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Schafer, Using Nazi Data: The Case Against, Dialogue XXV. 413-419. 1986. Print.

Arguing on the ethical dilemma of utilization of Nazi data discovered through experimenation in concentration camps. Benedict M. Ashley, Kevin D. O'Rourke, Ethics of health care: an introductory textbook, Georgetown University Press, 2002. Ethical dilemma of using Nazi date found through experimentation in health care. Blow, Louis. "The Nazi Doctors." The Nazi Doctors. Lest We Forget, n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2013. This was used to describe the pressure experiment on Jewish prisoners. Bondeson, Jan. "Nazis Tried to Build Army of talking Dogs to Help Win World War Two." Metro Nazis Tried to Build Army of Talking Dogs to Help Win World WarTwo Comments. Cardiff University, n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. This is a picture of an experiment done with humans and dogs. "Buchenwald Concentration Camp Http://" Buchenwald Concentration Camp Holocause Education and Archive Research Team, n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2013. This is a picture of an experiment going on at Buchenwald. "C. Und O. Vogt Institue of Brain Research Collection." Atlas Obscura. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2013.This is a picture of the Vogt split brains. Caplan, Arthur L. When Medicine Went Mad: Bioethics and the Holocaust. Totowa, NJ: Humana, 1992. Print. This is used to expand on the ethical dilemma of using research.

Cockburn, Alexander, and Clair Jeffrey. St. Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs, and the Press. London: Verso, 1998. Print. Includes more information on the pressure experiment.

Cohen, Baruch C. "Jewish Law - Articles ("The Ethics Of Using Medical Data From NaziExperiments")." Jewish Law - Articles ("The Ethics Of Using Medical Data From NaziExperiments"). N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. This held information about how other scientists had used date discovered by Nazi Germany. Cold Water Immersion During Hypothermia Experiments At Dachau Concentration Camp Presided Over By Professor Holzlohner (left) And Dr Rascher (right). Prisoners Did Not Volunteer, They Were Forced To Participate.. Photography. Encyclopdia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 19 Oct 2013. Picture showing hypothermia experiment on Jewish prisoner.

Dr Franz Blaha. "Dachau: The Medical Experiments, 19415." Gale World History in Context. Detroit: Gale, 2012. Student Resources in Context. Web.11 Nov. 2013. Information on hypothermia experiment, how data was recorded, and the after effects for the victims. Freedman, B. Moral analysis and the use of nazi experimental results. In A. R. Caplan (Ed.), When medicine went mad (pp. 141-154). Totowana, NJ:Humana. Print. Analyze ethics on using Nazi data. "The Holocaust: Nazi Medical Experiments." Nazi Medical Experiments. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. Picture of Jewish children in Auschwitz. "Human Experiments - Nonconsensual Medical Experiments on Human Beings." Human Experiments - Nonconsensual Medical Experiments on Human Beings. AllianceForHumanResearcchProtection, n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. Focuses on the effects of unethical human research. James J. F. Forest, Kevin Kinser, Higher education in the United States: an encyclopedia, Volume 1education. ABC-CLIO, 2002. Ethical effects of experimentations. "JUSTICE Will Be Served - Human Rights - HRLaws." : 5NAZI GERMANY. Nazi Germany- the Doctors and Their Unethical and Inhumane Experiments, n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2013. Information of pressure experiment and how it was conducted. Katz, J. Abuse of human beings for the sake of science. In A.R. Caplan (Ed.),When medicine went mad (pp. 233-270). Totowana, NJ: Humana. 1992. Print. Information is brought up on how ethics play a role in victimizing humans in order to make advances in science. Kor, E.M. Nazi experiments as viewed by a survivor of Mengeles experiments. In A. R. Caplan (Ed.), When medicine went mad (pp. 3-9).Totowana, NJ: Humana. 1992. Print. Used as first hand examples too describe Mengele's twin experiments in Germany. Lagnado, Lucette, and Sheila Cohn. Dekel. Children of the Flames: Dr. Josef Mengele and the Untold Story of the Twins of Auschwitz. New York: Morrow, 1991. Print. Interview of a set of twin victims from experimentation done by Mengele. "Medical Experiments of the Holocaust and Nazi Medicine." Medical Experiments of the Holocaust and Nazi Medicine. Medical Experiments of the Holocaust and Nazi Medicine, n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2013. Information about sterilization experiments performed on Jews. "Mengelesexperiments - Mengele's Experiments." Mengelesexperiments - Mengele's Experiments. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2013. Pictures of conjoined twins, both exterior and skeletal.

