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speech: kenakalan remaja

My friends who I love and respect my teacher( the honorable of all). Juvenile delinquency in this modern era has exceeded a reasonable threshold.. We know that now Many teena ers are familiar with smokin ! dru s! "reesex! and involved many other criminal acts. #his fact can no lon er be re$ected! we can see the brutality of teena er throu h the electronic media! or we see it directly in the environment around us. the honorable of all #his problem can occur because of these factors will support behavior chan e amon teena ers! for example% & 'ack of parental affection. & 'ack of parental supervision. & #he role of science and technolo y developments that have a ne ative impact. & "undamentals of reli ion are less & (bsence of media talent and hobby dealers & #oo much freedom

My friends who I love and respect my teacher.( the honorable of all) #here many ways that we use to cmake the effort to overcome and prevent nau thyness amon teena ers! especially for ourselves in order not to o into this fall! includin % & #he need for reli ious education early on a routine that allows you to stren then our own faith. & (dhere to the advice & the advice we have received! especially from our parents or from others (teachers! people who have more experience or our friends). & )o not be oaded into tryin thin s that accordin to law and reli ion and is considered wron . & *avin a concept of ri ht livin . & )evelop plans for the future with life and ood future. My friends who I love and respect my mother a teacher. We must use this opportunity to become human that better than before

My friends who I love and respect my mother a teacher. "inal word from me! thank you for all the attention.

Respected principal ... I respect Mr / Ms Teachers and Administrative staff and friends who I love Thank you for your time has been given to me to convey Speech About rugs This. !irst of all let us pray gratitude Allah S"T has bestowed #is blessings so that we can gather here today and I will deliver a speech on rugs. The number of drug users in Indonesia every time is increasingly so large$ it may be due to weak law enforcement in Indonesia so that the international dealer can work with an Indonesian citi%en and earn huge profits. Abuse of &arcotics and other additives that of course brings a broad and comple' effects. As one e'ample of its effects include behavioral changes$ health problems$ decreased work productivity drastically$ crime and other acts of violence are rampant and increasing. rug abuse can be prevented through programs such as following social activities$ do not associate with users or drug dealers$ not easily affected solicitation or advances to using drugs. rug users are usually dominated by teenagers and school children.

TENTANG KENAKALAN REMAJA "riends and teachers of all whom I respect.+n this occasion I will ive a speech with the theme of delinquency amon teena ers today."riends who I love and respect my mother,s teacher.Juvenile delinquency in modern times has exceeded the threshold fairness. Many minors who are familiar with smokin ! dru s! "reesex! and involved many other criminal acts. #his fact could no lon er dipun kuri! we can see the brutality of today,s youth throu h electronic media or we seen directly in the environment around us. "riends who I love and respect my mother,s teacher.#his can occur because of factors will support behavior chan e amon adolescents! for example%& 'ack of parental affection.& 'ack of supervision from parents.& (ssociation with friends who are not peers.& #he role of science and technolo y developments that have a ne ative impact.& (bsence of uidance from the school,s personality.& #he basics of reli ion are less& (bsence of channelin media talents and hobbies& "reedom of excessive& -roblems that buried"riends who I love and respect my mother,s teacher. #here are several ways that mi ht make the effort to overcome and prevent delinquency amon adolescents! especially for ourselves in order not to o into this fall! includin %& #he need for reli ious education since the early routine that is useful to stren then our own faith.& (dhere to the advice & the advice we have received! especially from our parents or from others (teachers! people who have more experience or our friends).& )o not be oaded into tryin

thin s that accordin to law and reli ion and is considered wron .& *avin a concept of ri ht livin .& )evelop plans for the future with life and ood future."riends who I love and respect my mother,s teacher. .one of the most beautiful thin s in life than our fill and to live this life with only a ood thin ."riends who I love and respect my mother,s teacher. "inal word from me! thank you for all the attention.

