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Phases of Hair Growth: Anagen: It is the growing phase of hair. It lasts from 2-7 years.

Normally every year the hair grows about 10 cm in length. Therefore, hair can grow to about a meter long. t one time about !"# hair on the scalp are in nagen phase. Catagen: It is the transitional phase. $air follicles shrin% up to 1&'th of normal si(e. The hair brea%s out from the )ermal papilla. Telogen: *uration is about "-' wee%s. It is the resting phase. t en) of Telogen phase, hair again enters into nagen phase. New hair grows on the follicle, an) the ol) hair she)s out. +ate of hair growth is about 1 cm every month. $air grows more ,uic%ly in winter an) the hair growth retar)s in summer. In summer when the scalp heat increases, the an)rogenic activity is booste) an) hair fall is more prominent. $air grows more in )ar% then in light. Androgenetic alopecia It is also known as Male pattern baldness. What happens with? 1. Because on increase in the Insulin levels, SHBG reduces: . Give protein diet and !aintain supple!entation o" at least #$ % proteins ever& da&. Vegetable Protein Supplementation: 1. 1 'up Sprouted %reen Gra!. (r ) cup Sprouted *lpha *lpha. . 1$$ % paneer: contains 1+ % proteins. ,. -$ % to"u../or wo!en0 #. ,1# walnuts and #1- al!onds. -. -$ % black sesa!e. 2. 1- % ., teaspoon0 Whe& proteins. Non Veg diet: , e%% white (r 1$$ % lean chicken (r 1$$ % "ish (3 %lass !ilk. How to understand Androgenetic Alopecia? 1. Scalp beco!es oil& and shin&. . 4he shinin% scalp can be observed "ro! the thinnin% hair. ,. 4his can be seen pro!inentl& on the upper scalp .'rown portion0 and can not be seen on sides. #. It is !ore pro!inent in !ales then in "e!ales. -. Male pattern alopecia in !ales can be seen in the a%e %roup o" - to #-. 2. *ndro%enic Scalp is the !a5or proble! in the wo!en in post !enopausal a%e. 1

6. Most pro!inentl& enhanced with oil application and stress. Consequences of Androgenetic Alopecia: 1. /ree *ndro%en level increases: 7hus 5al prevents "ree andro%ens. . -1*lpha 3eductase levels in the scalp increases, thereb& !ore 8H4 is "or!ed and hair loss is pro!inent: 7etokona9ole, an anti1 "un%al dru% has -1alpha reductase inhibitin% properties. ,. Insulin levels increase which blocks SHBG: there"ore protein rich diet is to be reco!!ended. #. 4he /ree 8H4 concentration increases, which can be counteracted b& :soralins present in ;ardhini and Sukhada. -. 8ue to action o" andro%ens, the sebaceous %lands o" the scalp beco!e h&per active, thereb& !akin% the scalp over oil& and prone to hair loss. 4here"ore re%ular ;ardhini Wash alternate da& with 3oopada and once a week sha!pooin% with 8a!a%e 3epair sha!poo provides oil "ree scalp. 2. Stop usin% hair oil. 6. 4he *na%en phase is reduced due to the *ndro%enic activit&, *na%en phase can be increased b& usin% 4richo1care %el. +. 8ue to *ndro%enic activit& Scalp heat increases. 4his scalp heat can be controlled b& usin% 'oconut1cold %el. <. Blood suppl& to the hair "ollicles is reduced: =se Mino>idil lotion . ?0 "or increasin% the blood circulation. 1$. Hair roots are slu%%ish due to andro%enic activit&@ the& can be sti!ulated throu%h scienti"ic co!bin%. Treatment for Androgenic Alopecia: 1. Scienti"ic 'o!bin%. . Scalp Peeling: *ppl& - !l o" scalp peel on the scalp, partin% the hair, with %entle "rictional !assa%e. ,. Scienti"icall& co!b thorou%hl&, to spread the scalp peel on the co!plete scalp. 7eep applied "or - !ore !inutes. 2

#. Wash the hair with plane water, and then with appropriate sha!poo. =se 8a!a%e repair Sha!poo. 1 tsp 8a!a%e 3epair Sha!poo. -. 4o ) teaspoon o" ;ita!in ' :eel, add two teaspoons o" 'oconut1 'old %el, appl& on the scalp with %entle !assa%e, and keep applied "or - !inutes. 2. /or the andro%enic scalp treat!ent, prepare the special *ndro%enic Scalp %el: 4richo1'are %el: +$% A *loeweed %el -$ % A 1 'rushed 7etokona9ole 4ab. *ppl& this teaspoon *ndro%enic Scalp %el on the scalp with %entle !assa%e "or #16 !inutes. 6. (ne can %ive Galvanic :ositive !assa%e, 5ust "or above this %el. !inutes

