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Understanding Different Personalities

Red Personality: The Doer A dominant Red score indicates lifes experiences must make sense to you. You are logical, practical and do not display emotions easily. Because of your desire for structure, you seek control of both your en ironment and people, and are sometimes seen by others as domineering. You are punctual and may become irritated if you think your time is being !asted. A natural leader, you are dri en by the need for po!er and control. "hat stresses you is lack of organi#ation and last minute changes. Tendencies $. %etting immediate results &. 'aking (uick decisions ). Persistence *. +ol ing problems ,. -aking charge .. /ooking self reliant 0. Accepting challenges Ideal situation $. 1e! aried acti ities &. 2pportunity to really get things done ). 3ontinual challenges, multi4tasker *. Difficult assignments ,. 5reedom to act from their instinct .. 3ontrol o er the situations 0. Direct ans!ers from others, no innuendoes Weaknesses $. 6nsensiti ity to!ards others &. 6mpatient ). 2 erlook risks *. 6nflexibilty, demanding of others ,. -alks too much .. 6nattenti e to details at times 0. Resenting of restrictions

Needs others to provide $. Attention to routine tasks &. 3aution ). 5ocus on details and facts Personal growth area $. %reater patience &. +ensiti ity to others7 needs ). 5lexibility

Understanding Different Personalities

Blue Personality: The Talker Blues are self4confident personalities !ho !ill challenge anything and e erything8 authority, rules and established !ays of thinking. -his tendency to (uestion e erything can create a strained atmosphere in both business and personal situations. You are interested in theories, abstractions, inno ations and change. You are a conceptual deep thinker and en9oy getting :lost in your head: as a !ay of exploring ne! ideas and looking for inno ati e !ays to make a difference. You are a true :out4of4the4box: isionary and adept at multi4tasking. +earching for the hidden meanings behind e ery day life gi es you great pleasure. Tendencies $. 2ptimism &. ;nthusiasm ). 'akes good impressions *. <erbally articulate ,. /ikes to help others .. 3reates entertaining climate Ideal situation $. 5riendly !arm en ironment &. 5reedom from control ). Public recognition of ability *. 2pportunity to talk ,. Positi e reinforcement .. ;nthusiastic response to ideas Weaknesses $. 5ollo!ing through &. 2 erestimating results ). 'is9udging capabilities *. -alks too much ,. Acts impulsi ely .. =umps to conclusions

0. 2 er commits >. Acts first, thinks second Needs others to provide $. 5ollo! through on details &. 5ocus on tasks ). /ogical approach Personal growth area $. -ime a!areness &. 2b9ecti ity in decision making

Understanding Different Personalities

Green Personality: The Thinker Tendencies $. 2rderliness &. 3onscientious ). Disciplined *. Precise ,. -horough .. Diplomatic !ith people 0. Analytical Ideal situation $. Being able to concentrate on detail &. 2pportunities to criti(ue ). +table surroundings and procedures *. ;xact 9ob description, expectations ,. 2pportunities for :careful: planning .. +ufficient time to do things right 0. 2pportunities for reassurance from authority Weaknesses $. 6ndecisi e ?looking at all data@ &. %et bogged do!n in details ). Rigid on the :ho! to7s: *. A oids contro ersy ,. /o! self esteem .. Aesitant to try ne! things 0. +ensiti e to criticism >. 3an be pessimistic Needs others to provide $. Buick decision making &. 2ptimism