The honourable, The judge of English speech contest, The teacher, brother and sister, and all of the participants of English Speech contest, good morning. May I tell you, first of all how pleased Im to have an

opportunity to stand here and deliver a speech in front of you. My speech title is SE! E"#$%TI&' %T S$(&&) Teenagers are the most important part of the growth of the country. They are the new generation. (owever there are many teenagers have been depraved. They run to drugs, commit suicide free se*, drin+ alcohol, smo+ing, etc. Those are spreading in teenagers life. %nd the most popular problem is free se*. Many teenagers thin+ that se* before married is proper. ,e +now that it is very bad for them. There are many bad effect of free se*. Such as, we can suffer from (I-.%I"S and then the pregnancy for the girls. It will damage their future. Teenagers must be given se* education especially at school. The need of comprehension about human se*uality in teenagers life must be fulfilled. They must +now about free se* life and the se* crime that often happened. They must aware about responsibility of their self. They should get much information about se*uality rightly for them. The information can be

given by se* education at school. The teachers can describe se* for the students in order that the teenagers will avoid se* before married. School is good mediator in giving se* education for the teenagers. School has good condusif situation. School and the teachers are the second circle after the family. It will be better if the teachers hold an event li+e seminar with a doctor as the spea+er. In order that the teenagers can get se* education deeply and give them the aim of se*ual activity correctly. ,ith se* education, the teenagers will be careful in doing something about se*. %lthough they +now about how to avoid the pregnancy, put virginity is very important for the woman. Se* before married just ma+es us fall into a trap. There are some aims of se* education for the teenagers. ,hich are they can understand that se*uality as the part of life. They also +now about the conse/uences of un0responsible se* activity. So, se* education is very needed for the teenagers. Starting now, se* education must be given to them. %nd for sure, the teenagers that fall into free se*.

"rugs, alcohol, etc just a few part of many teenagers that want to study hard, and avoiding free se*. 1inally, I would li+e to convoy my highest appreciation. %nd heart felt than+s to the distinguished participants and the spea+ers of English speech contest today. Than+ you for your +ind attention

/ood mornin all 0 #he honorable the $ud es! the honorable my teachers! the honorable my seniors and my beloved friends . We must ive thanks to our od! because of od1s blessin we can stand here until today . "irst of all ! I would like to

introduce my self. My name is 00.! I sit in 000..!. My beloved teachers and friends ! #oday I will deliver a speech about smokin entitled 23mokin is a bad habit in our lives4. My friends! (s we know smokin is one part of the daily activities of the ma$ority of Indonesian society. most smokers know the dan ers of smokin but they never tried to stop smokin . 5ecause that! we as the youn er eneration must be convinced that smokin is bad habits in life. 3mokin is a bad habit because of three factors! amon others% 6. 7ontain poison substances 8. causin diseases such as cancer. 9. expensive. #he honorable my teacher and friends! #he first factor of smokin is bad habit is contain poison substance. we should not consume ci arettes because it is not ood for health. I1m sure you know there are many substances in ci arette smoke is dan erous. "or the example! nicotine substance.. #hat substance is very dan erous and can cause various diseases. not only dan erous for smoker! it is also dan erous for us if we near the smoker. so if there is a smoker near you. 3ay to him or her for stubbed him: her ci arette for a moment with ood polite. My friend! .ext! I will talk about the second factor. #hat is! smokin cause various diseases like cancer! disorders of pre nancy! fetal disorders! and etc. +ne of the factor of many

Indonesian people who died were smokin . #he ma$ority is a student;; Many students who died because of smokin and dru s. It was very disappointed.; one of the youn eneration died with the wron way. ; smokin habit also produces behavioral effects that are bad for the smokers. (nd so many the ne ative effect of smokin . My beloved teacher and friends ! 'ast! ci arette is expensive. )id you know<< 7i aratte price is =&6> thousand rupiah or more than it for one pack. 7an you ima ine a student or a smoker spent his money to buy a pack of ci arettes every day and calculated every week! every month and every year.< If one day for buy a pack of ci arette is ? thousands ! 3o in one week he spent @A thousands! in amonth he spent 8B>thousands and in year he spent 8.??>.>>> . it $ust one pack for a day. If 8 !9! or B packs a day<<< *ow many<< 3o many money ! for smokin . #his is cause a family ot economic crisis and a student can not use his pocket money for school. 3mokin is not positive activity for us! youn eneration. 3o uys. "rom now! let we say 2 /o 3tudyin 3top 3mokin ;4 . (nd be the best student for our country and school. I think that1s all! thank you for your attention.

