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C||ve Garden

Descr|pt|on of |ocat|on: When you wa|k through the |arge doub|e doors you are |n a spac|ous wa|t|ng
area w|th couches. 8eyond the host |s a room w|th a square bar |n the m|dd|e w|th stoo|s a|| around.
1here are a|so some tab|es a|ong the wa||. When you wa|k to your seats you pass the restrooms and a
sma|| off|ce area. Cnce |n the seat|ng are there are about f|fteen tab|es or more |n each sect|on of the
restaurant. Lach tab|e has s||verware, centerp|eces, and w|ne g|asses. 1he who|e restaurant |s
decorated w|th an Ita||an theme to match the cu|s|ne. A|| the emp|oyees are wear|ng wh|te co||ared
sh|rts w|th t|es and b|ack pants. A|so b|ack aprons and name tags.

I|gure Wor|ds: An env|ronment d|st|ngu|shed by |ts expected act|ons and part|c|pants.

ku|es and convent|ons:

1h|s f|gured wor|d |s a restaurant and fo||ows the same ru|es and convent|ons as most. A|| age groups
are acceptab|e, sma|| ch||dren are usua||y |n h|ghcha|rs. Iam|||es w|th bab|es are common as we||,
when bab|es cry though |t |s expected to end qu|ck|y or for the baby to be taken outs|de. Church
groups, fam|||es, fr|ends, coworkers, coup|es are a|| expected guests of the restaurant. 8|rthday
d|nners are a regu|ar, these part|es a|most a|ways order dessert and s|ng happy b|rthday. When
peop|e dec|de to eat at C||ve Garden they can e|ther show up or make reservat|ons. keservat|ons are
done at d|nnert|me espec|a||y on the weekends. When customers [ust wa|k |n at busy t|mes |t |s
expected to wa|t anywhere from ten to forty f|ve m|nutes. Lmp|oyees of the estab||shment are
expected to be prompt, he|pfu|, and po||te. 1hey try to make each and every customer happy by
fu|f||||ng each request. Customers are a|so expected to be po||te and respectfu| to the|r servers. kef|||s,
extra sauce, and to go boxes are typ|ca| th|ngs to ask from your server. 1he restaurant |s |arge and
there |s constant no|se from the k|tchen and customers ta|k|ng but peop|e do take not|ce to tab|es
that are unusua||y |ouder than others. C||ve Garden |s casua| d|n|ng but wear|ng pa[amas or
someth|ng s|m||ar wou|d be frowned upon. A|so no an|ma|s are a||owed. Servers are a|| expected to
act profess|ona| |f there |s tens|on between them or from the back |t |s not to be shown. It wou|d not
be norma| to see servers argue |n front of customers

Actors: In a f|gured wor|d actors are |nd|v|dua|s that have the same purpose. 1hey a|| contr|bute to the
funct|on|ng of the f|gured wor|d.

nosts: kespons|b|||t|es |nc|ude greet|ng customers. 1hey are |n charge of seat|ng, br|ng|ng menus,
and hand||ng reservat|ons.

Servers: 1hey are the ma|n operators of the restaurant. 1hey have the most |nteract|on w|th
tab|es. 1hey are respons|b|e for serv|ng and fu|f||||ng every request from the|r customers. 1hey p|ace
orders and de||ver a|| food and dr|nks. Servers a|so dea| w|th comp|a|nts.

desktop support 9/12/13 8:25 AM
Comment [1]: Llke how lLs from Lhe
readers perspecLlve
desktop support 9/12/13 8:25 AM
Comment [2]: Speclfy lLs a resLauranL
desktop support 9/12/13 8:22 AM
Comment [3]: Cood descrlpLlon, deLalled
and easy Lo undersLand
desktop support 9/12/13 8:25 AM
Comment [4]: Addlng plcLures ls a
posslblllLy Lo help descrlbe locaLlon
desktop support 9/12/13 8:18 AM
Comment [5]: Maybe make names of
acLors and arLlfacLs bold

Managers: noL seen as frequenLly as servers. 1hey vlslL each Lable perlodlcally Lo check on every
Lables dlnlng experlence. MosL of Lhelr responslblllLles are behlnd Lhe scenes. 1hey manage employees,
schedules, shlpmenLs, eLc.

CusLomers: 1he purpose of Lhe flgured world. CusLomers come ln all for Lhe same reason. 1he
cusLomers of Cllve Carden are of all ages and have dlfferenL relaLlonshlps Lo each oLher. lamllles,
couples, frlends all come Lo Lhe resLauranL Lo eaL.

