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Bailey Estes

Human Resource Manual

The HR Reference Manual is an extensive resource on human resources in the public sector. It includes chapters on Hiring, Discipline & Termination, Compensation & enefits, !abor Relations, "ersonnel "olicies, and more

Baileys Gourmet Burgers

Human Resource Manual

1. Expectations:

You need to be able to work in a fast pace, upbeat workplace. You are e pected to come in to work e!ery day wit" a smile on your face ready to treat customers like t"ey s"ould be treated. You are e pected to follow all t"e rules wit"out being told to.
2. Termination of your Employment:

Baileys Gourmet Burgers will consider you to "a!e !oluntarily terminated your employment if you do any of t"e following#
$. Resign %. &ail to notify a manager of an absence a week or more in ad!ance. '. Be absent from work ' or more days wit"out notification. (. &ail to comply wit" orders from managers % or more times. ). *sing products for reasons ot"er t"an work use.

3. Confidential Information

*pon accepting employment wit" Baileys Gourmet Burgers, you were asked to sign a +onfidentiality ,greement- t"is document pro!ides you will not disclose any confidential information during or after your employment. ."is includes recipes, ways of our craft, or incidents during your employment. /it" t"at being said, we "a!e business relating to Baileys Gourmet Burgers, w"o disclose information, of w"ic" you s"all not disclose to any outside source.
4. Customer Relations

Baileys Gourmet Burgers will only succeed if t"e 0uality of t"e relations"ips between our employees, customers, and suppliers and

t"e general public are of great 0uality. 1ur customers interest will greatly diminis" if t"e employees of Baileys Gourmet Burgers do not treat customers, suppliers and general public wit" 0uality ser!ice. Below are a few ways you can represent Baileys Gourmet Burgers in t"e correct way.
$. .reat customers and anyone you speak to during your "ours of

%. +ommunicate pleasantly and respectfully wit" ot"er employees

at all times.
'. 2o your 3ob to t"e best of your ability wit"out complaints or


. E!ual Employment "pportunity

Baileys Gourmet Burgers is an e0ual employment opportunity employer. Employment decisions are based on skill, merit and w"at would benefit t"e business t"e most. Baileys Gourmet Burgers does not base t"e decisions off race, color, citi4ens"ip status, national origin, ancestry, gender, se ual orientations, age, religion, creed, p"ysical or mental disability, marital status, !eteran status, political affiliation, or any ot"er factor protected by law.

#. $tandards of Conduct

/"en people gat"er toget"er to ac"ie!e goals, some rules of conduct are needed to "elp e!eryone work toget"er efficiently, effecti!ely, and "armoniously. By accepting employment wit" us, you "a!e a responsibility to Baileys Gourmet Burgers and your fellow employees to follow rules of be"a!ior and conduct. ."ese rules are set in place, not to restrict your rig"ts, but rat"er to be certain you understand w"at is e pected of you.

%. &naccepta'le (cti)ities

Here at Baileys Gourmet Burgers we e pect eac" employee to act in a mature and responsible way. Below are t"e unacceptable acti!ities, if you "a!e any 0uestions for one of t"e acti!ities please sees your manager. 5ote t"e following actions could and will result in t"e termination of your 3ob.
$. Engaging in 6abotage %. ."eft or unaut"ori4ed possession of company property '. Being into icated or under t"e influence of drugs or any illegal

substance during t"e work "ours.

(. Engaging in criminal conduct or acts of !iolence or making

t"reats of !iolence
). *naut"ori4ed possession of dangerous or illegal firearms 7. 8iolating t"e non9disclosure agreement :. 2is"onesty ;. <nsubordination =. 5egligence or any careless action w"ic" endangers t"e li!es or

safety of ot"ers
$>. ,ny action detrimental to Baileys Gourmet Burgers efforts to

operate profitably

*. +isciplinary (ctions

<f for any reason Baileys Gourmet Burgers must seek disciplinary actions towards you, t"e actions will depend on t"e seriousness of t"e crime. ."is could possibly lead to t"e termination of your 3ob "ere at Baileys Gourmet Burgers.
,. +ru-./ree 0or1place

Baileys Gourmet Burgers is a drug free workplace. /e will "a!e random drug tests e!ery mont". 2rugs will not be tolerated "ere at Baileys Gourmet Burgers. 6o t"at Baileys Gourmet Burgers can maintain a drug9free workplace, and in t"e spirit of t"e 2rug9&ree /orkplace ,ct of $=;;, we "a!e adopted t"e following policies#

$. ."e unlawful manufacture, possession, distribution, or use of

controlled substance is pro"ibited.

%. Employees w"o !iolate t"is rule will immediately be terminated. '. <f caug"t outside of t"e workplace wit" drugs or alco"ol problems

wit" law, it will also result in termination


+ress Code

?roper grooming and attire are significant to our positi!e attitude. ."e following is our dress code and grooming policies#
$. Employees are e pected to wear a "at @malesA and t"e pro!ided

.9s"irt wit" k"akis and presentable s"oes.