Pidato Bahasa In

ris Bertema Ke!"da#aan

The Role o$ Technolo # on the %e&elopment o$ Traditional '"lt"re

/ood mornin ladies and entlemen! and my beloved friends. "irst! let1s say thanks to /od! because only by *is clemency! we can ather in this place to participate in this speech contest. 'et me introduce myself. My name is (ri 3udewa! from class C&66. .ow! I would like to present my speech entitled 2#he Dole of #echnolo y on #he )evelopment of #raditional 7ulture4. In this topic! I will explain the meanin of traditional culture! the use of technolo y in the spreadin of culture! and the effects of the technolo y to the traditional culture. 'adies and entlemen! before we continue to our main topic! it would be better if we know what the meanin of traditional culture is. #raditional culture is a habit! role of life! or folkways that created by our ancestors! enerated from one eneration to the next eneration orally! and inte rated stron ly in the local people. /enerally! the local tradition is always obeyed by local people without any shortcomin s. #he example of local tradition is local son s! ames! folktales! myth! ceremonies! foods! and clothin . #he unique thin is! because of the stron inte ration of the culture! usually the old people can1t receive any other new tradition from outside! althou h the new tradition is better and more rational than their tradition. #he reason of this phenomenon is because the old tradition has been carried by people for many years. When a habit is done for several years! it will chan e the people1s mind. #hey will think that habit is correct and ood! althou h other people may think their habit is fool. If that habit continues from one

eneration to the next eneration! we can say that the habit has transformed into a tradition. We can find this phenomenon in a villa e easily! and would be easier if we search it in an underdeveloped area. 5ut! this phenomenon is no more existed in a city where the people have smitten with the lobaliEation in this lobal era. #he people here could think more rationally! and it causes some traditions extinct. #hen! by the effect of Western cultures! more local traditions lost! and some local values chan ed. 'adies and entlemen! why western cultures could affect our country< #he main reason is because our people have an internal mind that western cultures are better than ours! more interestin ! and so on. #heir tradition can spread easily in our country mainly because of the use of technolo y. #echnolo y can be used to spread a tradition to other place. #he main form of technolo y that used widely is internet. With the internet! we can share our tradition to the world and we can also know and apply tradition from other place. #his can enrich the local tradition. 5ut! this can also dama e local tradition if we use the internet and other technolo ies unwisely. 'adies and entlemen! the use of technolo y always has advanta es and disadvanta es. With the technolo y! the spread of tradition can be faster. We can also ain more information to be applied to our tradition. 5ut! the use of technolo y! mainly internet! could chan e! fade! and

destroy local tradition. It can also spread some bad traditions to other country! such as porno raphy! drunk! smokin habit! and many others. #o decrease these disadvanta es! we must protect our self from bad traditions. We must use our intelli ence and common sense to sort and classify the ood tradition and the bad tradition. #hen! we must apply and keep the ood traditions! and throw away the bad traditions. We must be careful in a consort with others. We must stay away from any prohibited consorts. We must increase our reli ion comprehension to protect our self from these problems. I think that1s all of my speech. #hanks for your kind attention to my speech. I do apolo iEe if there are any mistakes in my speech. 3ee you later! have a nice day.

contoh pidato !ahasa in

ris tentan pendidikan se!a ai !erik"t :

(ssalamu1alaikum Wr.Wb. "irstly! I would like to say thank you very much for the M7 and $uries who have iven me opportunity to deliver this Fn lish speech. 'adies and /entlemenG It is a reat honor for me to stand here and ive a brief speech entitled 2"ormal Fducation in Indonesia4 5rothers and 3istersG Fducation system in our country is divided into two ma$or parts! they are formal and non&formal. ( formal education is divided into three levels% primary! secondary and tertiary education. While non&formal education is carried out for the learners who et difficulties to meet the requirements in formal education. (n example of non&formal education is -'3 (-endidikan 'uar 3ekolah). 5oth formal and non&formal education aim at establishin the education process in our country. 'adies and /entlemenG (s I have stated previously! formal education involves three levels% primary! secondary and tertiary education. 5efore enterin primary or elementary school! children in our

