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It was shown that Fabian liked Nina since the first day he met her. He was also the kindest person in the house to Nina when she arrived, and often stuck up for her when the others made fun of her. He also was the one that Nina trusted the most when she first got into Anubis house. Nina was the first person to trust Fabian with the locket. hey are best friends, since they hang out a lot while solving riddles and clues. hey are two of the three !ibuna founders. Fabian also shows that he is a very good friend to Nina by standing up for her when she first moved into the Anubis House. In House of "eservations # House of Heavy, Nina states $I can%t believe I thought he actually liked me,$ confirming that Nina likes Fabian. hey kissed in the season & finale at the prom, and in season two they became a couple. In House of 'ombinations # House of Heartbreak, they break up because of a misunderstanding and they think they are better off as best friends. hey do say it was mutual though. After their breakup, they both seem to regret it and still have feelings for each other. In House of 'rushes # House of (ertigo, they both dreamed that they kissed again, and acted nervous and blushed a little when it was brought up by Amber.

Fabina being cute together.

In House of !abotage # House of Nine )ives, Fabian couldn%t go through with the kiss with *oy because he said he still had feelings for Nina and he would never get over her even though they broke up. Nina looked happy and mouthed aww and put her hand on her heart proving that she still has feelings for him too. he rest of the season revealed that it was obvious that they still had feelings for each other, even after they broke up. In the season two finale, Fabian said that they were wrong about breaking up and that she was his chosen one. hen, they kissed and got back together. In season + Nina did not return and Fabian was not only upset, but was also angry at ,ddie because he was under the impression that the two had a $summer romance$ and almost punched ,ddie in front of all of the Anubis House residents. -ltimately, Nina had told Fabian to move on and that she will always love him, despite being far away from one another in the letter ,ddie found while looking for it with Fabian. Although Fabian and Nina are no longer together anymore the fact that they were first loves for each other will never change.

Season 1
Season 1 Premiere

Fabian is nice to Nina and welcomes her into the house.

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Fabian gives Nina tissues to dry her sweater when .atricia poured water on her. Fabian is the only welcoming person when Nina moves in. Fabian sees her crying and wonders what%s wrong.

/hen Nina was crying, Fabian came out with a glass of water which was probably for Nina. Fabian has a sad look on his face when Nina walks upstairs crying. Fabian tries to persuade the others to be more welcoming to Nina. Fabian tries to make sure she doesn%t go on with the fake initiation ceremony. Fabian 0along with Amber1 wants Patricia to let her out of the attic. Fabian tells 2ick that Nina looks and seems nice. he two smiled at each other throughout the episode.
House of Locks / House of Eyes

Fabian attempts to get Nina out of the attic. Nina asks Fabian to keep a secret and he does. Fabian asks if he can walk with Nina to class. Nina said she would %fancy% that meaning she would like it. Fabian laughed at how Nina was trying to be more British. Fabian gets the key to the attic from the dirt. Nina takes a leaf out of Fabian%s hair. Fabian says to Nina that she can trust him and so she does. hey sneak into the attic and find some ancient hieroglyphics. Nina tells Fabian about the treasure. /hen Amber asks if they are on a secret date, they both immediately say no repeatedly.
House of Agendas / House of Keys

Fabian and Nina go to retirement home together to meet Sarah. hey solve the hieroglyphics and it says to go to the 3th step. hey unscrew the 3th step and find an ,gyptian pu44le piece. Fabian says that Nina has the same pretty eyes as the girl in the photo. Fabian and Nina have an awkward staring moment afterwards.

/hen Nina and Fabian try to open the 3th step, their fingers touch.
House of Discovery / House of Hyper

Nina touches Fabian%s arm. In Nina%s diary, she says that Fabian is geek chic and that he%s sweet to her. Fabian said that Nina was very persuasive and she giggled at that. Nina found one of the relics and she e5amines it with Fabian. hey sneak up to the attic and find phonographic cylinders in a locked bo5. Fabian asks Nina if she would like to dance with him. Nina agrees with a smile and warns him about the damage that might happen to his feet. Nina said she would meet Fabian at the party later on. Nina and Fabian laugh about Alfie%s deer head. hey have some awkward stares. Fabian lies that he was the one who took the spare attic key from (ictor%s office, so Nina wouldn%t get in trouble. Nina refused to let Fabian take the blame. hey both meet up at Fabian%s locker. Fabian and Nina take the phonographic cylinders to Fabian%s Uncle Ade, who runs an anti6ue shop, and finds out that they are phonographic cylinders. Fabian%s -ncle Ade asks if Nina is Fabian%s girlfriend and says that they are a perfect pairing. Fabian says Nina is 7ust a friend while blushing and when Nina is being secretive, -ncle Ade said that she was made for Fabian and Fabian started to rush to leave because of embarassment.
House of Cheats / House of Rumors

Fabian notices the design on the sides of the stairs were the same as Nina%s locket. hey apologi4e at the same time when they were late to class. hey listen to the phonographic cylinders together.

/hen Victor tries to find out who made the noise in the attic, Fabian and Nina huddle in the secret room together. Fabian puts his robe around Nina because she gets cold. Nina warns Fabian not to leave the attic, after he gets up to go. Amber thinks that Nina and Fabian are secretly dating. Nina doesn%t deny her and goes along with it 7ust so Amber won%t suspect anything. Amber tells 2ick about how Nina and Fabian are $secretly dating$ and he tackles Fabian. Fabian tries to ask Nina out. Nina says that she and Fabian are $ridiculous.$ !he sort of hesitates on that and Fabian looks like he%s faking the yes. Fabian awkwardly leaves right after and Nina makes an embarrassed face after he leaves. Amber makes Nina and Fabian a scrapbook, due to liking Fabian and Nina together. Fabian and Nina talk about what Amber knows about the secret. Nina calls herself stupid for telling Amber. Fabian walks over to hug her, but stops because he feels embarrassed about doing so.
House of Intruders / House of Proof

Fabian and Nina meet up at Fabian%s locker. hey are practically touching. Fabian offers Nina to go to the retirement home to visit !arah with him, but Nina declines the offer because of what happened last time. hey smile at each other.
House of Confrontation / House of Alarms

Nina and Fabian are sitting ne5t to each other and their bodies are touching. hey were both trying to figure out the sunset while Amber was talking about lip gloss. Nina smiled when Fabian was making fun of *erome. Nina looks at the skeleton that wants to kiss Fabian like she%s almost 7ealous. Fabian seemed annoyed by the skeleton even though it was supposedly *oy.

