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Opulence power of PRICK mi FIBIB de facto speakeasies

Righteous proclamations of humanity De jure gaining power to administer antithesis De facto sanctimoniously

www O!task com O"struct !ustice truth and source kill
#d hoc is a $atin phrase meaning %for this% It generally signifies a solution designed for a specific pro"lem or task& non'generali(a"le& and not intended to "e a"le to "e adapted to other purposes )compare a priori* Common e+amples are organi(ations& committees& and commissions created at the national or international le,el for a specific task In other fields the term may refer& for e+ample& to a military unit created under special circumstances& a tailor'made suit& a handcrafted network protocol& or a purpose'specific e-uation #d hoc can also mean makeshift solutions& shifting conte+ts to create new meanings& inade-uate planning& or impro,ised e,ents In science and philosophy& ad hoc means the addition of e+traneous hypotheses to a theory

to save it from being

falsified Political Religious Insidious Charlatan Kleptocracy media inciting Fickle Inherent Bias Ignorant Bliss De facto Imperati,e . / presented as . 0 0 1,eryone has the following fundamental freedoms2 )a* freedom of conscience and religion; )"* freedom of thought& belief& opinion and e+pression& including freedom of the press and other media of communication3 )c* freedom of peaceful assem"ly3 and )d* freedom of association 4hat5

http266en wikipedia org6wiki67atanism 7atanism is a "road term referring to a group of 4estern religions comprising di,erse ideological and

philosophical beliefs
8heir shared features include sym"olic association with& or admiration for the character of& 7atan& or similar re"ellious& promethean& and& in their ,iew& li"erating figures 8here were an estimated 9:&::: mem"ers in /;;: 8here may "e as few as a few thousand in the world </= >ickory Dickory Doc ? Di,ide and con-uer mice to rats ran out the clock /

De facto Imperati,e .0 presented as 0@ pack .0 0@ )/* #nyone whose rights or freedoms& as guaranteed "y this Charter& ha,e "een infringed or denied may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to o"tain such remedy as the court considers appropriate and just in the circumstances )0* 4here& in proceedings under su"section )/*& a court concludes that e,idence was o"tained in a manner that infringed or denied any rights or freedoms guaranteed "y this Charter&

the e,idence shall "e e+cluded if it is esta"lished that&

ha,ing regard to all the circumstances& the admission of it in the proceedings would "ring the administration of justice into disrepute www O!task com http266en wikipedia org6wiki6Dejure De jure )in Classical $atin de iure* is an e+pression that means %concerning law%&

as contrasted
with de facto& which means %concerning fact% 8he terms de jure and de facto are used instead of % in law% and %in practice%& respecti,ely& when one is descri"ing political or legal situations In a legal conte+t& de jure is also translated as %concerning law% # practice may e+ist de facto& where& for e+ample& the people o"ey a contract as though there were a law enforcing it& yet there is no such law # process known as %desuetude% may allow de facto practices to replace o"solete de jure laws On the other hand& practices may e+ist de jure and not "e o"eyed or o"ser,ed "y the people 1+amples <edit= It is& in fact& possi"le to ha,e multiple simultaneous de jure legalities that are not de facto Between /A:9 and /;/@& the ruling dynasty of 1gypt ruled as de jure ,iceroys of the Ottoman 1mpire& "ut acted as de facto independent rulers who maintained a polite fiction of Ottoman su(erainty >owe,er& from a"out /AA0& the rulers had only de jure rule o,er 1gypt& as it had "y then "ecome a British puppet state 8hus& 1gypt was "y Ottoman law de jure a pro,ince of the Ottoman 1mpire& "ut de facto was part of the British 1mpire In #merican law& particularly after Brown , Board of 1ducation )/;9@*& the difference "etween de facto segregation )segregation that e+isted "ecause of the ,oluntary associations and neigh"orhoods* and de jure segregation )segregation that e+isted "ecause of local laws that mandated the segregation*& "ecame important distinctions for court'mandated remedial purposes In Canada& more specifically and in higher concentration British Colum"ia& the illegality of canna"is is considered %De jure%& whereas the widespread use& in striking similarity to the #merican li-uor prohi"ition and of the /;B:s& is an e+ample of De facto Ci,il Diso"edience 0


http266www scri"d com6doc6/A0A:9C/96R1DO'/B De facto 777>>>>>>>

Ec Pig Eusical Chairs Puppets in glomming 8hy Kingdom Come Puppets in Fo,ernance Eedia 1lusi,es

