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Bias Osmosis Smorgasbord of kaleidoscopic ricochet TABLETS Truths antithesis Beliefs Liquid Exponential Transcendental http:// !"outube!com/ atch#$%&'(k)*+O,-.


0n the name of 1od and forgi$e it2s 3ust politics 45ESS65ES 4olitical 5eligious Egalitarian Segregated Solidarit" 6biquitous 5ighteous Explosi$e Sanctimonious 7Th" kingdom come7 )c 4ig )usical 8hairs 4uppets in glomming 4uppets in 1o$ernance )edia Elusi$es

401 )E
The request for 1od9s kingdom to come is usuall" interpreted as a reference to the belief: common at the time: that a )essiah figure ould bring about a ;ingdom of 1od! Traditionall" the coming of 1od9s ;ingdom is seen as a di$ine gift to be pra"ed for:

not a human achievement.

This idea is frequentl" challenged b" groups ho belie$e that the ;ingdom ill come b" the hands of those faithful to ork for a better orld! 0t is belie$ed b" these indi$iduals that <esus9 commands to feed the hungr" and clothe the need" are the ;ingdom to hich he as referring!

401 )EO=
4uppets in 1o$ernance )edia Elusi$es Opposition =eb 0n the name of 1od of: for ith the 4eople =T,

>?@ Tithe 4olitical 5eligious 0mplicit 8omplicit Explicit 4508E 4olitical 5eligious 0nsidious 8apitalist Emperors Like other financial empires in histor": Smith claims the contemporar" model forms alliances necessar" to de$elop and control ealth: as peripheral nations remain impo$erished pro$iders of cheap resources for the imperialAcentersAofA capital!BCD Belloc estimated that: during the British Enclosures: 7perhaps half of the hole population as proletarian7: hile roughl" the other 7half7 o ned and controlled the means of production! -o : under modern 8apitalism: <!=! Smith claims fe er than E?? people possess more ealth than half of the earth2s population: as the ealth of C/F of CApercent of the 6nited States population roughl" equal that of the lo er >?A



!"outube!com/ atch#$%60tA5p("(;s
!"outube!com/ atch#$%OG4CtSt'GAg

ne 73esuit pope7 francis! controlled b" black pope

S0- BAG Sane 0nsanit" -ormalc" Beliefs Aggressed Gemocraticall"

,acts must ha$e root F take root 1od coherenc" 78atch FF7 must ha$e semblance F catch do1 chase tail

0 kno 0 ill ne$er see a poem as lo$el" as a tree nor a brighter life form

The" ail banging heads against all and e get the Excedrin headaches *a gotta kno B& Lest e ,orget taking on different animal
<udaism TH05G TE)4LE BE0-1 B60LT demolish )0 I )uslim 0slam

== 000 # H6H# Hol" unorthodox Holocaust -E=S -e$er Ending =ar Stor"


On ard 8hristian Soldiers !"outube!com/ atch#$%e&(Ja??*?u&

6nited -ations Alien Kionist 0nsidious 4uppets The Star of Ga$id in the Leningrad 8odex: C??+ 8E 6pon independence in C>&+: the ne <e ish state as formall" named Medinat Yisrael: or the State of 0srael: after other proposed historical and religious names including Eretz Israel L7the Land of 0srael7M: Kion: and <udea: ere considered and re3ected!BFED 0n the earl" eeks of independence: the go$ernment chose the term 70sraeli7 to denote a citiNen of 0srael: ith the formal announcement made b" )inister of ,oreign Affairs )oshe Sharett!BF(D The name 0srael has historicall" been used: in common and religious usage: to refer to the biblical ;ingdom of 0srael or the entire <e ish nation!BFOD According to the Hebre Bible the name

70srael7 as gi$en to the patriarch <acob LStandard Yisrael: IsrlP Septuagint 1reek: QRSTUIsralP

7struggle ith 1od7



after he successfu y wrest e! with the an"e of the #or!.

<acob9s t el$e sons became the ancestors of the 0sraelites: also kno n as the Twelve Tribes of Israel or Children of Israel! <acob and his sons had li$ed in 8anaan but ere forced b" famine to go into Eg"pt for four generations until )oses: a greatAgreat grandson of <acob:B'?D led the 0sraelites back into 8anaan during the 7Exodus7! The earliest archaeological artifact to mention the ord 70srael7 is the )erneptah Stele of ancient Eg"pt Ldated to the late C'th centur" B8EM!B'CD

$he area is a so %nown as the

&o y #an!'
bein" ho y for a

Abrahamic re i"ions inc u!in"

an! the *ah+,- .aith.

(u!aism' Christianity' )s am
Hol" Abe Batman harped 5obin "ep no >CC looks like a 3ob & H!A!A!5!4


!"outube!com/ atch#$%& EN"FkN5E)/feature%related 6S caused <apan +!> Earthquake V Alter eather Tesla mad science ali$e and ell Homer: Alaska

http:// !"outube!com/ atch# annotationJid%annotationJCE'FC>/feature%i$/srcJ$id%s6E'Of&bn,)/$%C)=C3)qB,G* Gepopulate to C Billion 0nteracti$e 5eciprocit" and then there ere none finall" 4OE 4eace on Earth O come CC An exasperating shot in antiquit" an exacerbating peacekeeping $olle" then all hell broke loose
A cr" a lie a def" husha husha / e all paid the 4rice from dusk F dust e r a changing blo ing in the ind

Lest e forget Terrorist makers O; if "ou are the good gu" Or is it if "ou are percei$ed as the good gu" the other a 1od damn terrorists


!"outube!com/ atch#$%T<gn<J=JEN6 8-0t2s O; =ikileaks e$il

Truth All 4a" 4rice

http:// http:// http:// http:// http://

!"outube!com/ atch#$%t3s,SrS-OAk 6S! ar crimes in 0raq B4art CD !"outube!com/ atch#$%Omo)u"?$K3c 6S! ar crimes in 0raq B4art FD !"outube!com/ atch#$%*()FA0ma>+k 6S! ar crimes in 0raq B4art 'D !"outube!com/ atch#$%Fi?d'-dt0e) 6S! ar crimes in 0raq B4art &D !"outube!com/ atch#$%"o qWFngHl& The hole truth about the 0raq ar

The War on Iraq, filmmaker Robert Greenwald chronicles the Bush Administration's determined quest to invade Iraq following the events of e!tember "", #$$"% The film deconstructs the administration's case for war through interviews with &% intelligence and defense officials, foreign service e'!erts, and &%(% wea!ons ins!ectors )) including a former *IA director, a former ambassador to audi Arabia and even +resident Bush's ecretar, of the Arm,% Their anal,ses and conclusions are sobering, and often disturbing, regardless of one's !olitical affiliations%

