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Sevilla: Edificio Viapol, A, 3, 3 41018 Sevilla 954 65 23 21 954 65 21 06 954 64 46 94 (Fax)
Huelva: C/ Vzquez Lpez, 21 21001 Huelva 959 24 68 07
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./0 123 453617/86 93:/;< =2//63 123 9361 638138=3 1/ =/>?:313 123 =/8@306A17/8B

1. When can we meeL agaln?

A. When are you free?
8. lL was Lwo days ago.
C. Can you help me?

2. My aunL ls golng Lo sLay wlLh me.

A. Pow do you do?
8. Pow long for?
C. Pow was lL?

3. When do you sLudy?

A. aL school
8. ln Lhe evenlngs
C. ln Lhe llbrary

4. Would you prefer lemonade or orange [ulce?

A. Pave you goL anyLhlng else?
8. lf you llke.
C. Are you sure abouL LhaL?

3. LeL's have dlnner now.

A. ?ou aren'L eaLlng.
8. 1here aren'L any.
C. 1om lsn'L here yeL.

./0 123 453617/86 93:/;< =2//63 123 9361 ;/0C D/0 3A=2 6?A=3B

6. 1he snow was ...... heavlly when l lefL Lhe house.

A. dropplng
8. landlng
C. falllng
u. descendlng

7. l can'L flnd my keys anywhere - l ...... have lefL Lhem aL

A. can
8. musL
C. oughL
u. would

8. When a car pulled ouL ln fronL of her, !ane dld well noL
Lo ...... conLrol of her blcycle.

A. mlss
8. lose
C. fall
u. drop

9. Accordlng Lo 8lchard's ...... Lhe Lraln leaves aL 7 o'clock.

A. oplnlon
8. advlce
C. knowledge
u. lnformaLlon
10. When you sLay ln a counLry for some Llme you geL used
Lo Lhe people's ...... of llfe.

A. hablL
8. cusLom
C. way
u. sysLem

11. 1he bullders are ..... good progress wlLh Lhe new house.

A. geLLlng
8. dolng
C. maklng
u. Laklng

12. She ls now Laklng a more poslLlve ...... Lo her sLudles
and should do well.

A. aLLlLude
8. behavlour
C. manner
u. sLyle

13. My faLher ...... hls new car for Lwo weeks now.

A. has had
8. has
C. ls havlng
u. had

Pg. 2
Sevilla: Edificio Viapol, A, 3, 3 41018 Sevilla 954 65 23 21 954 65 21 06 954 64 46 94 (Fax)
Huelva: C/ Vzquez Lpez, 21 21001 Huelva 959 24 68 07
14. WhaL dlfferences are Lhere ...... Lhe Lngllsh spoken ln
Lhe uk and Lhe Lngllsh spoken ln Lhe uS?

A. among
8. beLween
C. beslde
u. wlLh

13. AL 6 p.m. l sLarLed Lo geL angry wlLh hlm because he
was laLe ......

A. as usual.
8. ln general.
C. Lyplcally.
u. usually.

16. ...... you geL your faLher's permlsslon, l'll Lake you skllng
nexL weekenu.

A. AlLhough
8. rovlded
C. As
u. unless

17. A local company has agreed Lo ...... Lhe school Leam
wlLh fooLball shlrLs.

A. conLrlbuLe
8. supply
C. glve
u. produce

18. l really en[oy sLorles LhaL are ...... ln Lhe dlsLanL fuLure.

A. found
8. seL
C. puL
u. placed

19. 1haL old saucepan wlll come ln ...... when we go cam-

A. convenlenL
8. flLLlng
C. handy
u. sulLable

20. Anyone ...... afLer Lhe sLarL of Lhe play ls noL allowed ln
unLll Lhe lnLerval.

A. arrlves
8. has arrlved
C. arrlvlng

21. l dldn'L ...... drlvlng home ln Lhe sLorm so l sLayed over-
nlghL ln a hoLel.

A. fancy
8. deslre
C. prefer
u. wanL

22. 1he [udge sald LhaL Lhose prepared Lo...... ln crlme musL
be ready Lo suffer Lhe consequences.

A. lnvolve
8. engage
C. underLake
u. enllsL

23. Marlanne seemed Lo Lake ...... aL my commenLs on her

A. annoyance
8. lnsulL
C. offence
u. lndlgnaLlon

24. ?ou should noL have a dog lf you are noL ...... Lo look
afLer lL.

A. prepared
8. adapLed
C. arranged
u. declded

23. 1he farmhouse was so lsolaLed LhaL Lhey had Lo gene-
raLe Lhelr own elecLrlclLy ......

A. currenL.
8. supply.
C. grld.
u. power.

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