8he re-uest for FodGs kingdom to come is usually interpreted as a reference to the "elief& common at the time& that a Eessiah figure would "ring a"out a Kingdom of Fod 8raditionally the coming of FodGs Kingdom is seen as a di,ine gift to "e prayed for&

not a human achievement.

8his idea is fre-uently challenged "y groups who "elie,e that the Kingdom will come "y the hands of those faithful to work for a "etter world It is "elie,ed "y these indi,iduals that !esusG commands to feed the hungry and clothe the needy are the Kingdom to which he was referring

Puppets in Fo,ernance Eedia 1lusi,es Opposition 4e"

Political Religious Implicit Complicit 1+plicit PRIC1 Political Religious Insidious Capitalist 1mperors
$ike other financial empires in history& 7mith claims the contemporary model forms alliances necessary to de,elop and control wealth& as peripheral nations remain impo,erished pro,iders of cheap resources for the imperial'centers'of'capital </= Belloc estimated that& during the British 1nclosures& %perhaps half of the whole population was proletarian%& while roughly the other %half% owned and controlled the means of production Dow& under modern Capitalism& ! 4 7mith claims fewer than 9:: people possess more wealth than half of the earthHs population& as the wealth of /60 of /'percent of the Inited 7tates population roughly e-ual that of the lower ;:'percent

http266www scri"d com6doc6/A::BJ0AJ6Italian'politicians'agree'to'aid'against'last'Rat('Pope Complicit Inscrupulous Righteous Insider #ssets CIRI# http266en wikipedia org6wiki6Curia # curia& plural curiae& is an assem"ly& council& or court& in which pu"lic& official& or religious issues are discussed and decisions made In ancient Rome& the entire populace was di,ided into thirty curiae& which met in order to confirm the election of magistrates& witness the installation of priests& the making of wills& and adoptions $esser curiae e+isted for other purposes 8he word curia also came to "e applied to meeting places where ,arious assem"lies gathered&

especially the meeting house of the senate.

7imilar institutions e+isted in other towns and cities of Italy In medie,al times& a kingGs council was fre-uently referred to as a curia 8oday& the most famous curia is the go,erning "ody of the Roman Catholic Church

http266en wikipedia org6wiki6Reich Reich )6rak63</= Ferman2 <aK= ) listen** is a Ferman word that could "e roughly translated as %nation% or %realm % It may sometimes refer to one of the three major Ferman empires that ha,e e+isted 8hese were& respecti,ely2 the >oly Roman 1mpire of the Ferman Dation& which lasted from the coronation of Otto I as a >oly Roman 1mperor in ;J0 to /A:J& when it was dissol,ed during the Dapoleonic 4ars3 the Ferman 1mpire& which lasted from the unification of Fermany in /AC/ to its collapse after 4orld 4ar I& during the Ferman Re,olution of /;/A?/;/;3 Da(i Fermany& the state commonly known as the 8hird Reich& which lasted from the Eachtergreifung in /;BB to the 1nd of 4orld 4ar II in 1urope in /;@9 8he term reich deri,es from the Ferman word meaning realm& kingdom& or empire. Eonkey "usiness /@ E 0@ 7 One for money 8wo for show