Nina and Fabian are standing by each other very close. /hen Nina comforts Amber about her break8up, Fabian smiles at Nina. Nina and Fabian looked at the picture with the chandelier together and Nina smiled and touched Fabian%s arm and saying tears of glass. Nina and Fabian bake cookies together. Nina and Fabian restore the chandelier in order to solve the ne5t riddle. 9ou can hear Fabian laughing in the background when Nina said that they didn%t grow houses like this on America.
House of Flames / House of Passages

/hen looking at the clue in the tube, Nina%s head is on Fabian%s shoulder while looking at it. Nina said she could do with some strength and gives it to Fabian. Nina and Fabian bump heads when backing away from the fireplace. Fabian laughs and Nina 7okes about how it is 7ust a minor concussion. hey stare at each other and give flirty looks. Amber calls them "omeo and *uliet. Fabian asks if Nina is going to take .atricia up on her offer and calls her multiple times.
House of Kidnap / House of Cat-Nap

Fabian calls Nina $super sleuthy.$ hey walk to Fabian%s locker together. Nina tells Fabian about .atricia%s offer. Nina asks Fabian whether it is a good idea or not. Fabian smiles when Nina says she will give him the locket. Nina says she trusts Fabian and then he has a huge grin on his face. Nina and Fabian sit together at a desk. Nina tries to get Fabian%s number thing he was working on from *erome.
House of Cameras / House of Numbers

Nina catches Fabian playing the guitar. Fabian seems embarassed, but not angry. Nina apologi4es and said she should%ve knocked. Nina and Fabian are alone together in Fabian%s room. hey are smiling the whole time while in Fabian%s room. After Nina says no, Fabian says no. Nina and Fabian figure out something and they are staring at each other. Fabian stalls (ictor by throwing his vest over the camera and keeping him from going downstairs while Nina gets the ne5t clue. Nina gets the clue and Fabian is happy.
House of Scares / House of Fakers

Fabian says he%ll go down in the cellar himself possibly not wanting to put anyone else in danger, including Nina. Nina said that they stick together and she%s coming with him. Nina smiles at Fabian while saying that. He widely smiles. Nina was worried about the play script and Fabian said that it would be ok. Nina was worried about using the %!arah theme% and Fabian gave her a reassuring smile. Fabian and Nina are standing very close together. Nina was laughing about how Fabian wasn%t $scared.$
House of Identity / House of Emergency

Fabian and Nina are sitting at a desk together. "ight after Alfie is taken to the hospital, (ictor turns around to start 6uestioning them all and Fabian%s hand is on Nina%s back in an attempt to comfort her. Fabian walks by and stops in the classroom to say hi to Nina and he called her $!hakespeare.$ Fabian said that is wasn%t Nina%s fault that Alfie was in the hospital and that it was .atricia%s for leaving the bottle in her bag.

Fabian looked really upset when Nina said she was 6uitting !ibuna Nina 6uits the group and gives the locket to Fabian. Fabian tries to comfort Nina by saying that it wasn%t her fault. /hen Nina said she wished she turned down the scholarship, Fabian told her not to talk like that. He said that !arah chose Nina for a reason. Fabian was about to put his hand on Nina%s shoulder but was stopped when the rest of !ibuna walked in. Fabian looks like he was about to burst into tears begging her not to 6uit because his face turned red and he 7ust looked at the locket trying to say something. Amber said she could sense some weird romantic tension in Fabian. Fabian looked really upset when Nina gave him her locket and left !ibuna.
House of Reunion / House of Memories

Nina solves the clue where yesterday always follows tomorrow and Fabian picks he

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r up and spins her around. Fabian said that Nina was a genius girl. hey were both smiling, laughing, and blushing after he hugged her. Fabian asks Nina if she would help him look for it. Fabian said that !arah gave the locket to Nina and that it wasn%t his. Fabian persuades Nina to 7oin back the group. Fabian and the rest of !ibuna look happy when Nina 7oins the group again. Fabian and Nina are standing close to each other.

Nina and Fabian are sitting across from each other trying to figure out what the inside of the book says. hey get really close when they see the words inside were in invisible ink. Nina and Fabian sneak out at night to finish the clue, but then (ictor steals it. Nina lies about how .atricia has a boyfriend and Fabian 7okily says that she has to stop lying. Fabian and Nina both worry about "ufus and whether he comes around. Nina and Fabian didn%t want "ufus to look or take the locket. Fabian defended Nina by saying the locket is strictly "ufus%s either. Nina and Fabian inspect the book and Nina asks him if he found anything and he 7okliy says you asked me &: seconds ago. Nina gives him help from the flashlight.
House of Drama / House of Codes

Nina mentions her plan and Fabian seems interested. /hen the dress rehersal for the play, Fabian touched Nina%s hand Fabian said her plan was brilliant. Nina and Fabian are sitting on a one8person chair together. Fabian helps Nina play a video game, but she dies 0in the game1. Fabian and Nina are laughing and smiling when Nina is playing the game. Fabian%s -ncle Ade asks if Fabian and Nina are $stepping out$ 0dating1. Nina has no idea what that is, but Fabian retorts N;< -ncle Ade says he likes Nina= $!he has cheek and a good appetite$ 0!uggesting he%s a Fabina !hipper1 hey read the book -ncle Ade gave them at the play. Fabian smiles as Nina acts. Fabian asks if he can go with Nina to the safe during the play. Nina goes alone and he says to be careful. Fabian gives her a thumbs8up and a smile before she went on stage.

Nina seem more reassured than nervous after that. Fabian tells Nina that she doesn%t have to go, but she decides to go anyways. !he blushes and leaves for Anubis House. Fabian went to go check for Nina. Fabian seem worried when Amber said there was N; sign of Nina. Fabian told .atricia that he knew she would be back in time.
House of Risks / House of Thieves

Fabian is worried about where Nina is. Fabian gives her a huge hug and doesn%t let go when she returns. Nina and Fabian talk about how (ictor might already know about the pu44le pieces. hey both agreed that (ictor could be talking about "ufus or anyone else in the audience that he was going to eliminate. Fabian reassured Nina about how (ictor didn%t go back to the house and made fun of (ictor%s face. Also, Fabian made Nina rela5 about how .atricia is tough.
House of Hazards / House of Charades

Fabian was laughing with Nina about (ictor%s face. Fabian tried to calm Nina down when (ictor was asking who stole the pieces. (ictor was asking Nina if she took it and Fabian interrupted by saying theres no reason for them to take it since he knew Nina couldn%t lie. Nina is worried and told Fabian that she%s on that tape. Nina is wondering where Fabian is. Fabian switches the tapes that way Nina doesn%t get caught risking him to get in big trouble if he got caught. Nina says she owes him & or >:. hen Nina kisses Fabian on the cheek. Fabian looks shocked and happy at the same time.

