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Connectives 1. COMPLETE the sentences with a suitable connective. Choose from the box.

so such as by the time because due to although

1 - _______________ he was very angry, he listened to me patiently. 2 - _____________ Helen finishes her homework, her mother will be arriving home. 3 - t!s raining a lot, _____________ take your umbrella to go out. " - #abiano wants to work __________________ he needs to earn money to buy a car. $ - ___________________ the bad weather, the flight was postponed. % & 'ou should try several kinds of food ______________________ (apanese and )hinese.

2. COMPLETE the sentences below with one of the connectives from the box.
however n addition to therefore although because of

a* couldn!t sleep _______________________ the noise ne+t door. b* _________________ being very fast, this car is very comfortable. c* ,he had the best -ualifications, ______________ she got the .ob. d* don!t like /aul __________________________ he is a good boy. e* t was cold. __________, we went to the beach.

3. READ the sentences and underline the connectives.

ex!resses" choosin# a word from de box. result - purpose - time - contrast - reason

rite the idea each one

1 - t was raining a lot so took my umbrella and went out. ____________________________ 2 - 0avid went to 1ustralia in order to improve his 2nglish. ____________________________ 3 - 3ake it easy4 will finish my work when get home. _______________________________ " - 0ad couldn!t go to work today because he is sick. ________________________________ $ - ,ince you don!t have money, !ll lend you some, ok5 ______________________________ % - 6ark always buys e+pensive cars although he is not rich. __________________________

4. COMPLETE the sentences usin# the connectives from the box.

although & because & if &

in order to & in spite of & so & unless & so that

1 & (ennifer booked a babysitter __________ she could go out at night with her husband. 2 - _______________ it was late, 6ike didn!t seem to be in a hurry to leave home. 3 & 3hey put video cameras in shops _________ stop people stealing things every day. " & 7e decided not to go out for a meal _____________ we were simply tired. $ - _________________ you!re ready, we can start now. % & 8ur bedroom is -uite small, __________ we don!t really mind about that. 9 & :o one was watching tv _____________ switched it off. ; & 'ou can!t drive a car _____________ you have a driver!s license.

5. Combine the sentences usin# the subordinatin# con$unction in brac%ets.

2+ample< = put my coat on. t was cold. >because*= = put my coat on because it was cold.=


,urfing is fun. t can be dangerous. >though*



,ome apples are red. 8thers are green. >while*



3he boat could not move. 3here was no wind. >since*



took my umbrella. t was raining. >as*



'ou should stay away from tigers. 3hey are dangerous. >because*



0eer are cute. 3hey eat all your flowers. >although*



rite the CO&&ECT'(E in each sentence and cate#ori)e it accordin# to* reason" conse+uence" contrast" addition" time.

1. love to ride horses, but my boyfriend hates it. ______________________ _________________________

2. ,am and (ohn left before science today? therefore, they didn@t take the -uiA. _______________________ ________________________

3. 6elissa is really an e+cellent student. n addition to that, she never misses classes. ______________________ _________________________

". 3he bus had already left, so /amela had to walk to work. ______________________ __________________________

$. Bicente couldn@t sleep well because he had nightmares all night long. ______________________ __________________________

%. Caren says she is poor, however she has a car. ______________________ __________________________

9. 3he thief left when the guests arrived at the party. ______________________ __________________________

7. Choose the CORRECT connective to com!lete each sentence.

1 - 7e stayed up late, ____________ we were tired. >although, despite* 2 - 3hey went swimming, ____________ the coldness of the water. >although, despite* 3 - en.oy the course, ____________ the professor is a good teacher. >because, because of* " - ,he looks ___________ your sister. >as if, like* $ - /lease wait ___________ make a phone call. >during, while* % - 0id you hear any noises ____________ the night5 >during, while* 9- t looked ____________ we would not be able to leave until the ne+t day. >as if, like* ; - 7e all felt tired ____________ the hot weather. >because, because of* D - read a book ___________ was waiting. >during, while* 1E - Her eyes shone _____________ stars. >as if, like* ,. Choose the CORRECT connective to com!lete the sentences. 1. havenFt really studied for this e+am, ________ feel a little nervous. >but & so * 2. told him not to come, ________ he came anyway. >since & but * 3. 0o not do anything ________ you hear from him first. >unless & since * ". ________ was really tired, took a nap for 1$ minutes. >,ince & 1lthough* $. ________ she likes to play basketball, her favorite sport is tennis. >1lthough& Gnless * %. ________ it was really hot outside, wore shorts. >Gnless & ,ince * 9. He has always done well on e+ams. 3his time, ________, he failed. >moreover & however* ;. wonFt be able to borrow any more money ________ pay off some of my previous debts. >until & since * D. ________ he wasnFt a good player, he had a great game. >1lthough & because * 1E. 3he little girl slept ________ her father played the guitar. >until & while *


rite what the underlined connectives ex!ress. Choose one from the box.