De jure Commonwealth De facto

It is a word cognate with the 1nglish word rich& and still carries the same meaning when used as an adjecti,e Eore importantly& its homonym as a noun& Reich& is typically used in Ferman to designate a kingdom or an empire& especially the Roman 1mpire <0= 8he terms Kaisertum and Kaiserreich are used in Ferman to more specifically define an empire led "y an emperor <0= 8o some e+tent Reich is compara"le in meaning and de,elopment to the 1nglish word realm ),ia French reaume %kingdom% from $atin regalis %royal%* %Reich% has a more general meaning than these words& and can also "e used for repu"lics It is part of the Ferman name for neigh"oring countries such as France )Frankreich* and #ustria )Lsterreich*& which were once monarchies "ut "ecame repu"lics Roman 1mpire Inited Kingdom http266www scri"d com6doc6//B9AB@:@6BODM#I'British'Oriented'Da(i'Mionist'#natomy'Incinerator http266en wikipedia org6wiki6>olyNRomanN1mpire 8he >oly Roman 1mpire was a multi'ethnic and comple+ union of territories in Central 1urope e+isting from ;J0 to /A:J It was ruled "y an emperor who was elected "y powerful princes >ow much power the 1mperor had ,ersus the princes& "ishops and the pope was a highly contro,ersial issue Century "y century the 1mperor lost power until Dapoleon a"olished the empire as a useless anachronism J

8he empire grew out of 1ast Francia& a primary di,ision of the Frankish 1mpire& and e+plicitly proclaimed itself the continuation of the 4estern Roman 1mpire under the doctrine of translatio imperii )%transfer of rule% ,ia a succession of singular rulers ,ested with supreme power* <0= Frankish king Charlemagne was crowned as emperor by Pope Leo III in 800& restoring the title in the 4est after more than three centuries <B= 8he title was passed in a desultory manner during the decline and fragmentation of the Carolingian dynasty& e,entually falling into a"eyance <@= 8he title was re,i,ed in ;J0 when Otto I was crowned >oly Roman 1mperor )$atin2 Imperator Romanus 7acer*&<9= "eginning an un"roken line of emperors running for o,er eight centuries <@= #lthough Charlemagne was the first to "ear the title and the agglomeration grew out of his empire& Otto I is generally regarded as the founder and the date of his coronation as the "eginning of the >oly Roman 1mpire <J= 8he territories making up the 1mpire lay predominantly in Central 1urope #t its peak in /:9:& under 1mperor >enry III& it included the Kingdom of Fermany& the Kingdom of Bohemia& the Kingdom of Italy& and the Kingdom of Burgundy <C=<A= 8he >oly Roman 1mpire ne,er achie,ed the e+tent of political unification formed in France& e,ol,ing instead into a decentrali(ed& limited electi,e monarchy composed of hundreds of smaller su"'units& principalities& duchies& counties& Free Imperial Cities& and other domains <;= </:= 8he power of the emperor was limited& and while the ,arious princes& lords and kings of the 1mpire were ,assals and su"jects who owed the emperor their allegiance& they also possessed an e+tent of pri,ileges that ga,e them de facto so,ereignty within their territories Da(i Fermany and the 8hird Reich are common names for Fermany during the period from /;BB to /;@9& when its go,ernment was controlled "y #dolf >itler and his Dational 7ocialist Ferman 4orkersG Party& commonly known as the Da(i Party Inder >itlerGs rule& Fermany was transformed into a totalitarian state where nearly all aspects of life were controlled "y the state Da(i Fermany ceased to e+ist after the #llied Forces defeated the 4ehrmacht in Eay /;@9& thus ending 4orld 4ar II in 1urope http266www youtu"e com6watch5,O>Bei;yc#OdP !FK praises >itler

On @ Octo"er /;@B& >immler referred e+plicitly to the e+termination of the !ewish people during a secret 77 meeting in the city of Po(naQ )Posen* 8he following is a translation of an e+cerpt from a transcription of an audio recording <CC= that e+ists of the speech2 I also want to refer here ,ery frankly to a ,ery difficult matter 4e can now ,ery openly talk a"out this among oursel,es& and yet we will ne,er discuss this pu"licly !ust as we did not hesitate on B: !une /;B@& to perform our duty as ordered and put comrades who had failed up against the wall and e+ecute them& we also ne,er spoke a"out it& nor will we e,er speak a"out it C