Amber was watching and smiling when Nina kissed his cheek, hinting that she ships Fabina. Afterwards, Nina was lying on Fabian%s shoulder smiling while Fabian was shocked.

added by Horus>.:
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House of Rendezvous / House of Rescue

Fabian called Nina%s phone trying to figure out where she went. He hugged her while hugging Amber after he found and unlocked them from the abandoned warehouse. Nina gave Fabian a 7ealous look when *oy calls Fabian $Fabes.$
House of Arrest / House of Hoax

hey sneak into (ictor%s office together. Fabian tries to promise Nina he won%t give up on her in the hallway, but Alfie interrupts him. Fabian nervously tries to tell Nina he may have lost an Ankh piece. In the living room, Fabian talks to Nina about the Ankh piece. Fabian says he will not give up on !arah, the 6uest, and certainly not on Nina. Nina says that was sweet. hey stare at each other with flirty looks and then Nina breaks the silence by saying it%s hot in there. Nina has a really happy grin after Fabian said that. /hen .atricia says she found the Ankh pieces and Fabian says he could kiss her, Nina has a 7ealous look. Amber said she would find out Fabian%s number and then Nina%s.
House of Time / House of Aliens

hey lean really close to each other while speaking. /hen the message on the wall said, $ Awaken the (oice,$ Fabian asked Nina what it means rather than everyone else. Fabian says hi to Nina when she returned back to the house. Fabian and Nina are standing very close to each other when they called Amber to come. Fabian asks Nina to keep watch for him. he !ibuna club holds hands. Fabian is the first to agree when Nina asks if everyone is still $on board$.
House of Yesterday / House of Victory

Fabian was worried when rudy wanted to talk to Nina in the hall and he and .atricia looked really worried. Fabian said he was sorry that !arah died and Nina was upset. /hen Nina was looking through !arah%s bo5, Fabian, Alfie and .atricia came in to check she was ok. Fabian told her that they came to check on her. Fabian was the first to notice Nina was crying. /hen Nina was crying, Fabian came out with a glass of water which was probably for Nina. /hen Alfie got creeped out by Nina%s description of !arah in her dream, Fabian gave him a look. After Nina told Fabian, .atricia, and Alfie that !arah died, Nina rests her head on Fabian%s body.
House of Bribes / House of Venom

Fabian wanted to comfort Nina before she went to !arah%s funeral, so he sits ne5t to her. Fabian watched Nina get ready for the funeral. /hen .atricia says that *oy and Fabian were really close, Nina looked upset. After .atricia says this, Fabian looks at Nina and denies that he and *oy were close. 0It seemed like he was saying it to Nina rather than anyone else.1

As Nina came down the stairs from (ictor%s office, Fabian stared at her with a smile. Fabian sat ne5t to Nina down in the cellar. ?own in the cellar, Fabian noticed that Nina was cold. After Nina denied one of Amber%s blankets Fabian tells her to share with him and they share blanket, and Amber and Alfie e5change knowing glances. hey had some cute staring moments toward each other throughout the episode.

Aww =1
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House of Stars / House of Harsh

Fabian tells Nina to be careful when she goes back up into the attic. Nina 7okes about how she%s always careful and Fabian gave her a disapproving look in a 7oking manner. Fabian was playing guitar in Nina%s room, showing that he%s comfortable around her because he doesn%t play guitar around others. hey look up at the moon and stars together and they have a moment. hey look through the telescope together. /hen they were caught, they were standing really close together. Nina makes up a lie for Fabian, but it doesn%t work.
House of Lights / House of Allegiance

Fabian tries to mimic (ictor%s voice to scare Nina. hey laugh together. Nina shows him the ne5t clue. Alfie asks if they are $snooping or flirting.$ Fabian responds with a sarcastic $HA, HA,HA HA<$ Nina tells Fabian her intuition has been stronger since !arah died.

!he also tells him she has been hearing voices. !he thinks that he thinks she is cra4y. Fabian wonders if they got it wrong about *oy being the chosen one when it should be Nina. Nina freaks out when she hears this and runs away while Fabian tries to call for her. hey go into (ictor%s office together to get the ne5t clue while (ictor is out.
House of Pests / House of Betrayal

hey are sitting ne5t to each other in class. hey devise a plan to get the pu44le pieces. Nina laughed about how Fabian mimic 2r. !weet%s voice. hey were both in the Attic getting the pieces. hey come back both holding the take out.
House of Revelation / House of Heavy

Amber, 2ick, and 2ara think Fabian is going to ask Nina to the prom, showing they are all Fabina shippers. Amber says it will be so romantic, but Fabian hides it by saying they are 7ust friends. hey pin Fabian to ask Nina, but then he asks .atricia if she is going with anyone. Nina gets 7ealous and almost cries and says she thought he liked her. Fabian shows Nina the pu44le piece opening up. He tries to ask her to the prom, but she thinks he is going to ask .atricia. He tries to tell her he won%t ask .atricia, but she runs out and almost cries. /hile Nina leaves, Fabian seems to know that he has made a mistake by asking .atricia.
Season 1 Finale

Fabian tells Nina that he%s not asking .atricia. Nina smiles and looks relieved when he says that. He then tries to ask her, but they get interrupted by (ictor. Nina smiles when he is looking at his laptop.

Fabian asks why she is smiling. Nina replies with, $ hat frown little you get when you concentrate.$ Fabian looks back at his laptop smiling in secret. Fabian tries to ask Nina to the prom. *ust as Fabian was about to ask Nina, .atricia comes into the room. ,5asperated, Nina says, $,very time,$ while rolling her eyes. Fabian tries to ask Nina to the dance again. Nina says yes before he could ask because .atricia walks in. Fabian asked .atricia to leave the room so he can ask Nina to the prom. Fabian actually asks Nina. !he says, $9es$ and he is surprised. He stares at Nina in her beautiful dress, and silently says, $/hoa$. He tells Nina not to worry when "ufus has got them in the class room. He yells $),A(, H,"<$ when Rufus grabs Nina and he tackles "ufus. hey hug once Nina gets out and Fabian asks if she%s alright. /hen "ufus told Fabian to get the eli5ir, Nina looked at him worriedly. Fabian said for Alfie to stop acting and Nina looked even more worried. Nina looked interested in Fabian%s plan. In the cellar Fabian switches the ,li5ir and Nina says she loves him and hugs him.

I spy with my little eye... Fabina<

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Fabian blushes and smiles when Nina hugs him. Fabian and Nina held hands.

