'enter o! our ho6e, the 'enter o! our 6arriage, and the 'enter o! ea'h o! our #i,es. I 9e#ie,e that is the on#y thing that 8i## 5ee your 6arriage re#ationshi as e='iting as it shou#d 9e. /any eo #e do e=a't#y the sa6e thing 8ith "od. .hey get sa,ed and say, "#ory to "od, Ha##e#u@ah, I76 sa,ed. I76 sa,ed, and a## 6y sins ha,e 9een !orgi,en and !orgotten. 4raise "od, raise "od: .hey 9egin to 8a#5 in the g#ory o! "od !or a 8hi#e, and s#o8#y so6ething ha ens. .hey get in,o#,ed in the things o! the 8or#d. .hat song that says, .urn your eyes u on Jesus, #oo5 !u## in His 8onder!u# !a'e, and the things o! this earth 8i## gro8 strange#y di6, in the #ight o! His g#ory and gra'e, is 'ertain#y a good song a9out the g#ory o! "od. 4eo #e don7t a#8ays 'ontinue to #oo5 in the !a'e o! Jesus, so the things o! this 8or#d gro8 strange#y 9right. As $1

they 9egin #oo5ing in the !a'e o! the De,i#, the things o! the 8or#d 9e'o6e !ar 6ore i6 ortant than the things o! "od. Sudden#y, their #o,e a!!air 8ith "od and Jesus, 8hi'h 9urned so 9right#y and 'aused the6 to 8a#5 in His g#ory, has gro8n #u5e8ar6. .here is nothing in the 8or#d 6ore disheartening than a #o,e a!!air that is #u5e8ar6 or a re#ationshi 8ith Jesus Christ that is #u5e8ar6.

4urn 2p the ) ame

.he u#ti6ate g#ory o! "od is ne,er ,isi9#e unti# the !#a6e is turned u a## the 8ay. I ha,e o!ten said that i! I 8ere e,er going to 9e #u5e8ar6 I7d rather 9e a 8i#d sinner instead, 9e'ause the 6ost 6isera9#e erson in the 8or#d is one 8ho 5no8s "od, 9ut has 8a#5ed a8ay !ro6 His truth and His g#ory. At a 6eeting in Sas5atoon, Sas5at'he8an, Canada, "od did a su ernatura# 6ira'#e to sho8 His g#ory. 4eo #e 8ere s#ain 9y the o8er o! "od 9y the hundreds. "od did it su ernatura##y 9e'ause the ones standing in the 9a'5 o! the #ine !e## 9a'58ards under the o8er !irst. .hen the ne=t ones !e##, unti# the 8ho#e se'tion !e## as though a giant ,a'uu6 had su'5ed the6 do8n !ro6 the 9a'5 o! the #ine so no one 'ou#d thin5 they 8ere @ust a 9un'h o! do6inoes that 8ere tu69#ing against ea'h other. 4he # ory o" the LOF8 JhadK"i ed the temp e >2 Chroni'#es -31?: .here 8as an eighty0!our0year0o#d #ady resent 8ho 8as e=u9erant 8ith ho#y #aughter. She 'ou#d not get u o!! the !#oor. E,ery ti6e she 8ou#d try to stand u , she 8ou#d !a## do8n again. She said to 6e, You 5no8, in a9out 1$1( or 1$1* 8hen this great re,i,a# started, I sa8 the g#ory o! "od. I sa8 the g#ory o! "od in a## 'hur'h ser,i'es, 9ut I ha,e ne,er seen it !ro6 that day to this. She rea##y ro##ed her eyes as she 6ade that state6ent. .hen she added, .he g#ory o! "od has !i##ed this te6 #e tonight. .he astor o! this great 'hur'h said, I7,e 9een in 4ente'ost a## o! 6y #i!e, and I ha,e ne,er seen anything #i5e I sa8 ha en tonight.


%rise! shine9 "or thy i#ht is come! and the # ory o" the LOF8 is risen upon thee. )or! beho d! the dar-ness sha co+er the earth! and #ross dar-ness the peop e: but the LOF8 sha arise upon thee! and his # ory sha be seen upon thee. $5saiah .::D62 AJL1 .hat 6eans the g#ory o! the +ord is going to 9e seen on you. .hese are the days 8hen 8e are to 8a#5 in the g#ory o! "od.

%Kusa %#ain=
;hy 8as the g#ory seen so 6u'h at the turn o! the #ast 'enturyC I 9e#ie,e it 8as 9e'ause those eo #e 8ere hungry, hungry, hungry !or the g#ory o! "od. ;hen 8e 9e'o6e that hungry again, 8e 8i## 9egin to 8a#5 on'e 6ore 8here Jesus 8ants us to 8a#5Fin the g#ory o! "od: ?ut we a ! with open "ace beho din# as in a # ass the # ory o" the Lord! are chan#ed into the same ima#e "rom # ory to # ory! e+en as by the Spirit o" the Lord >2 Corinthians 3318 IJG?. .hat7s the 8ay 8e ought to #i,e at a## ti6es, &&"rom # ory to # ory. .here7s no reason !or ,a##eys. +et7s go !ro6 g#ory to g#ory. /oses 8as out herding shee 8hen sudden#y a 9ush started 9urning, 9ut it 8asn7t 'onsu6ed. >See E=odus 3320(.? He sa8 the g#ory o! "od as "od s o5e to hi6, te##ing hi6 to <uit herding shee and start herding eo #e .hat 8as the 9eginning o! the 'a## o! "od u on /oses7 #i!eFthe #eading o! the 'hi#dren o! Israe# out o! 'a ti,ity. A'tua##y, /oses de i'ted a ty e o! Jesus #eading eo #e out o! sin. .he g#ory o! "od 8i## sti## dra8 eo #e out o! their sins. ;hat is the g#ory o! "odC ;hat 6ystery 'an it 9eC Ho8 'an you 5no8 the g#ory o! "odC ;hen is it going to 'o6eC Ho8 is it going to !it into your #i!eC Ho8 are you going to !it into the g#ory o! "odC Can you see itC Can you hear itC Is it #i5e a rushing 6ighty 8ind >A'ts 232?C Is it #i5e a 9urning 9ushC ;hat is it #i5eC Ho8 'an you 9eho#d itC Ho8 'an 8e in the t8enty0!irst 'entury 5no8 the g#ory o! "od #i5e /oses didC


Sau# o! .arsus had erse'uted the Christians, e,en 5i##ing 6any o! the6. E,en though he thought he 8as a !riend o! "od, Sau# 8as an ar'hene6y o! Jesus. ;hen he 6et Jesus Christ ersona##y, the g#ory o! "od shining out !ro6 Jesus 8as so o,er8he#6ing that Sau# !e## 9a'58ards under the o8er o! "od. >See A'ts $33018.? .he g#ory o! "od 8as too 6u'h !or hi6 to 9eho#d. He !e## 9a'58ards: As a resu#t o! that, Sau# o! .arsus got sa,ed and 9a tiAed 8ith the Ho#y S irit. He 8as 9#inded: He 8as hea#ed: He s o5e in tongues. .hen he 8ent out and rea'hed the "os e# and 8rote 6ore o! the 2e8 .esta6ent than anyone e#se, 9e'ause the g#ory o! "od had tou'hed his #i!e: Eh, that "od 8ou#d 5no'5 a !e8 6ore Sau#s o! .arsus o!! their high horses and #et the6 see the g#ory o! "od so they 8ou#d s8ee a'ross this nation, a'ross the 8or#d, 'hanging #i,es !or Jesus 9e'ause they had seen the g#ory o! "od: .his is the day in 8hi'h "od is dis #aying His g#ory 6ighti#y, so 6ore than e,er 8e need to 9e#ie,e that "od is a su ernatura# "od. Jesus is su ernatura#. E,erything a9out the t8o o! the6 is su ernatura#. ;e need to 9e#ie,e in the su ernatura# so that 8e 'an see the g#ory o! "od. I 8ant to see the o8er and the 6a@esty and the g#ory o! "od e,ery day o! 6y #i!e. I 8ant to see the 6ani!estations o! "od7s o8er. I 8ant to see 'ri #es hea#ed. I 8ant to see 'hi#dren 8ho 8ere 9orn 8ith arts o! their #itt#e 9odies 6issing tota##y hea#ed 9y the o8er o! "od. I 8ant to see the g#ory o! "od. ;hat is the g#ory o! "odC It 'an 9e 6any things to 6any di!!erent eo #e. .o 6e, the g#ory o! "od is the resen'e o! "od in e,eryday #i,ing, Jesus 8a#5ing inside o! us, and Jesus doing through us the sa6e things He did 8hen He 8as on the earth. .he ;ord o! "od 9eing !u#!i##ed 8ithin the #i!e o! e,ery 9e#ie,er is the 6ani!ested g#ory o! "od: Did it e,er da8n on you that Jesus Christ #i,ing in your heart is rea##y the g#ory o! "odC I 8ant you to 8a#5 do8n the street and @ust <uiet#y say to yourse#!, Jesus is #i,ing in here. Jesus is #i,ing in here. Jesus is #i,ing in here.


