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Foods for healing The Hormonal constitution is prone to weaknesses in the hormonal organs especially the pituitary, pineal,

thyroid, adrenal and pancreas glands as well as the reproductive organs. It is important to nourish these glands and to protect them from the effects of toxic substances and free radicals so that they can perform their functions of secreting hormones that regulate the numerous processes in the body. Foods that are beneficial for the pituitary and pineal gland are alfalfa, which is known to balance and nourish, as well as those high in B vitamins such as green leafy vegetables, eggs, legumes, nuts and seeds, sprouts, whole grains, organ, fish, yeast and avocadoes. ntioxidant foods high in the !itamins , ", # and selenium should regularly be included in the diet such as the following$ peppers, black currant, broccoli, fruits, guava, parsley, pineapple, strawberries, rosehips, raw cabbage, brussel sprouts, and cauliflower, green leafy vegetables, liver, carrots, apricots, and fish liver oils, almonds, safflower, soybean and sunflower oils, corn, alfalfa, cashews, eggs, fish, garlic, tuna and wholegrain cereals. For the pancreas, foods high in chromium %egg yolk, grape &uice, asparagus, liver, lobster, nuts, oysters, whole grains, raisins, prunes, shrimp, yeast' iron, copper, (inc and chlorine %liver, apricots, parsley, sesame seeds, almonds, sunflower seeds, prunes, brown rice, eggs, ginger, pumpkin seeds, avocado, cabbage, celery, kelp, seaweed and olives' are important as well as the B)vitamin foods listed above for the pituitary. *agnesium and potassium rich foods such as nuts, banana, avocado and soybeans are also important for the pancreas. #at a good portion of foods in the raw form that contain live en(ymes. The adrenal gland is assisted by potassium rich foods %all vegetables, avocado, banana, dates, nuts, sunflower seeds, raisins, sardines' calcium rich foods %almonds, egg yolk, green leafy vegetables, sesame seeds' magnesium rich foods %soy beans, cashews, whole grains' and sodium rich foods %celery, liver, olives, tuna'. Foods high in the antioxidants and B vitamin foods listed above for the pituitary gland are also needed, especially the B+ %pantothenic acid' rich foods %such as avocado, eggs and beans'. The thyroid gland re,uires iodine foods %cod, oysters, sunflower seeds, kelp, seaweed' chlorine foods %asparagus, avocado, cabbage, celery, cucumber, oats, olives, pineapple, tomatoes, and turnip' magnesium foods %soy beans, cashews, whole grains', potassium foods %all vegetables, avocado, banana, dates, nuts, sunflower seeds, raisins, sardines', and sodium foods %celery, cheeses, clams, liver, olives, tuna'. The B)complex foods listed above for the pituitary as well as the beta)carotene rich foods %carrots, yellow and green vegetables' and !itamin " rich foods %peppers, black currant, broccoli, guava, parsley, pineapple, strawberries, rosehips, raw cabbage, brussel sprouts, and cauliflower' are also needed. The liver, which is involved in the metabolism of hormones, should also be taken into consideration so foods high in the liver nutrients, methionine, choline, inositol and !itamin " should be included in the diet. !itamin ")rich foods include peppers, black currant, broccoli, guava, parsley, pineapple, strawberries, rosehips, raw cabbage, brussel sprouts, and cauliflower. "holine is contained in foods such as beans, egg yolk, lecithin, liver, whole grains and yeast. Inositol containing foods include$ beans, corn, nuts, seeds, vegetables, wholegrain cereals and meats. *ethionine containing foods include$ beans, eggs, garlic, liver, onions, sardines and yogurt. toxic digestive tract is often a source of free radicals that can affect the hormonal glands. -atural yogurt or soured milk products can restore some of the lost beneficial flora and improve digestion. Beneficial vitamins, minerals, herbs and supplements for this genetic eye constitution It is extremely important for the digestive tract to be working optimally. .upplements of /actobacillus acidophilus and "hlorella, as well as .lippery #lm %Ulmus fulva' will regenerate the intestinal mucosa and assist in the digestion of vitamins and minerals that are needed by the glandular system. /iver supplements such as methionine, choline, inositol and !itamin " are recommended as well as herbs like .t. *ary0s thistle %Silybum marianum' and dandelion %Taraxacum officinale'. B)complex and antioxidant supplements %!itamins , ", #, and selenium' will also assist and protect hormonal function. "hromium piccolinate and digestive en(ymes will assist pancreatic function. lfalfa tablets are recommended if there is not enough fresh alfalfa in the diet as is flaxseed oil that is very high in essential fatty acids needed for the hormonal system. Herbs that will assist are barberry %Berberis vulgaris', &uniper berries %not during pregnancy' %Juniperus communis', licorice %minimal use during pregnancy' %Glycyrrhiza glabra', ginko biloba and ginseng %especially good for nourishing the pituitary'. For women dealing with menopausal difficulties or problems with the ovaries or uterus, black cohosh extract %not during pregnancy' %Cimifuga racemosa' %contains natural precursors to estrogen', 1ild 2am %Dioscorea villosa' which is similar to progesterone and 3ong 4uai extract %Angelica sinensis' have shown some ability to normali(e the hormonal system. !itamin B)complex, #vening