country usually have attended kinder arten! or known as #aman Hanak&kanak. 5ut this education is not compulsory for Indonesian citiEens! as the aim of this is $ust to prepare them for primary school. 7hildren a es =I68 attend primary education at Flementary 3chool or 3ekolah )asar. #his level of education is compulsory for all Indonesian citiEens. 3imilar to education systems in the J.3. and (ustralia! students must study for six years to complete this level. 3ome schools offer an accelerated learnin pro ram! where students who perform well can finish elementary school in five years. #he next level is secondary education. (fter raduatin from elementary school! students attend Middle 3chool or Junior *i h 3chool (3ekolah Menen ah -ertama) for three years from the a e of 69&6@. (fter three years of schoolin and raduation! students may move on to 3enior *i h 3chool. In Indonesia! this school is basically divided into two kinds% 3M( (3ekolah Menen ah (tas) and 3MH (3ekolah Menen ah He$uruan). 3M( is different with 3MH in their studies. #he students at 3M( are prepared to advance to tertiary education or university! while students of 3MH as a vocational school are prepared to be ready to work after finishin their school without oin to university:colle e. #he last level of education in our country is tertiary education. 3tudents who have raduated from senior hi h school may attend to university or academy. #hey can choose any kinds of university or academy based on their interests or scopes of knowled e! for example ma$orin in Fn lish! Mathematics! or teacher trainin university. 'adies and /entlemenG 5rothers and 3istersG I think that1s all my speech. I hope my brief description on the formal education in our country will be useful for us. "inally! I would like to say sorry if there are mistakes in my speech words. #hank you very much for your attention. Wassalamu1alaikum Wr.Wb. 'ontoh pidato !ahasa in ris tentan lo!al (armin se!a ai !erik"t :

/lobal warmin is one of the most serious challen es facin us today. #o protect the health and economic well&bein of current and future enerations! we must reduce our emissions of heat&trappin ases by usin the technolo y! know&how! and practical solutions already at our disposal. #ropical deforestation is the lar est source of emissions for many developin countries! but slowin deforestation can1t solve the climate problem by itself. (s forest&rich developin countries step up to take responsibility for reducin their emissions! all industrialiEed nations should not only support their efforts but! most importantly! reduce their own emissions and lead efforts to avert dan erous climate chan e. "or years we have heard so much about the causes of climate chan e! that we1ve missed the fact that there are simple! practical solutions that can slow this rowin problem.

#echnolo ies exist today that can cut emissions of heat&trappin ases and make a real difference in the health of our planet. (nd these solutions will be ood for our economy! reduce our dependence on forei n oil! and enhance our ener y security. /lobal warmin doesn1t $ust mean balmy "ebruary days in northern climes. It also means increasin ly hot days in the summer! and a host of ne ative impacts that are already under way and are expected to intensify in the comin decades. &More heat waves will likely increase the risk of heat&related illnesses and deaths. &7ities and towns alon the nation1s ma$or rivers will experience more severe and frequent floodin . &3ome areas will likely experience more extensive and prolon ed drou hts. &3ome of our favorite coastal and low&lyin vacation areas! such as parts of the "lorida Heys and 7ape 7od! will be much less appealin as sea levels rise! dunes erode! and the areas become more vulnerable to coastal storms. &Many families and businesses! who have made their livin from fishin ! farmin ! and tourism could lose their livelihoods! and others who love huntin ! boatin ! skiin ! birdwatchin ! and $ust relaxin near lakes! streams! and wetlands will see some of their favorite places irretrievably chan ed. #he solutions to climate chan e are here and it1s time we put them to use. If we et started today we can tackle this problem and decrease the unpleasant outcomes that await us if we do nothin . #he steps we need to take are common sense. (nd! more often than not! they will save consumers money. #he cost of inaction! however! is unacceptably hi h. #he scientific consensus is in. +ur planet is warmin ! and we are helpin make it happen by addin more heat&trappin ases! primarily carbon dioxide (7+8)! to the atmosphere. #he burnin of fossil fuel (oil! coal! and natural as) alone accounts for about =@ percent of annual 7+8 emissions from human activities. )eforestationKthe cuttin and burnin of forests that trap and store carbonKaccounts for about another 8> percent. -rocrastination is not an option. 3cientists a ree that if we wait 6>! 8>! or @> years! the problem will be much more difficult to address and the consequences for us will be that much more serious. We1re treatin our atmosphere like we once did our rivers. We used to dump waste thou htlessly into our waterways! believin that they were infinite in their capacity to hold rubbish. 5ut when entire fisheries were poisoned and rivers be an to catch fire! we realiEed what a horrible mistake that was.