Let us thank God

that we had within us enough self'e,ident fortitude ne,er to discuss it among us& and we ne,er talked a"out it 1,ery one of us was horrified& and yet e,ery one clearly understood that we would do it ne+t time& when the order is gi,en and when it "ecomes necessary I am now referring to the e,acuation of the !ews& to the e+termination of the !ewish People 8his is something that is easily said2 G8he !ewish People will "e e+terminatedG& says e,ery Party mem"er& Gthis is ,ery o",ious& it is in our program R elimination of the !ews& e+termination& a small matter G #nd then they turn up& the upstanding A: million Fermans& and each one has his decent !ew 8hey say the others are all swine& "ut this particular one is a splendid !ew But none has o"ser,ed it& endured it Eost of you here know what it means when /:: corpses lie ne+t to each other& when there are 9:: or when there are /&::: 8o ha,e endured this and at the same time to ha,e remained a decent person R with e+ceptions due to human weaknesses R has made us tough& and is a glorious chapter that has not and will not "e spoken of Because we know how difficult it would "e for us if we still had !ews as secret sa"oteurs& agitators and ra""le rousers in e,ery city& what with the "om"ings& with the "urden and with the hardships of the war If the !ews were still part of the Ferman nation& we would most likely arri,e now at the state we were at in /;/J and G/C R>einrich >immler& @ Octo"er /;@B

RC Religious Con,ersion http266www scri"d com6doc6/C/B9BJCJ67ID'E1'17P

FOF FOP Fear of Fod Fear of Pope http266www scri"d com6doc6/C0:90BB/6Dear'$ord'4hich'$ife'Forms'Belief'is'the'Freater'7anctimonious

P#F#D Puppet #ttorney Feneral #uthority Deuterer

http266www scri"d com6doc6//BAA0;CC67pirit'Intent'Precedence'de'!ure'Constitution'or'Romans'/B' Faming'the'7ystem'de'Facto

Popular so,ereignty or the so,ereignty of the people is

the "elief
that the legitimacy of the state is created "y the will or consent of its people& who are the source of all political power It is closely associated to the social contract philosophers& among whom are 8homas >o""es& !ohn $ocke and !ean'!ac-ues Rousseau Popular so,ereignty e+presses a concept and does not necessarily reflect or descri"e a political reality </= It is

often contrasted
with the concept of parliamentary so,ereignty& and with indi,idual so,ereignty


Benjamin Franklin e+pressed the concept when he wrote& %In free go,ernments& the rulers are the ser,ants and the people their superiors and so,ereigns %<0=

Consecrated Ordinance 1lectromagnetic Realism Cooperati,e 1galitarianism 1galitarianism 7ocial e-uality& e-uality& classlessness& consensus Do 7a77 ? 7er,ants and 7uperiors 7anctimonious
Democracy is a form of go,ernment in which all citi(ens ha,e an e-ual say in the decisions that affect their li,es Ideally& this includes e-ual )and more or less direct* participation in the proposal& de,elopment and passage of legislation into law It can also encompass social& economic and cultural conditions that ena"le the free and e-ual practice of political self'determination 8he term comes from the Freek2 STUVWXYZ[Y ? )d\mokrat]a* %rule of the people%&</= which was coined from SUV^ )d_mos* %people% and WX`ZV^ )Kratos* %power%& in the middle of the 9th'@th century BC to denote the political systems then e+isting in some Freek city'states& nota"ly #thens following a popular uprising in 9:A BC <0= #ccording to some theories of democracy& popular so,ereignty is the founding principle of such a system <B= >owe,er& the democratic principle has also "een e+pressed as %the freedom to call something into "eing which did not e+ist "efore& which was not gi,ena and which therefore& strictly speaking& could not "e known %<@= 8his type of freedom& which is connected to human %natality&% or the capacity to "egin anew& sees democracy as %not only a political systema <"ut= an

