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is Best

to December, BRITISH



Over the year January to December, 1946, throughout Australia, British cars outsold all from other countries by over two to one (sales figures were British, 7,584; from other countries, 3,644). And over the same year, January to December, 1946, Flying Standard Eight and Fourteen H.P. Models outsold all other British cars! Highlighting the long list of quality features are Independent Front Wheel Suspension-Rigid Full Length Box Section Frame-Twin Steel Safety Bodies -Four Speed Gear Box-ShaHerproof Safety GlaSf Windscreens-and Locking Luggage Trunks. ... Britain's finest Family Car. Britain's finest Economy Car.

Next Next Next Best Next Next Best ..

1,628 1,153 1,124 1,851 1,172 251

Cars from Other Countries




Flying Standard "FOURTEEN" Saloon Flying Standard "EIGHT" Tourer ...


568-576 ELIZABETH ST., MELB. - CENTRAL SHOWROOMS, Cnr. RUSSELL & LIT. COLLINS Telephone: FJ 2154 Open Daily till 5.30 p.m.; Saturdays till 12 noon


April, 1947.




Troubles with Tyres


The wise driver always carries suitable kit. This should include: I. A pair of overalls to protect your clothes. 2. A jack, capable of hoisting the car. 3. A tyre pump (in working order). 4. At least two strong tyre levers and a small mallet. 5. Vulcan ising outfit and valve extractor. 6. Wheel.brace, or serviceable spanners. 7. A tyre pressure-aauae and some old rags will prove useful.


Althoiujh. many motoring enthusiasts lack the equipment: or the conf~~en~e necessary to t?,ckle Jnajo.r repairs to the motor, all should [amiliariee th~rnselves unth. tI~e principles of ture-repuirina, There are few .motonsts .who can claim never to have experienced. unexpected flats uihile travellmg. New cars and old ones are both equally exposed to the dangers of sudden punctures. '


Although many motoring enthusiasts lack the equipment or the confidence necessary to tackle major repairs to the motor, all should familiarise themselves with the principles of tyre repairing. There are few motorists who can claim never to have experienced unexpected flats while travelling. New cars and old ones are both equally exposed to the dangers of sudden punctures. Numerous dangers attend blowouts. The sudden shock or the explosion may cause the driver to tread heavily on the brake - often with tragic consequences. Or he may serve violently in an effort to stop the car on the correct side of the road, in so doing losing control of the vehicle. The correct procedure is to apply the brakes gradually, but with ever-increasing force, meanwhile easing the car over to the correct side. The tube will most certainly be ruined and it is unlikely the tyre will be repairable. So it is wiser first to consider the car and the safety of yourself and any passengers. Sometimes the first warning of tyre trouble is a noticeable stiffness of the steering. Conversely the reverse may obtain, the car evincing a marked tendency to wander. A flat back tyre often causes violent skidding and bumping on rough roads.

ly to allow changing of the wheel. .When jacking a car it is advisable to chock the wheels. Cars ar~ very prone to slipping off the Jack on rough gradients.

Wh,eel nuts on old cars are exposed and obvious. In later models the wheel cap must first be prised off (with a screwdriver under the rim). This will allow access to the nuts. Wheel-changing in newer model cars is quite straightforward. Once the faulty wheel has been removed the spare can be fitted. Nuts should be tightened to the correct tension -not allowed to remain loose, but on the other hand not overstrained. The cap is pressed against the hub and struck deftly with the fist. An old method, once popular, involved changing the tyre complete with tube and a detachable rim. This was almost universal in American cars of early vintage. Changing these calls for special treatment. Somewhere along the rim of the wheel a small square opening is provided for the insertion of a screwdriver (usually directly opposite the valve stem). Rotate the wheel until this gap is at its lowest point. Prise the rim clear of the wheel. The tyre is now raised until the valvestern is freed. Reverse the process when refitting. The valve stem is first fitted before prtsing the rim back Various Old cars are usually hard to with the screwdriver. jack up once the tyre has com- points for attachments are propletely flattened out. It may be vided. If the fasteners rest in necessary to use two jacks before grooves in the tyre-rim make sure they are fitting snugly. the car can be raised sufficient-

Repairing Tyres
Methods will be determined by the type of tyre. The beadededge tyre has now almost entirely disappeared. Straightedged types of the drop-centre, well-base or split-rim variety having superseded them.

These were popular with American manufacturers. Henry Ford used them in his "A." The tyre is lifted out with levers in a manner similar to that used for bicycles. Mallet, rather than levers, should be used when refitting the tyre. WELL BASE. This is found on many old English cars, :and is becoming increasingly popular to-day both in U.S.A. and the U.K. Servicing differs little from the dropcentre type. Unless new, heavy duty tyres are being fitted the covers should be "walked" on. To do this fit one edge of the tyre. start the other with the levers and then proceed to tramp around on the tyre, periodically kicking the bead to assist it over the rim. Fitting will be easier if the beading is kept in the "well" as far as possible. As with the drop-



Aprll, 1947.

When refitting tyres avoid excessive use of levers. The bead is easily strained or broken. Mallets are therefore to be preferred. Stem-breaking in tubes is usually caused by a sloppy tyre with a strained beading.
SOME DO'S AND DON'TS. I. Do inflate tube a little before refitting. 2. Do remove all flints and nails in the covers. 3. Do keep tyres at correct inflation pressures. 4. Do use mallet wherever possible. 5. Don't strain the bead by lnjudicious use of levers. 6. Don't allow the tube to be 1 pinched by tyres or levers. 1 7. Don't fit oversize tubes in undersize tyres. 8. Don't undo the tyre before testing the valve. 9. Don't forget to replace the rim band. 10. Don't allow cracks in the walls to remain unmended.

Dismounting Raising Bead Over Rim Flange.

Modern Tyres. Final Stage in Removing Tyre.

centre commence opposite the valve stem, working both ways until meeting at the stem. SPLIT RIMS. The Motor Manual No.1 has already dealt fully with precautions to be taken when servicing the tyre such as is found on the army vehicles. The rim-retaining nuts must not be loosened until the tyre has been sufficiently deflated. Any transgression of this rule is likely to prevent the same person repeating the mistake. But the wheelnuts are fairly obvious to anyone with even a smattering of mechanical knowledge. The split rims used on older American cars are not easy to fit. Repair shops use a special rim expander for this purpose. Remove the valve core and unfasten any rim -locking device. Tap one end until the other overlaps it. Lever up the overlapping end. Grasp the rim in both hands and pull clear of the tyre. The tube and rim-band are now withdrawn. When fffitting, push the rim over the valve stem. Rest the rim around the bead. Work it over with tyre levers until the rim is again overlapping. (Use a mallet rather than levers, wherever possible.) Force the ends of the rim apart with screwdrivers and tap into position. The locking device prevents the edges flying apart when the

tyre is blown up. Should the ends part the tube will blowout. Fatal injuries may be caused by the rim, so make sure the ends fit neatly and inflate with caution. There is little danger of accidents once the rim has been fitted to the wheel. The rim band, of course, is tucked into the tyre before starting to refit. PUNCTURES. After the. tube has been removed inflate it and test for punctures. In hot climates patches must be vulcanised. A special clamp and the necessary patches are available at reasonable cost. Provided directions are followed no difficulty should be experienced handling them. Clean the tube with the scraper provided. Peel off the white taps and apply this side to the tube. The clamp must be screwed down very tightly. The success of your work will depend largely upon how tightly you screw down the patch. Screw down until the metal sides begin to bend. Scratch the composition with a nail or stout pin. Apply a lighted match, being careful to prevent pieces of burning material igniting the tube. Leave the tube for at least fifteen minutes before disturbing the clamp, The clamp and the metal dish may be taken off. Examine the tube for further leaks.

Prolong Your Tyre Life:

Look over yow' quently for stones, and b1'uises, ture frenails, cuts,

Check the wheel alignment occasionally, rear, as well as in front. Except in cases of extreme emeruencu, don't jam on the brakes. A qraduul application is the best for iures, It is not a good policy to run old ture on back wheels. A rear tyre blow-out can be fatal. Shift y.our tY1'es from wheel to wheel for even wear, including YOU1'spare. Taking corners at high speed wears tyres faster than anything. Check a new tyre or one that has been repaired after a few miles as it may lose pressure. Never allow the tyre pressure to fall below the maker's re-

commenda tione.

April, 1947.

Vol. 2.

and Informative
No. 13.

Who gets preference with new car Priorities?

trade secret in the motor industry is not what Ford or Chev are up to on production of the Australian car, but who is GREATEST getting the current output of all the new imported models.
Letters are beginning to crop up in the dailies with unremitting regularity, mainly written by returned soldiers whose applications are so long overlooked while they see less needful cases getting preference. This does not help the car distributors either, who are under the beck and call of the Directorate of Road Transport at Canberra - far removed from the maddening crowd.
Theoretically, the Priority Purchase' Plan has its idealisms, i.e., Permite ehould be granted which take many factors into consideration. 1: The date of claim. 2: The new vehicle's work. 3: Applicant's current car condition.

HE Government's inability to settle fhe Vietorian Metal Trades' Strike which began last November has put the brakes on vital components causing Ford at Geelong to lay off and curtail assembly because of spring shortages, etc. America is diverting its steels to house production and increased supplies of chassis are problematical. England's hopes of increased exports are restricted by raw material shortages. One big instrument maker laid off 13,000 hands because of this.

Meanwhile the dollar exchange bogey has held up American order increases and there is a swing to grant import licences in preference of utilities. This all calls for greater responsibility for the Directorate's allocation of car priorit~s and a policing by the people to see that Priority Permits are not abused or back-shelved in favour of those with financial influence. The present Permit Policy, however, has done much to prevent the spread of black marketing.

In addition to these qualifications is the availability of the model chosen. This, of course, is the root of all the evil. The position is gradually deteriorating and month by month hundreds of new applications exceed the deliveries. This all increases the waiting list by thousands in a few months, causing a position which cannot be picked up, worsening with each month.

Subscriptions to THE AUSTRALIAN the Publishers, 17 I<nox Place, Melbourne,

MONTHLY MOTOR MANUAL are post free at 12/- per year from C.I, or from your local newsagent or the distributors, Gordon & MELBOURNE, Douglas Nixon, Phone Central 2223. Sydney.


George Strickland, 38 Mends st., South Perth.



April, 1947.

Zenith Carburetter
HE Zenith down draught type, embodies the well known principles of main and compensating jets. Fuel from the pump passes through the union, the filter and the needle seating into the float chamber. As the float rises it will close the needle on its seating, thus regulating the flow of the fuel.




Contains the main jet, the compensating jet, the capacity well, and the slow running jet. Fuel flows through the main and compensating jets and also rises in the capacity well. From the jets it flows along two separate channels into a common channel in the emulsion block attached to the float chamber. This main channel has its outlet in a nozzle which projects into the choke tube. The capacity well is in direct communication with the atmosphere and the compensating channel ih the emulsion block.

The Carburetter A Union and Filler. B Retaining Bolt. C. Choke Cable. D Choke and Throttle Interconnection. E Air Regulating Screw. F Slow Running Screw. G Throttle Connection. II Vacuum Pipe Union. .1 Flange Nut.


