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Week 33, Day 1: Monday, 17 August 2009

Job 15, 16

What are the limits of even the wisest man? (15:7)

What separates God from all of creation? (15:14, 15)

In what does the sinner place his trust? (15:25-29)

What did Job long for from his friends? (16:5)

Who is Job’s advocate? (16:19-21; see also 1 Timothy 2:5, Hebrews 8:6, Hebrews
9:15, and Hebrews 12:24)

Proverbs 17

As Christians, how should we respond to the suffering of others regardless of the

reason? (17:5)

Compare 17:9 with 10:12.

How does 17:10 relate with the “wicked generation” described by Jesus in Luke
11:29 and Luke 16:29-31?

How dangerous are dealings with sinners? (17:12)

What is the best way to avoid serious conflicts? (17:14)

Is it good to put up barriers between yourself and others? (17:9)

Luke 16

How would your priorities and how you treated others change if you knew you would
soon face the final judgment? (16:1-9)

How well have you used the resources, opportunities, talents, skills, and
opportunities God has given you to glorify His name? (16:10-12)

Is your focus mostly on God or your own desires? What motivates you to do what
you do every day, love for God or something else? (16:13)

How does God feel about divorce? (16:18)


Compare 16:31 with 11:39. Do unbelievers struggle with an evidence problem or a

heart problem?

Week 33, Day 2: Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Job 17, 18

Have you ever felt totally helpless with no support from anyone? (17)

Have Job’s comforters grown frustrated, resorting to accusation directed at Job? Do

they have reason to accuse Job of unconfessed sin? (18)

Proverbs 18

Are unfriendly people wise? (18:1)

How well do consider the opinions and counsel of others? (18:2)

How much of what people say is really worth hearing? (18:4)

What happens when people don’t do their jobs well? (18:9)

In what do people rely on for security that the Bible describes as an illusion? (18:11)

Compare 18:13 with 18:2.

Compare 18:19 with 17:14. What is the best way to handle disputes?

What is one way the Lord blesses a man? (18:22)

What is one way God keeps a man humble? Can the Lord trust you with wealth?

Luke 17

Compare 17:1 with 11:23

Are we instructed to confront those who sin? Is repentance required for forgiveness?
(17:3, 4)

In our pride and sinfulness, do we often lose our humility before the Lord? (17:7-10)

Why did Jesus want the lepers to show themselves to the priests? (17:14)

Why does Luke point out that the one leper who returned to thank Jesus was a
Samaritan? (17:16, 18)

Where is the kingdom of God? (17:21)

Can anyone predict the return of Jesus? (17:22-37)

Week 33, Day 3: Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Job 19, 20

Had God wronged Job? (19:6)

What often happens to your “friends” when calamity strikes you? (19:14-19)

Despite having no visible hope and feeling wronged by God, in what did Job place
his confidence? (19:25-29)

How confident was Zophar in his own understanding of God’s purposes? (20:3)

Do riches ever satisfy? (20:20)

Proverbs 19

Is your walk blameless? (19:1)

Are many successfully and efficiently going down the wrong path? (19:2)

Compare 19:4, 7 with Job 19:14-19.

What is one trait for which wise men are known? (19:11)

How important is proper instruction and discipline to the development of character

over time? (19:18, 20, 23, 25, 27, 29)

Luke 18

How should you pray? (18:1-8)

Do we have any righteousness of ourselves? (18:9-14)

What does it mean to receive the kingdom of God like a little child? (18:15-17)

Can a man gain eternal life upon his own merit? (18:18-27)

Can God use your suffering to bring you to a deeper relationship with the Lord?

Week 33, Day 4: Thursday, 20 August 2009

Job 21, 22

While the Bible warns of the practical consequences of sin in this world, does the
Bible claim that the wicked receive their justice on earth? The wicked may maintain
earthly comforts on earth, but what is the true cost of their decisions? (21; see also
Matthew 16:26)

Can great spiritual truths be misapplied? (22:21-30) Was Job experiencing Eliphaz’s

Proverbs 20

What demonstrates what sort of person you really are? (20:11)

Are there many who really have something valuable to say? (20:15)

What becomes of get rich quick schemes? (20:21)

Luke 19

Did Zacchaeus demonstrate repentence? (19:8)

Did Zacchaeus make an effort to make amends for his sin? (19:8)

What came first for Zacchaeus, salvation or Baptism? (19:9)

Compare 19:11-26 with 12:42-48, 14:16-23, and 16:10. What has Jesus revealed
about the Lord’s plan?

Week 33, Day 5: Friday, 21 August 2009

Job 23, 24

Does it ever frustrate you that God is not more apparent in your life? (23)

Do you treasure God’s Word more than your daily bread? (23:12)

Proverbs 21

Who controls kings? (21:1)

What does the Lord desire from you? (21:3)

Do the Lord’s plans always prevail despite the sins of man the Satan’s schemes?

Who decides the final outcome of every matter? (21:31)

Luke 20

Where the Pharisees and the Sadducees motivated by a desire to glorify God or by a
desire to justify themselves? (20)

Week 33, Day 6: Saturday, 22 August 2009

Job 25, 26

What is the answer to Bildad’s question? (25:4)

Who can comprehend the power of God? (26:14)

Proverbs 22

Who ultimately decides everyone’s fate? (22:2)

Is it good for God’s people to be in debt? (22:7)

What does verse 22:10 say about the product of the proud and arrogant?

What is your heavenly Father willing to use to transform your character? (22:15)

Why should you intently study God’s Word daily? (22:17)

What affect do your friends have on you? (22:25)

What value is competence? (22:29)

Psalm 94

Who alone has the right to avenge? (94:1)

What do many sinners think about God? (94:7)


Who is blessed? (94:12)

Can good ally with evil? (94:20)

What keeps us from experiencing God’s peace? (95:8-11)

Week 33, Day 7: Sunday, 23 August 2009

Job 27, 28

To what did Job cling? (27:5)

Where does Job trust he has hope where the wicked do not? (27:8-10)

Does Job know the spiritual teachings of the day as well as his friends? Does
teaching about the fate of the wicked comfort a suffering man? (27:12)

Where the one place wisdom can be found? Who can find it? What is its source? (28)

Proverbs 23

Why does God discipline you? (23:13, 14)

What pleases the Lord? (23:15, 16)

What should motivate our actions and thoughts? (23:17)

What does God want you to obtain? (23:23)

Compare 23:26 with 21:4.

Should Christians get drunk? (23:29-35)

Psalms 95, 96

What keeps us from experiencing God’s peace? (95:8-11)

Do you declare God’s glory among all peoples? (96:3)

Do you worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness and tremble before him?

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