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How to Choose Your Career, Use the Passion Test

Posted: Jul 15th, 2008 | Comments: 0 | Views: 25

!ust loo"ed at m# "inder$arten %i&ture 'oo"( )n it are %i&tures o* m# &lassmates, and written alon$side ea&h %i&ture is a %ara$ra%h that lists our dream !o's ( +ost o* the students listed the !o's that their %arents were doin$( ) listed ,) want to 'e a $reen house 'uilder(, That-s wh# m# .ad was doin$ at the time( /ther !o's in&luded: 0ire*i$hter, 1stronaut, Poli&eman, 2oldier, and e3en the am'itious, President o* The United 2tates( /3er time and with the usual demands o* li*e 4 s&hool, marria$e, mort$a$e, "ids, et& 4 most %eo%le usuall# end u% with a !o' that %a#s the 'ills, instead o* a !o' that the# reall# desired and *eel satis*ied in( ) re&entl# read a 'oo" titled, ,The Passion Test(, The author, Janet 1ttwood, 'eauti*ull# des&ri'es the *ul*illin$ and !o#*ul essen&e o* *ollowin$, and then doin$ #our %assions *or li*e as #our a&tual &areer( )t-s an interestin$ idea, one that most %eo%le ha3e ne3er thou$ht a'out or are too a*raid to do( )n hi$h s&hool, ) $rew u% on the 'ea&h and was surrounded '# the in*luen&e o* dru$s and al&ohol( ) saw how eas# mone# was made throu$h dru$ sales and how it $a3e those in3ol3ed a lot o* ni&e material thin$s( ) saw how the# didn-t ha3e to wor" and &ould tra3el and sur* e3er#da#( ) *elt a little !ealous a'out it all 'e&ause ) had to wor" *or almost minimum wa$e and &ould onl# sur* on&e da#( ) was raised "nowin$ to sta# awa# *rom dru$s and al&ohol and an#thin$ related to it( 5ut *or some reason, the idea o* how eas# mone# was 'ein$ made and the *reedom it $a3e, ne3er le*t me( The attention and &onsistent thou$ht o* ma"in$ eas# mone# remained with me throu$h &olle$e( .urin$ that time, ) was hired on to an internet mar"etin$ &om%an# and 'e$an to wor" with 'usinesses who sold %rodu&ts online( ) a$ain saw how throu$h the internet, %eo%le

were ma"in$ millions o* dollars, and man# o* them were wor"in$ out o* there home( 1round that time, ) &ame a&ross ,The Passion Test, and read it throu$h in onl# a *ew da#s( .urin$ whi&h, it dawned on me that ) was, without me "nowin$, *ollowin$ m# inner %assions o* eas# mone# and the *reedom it $a3e( ) was learnin$ how to do it on the internet, whi&h would &reate the o%%ortunit# to e6%erien&e the *reedom to &ome and $o as ) %lease and most im%ortantl# sur* e3er#da#( )t-s ama7in$ how we ne3er reali7e what our inner thou$hts and *eelin$s are ur$in$ us to do( +ost o*ten, we are &au$ht u% in what we *eel is the ,ri$ht, thin$ to do, or to *ollow what others sa# we should 'e doin$( 5ut i* we learn to listen to what our heart en!o#s and to what 'rin$s us %ea&e in this li*e, and i* we ha3e the %atien&e and &oura$e to *ollow it, we will then 'e in the &areer that as "ids we would dream a'out( There are man# 'oo"s and tutorials on *indin$ #our inner %assions( ,The Passion Test, is de*initel# re&ommended( There are man# more ste%s 'esides sim%l# "nowin$ what #our dreams are, there is wor" in3ol3ed( 5ut the wor" is en!o#a'le 'e&ause it 'e&omes a %art o* #our %assion and dreams( 2o ta"e the *irst a&tion ste% toda#( +a"e a list o* what #ou *eel #our %assions *or li*e are, and 'e sure to write them down( Then s%end 20 to 80 minutes online and do a sear&h *or ,*ollowin$ #our %assions, or ,how to li3e #our %assions, and !ust read the material that &omes u%, it will ma"e #ou *eel $ood( 0rom there, !ust see what ha%%ens( .on-t !ud$e #oursel* or ma"e e6%e&tations( Thin$s will *low on their own( The im%ortant ste% is to do !ust that, ta"e a ste%(