To obtain an easy start from cold the control on the dashboard should be pulled to its fullest extent and the engine should be given, by hand, a few turns to free the moving parts. Then pull the self-starter knob. When the engine is running release the strangler control to the second notch. In cold weather it may be necessary to hold the strangler control out for a few minutes while the engine warms up and to run the car for the first few minutes with the knob in the second notch. As soon as the engine is warm, however, the control knob should be pushed right in, otherwise the mixture will be too rich. If difficulty in starting the engine is experienced, ascertain that the strangler flap is closing properly and if necessary adjust the wire. A choked slow running jet wlll also cause difficulty. Jets should be cleaned only by blowing through them, either with a tyre pump or orally, or washing in petrol. On no account may wire be used. Make sure that the strangler flap opens fully, for if this sticks in a partially closed position it will restrict the speed of the car and increase fuel consumption. If the engine does not idle as slowly as desired, turn the screw (E) to the left to close the throttle slightly. A weak mixture may cause difficulty in slow running and this may be adjusted by turning the air regulating screw clockwise to enrich the mixture. Do not make the mixture too rIch or the engine will "hunt," or will tend to choke when slow running while warm.

The bowl of the carburetter should be removed occasionally for cleaning. Take out the two retaining bolts and the bowl will drop into the hand. On turning the bowl upside down the float will fall out and reveal the main and compensating jets at the bottom of the bowl. The jets are removed by fitting them into the squared end of one of the retaining bolts and using a spanner on the other end. The pipe connection from the petrol pump should be dismantled and the filter thoroughly cleaned in petrol. When reassembling take care that the fibre washers on both sides of the union are correctly replaced and that the washer against which the bowl fits is not damaged.

Zenith jet sizes usually run in fives; the higher the number the larger the jet. Standard settings are as follows:"Four"Seven" Choke Main .Jet Compensating .Jet Slow Running J7 .'i7 .50 "Eight" 23 00 "Ten" 23

50 60 llO

"Twelve" 25 10.5
60 55




Jet 60 Progression .Jet 50 Needle Seating i.s mrn. Capacity 2 Tube

US mm. 2

1.5 mm. 2

L~ mm.

1.5 mm.

Settings are likely to be varied according to special requirements. Do not, however, alter the jets unless you are quite sure that other parts of the engine, including sparking plugs, ignition and valves are in order, and that the compressIon is good. There are no moving parts in the Zenith carburetter, so that nothing can get out of adjustment when once set.

April, 19~7.



In the years prior to 1939 Sweden's automobile ies. As a result it is now in a position to underindustry was making great progress. In 1936 take a large scale production programme. Plans it is claimed the Swedish industry built trucks include 20,000 motor vehicles, 8,000 trucks and having the performance of similar American busses and 2,000 tractors per year. trucks and in 1939had passenger car production Latest indications are that the other company, at the same stage. A census at this period l showed that there were 250,000 automobiles Scania- Vabis, will concentrate on heavy duty , registered with 170,000odd persons directly en- vehicles, with a small number of automobiles. gaged in the trade. A third company, the Philipson Co., an organisation that prior to the war were importers and War years with the almost complete shutting off of oil caused a major upset but the two major assemblers of Chrysler, Dodge and D.K.W., units companies Volvo and Scania-Vabis transferred has expanded to the stage where they are protheir activities to rearmament, producing armducing a complete car similar to the German oured cars, tanks, artillery trucks, etc. D.K.W. This is the car we understand will be The Volvo Co. expanded greatly and emerged shortly introduced into Australia and for which from the war as a combination of five companthere should be a ready market. We understand engine. it is a two cylinder, two stroke

Two views of the Swedish D.K.W. type light car. Neat, clean lines, sound design and engineering, plus Sweden's world famous steels and metals should make a first class

On the new Philipson D:K.W. bonnet, grille and wings are assembled in one unit which lifts forward giving easy access to engine, transmission

and frons whl drin.


April, 1947.

English 8 & 10 h.p. Braking






The "Anglia" braking system is now of the same type (i.e., 10" brake drum) as the "Prefect." It is important that the operation of the brakes should be thoroughly understood before effecting any adjustments. It will be noted that the foot pedal operates both front and rear wheel brakes, the hand brake operates the rear wheel brakes only. As illustrated above, at the lower end of the brake pedal lever is a balance lever "A," one end of which is connected to the front brake rod "B" and the other end to the rear brake compression tube assembly "G." It is important that a gap of 1/16 to 1/8" is maintained between the end of the compression tube "G" and the shoulder of the plunger (as shown in the inset). The retracting spring is now connected at its rear end to the hand brake lever clevis pin and at its front end to the centre cross member. The swinging links "F" and "N" connect the front and rear brake operating lever assemblies "E" and "M" to the front axle beam and rear axle housing respectively. The movement of these links permit the brake operating levers to assume such a position that the effort applied to each is equally balanced between the two brakes concerned.

When the brake pedal is depressed the action causes the balance lever "A" to move rearward which first closes the gap in the front end of the compression tube and then pulls the rod "B" and pushes the compression tube "G" towards the rear. The rod "B" actuates the front brake operating lever assembly "E," thus bringing into operation the cables "C" and "D" and applying the front brakes. The rearward movement of the rear brake compression tube "G" puts the rear brake rod "J" into tension by the action of the lever "H" and causes the rear brakes to be applied through the medium of the rear brake operating lever assembly "M."

Application of the hand brake is effected by means of a pistol grip brake handle conveniently located on the left hand side of the driver. When the handle is drawn back the pull on the cable operates the hand brake lever "P," overcoming the tension of the retracting spring. This in turn operates the lever "H" through the medium of the slotted connecting link "S," independently of the foot brake operation, so putting the rear brake rod "J" into tension and applying the rear brakes only. Due to the sliding action of the rear brake compression tube assembly, the front brakes are not then applied.

April, 1947.




The method of operation of the brake shoe is clearly illustrated, and the following points should be carefully noted. The cable "A" (above) is connected to a hardened steel cone "B" so that when the cable is pulled, the movement of the cone causes the two hardned steel rollers "O" to roll along the inclined faces of the cone "B" thus forcing the operating links "D" outward. In order to centralise the brake shoes the housing "E" which contains this mechanism is free to slide in elongated holes in the brake housing plate "F" to which rt is attached by means of two studs "G." The castellated nut on ~ each stud maintains the spring washer "H" in " slight compression to provide a sliding contact.
It is important that these nuts must SOT 'be tightened hard down against the washer as this u:ill prevent the brake shoes taking up their correct central position in the brake drum.

oJ C B C E

Normal adjustment for brake shoe lining wear may be effected by screwing in each adjusting wedge as may be required.

The housing "E" retains a supply of lubricant and reauires no adjustment, so that it should not be necessary to remove it, or any of its component parts, from the brake housing plate when the brake shoes are removed. The cotter pins "J" prevent the links coming out of the housing. The adjusting wedge consists of a hardened steel cone on a screwed stem which is carried in the adjusting linkage housing.

If fitting relined shoes it will be necessary to slacken off the two screws securing the adjusting wedge housing to the brake plate, screwing the adjuster in a clockwise direction until the shoes are tight in the drums. Then firmly tighten up the securing screws and slacken off the adjuster wedge approximately two notches to give the necessary clearance between the brake drums and the linings. It is essential when carrying out the above that the brake operating cone housing is free to slide in the elongated holes.

More Motors Registered Last Year

According to figures released this month by the Commonwealth Statistician (Dr. Roland Wilson), motor vehicle registrations in Australia increased by 100616 during 1946. ' . The regi~trations totalled 961,059 compared with 860,443 twelve months ago, and with 886,190 In 1938. Of the total, 528,507 are motor cars 356173 are commercial vehicles, and 76,379 are motor vehicles. ' ,

A Hope That Came True

In Changi P.O.W. camp in 1943, in a tin shanty which was the living quarters of three men, including Major Roy Maynard, pathologist of Changi Hospital, and Captain "Bill" Dixon of Preston Motor Pty. Ltd., it was the custom to gather every night for bridge. Card playing was officially frowned upon by the Japanese but that didn't worry these Australians, naturally. Major Maynard had always been car-minded, and the conversation usually drifted around to cars, and particularly post-war cars. "When you're back in the business, Bill," he said to Captain Dixon one night, "I'll buy the first Buick you have to sell." At that time, with the war going against us, the chances of buying a car didn't seem very bright, but his words were to prove prophetic. Four years later, the Land Transport Board issued the first priorities for the purchase of the post-war Buick, and the first permit holder to collect his car was Dr. Roy Maynard, who took delivery from his old friend "Bill" Dixon, now Buick Sales Manager for Preston Motors, on Saturday, 15th March. .




April., 1947.

An entirely new 16 h.p, 6 cylinder car, available in two body styles, a saloon and convertible coupe. Luxuriously appointed, imported coachwork of ultramodern design and complete with air conditioning. Price 1665 Saloon, 1465 Coupe, plus tax.

Three models in production: 8, 10, 16 h.p., all with 4 cylinders. The 8 available as a tourer, roadster or saloon, the other two as saloons. The 16 has all imported coachwork and overhead valves. Prices 8 Roadster 403/10/-, Tourer 410, Saloon 530. 10 Saloon 580, 16 Saloon 920 plus tax.

Available in 2 models. D 25 C model sedan of 25 h.p. and the Custom sedan of 27 h.p. and equipped with Chrysler type flui~ drive. Both have side valves and the larger model is beautifully appointed and capable of a very fine performance. Independent front suspension. Prices D 25 C, 684, Custom Sedan 885 plus tax.

well appointed coachwork gives accommodation for five passengers. Price is not yet available.

Three models are available, the 8 h.p. Anglia, 10 h.p. Prefect

Exclusive English Sports Saloon, in three models of It, 2! and 3~ Iitres. The It litre has 4 cylinders and the two larger types 6, all have overhead valves. Capable of high performance and fitted with imported bodies they are priced at 1125, 1365and 1475plus tax respectively.

a Catalogue of

Model 8/40 sedan, straight 8 --cylinder engine of 30 h.p. with overhead valves. Luxuriously appointed bodies with either cloth or leather upholstery, with accommodation for six. Independent coil springs on all four wheels. Price 935 plus tax.



Two models, the Stylemaster and F'leetmaster, both sedans, 30 h.p, 6 cylinders, overhead valves. Well appointed bodies by Holdens, with either leather or Bedford cord upholstery. Independent suspension. Price Stylemaster 610, Fleetmaster 630 plus tax.

a Ln--dt-h-e-F-o-r-d--30-h-.-P. -V---8-. -T-h-e------

,. .,

former is produced as an attractive tourer, as well as a sedan. All have side valves and the usual transverse. springing. CITROEN. Prices Anglia Tourer 360. AnAn all imported, low slung, 15 glia Sedan 410, Prefect Sedan h.p. saloon with front wheel 428, V-8 Sedan 614. drtve, Design of integral construction with torsion bar HILLMAN. Available as saloon, also atspringing. tractive convertible coupe, 10 h.p. Price 750 plus tax. 4 cylinder side valves. AccomDAIMLER. modation for four with economiAll imported saloon with very cal performance. narrow pillars. 18 h.p. 6 cylindPrice 535 plus tax. er with overhead valves and incorporating the Daimler Fluid HUDSON. Flywheel transmission. LuxuriSix cylinder sedan with acously appointed with accommo- commodation for six. Fast .perdation for five passengers. Intormance 21 h.p, engine with side valves. Available with either dependent suspension. cord or leather upholstery. Price 1550 plus tax. Price 795 plus tax.