E,ery ti6e you ut your !oot do8n, say, .hat7s the !oot rint o! Jesus. .hat7s the !oot rint o! Jesus. .hat7s the !oot rint o! Jesus. ;hen you stret'h your hand !orth to he# so6eone or #ay hands on the6 !or hea#ing, say, .hese are the hands o! Jesus. .hese are the hands o! Jesus. .hese are the hands o! Jesus. ;hen 8e 9egin to s ea5 it a#oud and 9egin to 9e#ie,e it 8ith our 6inds, our sou#s, and e,ery 9eat o! our hearts, 8e 8i## 9e 8a#5ing in the g#ory o! "od. I 8ant to see the #atter rain. I 8ant to see the !or6er rain. I 8ant to see the6 9oth 'o6e together, 8hi'h is 8hat is ha ening today. "od is a''e#erating His !ina# thrust 9e!ore Jesus returns. I 8ant to see the g#ory '#oud o! "od in ser,i'es 8hen 9e#ie,ers gather together and the g#ory '#oud @ust !i##s the #a'e 8ith the resen'e o! "od. I 8ant to see ange#s. I 8ant to see ange#s 6inistering and he# ing eo #e as 8e go a#ong in our day09y0day 8or5. .hat7s the g#ory o! "od. I 8ant to see hundreds, thousands, 6i##ions o! eo #e sa,ed. .hat7s the g#ory o! "od: ;e 8i## ne,er see it i! 8e don7t 9e#ie,e. I! 8e 8i## @ust 9e#ie,e, the g#ory "od 8i## our out u on us 8i## 9e a6aAing. .here7s an o#d song 8e sang at one o! our 'a6 6eetings 'a##ed, I76 under the S out ;here the "#ory Co6es Eut. .hat is 8here I 8ant to sit a## the ti6e. .hat is 8here I 8ant to 9e. Do you 5no8 8hy I 8ant to 9e thereC Be'ause that is 8here Jesus sat. Jesus sat under the g#ory s out o! "od and e,en though He 8ent to the 'ross !or you and 6e, He 8ent in the g#ory o! "od. Be'ause o! the tre6endous sa'ri!i'e "od 6ade and Jesus 8i##ing#y !u#!i##ed, you and I 'an 8a#5 in the o8er and the g#ory and the 6a@esty o! "od today: .hin5 "#ory: Jesus does.


?ut see- "irst the -in#dom o" 'od and *is ri#hteousness! and a these thin#s sha be added to you.
F/atthe8 *333


Chapter 4en

3u##ets o" 4ruth @rayer! )or#i+eness! 4reasures! and See-in# *im )irst
A#6ost e,ery ,erse 6ar5ed in red in the 2e8 .esta6ent >8ords s o5en 9y Jesus? gi,es us so6e s e'ia# insight into ho8 8e shou#d thin5, 9ut there isn7t roo6 in a sing#e 9oo5 to e= and on a## o! the6, so I ha,e se#e'ted a !e8 on ,arious su9@e'ts that 'an he# 6a5e your thin5ing atterns 9egin to !#o8 in the sa6e 6anner as those o! Jesus.

Jesus s ent a #ot o! ti6e on the earth raying. .here 8ere ti6es 8hen He 8ou#d ray day and night. .here!ore, i! 8e ha,e the 6ind o! Christ, 8e are going to a#so s end a #ot o! ti6e in rayer, 8hi'h in rea#ity is @ust ta#5ing to "od and #istening to Hi6. Char#es and I ray 'onstant#y, e,ery 8a5ing 6o6ent. So6eone on'e said to us, I76 sure you ha,e 'a##uses on your 5nees !ro6 raying. .hey 8ere sur rised 9y our ans8er 9e'ause 8e ,ery rare#y ray on our 5nees. ;e ray a## the ti6e, and it 8ou#d 9e di!!i'u#t to get our 8or5 done i! 8e 8ere on our 5nees a## the ti6e. It 8ou#d 9e i6 ossi9#e to 8rite a 9oo5 on your 5nees. ;e need to #earn that raying is a t8enty0!our0hour0a0day a'ti,ity, or at #east e,ery 8a5ing 6o6ent, and not so6ething that has to 9e done on your 5nees.

% Simp e 8e"inition
4rayer is 'o66uni'ation 8ith "od ho8e,er you do it. A## our thoughts are !i#tered through "od, and 8e ta#5 to Hi6 >thin5 to Hi6? a## day #ong, in a## our 9usiness detai#s, in a## our #anning !or 6eetings, in a## our tra,e# arrange6ents, in a## the 9oo5s 8e 8rite, $-

and in a## the #etters 8e 8rite. 4rayer shou#d 9e su'h a natura# thing that 8e do it a## the ti6e. .here 8i## 9e s e'ia# ti6es 8hen you 8ant to do nothing 9ut ray, and dra8 yourse#! aside !or that ur ose, 9ut !or the 6ost art, 8e !ind the greatest e!!e'ti,e rayer #i!e in,o#,es an on#ine 'o66uni'ation 8ith "od a## the ti6e. ;e ne,er ta5e our thoughts o!! "od, regard#ess o! 8hat 8e are doing: I #earned so6ething es e'ia##y interesting re'ent#y 'on'erning the S'ri ture in /atthe8 1831$F21. %#ain 5 te you! i" two o" you on earth a#ree $harmoniKe to#ether! to#ether ma-e a symphony1 about>anythin# and e+erythin#>whate+er they sha as-! it wi come to pass and be done "or them by (y )ather in hea+en. )or where+er two or three are #athered $drawn to#ether as (y "o owers1 in $into1 (y name! there 5 %( in the midst o" them. $%(@1 ;e need to #earn to agree in rayer. ;hat ha ens i! t8o eo #e are not 'o6 #ete#y agreed in rayerC .hin5 a9out 8ith 8ho6 you 6ight 9e agreeing. Are your 9e#ie!s in tota# agree6ent, or are you agreeing in 'ertain areas on#yC ;e 6ight 9e in agree6ent on a 'ertain rayer ans8er, and yet tota##y disagree in other s'ri tura# areas. ;e need to get a## o! our disagree6ents ironed out 9e!ore 8e 9egin to agree in rayer. Jesus said 8here t8o or three 8ere dra8n together as His !o##o8ers, or 9e#ie,ers, He 8ou#d 9e right there. /ay9e 8e 8on7t a#8ays get rayers ans8ered 9e'ause 8e ha,e !ai#ed to rea#iAe that in ossessing the 6ind o! Christ, 8e need to 5no8 and 9e#ie,e that 8hen 8e gather t8o or three eo #e together to ray, 8e need to gather t8o or three eo #e 8ho are a## the 8ay 9e#ie,ers o! the +ord Jesus. ;hen there is disagree6ent in any area o! "od7s ;ord, this 6eans you are not in agree6ent. +et7s 'hoose as rayer artners those 8ith 8ho6 our s irits 9#end and our 9e#ie!s 9#endH then 8at'h !or those ans8ers: You 6ight say, ;hat i! you ray outside the 8i## o! "odC Can you rea##y ray outside the 8i## o! "od i! you are tota##y 'onne'ted $8

to the +ord Jesus ChristC I! Jesus #i,es in us, and 8e are o erating 8ith His 6ind at a## ti6es, our desires are not going to 9e outside o! 8hat Jesus Hi6se#! 8ou#d ray.

;e ;i ;ant ;hat *e ;antsB

)or assured y! 5 say to you! whoe+er says to this mountain! ?e remo+ed and be cast into the sea! and does not doubt in his heart! but be ie+es that those thin#s he says wi be done! he wi ha+e whate+er he says. 4here"ore 5 say to you! whate+er thin#s you as- when you pray! be ie+e that you recei+e them! and you wi ha+e them. $(ar- DD:2/ >271 Be'ause Jesus #i,es in us, and 8e ha,e the 6ind o! Christ, 8e are not going to #et dou9t and un9e#ie! 'o6e into our 6inds. Dou9t and un9e#ie! are stri't#y !ro6 the De,i#, and sin'e 8e ossess the ,ery 6ind o! Christ, there is no roo6 !or De,i# thoughts. ;e7re going to ray e=a't#y #i5e Jesus did. ;e7re going to 9e#ie,e e=a't#y the 8ay Jesus did. ;e7re going to e= e't the sa6e ans8ers to our rayers that Jesus did. ;e are going to re@oi'e 9e'ause 8e 5no8 the ans8er is on the 8ay.