+ur atmosphere has limits too. 7+8 remains in the atmosphere for about 6>> years. #he lon er we keep pollutin ! the lon er it will take to recover and the more irreversible dama e will be done. "uel&efficient vehicles. Denewable ener y. -rotectin threatened forests. #hese common sense solutions won1t only reduce lobal warmin ! many will save us money and create new business opportunities. 5est of all! these solutions exist now. We $ust need to insist that business and overnment take the necessary steps to make them available and affordable. #hen we have to let consumers know what to do and provide incentives to help all of us make better choices. #he followin five sensible steps are available today and can have an enormous impact on the problem 7+8 remains in the atmosphere for about 6>> years. 'ontoh naskah pidato !ahasa in (ssalamuallaikum Wr.Wb. #he honourable! #he $ud e of Fn lish speech contest! #he teacher! brother and sister! and all of the participants of Fn lish 3peech contest! ood mornin . May I tell you! first of all how pleased I1m to have an opportunity to stand here and deliver a speech in front of you. My speech title is 0 3FC F)J7(#I+. (# 37*++' #eena ers are the most important part of the rowth of the country. #hey are the new eneration. *owever there are many teena ers have been depraved. #hey run to dru s! commit suicide free sex! drink alcohol! smokin ! etc. #hose are spreadin in teena ers1 life. (nd the most popular problem is free sex. Many teena ers think that sex before married is proper. We know that it is very bad for them. #here are many bad effect of free sex. 3uch as! we can suffer from *IL:(I)3 and then the pre nancy for the irls. It will dama e their future. #eena ers must be iven sex education especially at school. #he need of comprehension about human sexuality in teena ers1 life must be fulfilled. #hey must know about free sex life and the sex crime that often happened. #hey must aware about responsibility of their self. #hey should et much information about sexuality ri htly for them. #he information can be iven by sex education at school. #he teachers can describe sex for the students in order that the teena ers will avoid sex before married. 3chool is ood mediator in ivin sex education for the teena ers. 3chool has ood condusif situation. 3chool and the teachers are the second circle after the family. It will be better if the teachers hold an event like seminar with a doctor as the speaker. In order that the teena ers can et sex education deeply and ive them the aim of sexual activity ris tentan per a"lan !e!as dan artin#a :

correctly. With sex education! the teena ers will be careful in doin somethin about sex. (lthou h they know about how to avoid the pre nancy! put vir inity is very important for the woman. 3ex before married $ust makes us fall into a trap. #here are some aims of sex education for the teena ers. Which are they can understand that sexuality as the part of life. #hey also know about the consequences of un&responsible sex activity. 3o! sex education is very needed for the teena ers. 3tartin now! sex education must be iven to them. (nd for sure! the teena ers that fall into free sex. )ru s! alcohol! etc $ust a few part of many teena ers that want to study hard! and avoidin free sex. "inally! I would like to convoy my hi hest appreciation. (nd heart felt thanks to the distin uished participants and the speakers of Fn lish speech contest today. #hank you for your kind attention! and Wassalamuallaikum Wr.Wb


Adanya motivasi ker a ternyata !er"en#ar$% !esar ter%ada" kes$ksesan seseoran#& Motivasi ker a mer$"akan doron#an dari da'am diri seseoran# yan# mem!$atnya ter#erak $nt$k ma$ me'ak$kan !er!a#ai ke#iatan "rod$kti() se%in##a men#%asi'kan ses$at$ yan# !erman(aat !a#i dirinya sendiri ma$"$n oran# 'ain& Adanya motivasi ker a yan# tim!$' dari da'am diri ternyata !er"en#ar$% !esar ter%ada" kes$ksesan seseoran#& Seseoran# tidak akan !er%asi' merai% kes$ksesan) tan"a adanya doron#an motivasi yan# diik$ti den#an kema$an serta tekad yan# k$at $nt$k !eker a keras& Karena $nt$k mem"ero'e% %asi' yan# mem$askan di!$t$%kan adanya "roses dan "er $an#an yan# *$k$" "an an#& Motivasi ker a yan# dimi'iki seseoran# ternyata da"at men#a'ami "er$!a%an) terkadan# !isa naik dan s$at$ +akt$ $#a !isa t$r$n& ,a' ini'a% yan# menye!a!kan seseoran# terkadan# da"at !eker a den#an "enam"i'an ker a ter!aiknya) ika motivasi ker anya sedan# naik& Dan tak aran# "$'a seseoran# !eker a den#an ma'as-ma'asan ika kondisi motivasi ker anya sedan# t$r$n& .iasanya motivasi ker a akan t$r$n ketika seseoran# merasa tidak "$as den#an %asi' ker a yan# dida"atkan& Jika kita men#a'ami %a' terse!$t) ada !e!era"a *ara yan# da"at kita 'ak$kan $nt$k men#atasinya yait$ /

