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Srimad Bhagavatam

First Time In The world In EnglishVerses

Canto2 The Cosmic Manifestation Chapter 7
Brief Description of the Past and Coming Avatars

Chapter 7: Brief Description of the Past and Coming Avatras

SB 2.7.

Lord Brahm said: When Lord assumed the form of a boar and willed to lift the planet earth, drowned in the causal waters of the universe called the Garbhodaka, Hiranyaksha ,the demon appeared,n with His tusk Lord had him gored

SB 2.7.2
Later born as Hari ,named so by Swayambhuva Manu, Lord was born to Akuti and Prajapati Ruci and led by his divine son Suyama ,followed by all, reduced the distress of the worlds three

SB 2.7.!
e!t He took birth as son to twice"born #ardama and his wife $evahuti of %reat devotion to%ether with nine sisters, as Lord #apila He spoke to His mother about spiritual reali&ation by which she was freed from the material modes that cover the soul and achieved liberation'

SB 2.7."
( will %ive Myself to you) and for that reason He received the name of $atta , the dust of His lotus feet purified the body of mysticism and brou%ht the spiritual wealth fullest n chastened the material worlds of the renowned *adu Haihaya and other descendants'

leased by the sa%e Atri s devotion and prayers for an offsprin%, the Supreme Lord said

SB 2.7.#
As (, +rahma, formerly lived in austerity and penance for the sake of the creation of diversified worlds, the Lord appeared as the four Sanat kumaras, when the spiritual truth was devastated in the epoch before, by the %reat delu%e, but with these sa%es the knowled%e was fully recreated'

SB 2.7.$
,rom Murti, the wife of $harma, the dau%hter of $aksha ,a Prajapati, He took birth in forms of ara and arayana, and never allowed, by the stren%th of His personal penances, His vows to break because by the celestial beauties that came to Him ,sent by #amadev, -od of Loves

SB 2.7.7
-reat stalwarts like Lord S iva can subdue lust by means of wrath, so crude but cannot overcome their own intolerance, but with both of these subdued within, Lust is too afraid to enter, and cannot ever demand attention impure

SB 2.7.%
(ncited by the sharp words of a step mother , in the presence of the kin% .ttanapad, his son ,$hruva only a boy at the time, took to severe penances in a %reat forest' the Lord pleased with his prayers confirmed his %oal s reali&ation which the %reat sa%es of all worlds worshipped

SB 2.7.&
/hen the twice"born ones cursed #in% 0ena who strayed from the path of ri%hteousness it burned him like a thunderbolt with him %oin% to hell with all his %reat deeds and opulence 1he Lord bein% prayed came to earth as his son %ave his Sire full n prompt deliverance and demonstrated that the earth could be e!ploited for wealth to yield all kinds of crops'

SB 2.7. '
As son of #in% abhi He was born as Rishabha from Sudev2, e3uipoised in the yo%ic matters and appearin% foolish at times ,He performed at the hi%hest level of achievement of the sa%es in which one in acceptance of the spiritual essence and one s independence, has activities of senses under check forever in balance, and is perfectly liberated from material influences'

SB 2.7.
1he Supreme Lord, the soul of all the %ods, the Personality of Sacrifice who is worshiped in all sacrifices, appeared in a sacrifice done by me,as +rahma, with a horse" head,%olden hued ,rom His ethereal breathin% throu%h His nostrils the sounds of the 0edic hymns could be heard'

SB 2.7. 2
Satyavrata Manu, at the end of the epoch saw Lord as Matsya ,the fish, who as a stay offered shelter to all livin% bein%s on earth like a boat durin% the delu%e, my mouth accidentally spilled 0edas because of the %reat fear for the waters ,and were taken up by Lord who had them protected

SB 2.7. !
While the gods and their enemies partnered to churn the milky ocean once, for the ambrosia, using the !andara mountain as the spindle, Lord as a tortoise supported the mountain churn, while it itched and scratched his divine carapace

SB 2.7. "
As araisimha , the Lion faced"man He appeared as the one who removed the fear of the devoted ,with the movements of His eyebrows that swayed, terrifyin% canines and the nails with which the fallen kin% s viscera he pierced for ,Hranyakasipu,the demon kin% had assailed Him with a club in his hand'

SB 2.7. #
/hen an elephant leader cau%ht on the le% by a crocodile, prayed to Lord ,cryin%, And holdin% a lotus in its trunk, sayin% 4*ou in the universe is indeed the first bein% ,and your name is as famous as a place of worship and worthy ever to be sun%5 )

SB 2.7. $
"n hearing his distressed elephant devotee s plea for succour Lord appeared on the wings of Garuda, his avian navigator, and with his disc He cut to pieces ths snout of the alligator lifting from the lake by the trunk He delivered the tired tusker