an aspiration& really& intimately connected to and dependent upon a picture of what it is to "e humanRof what it is a human should "e to "e fully human %<9=

www Ips/B com Iltimate Potential 7ociety Reality is the 8ruth imper,ious to perception yet precisely due to perception 8ruth is that which would "e o"ser,ed "y Fod whether or not >e e+ists or whether or not one "elie,es >e e+ists /:

ideal !imply reality sanely dealt "ith

Inited Perception 7olidarity

Iltimate Potential 7ociety Facts must ha,e root 0 take root Fod coherency %Catch 00% must ha,e sem"lance 0 catch doF chase tail www Ips/B com # snitch in time sa,es ; Fet

00 '/B O ; A:b ta+payers /:b impo,erished /:b wealthy ;:b ,s /:b DonHt call de facto esta"lishment ;// Call de jure Ips /B ;0/ Fet

;?/ In,inci"le 8riad

7F$ )>umanity* 7pirit $orce $aw )Folden Rule*

!PI%I#& strength, courage, character, guts, will, strength of mind, fortitude, $'%C(
)'LI*+! >ome'grown Original $ocal Indigenous #"original Dati,e 7o,ereignty www 7O$#RF>O78/B com 7pirit of $aw #ccounta"le Responsi"le Flo"al >armony One 7pirit 8errestrials 8ruths >olistic Interacti,e Retrospect 8ranscendental 1lectromagnetism 1nsla,ers Demesis 7upremacy of Fod !pirit the Rule of $aw www Reform Ips/B com


1+cerpt from http266www scri"d com6doc6/@99AACB@6Bar'to'Bar'!ustice'Causes'1ccentric'to'7addle'Ip'to'the'Bar www @urjustice com $egal #ssociates c 1,eryone Deser,es 1-ual !ustice 4e gi,e 1,eryone 1-ual #ccess 1tched a"o,e the doors of the I7 7upreme Court are the words %1-ual !ustice Inder $aw % ItGs one of the "asic principles of democracy Infortunately& in reality we recei,e a"out as much justice as we can afford 8he wealthiest ten percent can afford to ha,e a lawyer on retainer& and are accustomed to consulting with one "efore making decisions On the other hand& the "ottom ten percent has access to pu"lic aid But what a"out the rest of us5

For most people& the idea of calling a lawyer "efore taking legal action or making an important decision just isnGt an option '' either "ecause we think we donGt need one or "ecause it would simply cost too much But there is a solution $egal #ssociates is currently ser,ing the legal needs of well o,er one million families for less than a dollar a dayd Content copyright 0::; $egal #ssociates #ll rights reser,ed

7o I sent them an e'mail

From2 Frank Fallagher <mailto2frankly/erogers com= 7ent2 Octo"er'00':; 02B/ PE 8o2 G!esse EageeG 7u"ject2 R12 $egal #ssociates c Feldman& Kramer f Eonico O",iously any lawyer is in the "usiness to cash in on the illegal administration and enforcement of purported to "e democratic go,ernments that demands e-uality and they pu"licly proclaim it& "ut do not enforce it& whereas pri,ate sector lawyers are set up to de"ate the non'de"ata"le permitted "y the o",ious criminal frauds as you people admit on your site as I am well aware that a person can "uy or rent all the rights they can afford& with the legal profession profiting from the woes of society that the legal system responsi"le to deal with it refuse to do so 8he root of societyHs woes is the illegitimate legal system as Can$aw www canlaw com a Canadian national $awyer referral ser,ice states on their front page that the $aw 7ociety cannot "e trusted as they protect their /0

