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DRUG STUDY Generic Name Dosage, Classification (Brand Name) Timing and Route Date ordered Ambroxol (Mucogen)

20 mg i lozenge TID November 20, 2013s Po Expectorant Indications Mechanism of Action Adverse Effects Nursing considerations

Symptomatic relief of respiratory condition characterized by dry, nonproductive cough and in the presence of mucus in the respiratory tract.

Enhances the output of respiratory tract fluid by reducing the adhesiveness and surface tension of the fluid, facilitating the removal of viscous mucus.

Nausea Vomiting Headache Dizziness Rash

1. Caution the patient not to use the medicati on for more than 1 week and to seek medical attention if the cough still persists. 2. Advise to eat in small frequent meals to alleviate

Diazepam (Valium) November 22, 2013

amp Stat IVTT

Benzodiazepi ne

Management of anxiety disorders, muscle relaxation

Acts in the limbic system and reticular formation to potentiate effects of GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter; may act in spinal cord and supraspinal sites for sites to produce muscle relaxation

Mild dizziness Depressio n Lethargy Apathy Fatigue Restlessn ess Bradycard ia Incontinec e

some of the GI discomfo rt associat ed with these drugs. 1. Do not mix IV drug solution with any other drugs to avoid potential drugdrug interacti ons. 2. Maintain patients who receive parenter al benzodi azepine in bed for at

least 3 hours. 3. Monitor patient respons e to drug. Epoetin Alfa November 20, 2013 600 IU 2x Weekly SC Erythropoetin Treatment of anemia associated with chronic renal failure; to reduce the need for allogenic blood transfusions Natural Glycoprotein that stimulates RBC production in the bone marrow Headache Arthralgia s Fatigue Asthenia Dizziness Hypertens ion Edema Chest pain Nausea Vomitin Diarrhea 1. Confirm the diagnosi s of the patient to ensure the proper use of medicati on 2. Do not mix with other drug solution, to avoid incompa tibilities 3. Arrange for hematoc

rit reading before the drug administ ration to determin e the correct dosage. 4. Maintain seizure precauti on on standby. 5. Monitor for adverse effects. Folic Acid Itab OD November 19, 2013 po Folic Acid Derivatives Treatment of megaloblastic anemia due tosprue, nutritional deficiency Reduced form of folic acid, required for nucleoprotein synthesis and maintenance of normal erythropoiesis Allergic reaction Pain Discomfor t
1. Monitor

for possibilit y of hyperse nsitivity reaction. 2. Arrange for hematoc rit


readings before and periodic ally during treatmen t. 3. Monitor for adverse effects. Furosemide November 19, 2013 40 mg itab IV q 12 Loop Diuretic Treatment of edema associated with CHF, acute pulmonary edema and hypertension Inhibits the reabsorption of sodium and chloride from the proximal and distal renal tubules and the loop of Henle, leading to a sodium-rich diuresis Dizziness Vertigo Paresthesi as Blurred vision Hypotensi on Phlebitis Urticarial Nausea Vomiting Urinary bladder spasm 1. Continuo usly monitor urinary output, cardiac respons e and heart rhythm. 2. Monitor the dose carefully and reduce the dosage if given

with antihype rtensive agents. 3. Monitor patients respons e to drug (BP, Urinary output, weight, serum electrolyt e) to evaluate effective ness of the drug and monitor adverse effects. 4. Provide potassiu m-rich diet to maintain electrolyt e balance.

Kalium Durule November 19, 2013

Itab TID Po

Mineral and Electrolyte replacements /supplements

Treatment of potassium depletion

Maintain acidbase balance, is otonicity, and electrophysiologi c balance of the cell. Activator in many enzymatic reactions; essential to transmission of nerve impulses; contraction of cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscle; gastric secretion; renal function; tissue synthesis; and carbohydrate metabolism.

Confuse Restlessn ess Weaken Arrythmia s Paresthesi a

1. Monitor pulse, blood pressure , and ECG periodic ally. 2. Monitor serum potassiu m before and periodic ally during therapy. 3. Monitor renal function, serum bicarbon ate, and pH. 4. Administ er with or after meals to decreas

e GI irritation. 5. Report dark, tarry, or bloody stools; weaknes s; unusual fatigue; or tingling of extremiti es. 6. Notify healthca re professi onal if nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or stomach discomfo rt persists. 7. Monitor for

Ketosteril November 19, 2013

Itab TID Po

Ketoanalogue Prevention and s treatment of conditions Essential caused Amino Acids bymodified or insufficient protein metabolism in chronic renal failure

Normalizes metabolic process, promotes recycling product exchange.Reduc es ion concentration of potassium, magnesium and phosphate.

Hypercalc emia Phenylket onuria Nausea Vomiting





hyperkal emia. Take drug as prescrib ed Warn the patient about possible side effects and how to recog nize them Give with food if GI upset occurs Frequent ly assess for hypercal cemia


Metocloprami de November 19, 2013

100 mg PRN IVTT

Gastrointestin Relief of acute al stimulants and chronic diabetic gastroparesis; short-term treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disorder in adults who cannot tolerate standard therapy

Stimulates movement of the upper GI tract without stimulating gastric, pancreatic, or biliary secretions; appears to sensitize tissues to the effects of acetylcholine

Restlessn ess Drowsing Fatigue Extrapyra midal effects Nausea Diarrhea

1. Monitor blood pressure carefully to detect sudden drop in blood pressure 2. Monitor diabetic patients in order to arrange alteratio n in insulin dose or timing as appropri ately. 3. Monitor for adverse effects.


Sodium Bicarbonate November 19, 2013

650 mg itab Antacid BID po

Used for treatment of metabolic acidosis, certain drug intoxications, to minimize uric acid crystallization; Symptomatic relief of upset stomach from hyperacidity; prophylaxis for GI bleeding and stress ulcers;

Neutralizes or reduces gastric acidity, resulting in an increase gastric pH, which inhibits the proteolytic activity of pepsin

Gastric rupture Systemic alkalosis Hypokale mia Gastric acid rebound Weaken Irritability Tetany confusion

1. have patients to chew tablets thorough ly and follow with water to ensure therapeu tic levels reach the stomach to decreas e acid 2. Periodic ally monitor serum electrolyt e to evaluate drug effects. 4. Assess patient

Sodium Chloride November 20, 2013

2 vials IVF Standing order


Chloride deficiency due to dieresis or salt restrictions; prevention or treatment of extracellular volume depletion

Sodium is the major cation of the bodys extracellular fluid. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the fluid and electrolyte balance.

Hypernatr emia hypopotas semia, acidosis CHF, overhydrat ion, acute pulmonary edema





for any signs of acidbase or electrolyt e imbalanc e. Monitor electrolyt es, ECG, liver and renal function studies Note level of consciou sness. Assess the heart and lung sound. Observe S&S of hypernat remia, flushed skin, elevated



Thyrax November 19, 2013

100 mg I tab OD Po

Hormones Thyroid Preparation

Replacement therapy in Hypothyroidism

Replacement/ Substitution in diminished or absent function. Replacement in deficiency states with restored hormonal imbalance.

Insomnia Arrythmia Tachycard a Increase BP Cramps Diarrhea Vomiting



temperat ure, rough dry tongue, and edema Monitor V/S and I&O. Assess urine specific gravity and serum sodium levels Confirm diagnosi s of the patient to ensure proper use of medicati on. Monitor patient for any

signs of adverse effects. 8. Monitor patients Vital signs as ordered.


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