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Bre'Anna Smith Malcolm Campbell English 1102 10/31/2013 "Good" arents!

Academic S"ccess# $magine that %o"r parents &ere strict' re(ecting' ne)er listened to %o"' and al&a%s ma*ing decisions +or %o" &ith no i+' ands' b"ts' or ma%bes +rom %o", -o& imagine that the% are accepting' &arm b"t inattenti)e' %o"r able to ma*e decisions e)en at a %o"ng age' it's %o"r &orld %o" do &hat %o" &ant, .r imagine that %o"r parents are attenti)e' sensiti)e to %o"r needs' and &illing to accommodate to %o"r perspecti)e' b"t still in control, /inall%' imagine that %o"r parents &ere emotionall% detached and &ithdra&n, 0hich t%pe o+ parent &o"ld %o" &ant# 0hich one did %o" ha)e# 1esearch sho&s that di++erent parenting st%les can in+l"ence a child's academic per+ormance as &ell as other characteristics the child &ill de)elop, Clinical and de)elopmental ps%chologist' 2iana Ba"mrind st"died child rearing b% &atching parents interact &ith their preschoolers, She then came "p &ith three st%les o+ parenting3 a"thoritati)e' a"thoritarian and permissi)e, A"thoritati)e parents are &arm' responsi)e' attenti)e' patient and sensiti)e to the child's needs' ma*e reasonable demands +or mat"re beha)ior and enco"rage the child to e4press their tho"ghts' desires and +eelings, A"thoritarian parents are cold and re(ecting' engage in coerci)e beha)ioral control' ma*es e4cessi)e demands +or mat"re beha)ior and ma*e all the decisions +or the child, ermissi)e parents are &arm b"t o)erind"lgent or inattenti)e' are la4 in beha)ior control' ma*e +e& or no demands +or mat"re beha)ior and allo&s the child to ma*e man%

decisions 5Ber* 6789, A +o"rth parenting st%le &as added later in the 1:;0s' "nin)ol)ed or neglect+"l, An "nin)ol)ed/neglect+"l parent is emotionall% detached and &ithdra&n and ma% neglect the child, <here &ill al&a%s be a debate on &hat parenting st%le helps a child's academic per+ormance more, <here is no set r"les +or ho& to raise a child correctl%' e)en tho"gh man% a"thors ha)e &ritten boo*s on the s"b(ect, St"dies ha)e sho&n that the a"thoritati)e parenting st%le ha)e been +o"nd to be associated &ith children's and adolescents' school ad("stment= high le)el o+ per+ormance' strong school engagement and positi)e attit"des to&ards school 5A"nola' Stattin' -"rmi9, According to >e&rell 1i)ers >r' there has been se)eral st"dies done &ere the res"lts indicated that a"thoritati)e parenting has an impact on children's school per+ormance, <he positi)e impact o+ a"thoritati)e st%les ha)e been ass"med to be based on the enco"ragement o+ independent problem sol)ing and critical thin*ing 5?aisa 2079, .n the other hand' man% Chinese parents "se the a"thoritarian approach and +oc"s on a child@s achie)ements and s*ills' res"lting in ho"rs o+ drilling on mathematics' +oreign lang"ages and/or m"sic instr"ments' thereb% lea)ing room +or nothing else, -o sleepo)ers' no art classes' no dating 5Ch"a9, ?ids +rom a"thoritatrian +amilies are relati)el% &ellAbeha)ed' b"t the% lac* in social s*ill and are more li*el% to s"++er +rom an4iet%' depression' and poor sel+Aesteem, 0hile researching parenting st%les ?aisa and his colleag"e +o"nd that it has been s"ggested that a"thoritarian parenting detracts +rom learning b% disco"raging acti)e e4ploration and problem sol)ing' and enco"raging dependence on ad"lt control and g"idance, Also a"thoritarian parenting st%les ha)e been associated &ith children's passi)it% and lac* o+ interest in school,

Bo&e)er' permissi)e and neglect+"l/"nin)ol)ed parenting st%les ha)e been associated &ith children's "nderachie)ement, <hese homes +oster sel+Areg"lation in children' and ma% lea)e them more imp"lsi)e 5?aisa 2079, E)en on tele)ision sho&s parents &ho ha)e an a"thoritati)e parenting st%le had the "better" children, .n sho&s li*e The Cosby Show' Full House' Leave it to Beaver' Fresh Prince of Bel Air' and so man% more the parents had an a"thoritati)e parenting st%le, <he% had r"les that &ere meant to be +ollo&ed and &hen bro*en there &as conseC"ences, <he% &o"ld e4plain to their child &hat he/she did &rong and tell them &hat he/she &ill ha)e to do to ma*e s"re that this problem is +i4ed and "sed a mat"re tone to get their point across' e)en tho"gh the parent *no&s ho& to la% do&n the r"les the% still loo* o"t +or the best interest o+ the child,<he% also allo&ed their children to e4press themsel)es and learn +rom their mista*es, .n sho&s li*e Everybody Hates Chris and That 70s Show there &as a parent &ho had an a"thoritarian parenting st%le, <he% &ere strict and had little to no tolerance +or disobedience and r"le brea*ing, <he% don't listen to a &ord the child sa%s and ne)er let them e4plain &hat happened, E4amples o+ permissi)e and neglect+"l parenting st%les on tele)ision is 1egina George's mom +rom ean !irls and Matilda's parents +rom atilda, Sometimes these parents &o"ld tr% to be ean

their child's +riend and be seen as the cool parent' li*e 1egina George's mom in !irls, .ther times the% ma% act li*e the child doesn't e4ist, .n

atilda her parents &o"ld

o+ten lea)e her home alone' +orgot to enroll her in school' and ne)er listened to an%thing she said, Matilda &as in)isible in her +amil%, Gro&ing "p m% mom &as hea)il% in)ol)ed in m% ed"cation, She &as al&a%s at m% elementar% school assisting &ith e)ents as &ell as in the o++ice helping the principal,

