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QUESTION BANK Part I - ADVANCED ENGLISH -UG SEMESTER III UNIT I Part A: 1. 2. 3. . !. ". Part B: 1. 2. 3. . !. ".

How will you form Wh Questions? How will you form yes/no Questions? Ram went to Chennai. ( frame a question) Yes, write the e!am. (frame a question) "rem ha# #one the wor$. ( frame a question) %o, she has not &om'lete# it. ( frame a question) Com'are an# &ontrast Com'uter with human (rain. Com'are an# &ontrast wee#s to flowers. Com'are an# &ontrast )ol&anoes an# earthqua$es. *numerate the &auses an# effe&ts why so stu#ents rea# news'a'ers. Why 'eo'le $ee' 'ets? + e!'lain the &auses an# effe&ts. Write an essay on im'ortan&e of e!er&ise hi,hli,htin, its &auses an# effe&ts.

UNIT II Part A: -. .ention the or,ans of s'ee&h. /. .ention the )oi&e# &onsonants. 0. .ention the #i'hthon,s. 1. 2efine intonation. 3. #efine &onsonant &lusters 4. *!'lain 'losi)es with e!am'les. Part B: 1. Write an essay on 5r,ans of s'ee&h. 2. Write an essay on 6owels. 3. Write an essay on Consonants. . *!'lain in #etail the 'la&e an# manner of arti&ulation of Consonant soun#s. !. 7i)e 6". la(el for the followin,8 / ' /, / t /, /$ /, /, /, /h /, /n /, /m/, / l / ". 7i)e a #etaile# a&&ount on stress an# intonation. UNIT III Part A: -. Write a short note on %ehrus 'arenta,e. /. 7i)e a short a&&ount on .other 9eresas s&hool life. 0. :ist out *insteins in)ention. 1. Write a short note on 7an#hi;is 'atrioti& s'ee&h. 3. Write a short note on :in&olns rhetori& s'ee&h. 4. 7i)e a (rief a&&ount on reli,ious s'ee&h of <wami 6i)e$anan#a.

Part B: 1. 2. 3. . !. ".

7i)e a #etaile# a&&ount on life an# a&hie)ements of =awaharlal %ehru. >ttem't an ela(orate analysis of .other 9eresas (io,ra'hy. Write the (io,ra'hy of >l(ert *instein. <i,nifi&an&e of .ahatma 7an#his 'atrioti& <'ee&h. Write an essay on >(raham :in&olns #emo&rati& <'ee&h. 7i)e a #etaile# analysis of 6i)e$anan#as reli,ious s'ee&h at Chi&a,os Conferen&e

UNIT IV Part A: -. 2efine 'ara,ra'h. /. What are the &entral &om'onents of a 'ara,ra'h? 0. What are the 'rin&i'les to (e followe# while writin, 'ara,ra'hs? 1. What is essential for effe&ti)e te&hni&al writin,? 3. What are the uses of 'ara,ra'h? 4. What is the im'ortan&e of writin, 'ara,ra'h? Part B: -. Write two 'ara,ra'hs #es&ri(in, the a#)anta,es of win# 'ower an# solar 'ower as alternati)e sour&es of ener,y to n#ia. /. Write two 'ara,ra'hs one #es&ri(in, the (enefits of te&hnolo,y an# the other #es&ri(in, the #raw(a&$s of te&hnolo,y. 0. Write two 'ara,ra'hs &om'arin, human (rain with ro(ots. 1. Write two 'ara,ra'hs for an# a,ainst the im'ro)ement of te&hnolo,y. 3. Write two 'ara,ra'hs for an# a,ainst the #e)elo'ment of me#ia. 4. Write two 'ara,ra'hs for an# a,ainst 7lo(alisation. UNIT V Part A: -. 2efine Re)iew. /. Why re)iew is im'ortant in the fiel# of literature? 0. What are the qualities of a ,oo# re)iew? 1. 2efine 7ra'hi&s. 3. :ist out the uses of nter'retation throu,h ,ra'hi&s. 4. .ention any two ty'es of ,ra'hi& 'resentation. Part B: -. Write a re)iew on the no)el you ha)e rea#. /. Write a re)iew on the 'lay you ha)e en;oye#. 0. Write a re)iew on the film you ha)e seen. 1. *!'lain the qualities of a ,oo# re)iew.