+. 4o , teaspoons o" ;ardhini Hair :ack, add teaspoons o" 7hus Bal and su""icient water to "or! the !i>ture o" lotion consistenc&. Massa%e on to the scalp, keep applied "or 1-1 $ !inutes and rinse o"" with a!ple o" water. <. *ppl& s!all a!ount o" Custer1D H&dratin% seru!, 5ust to the hair and not to the scalp. Home Care: 1. /irst care has to be taken that the scalp !ust not look oil&. . Ever& ni%ht, add 1!l o" ? Mino>idil lotion to 1 tsp o" 4richo1 'are %el. 7eep applied over ni%ht. ,. 4wice a week *ppl& the "ollowin% pack on the scalp: 4o , tsp o" ;ardhini pack add one tsp o" 3oopada ;e% peel, tsp o" 7hus al and su""icient water. Massa%e this on the scalp %entl& "or !inutes, keep applied "or 1- !inutes and wash o"". #. (nce a week, wash the hair with 8a!a%e repair sha!poo. -. Scienti"ic 'o!bin%: 4wice a da& "or - !inutes. 2. /or Mineral supple!entation, we reco!!end /ollider! 4ablet. /ollider! tablet: cantains - !% Finc (>ide - !% Ma%essiu! sulphate !% 'uprous (>ide and -

#$ Micro%ra!s o" Sodiu! selenite. Ever& !ornin% one tab "or , !onths. 6. ;ita!in E capsule #$$ I= ever& ni%ht.., !onths0 +. ;ita!in ' tablet -$$ !% 1, ever& !ornin% a"ter lunch.."or , !onths0 <. In resistant cases where the result is not seen a"ter # !onths, 4he *ndro%enic scalp %el should be applied on the scalp "or 1 hr ever& !ornin% be"ore hair wash. 4his should be done "or !onths. Treatment Schedule: /irst Si> sittin%s: (nce a week. Ge>t si> sittin%s: (nce in 1- da&s. Cater as per reHuire!ent. *"ter the treat!ent is co!plete, ho!e care, should be reduced slowl&.

Alopecia Areata Treatment: nternal Treatment: !or " months: 1. 7hus Bal1 I teaspoon !ornin% evenin% internall&. . *"ter Cunch: 1 ;ita!in ' 4ablet. ,. ;ita!in E #$$ I= 'apsule. #. 1 4easpoon *shwa%andha :owder with 1 cup o" !ilk. #$ternal Treatment: 1$$ !l 4richo1care (il A teaspoon Stron% 3ed chill& powder. Shake well three ti!es a da& and "ilter a"ter + da&s. Cabel it as Alopecia %il& n'Salon Treatment for Alopecia Areata: 1. . ,. #. Scalp peelin%. Scienti"ic 'o!bin%. Wash the hair and scalp with appropriate sha!poo. *ppl& "ew drops o" *lopecia (il on the *reata portion@ this irritanc& will sti!ulate the "ollicles. -. *ppl& "ew drops o" this oil on the co!plete scalp and !assa%e. .

2. 4ake ) teaspoon o" 8esonide lotion and !assa%e on the alopecia area "or about - !inutes. 6. 4o , teaspoon o" ;ardhini powder add su""icient water and 1$ drops o" 7etokona9ole Sha!poo. *ppl& on the scalp, keep "or 1!in and wash o"". Treatment Schedule: Sittin%s once a week "or + sittin%s. Ge>t # sittin%s ever& 1- da&s. Home care: 1. In the ni%ht, appl& ) teaspoon o" kerato1s!ooth on the alopecia area, rub %entl& and keep overni%ht. . In the !ornin%, to ) teaspoon 7erato1s!ooth, add teaspoon o" ;ardhini, and su""icient water, appl& on alopecia area as well as on the re!ainin% scalp and wash o"" a"ter 1$ !inutes. ,. 8o this ever& da& "or 1- da&s and then, alternate da& "or the ne>t co!plete !onth.

(andruff (r) (andruff *lkaline Sha!poos. %il) (andruff H&per *ndro%enic 'ondition.