The only 10 h.p. car equipped with fluid drive it also has independent suspension, overhead valves and an all-imported body. Price 895 plus tax.

A modern version of a famous old make, the 14 h.p. saloon is a high performance sports car. Four cylinders with special L.F. valve gear, it is beautifully designed and is equipped with an imported English body. Price 1450 plus tax.

A 6 passenger sedan of 27 h.p, with a rugged side valve 6 cylinder engine. Well appointed along useful lines with plenty of luggage space. Price not yet available.


The Super Snipe Saloon is a fine English car of 27 h.p. A powerful 6 cylinder, side valve engine gives a very high performance. and acceleration. The

The luxury car of the Ford range, a V-8 cylinder, with side valves and 32 h.p. Big and roomy it has accommodation for six and a very high performance. Transverse springing. Price 695 plus tax.

April, 1947.


A Nuffield product the T.C. model is a sports car of outstanding performance. A 10 h.p. 4 cylinder with overhead valves it is available as a roadster only. Price 612 plus tax.

A 4 cylinder sports roadster of 10 h.p, and overhead valves. Independent coil front suspension. Six wheel equipment. Price not yet available. A 2 cylinder 3 wheel cycle car . with good performance and ~. economy. Price 385 plus tax.

1947 Dodge Six "Custom"

Model Sedan with Fluid Drive.

Two models at present in production. 8 h.p, tourer and roadster and 10 h.p. saloon. The 8/40's are economical and fitted with a 4 cylinder side valve engine. The 10 is a 4 cylinder overhead valve car, with integral body and chassis design. Prices 8 Roadster 394/10/-, Tourer 402/10/-, 10 Saloon 590, plus tax.

Two models available, the 600 light six of 23 h.p. with side valves and the Ambassador Six 27 h.p. with OVErhead valves. Both are well appointed sedans with independent coil suspension and six passenger accommodation. Prices 720 and 795 plus tax respectively.

1947 Lea-Francis


Saloon with Imported Work.



A handsome sedan with a 29 h.p. side valve engine and good all round performance. Available with either cord or leather upholstery. Price 770 plus tax.

The famous "Clipper" in two models; a 6 and an 8 with side valves. Both cars are six passenger sedans of outstanding design and luxurious appointments. Interiors are beautifully appointed with upholstery in either cord or leather. Prices Six 1170, Eight 1220 plus tax.

A Chrysler product, the Plymouth is a six cylinder 25 h.p. sedan with side valves and good

1947 Nash "600" Sedan

with 23 h.p. Light

Six Engine.





.all round performance. It is well fitted and has accommodation for 6 passengers. Price 685 plus tax.

now on display 1

Prices 10 .sedan
448, 14


499, Tourer %62 plus sales


A 6 cylinder side valve sedan of 30 h.p. and independent front suspension. Well appointed with accommodation for 6 persons, it has a good performance and great reliability. Price 736 plus tax.

Two models, the i.O h.p. Wyvern with either sedan or toured body and the 14 h.p, Senior Sedan. Tens have 4 cylinders and 14 has 6 cylinders, both with overhead valves -md independent front suspens:


Two models available, a 10 and an 18 h. n. saloon. The 10 has 4 cylinders, the 18, 6; and both have overhead valve engines. Bodies are well appointed and have plenty of accommodation. Price 18, 970; 10, 675 plus

A l! litre sports saloon with imported coachwork. A four cylinder overhead valve engine supplies the power and springing is by use of torsion bars; One. of the few English cars With builtin headlights. Price U81 plus tax.

The Super Ten chassis in two body styles, a saloon and the smart sportsmaster tourer. 10 h.p. overhead valve engine with overhead camshaft and remote control gearbox. The tourer has glass sides and accommodation for 5 persons. Prices Saloon 595, Tourer 520 plus sales tax.

The well known 8 h.p. in two body styles, a tourer and a roadster and the 14 h.p, saloon. All hav~ slow revving 4 cylinder engines with side valves and economical road performance. The 14 is' a 6 passenger car with plenty of luggage space. Prices 8 Roadster 1:4168 Tourer 422, 8 Saloo:p. 501, 14 Saloon 645, all plus tax.

Lncorporating the A Ibanite" ment of The Thomas A.


Lnsulator-s--a de .. elopEdison Laboratories,

Supplementing an extensive range of "Standard-type" plugs, Edison now provides a "Special" Line for added motor efficiency '.' each model serving an entirely different purpose each giving the maximum performance for its specific job.
The nSpecial" Line can be easily identified by a new packet, illustrated above, which carries underneath a complete Schematic Thermal Rating Chart, 01' "With Z.101B, a Recommendstion-Adviee, to ensure correct type selection,

The Skyway Champion, an attractive medium sized sedan with a 20 h.p. 6 cylinder engine with side valves and a good yet economical performance. Price 795 plus tax.

18 m/m. dlcrn. thread 14 m/m. diam. threadConfined to high Principally engineered for compression a r duo u s late model cars. trucks. running-severe condi- molar cycles-high revving tions. and lor hot running dean motors.

An unusual and attractive car available in two body styles, a saloon with razor-edged coachwork and a .smart sports roadster. T:h~ motor is a 14 h.p. 4 cylinder unit with OVerhead valves. Price Saloon 1400 plus tax.





H.C. 72 ONLY


14m [m, diam. thread - This version covers with lhe exceplion of extreme oily conditions. a large field of low, medium to H.C. operations.

7/8" diam. thread-Dissipales heal and runs colder more rapidly than "slandard" types - for strenuous operation.







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38 -18 ~7COMPLETE
tax and installation) ~

Exclusive Tailored Controls. In addition to the universal controls (as illustrated) specially tailored controls are available, at no extra cost, to match the instrument panel fittings on the latest models of Chevrolet.






April, 1947.


When autumn comes, the thoughts of many nature lovers turn from wild flowers to flowerless plants - the Toadstools; while mushrooms lure hosts of people into the open before the milkman has half finished his rounds. Paddocks where sheep graze are good hunting grounds; but mushrooms grow also along sandy roadsides, beneath the coastal tea-tree, and in many other places, where competition from youngsters with billycans and buckets is unlikely to spoil the early motorist's sportwhen he goes fungus hunting. We have in Australia a bewildering variety of fungi; perhaps nearly 2,000 kinds of agarics or gilled fungi, forming the family to which the common mushroom and the toadstools belong. Some of them are edible; many are poisonous. Unfortunately, there is no infallible rule for distinguishing between edible and toxic kinds; and to make expertments or "take a risk," is mere foolishness. My friend, Mr. J. H. Willis of the National Herbarium, 'a leading authority, has emphasised this in his book on Victorian fungi; dismissing summarily the claims that bright colours, certain odours, difficulty in peeling, blackening of silver spoons, etc., are indicative of poisonous qualities. Some edible fungus plants exhibit these features, while highly dangerous kinds often do not. There is only one safe rule: Eat only what is above suspicion. One can learn to recognise "good" fungi when one sees them. It is worth while becoming acquainted with their botanical features.

The deadly fly agaric, which,' happily, is rare here, is responsible for 90 per cent. of the deaths caused by fungal poisoning in European and other countries where it grows freely. One of our largest toadstools, an Amanita with a creamy or

By Charles Barrett
Gems of the bush are many of the toadstools, with their bright colours and elegant shapes. Among the Mycenas are fairysized plants which grow in clusters on dead or decaying wood,

CLnd their Kin
ochre-coloured cap and stem, is a cousin of the fly agaric. Often found growing in forest and scrubland, in the young stage it may be recognised by warts on its cap. Some of the graceful parasol toadstools (Leplota) are edible. Fleshy, with white spores, they have ringed stems, but lack the basal cup or velva present in the Amanitas. All the Lepiotas are elegant plants with slender stems and dainty caps. One kind is called the "ble-eding parasol," because when handled, it becomes ~rims.on-stained all over. Another curious toadstool, the "shaggy cap," a species of Coprirnus, at maturity becomes inky; the gills of the hood tu~n from white to black and begin to liquefy. Soon the shapely little toadstool becomes unsightly, with black liquid oozing from a shaggy cylindrical cap. Members of the Coprinus clan flourish in rich pastureland, also in gardens and on lawns - and manure heaps.


or among leaf debris on the ground. One kind with an inchlong stem has a blood-red cap; while the "Pixies' parasol" is blue, and a third Mycena has a hood of pale grey-green. The Cortinars are their rivals in colour beauty and deserve all the praise they have received from botanists who are also lovers of living plants. You may see the brilliant sanguineous Cortinar's ox-blood red cap shining among mosses and ferns in a gully. This is one of our fines.t species; but other Cortinars display beautiful colours: purple, violet, vivid orange, scarlet, and bottle-green.

April, 1947.

THE AUSTRALIAN MONTHLY MOTOR MANUAL. pageant of the deciduous trees. But Morchella appears in the springtime - when nature is staging her green pageant, not that of the many-coloured leaves - "yellow, and pale and black, and hectic red." The Ancient Romans, who ate with great relish a species of morel closely related to that found in temperate Australia, were not nature lovers, but they had a proper appreciation of the good things produced by mother earth, from fungi to figs.


Russula emetica belongs to a group of brittle toadstools with hot and acrid, milky flesh. Charming in appearance, with its crimson-lake coloured cap, white gills and white or pinkish stem,emetica bears an evil reputation and should be regarded .as a poisonous toadstool.

Oddities of the fungus world really deserve more than honorable mention. Consider the vegetable caterpillars (Cordyceps) , which are a combinattoa of plant and animal: spores of a fungus are swallowed by a caterpillar, or adhere to its skin, and germinating, they grow until the victim's body is ramified with white fungal threads. Then the fruiting portion of the plant is developed in the form of a stem with branches, springing from a mummy-caterpillar.

Boletus Pnrtentosus.

The common field mushroom (Psallito campestris) even in the "button" stage, is distinguished by its bright pink gills, which, as in all other members of the genus, finally become chocolate-brown. The cap or hood varies considerably: it may, be smooth and silvery-white, or reddish-brown and scaly. The "horse mushroom," besides being larger and coarser than its delicious ally of the grass paddocks, possesses a gouty stem bearing a double-layered ring; while the silvery-white cap may be high and loaf-shaped. Classed among the edible species, often it is included in a mushroom hunter's gathering, for it favours grassy places and flourishes on moist green flats. AU the morels are edible, the best known being Morchella exulenta. They are quite unlike the common mushroom and toadstools, and are used chiefly in flavouring soups, sauces, and gravies. Morels grow mostly in bush country: I have found them in the Dandenongs; also at Macedon, which is always worth visiting in autumn for the pleasure of seeing the

Just then



It's as easy as that just sponge the surface, then flush with hose. No chamoising. No streaks or spots. G.U.D. Miracle Car Wash is a concentrated cleaning liquidentirely free fr-om soap, acid or harmful alkalies. Economical too - only 2 ozs, required a bucket of water.

