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Certified Mail Article Number: Common-Law Trust To Counterfeit Defined Public Notice/Public Record TO COUNT R!

"T defined: criminal law# To ma$e somet%in& false' in t%e semblance of t%at w%ic% is true( it alwa)s im*lies a fraudulent intent# +ide +in# Ab# %#t# !or&er)# A Law Dictionar) Ada*ted To T%e Constitution and Laws of t%e United ,tates of America and of t%e ,e-eral ,tates of t%e American Union b) .o%n /ou-ier Re-ised ,i0t% dition' 1234 COUNT R! "T defined: To for&e( to co*) or imitate' wit%out aut%orit) or ri&%t' and wit% a -iew to decei-e or defraud' b) *assin& t%e co*) or t%in& for&ed for t%at w%ic% is ori&inal or &enuine# Most commonl) a**lied to t%e fraudulent and criminal imitation of mone) or securities# 12 U#,#C#A# 5 671 et se8# Counterfeit in common *arlance si&nifies fabrication of false ima&e or re*resentation( counterfeitin& an instrument means falsel) ma$in& it( and in its broadest sense means ma$in& of co*) wit%out aut%orit) or ri&%t and wit% -iew to decei-e or defraud b) *assin& co*) as ori&inal or &enuine# ,mit% -# ,tate' 7 Md#A**# 637' 934 A#9d :37' :4;' :41# ,ee also /ootle&&in&( !alse ma$in&( !alsif)( !or&er)( <ra) mar$et &oods( "mitation# /lac$=s Law Dictionar) ,i0t% dition >*a&e :6?@ Counterfeitin&' manufacturin& s*urious coins' *a*er mone)' or e-idences of &o-ernmental obli&ation >e#&#' bonds@ in t%e semblance of t%e true# T%ere must be sufficient resemblance to t%e &enuine article to decei-e a *erson usin& ordinar) caution# T%e offense ma) be re&arded as a s*ecial -ariet) of for&er)# T%e crime affects *ro*ert) but was %istoricall) considered to be an interference wit% t%e administration of &o-ernment# Aence' under an earl) n&lis% statute >1:3;@' counterfeitin& t%e $in&Bs seal or %is &old and sil-er coina&e was a &ra-e crime a&ainst t%e state amountin& to %i&% treason and was *unis%able b) deat%# T%e statute left unc%an&ed t%e common-law misdemeanors of counterfeitin& co**er coina&e and *assin& counterfeit forei&n currenc)# Ot%er earl) statutes were directed a&ainst debasin& t%e coina&e b) cli**in& or filin& off t%e ed&es to sell t%e metal# /) t%e 1?t% cent' counterfeitin& was considered a felon) rat%er t%an a form of treason# T%e U#,# Constitution aut%oriCes Con&ress to D*ro-ide for t%e *unis%ment of counterfeitin& t%e ,ecurities and current Coin of t%e United ,tates#D Under t%at *ower' statutes %a-e been enacted ma$in& criminal t%e counterfeitin& of t%e currenc) and bonds of t%e United ,tates' of t%e e-idences of indebtedness >e#&#' c%ec$s@ of t%e !ederal Reser-e ,)stem' of *osta&e stam*s' and of forei&n mone) used for e0c%an&e# Under its *owers to define and *unis% offenses of international law and its *owers to control interstate and forei&n commerce' Con&ress %as *assed le&islation a&ainst t%e counterfeitin& of forei&n mone) and securities wit%in t%e United ,tates# Nearl) e-er) state now %as statutes a&ainst counterfeitin&# ,ince its establis%ment in 1243 t%e U#,# ,ecret ,er-ice %as been t%e *rimar) a&enc) in t%e combatin& of counterfeiters in t%e United ,tates# To commit t%e crime of counterfeitin& one does not necessaril) %a-e to ma$e a w%ole coin or bill# "t ma) be accom*lis%ed b) *latin& coins' b) raisin& t%e amount of a bill' or b) an) ot%er alteration calculated to decei-e t%e reci*ients# To retain counterfeit mone) or &o-ernment obli&ations $nowin&l) is also a criminal offense' re&ardless of %ow *ossession was ac8uired# T%e $nowin& utterance >*assin&@ of counterfeit currenc) or securities is also criminal# !or t%e furt%er *rotection of t%e currenc) and of *osta&e stam*s' statutes forbid ma$in& certain t)*es of *%oto&ra*%s >e#&#' in color@ w%ere t%ere would be dan&er of dece*tion# "n t%e 1??;s' counterfeiters be&an to create %i&%-8ualit) color *rints of *a*er currenc) usin& com*uter scannin& and ima&in&# T%e U#,# &o-ernment and t%ose of ot%er nations res*onded b) redesi&nin& denominations of bills# U#,# bills issued since 1??4 include microsco*ic *rintin&' watermar$s' and ot%er securit) features# T%e Columbia lectronic nc)clo*ediaE Co*)ri&%t F 9;1:' Columbia Uni-ersit) Press# Licensed from Columbia Uni-ersit) Press# All ri&%ts reser-ed# Counterfeitin&( Crime of ma$in& an unaut%oriCed imitation of a &enuine article' t)*icall) mone)' wit% t%e intent to decei-e or defraud# /ecause of t%e -alue conferred on mone) and t%e %i&% le-el of tec%nical s$ill re8uired to imitate it' counterfeitin& is sin&led out from ot%er acts of for&er)# "t is &enerall) *unis%ed as a