3. U#$ t%$ &'((')*+, ta-($ a+. a+#)$r t%$ /0$#t*'+#:

?@< <CH*2@:* + 9>?:*

-. When is the time of the last (us lea)in, .ay+7reen that will ,et you to Center <quare (y A8BB a.m.? >. C8B- a.m. ?. C8-D a.m. C. D8-4 a.m. 2. C8/- a.m. /. How many minutes #oes it ta$e the (us to ,et from .ay+Ri&h to .ay+Warren? >. 4 minutes ?. C minutes C. /B minutes 2. 1 minutes 0. 9here are si! rows an# fi)e &olumns of information in this s&he#ule. How many &ells of information are in the ta(le? >. / ?. 3 C. 4 2. 0B

1. What time #oes the (us lea)e 7reat .ill that ,ets to Center <quare at -B8/C a.m.? >. A80- a.m. ?. A810 a.m. C. C833 a.m. 2. C8B- a.m. 3. f you want to $now at what time the A80- a.m. 7reat .ill (us will arri)e at your sto' .ay+Warren you &an ;ust loo$ at >. &olumn four ?. row four, &olumn three C. &olumn three 2. row three, &olumn four 4. When #oes the first (us lea)e from 7reat .ill? >. D.-4 am ?. C.-4 a.m. C. 4.-D a.m. 2. D.-D a.m. D. How many minutes #oes it ta$e the (us to ,et from 7reat .ill to .ay Ri&h? >. -0 minutes ?. -/ minutes C. // minutes 2. 0/ minutes C. What time #oes the (us lea)e at .ay Ri&h that ,ets .ay Warren at -/.3-? >. -/.01 ?. -/.03 C. -/.02. -/.B-

4. @sin, the followin, 7ra'h answer the questions8 ?>R 7R>"H + <CH55: >99*%2>%C* >%2 <C *%C* 7R>2*<

a. f a s&ien&e ,ra#e (elow 33E is failin,, how many stu#ents faile# s&ien&e? >. ?. B C. / 2. 1 (. 9he (ar ,ra'h shows the &orrelation of s&hool atten#an&e an# the stu#entFs s&ien&e ,ra#e. <tu#y the (ar ,ra'h to see whi&h statement is G>:<*.
>. ?en an# *arlFs atten#an&e at s&hool an#

their ,ra#es are 'oor. ?. 9hree stu#ents ha# hi,her ,ra#e 'er&enta,es than the 'er&enta,e of s&hool atten#an&e. C. f ?en an# *arl ha# wor$e# to,ether they &oul# ha)e ,otten -BBE in s&ien&e. 2. 9he hi,her 'er&enta,e of ,ra#es, the hi,her the 'er&enta,e of atten#an&e.

&. 9he stu#ent with the (est ,ra#e an# atten#an&e was >. >l ?. Chu&$ C. 2an 2. Gre# #. 9he stu#ent with the same s&hool atten#an&e an# ,ra#e 'er&enta,e was >. Gre# ?. 2an C. Chu&$ 2. ?en e. ?en was what num(er in or#er from the stu#ent with the to' ,ra#e to the lowest ,ra#e of the si! liste#? >. / ?. 0 C. 4 2. 3 f. Whi&h statement of the followin, is true? >. ?en an# *arl will not (e 'romote# to the ne!t ,ra#e. ?. <&hool atten#an&e affe&ts the s&ien&e ,ra#e. C. 2an an# >l atten#e# s&hool a(out the same num(er of #ays. 2. Chu&$ woul# ,et a (etter ,ra#e if he #i# not atten# s&hool so re,ularly. ,. f the atten#an&e ,ra#e a(o)e CBE is awar#e# 'riHe, how many stu#ents will ,et the 'riHe? >. 0 ?. / C. 2. B h. Who ,ot low mar$s in the stu#ent list? >. ?en ?. *arl C. Chu&$ 2. 2an

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