How to Choose a Career by Alex Epstein (May 28, 2004) During the next 0 years, you will spen! "ore ti"e wor#ing than anything else$ %& you ha'e a (areer you lo'e, that ti"e will be spent happily$ %& you !on)t, it won)t$ Howar! *oar#, the hero o& Ayn *an!)s no'el The Fountainhead, su"s this point up elo+uently, -% ha'e, let)s say, sixty years to li'e$ Most o& that ti"e will be spent wor#ing.%& % &in! no /oy in it, then %)" only (on!e"ning "ysel& to sixty years o& torture$%n an i!eal (areer, you &a(e an! o'er(o"e great (hallenges, "axi"i0e your (reati'e (apa(ities, an! progress &ro" a(hie'e"ent to greater a(hie'e"ent11all while !oing the wor# you lo'e "ost$ 2he "o!el to aspire to is the bas#etball (areer o& Mi(hael 3or!an$ %t was (lear to anyone that wat(hing Mi(hael 3or!an on the (ourt that he lo'e! bas#etball "ore than anything else in the worl!$ He put an in(re!ible a"ount o& e&&ort into !e'eloping his ga"e, be(o"ing a !o"inant s(orer, a((urate shooter, expert !e&en!er, an! outstan!ing on1(ourt lea!er$ His (areer was a straight as(ent, going &ro" a national (ha"pionship in (ollege to be(o"ing the "ost !o"inant s(orer in the 45A to be(o"ing the league M67 to winning six 45A (ha"pionships$ 5y the en! o& his (areer, a tea" with Mi(hael 3or!an was (onsi!ere! literally unstoppable in the playo&&s$ 8ew people lo'e li&e the way Mi(hael 3or!an !i! !uring his (areer, an! the #ey to his happiness was his passion &or his wor#$ 2o ha'e a su((ess&ul (areer you !o not nee! to a(hie'e on the s(ale that Mi(hael 3or!an !i!11but you !o nee! to a(hie'e as "u(h as your ability per"its, !oing the wor# you lo'e at the highest le'el you are (apable o&$ 9a!ly, "ost people !o not ha'e (areers they lo'e$ Most a!ults) &eelings towar! their wor# range &ro" "il! en/oy"ent to bore! in!i&&eren(e to absolute hatre!$ :or# is generally 'iewe! as an un&ortunate bur!en, en!ure! &or the sa#e o& wee#en!s, holi!ays, an! retire"ent$ 2he la(# o& /oy "ost people get out o& their (areers raises an i"portant +uestion, :hy !o so "any people &ail at (hoosing a (areer when the !e(ision has su(h a (ru(ial e&&e(t on their happiness; <b'iously, there is so"ething wrong with the approa(h they are ta#ing to "a#e this !e(ision$ Most stu!ents % tal# to ha'e at best a 'ague i!ea o& what they want to pursue as a (areer, an! no (lear i!ea o& how they are going to !e(i!e$ (2here are a s"all nu"ber who #now what they want to !o an! are a(ti'ely pursuing it$) :hen % as# the" how they plan on arri'ing at a (areer % ine'itably get responses li#e -%t)ll (o"e to "e so"ehow,- or -%)ll &in! so"ething % li#e,- or -%)ll /ust try a bun(h o& !i&&erent things$-