. Your Garagema..n stocks it!

G.U.D. Manufacturing Co. Pty. Ltd., Melbourne.



April, 1947.

ELL KNOWN for their good looks and durability, De Soto cars are particularly noted for up to the minute design. Products of the Chrysler-Dodge group, they incorporate man,Y of, Chrysler's fine features. There are two models for 1947. A Custom Six Sedan with Fluid Drive, and a standard model known as the "Diplomat" Special de Luxe. The car under review is the Diplomat, and the larger model will be dealt with at a later date.

1947 De So to "Diplomat"


DESIGN. De Soto's "Safetysteel" body desrgn Is modern and well streamlined, but, at the same time, carefully thought out with a view to utility. The radiator grille is massive, and consists of heavy, vertical chrome bars. Wings are short and tapered into the sides with built-in headlights. The sides are sloped out to cover the running boards which are completely enclosed. The body slopes neatly down to the rear end, incorporating the luggage trunk within the streamlining, thus doing away with the bulge at the rear. INTERIOR. Passenger comfort is well provided for in De Soto. Seats are leather upholstered well sprung, with form fitting backs that shoulder high. There is ample' room for adults and their luggage. Ventilation is on the and are six the

draught free principle and ensures a. free, draughtless circulation of air. The instrument panel is attractively fitted with glove box, dial lights, and provision for radio. Speedometer numerals are on a dark, non-glaring background. Heavy chrome trim is used throughout. The rear visibility is improved by the new, large rear window. The division bar has been cut out and a curved glass panel substituted. The body is cushioned on the chassis so that interior vibration is reduced to a minimum. NEW FEATURES. The electrical system has been tidied up considerably and mounted more accessibly. A high capacity rotor type oil pump replaces the gear pump and provides a more constant oil pressure at low speeds.

April, 1947.



Water pumps are assembled to the engines by cap screws, instead of studs, thus permitting easy removal of the pump without disturbing the radiator core. The engine also has rib reinforced, camground, light-weight aluminium pistons, with vibration damper. Pistons have four rings each . The front brakes have been improved and now have individual cylinders and pistons mounted on opposite sides of the drums. They also require less pedal pressure. The universals have been given longer life by the use of a self aligning needle bearing cross for the front joint instead of the former ball and trunion type . Easier action of the gear shift is promised by a redesigned return spring for the remote controlled gear shift rod.

The engine is the usual big square Chrysler unit with side valves and high output. Rated at 27 h.p., it develops 95 at 3,400 revs. It is of high torque and is rubber mounted in a frame of the double channel box section type of exceptional strength, and heavily cross braced transmission is through a single plate clutch and a synchro-mesh three speed gearbox.

The road performance of the car is good, and quite a high cruising speed can be maintained

over long distances. It is comfortable and very stable, even on corners ,and steering is firm and positive. The De Soto "Diplomat" is a fine car in the Chrysler tradition, and following past design and practice, plus the addition of many new features, provides a car that is capable of reliable performance over a very long period. This De Soto will give honest hard work over many thousands of miles. Note. - Fluid drive, a feature of the larger "Custom" model, is not yet available on the "Diplomat" Special de Luxe.

SPECIFICATIONS. ENGINE. High torque slx-eyllnder "L" head type. Floating power mountings. Bore, 33/8 in. Stroke, 4 1/16 in. Piston displacement, 218.06 cu. ins. S.A.E. horse power, 27.34. Developed brake horsepower, 95 at 3,600 r.p.m, Compression ratio, 6.5: I. U-slot, cam-around, plated aluminium plstons with four coated piston rings each. TRANSMISSION. Synchro silent transmission, with helical gears throughout. Three speeds forward and reverse. Lubricant capacity, 2-1/3 pints. CLUTCH. Single plate, dry, fully ventilated, 91/4 In. diameter. Ball thrust bearing, lubricant sealed

BRAKES. New improved type hydraulic, four wheeled, internal expanding, utilizinp an individual eylinder for each shoe in the front wheel brakes;

self-equalized and weather-prooted. Steel back ed, cast iron surface brake drums, diameter 10 ins. Separate external contracting hand brake. SUSPENSION. Independent front wheel suspension, with coil springs of sllleo manganese steel. Semi elliptic rear springs; length, 53-5/8 lns.; Width, 1-314 ins.; 10 silico manganese steel leaves. Front sway eliminator. WHEELS. Five steel disc wheels with safety rims; 16 x 6.00 tour-ply low pressure tyres. STEERING. Rubber-cushioned shockless worm and roller type. Adjustable tapered roller worm thrust bearings. Steering gear ratio, 18.2:I. Wheel diameter 17 ins. Remote control gearshift lever on steering column. DIMENSIONS. 117-1/2 ins. Overall length, 1981/4 ins. Overall width, 735116 ins.


















Til. Tweed River at Tweed Heads as seen from Razorback look-out, shows the Boyd's Bay bridge en the highway to Murwillumbah, about 65 miles ef Brisbane. Some of the State's most luuious sub-tropic landscape lines this route.

Near the concrete bridge at Clarendon, on the main road, 15 miles south of Adelaide, one may relax in the bushland or swim in this pool in tbe Onkaparinka River. (Our pictures are by courtesy of the T01Wist Bureaux in each State).

Hunting for Motoring Haunts

237..if}ht . Qhcto7..ian in thE


Bright is situated in the Ovens River Valley-196 miles from Melbourne via Wangaratta and 333 miles via Bairnsdale and Omeo, Possessing a delightful climate at an altitude of 1002 feet, the summer months are ideal whilst in winter it is a rendezvous for skiers bound for the snowfields. Mt. Buffalo is 22 milee out.


(in a is the grandtourist Hellya Golf

Burnie is on the North West Coast of Tasmania beautiful setting) and 225 miles from Hobart. It natural centre for visiting Tasmania and the rugged eur of the North West Coast. There are many attractions, amongst which are: Yalla-Wynyard, Gorge, Fernglade, and Snowport, Ferndene, etc. tennis, bowls and fishing may be indulged in.

Eurobin ,Falls (10 miles) Howell's Falls (9 miles) are scenes of rare beauty. Some of the finest scenery in the world may be viewed on a 12 miles trip to Tawonga Gap which overlooks the grelLt Kiewa,lley and the fast flowing Kiewa River and Mt; Bogong (6508 ft.) in the Australian Alps.

"#., .. ,.. '.. '.. 'N'N'N' ' ' ' ' . , . , .. , .. , .. _.,.,.,..,.,,,''.. ,.' .'N'N'N' ' .,.'' ,. .,..,... , .. ,.,...;"..'



April, 1947.

What to look for when bUJ)ing

THE CLUTCH. It is almost impossible to buy used clutch plates that have not been refaced. This is to the good, as a refaced plate works as well as a new one. Next, be sure that the splines in the hub are not worn. If they are the clutch plate will not fit firmly on the shaft and will cause backlash, which in turn will put a strain on the universals, pinions, etc. Also check the pressure plate for signs of heat cracks. If they are present, but only shallow, the plate can quite satisfactorily be reground. REAR AXLE ASSEMBLIES. The main thing to watch when buying a complete rear axle assembly is for a sprung housing. A piece of string stretched from end to end, and checked at the centre, will indicate any extreme condition that may be present. If the housing is not square, discard it as the crown wheel and pinion will be out of alignment. Check pinion and differential gear for wear, missing, teeth, etc. DISTRIBUTORS Before buying a distributor assembly, make sure that new points are fitted, and that there are no cracks in the cover or moulded casing. Holding it firmly, move the shaft and pinion from side to side, and check any movement. If this is apparent it will upset the timing, as the gap between the points will vary. GENERATORS. If a generator is purchased, It is a comparatively simple matter to inspect the commutator and brushes, and see if they are clean. If the commutator is filled with oil or grease, it has probably had its insulation damaged and in addition suggests that the bearings must be loose to allow so much lubricant to enter. Check the bearings for movement, and see that there is only a slight amount of end play in the shaft. STARTER MOTORS. Check starter motors in the same manner as a generator,

Second Hand Parts

Part ~
but starter components, such as small pin and spring inside the gears and springs are important weight to force against the too. The eccentric weight at the threaded shaft to keep the pinend of the pinion should not be ion assembly from drifting into loose, and there should be a mesh with the flywheel. 11111111111111111 111111111111111111 111111 111111 1I11111111n 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Money & Time!

This new Universal Seal.



Use the same Gasket many Prevents corrosion and head seizure!

o 0 Apply to etttire surfaces of new and old gaskets, bolts, studs, and spark plug threads. Resilient heat resisting seal impervious to all fuels, and practically all 'iquids, acids and gases. Your Garage. man stocks it!



Series (1M" 10 h.p, 1938/39 Models

I 2 3








3' 27


&. fUSE










Internal connection shown


dotted lines. Numbers indicate identification colours,

as listed in the key, top right.



April, 1947.

&(oto't cfli(anuaf'2

Plans for Building

A Masonite Family Caravan
~# # # # # # # # # #",#",#",#",# # #~# # # # # # # # , #",

The design we illustrate is based on the plans originally published in the first edition of Motor Manual and while it has been designed for Masonite Preswood, tough lighter materials may be substituted. The design is for a 4 berth job, using a standard It x It framing set on a 2 x 2 floor sills and bearers. First consideration is to secure a suitable chassis as assemblies from old cars are unsuitable. Trade made chassis are now available in all capital cities. ----------,---,----


ARAVAN building is a trade in itself, but it is still within the power of a home carpenter to apply his hand at a home on wheels. Main consideration of a caravan is to make it sturdy enough to withstand our corrugated roads. The severe shaking will test all screwing and fitting. The heavy weight of a ruggedly constructed job is likely to prove a disadvantage when the van is heavily loaded on Q trip.






April, 1947.



Constructional Instructions for building

This is the first part of our plans for building . 4 berth Caravan. Interior and specificatione will be published in our next issue.




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As nearly all caravan builders have different methods of approach for constructing the framework, this must be left to the individual according to the space and time he has at his disposal; many prefer to start with the floor frame, as this provides a basis for fitting the sides which can be constructed on the unit frame principle. There are many pointers for the uninitiated in caravan building and one' of the main problems is in the location of the axle. It must not be dead centre because it will cause the car to bob as it see-saws. It is often preferred to have about 200 to 300 lbs. weight on the coupling as it ensures smoother pulling.

Thus the wheels should be placed slightly to the rear. The easiest way to locate them is to try and estimate the section length that would add about the 200 to 300 lb. weight to the draw bar. As a hint when hitching caravans to cars this weight can be lightened by asking a friend to stand in the rear of the caravan while it is being coupled. It will then be easier to hitch. The roof of your caravan is open to the use of many mater': ials: the best of which is aluminium sheets or painted canvas. Masonite can be used to make

a very strong roof. When usin~ this the joints must be madtf leakproof, especially because of the vibration. The seams should' be filled with a white-lead primer. They could then be taped over and the whole roof painted silver. Before all this is done the builder should be quite decided upon the electrical wiring and, if possible, the insulation. This is a necessary comfort in hot Australian climates -or if the caravan is to be used in the depth of winter. Finally, before the roof is sealed do" there is the question of the chimney flue, and, if needed, a roof ventilator. The building of a caravan has many pitfalls and takes infinitely more time to construct than one imagines. It will roll from side to side on tow if the axle is not wide enough. If the springs are too flexible it will do likewise. A strong coupling is a necessitv as many caravans parted company from the car during the- last summer. The N.R.M.A. advise the fitting of a spare chain as a precaution. (To be continued).