SB 2.7. 7( %
Lord then incarnated as 0amana the dwarf son of Aditi askin% for %ift from the ,mi%hty kin% Maha +ali, who, under illusory pride of war profit, ,offered to %ive whatever asked for , not knowin% that Lord owns all of it in the universe and Lord asked three steps of land for prayers, to sit and do penance, but %rew tall on his assent, covered the universe just in two steps n blessed +ali, rulin% many worlds, in third ,on his head at last )

and Lord made him the master of #atya Loka for being consistent

SB 2.7. &
1he Supreme Lord, satisfied in your devotion, oh arada, you may recall nicely e!plained to you in detail the science of yo%a and of the soul to devotees of 0asudeva who perfectly know n appreciate it all so well

SB 2.7.2'
(n the different a%es of Manu known as manvantaras , Lord incarnates as a descendant of the Manu dynasty, lordin% over the kin%s and leaders of that type includin% miscreants with His cakra weapon, His reach e!tends upto world of 1ruth called Satyaloka the hi%hest

SB 2.7.2
6elebrated as $hanvantari He descends any where anytime in the universe, promotin% the eternal science of well bein% and lon%evity,ayurveda, this He accomplishes by providin% the nectar of the sacrifice that swiftly cures the diseases of the entities in all the planes of bein%s

,or the purpose of diminishin% the worsenin% dominance of the rulin% class the %reat soul as Paras urama, removed all those thorns who strayed from a path , from the world that is vileful and devious , wielded Hatchet twenty one times a%ainst debased #shatriyas, the leaders, sinful

SB 2.7.22

SB 2.7.2!
+y His mercy,Lord descended the (kshwaku dynasty of the solar order ,fulfillin% father s word He with his consort Sita, and brother Lakshmana took to forest and eliminated Ravana,as willed

SB 2.7.2"

And on the way to Lanka to take on Ravana, the Sea Lord 0aruna was fri%htened by the Lord as Ramachandra, as his seethin% an%er a%ainst the enemy and, obstacles in the way, unfolded makin% 0aruna 3uickly %ive way for sea"brid%e that was to take Rama s army to Lankan land

SB 2.7.2#
$n an occasion, when %avana was hit in the chest by the elephant of $ndra s in the chest, its trunk was blown to bits and %avana took pride in his prowess, later when confronted by %ama,the twang of the Lords bow meant his nemesis

SB 2.7.2$
/hen the entire world is tormented by the atheist kin%s, #rishna, with beauty and black hair, and whose %lories are unfathomable to masses , is bound to devotees to appear for the sake of the decimation of those faithless'

SB 2.7.27
/ho else but -od alone as an infant kill Poothana,the monstrous 7r think of tiltin% a cart topsy turvy on bein% barely three months with His lotus"bud le%s and also uproot two hi%h risin% Arjuna trees 8

SB 2.7.2%
At 0rindavan where #rishna %rew up ,he resuscitated the cowherd boys and their cattle who drank from the poisoned #alindhi river waters He took risks in severely punishin% serpent #alia lurkin% under the waters with its venomous fan%s and danced on its hoods till the serpent left the place

SB 2.7.2&
He ,with +alrama, saved all the Sleepin% inhabitants of 0raja, from the bla&in% forest fire by His %race , deliver them intact after havin% them close their eyes

SB 2.7.!'
/hatever rope His foster mother *asoda will try to bind her son with, will time and a%ain prove scarce, and on another occasion she was dismayed as she saw the .niverse in His mouth open)

SB 2.7.!
He will save anda His foster father from captivity of 0aruna, the %od of waters

and later the cowherd men held captive by the son of Maya demon , in the caves and to the deni&ens of 0rindavana He will award the hi%hest world of spiritual bliss

SB 2.7.!2
/hen the %od of %ods will send a heavy downpour ,endless /rathful of #rishna for stoppin% the worship of (ndra s And the Lord protected the men and the cattle for seven days, Holdin% -ovardhan hill as an umbrella for those pious folks )

SB 2.7.!!
#rishna on another occasion,will severe the head of Sankha chuda,who had those damsels kidnapped while listenin% to the mellifluous music by the Lord

SB 2.7.!"(!#
All demons like Pralamba, $henuka, +aka, #esi Arishtha, 6hanura and Mushthika wrestlin% for #amsa, #uvalayapida ,the elephant, the demoniac uncle #amsa many forei%n kin%s , the ape $vivida, Paundraka and kin%s like S 9lva, arak9sura,