Jadikan hasil kerja sebagai tujuan utama

.esarnya %asi' ker a ata$ re+ard yan# di"ero'e% seseoran#) !aik !er$"a materi ma$"$n non materi da"at di adikan se!a#ai t$ $an $tama motivasi ker a& ,a' it$ akan mem!$at kita se'a'$ !er$sa%a $nt$k me+$ $dkan %asi' ker a yan# ter!aik& Se'ain it$ den#an adanya doron#an motivasi dari da'am diri kita sendiri terse!$t) %a' terse!$t $#a akan men adikan kita !eker a se*ara o"tima' #$na merai% s$at$ kes$ksesan&

Mengembangkan potensi diri dengan mengikuti seminar

Men#ik$ti a*ara seminar 0"em!e'a aran dan "e'ati%an1 da"at menin#katkan kemam"$an ker a ma$"$n motivasi ker a yan# kita !$t$%kan) se%in##a k$a'itas ker a kita da"at menin#kat dan mendekatkan kita "ada t$ $an yan# kita in#inkan ata$ yan# in#in kita *a"ai&

Agendakan aktivitas yang dapat menghilangkan kejenuhan kerja

Aktivitas ini san#at di!$t$%kan $nt$k me2re(res% otak kita) misa'nya sa a den#an kita men#adakan rekreasi !ersama ata$ makan !ersama den#an rekan ker a& ,a' terse!$t da"at men#%i'an#kan ke en$%an ker a yan# da"at men$r$nkan motivasi kita& Se'ain it$ ke#iatan terse!$t $#a da"at mem"ererat %$!$n#an antar rekan ker a kita& A#endakan aktivitas ini se*ara r$tin) misa'nya se!$'an 3 ka'i ata$ 4 ka'i&

Komunikasikan masalah pekerjaan yang dihadapi

.iasakan $nt$k men#kom$nikasikan masa'a% ata$ kenda'a da'am "eker aan yan# di%ada"i den#an rekan ker a ata$ atasan) se%in##a masa'a% yan# men#%am!at "eker aan da"at se#era diatasi dan tidak !er'ar$t2'ar$t& Den#an kita ter!iasa s%arin# den#an rekan ker a yan# da"at kita "er*aya ata$ atasan kita) maka kita akan menda"at so'$si yan# m$n#kin tidak "erna% kita "ikirkan&

Cintai pekerjaan kita

Perasaan *inta akan mem!$at seseoran# me'ak$kan yan# ter!aik $nt$k yan# di*intainya& Jika kita men*intai "eker aan kita) maka kita akan me'ak$kan se#a'a $"aya $nt$k me'ak$kan "eker aan kita den#an $"aya yan# ter!aik) men#er akan den#an se"en$% %ati dan tan"a "erasaan 'e'a%& Se'ain it$) rasa *inta kita ter%ada" "eker aan akan mem!$at kita termotivasi $nt$k men a'ankan "eker aan terse!$t den#an "en$% ant$sias setia" %arinya& Kita %ar$s menyadari "entin#nya motivasi ter%ada" kes$ksesan kita) karena den#an motivasi ker a yan# tin##i) akan men adikan seseoran# ma$ !eker a keras& Jadi m$'ai sekaran#) !an#$n motivasi ker a da'am diri kita masin#2masin#) "erta%ankan motivasi terse!$t dan kita akan 'e!i% dekat den#an kes$ksesan2 kes$ksesan di karir kita

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