%. ."e style of s"oes, pantsBs"orts, socks or any ot"er dress style

t"at is a distraction to customers or employees is pro"ibited.

'. 2enim is pro"ibited unless told ot"erwise. (. ,n employees "air must be neatly combed, clean and

appropriately styled and s"ould not be a distraction.

). ,n employees facial "air must be groomed neatly and not a

distraction to employees or customers.

7. .attoos must be co!ered at all times. :. ,ll piercings are pro"ibited e cept for earrings.

0or1 $c3edule

4usiness Hours:

1ur regular operating "ours are from $$ a.m. to = p.m., Monday t"roug" ."ursday. 1n &ridays t"roug" 6unday, t"e "ours will be from $$ a.m. to $$ p.m. Your "ours and break time will be decided by your assigned manager. <f any 0uestions appear, you are to contact your manager.


Baileys Gourmet Burgers e pects you to be fi!e to ten minutes early before your s"ift so t"at you are ready to work wit"out

complications. ?lease let your manager know if you will be away from your work station for an e tended period of time.

('sence or 5ateness:

Baileys Gourmet Burgers understands t"at illnesses, emergencies, or personal business situations may "appen and you may be late or absent from work from time to time. &or t"is reason we "a!e added ?aid .ime 1ff @?.1A days. <f you are aware you may be tardy or absent, please contact your manager.

Meal 6eriods:

<f you work longer t"an @(A four "ours, you will be gi!en a fifteen minute paid meal break. <f you work longer @;A eig"t "ours or longer you will be gi!en two fifteen minute breaks or one '> minute break, bot" of w"ic" are paid. 6erformance and Compensation Re)ie7s
1 .

6erformance Re)ie7s:

Because you want to succeed in your 3ob, Baileys Gourmet Burgers will conduct a formal re!iew once a year for eac" employee. 5ew employees may be re!iewed at t"e end of t"eir <ntroductory ?eriod. , special re!iew may be conducted if t"e employee is considered for a raise or promotion. ,ny employee w"o "as been suspended or reprimanded in t"e past calendar year will be re!iew e!ery => days for a full year. 2uring a formal performance re!iew, your manager will co!er t"e following areas#

."e 0uality and 0uantity of your work 6trengt"s and areas for impro!ement ,ttitude and willingness to work ,ttendance ?roblem 6ol!ing 6kills +ustomer 6er!ice


Compensation Re)ie7s:

Baileys Gourmet Burgers compensation re!iews are usually gi!en wit" t"e annual performance re!iews. ,ny applicable compensation increase will appear in t"e pay period ending after t"e date granted. ."is does not necessarily mean you will be gi!ing an increase in pay. ,n indi!iduals pay will depend on "ow consistently one performs and "ow well one treats ot"ers.

Employee (ssistance 6ro-ram

,not"er benefit "ere at Baileys Gourmet Burgers offers is Employee ,ssistance ?rogram @E,?A. ."e E,? pro!ides a confidential, easily accessible professional counseling ser!ice for our employees w"ose personal problems are affecting t"eir abilities to function effecti!ely at work or "ome. ."is is a!ailable to all full time and part time employees. ,ny 0uestions or concerns are to be broug"t to t"e attention of t"e employees manager. +onfidentiality is t"e most important part of t"is program. 5o information will be disclosed to anyone outside of t"e employee and counselor@sA wit"out t"e employees written consent.

0or1ers8 Compensation:

,ll employees are entitled to /orkers +ompensation benefits. ."is co!erage is automatic and immediate and protects you from an on9 t"e93ob in3ury. ,n on9t"e93ob in3ury is defined as an accidental in3ury suffered in t"e course of your work. ."is 3ob9in3ury insurance is paid by Baileys Gourmet Burgers. <f you cannot work for reasons due to an on9t"e93ob in3ury Baileys Gourmet Burgers will pay for all medical bills and pay w"ile off 3ob.


6aid Time "ff 96T"::

?aid .ime 1ff is pro!ided to employees for rest, rela , pursue special interests and for sick or personal days. Baileys Gourmet Burgers as pro!ided paid ?.1 as one of our many, many ways to s"ow our appreciation for your work, knowledge, skills, and talents and to pro!ide income w"en youre sick or in3ured. 1nly full9time employees are eligible for ?.1.

,mount of ?.1 Years of Mont"ly ,ccrual .otal ,ccrual Employment Rat @in "oursA per year @in daysA Cess t"an ) years 7.7: $> )9$> years $> $) More t"an ten years $'.' %> ?.1 ?olicies Holidays ,ll Holidays ,ll employees will be entitled to pay w"ile off work during a "oliday break.

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