April, 1947.

1!et ~ gJitch Camp . . and where

set up a canvas home on a recognized
In N.S.W.



In Victoria

In W.A.
ALBANY, MIDDLETON BEACH. 3 miles east from Albany. Good surfing. Fishing from jetty. Cottages and bungalows to let (bookings in advance). Scheme water on site. No shade or shelter, LOWER KING RIVER CAMP SITE. 10 miles North-East of Albany. Sanitary conveniences. Ideal for caravan camping. Firewood. Scheme water laid on. Fishing, boating. Good shade and shelter. FLINDERS BAY. . 2t miles from South of Augusta. Firewood bought locally; water laid on; furnished cottages and bungalows; surfing, fishing; plenty of shade and shelter. OCEAN BEACH CAMP SITE. Five miles south-west of Den~ark .. SUItable caravan campmg. Firewood and water available; good fishing, boats for hire; shooting. By courtesy of R.A.C. of W.A.

KIAMA. LONGWARRY NORTH. Area on Blowhole Point. Caretaker C. Dawes or Town Clerk. Picnic Point Camping Park. Camp at Kiama Showground On Princes Highway; 5 miles h from Drouin. Good water supArea a t C apman's Point. (70.5 ply. Firewood! fireplaces, sanlMiles.) tary conveniences. stores from JERVIS BAY. refreshment room. AccommoHyam Beach. Camping ground date 20 parties. at Beach. (121.5 Miles.) THE ENTRANCE. LORNE. Area at The Entrance. Care. Queens Park Camping Park. taker on ground. Area opposite ! mile from Post Office, close to War MEmorial. (67.5 Miles.) Pacific Hotel. Well sheltered. FORSTER. Open throughout year, water Area at foot of Pilot Hill con- connected. Firewood, fireplaces, trolled by Forster Urban Com- sanitation. Campers' lounge, mittee. Caretaker in attend- kitchen, laundry, showers and ance. hand basins. Warriewood Cabins, Phone 45. Birchgrove Residential Cabins APOLLO BAY. Phone 62. '. l' Garfield Cabins ~Ituated " mile from Town. ShIP, on Ocean Road, between ORANGE. Apollo Bay and Hordern Vale. ThEre are two. camping Open always, fresh water, fire-! grounds here, 165 miles from wood delivered to area SanitaSydney. At Bloomfield Park . .... there is a caretaker. Also a tion. Electncally lit! stores in Tourist Camp at the Orange town. Showground. BlI courtesy of N.R.M.A. By courtesy of R.A.C.V.

Thomas Evans
"The House for Canvas"

415-419 BOURKE STREET, MELBOURNE. Manufacturers of the famous "M 0 n s 0 0 n" Brand Square Motor Tents. Easily the most popular tent with motorists. Consult us for all your camping needs. Telephone: M 1401 (4 lines).

April, 1947.





A real ity at last

Ye weary wayfarM' on tour in Vict01'ia welcomes the dozens of Comfort Station conveniences erected at leading tourist stopping places. The Public Works Department augments local council's expenditure for their' construction, but they are maintained by local councils.

The Victorian' Tourist Resorts Committee is an advisory body that prepares schemes and recommends subsidies towards the cost of tourist improvement works throughout the State. Most of the projects are carried out by the Public Works' Department. These include the equipning of public camping and caravan parks; the development of National Parks and the provision of improvements and amenities at popular tourist reserves. The establishment of such a chain of "Roadside Rests" is envisaged for the main tourist highways. The scheme developed includes the provision of sewered toilets; water supply; picnic shelters with seats, tables and fireplaces at convenient locations along the route. The Ocean Road, from Geelong to Apollo Bay, is one highway being treated. Work, held up during the war years. is being continued as materials are available. The construction of Comfort Sta tions in provincia 1 towns is also being subsidised, as part of Government policy. These buildings, located centrally in the townships, have all the requirements of modern sanitation. Road Rests, Camping Grounds and Caravan Parks are controlled by a Committee, appointed by the Lands Department. Comfort Stations by Local Governing bodies and such supervision is exercised by the control that cleanliness and order are maintained. All users of these conveniences should see that the regulations are complied with and that refuse is disposed of in accordance with instructions, that camp sites are kept clean and tidy and that no evidence of former occupancy remains after vacating. We are indebted to the Public Works Department Melbourne for photographs and information.

The Apollo Bay Comfort Station on the foreshore has men's and women's dressing shelters; sewered toilets and women's rest rooms. Local materials are used as far as possible and structure designed to blend in with the surroundings.

Photograph shows typical stone and log shelter, of rustic design to blend with the rugged environs, in the Cumberland River Camping Park. This provides picnicing facilities for tourists with a cosy fireplace alcove for colder days.





Regulating the Generator


CON NEf'IlI,JJ<j TO /INmON;") LIGHTS, ere.

TJu fields e] the generator deSPRING SOfT I! 1'#!1Ui upon the current derived IRON I CORE I !re~ the armature of the generaNr from. their magnetization. I Sino. the current developed by GROUND RETURN THRU ~RAME' the generator increases in direct GENERATOR ';'-----:;.=.=-------prop"rtion to its speed, the fields become stronger as the speed inerease and correspondingly more regulating relay consists of a c h a r gin g current :nowinr; eurrent: is generated by the armathrough the regulator Winding. ture. The extreme variations in soft iron core, a heavy winding or current coil around the core, This current flowing through the spud of the automotive engine a set of regulator contact points regulator winding will magnetize makes it necessary to regulate the normally held closed by spring the core, which in turn exerts a .utput of the generator to prevent unit magnetic pull on the regulator excessive current overload. On tension, and a resistance contact arm tending to separate the average motor vehicle, a connected across the two reguthe contacts. VVhen the battery charging current in excess of 12 lator contact points. As the generator speed in- charging current reaches the to 15 amperes may be harmful to creases, this vibrating relay con- value for which the regulator is a fully charged battery if contintrols the current output of the adjusted, the core is sufficientued too long. With the increased ly magnetized to attract the generator by cutting a resistuse 01 electrical accessories, genance intermittently in and out of contact arm, overcoming the erators have been increased in outthe shunt field circuit as the pull of the regulator' spring. put until they are capable of proregulator contact points open This separates the contact points ucing 25 to '35 amperes. Regulaand close due to the varying which inserts the resistance tion to-day is therefore more vital magnetic pull of the core. The unit in series with the shunt than ever before.


There are at the present time two popular methods of regulating the output of a generator. These are the vibrating relay method and the third brush method. A number of other forms have been used in the past but most of these are now obsolete.

Cur'renf RegulatfonThe Vibrating relay can be used to regulate the current or the voltage, depending on how the regulator coil is connected. A circuit diagram of a typical Vibrating relay regulator used for limiting the current from the generator is shown above. The

resistance unit is connected in the shunt field circuit but is normally short circuited by the regulator contacts when they are closed, one of which is mounted on a soft iron contact arm to which is attached the spring for holding the points in contact. The generator, when driven by the engine, builds up as a simple shunt wound generator, the shunt field current flowing from the positive (---t-l brush through the contact points, through the field winding to the negative (-) brush. VVhen the speed and voltage of the generator are increased sufficiently to close the cut-out. the generator will begin to charge the battery, the

field winding and weakens the field strength. This causes a drop in voltage generated in the armature and consequently the charging current decreases. When the current decreases to a predetermined amount, the current coil does not magnetize the core sufficiently to overcome the pull of the spring which then closes the contacts. With the contacts closed, the resistance unit is' once more short circuited and the full field strength is restored, causing the charging current to increase again. The regulator will continue to repeat this cycle. Under operating conditions, the con(Continued on Page 25l.

April, 1947.



Chev. & Jeep Station Waggons

They will do Car & Truck Duties

.. '" unu:llUal addition to the new Chevrolet range will be this spacious llm panelled station waggon. It has all the advantages of the panel 11_, ,lm demountable seats with the comfort of a sedan .

The sturdy 15 h.p. Willys Jeep engine has appeared in its first glamour garb. This new model is now on show and is certainly attractive with its maroon bonnet and cream and tan steel body. It is designed for hard work but is fitted up like a saloon, beautifully lined inside with butlt-in lighting and luxury fittings with modern tube steel detachable seats. These will move out to make 100 cubic feet of delivery space. For greater operational economy there is an automatic overdrive. It has rear wheel drive only an.d will sell for 740 plus tax.

(Continued from Page 24). tact arm vibrates rapidly enough to keep the generator output constant. As a result, the generator will never charge the battery above a predetermined rate (for example, 20 amperes), no matter how high the speed of the car. This will be true regardless of whether the battery is fully charged or completely discharged.

Iation, since the current output of the generator is used for regulation. It is, therefore, very important that no breaks occur in the charging circuit after the generator reaches a voltage sufficient to operate the cut-out. If a break does occur, no current will flow through the current coil to operate the vibrating points and the generator will build up an excessive voltage at high speeds due to lack of regulation.

This method of generator regulation is termed current regu-

In all electrical systems controlled by a vibrating relay, the

charging rate of the generator can be easily adjusted. To increase the maximum charging rate, the spring tension on the vibrating contact arm should be increased slightly, and to decrease the maximum charging rate, the spring tension should be decreased. Care must be taken that the generator output does not exceed that for which it was designed. Next Month: Regulating the Generator continued, featuring Volta,ge Regulation.



April, 1947.

TRIUMPH "1800"
Britain s



One of the most interesting cars to come to Australia is the new Triumph "1800." This new British car is manufactured by the Standard Motor Company Limited of Coventry, manufacturers of "Flying" Standard cars. This is one of the first postwar engineered British cars to reach the Australian market. There are two models available, a Saloon and a Sports Roadster. The saloon is a car of outstanding appearance, in that it is the first car to come to this country with knife edged coachwork. The Roadster has many new and interesting features hitherto unknown here.

The interiors of both cars are luxuriously appointed and are upholstered in soft hide. Beautifully hand polished window reveals and facia panels are used. The steering wheel has only two spokes, and the gear lever is mounted on the steering column. Seats are adjustable, and are provided with centre folding armrests in both front and rear, as well as at the sides. All instruments are neatly recessed, and include an electric clock. Almost every conceivable extra is fitted, for the comfort and convenience of both driver and passengers.




Unlike the saloon, the roadster is designed on normal curved lines, with rounded streamlined wings and rear end. It has glass sides and a smart convertible top that folds back out of sight. There are no running boards, and the roadster body seats three comfortably in the front, and two in the back. The lid of the back compartment is divided into two, and when raised the back half provides the back of the seat, and the front half an attractive back windscreen.