!O<truth!com Obstruct <ustice truth and source kill Truth kills truth sa$es Sa$e "ourself and the orld Xideo 1one http://$ideo!google!com/$ideopla"#docid%'CCO''+FC'&'>F>F&>?Y Xideo 5eplaced http:// !"outube!com/ atch#$%s40fgmu-&ns
In this lecture b, -ichel *hossudovsk,, he blows awa, the smokescreen !ut u! b, the mainstream media, that ./"" was an attack on America b, 0Islamic terrorists0% Through meticulous research, he has uncovered a militar,) intelligence !lo, behind the e!tember "" attacks, and the cover)u! and com!licit, of ke, members of the Bush Administration% According to *hossudovsk,, the 0war on terrorism0 is a com!lete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, 1sama bin 2aden, outwitted the 34$ billion)a),ear American intelligence a!!aratus% The 0war on terrorism0 is a war of conquest% Globalisation is the final march to the 0(ew World 1rder0, dominated b, Wall treet and the &% % militar,)industrial com!le'% e!tember "", #$$" !rovides a 5ustification for waging a war without

borders% Washington's agenda consists in e'tending the frontiers of the American 6m!ire to facilitate com!lete &% % cor!orate control, while installing within America the institutions of the 7omeland ecurit, tate%


!"outube!com/ atch#$%b$a"F+lKiH6 Truth ;ills

http:// !"outube!com/ atch#$%=?xNsbSbX6E After o$ercoming the illing suspension of disbelief High 5anking 6S )a3or 1eneral Exposes September CC http:// !"outube!com/ atch#$%(+L6HaJAOlA 80A =histleblo er Susan Lindauer EW4OSES E$er"thingZ 7Extreme 4re3udice7
)ilitar" corruption 6SA Billions if not trillions C/F>/?F http:// ! anttokno !info/corruptiongo$ernmentmilitar" 0raq =ar http:// !"outube!com/ atch#$%C;hut+xbW;+/feature%related *ush bro%e every ru e in the boo%s of U/ Constitution an! U0 Charter part an! parce http:// http:// http:// !"outube!com/ atch#$%+;>dgq;m<E?/feature ,ema Getention 8amps )arshall La !info ars!com/obamaAimplementingAmartialAla Acoup/ !firefl"fans!net/mthread!aspx#bid%C+/tid%EFC>? ,B0 gu" flees stating all insane and died

C? *ears if "ou think 1o$ernment corrupt 6SA

http:// !"outube!com/ atch#$%GO"GOW1mtro 0t2s al a"s the enem" premeditated instilled ithin self once the 4osen Speech takes caught in crossfire

Posen speech
Main article: Posen speeches
7Die Ausrottung des j dis!hen "ol#es7

An excerpt from the 4osen speeches here Himmler discusses the onAgoing extermination of the <e s!

$roble%s listening to this file& 'ee %edia hel()

On & October C>&': Himmler referred explicitl" to the extermination of the <e ish people during a secret SS meeting in the cit" of 4oNna[L4osenM! The follo ing is a translation of an excerpt from a transcription of an audio recordingBOOD that exists of the speech: 0 also ant to refer here $er" frankl" to a $er" difficult matter! =e can no $er" openl" talk about this among oursel$es: and "et e ill ne$er discuss this publicl"! <ust as e did not hesitate on '? <une C>'&: to perform our dut" as ordered and put comrades ho had failed up against the all and execute them: e also ne$er spoke about it: nor ill e e$er speak about it!

#et us than% Go!

that e had ithin us enough selfAe$ident fortitude ne$er to discuss it among us: and e ne$er talked about it! E$er" one of us as horrified: and "et e$er" one clearl" understood that e ould do it next time: hen the order is gi$en and hen it becomes necessar"! 0 am no referring to the e$acuation of the <e s: to the extermination of the <e ish 4eople! This is something that is easil" said: 9The <e ish 4eople ill be exterminated9: sa"s e$er" 4art" member: 9this is $er" ob$ious: it is in our program \ elimination of the <e s: extermination: a small matter!9 And then the" turn up: the upstanding +? million 1ermans: and each one has his decent <e ! The" sa" the others are all s ine: but this particular one is a splendid <e ! But none has obser$ed it: endured it! )ost of "ou here kno hat it means hen C?? corpses lie next to each other: hen there are E?? or hen there are C:???! To ha$e endured this and at the same time to ha$e remained a decent person \ ith exceptions due to human eaknesses \ has made us tough: and is a glorious chapter that has not and ill not be spoken of! Because e kno ho difficult it ould be for us if e still had <e s as secret saboteurs: agitators and rabble rousers in e$er" cit": hat ith the bombings: ith the burden and ith the hardships of the ar! 0f the <e s ere still part of the 1erman nation: e ould most likel" arri$e no at the state e ere at in C>C( and 9CO ! ! ! ! \Heinrich Himmler: & October C>&'

http:// !"outube!com/ atch#$%Lu? osK"bE6 4ope ,rancis and the Girt" =ar A )ichel 8hossudo$sk" on 15TX Arrest arrants for the 4ope and .ueen expire )arch CF F?C' oops F?C& ith innumerable riled up no ithout legal paper purpose )arch FF F?C' oops F?C& )arshall La ipe out ,ema camps the hole shebang V all she rote as <esuit planned! )akes one onder h" onl" a "ear pro$ided to arrest such deadl" criminals eh# =arrant includes Harper too eh# 4erhaps that explains his senator actions! Harper appoints the senators and it as a senator that threatened me! 4erhaps a prorogue in order to get settled into an underground sabbatical# Appears 0 3ust oke up or the )arch FF F?C' )arshall La dela"ed due to 5e$ ;e$in actions or V! -e$er mind go back to sleep V 02m gonna tr" Go "ou suppose the" ha$e sped up the agenda ma"be ET go home for Wmas V e$er onder * V W for 8hris http://exopolitics!blogs!com/exopolitics/F?C'/?'/m"Aentr"!html http:// 1etting ith the 0talian 8rusade of the essence !scribd!com/doc/C+??'(F+(/0talianApoliticiansAagreeAtoAaidAagainstAlastA5atNA4ope

=ell 0 cant belie$e that sa"s them that kno and the 5OLOGEW A 5ealist Osmosis Learned Oppressed Gim it Ensla$ed )ark =ill the 58)4 determine sufficient e$idence to make charges =e ill ha$e to ait for their consultation ith the Attorne" 1eneral through to the 4rime )inister: through the 1o$ernor 1eneral through to the 8ro n through ,rancis to the Black 4ope and ine$itabl" and in$ariabl" e ill pa" the 4rice 8learl" a conflict of interest: but ho9s gonna sa": as the matter before the highest material court


!"outube!com/ atch#$%60tA5p("(;s
!"outube!com/ atch#$%OG4CtSt'GAg

ne 73esuit pope7 francis! controlled b" black pope!34 $)56 )/ U7888--9::= 5A;C& :: :<=9--- >67?7U#A$)?0--5A;$)A# #A@--GU0 G;A*-C)A)# @A; -E=S -e$er Ending =ar Stor"

Lo$e of =ar Business 4olitical 5eligious 0mplicit 8omplicit Explicit 4508E 4olitical 5eligious 0nsidious 8apitalist Emperors Like other financial empires in histor": Smith claims the contemporar" model forms alliances necessar" to de$elop and control ealth: as peripheral nations remain impo$erished pro$iders of cheap resources for the imperialAcentersAofA capital!BCD Belloc estimated that: during the British Enclosures: 7perhaps half of the hole population as proletarian7: hile roughl" the other 7half7 o ned and controlled the means of production! -o : under modern 8apitalism: <!=! Smith claims fe er than E?? people possess more ealth than half of the earth2s population: as the ealth of C/F of CApercent of the 6nited States population roughl" equal that of the lo er >?A percent!