mem"ers not the consumer http266www scri"d com6doc6;A0;9AB6Can'$aw'#ugust'/A0::A I went on to read more pu"lished on their site that ga,e me the cra(y idea that they would help me in e+posing the illegitimate legal system and they confirmed that I was a wild and cra(y guy It is time to change to a legitimate go,ernment legal system that protects e,ery indi,idualHs e-uality democratic rights internally as financed "y the ta+payer to do so I am Frank Fallagher Director6Operations Charter Democracy Force !ustice Inc www cdfji ca federally incorporated to g7olicit hictims of Crime for Class #ction 7uits against Fo,ernment Personneli whereas the majorities are ,ictims A: percent as you pu"lish 4e are operating under company name / $IF1 www /life cC and ha,e the site "eing professionally de,eloped to sell mem"ership and C'Dote certificates for the e+press purpose to organi(e the majority pro,iding them the democratic ,oice they are entitled to with e-uality& an entity e,ery indi,idual of the majority desires "ut not a pro"a"ility unless e-ually supported to ensure the go,ernments consistently enforce it 8he $aw 7ociety is going down and a"rupt change is eminent& not ha,ing a leg to stand on in an informed populace I am considering attempting to "ring a $aw Firm on side with us though seemingly a ,enture into futility "ut gnothing ,entured& nothing gainedi I pro,ide you the opportunity to scrutini(e my sites for consideration and eagerly await your response& though well aware of the depth of thought re-uired to do an a"out face and the length of time it will take to study the e,idence to "e coherent to the ,alidity and firmness of the rationale that can only conclude with the collapse of the present go,ernment legal systems once the pu"lic "ecome informed Please acknowledge receipt and your intention whether or not to consider 8hank you Frank


I pu"lished on my 7cri"d site and not long after


their we" site was gone

Dot much longer %Dou"le Poof%

the document along with 09: others on my 7cri"d site were gone


8he meek will not inherent the earth as cooperati,es of due process of the 8#F 8raditions #ttorney Feneral KI8 FI8 Know In,inci"le 8riad Focus Interest 8ransparency Forthright Forthwith Forthcoming FFF

In the name of Fod of& for and with the People 48F http266www youtu"e com6watch5,OI"#CCFfJ-'c

FFF Fickle Fate Finger www Fit/B com COD F177 IOD7 Complicit ordained nefarious Fiduciary 1lusi,e 7ecret 7ociety Intelligence of Deuters 7uccess Fame 7et Eatch
Famers accelerated mesmeri(ation e+plicit 7elf e+posing testament Eedia appropriatorHs transparency con,oluted humanity

E1EORj Eedia 1+posure Eodus Operandi Ousting Righteous jahoos 7#ID 8#7K7 7imply #sk Interest Disclosure 8ruth and 7ource Kill 7-uirm 7ID 4ID 7oon Identify Daturally 4ith I8 Daught Ignorance our #l"atross 8ruth their #lamo Frank /B Fiduciary responsi"ly accounta"le nefarious kink 8ruths >olistic Interacti,e Retrospect 8ranscendental 1lectromagnetism 1nsla,ers Demesis


7lip Knot

http266www scri"d com6doc6/@AJA9:0;64hen'the'Pueen'is'8ried'and'Found'to'Be'Criminal'4hat'#re' >er'Representati,es O",iously a 8ypo 8he Crown has a distinct responsi"ility to the court to present all the credi"le e,idence a,aila"le


www DamageControl/B com

www Reform Ips/B com

4hat CP#C for Canadian de facto due process Reform


Ec Pig Eusical Chairs Puppets in glomming 8hy Kingdom Come Puppets in Fo,ernance Eedia 1lusi,es

8he re-uest for FodGs kingdom to come is usually interpreted as a reference to the "elief& common at the time& that a Eessiah figure would "ring a"out a Kingdom of Fod 8raditionally the coming of FodGs Kingdom is seen as a di,ine gift to "e prayed for& not a human achievement. 8his idea is fre-uently challenged "y groups who "elie,e that the Kingdom will come "y the hands of those faithful to work for a "etter world It is "elie,ed "y these indi,iduals that !esusG commands to feed the hungry and clothe the needy are the Kingdom to which he was referring

Puppets in Fo,ernance Eedia 1lusi,es Opposition 4e"

http266www scri"d com6doc6/A0A:9C/96R1DO'/B

%# corporation is considered "y the law to e+ist as a legal person



Sovereignty is the quality of having supreme, independent authority over a geographic area, such as a territory.[1] It can be found in a power to rule and make law that rests

on a political fact for which no purely legal explanation can be provided.