2his, o& (ourse, !oesn)t wor#$ 2he #nowle!ge o& what (areer to (hoose !oes not (o"e auto"ati(ally, so they en! up !e(i!ing by so"e (han(e "eans, (hoosing the "ost lu(rati'e /ob they (an get gi'en their !egree, !oing whate'er their &rien!s are !oing, putting the !e(ision o&& by (hoosing to atten! "ore s(hool, or (at best) pi(#ing a /ob in an area they thin# they "ight be intereste! in$ 2his is why so "any Du#e stu!ents en! up going to law s(hool or into (onsulting$ Contrast how people approa(h (hoosing a (areer with the way they approa(h buying a (ar11so"ething they are "u(h "ore su((ess&ul at$ :hen a person buys a (ar he gathers all the rele'ant in&or"ation he (an be&ore "a#ing a !e(ision$ He #nows he wants a sa&e, attra(ti'e, reliable, a&&or!able (ar suite! to his nee!s$ He !oes not expe(t the #nowle!ge o& the right (ar to (o"e to hi" auto"ati(ally, so he !oes a lot o& thin#ing an! resear(h$ He as#s hi"sel&, -How "u(h (an % a&&or! to spen! on a (ar; How "any people !o % nee! to haul; How i"portant is sa&ety; 9tyling; 9pee!;- He &in!s the !i&&erent bran!s an! "o!els that ha'e the type o& (ar he is loo#ing &or$ 2hen he !oes resear(h$ He loo#s up sa&ety in&or"ation on (ars he is (onsi!ering, li#e (rash tests$ He (he(#s the reliability re(or!s o& the !i&&erent "anu&a(turers$ He loo#s into how +ui(#ly the 'alue o& the (ar will !epre(iate$ He ta#es test !ri'es$ A&ter !oing this resear(h an! sorting out all the &a(ts, the buyer is rea!y to "a#e an in&or"e! !e(ision on whi(h (ar to pur(hase, an! will be able to (hoose the best (ar &or hi"$ 2he #ey to his su((ess is his rational "etho!$ 5ut i"agine i& the "an, instea! o& logi(ally approa(hing the issue, too# the approa(h "ost people !o with (areer$ %nstea! o& going through the &a(ts "etho!i(ally, he woul! lea'e his su((ess to (han(e11going to the nearest !ealership an! buying the &irst (ar on the lot$ 9u(h a person woul! en! up paying =>0,000 &or a ?ugo or pur(hasing a sports (ar &or his &a"ily o& &i'e$ A ba! (ar (an be sol! an! repla(e!$ 2he years o& un&ul&ille! li&e a ba! (areer lea!s to are irrepla(eable$ %& you !o not want to en! up with the (areer e+ui'alent o& a ?ugo, you "ust e"ploy a rational "etho! in (hoosing your (areer$ % !e'elope! the &ollowing "etho! a&ter (onsulting se'eral a!ults % #new who ha! su((ess&ully (hosen their (areers$ %t is, in essen(e, the one % use! in (hoosing "y own (areer$ (% !o not (lai" that it is the only rational "etho! &or (hoosing a (areer$) 2he "etho! (onsists o& three "a/or steps, introspe(tion, i!enti&i(ation, an! 'ali!ation$ 2he "eaning an! /usti&i(ation &or these steps will be(o"e apparent$ %ntrospe(tion 2he logi(al pla(e to start in &in!ing a (areer you will lo'e is to &in! a pro!u(ti'e a(ti'ity that you lo'e$ E'ery (areer (onsists o& one or at "ost a &ew pri"ary a(ti'ities$ An engineer applies s(ienti&i( theories to the !esign o& new pro!u(ts@ an a(a!e"i( thin#s abstra(tly, writes, an! tea(hes@ a pro&essional bas#etball player plays bas#etball$ Ha'ing a (areer you lo'e "eans !oing the pro!u(ti'e a(ti'ity you lo'e as "u(h as possible$