== 000 ine$itable if the Truth does not $iral eating a a" at the $irus eating a a" our minds True peacekeepers barrage the orld ith truths !Euchrestrions!com 02m thinking '' billion something to do ith '' degree mason ''rd parallel =hen the" sa" spent '' Billion for climate control The" mean in effort to pre$ent being run o$er b" the Home 5ace rising !upsC'!com -o experiencing O5B0T 5O4 A Outside 5outine Box 0ntrinsic Truths 5e$erse Osmosis 4s"chosis humanit" rises on their hot air )OLESTAT0O)useum of Liars Elusi$it" Substanti$e Thick Alteration Truth 0ncinerators oppressed -e s =0T =hat is Truth# S0Sane 0nsanit" -ormalc"


!scribd!com/doc/COOF+EEE>/,rankABestABetAHo e$erASuperfluousAtoABetAOn 0f "a gonna stand froNen staring into the headlights Tr" "our damnest to make it coherentl" through to the last page 0n the 8058A 5 hate$er the" sa" 8ircular logistics bites ass SEE Self E$ident Exposing 6p the do n ri$er of no returns 8058A 5 # 8oherent 0rate 5esponsibl" 8omplicit Accountable 5ecompense Truth2s 0nterest orth one2s eight in 1old Sticks 0 dunno: but stones and glass houses V mind shattering eh#

,acts must ha$e root F take root 1od coherenc" 78atch FF7 must ha$e semblance F catch do1 chase tail

,ree medical for senators alleged and the incarcerated But hat of me squeaks the tax pa"ing silent ma3orit" V no oil for "ou V someone must pa" for indiscretions at our discretions! Some sa" a medical conspirac" theor" transparenc" !0"ff"0!com 0n "our face for "our 0nformation Hate to harp Harper here2s the cash# 4erhaps opposition care to eigh in V ma"be the media V an"bod"# )ulrone"# 0n the name of 1od of: for ith the 4eople =T,

http://www.scrib!.com/!oc/=4<B<<:==/5a%in"-/wiss-cheese-of-7ope-s-/wiss-Guar!-by-C?;-of-C Thin air confetti in$isible trickle do n 8an "ou belie$e them on 84A8 do not suspect the" are atched Oh the" kno of Gemocrac" =atch but a are one of them V time & a break got the time# =hoooos atching hooooo don9t gi$e a hoot hooting their epitaph $ideos to be $etoed 3ust a ee bit too late 444 4urel" 4olitical 4urposes Humanit" Goublethink 0 444 4X O; 0mpure 444 4artial Xacuum Oka" ;leptocraticall" http:// !scribd!com/doc/OC''''OC/=hoA=ouldABeA,oolishAEnoughAtoALea$eAaA4aperATrail

]There ere no dates in this histor": but scra led this a" and that across e$er" page ere the ords Bene$olence 5ighteousness and )oralit" V finall" 0 began to make out hat as ritten bet een the lines! The hole $olume as but a single phrase: Eat 4eople^

70t is onl" the isest and the stupidest that cannot change7 ]The" must often change ho ould be constant in happiness or isdom^

Thought m" pants ould ne$er dr" prett" much use to the stink 8riminal la "ers need criminals for sustainable gro th 8riminal la "ers need sustainable impo$erished gro th 5espects glad hand premier step to AE0O6 Appropriation Exponential 0mpo$erishment Orienting 6 Gon2t let them fool "ou as if &u hen promoting 3obs promote self in HE Human Ensla$ement -e$er * ask

Like a thief in the knight 5emember hen in trouble Go not ait for 5emembrance Ga" Lest the" allo their sanit" to o$erride their bias FB respected =ho selects the independent senate conundrum state# The Abominable sno man and the 0ceman cometh =e all pa" the 45 0 ce I 8hristian Era as the 5ule of La melts before our e"es 8r"stal meth and 8ritical thinking m"th

Giscarding the Biblical Babble on & th" kingdom come

Gust F Gust Guff 6sur" Snuff Transiti$e logic describes a gi$en relation bet een terms such that if it exists bet een 7a7 and 7b7 and bet een 7b7 and 7c:7 then it also exists bet een 7a7 and 7c!7 T"pical transiti$e relationships include 7is greater than:7 7is equal to:7 and 7is similar to!7 http://en! ikipedia!org/ iki/85*STAL)ETH Guff"2s criticiNing of teaching 8ritical thinking found his a" to Harper2s heart Anti antiA ar acti$ist too eh#

8lear case of 4508; 4olitical 5eligious 0nsidious 8harlatan ;leptocrac" self exposure http://en! ikipedia!org/ iki/)ikeJGuff"
On Gecember FF: F??+: Guff" as named a 4rince Ed ard 0sland representati$e to the Senate of 8anada on the ad$ice of 4rime )inister Stephen Harper: sitting as a 8onser$ati$e!B+DB>D He subsequentl" retired as a TX 3ournalist at the end of F??+! 0n )arch F?C?: Guff" criticiNed the 6ni$ersit" of ;ing9s 8ollege and other 3ournalism schools in 8anada for teaching -oam 8homsk" and critical thinking! He ent on to sa" that 3ournalism schools in 8anada ere churning out leftists ho thought pri$ate enterprise as bad! The head of ;ing9s School of <ournalism reacted ith surprise to Guff"9s criticism: sa"ing that )anufacturing 8onsent as not part of the curriculum! She also said she ould not apologiNe for teaching critical thinking to 3ournalism students!BC?D A number of editorial comments ere ritten in response to Guff"9s criticism!BCCDBCFDBC'D 8ritical thinking is a a" of deciding hether a claim is true: partiall" true: or false! 8ritical thinking is a process that leads to skills that can be learned: mastered and used! 8ritical thinking is a tool b" hich one can come about reasoned conclusions based on a reasoned process! This process incorporates passion and creati$it": but guides it ith discipline: practicalit" and common sense! 0t can be traced in the =est to ancient 1reece ith its Socratic method and in the East to ancient 0ndia ith the Buddhist kalama sutta and abhidharma literature! 8ritical thinking is an important component of man" fields such as education: politics: business: and science!

