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One must harp did HAARP do Philippines strategic plan US first in any nuclear medical stuff China in the

ruff Look up look down liar liar pants afire all around the world ho said that who!s on "

www#Amen$%#com Ultimate whacko &ord would call for ReformUps$%com hat media say ' walk the other way with Psalm (% for www#Reform#Ups$%#com underway in lay away plan of media sway )amned if you do *od damned if you do what wont to do whatcha gonna do" 'n PR'C+ mi &',', any cockle do )id ' here the cockle do morning" ### mourning ### what" -ow defining the measure of po.erty ' offer to the root /0o see what is right1 and not do it1 is want of courage1 or of principle/ &orthright &orthwith &orthcoming &&&

'n the name of *od of1 for and with the People 0& http233www#youtu4e#com3watch".5U4ACC*f678c

&&& &ickle &ate &inger

/0hy kingdom come/ 9c Pig 9usical Chairs Puppets in glomming 0hy +ingdom Come Puppets in *o.ernance 9edia

P'* 9:
0he re7uest for *od;s kingdom to come is usually interpreted as a reference to the 4elief1 common at the time1 that a 9essiah figure would 4ring a4out a +ingdom of *od# 0raditionally the coming of *od;s +ingdom is seen as a di.ine gift to 4e prayed for1

not a human achievement.

0his idea is fre7uently challenged 4y groups who 4elie.e that the +ingdom will come 4y the hands of those faithful to work for a 4etter world# 't is 4elie.ed 4y these indi.iduals that <esus; commands to feed the hungry and clothe the needy are the +ingdom to which he was referring#

P'* 9:O
Puppets in *o.ernance 9edia Opposition e4

=es shake hands with the and we >P'* 9: through P'*9:O ? all pay the

Political Religious 'mplicit Complicit :@plicit PR'C: Political Religious 'nsidious Capitalist :mperors Like other financial empires in history1 Smith claims the contemporary model forms alliances necessary to de.elop and control wealth1 as peripheral nations remain impo.erished pro.iders of cheap resources for the imperial8centers8of8 capital#A$B ,elloc estimated that1 during the ,ritish :nclosures1 /perhaps half of the whole population was proletarian/1 while roughly the other /half/ owned and controlled the means of production# -ow1 under modern Capitalism1 <# # Smith claims fewer than CDD people possess more wealth than half of the earth!s population1 as the wealth of $3( of $8percent of the United States population roughly e7ual that of the lower ED8 percent# PR'C+ mi &',', Political Religious 'nsidious Charlatan +leptocracy media inciting &ickle 'nherent ,ias 'gnorant ,liss

Skin the mule for transparency" hat can 4e said in mule S'- sane insanity normalcy" (

)r P )on!t Re.erse Psychosis Smart fellers 0imes are a changin 4lowin against wind fart smellers# Sloppin in a pig;s sty where pigs fly ya get used to it ,illions when de.astation media winds of war promoted hen resuscitation warranted C 9ill media proud as hell of )art fart &ire with fire &ord cuts ( ta@ gra44er demons surfaces demons 'n a decepti.e world of good is His demons cause them to e@pose self on own media

http233www#scri4d#com3doc3$FCCGGH%F3,ar8to8,ar8<ustice8Causes8:ccentric8to8Saddle8Up8to8the8,ar Henry could not mo.e on with firm grasp of the horse )ragging the traditional 9ule Henry I''' had an interesting way that must not 4e left unconsidered

&ord must 4e the 9essiah J&ine words and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated with true .irtueK Confucius say nothing a4out pray Crown Attorney *eneral Criminal Lawyer Cartel 0a@payer finances the system that ransacks them 0hen some of the wiser petition for relief with 4ackroom settlements Passi.e ignorant 0a@payer complicit Protection racket protects racket Proclaim Spirit )e Lure administer antithesis )e facto Attorney *eneral ta@payer financed responsi4le for guaranteed de Lure passes the onus 4ack to the indi.iduals that can afford to access the courts through the organiMed crime criminal lawyers syndicate with due process designed to protect the SS N Satanic Schematics )e Lure www#Reform#Ups$%#com 0he Constitution 0he Law Criminal Lawyer Spirit of Law dou4lethink http233www#scri4d#com3doc3$$%GG(EHH3Spirit8'ntent8Precedence8de8<ure8Constitution8or8Romans8$%8 *aming8the8System8de8&acto )e Lure proclaimed antithesis )e facto administered 0a@payer taken coming and going 0a@payer finances the system that ransacks them 0he Constitution 0he Outlaw the Criminal Lawyer :@cerpts from http233www#scri4d#com3doc3$FCCGGH%F3,ar8to8,ar8<ustice8Causes8:ccentric8to8Saddle8Up8to8the8,ar www#FurLustice#com Legal Associates O :.eryone ) :7ual <ustice e gi.e :.eryone :7ual Access :tched a4o.e the doors of the US Supreme Court are the words /:7ual <ustice Under Law#/ 't;s one of the 4asic principles of democracy# Unfortunately1 in reality we recei.e a4out as much Lustice as we can afford# 0he wealthiest ten percent can afford to ha.e a lawyer on retainer1 and are accustomed to consulting with one 4efore making decisions# On the other hand1 the 4ottom ten percent has access to pu4lic aid# ,ut what a4out the rest of us"