Jesus uts a ,ery interesting 'ondition on the end o! those S'ri tures 'on'erning rayer. He gi,es the se'ret as to 8hy 6any rayers are not ans8ered. Gerse 2( says, %nd whene+er you stand prayin#! i" you ha+e anythin# a#ainst anyone! "or#i+e him! that your )ather in hea+en may a so "or#i+e you your trespasses. ?ut i" you do not "or#i+e! neither wi your )ather in hea+en "or#i+e your trespasses. ;e are so 9#essed to ha,e Jesus #i,ing in us, and 8e ossess the ,ery 6ind o! Christ. ;hat, then, are 8e going to do a9out !orgi,enessC I! you ha,e 9een 8ondering 8hy rayers ha,e not 9een ans8ered, this is the ti6e to sear'h your heart and say, "od, is there any un!orgi,eness in 6y heart 8hatsoe,erC $$

I had 9een a Christian !or 6any years 9e!ore I sa8 the signi!i'an'e o! !orgi,eness. .he day "od 8rote those S'ri tures in neon #ights 9e!ore 6y eyes 8as the day I rea##y sear'hed 6y heart to !ind Eut i! there 8as any un!orgi,eness there, and I dis'o,ered there 8as. A 6an had sto#en L12,111 !ro6 our 6inistry through a dishonest 9usiness dea#ing, and 8e had so6e rea# un!orgi,eness against hi6. ;hen 8e rea#iAed this, 8e !orga,e hi6, and 8ithin t8o 8ee5s "od sent us a 'he'5 !or L(1,111 !or the 6inistry !ro6 a tota##y di!!erent sour'e: )orgi,eness ays o!!: So6eti6es 8e don7t a'ti,ate a## o! the 6ind o! Christ that is a,ai#a9#e to us 9e'ause 8e don7t rea##y understand a## o! the things "od7s ;ord says. Jesus did not go around 8ith un!orgi,eness in His heartH there!ore, 8e shou#d not !ee# @usti!ied 8hen 8e say, ;e##, #oo5 at 8hat he did to 6e. I ha,e a right not to !orgi,e hi6. Jesus e= e'ts us to !orgi,e anyone 8ho6 8e ha,e anything against so that there 8i## 9e no hindran'e to our rayers. I a#6ost e= #ode 8hen I thin5 a9out su'h a 8onder!u#, #o,ing )ather 8ho says 8e 'an ha,e anything 8e say, ro,iding 8e ha,e no dou9t that 8e7re going to re'ei,e itF ro,iding 8e do not ha,e un!orgi,eness in our hearts. Be'ause 8e do ha,e the ,ery 6ind o! Christ, at a## ti6es 8e are going to !orgi,e those 8ho ha,e sinned against us. Jesus had a 8onder!u# rayer #i!e 9e'ause He a#8ays had an o en t8o08ay 'o66uni'ation #ine to "od. Be'ause He #i,es in us and 8e ossess the sa6e 6ind Jesus has, 8e, too, 'an ha,e an o en 'o66uni'ation to the hea,en#y )ather at a## ti6es. "od is as '#ose as your s iritua# te#e honeH a## you ha,e to do is i'5 it u , and you7## ne,er get a 9usy signa# 8ith "od. Here7s a great ,erse to re6e69er3 So sha (y word be that #oes "orth "rom (y mouth9 it sha not return to (e +oid! but it sha accomp ish what 5 p ease! and it sha prosper in the thin# "or which 5 sent it >Isaiah ((311?. I! 8e are going to ha,e the sa6e 5ind o! rayer #i!e Jesus had, 8e are going to ha,e to stand on "od7s ;ord and 5no8 there is no 111

ro6ise in the ;ord o! "od that is e,er going to return to us ,oid. ;e are going to 5no8 8e 'an re#y on e,ery ro6ise in the ;ord o! "od, 9e'ause not one 8ord o! it has e,er !ai#ed: ;hen 8e ray 8e need to 5no8 the things 8e 'an re'ei,e. ;hen 8e a##o8 this mind to 9e in us, which was a so in Christ Jesus >4hi#i ians 23(?, it 8i## 5ee us 8ithin the ;ord o! "od and 8i## gi,e us a desire to ray !or the things o! "od to 9e 'o6 #eted in our #i,es, rather than the #ust and the #easures in this 8or#d. ;e7re going to ha,e 9e#ie! and not dou9t in our hearts. So6eti6es 8e #oo5 at the 'ir'u6stan'es and thin5 there is a9so#ute#y no 8ay out. And yet I 8onder 8hat 8e 6ight ha,e done under the sa6e 'ir'u6stan'es had 8e 9een Jesus 8hen He 8as nai#ed to the 'ross. ;ou#d 8e ha,e thought at that arti'u#ar ti6e, "od has !orgotten a## a9out 6eC ;ou#d 8e ha,e #oo5ed at the 'ir'u6stan'es and said, .his is itH I7,e had itC ;ou#d 8e ha,e #et !ear gri us 8hen 8e 8ent do8n into the ,ery de ths o! he## itse#!, or 8ou#d 8e ha,e 5no8n that our rayers to "od 8ere ans8ered and that "od 8ou#d rote't us in a## areasC Jesus rayed, O (y )ather! i" it is possib e! et this cup pass "rom (e9 ne+erthe ess! not as 5 wi ! but as You wi >/atthe8 2*33$?. He 5ne8 the ur ose !or 8hi'h He had 9een sent to earth. He 5ne8 8hen He 8ent into he## He 8as going to 'o6e right out o! there and sit at the right hand o! "od, the )ather A#6ighty. .here 8as no dou9t 8hatsoe,er in His 6ind a9out His resurre'tion. Be#o,ed, #et us 9e#ie,e as Jesus did. +et us 9e#ie,e in the ro6ises o! "od 8ithout dou9t, 8ithout un9e#ie!, 8ithout 'o6 ro6ise, 8ithout 8a,ering. +et us ossess and use the 6ind o! Christ 8here rayer is 'on'erned.

;hat about 4reasures=

8o not ay up "or yourse +es treasures on earth! where moth and rust destroy and where thie+es brea- in and stea 9 but ay up "or yourse +es treasures in hea+en! where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thie+es do not 111

brea- in and stea . )or where your treasure is! there your heart wi be a so. $(athew. .:D9>2D1 Be'ause one o! our 6ost ri'e#ess ossessions is the 6ind o! Christ, 8e ha,e the sa6e attitudes and sa6e thoughts as Jesus Christ. ;e are not going to 9e interested in storing u things !or ourse#,es do8n here. I on'e heard a Catho#i' riest say, .he on#y thing a dead 6an ho#ds in his hands are the things he has gi,en to "od. Ho8 true. ;hen they ut your 9ody in a 'as5et, they 'an ut a !ur 'oat on you, they 'an 8ra you in your !inest 6in5, they 'an #oad your hands 8ith dia6onds, 9ut it 8on7t do the #east 9it o! good. A## 8e are going to ta5e out o! this earth are the things 8e7,e gi,en to "od. ;e ought to 9e e=tre6e#y interested in our hea,en#y 9an5 a''ounts. Ene o! the 9est de osits 8e 'an e,er 6a5e into our hea,en#y 9an5 a''ount is a de osit s#i sho8ing the na6es o! he sou#s o! eo #e 8ho 6ight not ha,e e,er 6et Jesus i! 8e had not shared the "os e# 8ith the6. ;e 'an gi,e g#ory to "od, 8hi'h is one o! the greatest 8ays I 5no8 o! to tore u treasures in hea,en. ;e 'an #ay hands on the si'5 and hea# the6, and 8e 5no8 this gi,es "od tre6endous @oy. 4ut those things in your 9an5 a''ount that add u in hea,en instead o! earth#y 9an5 a''ounts that 6ean nothing to "od: A##o8ing the 6ind o! Christ to 9e in you 6eans that you are not going to 9e #aying u the g#ory o! this 8or#d. ;e are not going to 9e #aying u the de'eit o! this 8or#d. ;e are not going to 9e storing u the 5ind o! ri'hes do8n here that eo #e thin5 are so i6 ortant. So6eti6es 8e thin5 this 6eans on#y 6oney, 9ut there are 6any other things eo #e !ee# 9ring g#ory. Ho8 6any ti6es ha,e 8e seen .G and Ho##y8ood stars rise u ra id#y to !a6e and !ortuneC A## their earth#y treasures are in,ested in the !#i6sy ,a#ues and g#ory that te6 orari#y a''o6 any the6. ;hen their 8or#d 'rashes, they and their earth#y treasures o!ten end in sui'ide. 112

.he ;ord says, Lay up "or yourse +es treasures in hea+en >/atthe8. *321?. ;hat are our treasuresC .hey are the ,ery desires o! our heartsFthe ,ery things 8e ho#d near and dear to us. +et the things that you ho#d dear 9e e=a't#y the things Jesus ,a#ued. ;hat did He ,a#ueC He ,a#ued the sou#s o! hu6ans, the hea#th and hea#ing o! hu6ans, and the de#i,eran'e o! hu6ans. He he#d "od dear to His heart. I! 8e are to store u treasures in hea,en 8here nothing 'an e,er get in and distur9 or destroy the6, 8e 6ust #earn to de,e#o the attri9utes o! Jesus. ;e 'an then store the things that are #easing to "od in our hea,en#y 9an5 a''ount, the things that are the ,ery 6ind o! Christ. /atthe8 11328F31 gi,es us so6e 8onder!u# 8ords !ro6 Jesus3 Come to (e! a you who abor and are hea+y aden! and 5 wi #i+e you rest. 4a-e (y yo-e upon you and earn "rom (e! "or Jam #ent e and ow y in heart! and you wi "ind rest "or your sou s. )or (y yo-e is easy and (y burden is i#ht. I76 going to 9e#ie,e 8ith a## 6y heart, 6y 6ind, 6y 9ody, and 6y sou# that the yo5e Jesus gi,es us is not a hea,y yo5e. His 9urden is #ight. ;e do not ha,e to 9e 9urdened do8n 8ith the 'ares o! the 8or#d. ;e do not ha,e to 9e 8orried a## the ti6e 9e'ause He says, You ta5e /y yo5e 9e'ause /y 9urden is #ight, and I7## ta5e 'are o! your #i!e !or you. I es e'ia##y #o,e the %mp i"ied ,ersion. It reads, 5 wi ease and re ie+e and re"resh your sou s... .(y yo-e is who esome! $use"u ! #ood1 >not harsh! hard! sharp or pressin#! but com"ortab e! #racious and p easant9 and (y burden is i#ht and easy to be borne >/atthe8 11328, 31?. "#ory: "i,e a## your 9urdens to Hi6: ;e 5no8 a## these 8onder!u# ro6ises o! "od, 9ut 8e need to ha,e the6 9rought to the sur!a'e o''asiona##y in a di!!erent 8ay, or at a di!!erent ti6e. An o#die that is a !a,orite o! 6ine is, 4he Ain#dom o" *ea+en is i-e a treasure a man disco+ered in a "ie d. 5n his eCcitement! he so d e+erythin# he owned to #et enou#h money to buy the "ie d>and #et 113