2o &in! su(h an a(ti'ity you "ust introspe(t$ %ntrospe(tion is -the a(tion o& loo#ing within, or into one)s own "in!@ exa"ination or obser'ation o& one)s own thoughts, &eelings, or "ental state$- (<x&or! English Di(tionary) %ntrospe(ting in this (ontext "eans "onitoring the e"otions you &eel while engaging in pro!u(ti'e a(ti'ities$ 8or instan(e, while !esigning a progra" in (o"puter s(ien(e, you (an i!enti&y your e"otions11!o you &eel exhilarate! an! purpose&ul, or &rustrate! an! bore!; ?our past experien(es are the best pla(e to start introspe(ting$ 2a#e sto(# o& all your past (lasses, /obs, internships, extra(urri(ular a(ti'ities, an! "e"orable (hil!hoo! experien(es$ 2hin# o& the a(ti'ities you !i! an! the e"otions you &elt$ 4ote when you &elt happy, purpose&ul, e&&i(a(ious, ex(ite!$ Maybe in (o"puter s(ien(e (lass you lo'e! the pro(ess o& brea#ing !own a (o"plex proble" an! (reating an e&&i(ient algorith" to sol'e it$ Maybe at a "ar#eting internship at a business you &elt you were using your "in! to its &ullest (apa(ity while !e'eloping a "ar#eting strategy &or the (o"pany)s new pro!u(t$ Maybe you ha'e been playing the piano sin(e you were A an! you &in! no greater /oy in li&e than &lawlessly per&or"ing a beauti&ul pie(e o& "usi($ <r "aybe when you were &i'e you lo'e! !esigning an! buil!ing things with Begos, an! e'er sin(e you ha'e been obsesse! with ar(hite(ture$ :hile "onitoring your e"otional responses to !i&&erent a(ti'ities, it is i"portant to #eep a high stan!ar! in "in!$ ?our (areer "ay well span 0 years, so you are loo#ing &or an a(ti'ity that you are absolutely passionate about11it is not enough to &in! one that "erely interests you$ Csually, i& you introspe(t thoroughly enough, you will &in! one type o& a(ti'ity that you are &ar "ore passionate about than anything else$ 9o"eti"es in!i'i!uals ha'e "ultiple, interrelate! a(ti'ities that they lo'e$ 8or instan(e, a young engineering stu!ent "ight lo'e the pro(ess o& using theoreti(al #nowle!ge to (reate new pro!u(ts, but also lo'e the pro(ess o& "ar#eting an! selling the pro!u(ts$ 2his is great, be(ause there are /obs that (o"bine these s#ills, li#e being an exe(uti'e at an engineering (o"pany$ <r a history stu!ent "ay lo'e both writing an! tea(hing11whi(h is a per&e(t (o"bination &or be(o"ing a history pro&essor$ %& your passions (annot be (o"bine! into a (areer, though, you ha'e to i!enti&y whi(h one is the "ost intense, an! go &or a (areer in that area$ %&, a&ter ta#ing in'entory o& all your rele'ant experien(es, you (annot &in! anything you are really passionate about, you shoul! try new a(ti'ities an! (losely "onitor your e"otions$ Boo# &or e"otional -spar#s,- &eelings o& /oy when engage! in an a(ti'ity$ E'entually, i& you !o not &in! a passion, you will nee! to pi(# a (areer !oing the a(ti'ity you are "ost intereste! in, an! grow it into a passion by !e'oting yoursel& to it$ %!enti&i(ation <n(e you ha'e introspe(te! thoroughly an! &oun! the a(ti'ity you "ost en/oy !oing you are rea!y to i!enti&y a potential (areer$ 2he basi( rule to &ollow in a pro(ess o& i!enti&i(ation is to (hoose the (areer in whi(h you will spen! the "ost ti"e !oing the a(ti'ity you lo'e to !o the "ost$ 2his is a &airly

