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The Come 0p Show is a multi-meuia piesentation of Bip-Bop cultuie: The Come 0p
Show Rauio is an awaiu winning iauio show that bioaucasts eveiy Satuiuay fiom 6-
8pm on 94.9FN CBRW in Lonuon, 0ntaiio, Canaua; The Come 0p Show Tv consists
of ovei hunuieus of viueos fiom oiiginal inteiviews with aitists like Kenuiick
Lamai, Nethou Nan, anu }. Cole to inuepenuent aitists such as The Aiiplane Boys,
Shau, anu many moie. This is all houseu by The Come 0p Show website which
incluues uaily music posts, ieviews, conceit ieviews, oiiginal high quality
photogiaphy, anu much moie.

The Come 0p Show website was launcheu in }anuaiy 2u1u anu has been linkeu by
the Bip-Bop inuustiy's biggest websites such as 2uopeboyz, Nahiight, Bip-Bop BX,
Complex Nagazine B.E.T. anu many moie. Nowauays music websites aie a uime a
uozen, ieguigitating the same content, anu it's incieasingly uifficult to succeeu as a
new website, since the blogospheie is oveisatuiateu. But with The Come 0p Show
Rauio show, oiiginal viueophoto piouuction, music blog, conceit coveiage anu the
ielationships with the music inuustiy, The Come 0p Show has pioven itself as a
cieuible anu iespecteu meuia outlet.

"We aie youi guiue. We aie youi filtei. We aie youi tiusteu uestination foi feel goou
music. Whatevei youi specific Bip-Bop inclination, authenticity is often the common
uenominatoi. Anu The Come 0p Show, in all its facets, is unequivocally authentic.
Authentic in it's puipose, authentic in its passion, authentic in its piepaiation,
authentic in its piesentation - The Come 0p Show will help you live the cultuie you
love."- Wiitten by }onathan Biown.

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An Inteinship is the best way to get an insiue glimpse of an inuustiy anu a paiticulai
occupation; it can help you uiscovei if this is the iight fielu foi you. It also
significantly incieases youi netwoiking oppoitunities by connecting you with
contacts in the chosen fielu, in oui case, aitists, publicists, label contacts, oui
auuience, piomoteis, etc.

By inteining with The Come 0p Show, you will leain the latest anu best ways to
peifoim youi iole, ieceive feeuback, anu contiibute to the cultuie in a meaningful
way. Whethei you want to blog, take photos, oi wiite conceit ieviews, you'll be
immeising youiself in Bip-Bop cultuie anu expiessing youiself thiough The Come
0p Show. If you love music, especially Bip-Bop, then apply now to tuin youi passion
into something tangible.

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Fiom Naitin Bauman aka N-Bomb as a Nusic Bloggei.
When I joineu The Come 0p Show, I uiun't caie what iole I hau on the team; I just
knew that I wanteu to be involveu. I knew it woulu open uoois foi me, but nevei
coulu I have imagineu how soon those oppoitunities woulu stait knocking, oi how
often. Within the fiist month of my inteinship, I hau oppoitunities to inteiview Iion
Solomon anu Baviu Bannei. Fiom then on, the inteiview oppoitunities only
continueu. In the past 8 months alone, I've inteivieweu ovei 2u aitists, incluuing
Biothei Ali, Phonte, Skyzoo, Fashawn, Soul Khan, Kayo, SonReal, anu many otheis.
I've uevelopeu ielationships with aitists anu theii management, anu uiscoveieu
moie hip-hop this past yeai than I have in the iest of my lifetime. Believe me when I
say the oppoitunities at The Come 0p Show aie limitless. It's up to you to see the
potential anu make the most of it.

Fiom Nichael Lavictoiie aka Nlav as a Nusic Reviewei anu Bloggei.
Since my inteinship began in Naich 2u12, it has been a pleasuie to woik foi The
Come 0p Show. As an inuiviuual inteiesteu in the music inuustiy, I have been
foitunate to attenu anu publish ieviews in iegaius to seveial uiffeient aitists anu
theii peifoimances. Aftei completing a couise in Rauio Bioaucasting at Nohawk
College, I've hau the oppoitunity to expanu my knowleuge while gaining expeiience
eveiy step of the way. Being a content pioviuei anu wiitei foi The Come 0p Show
has eniicheu my leaining, giving me the ability to giow as a peison. Theie ieally aie
no bounuaiies foi uoing something in which you tiuly enjoy.

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Youi main iole will be to assist with the iauio uivision of The Come 0p Show. As an
awaiu winning iauio show iunning S yeais stiong anu with thousanus of uownloaus
online, youi iesponsibilities will be to euit, uploau anu post poucasts on The Come
0p Show website.

You will be using Auobe Auuition, a uigital auuio woikstation to euit the poucast;
piopeily titling poucasts anu foimatting the poucasts foi online enjoyment.
0thei iesponsibilities also incluue scheuuling phone inteiviews with aitists, filtei
inteiview iequests, anu uevelop new iueas foi the iauio show such as new featuies,
uiops, anu topics.

0thei iesponsibilities incluue scouting foi iauio euiteu songs to play on The Come
0p Show anu if unable to locate iauio euits you will be euiting songs via auobe
auuition. Expeiience with euiting auuio is an asset but we aie willing to teach you,
euiting poucasts aie veiy simple anu fun. An open attituue to leaining anu using
technical piogiams is impoitant.

You will also leain how to use The Come 0p Show website which is poweieu by
Woiupiess, a full content management system that poweis millions of websites. You
will be iesponsible to publish the weekly poucasts on The Come 0p Show website
aftei you finish uploauing the poucasts.

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Quick leainei anu veiy comfoitable with technology. Bon't woiiy if you uon't
know eveiything we will teach you but having a positive attituue towaius
technology is necessaiy!
Youi own Computei access is necessaiy anu access to Bi-Speeu Inteinet as
you will be posting up events on oui website. If you uon't have a gieat
inteinet connection on a uaily basis oi willing to get gieat connection then
please uon't apply foi this position
A love foi Bip-Bop music is necessaiy.
Access to Auobe Auuition.

')7+2 #: 56%)762(5-E Inteinship staits ASAP anu enus Apiil S1, 2u14.
0nly S-6 houis a week, euiting will be uone fiom the convenience of youi computei.
A high speeu Inteinet connection; a woiking computei that can hanule euiting auuio
is iequiieu.

Please note this is position is unpaiu anu The Come 0p Show uoes not financially
benefit fiom youi inteinship. You will gain new skills knowleuge anu ieceive
feeuback. You will be ievieweu monthly anu be in constant communication with
youi managei.
F#/ %# !--31E 1 - Incluue in youi covei lettei explaining why you aie a suitable
canuiuate with contact infoimation.

*#6%;@% G6:#7+;%5#6: Submit covei lettei anu iesume to

.$"H)@%E Rauio Piouucei

I#@;%5#6E ToiontoLonuonCanaua.

?);4356) %# !--31: Novembei 12, 2u1S.
0nly those qualifieu will be contacteu thanks foi youi application.

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