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My Catholic Family Episode 10 Pier Giorgio Frassati Formatted by BDC from a script provided by the producer 05/2 /0!

"music# $a%e a&&ou&cer' $y Catho%ic Fami%y ( Pier Georgio Frassati "music# )%e*' +uh,, -homas' )%e*. /hat0s the matter1 )%e*' 20m rea%%y mad, -homas' 3hy4 )%e*' 2 do&0t /a&t to be a priest1 "-homas a&d +e%e& %augh# -homas' 5ou do&0t have to become a priest. )%e*1 )%e*' )&d 2 do&0t /a&t to be a mo&6 either, -homas' 3hy0s this botheri&g you4 )%e*' Fr1 $ichae% to%d us that /e have to be sai&ts1 -hat0s /hat God /a&ts us to do. is&0t it4 -homas' 5es. that0s right1 )%e*' )&d %ots of the sai&ts have bee& priests or re%igious sisters or brothers. %i6e the Cur7 of )rs. or 8t1 -eresa1 5ou 6&o/ /hat 2 mea&4 -homas' 5ou do&0t have to have a re%igious vocatio& to be a sai&t1 )%e*' 9ea%%y4 -homas' ) married perso& ca& be a sai&t. so ca& a %ay perso&1

+e%e&' 5es1 -he ma:ority of peop%e /ho ma6e up the church are %ay peop%e. a&d they are ca%%ed to be sai&ts. :ust %i6e priests a&d members of re%igious orders1 )%e*' 2s that true4 -homas' ;f course1 20m goi&g to te%% you the story of Pier Giorgio1 )%e*' 3as he a priest4 -homas' <o. he /as a %ay perso&. %i6e you or me1 ";181# Pier Giorgio %ived i& -uri&. a city i& the &orth of 2ta%y1 +is pare&ts /ere very rich1 2& fact. his father /as the fou&der a&d director of a very famous &e/spaper. =>a 8tampa1? +is mother /as a pai&ter1 " # -heir marriage /as &ot a happy o&e. but they stayed together for the sa6e of their chi%dre&1 Pier Giorgio 6&e/ this. a&d he /as sad that his pare&ts did&0t get a%o&g1 Father' 8o&. you 6&o/ that your mother a&d 2 /a&t the best for you. so /e0ve decided to se&d you to study at the @esuit co%%ege1 " # -homas ";181#' )t co%%ege. Pier Giorgio bega& to pray a&d receive commu&io& every day1 Pier Giorgio prayed ofte&. a&d his pare&ts started to /orry about him. because they /ere &ot very re%igious1 Pier Giorgio' >ord. te%% me /hat you /a&t of me1 2 am prepared to dedicate my %ife to doi&g your /i%%1 " # Co&verso' 5ou&g ma&. for the %ove of God. give me somethi&g to eat1 Pier Giorgio' ;f course1 20%% go home a&d bri&g you somethi&g1 Co&verso' $ay God repay you. my boy1 " # Priest' 8o you see. /e have to see @esus himse%f i& the poor1 +e to%d us. =3hat you do to o&e of these. the %east of my brethre&. you do to me1? Pier Giorgio' 2 /a&t to cha&ge society from /ithi&1 2 /a&t to /or6 for the poor ( to ma6e the gover&me&t he%p them, Priest' -hat is the socia% doctri&e of the church1 Pier Giorgio' 3e%%. /he& 20m o%d e&ough 20m goi&g to go i&to po%itics1 -hat /ay 2 ca& achieve much more1

Priest' -hat0s a good idea1 5ou0re a %ay perso& a&d you ca& dedicate your %ife to po%itics1 2 ca&0t do that1 For the time bei&g. you ca& :oi& the 8ociety of 8t1 Ai&ce&t de Pau%. to /or6 /ith the poor1 " # $other' $y dear. you0re &ot readi&g your &e/spaper1 5ou0re /orried about Pier Giorgio. &o/. are&0t you4 Father' 5es 2 am1 $other' 5ou0re thi&6i&g that ever si&ce he started goi&g to the @esuit co%%ege. he0s spe&t his /ho%e time prayi&g a&d doi&g charity /or61 Father' 5es1 $other' )&d &o/ he0s :oi&ed the 8ociety of 8t1 Ai&ce&t de Pau% to spe&d more time visiti&g the poor a&d the sic61 Father' -hat0s right, 2 &eed him at the &e/spaper to ta6e over after me1 2f he decides to become a priest. /ho /i%% ta6e my p%ace4 $other' 2t0s a%% right1 +e0s &ever ta%6ed about becomi&g a priest1 Father' 2 6&o/1 )&d for the mome&t. 20m &ot /orried1 But a%% this prayi&g. a%% this cari&g for the sic6Ba&y/ay. it /ou%d&0t surprise me if o&e day he /ere to come i& here a&d say. =$other. Father. 20ve decided to become a priest,? Frie&d C1' -his bo* is the %ast o&e1 2 thi&6 that shou%d be e&ough for today0s de%iveries1 Pier Giorgio' 2t0s &ever e&ough1 -here are ma&y peop%e i& &eed out there /ho /e0re &ot reachi&g1 Frie&d C1' 3e do /hat /e ca&1 Pier Giorgio' 2 6&o/1 But eve& so. it0s &ot e&ough1 3e have to put pressure o& the gover&me&t to he%p peop%e /ho ca&0t /or61 Frie&d C2' 5ou0re getti&g i&vo%ved i& po%itics4 Pier Giorgio' 20m p%a&&i&g to1 2t0s the best /ay to reach more peop%e1

-homas ";181#' ;fte& Pier Giorgio /e&t to visit the poor a&d the sic6 i& secret. so that his pare&ts /ou%d &ot fi&d out1 -homas' +e /a&ted to e&d poverty every/here i& the /or%d1 +e did&0t /a&t a&yo&e to go hu&gry1 8ara' -hat0s rea%%y amaDi&g1 +e%e&' 5es. Pier Giorgio did everythi&g he cou%d to ma6e the %ives of poor peop%e better1 +e gave them food a&d medici&es. but the most importa&t thi&g he gave /as his time1 -homas' )%though he sti%% had time to go to the ci&ema a&d the theater1 $ost of a%%. he a&d his frie&ds %oved to go /a%6i&g i& the mou&tai&s1 )%e*' 3a%6i&g, 2 :ust remembered ( 20m goi&g /a%6i&g /ith the church o& a parish trip, 20%% go get my bac6pac6 ready1 8ara' $e too1 " # )%e*' 2s it a %o&g /ay. Fr1 $ichae%4 Fr1 $ichae%' )re you tired4 )%e*' ) %itt%e1 8ergio' $e too1 Fr1 $ichae%' Aery /e%%1 3e0%% stop here to have a rest a&d somethi&g to dri&61 Fr1 $ichae%' 5ou 6&o/. this remi&ds me of Pier Giorgio1 +e %oved c%imbi&g mou&tai&s1 )%e*' 2 6&o/1 $y dad to%d me1 Fr1 $ichae%' )&d 2 thi&6 that c%imbi&g this mou&tai& is %i6e bei&g a sai&t1 5ou see. ho%i&ess is a goa% that /e have to reach duri&g our %ifetime1 3e a%% have to be sai&ts1 )%e*' $y father says that you do&0t have to be a priest to be a sai&t1 "Fr1 $ichae% %aughs#