the treasure! tooB %#ain! the Ain#dom o" *ea+en is i-e a pear merchant on the oo-out "or choice pear s. *e disco+ered a rea bar#ain>a pear o" #reat +a ue>and so d e+erythin# he owned to purchase itB $(atthew D/:77> 7. 4L?1 4ossessing the 6ind o! Christ, 8e shou#d see e=a't#y 8hat Jesus 8as saying. Gery si6 #y He 8as saying, I! you 8i## gi,e u e,erything and !o##o8 /e, then that is 8orth 6ore than anything in the 8ho#e 8or#d. It7s 8orth e,erything to !o##o8 /e: Ene 6an so#d e,erything to re'ei,e the treasure in the !ie#d, and one 6an so#d e,erything to get the ear# o! great ri'e.

%n 5n+isib e @ear
.he ear# o! great ri'e in a## o! our #i,es is not so6ething 8e 'an 8ear around our ne'5, nor a ear# 8e 'an ut in a ring on our !inger. It is a ear# 8e 5ee in our hearts, that ersona# re#ationshi 8ith the +ord Jesus Christ. 2othing on this earth 'an 'o6 are 8ith the ri,i#ege o! ha,ing a ersona# re#ationshi 8ith the +ord Jesus Christ. .here are no treasures on this earthH there is no 6oney on this earthH there are no ri'hes on this earth that 8i## 'o6 are 8ith the 5no8#edge that 8e ersona##y ha,e Jesus Christ in our hearts: ;e need to se## ourse#,es !or the ear# o! great ri'e: Another o! 6y !a,orite ortions o! S'ri ture that I ra'ti'e is !ound in /atthe8 *32(F3%3 So my counse is: 8on,t worry about thin#s>"ood! drin-! and c othes. )or you a ready ha+e i"e and a body>and they are "ar more important than what to eat and wear Loo- at the birdsB 4hey don,t worry about what to eat> they don,t need to sow or reap or store up "ood>"or your hea+en y )ather "eeds them. %nd you are "ar more +a uab e to him than they are. ;i a your worries add a sin# e moment to your i"e= %nd why worry about your c othes= Loo- at the "ie d i iesB 4hey don,t worry about theirs. Yet Ain# So omon in a his # ory was not c othed as beauti"u y as they. %nd i" 'od cares so wonder"u y "or " owers that are here today and #one tomorrow! won,t he 11%

more sure y care "or you! O men o" itt e "aith= So don,t worry at a about ha+in# enou#h "ood and c othin#. ;hy be i-e the heathen= )or they ta-e pride in a these thin#s and are deep y concerned about them. ?ut your hea+en y )ather a ready -nows per"ect y we that you need them! and he wi #i+e them to you i" you #i+e him "irst p ace in your i"e and i+e as he wants you to. So don,t be anCious about tomorrow. 'od wi ta-e care o" your tomorrow too. Li+e one day at a time. $4L?1 ;e 8orry and 8orry and 8orry a9out ho8 8e are going to 9e !ed. ;hat is going to ha en during the !a6ine that is I 'o6ingC ;hat is going to ha en 9e'ause o! in!#ationC ;hat is going to ha en due to re'essionC ;hy 8orryC .he Bi9#e s e'i!i'a##y te##s us not to 9e #i5e the heathen 8ho 8orry, 9ut to 9e #i5e the !ie#d #i#ies. 4hi#i ians %31$ says, ?ut my 'od sha supp y a your need accordin# to his riches in # ory by Christ Jesus >IJG?. He 8i##, 8ithout a shado8 o! a dou9t, ta5e 'are o! 6e and 6y !a6i#y as #ong as 8e are in His 8i##. I 5no8 that I 5no8 that I 5no8 this to 9e a !a't. "od says it, so I 9e#ie,e it: He a#so says to 8or5 hard and to use 'o66on sense. He doesn7t agree to do 6y art in 6y earth#y res onsi9i#ities. I ha,e to do 6y art. He 8i## then do His art. As 8e thin5 the thoughts o! Jesus, 8e 5no8 that "od 8i## ro,ide !or our e,ery need. .here!ore, I a6 not going to 8orry a9out the things o! today. I a6 not going to 8orry 9out the ro9#e6s that 6ight 'o6e u to6orro8, 9e'ause I 5no8 that "od is going to ta5e 'are o! the6. ;hat do 8e do instead o! 8orryingC ;e ta5e /atthe8 *333 and retend that it is a ress0on de'a#H I iron it right onto heart. ?ut see- "irst the -in#dom o" 'od and *is ri#hteousness! and a these thin#s sha be added to you. .he Li+in# ?ib e so 9eauti!u##y and si6 #y e= resses it 9y saying, *e wi #i+e them to you i" you #i+e him "irst p ace in your i"e and i+e as he wants you to. 11(

.he 9est insuran'e you 'an ha,e in the entire 8or#d is si6 #y a de'ision to gi,e "od !irst #a'e in your #i!e. .hen you 8i## ha,e that 9eauti!u# ea'e that says that "od 8i## ta5e 'are o! e,ery need you ha,e. See5 !irst o! a## the ,ery righteousness o! "od: See5 to ossess the 6ind o! Christ at a## ti6es. See5 to use the 6ind o! Christ at a## ti6es. See5 to thin5 8ith the 6ind o! Christ at a## ti6es. .hen, and on#y then, 8i## you !ind that a## o! these things 8i## 9e added unto you.

Ain#dom6See-in# @roduced (y *eart,s 8esire

Ene o! the greatest e=a6 #es o! that ,erse in 6y ersona# #i!e 'on'erned 6arriage. ;hen I 6et Char#es, I 'ou#d not see ho8 I 'ou#d ossi9#y get 6arried. "od had #a'ed su'h a 'a## u on 6y #i!e that I 5ne8 I had no 'hoi'e e='e t to ser,e Hi6. Being a house8i!e @ust didn7t !it into the s'hedu#e "od had gi,en 6e. Yet "od had sudden#y ut a 'har6ing 6an in 6y ath. /y heart 8as 9eating !or Char#es. /y ,ery sou# 8as 'rying out !or Char#es. Yet 9e'ause o! the 'a## "od had ut on 6y #i!e, I 'ou#d not see any ossi9#e 8ay to get 6arried and !it a hus9and into 6y #i!e. Ene Sunday a!ternoon, in a s are 9edroo6 o! a astor7s ho6e in )#orida, "od s o5e to 6e ,ery distin't#y. You are to 6arry Char#es, He said. Be'ause you ha,e sought !irst /y 5ingdo6 and /y righteousness, I a6 going to add a hus9and to your #i!eFa hus9and to rote't you, a hus9and to ta5e 'are o! you, a hus9and to #o,e you a## o! the days o! your #i!e. Had I sought Char#es as a hus9and, I ro9a9#y 8ou#d not 9e /rs. Char#es Hunter today. Be'ause I sought !irst the 5ingdo6 o! "od and His righteousness, 9e'ause ossessing the 6ind o! Christ 5e t 6y 6ind on the things o! "od instead o! on the things that I 6ight natura##y 8ant as a 8o6an, "od re8arded 6y o9edien'e. He 9rought 6e the desire o! 6y heartFthe 6ost 8onder!u#, #o,ing hus9and in the 8ho#e 8or#d. 11*

;e need to de,e#o our 6inds to the oint 8here 8e 8i## ha,e su'h a 'ra,ing and su'h a hunger !or the ;ord o! "od that nothing e#se 8i## satis!y us. .ruth!u##y, nothing e#se 'an satis!y us. Be'ause o! this hunger, 8e 8i## 'ontinue to see5, to sear'h, to #oo5 !or, to ursue, and to hunt !or nothing 9ut the 5ingdo6 o! "od: .hen 8e 8i## 9e so 9#essed to dis'o,er ho8 a## o! these other things 8i##, #itt#e 9y #itt#e and one 9y one, 9e added unto us. +etting this 6ind 9e in you that 8as a#so in Christ Jesus is the 6ost 9eauti!u#, si6 #e, easy 8ay in the 8or#d to re'ei,e a## o! the desires o! your heart: .a5e de#ight in the +ord, and He 8i## gi,e you the desires. .hen, 8hen He uts His desires into our hearts, He 8i## gi,e us the desires o! our hearts 9e'ause they are His desires !or us.