Certified Mail Article Number: felon) >see felon) and misdemeanor@# T%e international *olice or&aniCation "nter*ol was establis%ed *rimaril) to or&aniCe law-enforcement efforts a&ainst counterfeitin&# ,oftware' credit cards' desi&ner clot%in&' and watc%es are amon& nonmone) items commonl) counterfeited# !or more information on counterfeitin&' -isit /ritannica#com# /ritannica Concise nc)clo*edia# Co*)ri&%t F 1??6-9;;2 nc)clo*Gdia /ritannica' "nc# Ma0im of Common-Law !alsus in uno' falsus in omnibus# !alse in one t%in&' false in e-er)t%in&# 1 ,umn# :34# H%ereas defined *ursuant to( Obli&ations or securities of United ,tates Current t%rou&% Pub# L# 11:-:4# >,ee Public Laws for t%e current Con&ress#@ H%oe-er' wit% intent to defraud' falsel) ma$es' for&es' counterfeits' or alters an) obli&ation or ot%er securit) of t%e United ,tates' s%all be fined under t%is title or im*risoned not more t%an 9; )ears' or bot%# H%ereas defined *ursuant to( Utterin& counterfeit obli&ations or securities Current t%rou&% Pub# L# 11:-:4# >,ee Public Laws for t%e current Con&ress#@ H%oe-er' wit% intent to defraud' *asses' utters' *ublis%es' or sells' or attem*ts to *ass' utter' *ublis%' or sell' or wit% li$e intent brin&s into t%e United ,tates or $ee*s in *ossession or conceals an) falsel) made' for&ed' counterfeited' or altered obli&ation or ot%er securit) of t%e United ,tates' s%all be fined under t%is title or im*risoned not more t%an 9; )ears' or bot%# H%ereas defined *ursuant to( Dealin& in counterfeit obli&ations or securities Current t%rou&% Pub# L# 11::4# >,ee Public Laws for t%e current Con&ress#@ H%oe-er bu)s' sells' e0c%an&es' transfers' recei-es' or deli-ers an) false' for&ed' counterfeited' or altered obli&ation or ot%er securit) of t%e United ,tates' wit% t%e intent t%at t%e same be *assed' *ublis%ed' or used as true and &enuine' s%all be fined under t%is title or im*risoned not more t%an 9; )ears' or bot%# H%ereas defined *ursuant to( Possessin& counterfeit forei&n obli&ations or securities Current t%rou&% Pub# L# 11:-:4# >,ee Public Laws for t%e current Con&ress#@ H%oe-er' wit%in t%e United ,tates' $nowin&l) and wit% intent to defraud' *ossesses or deli-ers an) false' for&ed' or counterfeit bond' certificate' obli&ation' securit)' treasur) note' bill' *romise to *a)' ban$ note' or bill issued b) a ban$ or cor*oration of an) forei&n countr)' s%all be fined under t%is title or im*risoned not more t%an 9; )ears' or bot%# H%ereas defined *ursuant to titles ei&%teen sections ei&%t: T%e term Dobli&ation or ot%er securit) of t%e United ,tatesD includes all bonds' certificates of indebtedness' national ban$ currenc)' !ederal Reser-e notes' !ederal Reser-e ban$ notes' cou*ons' United ,tates notes' Treasur) notes' &old certificates' sil-er certificates' fractional notes' certificates of de*osit' bills' c%ec$s' or drafts for mone)' drawn b) or u*on aut%oriCed officers of t%e United ,tates' stam*s and ot%er re*resentati-es of -alue' of w%ate-er denomination' issued under an) Act of Con&ress' and canceled United ,tates stam*s# H%ereas defined *ursuant to( article one section ten - Powers *ro%ibited of ,tates No ,tate s%all enter into an) Treat)' Alliance' or Confederation( &rant Letters of Mar8ue and Re*risal( coin Mone)( emit /ills of Credit( ma$e an) T%in& but &old and sil-er Coin a Tender in Pa)ment of Debts( *ass an) /ill of Attainder' e0 *ost facto Law' or Law im*airin& t%e Obli&ation of Contracts' or &rant an) Title of Nobilit)# ,ui .uris' $nown as: .o%n' of t%e &enealo&) of Doe freeborn s*iritual bein& on t%e land state t%e facts contained %erein are true' correct' com*lete' and not misleadin&' to t%e best of m) *ersonal first %and $nowled&e and belief# /ein& of sound mind' com*etent' o-er t%e a&e of 12# T%is m) free will' -oluntar) act and deed to ma$e' e0ecute' seal' ac$nowled&e and deli-er under m) %and and seal wit% e0*licit reser-ation of all m) unalienable ri&%ts and m) s*ecific common law ri&%t not to be bound b) an) contract or obli&ation w%ic% " %a-e not entered into $nowin&l)' willin&l)' -oluntaril)' and wit%out misre*resentation' duress' or coercion' w%ereb) " did not si&n nor consent# " am not now nor %a-e e-er been a U#,# CitiCen or a !ourteent% Amendment !ederal CitiCen or m*lo)ee' " am not bound b) sworn oat% or oat% of office# H%ereas " %ereb) disclaim Clauses One and Two of ,ection One to t%e !ourteent% Amendment' to&et%er wit% Article !our ,ection T%ree Clause Two# IHit%out t%e U#,#J ,%ould t%is not be true t%en let t%e record be corrected or it will stand as trut%# Time is of t%e essence#