!O<task!com Obstruct <ustice truth and source kill !Solar1hostC'!com 8onstitution de 3ure $s 5omans C' de facto http:// !scribd!com/doc/CC'++F>OO/SpiritA0ntentA4recedenceAdeA<ureA8onstitutionAorA5omansAC'A 1amingAtheAS"stemAdeA,acto


!linkedin!com/pub/dir/<onathan/S ainger/

,acts must ha$e root F take root 1od coherenc" 78atch FF7 must ha$e semblance F catch do1 chase tail -o complaints from ithin except from them excommunicated from the 4s 4olitical science Bs bastard science Bs Bs Bull shitter Back stabbers Toga 4art"

Suspended ith )edical co$erage appro$ed b" the )edical conspirators !0"ff"0!com

The Attorne" 1eneral is the chief la officer of the Executi$e 8ouncil! The responsibilities stemming from this role are unlike those of an" other 8abinet member! The role has been referred to as DEu!icia - i%eD and as the 7guardian

of the public interest7!

As chief la officer: the Attorne" 1eneral has

a specia responsibi ity

to be the guardian of

that most elusi$e concept

A the rule of la ! A The rule of la is a ell established legal principle:

but har! to easi y !efine.

0t is the rule of la

that protects
indi$iduals: and societ" as a hole: from arbitrar" measures and safeguards personal liberties!

Has the Attorne" 1eneral been briefed# or ould that be meaningless in a partial $acuum The Attorne" 1eneral does not: ho e$er: direct or cause charges to be laid! =hile the Attorne" 1eneral and the Attorne" 1eneral9s agents ma" pro$ide legal ad$ice to the police:

the u timate !ecision

hether or not to la" charges is for the police! Once the charge is laid

the !ecision
as to hether the prosecution should proceed: and in hat manner:

for the Attorne" 1eneral and the 8ro n Attorne"! 0t is no an accepted and important constitutional principle that the Attorne" 1eneral must carr" out the )inister9s criminal prosecution responsibilities

in!epen!ent of Cabinet an! of any partisan po itica pressures.

The Attorne" 1eneral9s responsibilit" for indi$idual criminal prosecutions must be undertaken A

an! seen to be un!erta%en on strictl" ob3ecti$e and legal criteria: free of an" political considerations! =hether to initiate or sta" a criminal proceeding is not an issue of go$ernment polic"! This responsibilit" has been characteriNed as

a matter of the Attorney Genera

acting as the .ueen9s Attorne" A not as a )inister of the go$ernment of the da"! This is not to suggest that decisions regarding criminal prosecutions are made in a comp ete vacuum!
A ide range of polic" considerations ma" be eighed in executing this responsibilit": and the Attorne" 1eneral

ma" choose to consult the 8abinet on some of these considerations! Ho e$er an" decisions relating to the conduct of indi$idual prosecutions must be the Attorne" 1eneral9s alone and independent of the traditional 8abinet decision making process! 0n practice: in the $ast ma3orit" of cases: these decisions are made b" the Attorne" 1eneral9s agents: the 8ro n Attorne"s! 6ltimatel" the Attorne" 1eneral is accountable to the people of the pro$ince: through the Legislature: for decisions relating to criminal prosecutions! Such accountabilit" can onl" occur: of course: once the prosecution is completed or hen a final decision has been made not to prosecute! The sub 3udicae rule bars an" comment on a matter before the courts that is likel" to influence the matter! The sub 3udicae rule strictl" prohibits the Attorne" 1eneral from commenting on prosecutions that are before the courts! 1i$en the stature of the Attorne" 1eneral9s position: an" public comment coming from the office

wou ! be seen as an attempt to inf uence the case.

Although the Attorne" general can become in$ol$ed in decisionAmaking in relation to indi$idual criminal cases:

such a practice wou ! eave the 5inister vu nerab e to accusations of po itica interference.
Accordingl": it is traditional to lea$e the da"AtoAda" decisionAmaking in the hands of the Attorne" 1eneral9s agents: the 8ro n Attorne"s: except in cases of exceptional importance here the public ould expect the Attorne" 1eneral to be briefed Soon ma"be on 84A8 ill obser$e the rap up of 1O 4OE due process )eaningless Legal 8ertaint" 5ule of La http://en! ikipedia!org/ iki/5uleJofJla The 5ule of la in its most basic form is no one is abo$e the la ! 4erhaps the most important application of the rule of la is the principle that go$ernmental authorit" is legitimatel" exercised onl" in accordance ith: pub ic y !isc ose! aws: adopted and enforced in accordance ith established procedural steps that are referred to as

!ue process.
The rule of la is hostile to dictatorship and to anarch"! According to modern AngloAAmerican thinking: hallmarks of adherence to the rule of la commonl" include a clear separation of po ers:

e"a certainty'
the principle of legitimate expectation and equalit" of all before the la ! The concept is not ithout contro$ers": and it has been said that 7the phrase the ru e of aw has become

meanin" ess
thanks to ideological abuse and general o$erA use7 1O 4OE

1eneral O$erAuse 4roclamations Onl" Elusi$it"

pub ic y !isc ose! aws

EF! LCM The 8onstitution of 8anada is the supreme la of 8anada: and an" la that is inconsistent ith the pro$isions of the 8onstitution is: to the extent of the inconsistenc":

of no force or effect.
'C! -othing in this 8harter extends the legislati$e po ers of an" bod" or authorit" 'F! LCM This 8harter applies LaM to the 4arliament and go$ernment of 8anada in respect of all matters ithin the authorit" of 4arliament including all matters relating to the *ukon Territor" and -orth est TerritoriesP and LbM to the legislature and go$ernment of each pro$ince in respect of all matters ithin the authorit" of the legislature of each pro$ince!

5esurrection onl" ith reciprocit" in lieu == 000 purgator"

-either political nor religious be but belie$e 0 understand perhaps because neither political nor religious be! http:// !scribd!com/doc/C+??'(F+(/0talianApoliticiansAagreeAtoAaidAagainstAlastA5atNA4ope 5e$erend ;e$in Annett excommunicated from the church indicati$e of understanding ithin 0n the name of 1od of: for ith the 4eople =T,