4he Spirit o" the LOF8 is upon (e! because *e has anointed (e to preach the #ospe to the poor.
F +u5e %318


e+en 4he %nointin#

4he Spirit o" the Lord 'O8 is upon (e! because the LOF8 has anointed (e to preach #ood tidin#s to the poor9 *e has sent (e to hea the bro-enhearted! to proc aim iberty to the capti+es! and the openin# o" the prison to those who are bound9 to proc aim the acceptab e year o" the LOF8! and the day o" +en#eance o" our 'od9 to com"ort a who mourn! to conso e those who mourn in Mion! to #i+e them beauty "or ashes! the oi o" Goy "or mournin#! the #arment o" praise "or the spirit o" hea+iness9 that they may be ca ed trees o" ri#hteousness! the p antin# o" the LOF8! that *e may be # ori"ied. >5saiah .D:D6/ .here are 6any di!!erent o inions today o! 8hat the anointing rea##y is and ho8 6any di!!erent 5inds o! anointings there are. Ene o! the 6ost i6 ortant things to re6e69er is that 8hen you are 9orn again, Jesus Christ #i,es on the inside o! you. Ene o! the 6ost 'riti'a# things 8e 'an e,er #earn in a## o! our Christian #i,es is to 5no8 that 8e 5no8 that 8e 5no8 that Jesus has ta5en u residen'e inside us: 4au# rea'hed o,er and o,er again, Christ in you! the hope o" # ory >Co#ossians 132-?. Christianity is not a re#igionFit is a 8ay o! #i!e: It is a 2%0hours0 a0day 8a#5ing 8ith the 5no8#edge that Jesus Christ #i,es inside you. It is 5no8ing that you are doing the things that Jesus did 9e'ause o! the a8eso6e !a't that He #i,es inside you: I! Jesus #i,es inside you and He is anointed, then 8hat are youC E9,ious#y, you are anointed. I! He is in you, His anointing is going to 9e in you and !#o8 out o! you: He gi,es an eterna#, e,er#asting anointing, not an anointing that 'o6es and goes. .he anointing 8as not gi,en to Jesus @ust !or Hi6 to ho#d it in His hand and say, +oo5 8hat I ha,e. I ha,e a s e'ia# anointing. I ha,e 9een anointed and then do nothing 8ith it. You ha,e 9een anointed !or e=a't#y the sa6e ur ose Jesus 8asFto do things: 118

Cha ter <

.he anointing is not gi,en to you as so6ething !or you to ad6ire or to 9rag a9out. .he anointing is so6ething !or you to do so6ething 8ith: Jesus said, *e has anointed (e to preach the #ospe to the poor >+u5e %318?. .hat is a res onsi9i#ity you and I ha,e. I! 8e are anointed 8ith Jesus #i,ing inside us, and 8e are, then 8e are to rea'h the "os e# to the oor. In other 8ords, 8e are to share Jesus 8ith e,ery erson 8e 6eet:

Festoration "or %
Jesus 8ent on to say, *e has sent (e to hea the bro-enhearted >,. 18?. Ene o! the things 8e need to do is to rea'h out in #o,e to those eo #e 8ho are 9ro5enhearted !or 8hate,er reason. ;e are to rea'h de#i,eran'e to the 'a ti,es >,. 18 IJG?. .here are 6u#titudes o! eo #e 8ho are in 9ondage to 6any di!!erent things. ;e 'an 9e in 9ondage to a s irit o! re#igion instead o! 8a#5ing in the !reedo6 o! a ersona# re#ationshi 8ith the +ord Jesus Christ. %nd the openin# o" the prison to those who are bound >Isaiah *131?. .here are 6any eo #e 8ho are 9ehind rison 9ars 8ho ha,e 6ore !reedo6 than so6e o! us 8ho #i,e on the outside si6 #y 9e'ause 8e are 9ound 9y a s irit o! re#igion. ;e are 9ound 9y tradition, 8hi'h does not a##o8 us to en@oy Jesus Christ the 8ay 8e shou#d. ;e 'an 9e in 9ondage to 9ad attitudes. ;e 'an 9e in 9ondage to o,erty. ;e 'an 9e in 9ondage to 6oney. ;e 'an 9e in 9ondage to ha9its su'h as 'igarettes, a#'oho#, and drugs. ;e need to ro'#ai6 #i9erty to those 8ho are 9eing he#d 'a ti,e 9y any one o! these things: ;e are to proc aim the acceptab e year o" the LOF8 >,. 2?. It is our res onsi9i#ity and ri,i#ege at a## ti6es to te## e,ery9ody that Jesus sa,es and that Jesus 8ants e,ery9ody to 9e sa,ed: ;e are to com"ort a who mourn! to conso e those who mourn in Mion! to #i+e them beauty "or ashes! the oi o" Goy "or mournin# >,,. 2F3?. 11$

In the 'ase o! the de arture o! a #o,ed one, there is a ti6e 8hen 8e need to 6ourn, 9ut there is a#so a ti6e 8hen 8e need to get o,er it. ;e need to gi,e the grie,ing the oi# o! @oy 9e'ause 8hen you ha,e Jesus, He is your @oy, ho e, ea'e, and assuran'e. +oo5 !or8ard to 8hat you 'an do !or Hi6, not 8hat He 'an do !or you. ;hen 8e are 9usy doing 8hat Jesus to#d us o do >/ar5 1*31(018?, 8e <uit #oo5ing in8ard and !ee#ing sorry !or ourse#,es. ;hen 8e are 9ringing the #i!e o! Jesus !or a## eternity to others, the #ight o! "od 8i## shine 9right#y through us: .he 6ore 8e #i!t u Jesus, the 9igger He 8i## 9e'o6e and the s6a##er our ro9#e6s 9e'o6e. .a#5ing a9out our ro9#e6s 8i## 6a5e the6 9igger and Jesus s6a##er: .he Bi9#e te##s us that no one! ha+in# put his hand to the p ow! and oo-in# bac-! is "it "or the -in#dom o" 'od >+u5e $3*2?. Be'ause o! this, 8e 'annot #oo5 9a'58ard. ;e 6ust #oo5 !or8ard and go on 8ith our #i,es. ;e are dire'ted to gi,e eo #e the #arment o" praise "or the spirit o" hea+iness9 that they may be ca ed the trees o" ri#hteousness! the p antin# o" the LOF8! that *e may be # ori"ied >Isaiah *133?. Did you e,er 8a5e u on a Sunday 6orning and !ee# #i5e you didn7t 8ant to go to 'hur'h 9e'ause your arthritis 8as hurting or you @ust didn7t !ee# goodC .hat7s the ,ery ti6e 8e need to get u and to !or'e ourse#,es to go to 'hur'h. En'e you 8a#5 in, e,en 'arrying a s irit o! hea,iness, and get in,o#,ed in the raise and 8orshi and a'tua##y ut on the gar6ent o! raise, you 8i## dis'o,er that the s irit o! hea,iness #ea,es: It is so i6 ortant that 8e ha,e the @oy o! the +ord in our hearts at a## ti6es 9e'ause the Bi9#e says that 8e are the trees o! righteousness, the #anting o! the +ord. /any ti6es the on#y Jesus anyone 8i## e,er see is the Jesus they see in you and in 6e. In +u5e %31801$ 8e see the sa6e 8ords re eated. In Isaiah this is a ro heti' utteran'e 'on'erning Jesus. In the !ourth 'ha ter o! +u5e on'e again the sa6e 8ords are re eated. .hey are e=tre6e#y i6 ortant to understanding the anointing. +u5e %31*021 reads, 111

So *e came to 3aKareth! where *e had been brou#ht up. %nd as *is custom was! *e went into the syna#o#ue on the Sabbath day! and stood up to read. %nd *e was handed the boo- o" the prophet 5saiah. %nd when *e had opened the boo-! *e "ound the p ace where it was written: 4he Spirit o" the LOF8 is upon (e! because *e has anointed (e to preach the #ospe to the poor9 *e has sent (e to hea the bro-enhearted! to proc aim iberty to the capti+es and reco+ery o" si#ht to the b ind! to set at iberty those who are oppressed9 to proc aim the acceptab e year o" the LOF8. 4hen *e c osed the boo-! and #a+e it bac- to the attendant and sat down. %nd the eyes o" a who were in the syna#o#ue were "iCed on *im. %nd *e be#an to say to them! 4oday this Scripture is "u "i ed in your hearin#. .his assage o! S'ri ture is ,ita##y i6 ortant in order !or us to understand 8hat the anointing is and 8hy 8e ossess it. .hese are 9asi'a##y the sa6e 8ords that 8ere s o5en in Isaiah. Ho8e,er, in Isaiah it 8as a ro heti' utteran'e and in the 9oo5 o! +u5e it is Jesus in the no8. Gerse 21 says, 4hen *e c osed the boo-! and #a+e it bac- to the attendant and sat down. %nd the eyes o" a who were in the syna#o#ue were "iCed on *im. %nd *e be#an to say to them! 4oday this Scripture is "u "i ed in your hearin#. ;hen Jesus said, 4oday this Scripture is "u "i ed in your hearin#! it 9ro5e a 6enta# 9#o'5 !or a #ot o! eo #e: Jesus and the ;ord are one, so Jesus ste ed out o! the Boo5 at that arti'u#ar ti6e in history, and the ;ord became " esh and dwe t amon# is >John 131%?. 2o #onger 'ou#d Jesus 9e 'ontained 9ehind the 8a##s o! a 'hur'h or 9ehind stained g#ass 8indo8s 9e'ause the ;ord had 9e'o6e !#esh. He ste ed tota##y and 'o6 #ete#y out o! the Boo5, and then the 6ira'#es 9egan to ha en. En'e again, He e6 hasiAed the !a't that He had 9een anointed, 9ut re'ei,ing an anointing is !or the ur ose o! rea'hing the "os e# to the oor, o! hea#ing the 9ro5enhearted, rea'hing de#i,eran'e to the 'a ti,es, re'o,ery o! 111

