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1he g|ngerbread v|||age compet|t|on |s open to everyone.

SubmlL as many enLrles as you wlsh.

lf you compleLe your enLry ln advance and choose Lo donaLe lL, you wlll recelve free
LlckeLs. LnLrles from lndlvlduals wlll recelve Lwo free admlsslon LlckeLs. LnLrles from
groups wlll recelve four admlsslon LlckeLs.
LnLrles wlll be [udged ln Lwo caLegorles:
rofess|ona|: An lndlvldual of any age employed ln Lhe food preparaLlon lndusLry, a
person or group pald Lo deslgn or bulld Lhelr enLry, or a person or group whose
maLerlals are supplled Lo Lhem by a benefacLor.
Amateur: An lndlvldual deslgner or group of deslgners who pay for Lhelr own
maLerlals, are noL pald Lo deslgn or consLrucL Lhelr enLry, or are noL employed ln Lhe
food preparaLlon lndusLry.
1he MeLro WesL lesLlval of 1rees reserves Lhe rlghL Lo declde wheLher an enLry wlll
be [udged ln Lhe rofesslonal or AmaLeur caLegory.

keg|ster|ng your g|ngerbread house
LeL us know you're parLlclpaLlng as soon as posslble-and no laLer Lhan Monday, uecember 2,

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rofesslonal or amaLeur?

About you
?our name
?our address
?our home or offlce phone number
?our moblle phone number
?our e-mall address

About your team (|f app||cab|e)
names of deslgners and bullders
Ages (for chlldren)
?our organlzaLlon or sponsor

About your entry
name of enLry (maxlmum of 22 characLers, lncludlng spaces)
ShorL descrlpLlon of enLry
uo you need elecLrlclLy?
ApproxlmaLe slze of Lhe base of your dlsplay

lf you reglsLer and are unable Lo compleLe your glngerbread house, please noLlfy aul 8rodeur
lmmedlaLely: aul[

8u||d|ng your g|ngerbread house
Clngerbread houses" can be LradlLlonal houses, as well as barns, doghouses, blrdhouses,
llghLhouses, and oLher Lypes of houses. orches and gables wlll recelve exLra credlL.

8ulld a sLurdy house LhaL can be LransporLed easlly.
?our house should be mounLed on a x" or " Lhlck plece of plywood.
o Mlnlmum base slze: 13" x 13"
o Maxlmum base slze: 30" x 30"
o lf your house ls on a powered LurnLable, Lhe base should be round.
We recommend Lhe smallesL base posslble so LhaL lL's easler Lo carry, dlsplay, and
?our house can be no Laller Lhan 24".
1he house and Lhe base should noL welgh more Lhan 30 pounds when assembled. lf you
lnclude a border or fence, lL should be aL leasL 1 lnch from Lhe edge of Lhe plywood
o Clngerbread houses should be made of glngerbread. 1hey should noL be made
of cake.
o Add colorful candles and lclng Lo make your creaLlon look fesLlve and caLch Lhe
eye of a buyer. ?ou may use chocolaLe, gum pasLe, sugar, marzlpan, royal lclng,
nougaL, and oLher edlble food producLs.
o ?ou may use decoraLlve lLems, such as Lree branches, mlrrors, mlnlaLure people
and anlmals.
o Llve planLs, waLer ornamenLs, globes, and oLher waLer feaLures are noL
?ou may lnclude llghLs. lf you do, brlng an exLenslon cord.
LnLrles should be boxed Lo proLecL Lhem prlor Lo seL-up. lnclude Lhe name, address, and
phone number of Lhe deslgner.

Nam|ng your d|sp|ay
lease glve your creaLlon a name. We wlll supply a slgn wlLh LhaL name (22 characLers, lncludlng
spaces) and wlLh Lhe names of Lhe people who made lL and any sponsor or donor, lf appllcable.
?ou'll submlL Lhls lnformaLlon on Lhe enLry form on Lhe lasL page.

Lntr|es from profess|ona|s
LnLrles become Lhe sole properLy of Lhe MeLro WesL lesLlval of 1rees.
All enLrles wlll be sold, wlLh Lhe proceeds beneflLlng Lhe hlsLorlc preservaLlon and
educaLlon efforLs of Lhe Marlborough PlsLorlcal SocleLy and Clde Marlborough, lnc.

Lntr|es from amateurs
?ou may donaLe your enLry Lo Lhe MeLro WesL lesLlval of 1rees. LnLrles LhaL are
donaLed wlll be sold, wlLh Lhe proceeds beneflLlng Lhe hlsLorlc preservaLlon and
educaLlon efforLs of Lhe Marlborough PlsLorlcal SocleLy and Clde Marlborough, lnc.

LnLrles wlll be [udged on creaLlvlLy, orlglnallLy, crafLsmanshlp, and Lheme. 1he degree of
dlfflculLy wlll be Laken lnLo accounL.
A flrsL, second, and Lhlrd place wlnner wlll be selecLed ln each of Lhe Lhree caLegorles:
Pouses bullL ln advance by amaLeurs, houses bullL ln advance by professlonals, and
houses bullL on-slLe by amaLeurs. (More lnformaLlon on Lhe on-slLe amaLeur
compeLlLlon ls below.)
Wlnners wlll be deLermlned by [udges appolnLed by Lhe MeLro WesL lesLlval of 1rees.
!udglng wlll Lake place aL 2M, SaLurday, uecember 14
. All rullngs are flnal.

r|zes and pub||c|ty
, 2
& 3
place rlbbons wlll be awarded ln each caLegory. Wlnners musL plck up Lhelr
rlbbons and have Lhelr plcLures Laken wlLh Lhelr enLry durlng Lhe lesLlval hours.
1he MeLro WesL lesLlval of 1rees reserves Lhe rlghL Lo phoLograph enLrles for
promoLlonal purposes and may use your name and Lhe name of Lhe sponsor, lf any, ln
publlclLy and promoLlonal efforLs.

Cn-s|te amateur compet|t|on

A llmlLed number of glngerbread houses wlll be bullL by amaLeurs on SaLurday mornlng,
uecember 14. CompleLed houses may be donaLed Lo Lhe MeLro WesL lesLlval of 1rees or kepL
by Lhe lndlvldual or group who bullL lL. 1here wlll be no charge for bulldlng maLerlals lf Lhe
house ls donaLed. lL Lhe house ls kepL, Lhere wlll be a charge of approxlmaLely $10 for Lhe
maLerlals. 8ullders can buy candy Lo add Lo Lhelr house from Lhe Wayslde CounLry SLore, whlch
wlll have a large selecLlon Lo choose aL Lhe fesLlval.

Cn-s|te amateur compet|t|on on Saturday morn|ng, December 14

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About you
?our name
?our address
?our home or offlce phone number
?our moblle phone number
?our e-mall address

About your team
names of deslgners and bullders
Ages (for chlldren)

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