Tesla ,ree Energ" a no no http:// !"outube!com/results# searchJquer"%tesla_free_energ"/oq%tesla/gsJl%"outube!C!?!'Ei'>lF3?l&3?i'3?3?i'3?!CC!C&'E!?!&>EF!&!& !?!?!?!?!FE+!&OC!'3?3C!&!?!!!?!?!!!Cac!C!CC!"outube!m4xr4hn*aXg

http:// !"outube!com/ atch#$%*'xA63&"A)* 8ancer cured in 8anada but on2t produce it 4olitical 5eligious 0mplicit 8omplicit Explicit 45 08E 4olitical 5eligious 0nsidious 8apitalist Emperors
Like other financial empires in histor": Smith claims the contemporar" model forms alliances necessar" to de$elop and control ealth: as peripheral nations remain impo$erished pro$iders of cheap resources for the imperialAcentersAofAcapital!BCD Belloc estimated that: during the British Enclosures: 7perhaps half of the hole population as proletarian7: hile roughl" the other 7half7 o ned and controlled the means of production! -o : under modern 8apitalism: <!=! Smith claims fe er than E?? people possess more ealth than half of the earth2s population: as the ealth of C/F of CApercent of the 6nited States population roughl" equal that of the lo er >?Apercent! !Home5aceC'!com Time for the Human 5ace to 4art" 4O=E5 4ossible Onl" =hen Egalitarian 5eciprocit"

http://en! ikipedia!org/ iki/Humpt"Jdumpt" Humpt" Gumpt" sat on a all: Humpt" Gumpt" had a great fall! All the king9s horses and all the king9s men 8ouldn9t put Humpt" together again!BCD Humpt" appears in Le is 8arroll9s Through the LookingA1lass LC+OFM: here he discusses semantics and pragmatics ith Alice! ]0 don2t kno hat "ou mean b" `glor":2 ^ Alice said! Humpt" Gumpt" smiled contemptuousl"! ]Of course "ou don2t\till 0 tell "ou! 0 meant `there2s a nice knockAdo n argument for "ouZ2 ^ ]But `glor"2 doesn2t mean `a nice knockAdo n argument2:^ Alice ob3ected! ]=hen 0 use a ord:^ Humpt" Gumpt" said: in rather a scornful tone: ]it means 3ust hat 0 choose it to mean\neither more nor less!^ ]The question is:^ said Alice: ] hether "ou can make ords mean so man" different things!^ ]The question is:^ said Humpt" Gumpt": ] hich is to be master that2s all!^ Alice as too much puNNled to sa" an"thing: so after a minute Humpt" Gumpt" began again! ]The"2$e a temper: some of them\particularl" $erbs: the"2re the proudest\ad3ecti$es "ou can do an"thing ith: but not $erbs\ho e$er: 0 can manage the hole lotZ 0mpenetrabilit"Z That2s hat 0 sa"Z^BCED This passage as used in Britain b" Lord Atkin and in his dissenting 3udgement in the seminal case Li$ersidge $! Anderson LC>&FM: here he protested about the distortion of a statute b" the ma3orit" of the House of Lords!BC(D 0t also became a popular citation in 6nited States legal opinions: appearing in FE? 3udicial decisions in the =estla database as of April C>: F??+: including t o Supreme 8ourt cases LTXA $! Hill and Kschernig $! )illerM!BCOD
Lord" Lord"


!scribd!com/doc/COF?EF''C/GearALordA=hichALifeA,ormsABeliefAisAtheA1reaterA Sanctimonious




Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General

The Attorne" 1eneral has a unique role to pla" as a )inister! One part of the Attorne" 1eneral9s role is that of a 8abinet )inister! 0n this capacit" the )inister is responsible for representing the interests and perspecti$es of the )inistr" at 8abinet: hile simultaneousl" representing the interests and perspecti$es of 8abinet and consequentl" the 1o$ernment to the )inistr" and the )inistr"9s communities of interest! The Attorne" 1eneral is the chief la officer of the Executi$e 8ouncil! The responsibilities stemming from this role are unlike those of an" other 8abinet member! The role has been referred to as 73udicialA like7 and as the 7guardian of the public interest7! )uch has been ritten on the sub3ect of ministerial responsibilities and the unique role of the Attorne" 1eneral! There are $arious components of the Attorne" 1eneral9s role! The Attorne" 1eneral has unique responsibilities to the 8ro n: the courts: the Legislature and the executi$e branch of go$ernment! =hile there are different emphases and nuances attached to these there is a general theme throughout all the $arious aspects of the Attorne" 1eneral9s responsibilities that the office has a constitutional and traditional responsibilit" be"ond that of a political minister! The statutor" responsibilities of the office are found in section E of the Ministr* of the Attorne* +eneral A!t! Section E states: The Attorne" 1eneral: LaM is the La Officer of the Executi$e 8ouncilP LbM shall see that the administration of public affairs is in accordance ith the la P LcM shall superintend all matters connected ith the administration of 3ustice in OntarioP LdM shall perform the duties and ha$e the po ers that belong to the Attorne" 1eneral and Solicitor 1eneral of England b" la and usage: so far as those po ers and duties are applicable to Ontario: and also shall perform the duties and po ers that: until the Constitution A!t, -./0 came into effect: belonged to the offices of the Attorne" 1eneral and Solicitor 1eneral in the pro$inces of 8anada and 6pper 8anada and hich: under the pro$isions of that Act: are ithin the scope of the po ers of the LegislatureP LeM shall ad$ise the 1o$ernment upon all matters of la connected ith legislati$e enactments and upon all matters of la referred to him or her b" the 1o$ernmentP LfM shall ad$ise the 1o$ernment upon all matters of a legislati$e nature and superintend all 1o$ernment measures of a legislati$e natureP LgM shall ad$ise the heads of ministries and agencies of 1o$ernment upon all matters of la connected ith such ministries and agenc"P LhM shall conduct and regulate all litigation for and against the 8ro n or an" ministr" or agenc" of

go$ernment in respect of an" sub3ect ithin the authorit" or 3urisdiction of the LegislatureP LiM shall superintend all matters connected ith 3udicial officesP L3M shall perform such other functions as are assigned to him or her b" the Legislature or b" the Lieutenant 1o$ernor in 8ouncil! 7 =hat follo s is an o$er$ie of the $arious components of the Attorne" 1eneral9s roles and responsibilities: primaril" as outlined in the Act!

Chief Law Officer of the Executive Council (s. 5(a))

The role of chief la officer might be referred to as the Attorne" 1eneral9s o$erall responsibilit" as the independent legal ad$isor to the 8abinet A and some ha$e e$en suggested that the role possibl" extends to the Legislature as ell! The importance of the independence of the role is fundamental to the position and ell established in common la : statutes and tradition! As chief la officer: the Attorne" 1eneral has a special responsibilit" to be the guardian of that most elusi$e concept A the rule of la ! The rule of la is a ell established legal principle: but hard to easil" define! 0t is the rule of la that protects indi$iduals: and societ" as a hole: from arbitrar" measures and safeguards personal liberties! The Attorne" 1eneral has a special role to pla" in ad$ising 8abinet to ensure the rule of la is maintained and that 8abinet actions are legall" and constitutionall" $alid! 0n pro$iding such ad$ice it is important to keep in mind the distinction bet een the Attorne" 1eneral9s polic" ad$ice and preference and the legal ad$ice being presented to 8abinet! The Attorne" 1eneral9s legal ad$ice or constitutional ad$ice should not be lightl" disregarded! The Attorne" 1eneral9s polic" ad$ice has the same eight as that of other ministers!