sight to 9#ind, setting at #i9erty those 8ho are o rea'hing the a''e ta9#e year o! the +ord:

ressed, and

;hen 8e #oo5 o,er the things He said, 8e 5no8 that 8e are anointed 9e'ause He is #i,ing in us, and He is anointed: I 9e#ie,e 8ith a## 6y heart that the S irit o! the +ord is u on 6e. .here is no dou9t in 6y 6ind 8hatsoe,er. ;hyC Be'ause Jesus #i,es in 6e. .here!ore I a6 going to do e=a't#y as He did, and I a6 going to say e=a't#y the sa6e things He said. ;hen you say and 9e#ie,e that the S irit o! the +ord is u on you, it 8i## gi,e you your s iritua# goose i6 #es !or the day: .he S irit o! the +ord is u on you. .he s irit o! the De,i# isn7t u on you. .he S irit o! the +ord is u on you. .hat is an o,er8he#6ing, a8eso6e state6ent: It is a di!!i'u#t thing to understand, 9ut 8e need to 9e#ie,e it. You ha,e 9een anointed: .here!ore, the sa6e a9i#ities that rested on Jesus, the sa6e ri,i#eges, the sa6e res onsi9i#ities, the sa6e o8er that rested on Hi6, rest on you. ;e don7t ha,e to go around #eading and 9egging and 'rying, Eh, "od, anoint 6e. Eh, "od, anoint 6e. Eh, "od, anoint 6e. Eh, "od, anoint 6e. You ha,e 9een anointed, and there!ore, you are anointed. You need to 9e#ie,e that you ha,e 9een anointed 9y "od and a't on it: Jesus didn7t say, You ha,e 9een anointed, and that anointing stays there !or thirty 6inutes. He said, You ha,e 9een anointed er6anent#y. ;e read in 1 John 232-, ?ut the anointin# which you ha+e recei+ed "rom *im abides in you. .he 8ord a9ide 6eans to 'ontinue er6anent#y: You 'an sto right here and say out #oud, I ha,e 9een anointed: ;e 9e#ie,e an anointing 8i## 9e on those 9orn0again 9e#ie,ers 8ho ha,e 6ade a tota#, a9so#ute 'o66it6ent o! their #i,es to "od and 8ho ha,e died to se#!. .he 9a tis6 8ith !ire 'o6es 8ith the death o! the o#d se#!0natureH then nothing is #e!t o! se#! e='e t dead 112

ashes. .hat7s 8hat ha ened to sin o!!erings in the E#d .esta6ent. .hey 8ere 9urned unti# on#y dead ashes 8ere #e!t. ;hen you die tota##y to se#! and a## you 8ant to do is to our your 8ho#e se#! into 6inistering to others, the anointing 8i## a#8ays 9e there. It is a#8ays the anointing that 9rea5s the yo5e. En the !irst night o! a## 'rusades, Char#es ta#5s to the ushers, and I ta5e 'harge o! setting u the 9oo5s. &e'ent#y, a #ady 'a6e 9y and said, Are you tou'hing those 9oo5sC Yes, I76 tou'hing the 9oo5s. She said, Aren7t you a!raid you7## #ose the anointingC I said, 2o, do you 5no8 8hyC I ha,e 9een anointed to rea'h the "os e#, and it is not going to !a## o!! 6e 9e'ause I tou'h a 9oo5: His anointing is not !ragi#e. A 6an as5ed, Do you dare ta#5 to eo #e 9e!ore a ser,i'eC Yes, I dare ta#5 to eo #e 9e!ore a ser,i'e. ;e##, don7t you #ose the anointingC 2o, I 8on7t #ose the anointing 9e'ause I ha,e 9een anointed permanent y to rea'h the "os e#. .he anointing doesn7t 'o6e and go #i5e the 8a,es o! the o'ean. You ha,e either 9een anointed or you ha,en7t 9een anointed. Either Jesus #i,es in you or He doesn7t: ;hy is the anointing er6anentC )irst John 2328 says, %nd now! itt e chi dren! abide J#i,e, re6ain er6anent#yK in *im. I 8asn7t anointed 9e!ore I got sa,ed. But I ha,e 9een anointed no8 9e'ause I a6 a 'hi#d o! "od. I ossess the 6ind o! Christ. I a6 9orn again, and Jesus #i,es in 6eH there!ore, I ha,e 9een anointed, and the anointing is there at a## ti6es. I #i5e to 6ing#e 8ith eo #e 9e!ore a 6eeting. I #i5e to autogra h 9oo5s. I #o,e to ta#5 to eo #e. I #o,e to tou'h the6. I #o,e to ha,e the6 tou'h 6e. I #o,e to get hugged, and I #o,e to hug the6 9a'5. At a 'on,ention in At#anta, "eorgia, the doors to the 6eeting roo6 hadn7t o ened. .here 8as a #ady in a 8hee#'hair in the hai#. I didn7t 8ait unti# I got into the 6eeting to 6inister to her. I didn7t 113

ha,e to 8or5 u an anointing, and I 8asn7t a!raid that I didn7t ha,e an anointing. I 9e#ie,e the anointing is there at a## ti6es to s ea5 a 8ord that needs to 9e s o5en, to #ay hands u on the si'5 and to hea# the6. I said, ;ou#dn7t you rather 8a#5 into this 6eeting than 9e 8hee#ed inC She said, Yes. I #aid hands on her and said, In Jesus7 na6e, and out o! that 8hee#'hair she 'a6e: Do I #ose the anointing 8hen I 6ing#e 8ith eo #e and ta#5 8ith the6 9e!ore the ser,i'eC Does it !#y out the 8indo8 i! so6eone gets hea#ed 9e!ore the ser,i'eC 2o, your anointing is 8ith you at a## ti6es. A## you ha,e to do is 9e#ie,e it and use it: I! you ha,e the anointing o! "od on#y u on s e'ia# o''asions, then you 8i## ne,er 9e a9#e to 6inister to the 8or#d out there 8hen you go into the gro'ery store, restaurant, dry '#eaner7s, or other stores to sho . You are anointed at a## ti6es i! you rea##y 9e#ie,e it, and 8hate,er 'o6es out o! your 6outh is anointed o! "od. .he 8ords 8e s ea5 are S irit and they are #i!e: % #ood man out o" the #ood treasure o" his heart brin#s "orth #ood9 and an e+i man out o" the e+i treasure o" his heart brin#s "orth e+i . )or out o" the abundance o" the heart his mouth spea-s >+u5e *3%(?. Be'ause Jesus #i,es in 6e, I ha,e to 9e#ie,e that 8hat 'o6es out o! 6y 6outh is going to 9e ure and good i! 6y heart is good and 6y heart is ure. I ha,e to 9e#ie,e 8hat Jesus said 9e'ause 6y 6ind o erates in e=a't#y the sa6e 'hanne# His does. Jesus 6a5es it so #ain to 6e that 8hen 6y heart is right, out o! 6y 6outh 8i## 'o6e good thingsF things that 8i## 9#ess eo #e, things that 8i## thri## eo #e, things that 8i## ins ire eo #e, and not things that 8i## tear eo #e do8n. ;hat is stored u in the heart o! an u right, honora9#e, or intrinsi'a##y good 6an 8i## rodu'e that sa6e 5ind o! good.


I! I s ea5 e,i# out o! 6y 6outh, it is 9e'ause there is e,i# in 6y heart. I! an e,i# 6an stores u in his storehouse those things that are de ra,ed, that is e=a't#y 8hat is going to 'o6e out o! his 6outh. 4raise "od, 8e 'an 9ring !orth out o! our 6ouths those things that are #easing, a''e ta9#e, and de#ight!u# to "od 9y storing the6 in our hearts. As 8e 'ontinued ta#5ing a9out our ,ideo s'hoo#s and ho8 "od 'an su ernatura##y do things through ,ideo s'hoo#s, a 6an 'a6e o,er to us. 2o8 8at'h 8hat your anointed 8ords, s o5en in a u9#i' restaurant, 'an do. He said, I heard you ta#5ing a9out 6y )ather. I said, &ea##yC Yes: ;e said, You 6ust 9e ta#5ing a9out "od. He said, I a6. I 8as !as'inated as I sat there and #istened to e,ery 8ord you said, 9e'ause you didn7t ta#5 a9out anything e#se. He as5ed us 8here 8e 8ent to 'hur'h. ;e as5ed, ;here do you go to 'hur'hC He said, I @ust 6o,ed to to8n, and I 8as #oo5ing !or a 'hur'h 8here the eo #e ta#5 a9out Jesus: ;ou#d you 9e#ie,e anointed 8ords 'ou#d go out o,er a 9o8# o! s ina'hC .hey rea##y did 9e'ause that 6an heard the6. And so 8e had an o ortunity to 8itness to hi6 a9out !reedo6 in Jesus and a9out 8hat 8as ha ening at the Hunter /inistries. I thin5 it7s e='iting 8hen you sit at a ta9#e in a restaurant and rea#iAe eo #e 'an hear e,erything you are saying and to 5no8 that your 8ords are anointed. 2e=t ti6e you go into a restaurant or a 'a!eteria, @ust #oo5 around and thin5, /y 8ords are anointed. .hey7re hitting that ta9#e. .hey7re hitting that ta9#e. .hey7re hitting that ta9#e. Just i6agine yourse#! 8ith #itt#e anointed s ar5s !#ying out o! your 6outh and hitting the eo #e at ta9#es a## around you. You ne,er rea##y 5no8 8hat 'an ha en 8hen you 9egin to 9e#ie,e that your 8ords are o8er!u##y anointed. ;o8: Jesus #i,es in 6e: I ha,e a s e'ia# anointing 9e'ause I ha,e the sa6e 11(

anointing Jesus had, and so 8hen I s ea5 the ;ord, 8hether it7s o,er s ina'h or 'au#i!#o8er, roast 9ee! or !ish, /e=i'an !ood or Chinese !ood, those are anointed 8ords that 'an go out and tou'h so6e9ody.