Wron% and e>cessive use o" sha!poo. E>cessive =se o" (il Scalp Irritation. Severe "un%al in"ections. *ller%ic conditions like coconut aller%&. E>cessive Sebu! accu!ulation ::8 induced irritation and Ior aller%&. /un%al in"ection. (ver use o" 8r&er. Got washin% the scalp and hair "or !an& da&s. *ndro%enic cell division. Common *easons: =n1H&%ienic wa& o" leavin%. 8irt& people. I!proper 'o!bin%. Treatment for (r) (andruff: 1. Hi%h /reHuenc& "or 1, !inutes. With !ediu! "reHuenc&. . Scalp peelin%. ,. Scienti"ic 'o!bin%. *nd do not wash the scalp. "

#. 4o two teaspoon o" Sa!pada Scalp Moisturi9er, add , to # teaspoon o" water A 1 teaspoon o" Sea *l%ae %el, and !assa%e thorou%hl& on the scalp "or about - !in. -. Stea!in% "or about 1$ !inutes. 2. 'ondensation "or 1$ !inutes. 6. 4o J cup o" water, add 1 tsp o" 3oopada, !i> thorou%hl& to "or! 3oopada Solution. 4o this solution add , teaspoon o" Sukhada dandru"" pack. *ppl& on the scalp with %entle but vi%orous !assa%e. 7eep applied "or 1- !in. +. Give hair wash with 8a!a%e 3epair Sha!poo. /or this, "irst wash the hair with water, and then appl& 1 tsp 8a!a%e 3epair Sha!poo, directl& on the scalp and hair, !assa%e "or !inutes and wash with water. <. 4owel dr& the hair. 1$. *ppl& ) teaspoon Custer1D on the towel dr& hair and scalp. Note: I" the dandru"" is due to "un%al in"ection, add 7etokona9ole sha!poo, ) teaspoon to one teaspoon o" 8a!a%e repair sha!poo. Home Care: Ever& da&, the& !ust scienti"icall& co!b the hair !ornin%1evenin% "or - !inutes. 1. 4o one teaspoon o" Sa!pada, add to , teaspoon o" water, !i> and appl& on the scalp. 7eep overni%ht. . In the !ornin%, to J cup o" water, add 1 tsp o" 3oopada, !i> thorou%hl& to "or! 3oopada Solution. 4o this solution add , teaspoon o" Sukhada dandru"" pack. *ppl& on the scalp with %entle but vi%orous !assa%e. Wash a"ter 1- !in. ,. 4his pack is to be applied twice a week. #. (nce a week, wash hair with Sensi1'are sha!poo. -. *"ter ever& hair wash, appl& Custer D seru! on the towel dried hair. 4his treat!ent has to be done ever& week. *round # in1salon treat!ents and re%ular ho!e care %ives per"ect dandru"" relie".

Treatment for Seborrheic (andruff: /irst cleanse the co!plete scalp with Savlon. . tsp Savlon A ) cup water0 1. Scalp peelin%. . 8elicate scienti"ic co!bin%. '

,. 4o 1) teaspoon 'oconut 'old %el add 1 tsp Sea *l%ae %el and ,1 # tsp water. Mi>, appl& on the scalp and leave "or 1$ !inutes. #. 4o J cup water, add 1 tsp Mru%ank and !i> to "or! solution. *dd , tsp Sukhada dandru"" pack to the above solution. *ppl& on the scalp with %entle !assa%e and wash o"" with water a"ter 1!in. -. Give hair wash with 8a!a%e 3epair Sha!poo. /or this, "irst wash the hair with water, and then appl& 1 tsp 8a!a%e 3epair Sha!poo, directl& on the scalp and hair, !assa%e "or !inutes and wash with water. 2. 4owel dr& the hair. 6. *ppl& *loeweed %el on scalp and "ew drops o" Stren%th1G1Shine Seru! on hair. Home Care: Ever& da&, the& !ust scienti"icall& co!b the hair !ornin%1evenin% "or - !inutes. 1. *t ni%ht appl& teaspoon o" *loeweed %el on the scalp. . Sukhada , tsp and 3oopada tsp and J cup water. 7eep "or 1!in and wash o"". 4his pack is to be applied twice a week. ,. (nce a week wash the hair and scalp with ;olu!e 'are Sha!poo. #. *ppl& "ew drops o" stren%th1G1Shine Seru! onl& on hair. 4his treat!ent has to be done ever& week. *round # in1salon treat!ents and re%ular ho!e care %ives per"ect dandru"" relie".

