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vineeta singh 1.

Gauss' Law

Gauss' Law is equivalent to the Force Equation for Electric Charges: like charges repel each other and opposite charges (i.e. positive and negative charge attract.

Gauss' Law also sa!s that Electric Field lines diverge awa! fro" Electric Charges. #his "eans that positive charge acts as a source of Electric Fields (like the wa! a faucet is a source of water . Gauss' Law "eans that negative charges acts as a sink for Electric Fields (the wa! water drains or e$its a region via a sink hole . #his "eans Electric Field lines start and stop on Electric Charge. %. Gauss' Law for &agnetis"

&a$well's 'econd Equation sa!s that "agnetic "onopoles do not e$ist. (hile we have Electric Charges (Electric &onopoles ) we have never found the "agnetic equivalent * "agnetic charge or a "agnetic "onopoles. #his equation states that the "agnetic field tends to wrap around things * since the divergence is +ero the fields tend to for" closed loops.

,. Farada!'s Law

Farada!'s Law tells us that a "agnetic field that is changing in ti"e will give rise to a circulating E*field. #his "eans we have two wa!s of generating E* fields * fro" Electric Charges (or flowing electric charge) current or fro" a "agnetic field that is changing.

-. ."pere's Law

."pere's Law tells us that a flowing electric current gives rise to a "agnetic field that circles the wire. /n addition to this) it also sa!s that an Electric Field

that is changing in ti"e gives rise to a "agnetic field that encircles the E*field * this is the 0isplace"ent Current ter" that &a$well hi"self introduced.

#his "eans there are % wa!s to generate a solenoidal (circulating 1*field * a flowing electric current or a changing Electric Field. 2oth give rise to the sa"e pheno"enon. &a$well's Equations as a (hole

.s a whole) what do &a$well's Equations "ean3

#he first two are "ainl! used at 0.C. * i.e. when all the voltages and currents are constant and nothing is changing with ti"e. #hese are so"ewhat less i"portant in "! opinion) and in fact) the! can 4e derived fro" the second set of equations. #herefore) these are so"ewhat of a weaker cop! of the second two.

#he ,rd and -th equations reall! dictate the rules for Electric and &agnetic Fields. For instance) in a popular Electro"agnetics 'olver known as the Finite* 0ifference #i"e 0o"ain (F0#0 "ethod) onl! the second two equations are used to nu"ericall! solve for the E* and 1* fields. #he first two are not needed.

Let's look at the ,rd and -th equations) two succinct state"ents that govern all of E* and 1* field propagation: the "ain "a$well's equations

Farda!'s Law sa!s that a changing &agnetic Field gives rise to a circling Electric Field. 5ow) things in the universe do not continuall! grow or continuall! shrink * the! oscillate ("ove up and down a4out an average . #his "eans the &agnetic Field increases and then decreases * which "eans the Electric Field wraps 4ack and forth around a changing &agnetic Field. .nd this "eans that the Electric Field is changing in ti"e as well.

Look now at ."pere's Law. #his sa!s that a changing Electric Field gives rise to a circling &agnetic Field. .nd in the sa"e wa!) the Electric Field will 4e oscillating in ti"e) the encircling &agnetic Field will 4e wrapping around it and changing in ti"e as well.

Let's think a4out the last two paragraphs. . changing "agnetic field gives rise to a changing Electric Field. .nd a changing Electric Field gives rise to a changing &agnetic Field * which itself will produce a changing Electric Field which will give rise to .....

(hat is this3 #his pheno"enon * is known as propagation. #his is what gives rise to the propagation of Electro"agnetic (aves. #his is the eternal wheel of "otion that ena4les sunlight to travel through a vaccuu" without an! "ediu". .nd fro" these two equations we can deter"ine that all propagating waves travel at a single speed) the speed of light. .nd this speed can 4e directl! deter"ined fro" the constants found within &a$well's Equations.

Ever! electro"agnetic for" or radiation * visi4le light) $*ra!s) sunlight that heats the earth) radio waves) television waves) wifi signals) 4luetooth signals) cell phone trans"ission) and G6' all consist solel! of Electric and &agnetic Fields. .nd ever!thing !ou need to know a4out how the! propagate and interact with "aterials is co"pletel! deter"ined 4! the a4ove % equations * which were unified and e$plained originall! 4! 7a"es Clerk &a$well in the 189:s. .nd that is that.

&a$well's Equations

#his page on &a$well's Equations is cop!righted * &a$wells*") %:1%.

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