straight&orwar! pro(ess$ %& you lo'e !esigning an! buil!ing things, you woul! i!enti&y ar(hite(t as a potential (areer$ %& you lo'e writing &i(tion, the logi(al (areer to (hoose is &i(tion writer$ Another (onsi!eration when i!enti&ying the right (areer is whether you are +uali&ie! to !o the wor# or not$ E'ery (areer re+uires a spe(i&i( s#ill set, #nowle!ge, an! e!u(ational ba(#groun!$ An engineer "ust ha'e #nowle!ge o& physi(s an! "ath@ an English tea(her "ust ha'e a !egree in English@ a business"an nee!s #nowle!ge o& e(ono"i(s, "anage"ent, an! the &iel! his business is in$ :hen (onsi!ering a (areer you "ust e'aluate whether you ha'e the ne(essary s#ills, #nowle!ge, an! !egrees, are in the pro(ess o& a(+uiring the", or are willing to "a#e the e&&ort to get the"$ %& not, then you "ust (hoose a !i&&erent (areer$ A proper i!enti&i(ation o& a (areer also ta#es into a((ount the (hallenge you will get out o& it$ 2a#ing on tough (hallenges is one o& the "ost ex(iting parts o& a (areer$ %& you are not (hallenge! by your (areer, you will stagnate an! be(o"e bore!$ 2he spe(i&i( (areer you (hoose shoul! be the one that (hallenges you "ost in your &a'orite a(ti'ity$ 8or instan(e, let)s say you ha'e a passion &or the stu!y an! tea(hing o& biology$ 9o, you !e(i!e, you want to be(o"e a biology tea(her$ 5ut on whi(h le'el; 3unior high s(hool; High s(hool; A s"all (ollege; A uni'ersity; ?ou "ust as# yoursel&, in whi(h will % &in! the greatest an! "ost ex(iting (hallenges; %& you ha'e a strong !esire to !o resear(h an! "a#e new !is(o'eries in biology, then it woul! be wise to wor# at a uni'ersity rather than a /unior high s(hool$ %&, on the other han!, you yearn &or the (hallenge o& showing youngsters how ex(iting an! i"portant #nowle!ge o& biology is, you shoul! tea(h in a /unior high or high s(hool$ 6ali!ation <n(e you ha'e i!enti&ie! a potential (areer base! on your introspe(tion, there are "ore issues to (onsi!er be&ore you (an !e(i!e it is a 'ali! (areer &or you$ 8or instan(e, how will this (areer &it in with other areas o& li&e, li#e ro"an(e an! &a"ily; :ill you be able to support yoursel&; :hat obsta(les will you en(ounter; ?ou "ust (onsi!er all these &a(tors be&ore plunging into a (areer$ 2his is the pro(ess o& 'ali!ating a (areer by un!erstan!ing, in !etail, e'erything that it entails$ ?our (areer is a (ru(ial aspe(t o& your li&e, but it is not the only one$ 2here are other aspe(ts o& li&e (ru(ial to li'ing well11li#e ro"an(e, &rien!ship, an! re(reation$ 2hose aspe(ts (an be a&&e(te! !ra"ati(ally by the (areer you (hoose, an! you "ust be rea!y &or this in a!'an(e$ 8or instan(e, i& you aspire to be a worl!1(lass business"an, you "ust re(ogni0e that this o&ten in'ol'es A0 or 801hour wor#wee#s$ 2his raises "any +uestions about other areas o& li&e$ How "u(h ti"e will you be able to spen! with your (hil!ren, i& you plan on ha'ing the"; How will you go about preser'ing your ro"anti( li&e when you are o&ten away on business trips; How "any &rien!ships will you be able to "aintain; How will this i"pa(t how o&ten you get to go !an(ing or s#iing or play tennis; 5y si"ple arith"eti(, you will

ha'e "u(h less ti"e to !e'ote to these other areas o& li&e than a writer who wor#s 40 or 0 hours a wee#$ Another (onsi!eration &or 'ali!ating your (areer is how "u(h "oney you will "a#e$ Money shoul! not be your &irst (on(ern when (hoosing a (areer11what you lo'e to !o shoul! be11but it is a (ru(ial one nonetheless$ %n (ertain (areers it is 'ery !i&&i(ult to "a#e "oney, espe(ially at &irst$ %t is har! to "a#e "oney as an artist, /ournalist, &reelan(e writer, a(tor, or ra!io tal#1show host$ %& you want a (areer in one o& these &iel!s, you "ust be prepare! &or the !i&&i(ult path ahea!11whi(h "ay in(lu!e getting a te"porary /ob in another &iel! until you are able to support yoursel& !oing what you lo'e$ Cultural obsta(les are another &a(tor to (onsi!er in 'ali!ation$ 2he (ulture o& the Cnite! 9tates is (ontinually be(o"ing "ore anti1reason an! anti1in!i'i!ual rights$ 7oliti(ally, the go'ern"ent is be(o"ing "ore statist an! intrusi'e$ 2hese &a(tors (an "a#e a (areer in the &iel! you lo'e "u(h "ore !i&&i(ult or in so"e (ases i"possible$ %& you be(o"e a business"an, you will ha'e to !eal with hun!re!s o& go'ern"ent regulations that li"it your ability to run a pro&itable (o"pany$ %& you want to be(o"e a uni'ersity pro&essor in the hu"anities, you will &a(e a great !eal o& opposition &ro" anti1reason "o'e"ents li#e 7ost"o!ernis"$ %n the &iel! o& "e!i(ine, the (ultural obsta(les you &a(e are espe(ially !ra"ati($ 2here is a real threat that the C9 go'ern"ent will so(iali0e "e!i(ine$ %& you are a !o(tor, this will allow the go'ern"ent to !eter"ine who" you "ust gi'e (are to, what pri(e you (an (harge, an! how "any hours you (an wor# (it !oes this to a large extent alrea!y, whi(h is why so "any !o(tors ha'e retire! early)$ :ith the state o& to!ay)s "e!i(al "alpra(ti(e laws, you are (ontinuously un!er the threat o& a lawsuit$ Are you willing to wor# un!er these (on!itions; Many are not$ % !o not "ean to !issua!e you &ro" your (hosen &iel! by (iting 'arious !i&&i(ulties an! obsta(les you "ight en(ounter$ %& you ha'e &oun! a (areer !oing the wor# you lo'e you shoul! go a&ter it with e'erything you ha'e (unless it is literally i"possible to su((ee! in that &iel!), but you nee! to be aware o& the (hallenges ahea!$ Also, i& you are !ebating between two (areers, these &a(tors "ay well "a#e the !i&&eren(e$ 2he &inal step o& 'ali!ation is what % (all the -typi(al !ay test$- :rite !own, in as "u(h !etail as possible, what an a'erage !ay in your (areer will be li#e$ :hat type o& wor# you will be !oing, what your (owor#ers will be li#e, how "u(h relaxation ti"e you will you ha'e, how "u(h ti"e you will ha'e with your spouse, your &rien!s, what type o& house or apart"ent you will be li'ing in, an! anything else rele'ant to your +uality o& li&e that you (an thin# o&$ 2his will ser'e the purpose o& "a#ing your &uture (areer as real to you as possible$ A&ter (o"pleting the -typi(al !ay test- you are rea!y to !e(i!e$ As# yoursel&, -%s this what % want; A" % willing to !o whate'er it ta#es to su((ee! in this (areer;- %& the answer is -?es,- !e!i(ate yoursel& to pursuing that (areer to the &ullest, an! a(hie'ing your highest potential$