Scalp Psoriasis Treatment: In1Salon 4reat!ent: 1. Scalp :eelin% K scienti"ic co!bin%. . Wash the hair with plane water. ,. , tsp Sa!pada A tsp o" *loeweed A tsp Custer1D *ppl& on the scalp without !assa%e "or about 1$ !in. #. Give %entle stea!in% "or 1$ !inutes. 'ondensation "or 1$ !inutes. -. 4o , tsp o" ;ardhini, add one tsp o" 3oopada, !i> with J cup o" water and appl& the scalp with %entle !assa%e. Massa%e "or ,1# !inutes, and wash a"ter $ !inutes. 2. 4o 1 tsp Stren%th1G1Shine seru!, add 1 tsp Madhu%andha 'rea!, and appl& on the co!plete scalp with %entle !assa%e. 7eep applied. 7

Home Care: Ever& ni%ht appl& the "ollowin% co!bination: +$ !l Custer D A -$ % Madhu%andha A +$ % Sa!pada A #$ !l Stren%th1G1Shine Seru!. Mi> thorou%hl& and dispense. *ppl& initiall& lavishl& # ti!es a da&. Cater once the psoriasis is under control, appl& this !i>ture ever& ni%ht. 8o not use sha!poo. /or routine hair wash, add , tsp water to tsp sa!pada, !i>, appl& on the water washed hair, !assa%e "or ,1# !inutes and wash o"" with plane water. , tsp Sukhada A one tsp Sa!pada and water, !i> and appl& on the scalp and hair and wash o"". :re"erabl& use Wavdin% water "or hair wash. 4wo teaspoon o" Wavdin% boiled in 1 lit o" water. 4reat!ent Schedule: + sittin%s, one ever& week. Anagen +oosting Treatment ,Hair growth +oosting treatment or Hair !all *etarding TreatmentTreatment: 1. Water Scalp :eelin%. A Scienti"ic 'o!bin%. Wash with water. 4owel 8r&. . 1$ !l 4richo1'are Gel A 1 !l ? Meno>idil lotion and !assa%e on the scalp "or -16 !inutes. ,. /or (il& Scalp: *ppl& one tsp o" 'oconut 'old %el and !assa%e %entl& "or - !inutes. #. /or 8r& Scalp: *ppl& teaspoon o" Sa!pada and water and !assa%e on the scalp "or - !inutes. teaspoon o"

-. Stea!in% "or - !inutes and 'ondensation "or 1$ !inutes. 2. ;ardhini , teaspoon A 7hus 5al ,1# teaspoon, A water, !assa%e on the scalp and wash o"" a"ter 1- !inutes. 6. *ppl& Custer1D Seru! "or h&dration onl& on hair. Schedule: 1st # Sittin%s once a week. Ge>t # sittin%s once in 1- da&s and later continue ever& 1- da&s till su""icient hair %rowth is achieved. !

Home Care: (r) Scalp: *ppl& one tsp o" 4richo1'are %el A ) tsp o" Sa!pada A one !l ? Mino>idil solution on the scalp, !assa%e thorou%hl& and leave over ni%ht. Morning: 4o hal" tsp Sea *l%ae %el, add # drops o" *lopecia (il, !i> and !assa%e on the scalp and wash with 8a!a%e repair sha!poo a"ter ,$ !inutes. Alternate Day. %il) Scalp: Mi> one !l ? Mino>idil lotion to 1 tsp 4richo care %el, appl& on the scalp and %entl& !assa%e till absorbed. 7eep over ni%ht. Morning: 4o hal" tsp Sea *l%ae %el, add # drops o" *lopecia (il, !i> and !assa%e on the scalp and wash with 8a!a%e repair sha!poo a"ter ,$ !inutes. Ever& da&. (amage *epair for Chemicall) (amaged Hair 1. Scalp :eelin%. Scienti"ic 'o!bin% and do not wash the hair. . *ppl& scalp peel on the ends o" the hair and !assa%e. ,. *ppl& 1 teaspoon o" Sa!pada A teaspoon o" 4richo1'are %el on the scalp. Massa%e %entl& "or - !inutes. Make the hair !oist. #. 4ake , teaspoon o" (ran%e 'rea! A one teaspoon o" Custer1D and Mi> thorou%hl& and appl& on pre1!oistened hair. E!ulsi"& thorou%hl&. -. Stea!in% "or -11$ !inutes and condensation "or 1$ !inutes. 2. Wash the hair with 8a!a%e 3epair Sha!poo. 6. *ppl& Stren%th1G1Shine hair Seru! on the co!plete hair i" hairs are oil&, and "or dr& hair use Custer D. Home Care: 8a!a%e 3epair Sha!poo alternate da&, and luster1D or Stren%th1 G1Shine Seru! as per hair. Scienti"ic 'o!bin% twice a da& "or - !in. Split #nd .anagement: 1. 4wist and cut split ends. . Scalp peel !assa%e on da!a%ed hair ends. /