Fr1 $ichae%' ;f course &ot1 $a&y %ay peop%e have become sai&ts1 2& fact. bei&g a sai&t mea&s goi&g to +eave&. a&d do you 6&o/ ho/ ma&y peop%e there are i& +eave&4 8ara' -o&s a&d to&s4 Fr1 $ichae%' ;f course1 )&d they a%% became sai&ts because they a%% reached their goa%1 8ara' 3o/1 Fr1 $ichae%' -he %ife of a sai&t is simi%ar to c%imbi&g a mou&tai& %i6e this o&e1 8ometimes you get tired1 )%e*' )&d you have to stop a&d have a rest1 Fr1 $ichae%' 5es. a&d dri&6 a %itt%e /ater1 -hose are the 8acrame&ts1 " # -he 8acrame&ts are there to give us the stre&gth to 6eep o& %ivi&g a %ife of ho%i&ess1 God gives us +is Grace. that is. +is >ife. through the 8acrame&ts1 8ara' >oo6, 3hat a beautifu% vie/, " # Fr1 $ichae%' 5es. it0s a /o&derfu% vie/1 -his a%so happe&s as /e become sai&ts1 3e see %ife as somethi&g /o&derfu%1 8ara' Do sai&ts see %ife as somethi&g this beautifu%4 Fr1 $ichae%' ;f course1 )s you become more sai&t%y. you get c%oser to God. a&d you see %ife. the /or%d a&d other peop%e as God sees them1 -hat0s /o&derfu%1 )%e*' 2s that /hat happe&ed to Pier Giorgio4 Fr1 $ichae%' 5es. Pier Giorgio sa/ God i& everyo&e /ho /as poor a&d i& &eed1 +e /a&ted to so%ve the prob%em of poverty. so he became a member of the Peop%e0s Party. to he%p cha&ge society1 " # Pier Giorgio' Charity is &ot e&ough. /e &eed socia% reform1 $a&' Brave /ords. Pier Giorgio1 2 admire your courage. but /hat ca& /e do4

Pier Giorgio' -hi&6 about the peop%e i& &eed1 3or6 to get the state to he%p them1 " # 3here do our ta*es go4 -he state is respo&sib%e for admi&isteri&g this mo&ey to stop poverty,, $a& 2' 2t0s true1 -he state has to he%p peop%e /ho are goi&g hu&gry, $a& E' $ore socia% services, Pier Giorgio' 3e /a&t the gover&me&t to respect the poorest citiDe&s,, -hose /ho are most i& &eed have a right to %ive /ith dig&ity, Cro/d' 5eah, +e0s right, "cheeri&g# )%e*' Pier Giorgio /as rea%%y brave, Fr1 $ichae%' 5es. he /as %i6e a hurrica&e1 )%e*' 5ou 6&o/ /hat4 2 /a&t to sig& up to visit poor peop%e /ith the church1 Fr1 $ichae%' 2 thi&6 that0s a great idea1 20%% see you &e*t 8aturday1 8ergio' ;& 8aturday4 Fr1 $ichae%' 5es. the church visits poor fami%ies o& 8aturdays1 8ergio' +ey. my dad said he /ou%d ta6e us to the s/immi&g poo% o& 8aturdays1 5ou0re go&&a miss out1 )%e*' ;h &o, 5ou0re right, Fr1 $ichae%' 2s somethi&g /ro&g4 )%e*' 3e%%. you seeF 20m thi&6i&g maybe 20%% sig& up after the summer1 Fr1 $ichae%' -hat0s fi&e. you ca& come /he&ever you %i6e1 " # Great, 3e fi&a%%y made it1 8ara' 3o/. /e0re so high up, >oo6, 5ou ca& see the /ho%e va%%ey from here, " # )%e*' 5eah. it0s i&credib%e,

8ergio' 2t0s %i6e %oo6i&g do/& from +eave&1 Fr1 $ichae%' 5ou see. it /as /orth the effort. /as&0t it4 Getti&g to the top is %i6e getti&g to +eave&1 2t0s /orth a%% the hard /or6 /e do. throughout our %ives. to be good Catho%ics1 )%e*' Does everythi&g %oo6 this beautifu% from +eave&4 Fr1 $ichae%' Eve& more so, )%e*' 3o/, Fr1 $ichae%' +eave& is such a great re/ard that /e ca&0t begi& to imagi&e it1 3e0%% get there /ith the grace of God. a&d by doi&g good /or6s1 )%e*' Doi&g good /or6s4 Fr1 $ichae%' -hat0s right1 God a%/ays he%ps us. but /e have to ma6e a& effort ourse%ves. a&d c%imb the mou&tai&. do&0t you thi&64 )%e*' 5es. 2 guess so1 Fr1 $ichae%' Pier Giorgio dedicated his %ife to the poorest of the poor1 ;&e of them /as ca%%ed Co&verso a&d Pier Giorgio too6 him c%othes a&d medici&es1 Pier Giorgio' Ca& 2 come i&4 Fr1 $ichae% ";181#' Co&verso /as very sic61 +e cou%d hard%y move1 Pier Giorgio he%ped him /ash. a&d coo6ed for him /he&ever he cou%d1 +e a%so gave him the i&:ectio&s he &eeded to get /e%% agai&1 )&d /he& he had fi&ished. they /ou%d say the 9osary together1 Pier Giorgio' =+ai% $ary. Fu%% of Grace. the >ord is /ith thee1 B%essed art thou amo&g /ome&. a&d b%essed is the fruit of your /omb. @esus1? Co&verso' =+o%y $ary. $other of God. pray for us si&&ers &o/ a&d at the hour of our death1 )me&1? -ha&6 you. Pier Giorgio1 -ha&6 you so much1 +o/ ca& 2 ever repay you for /hat you0ve do&e for me4 Pier Giorgio' Pray for me. Co&verso1 -hat0s the best payme&t you cou%d ever give me1

Co&verso' 2 a%ready do that. my so&1 20ve do&e that si&ce 2 met you1 Pier Giorgio' -ha&6 you. Co&verso1 5ou0re a great he%p to me1 Co&verso' 3hat do you mea&4 +e%p you4 Pier Giorgio' 5es. 20m serious1 Co&verso' 5ou 6&o/. every day 2 offer my i%%&ess up to @esus a&d 2 :oi& my sufferi&g to his sufferi&g o& the cross1 5ou taught me to do that1 Pier Giorgio' 5ou0re doi&g the right thi&g1 8ufferi&g is a great treasure1 2t bri&gs us c%oser to God Co&verso' $ay God b%ess you. my boy1 $ay God b%ess you1 " # Fr1 $ichae% ";181#' 3e0%% get to +eave& /ith God0s grace a&d by doi&g good /or6s /hich ref%ect +is %ife i& us1 )%% the efforts /e ma6e i& our %ives are /orth/hi%e1 " # -homas' )re you sti%% a/a6e4 )%e*' Dad. do you have to ma6e a big effort to be a sai&t4 -homas' 3e%%. yes1 8ometimes /e do1 )%e*' Do you thi&6 there are poor peop%e i& the city /ho &eed me4 -homas' 3e%%. 2 do&0t 6&o/1 Peop%e /ho %ive o& their o/& are a%/ays gratefu% to have a visitor. somebody /ho rea%%y cares about them1 )%e*' 9ight1 -homas' Good&ight. )%e*1 )%e*' Good&ight. Dad1 " # -homas' $or&i&g, 3hat is it4 )%e*' 2 do&0t 6&o/ /hat to do1 5ou see. Pier Giorgio dedicated his %ife to the poor. a&d 2 /a&t to be %i6e him1