Alex Epstein is a writer &or the Ayn *an! %nstitute (www$aynran!$org) in %r'ine, Cali&ornia$ 6isit his website at www$AlexEpstein$(o"$

How to Choose Your Career

June 29, 2006 by

praveen Nair
praveen Nair
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!e mode"n psyc!ological met!ods !a#e $ound out t!at mo"e t!an %0 & o$ t!e global population amongst t!e g"aduates see' a ca"ee" o" a p"o$ession $o" money ma'ing(atmost 22 & see' it as a pa"t o$ )ob satis$action and t!e "est * & as to +!ile a+ay t!ei" idle time spending

it use$ul and "esou"ce$ul( ,a"ee" is an impo"tant p!ase o$ e#e"y !uman being speci$ically amongst t!e youngste"s,t!e p"oblems a"ise +!en t!ings dosent !appen t!e +ay +ant,+!o is to be blamed,is it t!e pe"son o" t!e o"ganisation( -ll !umans may not ce"tainly be bo"n +it! sil#e" o" golden spoon in t!ei" mout!,but t!e intensity o" t!e .uality o$ an in built b"ain is t!e same(/ut,it all depends t!e +ay !e0s!e uses( -t some point o$ #ie+ in li$e +e sta"t $eeling t!e best p"oducti#e output t!at an indi#idual can p"oduce(1t #a"ies $"om pe"son to pe"son,say $o" instance,2 may be a bo"n genious and +ould $ai" +ell in 3edicine,but cannot e4pect t!e same $"om 5,as talents a"e inbo"n a"t(6ducation 7 64pe"ience a"e )ust a catalyst t!at could accele"ate t!e p"obability $o" a bette" ca"ee"( 8ence, !e mode"n education system !as t"aced t!ese di$$iculties $aced by e#e"y !umans t!"oug! psyc!ological .uestionai"es,discussions,+o"'s!ops,$o"ums and counsellings(