Fabian looked worried for Nina because she said that she was going back and she%ll meet him. Fabian didn%t want to leave, but .atricia told him to go. He said no on his way out. At the dance, Fabian is worried about Nina. Amber crowns them both .rom Dueen and Eing. hey dance together while everyone is smiling. hey both agreed it was embarassing and they smiled lovingly into each other%s eyes. Fabian calls her beautiful and doesn%t take it back. He then asks her why she went back to the cellar, and she says it can wait. hey kiss and everybody cheers. hey continue dancing after the kiss and they lean their foreheads against each other.

Season 2
Season 2 Premiere

Fabian asks rudy if Nina was here. hey both stand smiling at each other when they reunite. hey both ask how each other%s transportation was. Fabian and Nina reunite and almost kiss, only to be interrupted by *erome. Fabian awkwardly offers Nina some cake. he two are holding hands at the table at breakfast. In the background, you can hear Fabian asking Nina if she was okay repeatedly. Fabian smiled as a response to Nina%s safety while she smiled back. Nina calls Fabian a word nerd and tells him how useful it is to date him. hey agree to go on a double date with 2ara and 2ick. Fabian is e5cited to go on a normal date. hey sit ne5t to each other at class. hey go on a romantic stroll.

he two hold hands as they walk to an abandoned library. Fabian e5plains how the library could be useful and Nina agrees. /hen Nina goes into the library, Fabian is calling her name multiple times and follows her. He took Nina%s opinion over *oy%s, when he was picking a picture for his profile. He immediately changed his profile to in a relationship when Nina stared at him. hey were smiling at each other throughout the episode.
House of Spirits / House of Blackmail

Nina and Fabian are both close hiding behind the bookshelf. Nina has told Fran all about Fabian.

Fabian smiled when she told him that. forever G+G+G+G+G+G+G+G+

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Fabian and Nina sit together at the table. hey look at photos with Fran. Nina plans a picnic date in the attic, making up for the movie date that they%ve missed. Fabian says the attic is a good place because they would never started dating if it hasn%t been for the mystery. Nina agrees. hey almost kiss, but the cup starts glowing. Amber thinks the date is cute, but weird. hey look disappointed about having to cancel the date.
House of Rivals / House of Faces

Fabian gave Nina a smile when 2r.!weet said she could stay to help with the bid. Fabian got upset and said he was a pushover.

Nina tried to tell him he%s not. *oy tells Nina and Amber, in the bathroom, that she and Fabian are working together and Nina looks 7ealous. !he talks back to *oy, and Amber says,$Fo Nina.$ Nina is 7ealous and admits that *oy likes him. Nina admits they are still best friends. Amber asks if Nina likes Fabian. Amber says they need more Fabina time. Amber goes and plans a date. Nina freaks out about the mask as Fabian tries to calm her down. Fabian touches her shoulder. Fabian and Nina go to walk together to class, but *oy 7oins in. Nina is mad that *oy 7oins in and says,$.erfect. he three of us. Finally.$ Nina%s Fran tells Fabian he needs to me more assertive if he wants Nina. !he tells him to write a poem for Nina. /hen *oy said that her and Fabes make a good team because of their common interests, Nina has a 7ealous look. Fabian tries to read Nina the poem he wrote but Nina wanted to talk to him about the 6uest. Fabian said to her to tell him later and 7ust sit down, lightly pushing her shoulder. Nina says she%s not a dog and storms off. Fabian gets upset that he couldn%t read his poem. /hen *oy 7oins them on their walk, Nina locks arms with Fabian and walks out first, leaving *oy behind.
House of Myths / House of Nightmares

Fabian apologi4es to Nina about being assertive. hey go to -ncle Ade%s shop together to figure out about the mask. hey plan to go on a date, but Fran%s last night is that night and Nina can%t.

!he invites Fabian to go hang out with Fran and her, but Fabian declines. Nina looks 7ealous when *oy and Fabian walk in all happy. Fran tells her he likes Nina and that there%s a haiku with her name on it. Nina wants to plan a date, but Fabian is working with *oy. Fabian says it%s not really a date with him and *oy. Fabian says he can cancel with *oy for the date, but it%s too late. hey schedule another date. /hen Fabian was dreaming, he was whispering and saying,$I can%t *oy. I%m going on a date with Nina.$ Fabian has a dream where Nina is in a dress and he is in a tu5 like on a date. He touches her face admirably in the dream. In the dream, he tells Nina that she is beautiful. !enkhara was disguised as Nina the whole time during the dream tricking and marking Fabian.
House of Combinations / House of Heartbreak

Nina can tell Fabian is acting funny. Fabian tells Nina about the dream. !he asked if he had the mark and blamed it on herself. Nina was very concerned and Fabian ensures her that he doesn%t have it. Fabian didn%t want to tell Nina because it would worry her. Nina was relieved that he $didn%t$ have the mark. hey are very close when looking at the map. Amber sets them up on a double date. Nina says they are best friends to Amber. Fabian says Nina looks nice for their date. Both Fabian and Nina didn%t want to go on the date. Nina talks about how they are still best friends.

Fabian suggests things were better when they were best friends. hey break up, but Nina says later on $It was mutual$. Amber is sad they broke up and blames it on Alfie, showing she is a true Fabina shipper. Fabian hugs Nina first when they win the bid. *oy hugs him too and Nina looks 7ealous. Nina is mad that Fabian didn%t tell her about the mark.
House of Protection / House of Letters

Nina and Fabian are very close throughout the episode. Nina and Fabian hold hands when they get scanned. Fabian and Nina reali4e, when the scan is over, they are still holding hands and break them apart. Both looking embarassed and upset. Nina and Fabian go in the tunnels, again, together alone. hey both are close to the door listening into Vera and Victor flirting. /hile stuck in the !ecret cellar, Fabian asks about Nina%s gran trying to break the awkward tension. Nina sits very close to Fabian on the couch. /hen Senkhara comes to warn Nina, Fabian looks very sad for her. Fabian pulls Nina close to him and lets her rest her head on his shoulder. He also rubs her shoulder up and down too at that moment above. Fabian and Nina miss Mrs. Andrews class and decide to go to Frobisher )ibrary together. hey end up late for Mrs. Andrews class yet again but Nina save the day with her awesome french skills.
House of Crushes / House of Vertigo

Nina and Fabian are very close throughout the episode. Nina gets this 7ealous look on her face throughout the episode when *oy flirts with Fabian. Nina decides to flirt with ,ddie when *oy flirts with Fabian.

