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WHAT GOES IN THE OCEAN GOES INYOU What goes in the ocean, goes in you is claim illustrated by Surf

Rider Foundation and this PSA emphasize why it is appealing !his ad co"er all rhetorical appeals li#e $thos, which is Surf Rider Foundation, %ogos &logic ' the statistics mention in this ad, Recent studies estimate that fish off the west coast ingest o"er (),*** tons of plastic a year &Surf Rider', and Pathos where the picture of Sushi wrapped around plastic catches the "iewers attention and nobody li#es plastic to ingest Plastic is main cause of marine pollution +*, of ocean is comprised of plastic debris and marine animals consuming this to-ic .n (/01, a group of en"ironmentalist came together to fight for on going effects of pollution in our ocean and today they are a non profit organization #nown as Surf Rider Foundation, dedicated to the protection and en2oyment of the worlds oceans, wa"es and beaches from all marine debris !heir goal is to ensure the natural beauty of ocean for generations to come and ha"e healthy coastlines by eliminating the use of plastic from our daily li"es Surf Rider are targeting people of west coast from Washington to 3alifornia who lo"e beaches and surfing

4ou can see a clear picture of PSA that how they portray this issue by showing a Sushi wrapping around plastic and that is what we ingest Sushi %o"ers #now that it comes from sea weeds Seaweed is a loose, collo5uial term encompassing macroscopic, multicellular, benthic marine algae .magine how much we consume seafood and indirectly eat plastic 6alf of protein inta#e comes from ocean life and deliberately we eat food in the form of plastic !oday our ocean life is so much in stress with this pollution and 0*, of these pollution come from our daily use of products li#e pac#aged food, plastic water bottles, for#s, spoons, plastic grocery bags etc Surf Rider Foundation is on their mission to create an awareness in all coastal areas where ma2ority of people surf and en2oy the beauty of sea

!ogether they do campaigns to clean up coastlines all o"er 7 S A !heir main ob2ecti"e is to gather and helping people connect and participate in coastal conser"ation efforts li#e water 5uality tests, beach access, beach and surf spot pre"ention and sustaining marine and coastal ecosystem from plastic and other to-ic debris

We prefer no e-tra wor# and these days people occupied in their busy schedules and lo"e to grab things which are more con"enient and plastic products are ha"e undoubtedly helped us in daily use more easily, for less money, and in some cases more safely than e"er before !his clear ad is showing that plastics pose a significant threat to our planet as well Spreading awareness in people and educate them to reduce the impacts of plastics in the marine en"ironment by ad"ocating for reduction of single use plastics and to recycling them Surf Rider Foundation encourage people to help address these global issues locally with plastic reductions at home, schools,wor# and from our entire community !hey enforce all ocean lo"ers to start doing "oluntary ser"ice by cleaning up beaches, tal# to friends and family about why it is important to rise abo"e plastics, loo# for alternati"es of plastic products, bring your own to8go mugs to smoothies or coffee restaurants and help to sol"e this global issue Since Surf Rider is non profit organization, the ad for sa"ing ocean is clear with no hidden benefits and purely their mission is for people, who lo"e to surf and also for sa"ing marine animals At least )+9 different species are #nown to ha"e suffered from entanglement or ingestion of marine debris&"ital earth minerals' Animals such as turtles are mista#en plastic as food because plastic bags a lot loo# li#e 2elly fish Sea birds and all other small water creatures misled by tiny plastic fragments and consume them as food

Work Cited :arboza, !ony .ngestion of plastic found among small ocean fish %os Angeles !imes (( ;arch )*(( Web ;arch )*(< Rise abo"e plastic Surf Rider Foundation Web )*(< =http>??www surfrider org?programs?entry?rise8abo"e8plastics@


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