-homas' 2 thi&6 that0s great1 )%e*' 3e%%. at church there0s a group of boys a&d gir%s /ho visit peop%e /ho are poor or /ho are sic6 every 8aturday1 -homas' )&d you /a&t to go /ith them. do you4 )%e*' 5es. but 2 /as supposed to be goi&g to the s/immi&g poo% /ith 8ergio0s dad o& 8aturdays1 -hat /as our big summer p%a&. remember4 -homas' 2 see1 )%e*' 2f 2 choose to go visit sic6 peop%e. 2 /o&0t be ab%e to go to the poo%1 -homas' 5ou 6&o/. Pier Giorgio faced the same di%emma1 +is fami%y /ere goi&g to go o& vacatio& to a vi%%age ca%%ed Po%%o&e1 ";181# -hey0d bee& havi&g fa&tastic /eather1 )t Pier Giorgio0s house. everybody /as %oo6i&g for/ard to the ho%idays1 Father' 3e0%% go fishi&g o& the %a6e this year1 $other' 2t /i%% be /o&derfu%1 2 p%a& to go ridi&g1 2 ca&0t /ait1 Father' Pier. have you pac6ed your suitcase4 Pier Giorgio' $other. Father. 2 have to te%% you somethi&g1 2 /o&0t be goi&g o& vacatio& /ith you this year1 Father' Does this have a&ythi&g to do /ith your poor peop%e4 Pier Giorgio' 5es1 20%% stay to ta6e care of them1 $other' But. Pier. everybody %eaves -uri& i& the summer1 3e a%% &eed a ho%iday. &o/ do&0t /e4 Pier Giorgio' -hat0s e*act%y /hy. $other1 2f everybody goes. /ho /i%% be there for the poor a&d the sic64 Father' 3e%%. so&. 2 have to admit that this does&0t surprise me1 5ou did the same thi&g %ast year1 Pier Giorgio' -ha&6s for u&dersta&di&g1 5ou rea%%y are /o&derfu% pare&ts1 "#

$other' -hat boy /orries me1 Father' 3he& /e get bac6 after the vacatio&. 20%% ta%6 to him1 2 &eed him to start /or6 at the &e/spaper1 )%e*' -hat0s /hat Pier Giorgio did4 " # Frie&d C1' 8ha%% /e have a rest4 Pier Giorgio' ;6ay1 " # Frie&d C1' +ere. have a dri&61 Pier Giorgio' <o. tha&6s1 20%% have a dri&6 /he& /e get to the top1 Frie&d C1' 5ou /a&t to go thirsty4 But /hy4 Pier Giorgio' ;ur %ife. to be Christia&. has to be a co&ti&ua% re&u&ciatio&. a co&ti&ua% sacrifice. but it0s &ot burde&some /he& /e thi&6 about /hat these fe/ years of sorro/ are. compared to a happy eter&ity. /here :oy /i%% have &o measure or e&d. a&d /here /e0%% e&:oy a peace beyo&d a&ythi&g /e ca& imagi&e1 Frie&d C1' 5ou 6&o/ /hat4 5ou0re abso%ute%y right1 20m &ot goi&g to dri&6 either1 " # Pier Giorgio' >ord. 2 /a&t to dedicate my %ife to the service of those /ho are most i& &eed1 Gra&t me 5our Grace. to he%p me see 5our face i& the face of every o&e of 5our chi%dre& /ho is sic61 " # Pier Giorgio' ;ur stre&gth is i& @esus i& the B%essed 8acrame&t1 Frie&d C1' )re you ta%6i&g about prayer4 Pier Giorgio' Prayer a&d the 8acrame&ts1 -hat0s /hat ma6es us differe&t to other po%iticia&s1 3e Catho%ics are doi&g this because /e %ove God1 Because /e see God i& the poorest of the poor1 " # )%e*' Ca& 2 come i&4 Fr1 $ichae%' ;f course. come i&1 )%e*1

)%e*' Fr1 $ichae%. 2 decided to sig& up to visit the poor o& 8aturdays1 Fr1 $ichae%' 2 thi&6 that0s a great idea1 2 see you have a boo6 there1 3hat is it4 )%e*' 2t0s the %ife of Pier Giorgio Frassati1 Fr1 $ichae%' -hat0s /hat made up your mi&d. is&0t it4 )%e*' 5es1 Pier Giorgio /or6ed rea%%y hard to care for the poorest a&d &eediest peop%e. a&d 2 /a&t to do the same1 Fr1 $ichae%' 5ou 6&o/. Pier Giorgio said that true charity did&0t mea& givi&g do&atio&s1 +e thought that true charity mea&t givi&g yourse%fB that is. givi&g your time1 -hat0s the hardest thi&g of a%%1 )%e*' 2 6&o/1 2t0s 6i&da tough for me because 2 /o&0t be ab%e to go to the poo% o& 8aturdays /ith my frie&ds1 Fr1 $ichae%' -he peop%e you visit /i%% be tru%y gratefu%. a&d God /i%% be very happy1 ";181# 3he&ever he cou%d. Pier Giorgio /e&t to care for his frie&d Co&verso1 Co&verso' Did you ever thi&6 of becomi&g a priest4 Pier Giorgio' 5es. 2 ofte& thought about it1 Co&verso' 2 thi&6 you0d be a /o&derfu% priest1 Pier Giorgio' But 2 do&0t thi&6 that0s /hat God0s as6i&g of me1 Co&verso' )re you sure4 Pier Giorgio' 5es1 5ou see. here i& 2ta%y. priests are &ot as c%ose to the peop%e as %ay peop%e ca& be ( do you u&dersta&d4 -o be a priest i&vo%ves ma&y other respo&sibi%ities. a&d 2 /a&t to go p%aces it /ou%d be e*treme%y difficu%t to get to as a priest1 Co&verso' 2 see1 Pier Giorgio' -hat0s /hy 20ve decided to study to become a mi&i&g e&gi&eer at the Po%ytech&ic G&iversity of -uri&1

