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Technology Resource Center Report

The technology resource center that I utilized for my practicum was on the elementary level. Throughout the duration of the practicum, I received the pleasure to instruct 4th & 5th grade teachers on how to use interactive tools to better engage and increase student achievement. Prior to conducting my practicum, the Local School Technology Coordinator for the center and I spoke to discuss the strengths & weaknesses of the center to effectively complete a detailed analysis. The strengths displayed were as follows: Technology Team: instructional teachers as Media Specialist and Technology Coordinator; SASI Clerk also webmaster; TST Paradigm shift occurring from technology being an extra to it being an integral part of teaching and learning Mimios in every classroom Teacher / student instructional videos and paper slides being produced and posted on teacher websites Teacher websites becoming more substantial Yearlong Professional Learning with emphasis on using technology in reading and math for classroom & Special Ed. teachers; 6+ sessions; differentiated for grade levels Professional Learning for paraprofessionals Early Release Days and on request Professional Learning for Special Area teachers working on web sites throughout the year Supportive administrators More teachers incorporating student response systems into instruction

Nevertheless, the technology center possessed some underlining negatives which consider being weaknesses that need a clear plan of action. Unfortunately, the resource center has to share a Technology Support Technician and students do not have Media/Tech Specialist every quarter have to share with Counseling. In addition, the wireless overlay has not been enhanced therefore limiting wireless conductivity in certain classrooms. Also, the Mimio devices will not be upgraded as they were purchased with local technology funds. After the practicum, I was able to retrieve additional information that overall effects the operation of the resource center and impacts the classroom such as: Not enough document cameras for each teacher to have their own Too many new technology changes in one year: Elements, GTES, Classworks, eClass PD & E Tool Old color printers Labs unavailable during GCAAS testing windows

In the upcoming retrofit many of the weaknesses should be fixed. Gwinnett County Public Schools consistently provides teachers and students with state of the art equipment, instructional tools and staff development. Due to the number of schools in the county, the technology retrofit is an ongoing revolving five year process. Although the teachers seem to feel overwhelmed by the number of technology enhancements being made, it is believed that the overall goal is supporting the GCPS vision of a one stop portal that will progress to an online learning management system in the near future.

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