,. 4o teaspoon o" (ran%e 'rea! add one teaspoon o" Custer1D and %ive e!ulsi"&in% !assa%e on the co!plete hair. #. Stea!in% "or -16 !inutes, and condensation "or 1$ !inutes. -. Wash with 8a!a%e 3epair Sha!poo and appl& co!bination o" Custer1D and Stren%th1G1Shine seru! on the hair. Home Care for Split end management: 1 teaspoon o" (ran%e crea! A teaspoon water. Mi>. *ppl& on the hair with %entle !assa%e. 'o!b thorou%hl& so as to spread the crea! all over the hair and hair ends. 7eep applied over ni%ht. In the !ornin% wash with 8a!a%e 3epair Sha!poo. *ppl& Custer1D seru!. Ho!e 'are to be taken alternate da&. /re) hair .anagement 3easons "or :re !ature Gra&in%: 1. Genetic. . 'opper and 9inc de"icienc&. ,. (>idative da!a%e to hair roots. #. =se o" e>cessive 'rea!& pero>ide and hi%h concentration o" ::8. -. 8e"icienc& o" MSH: Melanoc&te sti!ulatin% hor!one. Mana%e!ent o" Gra& hair: 1. 'opper supple!entation. . 'urr& leave e>tract. ,. Maka.Bhrin%ara50 #. :soralins. -. ;ita!in B1-: 'alciu! :entothenate. 2. ;ita!in LB2 .:&rido>ine 1$ !% ever& da& internall&0 6. Sodiu! *scorbil :hosphate .E>ternall&0 Treatment for Pre'mature /ra)ing: 0& Scalp Peeling: 1ith Scalp peel and .andelic Peel& ,#qual proportion2& Scientific combing& 10

"& 0 Tsp Trichocare gel 3 0 tab P)rido$ine4 3 0 pinch Calcium pentothanate 3 0 pinch Sodium Ascorbil Phosphate& .i$4 appl) on scalp and gi5e thorough massage& 6& Crush one !olliderm tablet into fine powder4 mi$ with one tsp Coconut Cold4 and massage on the scalp& 7& To " teaspoon of Vardhini add 2 teaspoon of Tricho'Care /el 3 6'7 teaspoon of 8ari patta ,or 2 teaspoon 8ari leaf powder- leaf 9uice mi$ in a copper 5essel4 :eep for ; hour and appl) o the scalp with gentle massage& <& 8eep applied for 07'2= minutes and wash off with water& >& /i5e head massage with 8ari patta 9uice ,"'6 tsp- and 0 pinch of calcium pentothenate and appl) on the scalp and lea5e on& ?& Appl) one teaspoon @uster A or Strength'N'Shine on hair and gi5e scientific combing& About < sittings reduce gra)ing of hair& Home Care: <. 4o , teaspoon o" ;ardhini add teaspoon o" 4richo1'are Gel A #1 - teaspoon o" 7ari patta .or teaspoon 7ari lea" powder0 lea" 5uice !i> in a copper vessel, keep "or ) hour and appl& o the scalp with %entle !assa%e. 1$. 7eep applied "or 1-1 $ !inutes and wash o"". 11. *"ter application o" the pack, i" one can sit in sun "or 1$ !inutes it provides better results. 1 . *"ter two such applications %ive one sha!poo wash with Sensi1'are or ;olu!e1'are sha!poo. 3outine care "or , !onths, a"terwards once a week. /ollider! 4ablets "or , !onths.

@ice Treatment: In1Salon 4reat!ent: /ine sand # tsp Spra& water on hair, and on wet hair appl& Sensi1care Sha!poo , teaspoon A water # teaspoon. Sprinkle # teaspoon sand all over the hair. Cice 4reat!ent: 1. Hi%h "reHuenc& "or - !in. . Savlon Wipe. . - teaspoon savlon A ) 1cup water.0 ,. 4o 1 teaspoon o" Mru%ank Grade II :eel,A ,I#th cup water 1 teaspoon o" Gin%er 5uice, A teaspoon o" Ce!on Buice A , 11

teaspoon o" Sukhada A ,1# ca!phor pallets A 1$ drops o" 'itronella oil. *ppl& on the co!plete scalp and hair. #. Wrap with clin% "il! and keep "or 1 ) hour. -. 8a!a%e repair wash.

Heena Combination:
1. . ,. #. -. 2. 6. +. <. Heena powder Beet 3oot :owder Sona!ukhi :owder *!la :owder 4ea E>tract. tsp 4ea Ci!e powder Ce!on Buice Eucal&ptus (il ;ardhini :owder 1$$ % # tsp tsp 1 tsp lea" powder A cup water0 1I+th tsp , tsp 1- drops 1 tsp.


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