M% mother helped me and m% brother &ith o"r home&or* and made "s read dail%, She &as demanding b"t responsi)e, Ber parenting st%le &o"ld be labeled as a"thoritati)e, <his st%le o+ parenting made me the person $ am toda%, M% mother &as not strict' b"t al&a%s instilled the importance o+ an ed"cation and doing &ell in school, She came to a&ards and helped m% brother and me on pro(ects as &ell as home&or*, .n the other hand' m% +riend <ori Bro&n's parents &o"ld be labeled as permissi)e, <he% &ere )er% leninent and allo&ed <ori to do things other parents &o"ldn't, <ori stated' "$ +eel li*e i+ m% mom &as more a"thoritati)e then $ &o"ldn't had done a lot o+ st"++ $')e doneD $ ne)er did good in school be+ore beca"se &hen $ got a bad grade $ ne)er got in tro"ble so $ ne)er reall% cared to do it beca"se $ *ne& there &o"ldn't be no reperc"ssions," "0hen parents are in)ol)ed in their children's ed"cation at home' the% do better in school, And &hen parents are in)ol)ed in school' children go +arther in school and the schools the% go to are better" 5Benderson and Berla' 1::89, 2ecades o+ research sho& that &hen parents are in)ol)ed in their children's ed"cation these children ha)e higher grades' test scores' grad"ation rates' better school attendance' increased moti)ation and inner sel+Aesteem' lo&er s"spension rates' decreased "se o+ dr"gs and alcohol and +e&er instances o+ )iolent beha)ior, >enni+er E"go' a title $ coordinator stated' " children &hose parents are in)ol)ed &ith their ed"cation are t&ice as li*el% to s"cceed in school' +rom there their potential is enormo"s," /or this reason the a"thoritati)e parenting st%le has been *no&n to be the most s"ccess+"l parenting st%le' especiall% &ith children's academic per+ormance, An a"thoritati)e parent is engaging and helps the child &ith home&or* as &ell as other school related acti)ities, 0hereas an a"thoritarian parent belie)es the child sho"ld be able

to do all the &or* alone, ermissi)e parents and "nin)ol)ed parents don't pa% an% attention to their child, <he% o++er no help &ith school&or* and most o+ the time doesn't notice i+ the child misses school, arents in)ol)ement in their childs' ed"cation is an important topic beca"se one da% these children &ill be r"nning the &orld and nobod% &ants a d"mb president, $ "nderstand that not all parents are the same and that each parent has a di++erent st%le o+ parenting, 0hat &or*s +or one ma% not &or* +or all, An A"thoritati)e parent &or*ed +or me' b"t some ma% need an a"thoritarian parent, <here as been co"ntless research stating that a"thoritati)e parent's in)ol)ement in their children's ed"cation and parenting st%le ha)e been associated &ith children's school ad("stment' high le)el o+ per+ormance' strong school en+orcement and posit)e attit"de to&ards school,

0or* Cited ?aisa' A"nola' -"rmi >ariAEri*' and Ba*an Stattin, " arenting st%les and adolescents' achie)ement strategies," "ournal of Adolescence 23,n2 5200093 20FA 207, rint, Eam' Sh"i /, How The Fa#ily $nfluences Children%s Acade#ic Achieve#ent, -e& Gor*' -G3 Garland "blishing' $nc' 1::7, rint, 1i)ers' >e&rell, "<he 1elationship Bet&een arenting St%le and Academic Achie)ement Mediating $n+l"ences o+ Moti)ation' Goal .rientation and Academic Sel+AAE++icac%," The Florida State &niversity 'i(i)ole Co##ons 5200F93 1FA1;, rint, <"rner' Erlanger A,' Megan Chandler' and 1obert 0, Be++er, "<he $n+l"ence o+ arenting St%les' Achie)ement Moti)ation' and Sel+AE++icac% on Academic er+ormance in College St"dents," "ournal of Colle(e Student 'evelo*#ent 60,3 5200:93 337A38F, rint,

eer 1e)ie&3 Henice 0inchester I love how you did your 1st paragraph. It sends the reader to another place, sort of like getting the reader more involved into the paper. (It pulled me in lol) But I would make an adjustment to the first sentence where it says and always making decisions for you I would say !ade . "nd in my opinion I would change the if, ands, #uts, or may#es to without your input .. "lso in the second paragraph instead of putting $he child it should say $heir child .. and !ade instead of !ake %ou also have a few other grammatical errors. If you read your paper aloud to yourself, which I highly suggest you do, you will #e a#le to see what flows and what doesn&t. "lso, !r. 'amp#ell wants us to add our own interpretation in the paper, engaging yourself into the paper. If you read $hey say, $he "rt of (uoting and )aying why it matters you will get what I&m trying to say. I do like the way you transition using *n the other hand and when introducing your source you say "ccording to "nd how you have included your own e+perience in as well to give the reader a little more insight a#out yourself. I also do not see where you are going with your paper. I see that it is suppose to #e argumentative #ut I don&t really clearly see your argument. %ou need to go more in depth a#out authoritative and permissive parenting styles #ecause your paper is more a#out authoritarian. It&s very clear in your paper that you are more for "uthoritarian, #ut you&re not really giving much statistics and data to #ack up your reasoning of why that&s the #etter choice and why the others are not. $he other styles are not even mentioned in the paper much. ,ike you need num#ers, and surveys from various sources. *hh, I also forgot to mention I think you should try and think of a more catchier title.. *verall this is a good paper, it just needs some more work done to it. "lso remem#er to num#er your pages. -ope this helps.

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