Fabian got 7ealous with Neddie and said ,ddie burps to see if Nina would care. Amber tells Nina $Fabian must really like you if he%s learning hopscotch for you.$ Fabian and Nina were talking before *erome came in with the masks. Fabian tried to tell Nina not to buy a dress from *erome. Nina tells Fabian he did great on his speech. Fabian asks Nina to dance and she accepts. Amber is happy that Fabian and Nina are dancing. Fabian tells Nina that *oy%s only his study buddy and that Nina is his best friend. !he smiles at that comment. hey lean in for a long kiss. After the kiss, Nina left, but Fabian called her name.
House of Pressure / House of Deja Vu

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urns out everything that happened that last part of the episode was a dream. Fabian and Nina deny remembering the kiss even though they do. Amber knows that they kissed. Fabian and Nina are close to each other throughout the episode. Nina is 7ealous that *oy is spending so much time with Fabian. !he tries to bring up the *oy thing, but Amber shoves it off. Fabian smiles at Nina from across the way. He hands her a drink. /hen Nina said that she didn%t want to think about the dream, Fabian got upset about the kiss, but Nina denies that part right away.

Fabian says Nina looks better than in the dream. Nina runs back at hopscotch to get Fabian. Nina grabbed Fabian%s arm. Nina and Fabian share a look when Fabian escapes the hopscotch. Nina was glad that they didn%t lose Fabian. Fabian said that would never happen. Fabian remembers the dream last night.
House of Hoods / House of Deceit

Nina congratulates Fabian on his speech. hey stand very close holding lemonade. Nina, being sarcastic, says this kiss didn%t happen yet. Fabian agrees accidentally implying he didn%t want to kiss her making her mad. Nina, angry and sad at Fabian for his comment, leaves to go for a walk and leaves her mask. Fabian goes all around looking for Nina. Nina comes back to the ball to find Fabian and *oy kissing and has a very sad look on her face. !he runs out crying as Fabian sees this and tries to chase after her.

Fabian catches Nina while she is about to Fall through the Hole
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!he is still in tears when talking to Amber and says to not let Fabian near because she needs space. Amber slaps Fabian for kissing *oy Fabian tells Amber that it was all an accident.

He looks and sounds really upset when Amber won%t let him see Nina. Fabian almost cried because Amber won%t let him see Nina. Fabian saves Nina from falling and they end up in an awkward position. Fabian said that this is the part of the dream that he wasn%t going to let come true. Fabian said that he saved her and he thought she wasn%t mad anymore. Fabian looks upset when Nina insults him about *oy. Amber thinks they got back together. Nina tells her they are not and insults Fabian about kissing *oy. !he makes another remark about him kissing *oy a few moments later.
House of Sibuna/House of Payback

/hen *oy tells Nina that she will try to keep Fabian from making $*abian$ happen, Nina says there%s no $Fabina$ and tells her not to worry about it because Fabian is a free agent. Fabian looks hurt when NIna said that. After Nina said that, she seemed to have a regretful look on her face, meaning she is probably 6uestioning herself for saying that.
House of Pendulums/House of Impasse

Fabian wishes Nina good night and says,$ !weet dreams.$ Nina gives him a smile as a reply. Fabian pulled Nina out of (ictor%s path and put his hands on her shoulders. After Fabian crossed the chasm, he said= $'ome on, Nina$ with a lovely face. After Nina crossed the chasm, Fabian put his arms around Nina and pulled her close to him. /hen Nina goes to put the spare amulet in the doll house, Fabian looks at her with a loving smile. Fabian stood close to Nina when she got across the bridge. hey hugged after the Nina got across.
House of Help/House of Phobias

Nina tells Fabian to be careful.

House of Isis / House of Curfews

Fabian and Nina were in the cupboard together trying to get (ictor very tired. Fabian and Nina reminisce while Fabian lies with his head on Nina%s bed. Fabian says that he misses $Fabina$ Fabian asks Nina out again, but she falls asleep. Fabian holds on to Nina%s arm and guides her over the creaky floorboards in (ictor%s office.
House of Hacks/House of Stings

Fabian reassures Nina that they%ll do fine before he and Alfie go through the strings. Before Fabian goes through the strings, Nina grabs onto his arm. Nina gasps the first time Fabian moves through the strings and sighs when she sees he%s okay. Nina gives Fabian helpful tips as he crosses the web of strings.
House of Envy / House of Names

Nina gets upset when Fabian and *oy go to the movies, so she decides that she and !ibuna should go back to the web chamber without him. /hen Nina finds out Fabian and *oy are going to the movies, Nina says that she thought she and him were going to see that movie. Fabian says to Nina plenty of times that the movie with *oy is not a date. /hen Fabian and *oy were watching the movie, Fabian avoids her when *oy tries to hold his hand and do other romantic things. /hen Fabian saves the day, Nina looks happy he came. Nina and Fabian meet up at the library where Fabian said he needs to talk to her. Nina assumes Fabian is going to talk about the movie $date$ with *oy, but he didn%t. It gets awkward in the library, so Fabian tells Nina that he and *oy are 7ust friends and that the movie wasn%t a date. Nina looks happy Fabian said that. Fabian tries to convince Nina not to go through the door that is closing.

/hen the door is closing, Fabian yells for Nina multiple times. Nina calls out for Fabian at the end and Fabian looks at the door with a distraught face.
House of Evidence / House of Genius

Nina calls for Fabian when she gets scared behind the door. He%s trying as fast and best as he could to get her out. He yelled when he thought the door wouldn%t open. Fabian is the one that actually gets her out. Nina and Fabian hug when Nina gets out. Nina looked scared and Fabian looked relieved and hugged her tight. Nina asks Fabian to stay and help her solve the pu44les while in the room. He said it%s getting late and that they should leave. !he asks him to take pictures at least with a smile. He agrees and takes the pictures. Nina and Fabian go down to the cellar to snoop on (ictor. Nina told Fabian about the dream she had about !enkhara. Fabian e5plained all the potions to Nina when she was confused. Fabian chuckled about how Nina said the potion smelled like 'hristmas.
House of Accusations / House of Hasty

Nina and Fabian sit on the couch together while talking to Amber H Alfie. Nina and Fabian are the only ones left in the room during breakfast. Nina%s piece of toast smells like cinnamon, which could be helpful for the task. Nina gives the piece of toast to Fabian, assuming he will smell it. Fabian thinks Nina is offering him her piece of toast, when she wasn%t. Fabian smells the piece of toast, and agrees cinnamon is a part of the task. hey think they figured out a part of the task. Nina and Fabian sit together during 2ara%s trial.