The engine is a four cylinder unit of fourteen horsepower, with overhead valves, push roc opera ted from harmonic cams. It has high efficiency combustion chambers and a compression ratio of 7.5 to 1. The three bearing crankshaft has integral balance weights, and the pistons are of aluminium alloy. There is a hot spot induction pipe and a Solex downdraught carbuetter. The drive is through a single dry plate clutch, to a four speed synchro mesh gearbox, with a remote control lever. The frame is of very rigid design, and unusual in that it is tubular in construction, with deep box sections welded to the side members. The suspension is independent transverse type at the front, and soft semi eliptic springs at the rear, assisted by

~pril, 1947.




the Streamlined lines of 1947

Luvax-Girling piston type hydraulic shock absorbers on all four wheels. Brakes are hydraulic Girling, with automatic adjustment. SPECIFICATIONS.
ENGINE. Four-cylinder 14 h.p. with overhead valves. Bore 73 mm x Stroke 106 mm. Capacity 1776 ces. Development 65 b.h.p.; at 4500 r.p.m. Compression Ratio 7.5 to 1. TRANSM ISSION. Borg and Beck single dry plate clutch, and 4-speed synchro mesh helical gears. Lever on steering column. SUSPENSION. Independent front suspension with single transverse spring. Semi-eliptic rear springs. absorbers. BRAKES. Girlil1g hydraulic four-wheel brakes with mechanical "Pull'" type handbrake. STEERING. MarIes cam and twin roller. Twospoke wheel of 17l-inch diameter. ELECTRICAL. 12 Volt Lucas electrical WHEELS. Steel disc wheels with large chrome caps. 16 x 5.75 tyres. DIMENSIONS. Wheelbase, 9 ft. Saloon-8ft. 4in. Roadster. Track, Front 4ft. 1iin. Rear 4ft. 61in. Length 14ft. 8ins. (Saloon). Width 5ft. 31ins. Height 5 ft. 31ins. (Saloon). Weight, 25 cwt. Turning circle, 40ft. (Saloon). system. Luvax Girling shock



The Saloon is a four door six window knife edge design, with accommodation for six. The wings sweep back along the sides and the square knife edges add a refreshing and distinctive note to the panelling. A large luggage compartment is fitted, and the spare wheel is housed in the lid, which when lowered forms an additional luggage platform. The squared off pillars are much narrower than usual thus giving much greater visability. GENERAL. On the road the car has an excellent performance, being both fast and comfortable, and altogether a most interesting English car that should appeal to people who like something exclusive but also want comfort combined with lavish equipment. Essentially a car for the connoisseur.

Overhead valves and Solex down draught carburation are features of the new 14 h.p, Triumph.






April, 194T.

More new






500 cc


The oil tank has a capacity of half a gallon. The primary chain is enclosed in an oil bath chain case. The frame is cradle type, particularly rigid and strong. Four speed gear box. Lugs are provided on both sides for side car attachment. Front forks are girder type, with bronze, bushed ground sptidIes. 3t gallon petrol tank. The Velocette M.S.S. Model 500 c.c, recently arrived in Australia, being the first of the post war shipments. The machine. model differs only slight~y from the pre-war EQUIPMENT. Tool equipment suitable for all adjustments is carried in on allmetal tool box; also carried is a grease gun and pump. Weight unladen is 365 pounds. Speed up to 80 m.p.h. solo, 65 m.p.h. when carrying light sports car with passenger. The price, 227 plus tax.

The engine is a 500 c.c. bore 81 mm., and stroke 9/5 mm. It has a compression ratio cf 6t to one, and needs no special spirit. Valve gear including valve stems is totally enclosed and lubrication is by the dry sump system.

Current Price List, New Motor Cycles

These prices include Sales Tns. and are subject to fluctuation
Acme, 125 c.c., 2 Stroke .. .. " .. .. A.J.S., 500 c.c., O.H.V. .. .. . ... " A.J.S., 350 c.c. " .... Approximate Ariel, 350 c.c., N.G.O.H.V. .. .. .. Ariel Red Hunter, 350 c.c., O.H.V . Ariel Red Hunter, 500 C.C., . Ariel De Luxe, 600 C.C., S.A., V.B. Ariel V.G. de Luxe, 500 C.C., O.H.V... B.S.A., C.IO, 250 C.C., Side Val. .. .. B.S.A., C.ll, 250 C.C., O.H.V. .. .. B.S.A., B.31, 350 c.c., O.H.V. .. .. B.S.A., M.20, 500 c.c., S.V. .. " .. Norton, E.S.2 (Telefork Spring Frame) .. . Norton Model 18, 490 C.C., O.H.V. 102 227 215 190 201 223 210 220 153 158 196 199 10 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 15 15 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Panther, 250 c.c. O.H.V .... , .. Panther, 350 C.C., O.H.v. .. ., .. Panther, 600 c.c. O.H.V . Royal Enfield, 125 C.C., 2 Stroke Royal Enfield, 350 C.C., Model C. O. O.H.V. .. .. .. .. .. Royal Enfield, 350 C.C., Model G O.H.V . Royal Enfield, 500 C.C., Model J O.H.V . Triumph, 350 C.C., Twin . . .. Triumph, 500 c.c. Speed Twin . Triumph, Tiger, 100, 500 c.c . Velocette, Model M.S.S., 500 c.c. .. Velocette, Ml. M.A.C., 350 c.c. O.H.V. 153 164 237 99 16 4 18 0 13 8 10 0 0 0

196 0 207 10 223 221 241 254 238 200

267 13 254 0

0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 17 0 0 0

April, 1947.







have come



The latest news in the motor world is the arrival of the irst of the I<aiser and Fraser cars in Australia. Wit h striking body designs by Howard Oarrin, win g s sweeping the entire length of the body and amazing width ef seating, the cars are handsomely streamlined and well appointed. The motors are six cylinder Continentals, operating through normal transmission and are capable of a fast, smooth performance with reasonable economy.

The cars are on view at the showrooms of the Australian distributors: Liberty Motors Pty. Ltd., of Lonsdale Street, Melbourne.


2 3 4

Tremendous wartitne developments in Automotive dt~Hig;n Increased the uecessttv for t.onglwf Spark Plugs. 'I'ho saruo qualit.ics requlred for high HI)('pd, high altitude utrorutt l~Hgi(lP~ an' incorporated in Olympic Spark I'Iucwhich feature the ,. l' Lnsulator" especially dcsi),nw(i ill U. H. A. to give custer \Villt,(';
Starting and longer life to wit 11stand higher ouclno t.ernperu.t.urt's a.nd speed. TIlt:~ poi nt.s at t1H~ rtaht show how Olymplcs "L'oa-nxu:

Insulator" etve, your Olympic Spark Plug Its extra ad va.ntat e '.

TWO RIBBED DESIGN . lengthens insulator surface-eliminates current leakage. INSULATOR SHOULDER. of greater mechanical strength to eliminate breakages. GROUND SEATS to ensure complete gas seal. ELECTRODE . the Manganese Nickel Alloy as specified by the British Air Ministry. Screwed and cemented to insulator-sealing against leakage. HEAT RANGE Thermal properties give wider heat dispersion.

p A R K P L U G S

OLYMPIC SPARI< PLUGS PTY. LTD., Head Office, Factory, 64-66 Little Bourke St., Melb. JM 1529 (3 lines). No. 2 Factory, 14 Anthony st., Melbourne. F 3116.









1-7 KNOX Dear Readers,



Our editorial recently drawing attention to the great opportunity the English makers were losing in not making a big car for the taxi trade (aside from the new Humber) drew the following reply from Mr. C. R. Dickason of Austin Distributors, Ltd., Melbourne concerning the English taxi cabs. "Dealing with taxi-cabs, it is not generally known that there is a very strict set of specifications enforced by Scotland Yard which limits the scope of a factory designs department, and while the design of these cabs may not appeal to the Australian public the,y have a greater utility value than our hire vehicles .. ~ "During a recent visit to the United Kingdom I made a point of discussing their vehicles with a number of London cab drivers and many had completed 300,000; miles and they also had great respect for their makes." London taxis are still operating under a set of by-laws which limits their scope and precludes standard specifications. Special new coach-type cabs are now being built by Wolseley-the Oxford, of 1800 c.c, with dry sump lubrication, Dunlopillo seating, and Girling brakes with 11 in. drums. Cost of each vehicle in London is 1,000. There is no door on the left side of the driver's seat and only two windows in the rear, but they are smaller and m01'e manoeuverable for London's congested streets. -The Editor.

Australia~s Most Val",able Magazine for Motorist & Mechanic

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April, 1947.






It is like the good old days to be able to specify the brand of petrol - but we are sorry to report that our former girl friend with' the zip - Miss Ethyl hasn't her passport, because of the adverse dollar exchange.


There is a statue no motorist misses in Birmingham, U.S.A., where the Vulcan figure holds a torch which throws a green light except when a traffic fatality has occurred, which causes it to show red for 24 hours thereafter.

PETROL RATIONING. The Federal Government has decreed that petrol rationing must go on. According to the N.R.M.A. lifti"" of the rationing would mean no increase in consumption. If this is so we don't save dollars by rationing, and yet tax payers must still f.:lli the 200,000 a year which the system costs.

The difference between 1946 and 1947 models are almost indiscernible. There is very little of interest to report from the American factories about the coming models. From the English makers of mass production we can only spot a new radiator on the Morris Ten apart from some imported saloons which have greater streamlining in the trunk tails.



According to the new car registration lists recently published in U.S.A., the following is the order at the end of 1946: Ford .. 1 Chevrolet 2 Plymouth 3 Dodge .. 4 Buick .. 5 Pontiac .. .. 6 Nash .. .. 7 Hudson .. .. .. 8 Chrysler .. .. .. 9
."'"mobile " .. 10

In all there was only 30 per cent. of the normal pre-war year sales.



There will be no motor show in June this year, as was previously anticipated. But there may be one early in 1948 if the present plans of the motor trade eventuate.


The new Buick has been released by General Motoors and is now on view in the showrooms of Metropollta, Distributors, where it is causing a great deal of Interest. The price is 935 plus sales tax.



April, 11147.

OME cars have good acceleration but a modest maximum speed, whereas heavier models may be found which accelerate quite slowly but eventually attain a higher velocity.

Why do cars having the same maximum speed differ so widely in road performances? Why are some greatly helped or hindered by slight grad'ients which others almost ignore?