In theoretical terms, the idea of "sovereignty", historically, from Socrates to Thomas Hobbes, has always necessitated a moral imperative on the entity exercising it.
#ccording to the #ncient Roman statesman Cicero& %4e are all ser,ants of the laws in order that we may "e free %</:= During the Roman Repu"lic& contro,ersial magistrates might "e put on trial when their terms of office e+pired Inder the Roman 1mpire& the so,ereign was personally immune )legi"us solutus*& "ut those with grie,ances could sue the treasury <J http266www scri"d com6doc6//BAA0;CC67pirit'Intent'Precedence'de'!ure'Constitution'or'Romans'/B' Faming'the'7ystem'de'Facto

http266www scri"d com6doc6/@99AACB@6Bar'to'Bar'!ustice'Causes'1ccentric'to'7addle'Ip'to'the'Bar http266en wikipedia org6wiki6>umans >umans )known ta+onomically as >omo sapiens&<B=<@= $atin for %wise man% or %knowing man%*<9= are the only li,ing species in the >omogenus #natomically modern humans originated in #frica a"out 0::&::: years ago& reaching full "eha,ioral modernity around 9:&::: years ago <J= >umans ha,e a highly de,eloped "rain and are capa"le of a"stract reasoning& language& introspection& and pro"lem sol,ing 8his mental capa"ility& com"ined with an erect "ody carriage that frees the hands for manipulating o"jects& has allowed humans to make far greater use of tools than any other li,ing species on 1arth Other higher'le,el thought processes of humans& such as

self,a"areness rationality and sapience&<C=<A=<;=

are considered to "e defining features of what constitutes a %person% <citation needed=


8his is how they do it http266www youtu"e com6watch5,O;n-DkC(wkejffeature

www Ips/B com

http266www scri"d com6doc6/A::BJ0AJ6Italian'politicians'agree'to'aid'against'last'Rat('Pope


8hey did and continue to do us all

Old Money Evolves Nefariously OMEN AMEN Pagan God PG Papal Guidance

http266www youtu"e com6watch5DRO/ffeatureOendscreenf,Ok9$N+JR>1@s 1mpire of the City hatican& $ondon& DC #E1D 7atanic Fod www #men/B com

www ;//Bushwhack com


Inited Dations #lien Mionist Insidious Puppets 8he 7tar of Da,id in the $eningrad Code+& /::A C1 Ipon independence in /;@A& the new !ewish state was formally named Medinat Yisrael& or the 7tate of Israel& after other proposed historical and religious names including Eretz Israel )%the $and of Israel%*& Mion& and !udea& were considered and rejected <09= In the early weeks of independence& the go,ernment chose the term %Israeli% to denote a citi(en of Israel& with the formal announcement made "y Einister of Foreign #ffairs Eoshe 7harett <0J= 8he name Israel has historically "een used& in common and religious usage& to refer to the "i"lical Kingdom of Israel or the entire !ewish nation <0C= #ccording to the >e"rew Bi"le the name %Israel% was gi,en to the patriarch !aco" )7tandard Yisrael& Isrl3 7eptuagint Freek2 lXYmnIsral3

%struggle with Fod%



after he successfully "restled "ith the angel of the Lord.