). Aelp in persuading others Personal growth area $. Be more open !ith their feelings &. Be more optimistic Yellow Personality: The Watcher A strong Yello! indi idual li es in a !orld of intangibles !here hopes, dreams and emotions are most important. You look at the big picture, are not detail oriented, and like to explore possibilities and alternati e !ays of doing things. You march to your o!n drummer and fre(uently find it difficult to get on the same !a elength as others. -his often puts pressure on your relationships. You ha e a rich i id imagination and thri e in an atmosphere that encourages the use of your creati e abilities and talent. Your intuition is highly de eloped and you seem to be able to sense !hat others are feeling. Tendencies $. +upporti e &. Agreeable ). /oyal *. +elf control ,. 3onsistent .. %ood listener 0. 2pportunity to de elop personal relationships Ideal situation $. +incere appreciation by others &. 'inimal conflict bet!een people ). +ecurity *. Ackno!ledgement of !ork by others ,. /imited territory .. -raditional procedures 0. 2pportunity to de elop personal relationships Weaknesses $. Resist change &. -rouble making deadlines ). 2 erly lenient !ith people *. Procrastinates

,. 6ndecisi e .. Aolds grudges 0. 2 erly possessi e >. /acks initiati e Needs others to provide $. Push to try ne! challenges &. Aelp in sol ing difficult problems ). 6nitiati e and accepting change Personal growth area $. 5acing confrontation and dealing !ith it &. 'o ing at a faster pace and initiating

$. +elf4confident &. +pontaneous ). /ikes in ol ement *. +tubborn ,. Demanding .. =oiner 0. 3autious >. 3aring C Aelpful D. Belie able $E. Daring $$. /ogical $&. ;ager bea er $). Reser ed $*. Authoritati e $,. -alkati e $.. /eader $0. 'eticulous $>. 6ndustrious $D. -ask4 oriented &E. ;motional &$. 6rritable &&. 6ndirect &). %oal4oriented &*. ;xcels in emergency &,. ;n9oys !atching people &.. <ery self4 confident &0. 1eat F tidy

+tructured +ensiti e 3hecks !ith others Dreamer /ike organi#ation /ikes being straightfor!ard Dictatorial Rebellious 1urturing Persistent /ikes to brainstorm Resists change 2 ergenerous Aarmonious 2utspoken +teadfast beha ior 5orceful 6dealist 3ontented 6maginati e 6n ented -eam !orker Restless 3ounselor "orkaholic Attenti e to details People4oriented 5lexibleCadaptable Rigid 5rankCcandid 3apable -hri es on compliments +trong4!illed, determined 3autiously makes friends /ook good on Discipline Dutiful 5riendly AccurateCprecise 3harismatic 6ndependent

-rusting Analytical /ike security ;asily offended Buiet -ake charge ;nergetic 'ild mannered

Possessi e Playful BoldC audacious "ell liked 2ptimistic 3onser ati eC traditional 3onscientiousCattenti e 'odestCunassuming Designer 3ontroller +upporti e +elf4directed Prolific mental imager Positi e thinker 6deal4oriented Result oriented /ikes recognition ;asily slighted 3areful <olunteers for tasks Dry sense of humor ;nthusiastic /ike to be thorough A oid confect Particular ;asily threatened +trict +chedule oriented A oids causing attention +ets ery high standard Dresses in trendy !ays Usually right


B $. Red &. Red ). Blue *. %reen ,. Red .. Blue 0. %reen >. Blue D. Blue $E. Red $$. %reen $&. Red $). %reen $*. Red $,. Blue $.. Red $0. %reen $>. Red $D. %reen &E. Yello! &$. Red &&.Blue &). Red &*. Red &,. Yello! &.. Red &0. %reen %reen Blue %reen Red Blue Yello! Yello! Red Red Yello! Yello! Yello! Yello! Blue Red Blue Red %reen Blue Blue %reen Red Yello! Blue Red Yello! Blue Yello! Yello! Red Blue %reen %reen Blue %reen %reen %reen Blue %reen Red Yello! %reen Yello! Blue Yello! Yello! Red Yello! Yello! Blue Yello! Blue %reen Yello!

! Blue %reen Yello! Yello! Yello! Red Red Yello! Yello! Blue Red Blue Blue %reen Yello! %reen Yello! Blue Red %reen Blue %reen %reen %reen %reen Blue Red

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