"The Nuremberg Code." United States Department of Health and Human Services. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. The Nuremburg Code was an effect of the Nuremburg Trials which were a result of the experimentation during WWII. Nuremberg Trials / Defendants / 1945. Photograph. Encyclopdia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 11 Nov. 2013. Nuremberg Trials of war crimminals before the allied military tribunal (20/11/19451/10/1946). - The defendants during the trial. From left: Doenitz, Raeder, Schirach, Sauckel, Jodl, v. Papen, ritsche, Speer, v.Neurath and Seyss-Inquart, Goering, Hess, Ribbentrop, Keitel,Kaltenbrunner etc. - Photo. Nuremberg Trials / Hess Interrogated.. Photograph. Encyclopdia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 11 Nov 2013. Germany: Post-war period / Nuremberg Trial at the allied military tribunal (20.11.19451.10.1946). - Rudolf Hess during an interrogation. - Photo, undated. Nuremberg Trials / Judges' Bench. Photograph. Encyclopdia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 11 Nov 2013. Nuremberg Trials / Judges' Bench Post War Era: Nuremberg trial of war criminals by the allied Military Tribunal (20.11.1945-1.10.1946). - View of the judges' bench during the trial.- Photo, 1945/46. "Nuremberg Trials Project -- Introduction." Nuremberg Trials Project -- Introduction. Introduction to NMT Case 1, n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2013. Introduction of experiments in camps, focus on pressure experiment. Nuremberg Trials.Photographer. Encyclopdia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 11 Nov 2013. November 1945: Nazi leader Hermann Goering (extreme left) and other accused war criminals being guarded by US Military Police during the Nuremberg War Crime Trials. "Oskar Vogt." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 17 Oct. 2013. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. Picture of Professor Vogt investigating histological sections from Lenin's brain. Paul Murray McNeill, The ethics and politics of human experimentation, CUP Archive, 1993. Focuses on ethical dilemma of using Nazi experimentation today. Peterson, Eugene H. The Message. Bible Gateway. Web. 25 Oct. 2012. Print. Use Bible as a tool to support a theory on whether or not using Nazi data is ethical. Posner, Gerald L., and John Ware. Mengele: The Complete Story. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1986. Print. Book written to uncover the truths about Mengele's twin experimentation. Pozos, R.S. Scientific Inquiry and Ethics: The Dachau data. In A.R. Caplan (Ed.), When medicine went mad (pp. 95-108). Totowana, NJ: Humana. 1992. Print. Uncovers data from concentration camps while comparing ethics and science.

R. Martin, Using Nazi Scientific Data, Dialogue XXV. 403-411. 1986. Print. Answer the question on ethical responsibility for utilization of human experimentation results found in Nazi concentration camps. "Radiation Burn." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 11 Aug. 2013. Web. 10 Nov. 2013. Picure of a woman to show a type of warming experiment performed by Nazi physicians. Sharav, Vera H. "A Chronology of Human Research - Vera Sharav." A Chronology of Human Research - Vera Sharav. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. Timeline showing the progress of human expermentation since record was available. "Top 10 Minority Medical Experiments." Akorracom RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2013. Picture of sterlization experiment. "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UDHR, Declaration of Human Rights, Human Rights Declaration, Human Rights Charter, The Un and Human Rights." UN News Center. UN, n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2013. Information on the effects of the experimentation and what articles pertain to it. Victim Of Human Experiments / Auschwitz. Photograph.Encyclopdia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 10 Nov 2013. Picture of woman that has undergone harsh experimentation from the Nazi physicians. Wilkens, S. Beyond bumper sticker ethics: An introduction to theories of right and wrong. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press. 1995. Print. Explains theories on whether or not it is ethical to use Nazi data found through experimentation on Jews during WWII. Wilson, Sarah. "The Nazi Research Data: Should We Use It?" Cedarville University | A Top Midwest Christian College in Ohio. Cedarville University A Top Midwest Christian College in Ohio, n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2013. Uses theories and personal opinion to argue whether or not using data gathered by Nazi's is ethical and whether or not we should use it for society today.

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