!aco"Gs twel,e sons "ecame the ancestors of the Israelites& also known as the Twelve Tribes of Israel or Children of Israel !aco" and his sons had li,ed in Canaan "ut were forced "y famine to go into 1gypt for four generations until Eoses& a great'great grandson of !aco"&<B:= led the Israelites "ack into Canaan during the %1+odus% 8he earliest archaeological artifact to mention the word %Israel% is the Eerneptah 7tele of ancient 1gypt )dated to the late /Bth century BC1* <B/=

#he area is also kno"n as the

)oly Land
being holy for all *brahamic

religions including

-udaism Christianity Islam

and the .ah/01


http266www youtu"e com6watch5,OI!+dIkgEF#I 8he other Israel Pharisees killed !esus a 8almud aOK to kill indirectly Mionists will ha,e no other Fods "efore them caused Romans to carry out their deeds keeping hands filthy clean http266www youtu"e com6watch5,O@BJkEjAOFDPffeatureOrelated Dark 8ruth of Religion 00

http266www youtu"e com6watch5,Oetk#m'OylPP #n honest !ew tells the 8ruth a"out Israel
2013 years ago had another "struggle with God" and upon success called it

Good $riday
Francis of Assisi Meager Universal Laboring Equals

1181/1182 - 1226
7t Francis of #ssisi )Italian2 7an Francesco dG#ssisi& "apti(ed Fio,anni& "orn Francesco di Pietro di Bernardone3<0= //A/6//A0 ? Octo"er B& /00J*<B= was an Italian Catholic friar and preacher >e founded the menGs Franciscan Order& the womenHs Order of 7t Clare& and the 8hird Order of 7aint Francis for men and women not a"le to li,e the li,es of itinerant preachers followed "y the early mem"ers of the Order of Friars Einor or the monastic li,es of the Poor Clares <@= 8hough he was ne,er ordained to the Catholic priesthood& Francis is one of the most ,enerated religious figures in history <@= In /0/;& he went to 1gypt in an attempt to con,ert the 7ultan to put an end to the conflict of the Crusades <J= By this point& the Franciscan Order had grown to such an e+tent that

its primiti,e organi(ational structure was no longer sufficient

>e returned to Italy to organi(e the Order

Once his community was authori(ed "y the Pope&

he withdrew increasingly from e+ternal affairs

In /00B& Francis arranged for the first Christmas manger scene <9= In /00@& he recei,ed the stigmata&<9= making him the first recorded person to "ear the wounds of ChristGs Passion <C= >e died during the e,ening hours of Octo"er B& /00J& while listening to a reading he had re-uested of Psalm /@:


In order to organi(e the Order must ha,e the PopeGs "lessing D147 De,er 1nding 4ar 7tory >ellion order continues to this ,ery D#j Dark #"yss joke

http266www youtu"e com6watch5,OIIt'RpJyJKs

new %jesuit pope% francis controlled "y "lack pope

/ Belief in 1mpire Building 8he policy of e+tending the rule or influence of a country o,er other countries or colonies 0 Domination "y 1mpire 8he political& military& or economic domination of one country o,er another B 8akeo,er and Domination 8he e+tension of power or authority o,er others in the interests of domination

/ Eem"er of Roman Catholic religious order # mem"er of the 7ociety of !esus& a Roman Catholic religious order engaged in missionary and educational work worldwide 8he order was founded "y 7aint Ignatius $oyola in /9B@ with the o"jecti,e of defending Catholicism against the Reformation 0 Offensi,e 8erm #n offensi,e term for some"ody regarded as crafty or scheming& especially some"ody who uses deli"erately am"iguous or confusing words to decei,e others

Reality is the 8ruth imper,ious to perception yet precisely due to perception 8ruth that which would "e o"ser,ed "y Fod whether or not >e e+ists or whether or not one "elie,es >e e+ists ID1#$ 7imply reality sanely dealt with Inited Perception 7olidarity www IP7/B com Iltimate Potential 7ociety 8ruths >olistic Interacti,e Retrospect 8ranscendental 1lectromagnetism 1nsla,ers Demesis www Reform Ips/B com



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