Criminal prosecutions (s.5(d))

One of the most publicl" scrutiniNed aspects of the Attorne" 1eneral9s role is the responsibilit" for criminal prosecutions encompassed in section E LdM and s! >F of the 8onstitution Act: C+(O! Section >F gi$es the pro$inces authorit" to legislate in matters related to the administration of criminal 3ustice and thereb" gi$es the pro$incial Attorne" 1eneral authorit" to prosecute offences under the 8riminal 8ode! The Attorne" 1eneral does not: ho e$er: direct or cause charges to be laid! =hile the Attorne" 1eneral and the Attorne" 1eneral9s agents ma" pro$ide legal ad$ice to the police: the ultimate decision hether or not to la" charges is for the police! Once the charge is laid the decision as to hether the prosecution should proceed: and in hat manner: is for the Attorne" 1eneral and the 8ro n Attorne"! 0t is no an accepted and important constitutional principle that the Attorne" 1eneral must carr" out the )inister9s criminal prosecution responsibilities independent of 8abinet and of an" partisan political pressures! The Attorne" 1eneral9s responsibilit" for indi$idual criminal prosecutions must be undertaken A and seen to be undertaken A on strictl" ob3ecti$e and legal criteria: free of an" political considerations! =hether to initiate or sta" a criminal proceeding is not an issue of go$ernment polic"! This responsibilit" has been characteriNed as a matter of the Attorne" 1eneral acting as the .ueen9s Attorne" A not as a )inister of the go$ernment of the da"! This is not to suggest that decisions regarding criminal prosecutions are made in a complete $acuum! A ide range of polic" considerations ma" be eighed in executing this responsibilit": and the Attorne" 1eneral ma" choose to consult the 8abinet on some of these considerations! Ho e$er an" decisions relating to the conduct of indi$idual prosecutions must be the Attorne" 1eneral9s alone and independent

of the traditional 8abinet decision making process! 0n practice: in the $ast ma3orit" of cases: these decisions are made b" the Attorne" 1eneral9s agents: the 8ro n Attorne"s! An important part of the 8ro n9s A and thus the Attorne" 1eneral9s A responsibilit" in conducting criminal prosecutions is associated ith the responsibilit" to represent the public interest A hich includes not onl" the communit" as a hole and the $ictim: but also the accused! The 8ro n has a distinct responsibilit" to the court to present all the credible e$idence a$ailable!

The responsibilit" is to present the case fairl" A not necessaril" to con$ict! This is a fundamental precept of criminal la : e$en if it is not a particularl" ellAunderstood concept among the general public! One of the Attorne" 1eneral9s responsibilities in fostering public respect for the rule of la : is to assist the public in understanding the nature and limits of the prosecutorial function! 6ltimatel" the Attorne" 1eneral is accountable to the people of the pro$ince: through the Legislature: for decisions relating to criminal prosecutions! Such accountabilit" can onl" occur: of course: once the prosecution is completed or hen a final decision has been made not to prosecute! The sub 3udicae rule bars an" comment on a matter before the courts that is likel" to influence the matter! The sub 3udicae rule strictl" prohibits the Attorne" 1eneral from commenting on prosecutions that are before the courts! 1i$en the stature of the Attorne" 1eneral9s position: an" public comment coming from the office ould be seen as an attempt to influence the case! Although the Attorne" general can become in$ol$ed in decisionAmaking in relation to indi$idual criminal cases: such a practice ould lea$e the )inister $ulnerable to accusations of political interference! Accordingl": it is traditional to lea$e the da"AtoAda" decisionAmaking in the hands of the Attorne" 1eneral9s agents: the 8ro n Attorne"s: except in cases of exceptional importance here the public ould expect the Attorne" 1eneral to be briefed!

Legislative Responsibilities (s. 5(e) and (f))

The Attorne" 1eneral has broad responsibilities associated ith 1o$ernment legislation! These responsibilities ha$e been described as t ofold! One is to o$ersee that all legislati$e enactments are in accordance ith principles of natural 3ustice and ci$il rights Lsee also s! ELbM abo$eM! This is ob$iousl" an important and broad area of responsibilit"! The second aspect of this responsibilit" is to ad$ise on the constitutionalit" and legalit" of legislation! The Attorne" 1eneral9s legislati$e responsibilities are pla"ed out in a $ariet" roles! The Office of Legislati$e 8ounsel reports to the Attorne" 1eneral! Legislati$e 8ounsel pla"s a ke" role in ensuring the legal integrit" of 1o$ernment legislation! Although the Legislati$e 8ounsel9s reporting relationship to the Attorne" 1eneral does allo the Attorne" 1eneral to pro$ide guidance and set standards: indi$idual pieces of legislation are drafted on instructions from client ministries and are not ithin the sole control of Legislati$e 8ounsel or the Attorne" 1eneral! 0t should also be noted that Legislati$e 8ounsel also has a direct responsibilit" to the Legislature as the Office also drafts all pri$ate member9s bills!

The Attorne" 1eneral has a further role to pla" as part of hate$er 8abinet 8ommittee is formed to re$ie legislation and regulations! Here the )inister has an opportunit" to comment on the technical issues related to legislation and regulations prior to 8abinet consideration! The Attorne" 1eneral9s role on legislati$e matters is as an ad$iser to the 8abinet! Although unlikel": 8abinet could: in theor": recei$e the Attorne" 1eneral9s legal opinion on legislation and choose to disregard it! The Attorne" 1eneral9s role is not independent of 8abinet decision making as in the area of criminal prosecutions! As as noted earlier: the Attorne" 1eneral must make careful distinctions about the legal opinions and polic" or political preferences being offered about legislation!

Civil Litigation (s.5(h) and (d))

0n addition to the specific responsibilities to conduct ci$il litigation on behalf of the 1o$ernment and its agencies Ls! ELhMM: the Attorne" 1eneral has broader litigation responsibilities flo ing from the historical po ers of the Attorne" 1eneral referred to in s! ELdM of the Act! These po ers are based on the 8ro n9s parens patriae LparentalM authorit"! The Attorne" 1eneral9s authorit": therefore: is not onl" to conduct litigation in cases directl" affecting the go$ernment or its agencies but also to litigate cases here there is a clear matter of public interest or public rights at stake! This has been characteriNed as a constitutional responsibilit" to ensure that the public interest is ell and independentl" represented! 0t ma" in$ol$e inter$entions in pri$ate litigation or 8harter challenges to legislation: e$en if the arguments conclude that the legislation does contra$ene constitutionall" protected rights!

Responsibilit for Court !dministration (s. 5(c))

A ke" component of the Attorne" 1eneral9s responsibilities to ensure the administration of 3ustice in the pro$ince is the administration of the courts and as a result the responsibilit" for maintaining liaison ith the 3udiciar"! 1i$en the fundamental importance of the independence of the 3udiciar": the responsibilit" for courts administration is often a $er" sensiti$e and delicate issue! 1reat care and respect for the principles of 3udicial independence must be exercised in this area!