hey have time before the trial starts, so Nina says they should go to figure out the task. 2r. !weet tells everyone to sit down before they can go. Fabian is upset they can%t go figure out the task. After some of the trial, they call out a break. Nina, Fabian, and Amber go to the tunnels. Fabian figures out the clue and the door opens to the ne5t tunnel. Nina is worried that they figured out the task so fast, and thinks someone was there before them. Nina tells Fabian she is worried. Fabian tells her it%s ;E, and that they are doing great with the task so she won%t be worried.
House of Sorry / House of Hex

Nina and Fabian walk to their desk. Nina tells Fabian that she cannot believe 2ara got e5pelled. (era tells Nina that there is some bad news about her Fran. Fabian looks sad in the background. Nina walks in on Fabian and *oy talking. Nina steps back a bit to hear what they are talking about. *oy tells Fabian it%s his turn to pick the movie. Fabian looks confused and says $ne5t timeI$ *oy tells Fabian to think about going out to another movie. Fabian answers with a $maybe.$ Fabian turns around and see%s Nina. Nina looks at him with a mad look on her face. Fabian tells Nina many times that they are 7ust friends. Nina says $9eah, sure, 7ust friends.. I know.$ Fabian tells Nina that he really means it. Nina tells him to $forget it$ and walks away.

Fabian then loses his memory because of Nina%s words. Fabian and Nina sit ne5t to each other during the ping8pong match. Fabian asks Nina how the game is played. Nina looks confused.
House of Silence / House of Warnings

Nina and Fabian sit on the couch together in the ?rama studio. Nina helps Fabian with his memory loss. Nina asks Fabian if he still remembers her. Fabian answers $;f course I do<$ /hen Nina asks Fabian who she is, he responds, $Nina 2artin, my best friend,$ and she smiles. )ater in Anubis House, *oy talks to Fabian about the movie. Fabian looks confused. *oy asks if he remembers. Fabian answers $no.$ *oy is upset and leaves. *oy thinks Fabian pretended to forget about the movie. Fabian forgets *oy%s name and call her insted pam and Nina look kind of glad.
House of Status / House of Laments

Fabian forgets who !arah is. Nina tells him $!A"AH, FABIAN< ?oll house !arah<$ Nina says sorry for yelling at him. Nina and Fabian sit together at class. )ater in Anubis House, Fabian tells Nina they should take turns spying on (ictor. Nina agrees.
House of Heists / House of Alibis

Fabian runs into Nina H Amber%s room that he found out something. Nina runs up to him. Fabian then forgets what he found out.

Nina tells him to try to remember. Fabian says he can%t. Nina says it%s ok while rubbing his shoulder. After coming up from a fail trip to the cellar, Nina and Fabian talk. Fabian says he is going to the library to look for the missing instrument. Nina says to write down what he finds out this time. !he also tells him to be careful. Fabian agrees. Nina tells him $As long as you don%t forget me, Fabian.$ while smiling. Fabian says $Hey, some things I can never forget,$ with a flirty tone. Nina smiles and watches him walk away.
House of Oblivion / House of Snoops

/hen Fabian tells !ibuna he doesn%t know who any of them are and leaves the room, Nina runs after him. ,ven though Fabian can%t remember Nina, he knows that he trusts her with his life. Nina says, $?itto.$ as she trusts Fabian with her life too, even though he can%t remember her right now. /hen Nina, .atricia, and Fabian go down to the tunnels to finish the task, Nina doesn%t let go of Fabian%s hand until he runs away afraid of the roof caving in. Nina helps Fabian get through the task. Fabian remembers Nina and they are both smiling.
House of Reflections / House of Stooges

Nina and Fabian are seen close together throughout the episode. At breakfast, Fabian cheers Nina up by telling her the 6uest is almost over. /hen cleaning dishes, Nina blows soap bubbles at Fabian. hey are smiling and laughing while washing the dishes. Nina and Fabian both smile at each other as Nina reads the riddle for the task.

House of Zodiacs / House of Reckoning

Fabian gives Nina a speech. Nina says it%s a good speech. Fabian 7okes with Nina about how she should remember it in case the other !ibunas need it. Fabian told Nina that (ictor didn%t have what they had, and had to catch himself and say that he meant A)) of the !ibunas. Nina grabs Fabian%s hand and they look at each other and smile. Fabian looks surprised, but happy. Amber walks in on the two ga4ing at each other and asks if it%s $National Fall in )ove ?ay.$ hey both let go and look embarrassed. Nina said that Fabian inspired her. /hen she was walking out to get her notes, Fabian had a little grin on his face. Fabian and Nina are trying to figure out how to make the door open.
House of Trades / House of Magic

Fabian yells $*ust leave her alone<$ when !enkhara leaves Nina scared. /hen Alfie smashes Fabian%s watch, Nina is holding her mouth in shock in the background, and feels bad for Fabian. ?own in the tunnels, Fabian puts his hand on Nina%s shoulder and tells her they should be getting back now. /hen the students are getting ready for a fancy dinner, when Fabian walks in, Nina runs to him. Nina asks Fabian if he thinks everything will go well 8 Fabian tells her he thinks so. /hen Alfie smashes the Amulet, in the background you can see Nina grabbing Fabian%s hand slightly.
House of Sabotage / House of Nine Lives

Nina took Fabian%s hand when they walked behind *oy, 2ara and ,ddie.

Nina tells Fabian that he needs to sweet8talk *oy even though he doesn%t want to. Fabian asks if she%s sure about the plan and she says she doesn%t know, but it%s the only plan they got. Fabian has a sad look on his face and says,$?o I have to toI$ /hen Fabian is about to go to *oy%s room, Nina hesitates, but tells him to go. Nina is eavesdropping on *oy and Fabian because she wants to see what%s going on. Fabian seemed to be trying really hard to get *oy to drop the article. Nina looked shocked and upset when *oy said she would drop the article if Fabian kissed her. 0*oy wanted Fabian to kiss her to show that he actually cares for *oy1 Fabian was about to kiss her, but he resisted. *oy knew he still had feelings for Nina, and he said he still did. Nina smiled and mouthed $Awww$ when he said this. He said he would always have feelings for Nina even though they wouldn%t get back together. Nina looked touched and happy when he said that. Nina does a happy dance outside the door !he ran back to her room pretending to act natural and was smiling wide when Fabian came in. /hen Fabian found out about *asper, Nina rubbed his shoulder and comforted him.
House of Forgeries / House of Hijack

/hen Fabian talked with *asper, Nina grabs his shoulder and comforts him. Fabian tells Nina that she is a genius. Fabian is reminding Nina that she can%t be in > places at once when she said she is a horrible person that she is not to visit her Fran anymore. Fabian confronts Nina that she visits her when she can and her Fran loves her and understands that. Fabian is giving to Nina the piece he was trying to save from the dollhouse. Fabian tells Nina after she hears that she needs to go and see that it%s probably nothing.