5rimrose 6il, !itamin #, ginseng and ginger assist menstrual difficulties. *en should take (inc tablets and ginseng regularly. 7elp tablets will supply necessary iodine that is often deficient in refined foods. Other advice for this genetic eye constitution 8se whole fruits rather than fruit &uices and avoid white sugar and potatoes as they may stress the pancreas too much. #nsure that 9: percent of fruits and vegetables are eaten in the raw form. #at smaller meals more often and regularly to stabili(e blood sugar levels and do not skip breakfast. void excess alcohol, coffee and tea and limit fats. 3rink plenty of clean water. void stress and use relaxation methods in order to not overstress the adrenal glands. void refined foods that are often low in many vitamins and minerals such as iodine. Include fiber rich foods to allow blood sugar levels to be raised slowly and avoid sweets. void radiation from microwaves as it can affect the hormonal system. *aintain good posture and spinal health by exercising regularly %at least ; times a week' to open nerve and circulation channels to the glands. #ngaging in yoga is one example of an excellent way to accomplish this. .pend time in nature and perform deep)breathing exercises.

) rthritis due to drying out of tissues ) <eduction in activity of mucous membranes in the digestive system which can lead to reduced absorption and
metabolism of vitamins and nutrients from the diet Beneficial foods that support this genetic eye constitution *ost health problems in the /ymphatic Hypo)active type result from a poor ability to eliminate waste products from the body due to under)active detoxification organs such as the bowel, kidneys, liver, skin, lungs and lymphatic circulation. It is therefore important to include nutrition that will improve these particular organs and systems in the body. 1ater is extremely important for this genetic type to assist in the removal of toxins that are generally slow in being removed from the body by the kidneys. It is important to make sure that drinking water is not chlorinated or fluoridated as this can place an extra load of toxins for the kidneys. "ranberries and blueberries have been known to lower calcium levels in urine and may prevent kidney stones. They also help prevent bacteria from adhering to the walls of the urethra and bladder reducing the risk of infection. Include plenty of garlic, and green leafy vegetables in the diet. 3ried apricots, green leafy vegetables and bananas are rich in potassium, an ample supply of which helps the kidneys excrete the excessive amount of sodium found in a typical western)style diet. sparagus, celery, parsley, artichokes and black currants should be included regularly as they have gentle diuretic properties that help the kidneys to dispose of body wastes by encouraging urine production. =uices of watermelon, raw beet, cranberry and lemon and teas made from parsley, dandelion or raspberries are excellent for kidney cleansing. To improve bowel function and to reduce conditions of constipation include plenty of fiber in the diet in foods such as whole wheat bread, apples, bran, dates, bananas, prunes, beans, raw peas, and plenty of vegetables such as broccoli and raw salads that contain live en(ymes. Include yogurt or soured milk to improve beneficial intestinal micro flora. /iver function can be improved by including foods high in !itamin ", methionine, choline and inositol. !itamin ")rich foods include peppers, fruits, black currant, broccoli, guava, parsley, pineapple, strawberries, rosehips, raw cabbage, brussel sprouts, and cauliflower. Inositol containing foods include$ beans, corn, nuts, seeds, vegetables, wholegrain cereals and meats. *ethionine containing foods include$ beans, eggs, garlic, liver, onions, sardines and yogurt. 6ther foods that improve liver and gall bladder function include$ apples, avocadoes, artichokes, blueberries, celery, lettuce, olives, strawberries, free range eggs, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and fish such as sardines, salmon and tuna. 3rink plenty of &uices from grapes, lemons and carrots to assist in bile formation and liver cleansing. By assisting the bowel, kidney and liver, skin function will often improve which will benefit conditions like ec(ema, acne and other skin disorders often seen in the /ymphatic Hypo)active constitution. It is important to include fish in the diet especially salmon and tuna as it is high in 6mega); fatty acids that can assist many skin conditions. Foods high in the B vitamins %eggs, nuts, whole grains, sprouts, green leafy vegetables, fish' and antioxidants like !itamin