ArLlfacLs: 1hese are lmporLanL lLems and ldeas ln Lhe flgured world, usually shared wlLhln each group of

Menus: Menus are an lLem shared among all acLors of Lhe flgured world and supply Lhe lnformaLlon
needed Lo keep Lhe flgured work ln moLlon. 1he menu ls lmporLanL because lL ls llke a snap shoL of Lhe
whole resLauranL ln fronL of Lhe cusLomer. 1he menu provldes Lhe flrsL lmpresslon.

nameLags: An arLlfacL LhaL ls vlLal Lo Lhe relaLlonshlps among Lhe flgured world ls a nameLag. 8y
lnLroduclng Lhemselves and dlsplaylng Lhelr names Lhe servers connecL Lo Lhe cusLomers and provlde a
comforLable experlence.

ulscourse communlLles: lndlvlduals wlLhln Lhe flgured world LhaL are grouped LogeLher because of Lhelr
common purpose and lnLeresL.

Lmployees: All Lhe employees wheLher ln managemenL or noL, all employees share Lhe same
lnLeresL, Lo please cusLomers and keep Lhe resLauranL runnlng smooLhly.

CusLomers: WheLher Lhey are slLLlng LogeLher or noL every cusLomer comes Lo eaL and en[oy Lhe
envlronmenL of Lhe resLauranL. 1hey lnLeracL wlLh Lhe employees ln a pollLe way. Small Lalk among Lhese
Lwo dlscourse communlLles ls normal and expecLed.

desktop support 9/12/13 8:26 AM
Comment [6]: Add examples?
desktop support 9/12/13 8:19 AM
Comment [7]: 1lmes new roman fonL
desktop support 9/12/13 8:26 AM
Comment [8]: LlaboraLe on deflnlLlons
lndlvldual Lables: WlLhln Lhe dlscourse communlLy of cusLomers each parLy of people seaLed
LogeLher ls Lhelr own dlscourse communlLy. 1hey have a closer relaLlonshlp and communlcaLe ln a more
personal way. Lach parLy can be compleLely dlfferenL lnvolvlng age, roles ln socleLy, and backgrounds.

CbservaLlon Cne- 1uesday AfLernoon

2:00 SeaLed, very slow aL Lhls Llme of day. noL many oLher Lables of cusLomers.
2:02 lnLroduced Lo our server and ordered drlnks.
2:03 We were broughL our drlnks and ordered our food. Servers seem famlllar wlLh each oLher. 1hey
crack [okes and Lalk ln Lhe klLchen area.
2:19 8ecelved food and aLe. Cne Lable near us was havlng a blrLhday lunch wlLh her besL frlends. Servers
are all very pollLe and helpful Lo Lhelr Lables.
2:33 CoL checks and Lo go boxes.
2:38 Slgned checks and lefL. We were Lold Lo have a nlce day from mulLlple employees on our way ouL.

CbservaLlon 1wo- lrlday nlghL

8:30 Arrlved and Lhere was already mulLlple people walLlng ln Lhe walLlng area
Pad a 20 mlnuLe walL
8:43 SeaLed. 1here are a loL more people Lhan lasL Llme l vlslLed. 1he servers were runnlng around and
seemed rushed.
8:47 meL our server and placed drlnk orders.
8:31 goL drlnks and placed orders.
8:33 heard a loud crashlng nolse. Server walklng from Lhe klLchen dropped a Lray of food.
9:03 8aby ln Lhe booLh behlnd us sLarLed crylng
9:14 8ecelved food
9:22 Large Lable ln Lhe back celebraLed a Leenage glrls blrLhday wlLh Lhe blrLhday song and desserL.
9:40 CoL checks and Lo go boxes

CbservaLlon 1hree- Wednesday nlghL

6:00 Much less busy Lhan lrlday nlghL, seaLed rlghL away along wlLh oLher cusLomers
6:02 MeL server as usual and goL drlnks
6:03 Servers are much qulcker runnlng errands slnce lL ls less crowded. Also Lhere are fewer servers Lhan
6:19 CoL food
6:34 CoL checks and lefL

WhaL do you en[oy mosL abouL your [ob?
Maklng cusLomers happy and also seelng all my coworkers when l come ln Lo work, we are llke a
WhaL do you llke leasL abouL your [ob?
Speaklng of coworkers, someLlmes Lhey can Lalk Loo much and are a blL dlsLracLlng. Also when lL geLs
busy lL can be preLLy hard and everyone geLs preLLy Lense"
uo you llke geLLlng pald ln Llps?
desktop support 9/12/13 8:21 AM
Comment [9]: May be helpful Lo add more
desktop support 9/12/13 8:24 AM
Comment [10]: Add more deLall Lo make
Lhe reader feel llke Lhey are Lhere
desktop support 9/12/13 8:23 AM
Comment [11]: More quesLlons or more
lnfo ln general
?es because l can Lake cash home lmmedlaLely afLer work, aL prevlous [obs l had Lo walL every Lwo

desktop support 9/12/13 8:23 AM
Comment [12]: Maybe conducL anoLher

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