Co&verso' ) mi&i&g e&gi&eer4 3hy4 Pier Giorgio' -o bri&g God to the mi&ers1 -o serve God amo&g the /or6ers1 8ociety has to cha&ge from /ithi&1 Co&verso' ;h1 " # Father' 8o&. your mother a&d 2 are /orried1 )re you thi&6i&g of becomi&g a priest4 Pier Giorgio' <o. Father1 ) vocatio& to the priesthood /ou%d be a great b%essi&g. but God is &ot ca%%i&g me to that path1 Father' 3e%% yes. 2 6&o/ ma&y good a&d fi&e priests1 But you see. 20ve give& my /ho%e %ife to that &e/spaper1 >a 8tampa is the resu%t of ma&y years of hard /or61 20d %i6e you to come a&d /or6 o& it. so that i& time you ca& ta6e over my positio&1 Pier Giorgio' 2 u&dersta&d. Father1 )&d 20%% ta6e the :ob if that0s /hat you /a&t1 Father' $y boy. you do&0t 6&o/ ho/ happy you0ve made me1 Pier Giorgio' 2 6&o/. Father1 2 /a&t you a&d $other to be happy. a&d &ot to /orry about me1 Father' 20%% go te%% your mother1 Pier Giorgio' Before you do. Father. 2 &eed to as6 you for some mo&ey1 Father' ;f course1 Pier Giorgio' 2t0s to buy medici&e for a frie&d1 Father' 2 guessed as much1 Frie&d' 3hy are you a%/ays i& such good spirits4 Pier Giorgio' 5ou as6 me /hy 20m i& good spirits1 +o/ cou%d 2 &ot be. so %o&g as my trust i& God gives me stre&gth1 ) Catho%ic must a%/ays be cheerfu%1 8ad&ess shou%d be ba&ished from a%% Christia& sou%s1 Frie&d' But sometimes sufferi&g ma6es us sad1

Pier Giorgio' 8ufferi&g is&0t the same as sad&ess1 8ad&ess is a disease a%most a%/ays caused by %ac6 of faith1 Frie&d' Do you mea& that faith is the source of happi&ess4 Pier Giorgio' ;f course1 Be%ievi&g i& God a&d trusti&g i& +im shou%d he%p us a%/ays to be cheerfu%1 Eve& if /e fi&d thor&s i& our path. it0s &ot a sad path. it0s a cheerfu% o&e1 Cheerfu%&ess amo&g sufferi&g1 " # )%e*' +ey. Dad1 -homas' 3hat is it4 )%e*' +o/ did Pier Giorgio die4 -homas' 3e%%. you see. he visited so ma&y peop%e /ho /ere sic6 that i& the e&d he co&tracted po%io. but at home he said &othi&g1 )%e*' 3hy &ot4 -homas' Because his gra&dmother /as very sic6 too. a&d his pare&ts /ere /orried about her1 )%e*' 2 see1 +e did&0t /a&t to /orry his pare&ts eve& more1 -homas' -hat0s right1 3he& his gra&dmother died. he to%d them. but by the& it /as too %ate1" # Doctor' -he i%%&ess is very adva&ced1 Father' DoctorF Doctor' 20m sorry1 +e0s dyi&g1 Father' ButF ho/11 ho/F ho/ %o&g does he have4 Doctor' Five or si* daysF perhaps seve&1 <o more1 "$other cries# -homas' Pier Giorgio suffered great pai&. a&d he offered this sufferi&g to God1 +e &ever %ost his smi%e1 -he day before he died. o&e of his ha&ds

/as para%yDed. but eve& so. he /rote a &ote to his frie&d1 Pier Giorgio' )&d do&0t forget to visit Co&verso a&d give him his i&:ectio&s1 " # -homas' Gp u&ti% his %ast mome&ts. his thoughts /ere /ith his frie&ds. the poor a&d the &eedy1 )%e*' 3o/1 -homas' ;& the day of his fu&era%. the streets of -uri& /ere fu%% of poor peop%e. the peop%e Pier Giorgio had give& the best years of his %ife to1 " # $other' -his is i&credib%e1 2 &ever 6&e/ that our so& /as so /e%%H%oved1 Co&verso' 2F did&0t 6&o/ that Pier Giorgio /as richB2 mea&F that his fami%y had mo&eyF Poor $a& C1' 2 did&0t 6&o/ either1 +e &ever to%d me1 " # )%e*' 5ou 6&o/. Dad. 2 /a&t to be %i6e Pier Giorgio1 2 /a&t to cha&ge the /or%d. to ma6e peop%e happy. a&d bri&g them c%oser to God1 "-homas %aughs# -homas' 2 thi&6 that0s great1 )%e*' )&d /ithout givi&g up movies or /atchi&g -A1 -homas' 3e%%. you0re a %ay perso&. %i6e Pier Giorgio1 )%e*' -hat0s /hat 2 mea&1 2 /a&t to be a %ay perso& a&d a sai&t1 "music# E3-< BDC $o:a 6ato%iI6a druJi&a EpiDoda 10 Pier Giorgio Frassati

"g%asba# $oI6i g%as' mo:a 6ato%iI6a druJi&a ( Pier Giorgio Frassati1 )%e6s' +uh, -omaJ' )%e6s. 6a: :e4 )%e6s' <oKem biti duhov&i61 "-omaJ i& +e%e&a se sme:ita# -omaJ' <i potreb&o. da posta&eI duhov&i6. )%e6s1 )%e6s' 2& tudi me&ih &oKem biti, -omaJ' ) to te s6rbi4 )%e6s' P1 $ichae% &am :e re6e%. da moramo vsimiti svet&i6i1 -o hoKe Bog od &as. mar &e4 -omaJ' 9es :e. ta6o :e1 )%e6s' 2& m&ogi svet&i6i so bi%i du&ov&i6i a%i redov&ice a%i brat:e. de&imo )rI6i Jup&i6 a%i sveta -ereDi:a1 )%i veI. 6a: hoKem reKi4 -omaJ' Da bi bi% svet&i6. &e potrebu:eI redov&ega po6%ica1 )%e6s' 9es&iK&o4 -omaJ' poroKe& K%ove6 :e %ah6o svet&i6. svet&i6 :e %ah6o %aiI6a oseba1 +e%e&a'Da1 AeKi&a %:udi. 6i sestav%:a:o cer6ev. so %ai6i. i& o&i so po6%ica&i 6 svetosti prav 6a6or duhov&i6i i& K%a&i vers6ih redov1 )%e6s' )%i :e to res4 -omaJ' 8eveda1 Poveda% ti bom Dgodbo Piera Giorgia1 )%e6s' )%i :e bi% duhov&i64 -omaJ' <e. bi% :e %ai6. 6ot ti i& :aD1 Pier Giorgio :e Jive% v -ori&u. mestu &a severu 2ta%i:e1 <:egovi starIi so bi%i De%o bogati1 <:egov oKe :e bi% usta&ovite%: i& die6tor De%o D&a&ega Kas&i6a L>a 8tampaM1 <:egova mati :e bi%a s%i6ar6a1 "# <:u& Da6o& &i bi% sreKe&. a sta osta%a s6upa: Daradi otro61 Pier Giorgio :e to vede% i& :e bi% Ja%oste&. da se starIa &e raDumeta 1 ;Ke' 8i&. veI. da ti tvo:a mati i& :aD hoKeva &a:bo%:Ie. Dato sva s6%e&i%a. da te poI%:eva &a :eDuits6o gim&aDi:o1 "# -omaJ' A gim&aDi:i :e Pier Giorgio DaKe% mo%iti i& vsa6 da& pre:emati obha:i%o1 Pier Giorgio :e pogosto mo%i% i& &:egovi starIi so posta%i Das6rb%:e&i Da&:. 6er &iso bi%i preveK ver&i1 Pier Giorgio' Gospod. pove: mi. 6a: hoKeI od me&e1 Priprav%:e& sem posvetiti svo:e Jiv%:e&:e temu. da iDpo%&:u:em tvo:o vo%:o1 "# Co&verso' $%adi moJ. iD %:ubeD&i do Boga mi da: &e6a: :esti1 Pier Giorgio' 8eveda1 Ne% bom domov i& ti &e6a: pri&ese%1 Co&verso' <a: ti Bog povr&e. fa&t mo:1 Duhov&i6' -a6o vidite. v ubogih moramo videti samega @eDusa19e6e% &am :e' LOar &aredite 6ateremu od teh mo:ih &a:ma&:Iih bratov. ste me&i stori%i1M Pier Giorgio' DruJbo hoKem spreme&iti od D&otra:1 De%ati hoKem Da uboge ( dseKi. da :im bo v%ada pomaga%a, Duhov&i6' -o :e druJbe&i &au6 Cer6ve 1