Fabian tells Nina that she%s still a good granddaughter, and says that she can focus on Fran after they find the mask.
House of Freeze / House of Timeout

Fabian is the first one to greet Nina at breakfast. Nina doesn%t respond and Fabian automatically knows that something is wrong. He rushes over to her and asks if it%s her Fran. Fabian looked upset and said the article was horrible. Fabian comforts Nina after Alfie says that loads of people detest her. /hen Nina said the article is true and that she%s a terrible granddaughter, Fabian said,$No.$ Fabian points out why Nina isn%t a bad granddaughter because she%s trying to find the mask to save her own life. Fabian made her feel better by telling her the plan to get the mask and rid them off the curse once and for all. Nina thanks Fabian for comforting her. he whole time, Fabian had it hand on Nina%s shoulder. Fabian was 6uestioning *oy to find out who wrote the horrible article on Nina. Fabian got mad at *oy for writing the article. Nina and Fabian were talking about Fran. Fabian and Nina hug when Fabian arrives at the hospital. Fabian helped Nina with the correct pronunciation of the tourist attraction. Fabian helped Nina figure out that Fran was the timepiece.
House of Reflectors / House of Illusions

Fabina both look worried about .atricia%s plan. Fabian seems amused about how Nina told Amber not to say a peep. Fabian and Nina look confused about the ne5t task. Fabian and Nina e5plore the ne5t task which is the game of !enet.

Fabina along with the rest of !ibuna are happy and ama4ed to see the 2ask of Anubis. Nina puts her reflector over Fabian%s mouth as they watch .atricia tell ,ddie to keep his blindfold on.
House of Dreams / House of Pitfalls

Fabian grabbed Nina by her shoulder and pulled her back from the trap. 0 hank goodness<<1 Fabian stood behind Nina when !ibuna found the mask. Fabian held onto Nina%s shoulders after he pulled her back. Nina said she would do the task by herself, but Fabian said no. He said he wouldn%t let Nina do it by herself, and that !ibuna is going to do it too. Fabian said that the article *oy wrote about Nina was low. Fabian and Nina help rudy try to remember her dreams. Fabian said that Nina is really good at visuali4ation. /hen Nina begins the visuali4ation e5ercises with rudy, Fabian smiles and stares at her, but then shakes his head and focuses on what rudy is saying. Fabian gives Nina her 7acket and bag. Fabian said that he and !ibuna would find something for Nina while she is visiting her Fran. Fabian told !ibuna that he promised Nina that they would find something. Fabian smiled when Nina arrived. Nina looked happy and relieved that Fabian and !ibuna found something. Nina told Fabian that they had to get the mask, and he said they will. He gave her a cupcake and she smiled. Nina and Fabian both agreed to go down and play !enet. Nina told Fabian that he%s doing a good 7ob. Nina told Fabian not to worry and that she trusts him. hey smiled at each other.

Fabian screamed when Nina fell down into the pit.

House of Phantoms / House of Surrender

Fabian was crying hysterically after Nina fell down into the cell. /hen Alfie made an unknowingly negative comment about Nina, Fabian ran out of the room and started crying in the hidden room. Fabian couldn%t sleep all night because he was too worried about Nina. Fabian said he would never give up on Nina. Fabian ran out of class, so he could try to find Nina. He told Amber he would do whatever it takes to find Nina. Fabian was so worried about Nina that he was desperate to go tell 2r.!weet, even though he might have put her life in more danger. Fabian was relieved when he heard Nina%s voice as was Nina. here was a huge smile on his face and he was very happy. Fabian calmed down and began to smile when he found out that Nina was okay. Fabian promised Nina he would get her out. Nina said she needed Fabian.
House of Strategy / House of Memory

Fabian and Amber /ent into 2r. !weet%s office to get Nina food. Fabian spoke to Nina through the vent and assured her that they were going to get her out soon. Fabian scolded Amber for saying that they were stumped when Nina could hear. After a while, Fabian was reluctant to ask *oy about helping them, because he was worried about what Nina would say.
House of Traps / House of Stakes

Nina looked really relieved when Fabian and Joy came through the cell door. Nina and Fabian hesitated for a split second when he got through, 7ust looking at each other, and then they hugged for a long time. hey both looked like they were going to cry when they were reunited. Nina was completely confident in Fabian.

Fabian rubbed Nina%s shoulder and ran his fingers through her hair. Nina was horrified when Senkhara threatened to kill Sibuna , especially at the mention of Fabian. If you look closely, you can see that Fabian puts his hand on Nina%s cheek.
Season 2 Finale

Fabian promised Nina that they would get the mask and that Fran would be ok. Fabian looked mad at Eddie for making a comment about Nina%s Fran. Fabian said that !ibuna was leaving the dining room after ,ddie made the comment. Fabian looked shocked when Patricia told Alfie that !enkhara was going to take Nina into the after life with her. Fabian looked really upset when Nina was about to put on the mask.

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Fabian looked sorry for Nina when she told them about what !enkhara said. Fabian went to warn Nina not to put on the mask. Fabian was begging Nina to not put on the mask while !enkhara tried to encourage her. Fabian told Nina that she didn%t have to do what !enkhara wanted her to do. /hen they both saw that they didn%t have the mark, they hugged and smiled. Fabian asked if she was coming and she told him that she would catch up with him. Fabian was unsure when *oy asked him is he wanted to dance, but she said $I know, 7ust as friends$ Fabian and Nina dance in the hallway. Fabian told her that they got it wrong about breaking up.

Fabian calls Nina his chosen one. hey EI!!< Fabian and Nina get back together. Fabian refused to let Nina sacrifice herself. Fabian almost cried when Nina put the mask on. Fabian tried to save Nina before !enkhara made her wear the mask. Nina puts her arm around Fabian. Nina smiles dreamily at Fabian. Fabian smiled when Nina walked down the stairs. Fran told Fabian that Nina was upstairs and he rushed to find her. He called her name and she smiled and bite her teeth nervously as a reply. Amber closed the door to give them privacy. heir official song $2y .erfect ?ay$ was playing while they were dancing. hey both smiled and laughed because it was the song they danced to and had their first kiss at the prom. Fabian gave her his hand to dance and she accepted with a smile and took his hand and they started dancing. /hen Fabian calls Nina his chosen one, it shows he%s chosen Nina over *oy. ,veryone hugged them and kept when they reunite. /hen Amber was hugging them, it seem like she pushed them closer together. hey both looked a bit irritated after Amber interrupted their kiss. *erome said $9eah, finally<$, when they got back together and they both blushed a bit.