+alvala, $antavakra, Saptoksha, S ambara, 0iduratha and Rukmi, #amboja, Matsya all powerful and well e3uipped warriors , #aurava sons of $hritarashthra, Srinjaya, and #ekaya, will disappear from the scene and attain heavenly abode by His maya or by the actions of the other names belon%in% to Him, as +aladeva,+hima,Arjuna

SB 2.7.!$
As a simultaneous incarnation,born fom Satyavati,He as #rishna dwaipanaya of de!terity Alias, 0edvyas will divide the 0edas to make it accessible to the simpler minded posterity

SB 2.7.!7
/hen athiests roam the skies with their fancy crafts to thwart the faith of the believers Lord will dress up as a +uddha and take on the detractors by preachin% non violence

SB 2.7.!%

/hen at the end of #aliyu%a, the faith declines, and spiritual,leadership or the professional classes or the lowly %overnments do not support scarifices then Lord will appear as #alki the chastiser of sinners

SB 2.7.!&
6reation starts with my: penance alon% with the seven sa%es, then Lord 0ishnu and $harma takes care of maintenance and later when Lord Siva Handles the decline of the creations
*Lord Brahma

;<=>/ho can fully describe the prowess of Lord 0ishnu8 ot even the scientist who mi%ht have counted the atoms' All were %reatly moved by Him who by His own le% could cover the universe ?as 1rivikrama@ up to the topmost world beyond the operatin% modes'

SB 2.7."'
/ho can describe 0ishnu,whose one foot could cover the universe not even the seer who can count the atomic particles can %au%e him

SB 2.7."

(f neither (, nor all the sa%es who were born prior to you are capable to assess Reach of the Almi%hty what about other souls who were born after us8 ot even Ananta Serpent the first incarnation of the Lord is

able to guess

$t, though he describes the glories of the Lord by his thousand tongues

SB 2.7."2

But those blessed by the Lord, for their unalloyed devotion &nd service , can overcome the insurmountable ocean of illusion and understand the Him, not those who are attached in passion to body, which is to be eaten by dogs and 'ackals, as carrion

SB 2.7."!("#

#now that we both belon% to the bewilderin% %ame of illusion of the Supreme ,7h


, as do also the %reat Lord S iva, Prahlada Maharaja from the atheist family, Satarupa the wife of Manu and Svayambhuva Manu himself with his children, Pracinabarhi, An%a

Ribhu, as also $hruva, (kshv9ku, Aila, Mucukunda, Aanaka, -9dhi, Ra%hu, Ambar2sha, Sa%ara, -aya, 9husha, and others like M9ndh9t9, Alarka, S atadhanu, Sarasvata,

Anu, Rantideva, +h2shma, +ali, Amurttaraya, $il2pa, Saubhari, .tanka, S ibi, $evala, Pippal9da, .ddhava, Paras ara, +hurishena and %reat champions like 0ibhishana, Hanum9n, Sukadeva -osvami, Arjuna, Brshthishena, 0idura and also Srutadeva'

SB 2.7."$
.ndoubtedly women, laborers, barbarians and outcasts mana%e to surpass the illusion of the divine ener%y and arrive at bliss, even if t sinful , provided they follow the vision of the admirable devotees and when even domesticated animals succeed with precision how much more would it would be true for those people who have heard of Him in passion8

SB 2.7."7
(he absolute is unlimited bliss free from grief, eternal, tran)uil, unfettered, as the consciousness opposed to the material counterpart ,pure, une)ualled, being both the cause and effect and principle of the great primeval sound in whom the illusory energy does not e*ist,being freed of any fruitive need +

SB 2.7."%

$n such a transcendental state there is no need of propped up mind control, mental speculation or meditation, as performed by the seers and the yogi roles "ne gives up such processes, as the rain god, $ndra, forgoes digging the well+

SB 2.7."&

God is the supreme master of everything auspicious as the rewards of actions , material or spiritual , by the being, is given by the Lord (he ultimate benefactor, as every entity is unborn,in His comic mind #uch that even after the annihilation of the body as a material element, the living entity e*ists, e*actly like the air under the firmament

SB 2.7.#'

My son,( have briefed you how the Lord created the universe /hatever that may e!ist in the phenomenal , or noumenal,alias spiritual world can have only Hari, the Lord, the divine cause

SB 2.7.#
1he Srimad +ha%avatam, is the story of the Lord handed down to me by Him, the Supreme Lord %ivin% the essence of His manifestations myriad ow by this wisdom must have this spread

SB 2.7.#2
1herefore e!pound with determination, in the role of enli%htenin% mankind, this path of devotion to -od, the'route to salvation for all those are inclined

SB 2.7.#!
Hearin% the description of the Lords manifestations ,the devoted who is of re%ular worship and love for -od will always be saved

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