!is +ould be a bette" medium to 'no+ mo"e about t!e natu"al inbo"n taste o$ a !uman being( !"oug! +!ic! !e0s!e could #e"y +ell be guided to c!oose $o" a bette" medium in o"de" to attain a bette" ca"ee"( 3oney ma'ing is an impo"tant pa"t in a pe"sons ca"ee",it can be made as a constant $acto" p"o#ided +e t!in' +isely (,!oosing a ca""e" !as become optional t!ese days t!"oug!,t!e mode"n money ma'ing tec!ni.ues,t!at !as slo+ly sta"ted dete"io"ating t!e pe"sons b"oad minded c!a"ac!te",ot!e"+ise,!e0s!e $inds a bette" option to ma'e money,+it!out bot!e"ing about !o+ to ma'e it(-t t!is point o$ #ie+,1 +ould "at!e" p"esent t!e sitauation +it! an instance $"om my o+n en#i"onment and society,+!e"e youngste"s !a#e made a mindset o$ )oining some o"ganisations,t!at p"o#ides #oice based and non #oice based custome" suppo"ts( 5es 9 t!is is a bette" c!oice $o" t!e pe"son,+!o !as s'ills,talents o#e" !is speec! and actions(/ut an 6nginee"ing g"aduate o" a 3aste"s need to t!in' it double o#e" t!e issue o$ c!oosing a ca"ee" in t!e same o"ganisation +!e"e !e dosent get a c!ance to implement

many 'no+ledge 7 t"ade based $eatu"es(:ltimately +o"'ing $o" a pe"iod o$ about t+o to t!"ee mont!s $inally plan to .uit(/ut instead i$ !e !ad app"oac!ed any ot!e" enginee"ing o" manu$actu"ing secto"s,!e +ould !a#e ac!ie#ed a bette" st"engt! and position o#e" t!e issue o$ )obsatis$action( How to choose a career ? what are the criterions ? -ny one can c!oose a ca"ee",it !as to be t"ailing eit!e" a constant o" an inc"emental g"ap! +it! "espect to aging( !e basic educational .uali$ications,inte"est 7 e4pe"ience a"e t!e t!"ee basic p"inciples +it! +!ic! a candidates ca"ee" is decided( /ut #e"y $"an'ly spea'ing,a little 'no+ledge and an immense inte"est could be t!e best met!odology o$ adopting a ca"ee"( Why should someone choose a career ? -s $a" as a social independent li$e is conce"ned in a #e"y $ast de#eloping economy,ca"ee" is an impo"tant pa"t $o" t!e su"#i#al o$ an indi#idual o" t!e people depending t!e indi#idual(,a"ee" is again di#e"si$ied +it! "espect to t!e domains e4isting in todays tec!nology,but still t!e -ncient p"inciples a"e st"ictly $ollo+ed(

,!oose a ca"ee" t!at inte"ests you t!e most,+!ic! could be )udged o" monito"ed t!"oug! me"e discussions and attending speec!es,+o"'s!ops,counselling t!"oug! e4pe"ts( ;o not gi#e t!e most p"io"ity $o" 3oney o" sala"y i$ you ta'e up an initial opening )ob,a$te" g"aduations o" educations( ;ecide many times,discussing +it! supe"io"s and senio"s o$ t!e same t"ade be$o"e ta'ing up a ca"ee"( ,ompute" ,6lect"onics, elecommunications,6lect"icals,1nst"umentation enginee"s !a#e a +ide scope in deciding t!ei" ca"ee" p"ospects in t!e a"eas o$ -"ti$icial intelligence,R</< 1,S,=>S1,?"og"amming,;ata /ase,client se"#e"s etc((((and could #e"y +ell $ind "eal sma"t and good openings +it! #e"y good o"ganisations +!e"e pay,)ob satis$actions,c"eati#e t!in'ings and inno#ations using "esea"c! and de#elopments a"e ente"tained( ,i#il,3ec!anical,-e"ospace,-utomoti#e enginee"s could ta'e up p"o$essional t"ainings in t!e a"eas o$ ,-;0,-30,-60F6-0,F;0R60R? 0,@, etc "om any good and notable o"ganisation and can open a c!allenging positions li'e p"oduct designe"s and ,-6 analysts(/ut,t!is can also be a tedious p"ocess as many among t!e enginee"s may $ind t!e applications t!"oug! mat!ematics,enginee"ing mec!anics,$luid mec!anics and t!e"modynamics #e"y $a" $"om t!ei" #ie+s( Simila"ly,many ot!e" p"og"ams a"e conducted $o" di$$e"ent people +o"ld +ide,t!at +ould p"o#ide indust"ial and ot!e" p"o$ession o"iented cou"ses in o"de" to ac!ie#e a bette" ca"ee"(

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