Pier Giorgio' LPrav. 6o bom dovo%: star. bom Ie% v po%iti6o1 <a ta &aKi& %ah6o doseJem ve%i6o veK1M Duhov&i6' -o :e dobra ide:a1 >ai6 si i& svo:e Jiv%:e&:e %ah6o psvetiI po%iti6i1 @aD tega &e morem storiti1 PaKas&o se %ah6o pridruJiI druJbi svetega Ai&ce&ci:a Pave%s6ega. da boI de%a% D ubogimi1 "# $ati' Dragi mo:. &e bereI svo:ega Kas&i6a1 Pda: te s6rbi Pier Giorgio. mar &e4 ;Ke' 9es :e. Das6br%:e& sem1 $ati' PremiI%:u:eI o tem. da od6ar :e DaKe% hoditi &a :eDuits6o gim&aDi:o. ves Kas porab%:a v mo%itvi i& v 6aritativ&em de%u1 ;Ke' -a6o :e1 $ati' 2& Dda: se :e pridruJi% DruJbi svetega Ai&ce&ci:a Pave%s6ega. da bo porabi% Ie veK Kasa D obis6i pri ubogih i& bo%&ih1 ;Ke' 9es :e, Potrebu:em ga pri Kas&i6u. da ga bo prevDe% Da ma&o1 Qe se od%oKi. da posta&e duhov&i6. 6do bo stopi% &a mo:e mesto4 $ati' @e Je v redu1 <i6o%i &i govori%. da bi posta% duhov&i61 ;Ke' Aem1 2& Da Dda: me &e s6rbi1 -oda vsa ta mo%itev. vsa ta s6rb Da bo%&eH vse6a6or me &e bi prese&eti%o. Ke bi &e6ega d&e riIe% sem i& re6e%' L$ama. ;Ke. s6%e&i% sem. da posta&em duhov&i6,M Pri:ate%:1' -a I6at%a :e Dad&:a. mis%im. dabi mora%o biti dovo%: Da da&aI&:e raDde%:eva&:e1 Pier Giorgio' <i6o%i &i dovo%:1 Pu&a: :e ve%i6o %:udi v potrebi. 6i :ih &ismo doseg%i1 Pri:ate%:1' 8torimo. 6ar moremo1 Pier Giorgio' Aem1 -oda ce%o ta6o &i dovo%:1 Pritis&iti moramo &a v%ado. da pomaga %:udem. 6i &e more:o de%ati1 Pri:ate%: 2' )%i &aKrtu:eI vstop v po%iti6o4 Pier Giorgio' -o &aKrtu:em1 -o :e &a:bo%:Ii &aKi&. 6a6o doseKi veK %:udi1 -omaJ' Pier Giorgio :e Ie% pogosto s6rivomaobis6at uboge i& bo%&e. da &:egovi starIi Da to & ebi iDvede%i1 -omaJ' +ote% :e 6o&Kati revIKi&o povsod po svetu1 <i6ogar &i hote% %aK&ega1 8ara' -o :e res&iK&o obKudova&:a vred&o1 +e%e&a' Da1 PierGiorgio :e stori% vse. 6ar :e moge%. da bi iDbo%:Ia% Jiv%:e&:a ubogih %:udi1 Da% :im :e hra&o i& Ddravi%a. &a:pomemb&e:Ie pa :e. da :im :e da% Kas1 -omaJ' Qeprav :e Ie ved&o ime% Kas. da :e Ie% v 6i&o i& v g%eda%iIKe1 PoveKi&i so vsi. o& i& &:egovi pri:ate%:i. radi hodi%i v gore1 )%e6s' +o:a, Prav6ar sem se spom&i% ( pridruJi% se bom ho:i s cer6vi:o &a Jup&i:s6em iD%etu1 Ne% bom pripravit svo: &ahrbt&i61 8ara' @aD tudi1 "# )%e6s' )%i :e do%ga pot. p1 $ichae%4 P1 $ichae%' )%i si utru:e&4