3 62 & )8:0 3 8: & )8:3H1,3 & )8:)2,, 8: & H21,8: & /GH/8,2 & )8:,2IG2:)2 & 100 3 8:

1. ___________ 3om bought a map so that he could find the way to )uritiba easily. 2. ___________ (ane began a diet because she has put on a lot o weight. 3. ___________ 6y eyes hurt when read for a long time.

". ___________ 1lthough the weather was awful, the kids went camping. $. ___________ 6ary hasn@t been able to visit us since she broke he leg. %. ___________ ,omeone turned off the refrigerator. 1s a result, most of our food was spoilt. 9. ___________ :ick has got two e+pensive cars. Jesides, he has got a brand-new Harley0avidson. ;. ___________ t was really hot in the living room, so we opened the window. D. ___________ think we should leave home earlier in case there is a traffic .am. 1E. __________ 3he mayor has spent a lot of money on food, however, it wasn@t enough.


Text: My will

7hen my hour comes, do not attempt to introduce artificial life into my body by the use of a machine. nstead, give my eyes to a man who has never seen a sunrise, a baby@s face or love in the eyes of a woman. Kive my heart to someone whose own heart has caused nothing but endless days of pain. Kive my kidneys to someone who depends on a machine to survive. 3ake my blood, my muscles, every nerve in my body and find a way to make a crippled child walk. 3ake my cells if necessary, and let them grow so that someday a speechless boy will be able to shout as his team scores a goal, and a deaf girl will be able to hear the sound of rain tapping on her window. Jurn what is left of me and scatter the ashes to the wind to help flowers grow. f you really want to bury anything, let it be my faults, my weaknesses, and all pre.udice against my fellow men. Kive my sins to the devil, my soul to Kod. f you should wish to remember me, do it with a kind deed or word to someone who needs you. f you do all the things have asked, will live forever. Jy Hobert 3est.

1. :o tLtulo do te+to, a palavra will M usada como< a* ad.etivo b* advMrbio c* substantivo d* verbo 2. 8 te+to provavelmente<

a* M a vontade e+pressa de alguMm -ue proLbe a doaNOo de seus PrgOos apPs a morte. b* faA parte da legislaNOo federal referente Q doaNOo de PrgOos humanos. c* M um trecho de um manual cientLfico sobre o corpo humano. d* M uma carta testamento com a permissOo e as instruNRes para a doaNOo de PrgOos do falecido.

3. 1 palavra instead >na linha 3* indica algo -ue se deve faAer< a* adicionalmente S-uilo -ue foi pedido no primeiro parQgrafo. b* apesar da-uilo -ue foi dito no primeiro parQgrafo. c* em substituiNOo S-uilo -ue se disse no primeiro parQgrafo. d* de acordo com a-uilo -ue se pediu no primeiro parQgrafo.

". 2+pli-ue, em portuguTs, a -ue mQ-uina o autor estQ se referindo no trecho U ...who depends on a machine to survive.V>linha $*. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ $. :o te+to U ... let them grow so that someday WV >linha 9*, a e+pressOo so that significa< a. b. c. d. de modo uniforme. /ara -ue 1tM agora. )ontanto -ue.

%. )olo-ue a seguinte frase em portuguTs< U ... what is left of meV.>linha D*. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 9. 3ranscreva, em inglTs, o trecho em -ue o autor demonstra -ue U nOo -uer ser enterradoV. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ;. :o trecho U ... let it be my faults...V > linha 1E*, a e+pressOo let it be estQ substituindo o verbo bur., usado em sentido figurado. Iue sentido M este5 a* apague. b* #ortaleNa. c* gnore. d* Bista D. 8 autor sugere -ue se es-ueNam algumas coisas de sua vida. )ite trTs delas. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ 1E. ,egundo o autor, alguMm -ue dese.e se lembrar dele deve faAer o -uT5 wish you luck44 6ara

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