< ectronica y 4ransmitted %nointin#

I 9e#ie,e that I76 anointed. I 9e#ie,e that 8hen I s ea5 into a te#e,ision 'a6era, the anointing o! "od goes right into it. I 9e#ie,e there are going to 9e eo #e 8ho 8i## 8at'h so6e o! our 6ira'#e ser,i'es on ,ideo and 8hen Char#es and I raise our hands to hea# the si'5, eo #e 8at'hing the ,ideo on te#e,ision sets are going to !a## out under the o8er o! "od. I 9e#ie,e it: Do you 5no8 8hat e#se I 9e#ie,eC I 9e#ie,e the sa6e thing is going to ha en to you i! you 'an @ust get the si6 #i'ity o! this truth into your 6ind3 I ha,e 9een anointed. I ha,e 9een anointed. I ha,e 9een anointed. .he day that you don7t !ee# ,ery anointed is the day you need to say a hundred ti6es, I76 anointed. I76 anointed. I76 anointed. I76 anointed. I don7t !ee# #i5e it 9ut I76 anointed. I76 anointed. I76 anointed. It doesn7t s#ide o!! 6e 8hen I don7t !ee# good. .he anointing o! "od is resent at a## ti6es. It is a tre6endous thing to 5no8 that you are anointed. .here are ti6es 8hen I ha,e gotten into the 'ar, ossi9#y to go to a #o'a# engage6ent, a!ter I7,e 9een in,o#,ed in 8or5 at the o!!i'e. 4roo!reading to 6a5e sure there are no 6iss e##ed 8ords in a ne8 9oo5 or a 6agaAine arti'#e is not rea##y ,ery s iritua# 9e'ause that is routine, nitty0gritty 8or5. .he !irst thing I a#8ays say 8hen I rush out o! the o!!i'e is, "od, I than5 You that e,en though I don7t !ee# anointed, I a6 anointed 9e'ause You said in Your ;ord that I ha,e 9een anointed. 4o set at iberty them that are bruised >+u5e %318 IJG?. .here are 6any eo #e in the 8or#d today 8ho are 9ruised. It7s our res onsi9i#ity to 5no8 8e7re so anointed that our anointed 8ords 'an go out and hea# those 8ho ha,e 9een 9ruised 9y #i!e. 11*

4eo #e are 9ruised 9y 8hat the 8or#d has done to the6H 9ruised 9y 8hat so6e !riend has said to the6H 9ruised 9y a set o! 'ir'u6stan'es that in the natura# #oo5s i6 ossi9#e, 9ut in the su ernatura# is a9so#ute#y !antasti': 2o8, that didn7t say to hea# the si'5H it said, to hea the bro-enhearted >,. 18?. Do you rea##y 9e#ie,e the ;ord o! "od 'o6ing out o! your #i s 'an hea# the 9ro5enheartedC ;hen I 8as young, e,ery gir# had a 9ro5en heart e,ery 8ee5end 9e'ause 9oy!riends 'hanged gir#!riends and 8ent out 8ith so6e9ody e#se. Eh, I76 'rushed: I7## ne,er !a## in #o,e again. Did you e,er say thatC And then you 8ent right out and !e## in #o,e a## o,er again unti# the ne=t 8ee5end: .hat7s not the 5ind o! a 9ro5en heart I 6ean. .here are eo #e 8hose #i,es ha,e gotten into su'h a 6ess that there is no 8ay in the natura# that they 'an get out o! it. ;e ha,e 9een sent to hea# those 9ro5enhearted eo #e. Hea#ing the 9ro5enhearted does not 6ean sy6 athiAing 8ith the6. Sy6 athy oints to se#!, 'ausing eo #e to #oo5 in8ard, 8hi'h is a too# o! the De,i#. Sy6 athy 8i## on#y intensi!y their grie! and sorro8. ;e ha,e 9een sent to 6end, to 'ure, to re air, to restore, and to ease the ain o! the one 8ho is 9ro5enhearted. ;e are to rea'h de i+erance to the capti+es >,. 18 IJG?. ;ho needs de#i,eran'eC Anyone 8ho is in 9ondage needs de#i,eran'e. I! eo #e are in 9ondage to a#'oho#, they need to 9e de#i,ered !ro6 a#'oho#: /any ti6es 8hen 8e thin5 a9out rea'hing de#i,eran'e to the oor, 8e thin5 a9out de6on0 ossessed eo #e. .here are 6any eo #e 8ho are 9ound 9y a#'oho#, drugs, do e, 'igarettes, i##i'it se=, de ression, gui#t, hate, and other ty es o! sin. .hey are 9ound 9y an e,i# !or'e. ;e need to 6inister de#i,eran'e to the6. ;e need to set the6 !ree in the na6e o! Jesus: 4eo #e 'an 9e in 'hains o! !ear. .hey 'an 9e in the 6ost horri9#e 9ondage in the 8or#d to 6oney. .hey 'an 9e in 9ondage to 6oney 8hether they are ri'h or oor. 4oor eo #e are in 9ondage 9e'ause they don7t ha,e enough 6oney to ay their 9i##s. So6eti6es ri'h eo #e are in 9ondage to 6oney 9e'ause 6oney is their god. ;e 11-

o!ten thin5 8e are to rea'h de#i,eran'e on#y to the oor in !inan'es. So6eti6es the oor are the ri'hest, and the ri'hest are the oorest. ;e are to rea'h de#i,eran'e to the !inan'ia##y oor erson, too. .o te## hi6 8e ha,e 9een set !ree !ro6 the 'urse o! the #a8, 8hi'h is sin, death, si'5ness, and o,erty. ;e ha,e 9een set !ree: And 8e 'an te## that erson, You 'an 9e set !ree !ro6 sin, si'5ness, and o,erty right no8: ;e are to te## the ho6ose=ua# there is de#i,eran'e: .hen 8e 6ust 6inister de#i,eran'e: ;e are to te## the si'5 there is hea#ing in the na6e o! Jesus: .hen 6inister hea#ing: ;e are to 'ast out de,i#s and set the o ressed !ree: You 6ight shudder at the idea o! 'asting out de,i#s unti# you !u##y rea#iAe that your 6ind is on the sa6e 8a,e#ength as Jesus. .hen you 8on7t shy a8ay. You 8i## #oo5 at the6 8ith eyes o! 'o6 assion and angerF'o6 assion !or the ones 8ho are ossessed and anger at the De,i# 8ho has atta'5ed the6: ;hen you rea#iAe the res onsi9i#ity you ha,e 9e'ause you ossess the 6ind o! Christ, you 8i## 'ast out de,i#s and set eo #e !ree: 4o preach the acceptab e year o" the Lord >+u5e %31$ IJG?. You ha,e 9een anointed to rea'h the a''e ta9#e year o! the +ord: ;hat is the a''e ta9#e year o! the +ordC &ight no8 E,ery year is the a''e ta9#e year o! the +ord: .oday is the day o" sa +ation >2 Corinthians *32?: I76 anointed: Say it at the to o! your #ungs: I7/ A2EI2.ED:

4hen 5 said! *ere am 5B Send me.