HE best method to assess the performance of your car as compared with that of the average car is to make a graph. Varying behaviour of vehicles on different types of hills can thus be clearly depicted. Experts on the staff of The Motor in Britain, for instance, draw on a graph the engine power curve. This shows b.p.h, available plotted against road speed in m.p.h. instead of r.p.m. A second curve shows power required to propel the car at a steady speed on a level road, to overcome rolling resistance and air drag. From these two curves a great deal can be' learnt. The rn.p.h. at which they cross one another is the maximum speed of the car under normal conditions. At lower speeds, the vertical distance between the two curves represents the margin of power available for accelerating the car or driving it up a hill. At higher speeds, the vertical distance between the curves represents the extra power which must be supplied by wind or gravity if the car is to attain such speeds. Let us assume our average car has 50 brakehorse-power available, has maximum speed of 75 m.p.h., and weighs 2,500 lb. in running trim. Top gear is considered to be optimum ratio giving maximum speed on level road with no wind at peak r.p.m. To assess rolling resistance, let us use the Andreau formula, taking a tyre pressure of 25 lb. per sq. in. This gives a low-speed rolling resistance of 31 lb. per ton, rising to 58 lb. per ton at 75 m.p.h, Wind resistance is calculated on assumption of frontal area of 22 sq. ft. and a drag coefficient, K, of 0.0015. How gradients affect the average 75 m.p.h. car is shown on graph published on this page. Maximum speed is plotted against gradient. Graph reveals that average car with 75 m.p.h, level-road maximum will reach 80 m.p.h , down a slope of only 1 in 50, but will be slowed to 69 m.p.h. when travelling up the same hill. A down grade of 1 in 20 will permit the speed to rise to just over 86 m.p.h., but a similar up-

How Hills affect a Car's Performance T

59 m.p.h,


More Speed Lost Going Uphill Than Gained Going Down Same Gradient.

hill stretch will bring the speed down to under In every case, more speed is lost when going up a hill than is gained when going down the same gradient. . Our hypothetical average car gives us a standard by which other cars may be judged. Consider two cars having the same power output and maximum speed as the average car. One, however, is 600 lb. heavier and the other is 600 lb. lighter. This is important, for the effect of a gradient on any car depends directly on weight. A heavy car is slowed more than a light one when its weight has to be lifted up a gradient. On the other hand, a down grade will be of even more help to the heavy car. The graph indicates how maximum speeds of light, average and heavy cars are affected by hills. All three are capable of 75 m.p.h, on a level road. Up a l-in-20 hill, the heavy car will be slowed to 51 m.p.h., v.mereas the light model will maintain 63 m.p.h, at full throttle. However, the heavy car will be able to work up to a speed of 89 m.p.h. when descending the same hill, the maximum speed of the light car rising onlv to just over 83 m.p.h. under the same conditions. This gives proof of an effect which is always evident to those who drive a vartetv of different cars, and is particularly noticeable on open, undulating roads. A lightly-built model will hold it~ speed on long inclines, taking the oppcrtunity to pull away from the heavier cars of comparable maximum speed. Down the ot! side of the hill, however the heavier machine mav regain some of the' lost ground, sheer weight forcing it through the air at high speed.

April, 1947.






How Hills affect a Car's Performance

No matter how open the road may be, a car which is unduly sensitive to gradient effects will always lose time. Thus our heavy car will climb a l-in-20 grade at 51 m.p.h. and will descend the other side at 89.4 m.p.h, The light car, however, ascends the hill at 63 m.p.h. and goes down the other side at 83.4 m.p.h., giving a rather higher mean speed. These m.p.h. figures do not tell the whole story. For less time is spent on the fast downhill run than on the slow uphill grind. On a time basis, the light car will take 57.1 sees. for an uphill mile, and 43.2 for a downhill mile-a total time of 100.2 sees. for 2 miles, which represents an average speed of 71.8 m.p.h. The heavy car will cover an uphill mile in 70.5 secs., then a downhill mile in 40.3 sec.a total time of 110.8sec. for 2 miles representing an average speed of only 65 m.p.h, The- amount of time which excessive weight can waste on an undulating road may be surprising to some people. The figure of 10.5 per cent. when gradients of the l-in-20 order are encountered is not an exaggeratton, even though it assumes all gradients to be taken at full speed. In practice, an occasional baulk is inevitable, and will usuallv occur on an uphill road where slow vehicles loiter, and the heavy car will take longer than the light car to regain speed after passing an obstruction. In every respect, the car with a high powerto-weight ratio is at an advantage in hilly country, even though it has the same maximum speed as heavier models. It will perform consistently, with the minimum variation of speed on gradients. The light car may be made more reliable, since there is less chance of it being overdriven under favourable conditions of gradient. Low weight eases the designer's transmission design problems.
Graph showing comparative road performances .1 light, average and heavy ears on varlous gradients.


[t ,Is
Available LEGGETT

Heavy car (black) and lighter model (White) start on even terms to climb 'in20 slope. Uphill, heavy ear will lag behind lighter car. Though it can reach higher speed down other side of hill, it will not regain lost ground.

Everywhere PRODUCTS Australia





April, 1947.


The independent front wheel suspension of front wheels allows either front wheel to react to change in the road surface level with(jut appreciably affecting the opposite wheel, and eliminating a principle source of energy which brings about wheel shimmy, undesirable "iding qualities and disagreeable' steering characteristics. This design of suspension employs coil type chassis springs, which are not subject to the varying factors of interleaf friction, as is the case with conventional leaf type of chassis springs.

The wheel knuckle is the reverse Elliott type and attached to the knuckle support by means of a hardened steel king pin, which moves on bronze bushings. The knuckle support is pivoted at both upper and lower ends to "V" shaped control arms. Each upper control arm assembly is attached at its inner end to the shock absorber camshaft. Each lower control arm assembly is pivoted at its inner end on a solid shaft, which is attached to the underside of the frame front cross member. Each end of the pivoted inner shaft for the lower control arms carries a hardened steel bushing. There is an oil reservoir at the outer end of each bushing to furnish lubrication to the threaded bearings at any time lubricant is present in the oil reservoir. At each end of the lower control arm inner shaft and at the inside of the arms, a rubber seal covers the inner end of the bushings and the threads on the shaft. This seal prevents dirt and water from creeping into the bearing, prolongs the life of the bearing and reduces squeaks at these points. Rubber seals are also carried at the outer end of the control arms over the exposed portion of the threaded bearing where the control arm is attached to the knuckle support. The control arms allow the knuckle support, spindle and wheel to move through a vertical plane only. The lower control arm is longer than the upper one which provides for a change in the camber of the front wheel to mathematically compensate for front tread width variation occurring as the

:.='oil chassis springs rebound or members of the bearing are vircompress. tually tied together even when 'Thp chassis coil springs are one fits loosely within the other. supp- ted at the lower ends in This permits ample space for sheet metal seats which <>~e lubrication, rolling friction, and riveted and welded to t~~ , __ ,ver free action for oscillation. The olling action minimizes wear control arms and the upper ends seat in the frame front cross and accounts for the long life of the pin and bushing. If the member. Rubber bumpers are provided bushings are properly lubricated to limit the travel of the upper and the tolerances are within the specified clearances,' they and lower control arms. will not be noisy when properly The front shock absorbers With upper control arms are adjusted and should not be accurately located by close fit- changed because of noise. UNting bolts and mounted on top DER NO CONDITIONS SHOULD ANY CHANGES BE MADE TO of the front cross member. THE SPECIFIED To provide more control of REDUCE body roll, a front end stablizer THREAD CLEARANCES GIVEN ABOVE. is used. REMOVE UPPER PIVOT PIN. The front stabilizer is mounted in rubber attached to the frame 1. Place jack under lower conahead of the front springs with trol arm, raising car off floor, Wahl type connecting links from and remove wheel and tyre the stabilizer bar to the bracket assembly. riveted to the lower control arm 2. Remove upper control arm This linkage provides complete clamp bolt. rubber insulation between the 3. Remove both front and rear metal parts. bushing from control arm. LUBRICATION OF FRONT 4. Loosen clamp bolt in knuckle

The threaded bushings used in the front end suspension system require thorough lubrication, with the weight of the car off the bearings.

A clearance of from .014" to .028" is provided between the threaded pins and bushings on the front end construction. The threaded surface automatically provides perfect side adjustment and where the roll is always in the same direction, the two

April, 1947.


1939 MODEL
support. NOTE.-To prevent damage to brake hose, fasten steering knuckle support to upper control arm. 5. Using special tool, remove pivot pin from knuckle support.




2. Screw pivot pin into rear control arm. 3. Install lock nut and washer. 4. Set caster, camber and toein. REMOVE AND REPLACE FRONT COIL SPRING.

GR<:rnof)' u,



1. Holding knuckle support in line with hole through control arm, screw pivot pin into knuckle support with hole in pin toward front of car. 2. Turn pivot pin until largest diameter section is centralized in support. 3. Tighten clamp bolt in knuckle support arm. 4. Centralize support arm as near as possible in control arm yoke and start rear bushing on threads of pin and in threads of control arm. 5. Start front bushing on thread of pin before locking rear bushing up tight. 6. Lock rear bushing tight. 7. SCrEWfront bushing up to leave 1/32-inch clearance between hex portion of bushing and front face of upper control arm. 8. Replace and lock clamp bolt in control arm. 9. REmove lubrication fitting from front pivot pin bushing and set caster, camber and toe-in.

1. Disconnect outer end of tie rod from steering arm. 2. Remove lower pivot pin. 3. Disconnect stabilizer link. 4. Support car frame by another jack. 5. Rernove jack from under lower control arm, which allows lower control arm assembly to drop out of position. 6. Remove spring. 7. To assemble, reverse operations. Check caster, camber and toe-in. NOTE. - There is a top and bottom to the front coil spring. The top may be identified since the top coil is flatted at the end, the bottom is not. When assembling the front coil spring, be sure the flatted end of the spring is to the top and centralized by the four lugs on the cross member. Be sure the end of the coil at the bottom indexes with the hole provided in the spring seat.



Fig. 49.



1. Place jack under lower control arm, raise car off floor and remove wheel and tyre assembly. 2. Remove lock nut and washer at rear of pin. 3. Remove lower pivot pin.

1. Centralize knuckle support arm, as near as possible, between front and rear control arms and screw pivot pin through front control arm and into bushing of support arm. NOTE. - When the support arm is properly spaced hetween front and rear control arms, there will me approximately lI8-inch between the inner face of the front control arm and the end of the bushing.

The front and rear lower control arms and spring seat are serviced as an assembly. They are not interchangeable, right and left. 1. Proceed as outlined under "REMOVE FRONT COIL SPRING." 2. Remove lower control arm assembly and pivot shaft from frame front cross member. 3. Unscrew pivot shaft bushings and remove shaft from lower control arm assembly.

own thread in the lower control arm. Since the distance between the inside face of the inner Ends of the lower control arm must be lIt + - 3/32" when assembled, it is necessary to use a special tool to prevent the arms from moving inward while the bushing is cutting a thread during installa tion. To instal pivot shaft and lower control arm assembly, proceed as follows: 1. Place special tool in position and expand until the distance between the inside face of the arms at inner end' is lIt inch. 2. Place pivot shaft in assemblv. 3. Start bushing on pivot shaft and into arm at same time. Tighten bushing in place. 4. Centre pivot shaft between control arms and install the other bushing as above, being sure threads index so there is no bind. Remove tool. 5. The distance between the centre of the pivot shaft bolt holes and the inside face of the arm should be Hinch at each end. Turn pivot shaft as necessary to centralize. 6. Install lower control arm assembly and replace front coil suring. 7. Replace lower pivot pin. 8. SEt caster, camber and toein. REBUSH KING PINS.

The lower control arm pivot shaft bushings have threads on the inside and outside of the bushing. The inside of the bushing threads on to the pivot shaft, but the bushing cuts its

1. Remove front wheel hub and drum assembly. 2. Remove tie rod outer end from plain arm. (Continued on Page 36).



April, 1041.





DI~TI~(jUI~"I~(j ffATUl!f~
10 h.p. 4 cylinder side valve engine, three speed gearbox, battery coil ignition, duoservo four-wheel brakes, 7 ft. 8 in., wheelbase and 4 ft. track. Chassis Nos. M001 and
up , , .

