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Water and Fertility

Green Manures analysis

I will be analysing commonly used green manures looking at suitability for our site and needs. Needs Winter green manures are the most suitable for our site as the ground will be full of crops over the spring/summer months Add organic matter Fit in with crop rotation Green Manure Winter tares Vicia sativa Plus Rots down quickly Fi es !itrogen "uick growing #ood weed control Minus Rotting foliage inhibits germination of small seeds for a few weeks Interesting $uitable for winter use% sow late Aug &o maintain a crop rotation an overwintering crop of winter tares can follow summer peas Avoid on acid or dry soil 'ardy annual Analysis &urn minus point into benefit to prevent weed seeds germinating

'ungarian gra(ing rye

#ood weed suppression #rows at cold temp )ass of roots% best for soil structure improvement )ops up left over plant foods !ot closely related to any veg crop "uick cover Attractive !ot closely related to any veg crop #erminates at low temp

*oor +an sow as germination in late as ,ct wet soil

)any good points but soil tends to be wet in $ept which could be a problem


+an be frost tender -asily self seeds

+ould be pulled up and left to rot on surface in no dig system

.seful in no/ dig and anywhere in rotation

#ood on dry soils Red +lover Fi es nitrogen $mothers weeds Improves soil structure Flowers attract beneficial insects +an be sown !ot very weed up to !ov suppressing Fi es !itrogen Fast growing perennial #ood before brassicas in crop rotation 0high !1 )any good points% meets all our needs

Forage pea

+ould be used late but not enough weed suppressing capability If mi ed with +lover release of ! from clover is slower 0e tended12 3ike the clover combination/ better use of diversity

Italian Rye grass

#ood weed supressor Adds organic matter to soil

+an tie up !

Adds organic )ember of matter to soil brassica family 2For best results 456 Italian Rye/756 red clover After After After After 3egumes/ before 8rassicas 8rassicas/ before *otatoes *otatoes/ before Roots 9 Alliums / leafmould Roots 9 Alliums/ before 3egumes


+ould be used after brassicas

Benefits of Green manures compiled by Garden Organic &here are all sorts of good reasons for growing green manures. &hey will: Improve soil fertility / clover and other legumes harvest nitrogen from the air. ;eep soil fertility / mop up plant foods on empty land% so they are not washed out by the rain. *rotect soil structure / a <cover crop< protects the soil from damage by heavy rain. ;eep down weeds / smother seedlings and compete for light and plant foods. 'elp control pests / provide safe cover for beetles% frogs and other predators. $timulate soil biological activity / microbes and other soil organisms rapidly colonise green manure foliage dug into the soil. Increased biological activity makes for a more productive soil. 3oosen the soil / deep rooting green manures can help to loosen and aerate the soil deep into the ground. *rotect soil life / a living mulch protects creatures in the soil from the

e tremes of weather.

Bibliography #arden ,rganic website seed company

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