The Attorne" 1eneral is the chief la officer of the Executi$e 8ouncil! The responsibilities stemming from this role are unlike those of an" other 8abinet member! The role has been referred to as 73udicialA like7 and as the 7guardian of the public interest7!

)arch F>: F??O On se$eral occasions 0 ha$e requested Bruce Herridge inform me as to hat efforts he has made to this promise ith no response!

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!scribd!com/doc/CO'ECF(+?/BeingA)arriedAHapp"AandA1a"AisAasA-aturalAasATaxingAandA The 4ope and his merr" men hate the common ga" as the" do not produce sla$es http:// !scribd!com/doc/C+??'(F+(/0talianApoliticiansAagreeAtoAaidAagainstAlastA5atNA4ope 5e$erend ;e$in Annett excommunicated from the church indicati$e of understanding ithin Sane 0nsanit" -ormalc" S0Suicide 0llegal -uances !O<task!com Obstruct <ustice truth and source kill An" more help from them and 0 ill be dead making the Senator that threatened me a prophet maintaining their exploited profit exponentiall" secure Senator2s 3udged b" their peers ensures the last nail in m" coffin !SapBoatC'!com Sanit" a popular Belief of artificial truths

!0"ff"0!com 0n "our face for "our 0nformation

,orgi$e me Lord for 0 kne

hat the" ould do

Forgive me Lord Blessed be the ignorant folk On splendored grass I toke When not on black go green Now a socialite headlite A firebug ... a flash Where the fuck's my stash What is what is not of no relevance For happiness among the irrelevance Some say all things relative Never heard from you, but now assuredly blessed Now Dear Lord Where the fuck is the cash Now I lay me down to rest Yes of course a hood wink Giving ignorance shot my best Without a blink A cheat I know Awaiting search beneath pillow Sure Tooth Fairy BS but paid well for the times Swing low sweet chariot and all that rhymes A song a dance on yonder swing From a chandelier I sing 1 ding a ling 2 of 3rd kind Nuff encountered to see night through Blessed insanity arms in air once threw Tomorrow promises more in lieu of sheep Now in night's tranquility sleep No more stomach churn oft blew Blaming on the rain the acid stew Caring for fools ... I get it Lord Who knew ... what's new with you Taking leave artistic license The one that pays without taxation Dearly departed before awarded Catch me not ... catch as catch can Deer and the antelope also ran None as fast as uncle Sam PR-Political Religious front A PRICK a screw a c Sorry bub ... It's OK I'm gay I repeat sorry meaning I'm not Two way street where's thought police Doublethink solstice A taste of think bodes not well A stone an epitaph others fell A priest a political behind sell

Up the ass ... some grass A fast attempting to yell a blast A coherence flash but don't tell Blessed be the Lord Alive today and tomorrow Found He lost sorrow Tranquility in persistent quarrel Survival despite absent morals The way of nuts and squirrels The winter of life Once believed a strife A gun a sword and a knife To head heart and throat A frog a prince a kiss and a miss Glory part and parcel ancient storey Feet on ground heads above 12th perhaps 14th floor A see a hear a speak not May be floor of the first 13th a verse a curse a hearst Say again whose on first Diary of a sad man glad man mad man A point of view a point of order A smorgasbord of perspectives 1st 2nd 3rd class Plane boat or terrain A suit a smirk a shirt a quirk land lubber eat dirt Peaceful disarray month of May or manta ray A thought chanced, but what ... a "difference" ... the hell you say When in thereof all is without Do not allow the science breed utter you nonsense A quill a pen most anything can kill A pill a still enhances the swill In go ahead backup excel reach happy medium No gas no oil needed in neutral vehicle RPM - Religious Political Media all a buzz about nothing Someone shit in their grass A Catholic a Protestant a Moron ... omitted an M? ok Am Catholic am Protestant am Moron A gun a sword a knife..... a circle of life

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Monkey Business

http://en! ikipedia!org/ iki/SeeJnoJe$il:JhearJnoJe$il:JspeakJnoJe$il The three ise monke"s L<apanese: : san9en or sanNaru: or : sanbiki no saru: literall" 7three monke"s7M: sometimes called the three

mystic apes'BCD are a pictorial maxim!

)iN ;ik 0 =aN ShiN 0f a ShiN bares truth of the forest no mind to see hear to speak of the ShiN killing Ho much ould a ood chuck get for their minds !!! presumabl" h" the ood chuck chucks ood Together the" embod" the pro$erbial principle to 7see no e$il: hear no e$il: speak no e$il7! The three monke"s are )iNaru: co$ering his e"es: ho sees no e$ilP ;ikaNaru: co$ering his ears: ho hears no e$ilP and 0 aNaru: co$ering his mouth: ho speaks no e$il! Sometimes there is a fourth monke" depicted ith the three othersP the last one: ShiNaru: s"mboliNes the principle of 7do no e$il7! He ma" be sho n crossing his arms! O50 HAG Or 5aising in Hopelessness and Gespair http://en! ikipedia!org/ iki/Humans Humans are one of onl" nine species kno n to pass the

mirror test
\ hich tests hether an animal recogniNes its reflection as an image of itself\along ith all the great apes Lgorillas:chimpanNees: orangutans: bonobosM:

Bottlenose dolphins: Asian elephants: European )agpies: and Orcas!BC??D )ost human children ill pass the mirror test at C+ months old!BC?CD Ho e$er: the usefulness of this test as a true test of consciousness

has been !ispute!'

and this ma" be a matter of degree rather than a sharp di$ide!

5on%eys have been traine! to app y abstract ru es in tas%s.F=<:G

htt!8//en%wiki!edia%org/wiki/7uman9rights Human rights are 0commonl, understood as inalienable fundamental rights to which a !erson is inherentl, entitled sim!l, because she or he is a human being%0:"; 7uman rights are thus conceived as universal <a!!licable ever,where= and egalitarian <the same for ever,one=% These rights ma, e'ist as natural rights or as legal rights, in both national and international law%:#; The doctrine of human rights in international !ractice, within international law, global and regional institutions, in the !olicies of states and in the activities of non)governmental organi>ations, has been a cornerstone of !ublic !olic, around the world% In The idea of human rights:?; it sa,s8 0if the !ublic discourse of !eacetime global societ, can be said to have a common moral language, it is that of human rights% (6AR *7A1 (o 6vidence Achieved Realit, *oherence Artificial 1rientation atanic 0 @es!ite this, the strong claims made b, the doctrine of human rights

continue to provoke considerable skepticism and debates about the content,

nature and 5ustifications of human rights to this da,% Indeed, the question of what is meant b, a 0right0 is itself controversial and the sub5ect of continued !hiloso!hical debate%:4; htt!8//en%wiki!edia%org/wiki/-onke,9see,9monke,9do -onke, see, monke, do is a sa,ing that originated in Aamaica in the earl, "Bth centur, and !o!!ed u! in American culture in the earl, ".#$s%