Pegged Price Sedan



1tS3 10 h.p, Minx introduced in 1932 remains practically unaltered









1934 Radiator redesigned. Body improved to include skirting to front and rear mudguards. Now features four-speed gearbox. Some models sold with free-wheeling as extra. Chassis Nos. start from M20150 " " " , .. .. .. .. ..


1t35 Only minor alterations to engine, gearbox is four-speed synchromesh on all gears. Chassis now has large box-section cross member. 18 x 4.75 tyres. Chassis Nos. from M35001 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ., 12~ 193~ Tyre size drops to 16 x 5.25 with steel wheels. Engine practically the same. Chassis Nos. M50001 and upwards .. .. .. 1937 Continued with only slight alteration. Large wheel hub caps, radiator chrome plated horizontal strips. Chassis Nos. start at M74969 .. .. .. .. 1938 Body redesigned to include new radiator Chassis Nos. M1000500and up ..... . 1939 As 1938 model .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. front .. .. .. and rear 147

has five .. .. .. 1~2 193 235 283 304

luggage compartment.

1940 Mono-construction with completely redesigned front end bonnet lifting from the front with small T handle. Large luggage trunk with uplifting lid. Bprtng-spoke steering wheel .. .. .. .. .. ., .. .. .. 1941 As 1940 model .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. " '.

Oldsmobile Suspension
<continued from Page 35). 3. Remove backing plate without disconnecting brake hose and place out of way, avoiding any strain on brake hose. 4. Remove king pin lock pin. 5. Remove upper and lower Welch plug from knuckle. 6. Drive out king pin. 7. Press bushing from steering knuckle. Note that the king pin bushings have two grooves on the inside diameter - one short groove leading from the oil hole to one end. of the bushing and a long groove opposite the oil hole extending the entire length of

the bushing. The short groove leads to the top on the upper bushing and to the bottom on the lower bushing. In other words, the short groove always leads to the expansion plug. 8. With oil hole in bushing in line with hole for oil fitting, press bushing into knuckle. 9. Burnish bushing in place. 10. Line ream bushing to size. 11. To assemble, reverse operations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Check camber, caster and toe-in.

1. Disconnect link from stabilizer bar by removing nuts from top of link and pull out bolt from bottom of link. 2. Remove the bracket bolts supporting stabliizer bar to frame and remove stabilizer. To replace, reverse sequence of above operations and note: 1. The rubber bearings on the stabilizer bar at the frame support are serviced separately from the satibilizer bar assembly, 2. When attaching the link, place one steel retainer and one rubber both top and bottom of both the control arm support and stabilizer bar, and then draw the nut down to the limit of the thread.

The front stabilizer may be removed as follows:

Aprll, 1947.













in G reat . . Britain)
S~71 F



April, 194T.





A motor car is not made of cast iron and pressed steel; dozens of different steels make it stand the strain of modern times. Here the Service Division of General Motors-Holden's tena you more

About the Metallurgy of Motors

Steels '11'e om' tronqeet mate-rials. The tensile strength or resistance to a pull 'varies from a low of 40,000 to a high of 500.000 pounds per square inch f01' some of the better grades of specially treated steel. Steels may also be made so hard they scratch glass or so soft they can be scratched with a needle. They can be given a hard. surface to resist wear and a tough core to give ductility. Steels can operate over a temperature range from 250 below zero to a cherri, 'red heat. They can be easily formed, cut, welded or bent without destroying the other properties. And for good measure, nature gave steels magnetic properties to make them valuable in elect.rical. machinery. How some steels are east

Tensile Strength Malleability Hardness Cold Resistanoe Heat Resistance Toughness Magnetism Compressive Strength


After several years of experimentation he found, much to his surprise, that blowing air through molten cast iron or pig iron made the Everyone had naturally thought The automobile industry is the largest single iron hotter. that a draught of cold air hitting against hot user of the steel produced in the United States. iron would cool it. Encouraged by his observaIn one year over one-fifth of the steel produced tions he constructed a larger furnace to blow was used in making automobiles, In an ordinary year this figure has been about 4,000,000 air through several hundred pounds of molten tons. This is more steel than is used by the iron. The experiments were a complete success. railroad, rarm machinery, building, container, oil, He found that the carbon and other impurities in the iron were literally burned out of the and gas, highway or machinery industries. The automobile is also a large user of two white hot mixture by the air. The highest temperature which was at that time known to other important forms of iron, malleable iron industry was produced by simply blowing air and cast iron. Over one-half of the malleable iron and one-seventh of the grey cast iron is through or over fluid pig iron. He announced his discovery before a meeting of the British used to make automobiles. In one year the inAssociation on August 11th, 1856, in a paper dustry used 245,000 tons of malleable iron and entitled "The Manufacture of Malleable Iron 575,000 tons of grey cast iron. and Steel Without Fuel." BURNING CARBON OUT OF PIG-IRON. Many methods of making steel were in use BESSEMER CONVERTER. prior to 1855, but one of them produced the The Bessemer converter, as the furnace is metal in large enough quantities or at a low enough price to satisfy the demands. Pig iron called, is a large pear-shaped container lined with fire-brick and open at the top. It holds or cast iron was easy to make from the ore, but ten to twenty tons of cast iron. A "blow" reto get the extra carbon out of pig iron to make steel was a laborious and expensive process. quires 10 to 15 minutes. The first step in making steel is to get the Molten pig iron is poured into the furnace oxygen out of the ore to make pig iron. The and a blast of air is turned on. Each ton of second step is to get the excess carbon out of pig iron contains about 75 pounds of carbon, the pig iron to make steel. 25 pounds of silicon, one pound of sulphur, and The credit for devising a successful commer15 pounds of manganese, most of Which will be cial process is usually given to Henry Bessemer. burned out. These elements are the fuel. The His interest in iron and steel came about after molten iron is about 2200 degrees F. when it is he had been called upon to aid in the develop- poured in. In a few minutes after the blast of ment of guns and projectiles which made the air is turned on, the burning of these elements cast iron cannon then in use unsuitable. He in the iron raises the temperature to 3500 detherefore decided to develop a stronger material grees F. Most of the carbon, silicon, SUlphur for his guns. and manganese is burned out which causes the

April, 1947.



Various Steels tCont.)

mouth of the furnace' to belch forth bright flames. No external fuel is necessary. When the impurities are burned out, the correct amount of carbon and manganese is added to give the steel the final composition desired. The steel is then poured out into ingots ready to be made into shapes suitable for use. OPEN HEARTH STEEL. After Bessemer had led the way in making steel from pig iron, other metallurgists and scientists took up the study. Sir William Siemens developed a new type of furnace which was ~rst used for zinc distillation and for heating Iron and steel. By 1863 this furnace had bt:en used by Martin, in France, to make steel. ThIS method is called the Siemens-Martin Open Hearth process. At the present time more steel is made by this method than by any other process . In the open hearth furnace an outside source of heat is used. The metal is contained in a large saucer-like container which holds from 5 to 250 tons of steel. Two openings at each end of the furnace admit gas and air. Underneath and at each end of the furnace, are two chambers, one for air and one for gas, made of firebrick laid in a checker-board pattern.

In operation the gas from the coal fire is led to one of the' gas chambers. The air is pulled through one of the air chambers. The air and gas come together over the bath of molten metal which results in a high temperature. The burned gases escape from the opposite side of the furnace and pass through the second air and gas chambers, heating the brick in the chambers. Every 15 or 20 minutes the direction of flow is reversed. The incoming air and gas are heated by being pulled through the chambers of hot brick. The temperature in the furnace is then much higher than if cold air and gas were burned over the pool of metal. The high temperature created over the metal in the furnace aids in the process of burning out the carbon and other impurities in the iron to make steel, similar to that made in the Bessemer converter. It has the advantage that less steel is lost in the process. A better control over the alloying elements in the steel is possible, and the steel is cleaner because it contains fewer oxides. Although the open hearth process is slower, pig irons which are unsuited to the Bessemer process can be converted into steel in the open hearth furnace. Steels made by the Bessemer converter may be further refined in the open hearth furnace. (To be continued).


A 1947

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AMPOL is a product of wartime research and was used extensively by the Allied Fleet Air Arm in Pacific operations. AMPOL is solvent-refined from selected paraffin base crudes, and guarantees perfect lubrication for your motor under the most searching conditions. Ask for the best-Ask for AMPOL.





April, 1947.



Inside information on



as fitted to Bedfords '36 - '37 - '38 - '39

This type of fuel pump is a self priming unit attached to the crank case and operated from an eccentric on the camshaft. On the suction stroke of the pump the diaphragm is drawn downwards, creating a vacuum which draws fuel from the tank. When the diaphragm moves upwards under spring pressure it forces fuel past the outlet valve and to the carburetter. The diaphragm is composed of several layers of specially treated flexible fabric which is impervious to petrol.
KEY TO ILLUSTRATIONS. Top (19394041-46 Models). I. Top Cap Retaining Screw. 2. Top Cap. 3. Diaphragm. 4. Pump Attachment Flange. 5. Rocker Arm. 6. Diaphragm Pull Rod. 7. Diaphragm Return Spring. 8. Sediment Drain Plug. 9. Petrol Inlet. 10. Gauze Filter. Left (19363738 Models).

I. Top Cap Retaining Screw. 2. Top Cap. 3. Diaphragm. 4. Diaphragm Return Spring. 5. Diaphragm Pull Rod. 6. Pump Attachment Flange. 7. Rocker Arm. 8. Rocker Arm Spring. 9. Petrol Inlet. 10. Gauze Filter.



FAULT-FINDER FOR FUEL PUMPS. I] pump will not operate: Worn out diaphragm. Broken diaphragm spring. Locked linkage. Clogged strainer in pump. Sticky or dirty valves. Fuel pipe blocked. Float needle passaged clogged Air entering fuel line. Defective valve springs. Leaks from gaskets. If pump leaks: Loose pipe fittings. Porous top or cover. Defective diaphragm. Faulty assembly. Broken bowl gasket.

Failure of the pump to prime may generally be traced to an air leak or blockage either in the fuel line or at a union. Should this happen first check your fuel tank and be certain you have plenty of fuel. Then thoroughly check the fuel line and blow through to clear any obstruction. An efficient gauze screen filter is incorporated in the pump beneath the top cap. All petrol passing from the pump to the carburetter must pass through this screen and any foreign matter settles in the bottom of the pump passages on the inlet side. Every 5,000 miles drain off this sediment by removing the sediment screw. Slack'en off the top cap retaining screw, gently lift off the top cap and remove the gauze filter. Clean filter thoroughly in petrol and replace. Before replacing the top cap, the cork gasket fitted between this and the pump body should be carefully examined as upon its condition depends the air tightness of the joint. Replace if broken or perished. Check the condition of the fibre washer beneath the head of the top cap retaining screw and replace if in doubt. Do not interfere with the diaphragm unless certain it is faulty. When the carburetter float chamber is filled, the float forces the needle valve on to its seating, thus preventing any more petrol passing into and flooding the float chamber. This builds up pressure in the pump chamber which holds down the diaphragm against the pressure of the spring, where the diaphragm will remain until further petrol is required by the


If pump cuts out at high speeds Loose connections. Air leaks. Loose valve seat. Warped valveli.




















N C.


V I C.)


The Australian Monthly Motor Manual, April, 1947.

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