)%e6s' $a%o1 8ergio' @aD tudi1 P1 $ichae%' Dobro1 -u6a: se bomo ustavi%i. ma%o se bomo spoKi%i i& &e6a: popi%i1 P1 $ichae%' AeI. to me spomi&:a &a Piera Giorgia1 9ad se :e vDpe&:a% po gorah1 )%e6s' Aem1 $o: oKe mi :e poveda%1 P1 $ichae%1 2& mis%im. da :e p%eDa&:e po te: gori 6a6or biti svet&i61 Aidite.svetost :e ci%:. 6i ga moramo doseKi v &aIem Jiv%:e&:u1 $i vsi moramo postati svet&i6i1 )%e6s' $o: oKe pravi. da ti &i treba postati duhov&i6. Ke hoKeI biti svet&i61 "p1 $ichae% se sme:e# P1 $ichae%' 8eveda &e1 $&ogi %ai6i so posta%i svet&i6i1 A res&ici biti svet&i6 pome&i. da greI v &ebesa. i& veI. 6o%i6o %:udi :e v &ebesih4 8ara' -isoKi i& tisoKi4 P1 $ihae%' 8eveda. i& vsi so posta%i svet&i6i. 6er so doseg%i svo: ci%:1 8ara' Oa6o Kudovito1 P1 $ichae%' Riv%:e&:e svet&i6a :e podob&o vDpe&:a&:u &a goro. 6ot :e ta%e1 AKasih se utrudiI1 )%e6s' 2< moraI se ustaviti i& poKivati1 P1 $ichae%' Da. i& popiti ma%o vode1 -o so Da6rame&ti1 "# Pa6rame&ti so tam Dato. da &am da:o moK. da vDtra:amo v Jiv%:e&:u svetosti1 Bog &am da:e svo:o mi%ost. to :e. svo:e Jiv%:e&:e. po Da6rame&tih1 8ara' Pog%e:, Oa6Ie& %ep pog%ed, "# P1 $ichae%' Da. to :e Kudovit pog%ed1 -udi to se Dgodi. 6o posta&emo svet&i6i1 Riv%:e&:e vidimo 6ot &e6a: Kudovitega1 8ara' )%i svet&i6i vidi:o Jiv%:e&:e 6ot &e6a: Kudovitega4 P1 $ichae%' 8eveda 1Oo posta:a K%ove6 bo%: svet. se prib%iJu:e Bogu ( i& ta6rat vidite Jiv%:e&:e. svet i& druge %:udi. 6ot :ih vidi Bog1 -o :e Kudovito1 )%e6s' )%i se :e to Dgodi%o Pier G2orgiu4 P1 $ichae%1 Da. Pier&Giorgio :e vide% Boga v vsa6omer. 6i :e bi% ubog i& v potrebi1 +ote% :e raDreIiti prob%em ubogih. Dato :e posta% K%a& >:uds6e stra&6e. da bi pomaga% spreme&iti druJbo "# PierGiorgio'Dobrode%&ost &i dovo%:. potrebu:emo druJbe&o reformo1 $oJ' Pogum&e besede. Pier Giorgio1 ;bKudu:em vaI pogum. toda 6a: %ah6o storimo4 Pier G2orgio1 Pomis%ite &a %:udi v potrebah1 De%a:te. da pripravite drJavo do tega. da :im bo pomaga%a1 "# Oam gredo &aIi dav6i4 DrJava :e odgovor&a Da uporab%:a&:e tega de&ar:a.a ada Daustavi revIKi&o,, $oJ 2' -o :e res1 DrJava mora omagati %:udem. 6i so %aK&i $oJ E' AeK dsocia%&ih s%uJb, Pier Giorgio' +oKemo. da v%ada spoItu:e &a:bo%: uboge drJav%:a&e,, -isti.

6i so v &a:veK:ih potrebah. ima:o pravico do dosto:a&stve&ega Jiv%:e&:a, $&oJica' Da, Prav ima, "vD6%i6a# )%e6s' Pier Giorgio :e bi% Dares pogume&1 P1 $ichae%' Da. bi% :e 6ot vihar1 )%e6s' AeI 6a:4 +oKem se vpisati v s6upi&o v cer6vi. 6i obis6u:e uboge %:udi1 P1 $ichae%1 $is%im. da :e to dobra ide:a1 Aidimo se &as%ed&:o soboto1 8ergio' A soboto4 P1 $ichae%1 Da. cer6ev obis6u:e uboge druJi&e ob sobotah1 8ergio' +e:. oKe :e re6e%. da &as bo ob sobotah odpe%:a% p%avat1 -o boI pogreIa%1 )%e6s' ;h. &e, Prav imaI, P1 $ichae%' )%i :e 6a: &arobe4 )%e*' Prav. g%e:. premiI%:u:em. da bi se morda vpisa% po po%et:u 1 P1 $ichae%' -o :e dobro. prideI %ah6o. 6adar 6o%i Je%iI1 "# Oras&o, Oo&K&o &am :e uspe%o1 8ara' ;. ta6o viso6o smo Je, Pog%e:, ;d tu6a: %ah6o vidiI ce%o do%i&o, "# )%e6s1 Da. to :e &ever:et&o, 8ergio' @e. 6a6or da bi pog%eda% iD &ebes1 P1 $ichae% 1Aidite. vred&o :e bi%o &apora. mar &e4 Priti &a vrh :e. 6a6or Ke bi priI%i v &ebesa1 Ared&o :e vsega gara&:a v &aIem Jiv%:e&:u. da bi bi%i dobri 6ato%iKa&i1 )%e6s' )%i se D &ebes Ddi vse ta6o %epo4 P1 $ichae%' Ne bo%:, )%e6s' Oa6o Kudovito, P1 $ichae%' <ebesa so ta6o ve%i6a &agrada. da si &e moremo 6a:. da si :ih &e bi predstav%:a%i1-:a bomo priI%i po BoJ:i mi%osti i& s pomoK:o &aIih dobrih de%1 )%e6s' P dobrimi de%i4 P1 $ichae%' -a6o :e1 Bog &am ved&o pomaga. toda mi se moramo sami potruduiti i& sp%eDati &a goro. se ti &e Ddi4 )%e*' Da. mis%im. da :e res ta6o1 P1 $ichae%' Pier Giorgio :e svo:e Jiv%:e&:e posveti% &a:bo%: ubogim od ubogih1 Ede& od &:ih se :e ime&ova% Co&verso i& Pier G2orgio mu :e &osi% ob%aKi%a i& Ddravi%a1 Pier Giorgio1 )%i smem vstopiti4 P1 $ichae%' Co&verso :e bi% De%o bo%a&1 Ooma:da se :e %ah6o premi6a%1 Pier Giorgio mu :e pomaga%. da se :e umi%. i& :e 6uha% Da&:. 6o :e %e moge%1 Da% mu :e tudi i&:e6ci:e. 6i :ih :e potrudi%. da :e spet priIe% 6 sebi1 2& 6o sta 6o&Ka%a. sta s6upa: Dmo%i%a roJ&i ve&ec1 Pier Giorgio' LPdrava $ari:a. mi%i po%&a. Gospod :e s tebo:1 B%agos%ov%:e&asi med Je&ami i& b%agos%ov%:e& :e sad tvo:ega te%esa. @eDus1M