The sa,ing refers to the learning of a !rocess without an understanding of wh, it works%
Another definition im!lies the act of mimicr,, usuall, with limited knowledge of the consequences%:";

The gradual: often unconscious: absorption of kno ledge or ideas through continual exposure

rather than !e iberate earnin"

Confucius HH= *C - IBJ *C

D$he peop e 5on%ey may be ma!e to fo ow a course of action' but may not be ma!e to un!erstan! D)$D

Osmosis set in like rigger mortise making self useless for self some hat quadraplegic http://en! ikipedia!org/ iki/)onke" Some organiNations: for example Helping Hands: )onke" Helpers for the Gisabled:B>D train capuchin monke"s as monke" helpers to assist quadriplegics and other people ith se$ere spinal cord in3uries or mobilit" impairments! After being socialiNed in a human home as infants: the monke"s undergo extensi$e training before being placed ith a quadriplegic! Around the house: the monke"s help out b" doing tasks including micro a$ing food: ashing the quadriplegic9s face and

openin" !rin% bott es.

"A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deeply and taste not the Pierian spring; There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain; And drinking largely sobers us again."
Alexander Pope 1688-1744

]8onfucius thought that the a" to reform societ" as to culti$ate ethical beha$iour in indi$iduals:

especia y in ru ers an! their ministers

because leaders ser$e as important role models for their people^ E88E-T508 Equalit" 8onscious 8onscience Extrapolate -ai$et" Truths 5elati$it" 0nalienable 8oherence =OTO;S =iNard of the outhouse kno s shit !,rankC'!com ,iduciar" 5esponsibl" Accountable -efarious ;ink Truths Holistic 0nteracti$e 5etrospect Transcendental Electromagnetism Ensla$ers -emesis

SO Seek Out These pros that ha$e a a" ith monke"s to see if 0T is possible to con$ert the 66ltimate -eanderthal )E & HE )onke" E$ol$e & Humanit" Ele$ation



=e endea$or to ha$e 9

5ystic Apes AH A Ape Humanit" &

FB or -ot FB

HA Human Achie$ement

One a" or the other F?C' ill be recorded as the

*#?$ Bright Light Of Truth

Trans is a 2atin noun or !refi', meaning 0across0, 0be,ond0 or 0on the o!!osite side0% Transcendental "% (ot e'!erienced but knowable +hiloso!h, inde!endent of human e'!erience of !henomena but within the range of knowledge #% -,stical Relating to m,stical or su!ernatural e'!erience and therefore be,ond the material world

5emaining blotto is FB BO A Blotted Out

,ord ants to be cr"stal clear

)eth or )"th
# Sanctimonious adAhoc demonstrable Sad Sac A Sorr" as caught

The" sa" ,ord needs to get help http:// !scribd!com/doc/COF?EF''C/GearALordA=hichALifeA,ormsABeliefAisAtheA1reaterA Sanctimonious O; then http:// !scribd!com/doc/CO++C'+>>/GearALordA hoAshouldAbeAfired Bless em All 5A8E 5ealit" Almight" 8onsecrated Element Exists ith or ithout )E )other Earth

!Home5aceC'!com Humanit" one mother earth 5ealit" almight" consecrated element http:// !scribd!com/doc/C+??'(F+(/0talianApoliticiansAagreeAtoAaidAagainstAlastA5atNA4ope 1ood Lord stop them in the name of the Sanctit" of the -E=S -e$er Ending =ar Stor" ,or ine$itabl" traditionall" e must all pa" the 4olitical 5eligious 0mplicit 8omplicit Explicit 4508E 4olitical 5eligious 0nsidious 8apitalist Emperors Like other financial empires in histor": Smith claims the contemporar" model forms alliances necessar" to de$elop and control ealth: as peripheral nations remain impo$erished pro$iders of cheap resources for the imperialAcentersAofA capital!BCD Belloc estimated that: during the British Enclosures: 7perhaps half of the hole population as proletarian7: hile roughl" the other 7half7 o ned and controlled the means of production! -o : under modern 8apitalism: <!=! Smith claims fe er than E?? people possess more ealth than half of the earth2s population: as the ealth of C/F of CApercent of the 6nited States population roughl" equal that of the lo er >?A percent! !AmenC'!com

F! E$er"one has the follo ing fundamental freedoms: LaM freedom of conscience and religionP LbM freedom of thought: belief: opinion and expression: including freedom of the press and other media of communicationP LcM freedom of peaceful assembl"P and LdM freedom of association!

=ar is )one" Sanctit" of Sustainable 1ro th eh#

http://en! ikipedia!org/ iki/Satanism

"atanism is a broad term referring to a grou! of Western religions com!rising diverse ideological and !hiloso!hical

Their shared features include s,mbolic association with, or admiration for the character of, atan, or similar rebellious, !romethean, and, in their view, liberating figures% There were an estimated C$,$$$ members in "..$% There ma, be as few as a few thousand in the world%:";

http:// !"outube!com/ atch# feature%i$/annotationJid%annotationJCE'FC>/$%C)=C3)qB,G*/srcJ$id%s6E'Of&bn,)

5educe population to C Billion Break out the F & ehZZ & the sanctit" of LFM F&! LCM An"one hose rights or freedoms: as guaranteed b" this 8harter: ha$e been infringed or denied ma" appl" to a court of competent 3urisdiction to obtain such remed" as the court considers appropriate and 3ust in the circumstances! LFM =here: in proceedings under subsection LCM: a court concludes that e$idence as obtained in a manner that infringed or denied an" rights or freedoms guaranteed b" this 8harter: the e$idence shall be excluded if it is established that: ha$ing regard to all the circumstances: the admission of it in the proceedings ould bring the administration of 3ustice into disrepute! 8reatures of habit Babble on through the night before Wmas not a creature as discerned stirring &05C 4ermit me to 3udge lest 0 be 3udged

But =ait http:// !scribd!com/doc/C&>+O+F'O/The"AofAtheA)aterialA=orldA8annotATouchAtheASpiritAofAtheA La AasA0tA0s == 000 =orldl" =ise 0n$isible 0n$incible 0nalienable



!scribd!com/doc/CFE+'E&&E/<0HAGAC'A-o AActi$ated

Holians HomeAgro n original local indigenous aboriginal nati$e so$ereigns Home 5ace Holians one mother earth 5ealit" almight" consecrated element 5ealit" is the Truth imper$ious to perception "et precisel" due to perception Truth that hich 1od ould obser$e hether or not He exists or hether or not one belie$es He exists 0GEAL Simpl" realit" sanel" dealt ith 6nited 4erception Solidarit" !upsC'!com 6ltimate 4otential Societ"

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