9ost of my law school classmates only wanted to make money# ' wanted to learn the law and 4e good at it# hen they saw me coming they would run away so they wouldn;t ha.e to talk law with me# ' won a lot of cases 4efore the ,ar entered my life# Then I learned about how the Bar is really in place to prevent disruption to the large law firms, many of whom are now .ictims of the economy# 0he law is like e.ery other occupation1 it has great people and it has scum and e.erything in 4etween# The Bar is used to silence people like Richard Fine# ,ut mainly the general pu4lic doesn;t understand legal ethics# " 0hey are mainly the antithesis of real world ethics# Clients think a 4ar complaint will force the attorney to 4e 4etter# Richard Fine was disbarred after exposing udicial corruption of

the highest order. The Bar and the legislature covered it up. I
had the State of Calif sanctioned P%Dk for programming their computers to .iolate the US ,ankruptcy laws#

won case after case in criminal court and my motions in 4ankruptcy court for my clients resulted in

the expungement of millions in taxes.

He doesn!t mention Richard &ine who e@posed %CD Ludges on take and LA county that 4ri4ed them were e@onerated 4y *o.ernor and he went to solitary confinement for $G months http233www#scri4d#com3doc3$FCCGGH%F3,ar8to8,ar8<ustice8Causes8:ccentric8to8Saddle8Up8to8the8,ar 't!s nothing new li7uidity since anti7uity www#O<task#com O4struct <ustice truth and source kill J&ine words and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated with true .irtueK

Law Society Chief <ustice and ,ar Association admit as they seek out Su4stanti.e 0hick funding for 'llegal Legal Aid aiding criminal lawyer sustaina4le growth http233www#scri4d#com3doc3$66C%$CD63)one8 hat8'8Can8to8Sa.e8 orld8,all8-ow8in8=our8Court http233en#wikipedia#org3wiki3+ingdomQofQ*od 0he Catechism of the Catholic Church >CCC? teaches that the coming Reign of *od will 4e a kingdom of lo.e1 peace1 and Lustice#A(%B <ustice is defined as a .irtue where4y one respects the rights of all persons1 in harmony and e7uity with all#A(FB 0he +ingdom of *od 4egan with Christ;s death and Resurrection and must 4e further e@tended 4y Christians until it has 4een 4rought into perfection 4y Christ at the end of time# A(CB 0he Christian does this 4y the way Christ li.ed1 4y thinking the way Christ thought1A(%B and 4y promoting peace and Lustice#A(6B 0his can 4e accomplished 4y discerning how the Holy Spirit >*od? is calling one to act in the concrete circumstances of one;s life#A(6B Christians must also pray1 asking *od for what is necessary to cooperate with the coming of *od;s +ingdom# A(HB <esus gathered disciples to 4e the seed and the 4eginning of *od;s Reign on earth1 and <esus sent the Holy Spirit to guide them#A(GB <esus continues to call all people to come together around himA(EB and to spread the +ingdom of *od across the entire world#A%DB Howe.er1 the ultimate triumph of Christ;s +ingdom will not come a4out until Christ;s return to earth at the end of time#A%$B )uring Christ;s second coming1 he will Ludge the and the dead# Only those who are Ludged to 4e righteous and Lust will reign with Christ Christ;s second coming will also mark the a4solute defeat of all powers1 including Satan#A%%B Until then1 the coming of the +ingdom will continue to 4e attacked 4y powers as Christians wait with hope for the second coming of their Sa.ior#A%FB 0his is why Christians pray to hasten Christ;s return 4y saying to him /9aranathaR/ which means /Come1 Lord <esusR/#A%CB http233en#wikipedia#org3wiki3:ndQtime hile some who 4elie.e in the literal interpretation of the ,i4le insist that the prediction of dates or times is futile1 some other writers 4elie.e that <esus foretold of signs which would indicate that the /end of days/ was near# Some of these signs include earth7uakes1 natural disasters1 pro4lems1 /wars and rumors of wars1/ and other catastrophes# Of the precise time1 howe.er1 it will come like a /thief in the night/ >$ 0hess# C2(?# http233www#youtu4e#com3watch".5(.SwyOoTLiD US caused <apan G#E :arth7uake Alter weather 0esla mad science ali.e and well

http233www#youtu4e#com3watch".5ykSyHrfF%Ds LUC'&:R R'S'-* U HAARP U 4eing used to create the 4iggest earth7uake http233www#youtu4e#com3watch".5R668Eh)hfpw HAARP <apan Proof http233www#youtu4e#com3watch".57*$OH)9*gSg <apan H#( earth7uake caused 4y H#A#A#R#P and CH:90RA'LSR www#HAARP#-:0



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