%green leafy vegetables, carrots', " %fruits, berries, parsley, black currant', # %almonds, vegetable oils and nuts' and >inc %ginger, sunflower seeds,' are also important to maintain skin function. The lymphatic system can be assisted by eating fruits and vegetables that aid in stimulating lymph flow and include apples, watermelon, lemon &uice, pineapple, blueberries, grapes, celery, garlic and parsley. .ome spices such as cayenne pepper, horseradish and ginger boost a sluggish lymphatic system. The lungs and the respiratory system are also important organs that aid in the removal of wastes particularly carbon dioxide and are also often deficient in the /ymphatic Hypo)active constitution. #at foods such as broccoli, watercress, apples and ginger and drink plenty of fresh water. 6ften the accumulation of toxic substances in the body due to insufficient detoxification organs can cause a strain on the heart and circulation. *ake sure to include plenty of antioxidant foods such as fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, olive oil, and fish, especially tuna, trout or salmon. Beneficial vitamins, minerals, herbs and supplements for this genetic eye constitution /ecithin is beneficial for both the kidneys and liver as it contains choline and assists in fat and cholesterol metabolism. Bioflavonoids such as <utin or Hesperidin can assist the circulation by improving the strength of the capillary walls. This can benefit the kidneys, heart and other organs in the body. !itamin " supplements can assist kidney, liver and respiratory function. ntioxidants such as !itamins ", and # and Beta)carotene can reduce free radical formation caused by the accumulation of toxic substances in the body. *ethionine, choline and inositol are beneficial for liver regeneration and function as are herbs such as .t. *ary0s Thistle %Silybum marianum', dandelion %Taraxacum officinale', and golden seal %Hy ras!is cana ensis'. "oen(yme 4?: can supply oxygen to the liver and is protective in liver function. "ranberry extract tablets can assist in urinary tract or bladder infections. For the skin, supplements that are beneficial are #vening 5rimrose oil, B)complex, 6mega); fatty acids, >inc supplements, /actobacillus acidophilus and "hlorella. Herbs such as @ingko biloba are beneficial for circulation especially to the brain area. Herbs such as #chinacea and @arlic are useful to boost the immune system due to a sluggish hypo)active lymphatic system. Other important advice for this genetic eye constitution s this constitution has problems in eliminating waste products created normally by metabolism it is important to not increase the toxic load of the body by ingesting harmful food additives such as artificial colors and preservatives. This means that it is particularly important for the /ymphatic Hypo)active type to reduce the amount of processed foods in the diet. "hemical additives and alcohol will put an extra strain on an already weakened liver or kidney. #xcess protein often found in eating too much meat, or too much salt and sugar also places an additional load on the kidneys. Healthy lung function should include deep breathing exercises and the avoidance of milk products and smoking or smoggy environments. This will assist the lungs in efficient oxygen exchange and release of carbon dioxide. <elaxation methods to reduce any grief or stress will also assist in a health respiratory system. 5lenty of exercise to the point of sweating %at least A: minutes, three times per week' is important, as it is necessary for good lymphatic drainage. *aintenance of healthy skin should include skin brushing, wearing breathable natural fabrics and regular exposure to sunlight. void white sugar and refined flour products to keep intestinal micro flora well balanced for an efficient digestive system. *ost important of all, drink plenty of clean fresh water to flush out the accumulation of harmful toxins in the body.

Beneficial foods that support this genetic eye constitution *ost health problems in the /ymphatic Hypo)active type result from a poor ability to eliminate waste products from the body due to under)active detoxification organs such as the bowel, kidneys, liver, skin, lungs and lymphatic circulation. It is therefore important to include nutrition that will improve these particular organs and systems in the body. 1ater is extremely important for this genetic type to assist in the removal of toxins that are generally slow in being removed from the body by the kidneys. It is important to make sure that drinking water is not chlorinated or fluoridated as this can place an extra load of toxins for the kidneys. "ranberries and blueberries have been known to lower

calcium levels in urine and may prevent kidney stones. They also help prevent bacteria from adhering to the walls of the urethra and bladder reducing the risk of infection. Include plenty of garlic, and green leafy vegetables in the diet. 3ried apricots, green leafy vegetables and bananas are rich in potassium, an ample supply of which helps the kidneys excrete the excessive amount of sodium found in a typical western)style diet. sparagus, celery, parsley, artichokes and black currants should be included regularly as they have gentle diuretic properties that help the kidneys to dispose of body wastes by encouraging urine production. =uices of watermelon, raw beet, cranberry and lemon and teas made from parsley, dandelion or raspberries are excellent for kidney cleansing. To improve bowel function and to reduce conditions of constipation include plenty of fiber in the diet in foods such as whole wheat bread, apples, bran, dates, bananas, prunes, beans, raw peas, and plenty of vegetables such as broccoli and raw salads that contain live en(ymes. Include yogurt or soured milk to improve beneficial intestinal micro flora. /iver function can be improved by including foods high in !itamin ", methionine, choline and inositol. !itamin ")rich foods include peppers, fruits, black currant, broccoli, guava, parsley, pineapple, strawberries, rosehips, raw cabbage, brussel sprouts, and cauliflower. Inositol containing foods include$ beans, corn, nuts, seeds, vegetables, wholegrain cereals and meats. *ethionine containing foods include$ beans, eggs, garlic, liver, onions, sardines and yogurt. 6ther foods that improve liver and gall bladder function include$ apples, avocadoes, artichokes, blueberries, celery, lettuce, olives, strawberries, free range eggs, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and fish such as sardines, salmon and tuna. 3rink plenty of &uices from grapes, lemons and carrots to assist in bile formation and liver cleansing.

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