Certified Mail Article Number: +eracit)( "n m) Pri-ate Ca*acit) as <eneral Administrator of said account Droit' Droit' T%is ser-es Notice t%at )our offer %as been Acce*ted as +aluable Consideration and Returned for +alue# T%is *ro*ert) is 0em*t from Le-)# Please AdKust t%is Account for t%e Proceeds' Products' Accounts and !i0tures and Release T%e Order>s@ of T%e Court to Me "mmediatel)# Ma$e adKustment and close t%is account immediatel)' wit% *reKudice# " acce*t )our Oat%' Oat% of Office ,ecurit) A&reement' Constitutions as b)laws' and Malfeasance /ond and *lace )ou in t%e Pri-ate commencin& t%is self-e0ecutin& bindin& contract between )ou and "# !urt%er' " a**oint )ou trustee I!ull) Personall) Liable NowJ on )our %onor and solemn Oat% to *erform )our obli&ations and duties to Protect M) un-a-lien-able Ri&%ts in )our !iduciar) Ca*acit) a&ainst an) and all claims' le&al actions' orders' warrants' Kud&ments' demands' liabilities' losses' foreclosure' de*ositions' summonses' lawsuits' costs' fines' liens' le-ies' *enalties' ta0es' dama&es' interests' and e0*enses w%atsoe-er' bot% absolute and contin&ent' as are due and as mi&%t become due' now e0istin& and as mi&%t %ereafter arise' and as mi&%t be suffered b)' im*osed on' and incurred b) Debtor for an) and e-er) reason' *ur*ose' and cause w%atsoe-er# Please %onor Obli&ation of <ood !ait% in Performance of )our Duties# Luid Pro Luos' an e8ual e0c%an&e or substitution# Ma0im of Common Law Luod *er recordum *robatum' non debet esse ne&atum# H%at is *ro-ed b) t%e record' ou&%t not to be denied# Ma0im of Common Law ,alus *o*uli est su*rema le0# T%e safet) of t%e *eo*le is t%e su*reme law# /aconBs Ma0# in Re&# 19( /roomBs Ma0# 1# T%is m) free will' -oluntar) act and deed true and lawful attorne)-in-fact to ma$e' e0ecute' seal' ac$nowled&e and deli-er under m) %and and seal' e0*licitl) reser-in& all ri&%ts wit%out *reKudice( /):MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ,ui .uris $nown as( .o%n of t%e &enealo&) of Doe /ailor for .OAN DO /ailee M MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Ran' Roe T%ird Part) Hitness D,ealed and deli-ered in t%e *resence of us#D MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM .ames' Roe T%ird Part) Hitness D,ealed and deli-ered in t%e *resence of us#D ,TAT O! "LL"NO", @ @ ,,: COUNTN O! COOO @ C RT"!"CAT O! ACONOHL D<M NT On t%is date t%e indi-idual named abo-e' in %is/%er stated ca*acit)' *ersonall) a**eared before me to e0ecute t%is ac$nowled&ement t%at t%is instrument was si&ned' sealed' and deli-ered as t%eir free will' -oluntar) act and deed to ma$e' e0ecute' seal' ac$nowled&e and deli-er under t%eir %and and seal -erified and aut%enticated for t%e uses and *ur*oses t%erein mentioned# ACTA PU/L"CA# MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM DAT A!!"P NOTARN , AL "! R LU"R D MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ,i&nature of NOTARN PU/L"C Date Commission 0*ires MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

NOT"C : Public acts defined: are t%ose w%ic% %a-e a *ublic aut%orit)' and w%ic% %a-e been made before *ublic officers' are aut%oriCed b) a *ublic seal' %a-e been made *ublic b) t%e aut%orit) of a ma&istrate' or w%ic% %a-e been e0tracted and been *ro*erl) aut%enticated from *ublic records# /lac$=s Law Dictionar) ,i0t% dition >*a&e 94@

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