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Chemistry Foundations of chemistry Atomic structure, periodic table, metals and non-metals Bonding ionic, covalent, metallic, hydrogen

drogen Structure of covalent, ionic and metallic substances Formulae and equations The periodic table and groups (0, 1, 7, transition metals) Metals o Elements aluminium, iron, zinc, lead, copper, magnesium o Alloys steel, brass, bronze, solder o Extraction and purification Aluminium and iron Copper electrolysis Sodium chloride - electrolysis Haber process and fertilizers o Haber process, reversible reactions, yield o General chemical manufacturing costs o NPK fertilisers (salts), eutrophication

General inorganic chemistry Rates of reaction (chemical kinetics) Types of substances o Elements, compounds, mixtures o Solvents, colloids, emulsifiers and detergents Some basic reactions o Redox reactions, ions and the reactivity series o Acids and bases Theories (Arrhenius; Bronsted-Lowry) Reactions (metals, metal oxides and hydroxides) Titration calculations o Making salts o Analysing and identifying substances Gases, water, ions (flame tests) Salts soluble and insoluble Chemistry with current electricity o Electrolysis of molten and aqueous substances o Electrochemical cells and batteries o Electrolysis calculations Quantitative analysis o Relative atomic mass and moles o Calculations from equations masses and gas volumes o Making solutions Energy changes in reactions

Organic chemistry, earth sciences Organic chemistry o Hydrocarbons Oil distillation, cracking, alkanes and alkenes Polymers - examples, breathable ones, medical uses, stretchy and rigid ones, disposal o Food heating starch and proteins, emulsifiers o Carbon fuels and incomplete combustion o Allotropes of carbon and nanochemistry o Enzymes Air, water and earth o Air and the atmosphere Composition Pollution and catalytic converters Ozone layer o Water o Geology and rock types Structure of the earth Plate tectonics, continental and oceanic plates, ridges, earthquakes, volcanoes Igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks

Applied inorganic chemistry Construction materials from rock o Marble (metamorphic), granite (igneous), limestone (sedimentary) o Cement limestone and clay o Mortar cement, sand water o Concrete cement, sand, aggregate, water o Reinforced concrete steel rods tension and compression Paints o Pigments (thermochromic, phosphorescent) o binding medium (e.g. oil), o solvent (e.g. turpentine, water+emulsifier)

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