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Spend on 4 weeks The reading should pretty go easy.

Language troubles like Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet Different languages a little bit to understand. Diffi ult when reading if it is not omi te!t. Terminology a lot of it" #ebsite has a T$ like law s hool, broken into ategories like walken, e! el, bla k phrases et . %li k on the sub&e ts on the website there you find a parti ular term. '()( setting )rd book '(4* '()( Read before #orld #ar + te hnology was super hot.

Sir $e tor " #ebsite works beautifully, Latin terms uses and referen es to the , Look at the history, human mistakes, '*-- #illiam the on.ueror, /ren h although it was not /ren h at that time in0aded 1ngland. #hi h by that time the ity was as mu h of S andina0ian, was 2ngle3Sa!on et . 4t is not to be taken too seriously5 he is making fun of it. Remember that 2rthur really storm the moment will be on the 6th entury. #ebsite" http" hester.edu7 amelot7thwhite.htm

http" hester.edu7 amelot7te!t7t3h3white3glossary

/irst 8ook" '. 9ery mu h orphaned, 0ery adult themes, ideas, ommunism in the book ommunism was bad +. ). Things absolutely ontradi t. The fault did not lie in the system, 8ad people who were there like $e tor

4. Sla0es Labor at this time serfs working at that time seems to be anti3 industrial 6. Romans and e!perien e shadowing passion is something really omi

$ow #orld #ar ' was the traditional war that we fought. That was a0alry. 4n #orld #ar + was fought in our grand father:s pla e, fought by small soldiers ;ermany literally rose from the ashes.

#orld war + 3 used ma hine guns

Japan wanted whole domination.

#orld #ar + 3 dominated on the <a ifi , on the <hilippines, on =orea

#hitehead had been in #orld #ar '3 $ow old was he in #orld #ar '> ;rade s hool most probably.

They saw the dark side of 9ietnam.

'('4 3 $e would ha0e been ?

@*.)+.*AB%ommunist 3 CaDi CaDi 3 totalitarian olle ti0e so iety

Reality that there are ontrolling people.

There are two differen e =aye has more human flaws 3 but =aye as opposed to 2rthur in early understanding before 2rthur was done as a rightful king 3 =aye was a part of the 2risto rati des ent 3 =aye was a Templar now

#hat is the ad0antage of someone who des end from a position of authority than power> To that a ount with edu ation>

3 Eany different forms of so iable relation Ce!t 8ook... 3 2rthur keeps on guessing... 3 F4:m not going to be here fore0erF 3 kind of mental set3up

<erson of authority 3 3 different kinds of people 3 must understand the world from their li0ing e!periential perspe ti0es 3 you will be able to pro0ide with what is something important

6th entury 3 there were foot soldiers

3 fought on shield walls 3 fought shoulders to shoulders 3 they ha0e spears, swords 3 1nglish like spears and swords

They are real on ern is peasant soldiers

2 king must ha0e 0ested his own power.

Gne of the things that you learn about... 3 To on.uering to different lands, and wanting your desires and stuffs> 3 Sometimes it is power, it makes people aware 3 it is power on people 3 The basi 3 Real power 3 is power full filled to its highest in0estment 3 real power is to be the ability to be the head of the world

<age 6'36+

$ere is one 0iew of what king should be ,what power is, what authority is 3 Eilitary pedestal, at the top you ha0e the turns HHHHH

#ar differen e I fire power

#e must atta k them in self defense 3 0ery ommon

3 preempti0e strikes The only a eptable preempti0e strike 3

on the absolute inad0ertent atta k

2l " #as a 0ery fi tional hara ter

4n the beginning when ;od reates different spe ies. $e brought all the people in a onferen e. 2ll animals in the embryoni form they all .... ;od HHHH hoi e to hange their physi al beings. Some of them hoose wings, some of them hoose fangs, laws. /inally omes in the human being, the humam being, fears a lot. 4 am going to keep that embryoni form, instead of ha0ing tools in my body, 4 am going to ha0e a tool maker. 4f 4 won:t swim, 4 don:t want to get my feet wet, 4 will build a boat. 4f an:t fly, 4 will draw wings out of the bare...

So on and so forth. you guess it. ;od was so proud. and now you ha0e the dominion o0er all the animals on earth, that was the parable he tells forth.

#e ha0e a hoi e. That:s what right, that:s what people in #all Street are.

Let:s get an en ounter Eedie0al world" 3 =ate about the be united 3 2rthur was 0ery upset 3 asked about the ritual

Right before %hapter +'.

#hy do people keep that into a myth> risk suffering and die> Gr is it a way of growing up>

#hy do people make it all up> 3 8egin in %hapter ') Jright on the first page, se ond paragraphK 3 =nowledge of the world, it is something that an:t be taught to young people be ause it is not logi al 3 it has no rules 3 Gnly the long years you wait on the brink of life 3 2 sense of battles 3 She has to learn the strange 0oi e by e!perien e, so it is like that you an:t tea h a woman the knowledge of the world 3 She has to e!perien e it o0er the years 3 She is beginning to hate the woman:s body 3 She an go on with not by prin iple, not by dedu tion, not by knowledge of good and e0il 3 4t is by keeping your senses down in balan e whi h defines ea h of these things 3 She no longer host to li0e by seeking the truth 3 ;uidan e of se0enth sense 3 8alan e was the si!th sense 3 Cow she has the se0enth sense 3 knowledge of the world 3 slow dis o0ery of the se0enth sense 3 This dis o0ery is a pride 3 #e only arry on with the knowledge of the world

There was a time when ea h of us were naked before the world 3 onfronting life as a serious problem whi h we were intimately on erned 3 there was a time when we find out whether there was a ;od or not 3 ob0iously the e!isten e of future life was feared the 0ery first person

There was a time when free lo0e 0ersus HHHH 3 #hat lo0e was 3 #hat we were was

Eiddle age people put balan e on belie0ing on ;od and HHHHHHH se0enth sense needs not HHHH you an:t see more or feel more about them

@*+"''")(B J.uestionK 2rthur $e stayed through out his life in struggle 2bsolute message worth <eople who tell you morning, noon, night that they are absolutely dedi ated to the ;ospels. They are re0ered %hristians. They belie0e on e0ery ;ospels and you seemed HHHHHH

@*+"'4"'4B Jesus spoke in parables /or 4 was hungry and you ga0e me something to eat, 4 was thirsty and you ga0e me something to drink, 4 was a stranger and you in0ited me in, )- 4 needed lothes and you lothed me, 4 was si k and you looked after me, 4 was in prison and you ame to 0isit me.L

Lord when #hen did we see you a stranger and in0ite you in, or needing lothes and lothe you> )( #hen did we see you si k or in prison and go to 0isit you>L

4* MThe =ing will reply, NTruly 4 tell you, whate0er you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.L

4' MThen he will say to those on his left, NDepart from me, you who are ursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the de0il and his angels. 4+ /or 4 was hungry and you ga0e me nothing to eat, 4 was thirsty and you ga0e me nothing to drink, 4) 4 was a stranger and you did not in0ite me in, 4 needed lothes and you did not lothe me, 4 was si k and in prison and you did not look after me.L

44 MThey also will answer, NLord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing lothes or si k or in prison, and did not help you>L

46 M$e will reply, NTruly 4 tell you, whate0er you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.L

4- MThen they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.O

4f you don:t help people in need <eople ha0e trouble at times.

Ce!t time instead of the original.... #ho will 0olunteer to parti ipate

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