FIsaiah *38 118

Chapter 4we


4he 'reat Commission

Jesus rea##y oured out His 'o6 assionate heart 8hen He ga,e the "reat Co66ission. He i6 arted so6e rea# s e'i!i's, si6 #y resented, so that the 8or#d 'ou#d understand 8hat He 8as saying. 4#ease do not ignore His #ast instru'tions to us: 2one o! us has any ro9#e6 understanding 8hat He said a9out rea'hing the "os e#. Yet 8e ay ,ery #itt#e attention to it. And He said to the6, N"o into a## the 8or#d and rea'h the gos e# to e,ery 'reature. He 8ho 9e#ie,es and is 9a tiAed 8i## 9e sa,edH 9ut he 8ho does not 9e#ie,e 8i## 9e 'onde6ned >/ar5 1*31(01*?. 2ot a sing#e 9e#ie,er 'ou#d e,er 6is'onstrue 8hat Jesus said, and 8e ha,e on#y t8o 'hoi'es3 o9ey Hi6 or diso9ey Hi6: ;e ha,e gro8n so !at s iritua##y in the #ast !e8 years that 8e ha,e ignored His heart0'ry to go out and ta#5 to e,ery erson 8e 6eet so that they 'an 5no8 Hi6 as their Sa,ior. ;e #i5e to send 6issionaries o,erseas, 9ut 8e need to #et the heart o! Jesus 9e so in us that our o8n hearts 'ry 8ith 'o6 assion !or the #ost. %nd these si#ns wi "o ow those who be ie+e: 5n (y name they wi cast out demons9 they wi spea- with new ton#ues9 they wi ta-e up serpents9 and i" they drinanythin# dead y! it wi by no means hurt them9 they wi ay hands on the sic-! and they wi reco+er $(ar- D.:DE6 D01 In this instan'e, Jesus7 heart is not 'rying out to the sinner, 9ut to the 9e#ie,ersFnot on#y to the astors and e,ange#ists, 9ut to the ordinary, e,eryday 9e#ie,er. He is te##ing us that signs and 8onders 8i## !o##o8 us in our dai#y 8a#5. He is te##ing us that 8e 8i## 'ast out de6ons. He is te##ing us that 8e 8i## #ay hands on the si'5, and they 8i## re'o,er: I! the Bi9#e is true, then #et7s get on 8ith it and 9egin to 9e#ie,e that 8e 'an do it, tooFnot 9e'ause 8e 6a5e a de'ision that 8e 'an, 9ut 9e'ause Jesus said it. .he on#y de'ision 8e need to 6a5e is that 8e 8i## do it. 11$

;hen you sin'ere#y understand the 6essage that the "reat Co66ission is !or a## 9e#ie,ers, and not @ust !or a !e8 se#e'ted ets o! "od 8ho ha,e s e'ia# a9i#ities, it 8i## 'hange your entire #i!e. .hat ortion o! S'ri ture is !or ea'h and e,ery one o! us, 9e'ause "od doesn7t ha,e any ets. >See A'ts 1133%.? "od has 9een stressing in our hearts that 6ost o! the 9ody o! Christ 6ust 9egin to o9ey the 'o66and o! Jesus in the "reat Co66ission. He to#d a## o! us to go out into the high8ays and 9y8ays to te## others a9out Hi6 and to gi,e the6 the "ood 2e8s in su'h a 8ay that they 8i## 5no8 Hi6 as their Sa,ior and +ord. So6e ha,e #earned to 6inister hea#ing to a !e8, 9ut e,ery 9e#ie,er needs to dai#y #ead eo #e to Jesus 8ith signs and 8onders !o##o8ing. Jesus used signs, 8onders, and 6ira'#es o 'on,in'e eo #e that He 8as the Son o! "od, the way! the truth! and the i"e >John 1%3*?. ;e 6ust do e=a't#y that in order to tota##y !u#!i## the "reat Co66ission. ;hat 8i## ha en 8hen 8e, the 9ody o! Christ, re'ei,e the heart and 'o6 assion o! Jesus to 8in the #ost 9e!ore it is too #ateC ;E;: It7s e='iting to e,en thin5 o! the otentia#: +et us gi,e a testi6ony o! 8hat has ha ened in one 6an7s #i!e through the 9oo5 *ow to *ea the Sic-. A 8or#d05no8n tea'her P 6inister 8ho had, a#ong 8ith his asso'iates and tea6, !or years 9een tea'hing #ay6en o! !oreign 'ountries ho8 to 9e astors re'ei,ed so6e o! our 9oo5s. He had ne,er rea##y 9e#ie,ed in hea#ing, 9ut through a !#ier he re'ei,ed in the 6ai#, he ordered our Su ernatura# S e'ia#, 8hi'h in'#uded *ow to *ea the Sic-! Supernatura *oriKons! and %n#e s on %ssi#nment. He thought, I 8onder i! there is anything to this su ernatura# thing. He 8as #ea,ing the ne=t day !or "hana and too5 the hea#ing 9oo5 8ith hi6 to read on the #ane. He had re ared three 6onths !or his tea'hing 8hi#e in "hana 8ith t8o asso'iates.


;hen he arri,ed in "hana, he 'ou#d not #ea,e !or t8o days 9e'ause o! a shortage o! !ue# !or the @ee , so the three 6en 8ere stu'5 in the hote# !or t8o !u## days and nights. He 8as so e='ited a9out 8hat he had read in *ow to *ea the Sic- that !or the t8o days, the three 6en too5 t8o0hour turns reading the 9oo5 a#oud, a9so#ute#y astonished and astounded at 8hat they 8ere #earning. .hey tested it 8ith the Bi9#e, and it 8as a## in #ine 8ith the ;ord. It rea'hed their s irits, and "od said, .hro8 a8ay your other tea'hings, and tea'h these eo #e ho8 to hea# the si'5. .hey taught the !irst day, and that night o,er 2(1 out o! (11 astors 8ere hea#ed. It a'tua##y 8or5ed !or the6, and a heno6ena# 6inistry !o##o8ed. It 'hanged this 6inister7s #i!e: Ho8 8e raise "od !or 8hat 'an ha en 8hen on#y one erson gets the 6essage that si#ns Jand 8ondersK wi "o ow those who be ie+e >/ar5 1*31-?, and the 6essage that ea'h one o! us is to do the 8or5s o! Jesus. "od is so strong#y i6 ressing us to urgent#y rea'h to e,eryone 8e 'an that ea'h 6e69er o! the 9ody o! Christ 6ust a'tua##y 9e e=a't#y #i5e Jesus and do a## the things He did 8hi#e He 8as the on#y 9ody o! Christ on earth.

Our *o y Cha en#e

;e 'ha##enge e,ery astor to tea'h e,eryone in his 'hur'h ho8 to hea# the si'5 and ho8 to 6inister sa#,ation and hea#ing, and then send the6 out t8o 9y t8o into the ho6es o! their 'ity and rea'h e,eryone in that 'ity !or Jesus. It 'an 9e done on#y 8ith signs and 8onders !o##o8ing, 9ut 8hen ea'h one 9e#ie,es the si6 #e tea'hings o! Jesus, it 8i## 8or5 !or you and your eo #e: .his is the #ast generation to #i,e 9e!ore the return o! Jesus, and 8e 6ust 8in the #ost to Jesus <ui'5#y: .i6e is ra id#y running out, and the on#y ones Jesus has to do His 8or5 are those o! us 8ho 9e#ie,e. "od has re ared the hearts o! the sinners so 6u'h that 8e hard#y need to 6ention the na6e o! Jesus 9e!ore they are ready to 121

a''e t Hi6. .hey ha,e tried e,erything e#se, in'#uding re#igion, and !ound that nothing has gi,en the6 the ea'e or 8hi'h they 8ere sear'hing. "od is getting His 'hi#dren re ared to go te## the sinners 8hat a great thing He has in store !or those 8ho 8i## 9e#ie,e in Jesus: ;e are the on#y ones He has to do this @o9, and i! 8e don7t do it, eo #e 8i## go into he## !ore,er. ;e 9e#ie,e Jesus 8i## 9a tiAe you 8ith !ire as 8e## as the Ho#y S irit, @ust as He did to the 121 on the Day o! 4ente'ost. He 8i## ut a Aea# and 9o#dness into you to do 6ighty 8or5s !or Hi6: .hat is His 'a##ing !or ea'h o! us. Char#es and I 'annot sto 9e'ause 8e ha,e su'h a 9urning in our ,ery sou#s !or the #ost. At the 6eeting 8here the 9#ue !#a6e a eared, "od to#d us to te## the eo #e that i! they 8ou#d not go out and do His 8or5 as Jesus had 'o66anded, He 8ou#d 8a#5 o,er the heads o! the S irit0 !i##ed Christians. He said He 8ou#d instead sa,e the drug addi'ts and the out'ast and ut His S irit, Aea#, and 'o6 assion in the6, and send the6 out to do His 8or5 9e'ause He 8as going to get His 8or5 a''o6 #ished: Char#es @ust 6ade an interesting state6ent to 6e as I 8as !inishing the "#ory o! "od 'ha ter. He said, Honey, the g#ory o! "od that I rea##y 8ant to see is the hundreds, the thousands, 6ay9e e,en the 6i##ions o! eo #e 8e ha,e tou'hed through our 'rusades, through te#e,ision, and through our 9oo5s, 9egin to do e=a't#y the sa6e things 8e are doing and o erate in the g#ory o! "odH go out and #ay hands on the si'5 and 9ring eo #e into the 5ingdo6 o! "od. ;hen you 'o6e right do8n to it, 8hat is the greatest thing in the 8or#d you 'ou#d seeC Hundreds o! thousands and e,en 6i##ions o! eo #e 'o6ing to Jesus as a resu#t o! so6ething you did. ;hen 8e ossess the 6ind o! Christ, 8e 8ant to !u#!i## the 8ishes o! Jesus. ;e 8ant to do e,erything He 8ants us to do. ;e 8ant to see the 8or#d sa,ed, 8e 8ant to see the 8or#d re'#ai6ed, and 8e 8ant to see the 8or#d #ed into the 5ingdo6 o! "od: It7s not "od7s 8ish that any shou#d erish. It7s not the 8ish o! Jesus that any shou#d erish. 122

It is .heir 8ish that a## shou#d 9e sa,ed: Say 8ith Isaiah and 8ith us, Here a6 I, +ord, send 6e: >See Isaiah *38.?

Loo- amon# the nations and watch9 be utter y astoundedB )or 5 wi wor- a worin your days which you wou d not be ie+e! thou#h it were to d you.
FHa9a55u5 13(


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