Coveso' 8veta $ari:a. mati BoJ:a. prosi Da &as greI&i6e. Dda: i& ob &aIi smrt&i uri1 )me&1M +va%a ti. Pier Giorgio1 <a:%epIa ti hva%a1 Oa6o to bom %ah6o 6da: pop%aKa% vse. 6ar si stori% Dame4 Pier Giorgio1 $o%i Dame. Co&verso1 -o :e &a:bo%:Ie p%aKi%o. 6i mi ga 6da: %ah6o daI1 Co&verso' -; Je poKe&:am. si& mo:1 -o poKe&:am. od6ar sem te vide%1 Pir Giorgio' +va%a ti. Co&verso1 A ve%i6o pomoK si mi1 Co&versio' Oa: s tem mis%iI4 Da ti pomagam4 Pier Giorgio1 Da. rese& sem1 Co&verso' AeI. da svo:o bo%eDe& vsa6 da& daru:em @eDusu i& svo:e trp%:e&:e pridruJu:em Oristusovemu &a 6riJu1-i si me ta6o &auKi%1 Perre G2orgio' Pravi%&o de%aI1 -rp%:e&:e :e ve%i6 Da6%ad1 <osi &as b%iJ:e Bogu1 Co&verso' <a: te Bog b%agos%av%:a. fa&t mo:1 <a: te Bog b%agos%av%:a1 "# P1 $ichae%' Asi bomo I%i v &ebesa po BoJ:i mi%osti i& ta6o. da de%amo dobra de%a. 6i odseva:o BoJ:e Jiv%:e&:e v &as1 Asi &aporu. 6i :ih strimo v svo:em Jiv%:e&:u. so vred&i1 "# -omaJ1 )%i si Ie po6o&ci4 )%e6s' ;K6a a%i se moraI De%o &apreDati. da bi bi% svet&i64 -omaJ' Da. gotovo1 AKasih moramo1)%e6s1 )%i mis%iI. da so v mestu ubogi %:ud:e. 6i me potrebu:e:o4 -omaJ' Prav &e vem1 >:ud:e. 6i Jivi:o sami Dase. so ved&o vese%i obis6a. &e6oga. 6i mu :e res&iK&o mar Da&:e1 )%e6s' Prav1 -omaJ' >ah6o &oK. )%e6s1 )%e6s' >ah6o &oK. oK6a -omaJ1 Dobro :utro, Oa: :e4 )%e6s' <e vem. 6a: &a: storim1 G%e:. Pier Giorgio :e svo:e Jiv%:e&:e posveti% ubogim i& rad bi bi% 6a6or o&1 -omaJ' $is%im. da :e to si:a:&o1 )%e6s' Prav. v cer6vi :e s6upi&a fa&tov i& de6%et. 6i obis6u:e:o uboge i& Bo%&e1 -o poK&e:o vsa6o soboto1 -omaJ' 2< ti hoKeI iti D &:imi. mar &e4 )%e6s' Da.1 -oda s 8ergiovim oKetom smo se dogovar:a%i. da bomo ob sobotah hodi%i &a p%ava&:e1 8e spom&iI. to :e bi% &a:i& ve%i6i po%et&i &aKrt1 -omaJ' vidim 1 )%e6s' Qe se od%oKim obis6ovati bo%&i6e. &e bom moge% &a baDe&1 -omaJ' AeI. Pier Giorgio se :e sooKa% D e&a6o di%emo1 <:egova druJi&a se :e odprav%:a%a &a poKit&ice v vasico. ime&ova&o Po%%o&e1 2me%i so Kudovito vreme1 A hiIi Pier Giorgia so se vsi vese%i%i poKit&ic1 ;Ke' >etos bomo I%i ribarit &a :eDero1 $ati' Qudovito bo1 <aKrtu:em. da bi I%a :ahat1 Ooma: Ka6am1 ;Ke' Pier. a%i si Je pripravi% svo: 6ovKe64

Pier Giorgio' $ama. oKe. moram vama &e6a: povedati1 >etos &e bom Ie% D vama &a poKit&ice1 ;Ke' )%i ima to 6a: opraviti s tvo:imi ubogimi4 Pier Giorgio1 Da1 ;sta% bom. da bom s6rbe% Da&:e1 $ati' -oda P2er. po%eti vsi Dapusti:o -ori&o1 Asi potrebu:emo poKit&ice. mar &i ta6o4 Pier Giorgio' Prav Daradi tega. mama1 Qe vsi gredo. 6do bo tam Da uboge i& bo%&e4 ;Ke' Prav. si&. priD&ati moram. da me to &e prese&eKa1 E&a6o si stori% Je %a&i1 Pier Giorgio' +va%a Da raDumeva&:e1 9es&iK&o sta Kudovita starIa1 $ati' -a fa&t mi Dbu:a Das6rb%:e&ost1 ;Ke' Oo se vr&emo s poKit&ic. bom govori% D &:im1 Potrebu:em ga. da DaK&e de%at pri Kas&i6u1 )%e6s' -o :e de%a% Pier Giorgio4 Pri:ate%:1' )%i si bomo odpoKi%i4 Pier G2orgio' Prav Pri:ate%: 1' -u6a:. popi:1 Pier G2orgio' <e. hva%a1 Pi% bom. 6o pridemo &a vrh1 Pri:ate%:1' +oKeI iti Je:e&4 -oda Da6a:4 Pier Giorgio' <aIe Jiv%:e&:e. &aIe 6rIKa&s6o Jiv%:e&:e. mora biti sta%&o odpovedova&:e. sta%&a Jrtev. toda to &am &i v breme. Ke mis%imo. 6a: :e teh &e6a: %et Ja%osti v primer:avi s sreK&o veK&ost:o. 6:er vese%:e &e bo ime%o mere a%i 6o&ca i& 6:er bomo vsi uJiva%i mir o&6ra: vsega. 6ar si %ah6o predstav%:amo1 Pri:ate%: 1'AeI 6a:4 )bso%ut&o prav imaI1 -udi :aD &e bom pi%1 Pier Girgio' Gospod. svo:e Jiv%:e&:e hoKem posvetiti s%uJe&:u tistim. 6i so &a:bo%: v potrebi1Pode%i mi svo:o mi%ost. da mi pomagaI videti svo:e ob%iK:e v ob%iK:u vsa6ega od tvo:ih otro6. 6i so bo%&i1 Pier Giorgio' <aIa moK :e v @eDusu v svetem Da6rame&tu1 Pri:ate%:1' )%i govoriI o mo%itvi4 Pier Giorgio' ; mo%itvi i& Da6rame&tih1 -o &as de%a drugaK&e od drugih po%iti6ov1 $i 6ato%iKa&i to poK&emo. 6er %:ubimo Boga1 Oer vidimo Boga v &a:bo%: ubogih od ubohgih1 )%e6s' )%i %ah6o grem &apre:4 P1 $ichae%' 8eveda. pridi. )%e6s1 )%e6s' P1 $ichae%. s6%e&i% sem. da se bom ob sobotah pridruJi% obis6om ubogih1 P1 $ichae%' mis%im. da :e to dobra ide:a1 Aidim. da imaI tu6a: 6&:igo1 Oa: :e4 )%e6s' -o :e Jiv%:e&:epis P2era Giorgia Frassati:a1 P1 $ichae%' ;b tem si se od%oKi%. mar &e4 )%e6s' Da1 Pier Giorgio si :e res&iK&o priDadeva%. da bi s6rbe% Da &a:bo%:

uboge %:udi. Da %:udi v &a:veK:ih potrebah. i& :aD hoKem storiti e&a6o1 P1 $ichae%' AeI. Pier G2orgio :e re6e%. da prava %:ubeDe& &i v tem. da da:emo do&aci:e1 $is%i% :e. da prava %:ubeDe& pome&i da:ati sebe ( to :e. da:ati svo: Kas1 -o :e &a:teJ:e od vsega1 )%e6s' Aem1 -o :e prece: teJ6o Dame. 6er ob sobotah &e bom moge% &a baDe& s svo:imi pri:ate%:i1 P1 $ichae%' >:ud:e. 6i :ih boI obis6a%. ti bodo res&iK&o hva%eJ&i. i& Bog bo Dares sreKe&1 Oadar 6o%i :e moge%. :e Pier Giorgio Ie%. da:e pos6rbe% Da svo:ega pri:ate%:a Co&versa1 Co&verso' 8i 6da: premiI%:eva% o tem. da bi posta% duhov&i64 Pier Giorgio' Da1 Pogosto sem premiI%:eva% o tem1 Co&verso' $is%im. da bi bi% Kudovit duhov&i61 Pier G2orgio' -oda &e mis%im. da Bog to Dahteva od me&e1 Co&verso' )%i si prepriKa&4 Pier G2orgio1 Da1 AidiI. tu6a: v 2ta%i:i duhov&i6i &iso ta6o b%iDu %:udem. 6ot so :im %ah6o %ai6i ( a%i raDmeI4 Biti duhov&i6 v6%:uKu:e m&ogo drugih odgovor&osti. :aD pa hoKem iti &a 6ra:e. 6amor bi De%o teJ6o priIe% 6ot duhov&i61 Co&verso' Aidim1 Pier Giorgio' Pato sem s6%e&i%. da bom Itudira% Da rudars6ega i&Je&ir:a &a Po%iteh&iK&i u&iverDi v -ori&u1 Co&verso' Pa rudars6ega i&Je&ir:a4 Pa6a:4 Pier Giorgio' Da pri&esem Boga rudar:em1 Da s%uJim Bogu med de%avci1 DruJba se mora spreme&iti od D&otra:1 Co&verso' ;h1 "# ;Ke' 8i&. tvo:a mati i& :aD sva Das6rb%:e&a1 )%i raDmiI%:aI. da bi posta% duhov&i64 Pier G2orgio1<e. oKe1 Po6%ic duhov&iItva bi bi% ve%i6 b%agos%ov. toda Bog me &e 6%iKe &a to pot1 ;Ke' Prav. da. poD&am ve%i6o dobrih duhov&i6ov1 -oda vidiI. vse svo:e Jiv%:e&:e sem da% Da ta Kas&i61 >a 8tampa :e reDu%tat m&ogih %et trdega de%a1 9ad bi. da prideI i& de%aI pri &:em. ta6o da bi sKasoma %ah6o prevDe% mo: po%oJa:1 Pier Giorgio' 9aDumem. ;Ke1 2& to de%o bom prevDe%. Ke :e to tisto. 6ar hoKeI1 ;Ke' Fa&t mo:. &e veI. 6a6o De%o si me osreKi%1 Pier Giorgio' Aem. oKe1 +oKem. da sta obaD mamo sreK&a i& da va:u &e s6rbi Dame1 ;Ke' Povedat grem tvo:i materi1 Pier Giorgio' Prede& greI. oKe. te moram prositi Da &e6a: de&ar:a1 ;Ke' 8eveda1 Pier Giorgio' Potrebu:em ga. da 6upim Ddravi%a Da pri:ate%:a1 ;Ke' -o sem Je uga&i%1

Pri:ate%:' Pa6a: si ved&o ta6o dobre vo%:e4 Pier Giorgio' 8praIu:eI me. Da6a: sem ta6o dobre vo%:e1 Oa6o bi bi%o mogoKe. da bi &e bi%. do6%er mi mo:e Daupa&:e v Gospoda da:e moK4 Oato%iKa& mora biti ved&o vese%1 Ra%ost bi mora%a biti iDg&a&a iD vseh 6rIKa&s6ih duI1 Pri:ate%:' -oda vKasih &as trp%:e&:e &aredi Ja%ost&e1 Pier Giorgio' -rp%:e&:e &i isto 6ot Ja%ost1 Ra%ost :e bo%eDe&. 6i :o s6ora: ved&o povDroKa poma&:6a&:e vere1 Pri:ate%:' a%i hoKeI reKi. da :e vera iDvir sreKe4 Pier Giorgio' 8eveda1 Aerovati v Boga i& mu Daupati &am bi mora%o ved&o pomagati. da smo vese%i1 Ce%o Ke &a poti &a%etimo &a tr&e. to &i Ja%ost&a pot. temveK vese%a1 Aese%:e med trp%:e&:em1 "# )%e6s' +e. oKi1 -omaJ' Oa: :e4 )%e6s' Oa6o :e Pier Giogio umr%4 -omaJ' Prav. vidiI. obis6a% :e to%i6o bo%&i6ov. da se :e &aDad&:e o6uJi% D otroI6o para%iDo. toda doma &i re6e% &iKesar1 )%e6s' Pa6a: &e4 -omaJ' Pato. 6er :e bi%a tudi &:egova stara mama De%o bo%&a i& &:egovi starIi so bi%i Das6rb%:e&i Da&:o1 )%e6s' Aidim' <i hote%. da bi &:egovi starIi Ie bo%: s6rbe%i1 -omaJ' 9es :e1 Oo :e &:egova stara mama umr%a. :im :e poveda%. toda ta6rat :e bi%o Je prepoD&o1 Pdrav&i6' Bo%eDe& :e De%o &apredova%a ;Ke' Do6tor F Pdrav&i6' Ra% mi :e1 Gmira1 ;Ke' -oda F6a6o F 6a6o F 6o%i6o d&i Jiv%:e&:a Ie ima4 Pdrav&i6' Pet a%i Iest d&i F mogoKe sedem1 <iK veK1 "$ati Da:oKe# -omaJ' Pier Giorgio :e trpe% hudo bo%eKi&o i& :e to trp%:e&:e darova% Bogu1 <i6o%i &i iDgubi% &asmeha1 Da& prede& :e umr%. :e e&a od &:egovih ro6 ohrome%a. toda Ie ta6o :e &apisa% sporoKi%o pri:ate%:u1 Pier Giorgio' 2& &e poDabi obis6ati Co&versa i& da: mu &:egove i&:e6ci:e1 -omaJ' Do &:egovega Dad&:ega tre&ut6a so bi%e &:egove mis%i pri &:egovih pri:ate%:ih. ubogih i& potreb&ih1 )%e6s' Qudovito1 -omaJ' <a da& pogreba so bi%e u%ice -ori&a po%&e ubogih %:udi. %:udi. 6i :im :e da% Pier Giorgio &a:bo%:Ia %eta svo:ega Jiv%:e&:a1 $ati' -o :e &ever:et&o1 <i6o%i &isem vede%a. da so ime%i &a:i&ega si&a ta6o De%o radi1 Co&verso' <isem vede%. da :e bi% Pier Giorgio bogat ( mis%im F da :e &:egova druJi&a ime%a de&ar F GboJec 1' -udi :aD &isem vede%1 -ega mi &i &i6o%i poveda%1

)%e6s' AeI. oKi. rad bi bi% 6a6or Pier Giorgio1 9ad bi spreme&i% svet. &aredi% %:udi sreK&e i& rad bi :ih pripe%:a% b%iJ:e Bogu1 "-omaJ se sme:e# -omaJ' $is%im. da:e to Kudovito1 )%e6s' 2& &e da bi se odpoveda% fi%mov a%i g%eda&:u te%eviDi:e1 -omaJ' Prav. ti si %ai6. prav 6a6or :e bi% P2er G2orgio1 )%e6s' -o hoKem reKi1 Biti hoKem %ai6 i& svet&i61 "g%asba# E3-< BDC

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