Season 3
Season 3 Premiere

/hen Fabian opens the ta5i door, he%s hoping to see Nina, but found ,ddie in the ta5i and saying, $9ou%re not Nina<$ . He asks ,ddie if he%d seen Nina at the airport.

Fabian continously tries to contact Nina. Fabian is worried about Nina. /hen Fabian first sees rudy, he asks if Nina has arrived yet. /hen he learns she isn%t coming Fabian is visibly upset. He is very worried and tries to investigate her disappearance. /hen Fabian messages Nina he gets e5tremely e5cited. /hen he finds out about Nina and ,ddie he becomes furious, thinking they had a summer romance JAlong with .atriciaK. /hen he thinks that Nina and ,ddie had a summer romance, Fabian almost hurt him. Fabian looked angry at Eddie, when ,ddie left the room, Fabian followed him and was still very angry Fabian confronts ,ddie furiously. /hen ,ddie tells Fabian that he lost the letter Fabian gets very mad. Fabian helps ,ddie search for the letter. Nina wrote him a letter e5plaining everything. Nina was only trying to protect him 0along with the rest of Anubis house1.
House of Truth / House of Hieroglyphs

Fabian had Amber read Nina%s letter aloud to him because he couldn%t handle it. In the letter Nina said she%d never stop loving Fabian. In the letter Nina said Fabian will always be her first love Fabian is in tears when Amber reads the letter. (ictor criti4ed Nina and Fabian reacted very strongly about it. Fabian keeps insisting there%s no !ibuna without Nina.
House of Revelations / House of Questions

Fabian tells *oy that starga4ing makes him feel better, because he knows that even in America, Nina would be looking at the same stars.
House of Anticipation / House of Close Calls

/hen ,ddie says that they were doing 7ust fine before he came, Fabian tells ,ddie that nearly losing his girlfriend 0Nina1 twice to an egyptian curse dis6ualify doing 7ust fine.
House of Awakening / House of Sarcopaghi

Fabian tells Mr. Sweet that he still misses Nina. /hen Fabian says he misses Nina, 2r. !weet calls it $young love$.
House of Enemies / House of Surprise

Fabian got very upset when he saw one of the 6uestions on Miss Denby%s personality test was about what he would do if his girlfriend left without an explanation, knowing it was about Nina. Fabian left the classroom visibly upset a little angry and after 2iss ?enby%s %personality test%.
House of Hog / House of Defeat

Alfie said $2aybe that%s why Nina left you<$ even if Fabian has no soul he looks mad and sad at the same time and then he throws something in to the floor showing that what Alfie said touched him. hat scene showed that Fabian still isn%t over Nina not coming back, because he has known who she was for him even he was the sinner of pride. he emoitons and facial e5pression he had when Alfie said this somewhat showed the real Fabian, and that Nina is his weakness.

Nina's Letter To Fabian

?ear Fabian, I know this may be the strangest way of telling you I am not coming back. But if I told you in person, I knew I would 7ust break down and cry. I found out that the Osirian and The Chosen One must be kept apart or terrible things will happen. I started to tell Eddie, but then my Gran got ill again and that%s when I decided I wasn%t coming back. 9ou are my first love Fabian and nothing or no one will ever change that. But I am staying away to protect us all. Now is time for both of us to move on. 8Nina Hints is doing a special called $ The Story of 'Fabina' $. has a quiz you can take to see if you are Fabina, Amfie, 2ickber or 2ickra.

In promo L, there is a part where Fabina is studying and $playing footsies$ and giving each other flirty looks. here is a photo album on called Fina which has Fabina pictures. In the House of Anubis !eason > 'lues, there is one of a note written by Fabian that he was going to give to Nina. It was about how he wanted to get back together with her. is doing a fan fiction challenge, and the first one said %'an Fabina !urviveI% making it seem like they wanted more people to make fan fictions featuring a small hint of Fabina in each one. As shown in Anubis Unlocked, Fabian%s character phone%s wallpaper is of him and Nina at the !eason & prom.

$/ould you fancy walking over with meI$ Fabian to Nina. $!he has the same pretty eyes as you.$ Fabian to Nina. $9ou think my eyes are prettyI$ Nina to

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$But this is weird, even for ,ngland$ Nina to Fabian. $/ell, my 'hosen ;ne.$ Fabian to Nina. $I...I saved you$ Fabian said to Nina. $9eah, why don%t you go save the other girl in this dress$ Nina said to Fabian. $Nina, ?;N% put on that mask<$ Fabian to Nina.

hey%re one of the couples that shared the biggest number of the romantic scenes. Both of them are a little bit geeky.

Brad Eavanagh wrote the song $9ou I see$, and said that it could be the song that Fabian would sing to Nina. hat%s e5actly why this song was written. Fabian%s 6uote $/ell, my 'hosen ;ne$, is the official 6uote for this ship. /hen Nathalia said that she is not returning for season +, fandom started to give ideas what will happen with Fabina. he most famous ones were either that Nina will return at the end or that they will have a long distance relationship. Nathalia said it was weird to kiss Brad, because they%re such good friends. Nina and Fabian have always showed interest for each other, but none of them were brave enough to make the first move. Nina kissed Fabian first. Fabina was the leading couple in the first season. Nina was really 7ealous when it came to *oy with Fabian, but at the end of season, they became pretty good friends. hey were really close since the beginning. Fabian was the first nice person to Nina after she arrived. Fabina was the first couple to get so many shippers. It seemed like in season &, they couldn%t get a moment of silence to talk about their feelings to each other. Ana 2ulvoy en said that she ships Fabina. If Nina could be in season +, this couple would have a very strong relationship. heir dating guru%s Amber. !he has rooted Fabina from the beginning. It%s possible that Fabian has moved on from Fabina because Mabian has become canon in The Touchstone of Ra. It was Amber who came up with the name $Fabina$ for this couple in an episode, not a fan.

Relationship #1 (1.60 - 2.10)
!tart -p= House of Hush / House of Spies / House of Sting / House of Never / House of Forever Break -p= House of Combinations / House of Heartbreak

"eason for Break -p= hey didn%t understand each other when Fabian thought that Nina wants them to be 7ust friends. However, they still liked each other.

Relationship #2 (2.90 - 3.2)

!tart -p= House of Missions / House of Captives / House of the Chosen / House of Freedom Break -p= House of Truth / House of Hieroglyphs "eason for Break -p= Nina couldn%t come back to Anubis House because she found out that he 'hosen ;ne and the ;sirian must be apart or else terrible things will happen and her Fran got ill again.

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