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#a$a %&a'a ( ) &a"a*ta %I d! esia(

5et#!d!6!.y +78 Resea*,# F*a$e9!*"s C#a'te* / T#e!*eti,a6 F*a$e9!*" /-+ De:i i . U*0a Pa*"s a d Its Hist!*y /-+-+- U*0a Pa*" Hist!*y /-+-/- De:i i . U*0a Pa*"s /-/- T#e Va6ue a d Be e:its !: Pa*"s /-/-+- T#e T*aditi! a6 a d Cu**e t Va6ue /-/-/- T#e Be e:its !: Pa*"s /-3 Pa*" C6assi:i,ati! Syste$ %Qua tity( /-3-+- Pa*" C6assi:i,ati! Syste$ /-3-/- Ge e*a6 Pa*";s C*ite*ia /-4- U*0a Pa*" Issues T!day %Qua6ity( C#a'te* 3 t#e C!$'a*is! !: U*0a Pa*" Qua tity i Y!"!#a$a a d &a"a*ta 3-+ Pa*" a d G*ee S'a,e Syste$ i &a'a 3-/ Pa*" a d G*ee S'a,e Syste$ i I d! esia 'reen open spa e in Indonesia is des ribed as open spa es in #hi h "arious plant gro# and fun tion as mi ro limate stru ture for at hments area and urban estheti $ The typology of '(S in Indonesia an be seen as follo#)
'(S P#ysi,a66y 0onser"ation '(S 0ulti"ated '(S Fu ,ti! 3 ologi ally So ial4 0ultural +r hite tural 3 onomi St*u,tu*e 3 ologi *attern *lano logi *attern O9 e* *ubli '(S *ri"ate '(S

Keywords: Jakarta




Mutiara Sari

C#a'te* + I t*!du,ti! +-+ Resea*,# Ba,".*!u d 1 1 +-/ Resea*,# O01e,ti2es + / The general aim of this study is to identify the quantity (type, distribution, and amount) and assessing the quality of the urban parks in Yokohama (Japan) and Jakarta (Indonesia) The spe ifi ob!e ti"es of this resear h are des ribed belo#, a$ To identify the quantity of e%isting parks (type, distribution, and amount) for kno#ing #hether the parks already suffi ient to ser"e lo al people or not b$ To e%amine the quality of usage, atta hment people, and ommunity parti ipation for analy&ing #hi h is the e%isten e of park is already fulfilled the user demand or not $ To look the possibility to add ommunity garden into park planning for park impro"ement and sol"ing the park issue today d$ To take the lesson learned from other ountry for impro"ing the quality of park planning in the future +-3 Resea*,# Out'ut +-4

Source: Department of Public Work, 2004 *arks, flo#er garden and sports area are the main e%ample of ulti"ated '(S and then an be onsidered as urban park e"en tough is not defined learly on any regulation in Indonesia$ In the le"el of national go"ernment, '(S is regulated in + t no$ ,- Year ,../ about Spatial *lanning +rrangement and under !urisdi tion of Ministry of 0onstru tion$ +lso 1ased in + t 2o$,- Year ,../ required that

5.6 of urban area must be pro"ided into '(S (,.6 publi , 1.6 pri"ate)$ In #hi h ,.6 is pro"ided by 0ities78istri t 'o"ernment and the rest is pro"ided by pri"ate se tor and ommunities$ 5.6 of '(S is based from the pro"ision on the onferen e in 9io de Janeiro at 1::,$ 1y this regulation, as the order to lo al authority to pro"ide, arrange, maintain their green area and push them to a hie"e the standard of green area in the ity (5.6)$ 3-+-/ U*0a Pa*" De2e6!'$e t i &a'a 3-/-+ U*0a Pa*" De2e6!'$e t i I d! esia Indonesia;s planning system is de entrali&ation, but the spatial plan regulation in Indonesia still applies entrali&ation in #hi h the lo#er tier of spatial plan (<o al spatial plan or 9T9= 8istri t70ity) has to omply #ith the higher tier of spatial plan (9egional spatial plan or *ro"in ial spatial plan and 2ational spatial plan)$ It is intended to reate the integrated spatial plan in Indonesia$ +nd the position of green spa e in urban spatial planning is)
Urban rea!"etropolis

4 The apital ity of Indonesia 4 ?as the pri"ilege as spe ial territory (8@I) 4 0o"ering area of -A. km 4 AB1:C1,D 4 -B,5CAED South <atitude, 1.-B,,CE,D 4 1.-BA>C1>D 3ast <ongitude 4 8i"ided into A muni ipalities, 1 distri t area

*opulation gro#th in Jakarta 2o Year 'reater Jakarta Total $ *opulation Total 'ro#th (people) (6) 1 1::. >$,A ,/$1 , ,... >$51$,5 ,..1 >$A. .$1E ,..>$:1$.+nd the land use in Jakarta La d Use Ty'e +<=> %?(

+<@ > %?( 5A$: ,,$5 E1$: A

+< <> %? ( 55$ /A 15$ E: A,$ /-

/>> 8 %?( ,/$. / 11$> > -1$. A

Forest and 0ulti"ation

Satellite city
p k ar


5:$AA ,-$>. 55$-A


"etr o

ty Ci

*addy Field and =et <and 8e"eloped +rea

poli s pa rk

Dis tr pa ict rk

, H.S

l Dip



. n iv

Sub district area

E. S E. S

Sub district park


Villages park

The hange of greenery in Jakarta

Village area

Fig$1 *ubli '(S on urban spatial planning in Indonesia, 8ept$ *ubli =ork

1ased on Ministry of *ubli =ork 2o$ 5/> Year 1:>/ had determined the standard of Indonesia;s onstru tion as systemati planning guidelines also for green open spa e (please see presentation) 2ot like Japan, That still not lear enough #hat is the urban parks and the lassifi ation in Indonesia$ 3-+-3 G*ee O'e S'a,e i &a"a*ta City The profile of Jakarta)

!"#$ !%# !%#$200# !"#$ !%# !%#$200# Source:

2000$20 0 2000$20 0

1ased on those tables abo"e, the ondition of urban green spa e (e%$ Forest and paddy field) ha"e been de reased$ 1ut urban de"eloped areas are in reased dramati ally in harmony #ith the

gro#th of population be ause of urbani&ation$ This is also strengthened by 2ana Su#argana11, '(S in Jakarta has de reased 1A:6 (,,/AA$5 ha) and no# only :6 or --$A1 ha and urban area has in reased 1/,$/6 to be ome E-,A:, ha$ For the omparison, belo# the figure of Jakarta ity in 1:>5 and ,..,)

U*0a Pa*"s 1 , 5 E A *lay *ark <o al park Sports park 8istri t park Sports park 0ity park

%$/( Pe!'6e 1,A.. 5... /A. 5... 1,A.. 5.,... ,,... 5.,... 1.,... 1,.,... A.,... 1,A..,.. . .$.5 .$.> .$./ .$.A .$,A

d %$ C'e!'6 e( .$A <o al area <o al area =ard area =ard area Muni i pal area *ro"in e area >-<@ /-3

T!ta6 A*ea %S'atia6 P6a T!ta6 %PU 3=@C@=(

3-+-4 Pa*" P6a i . Syste$ 7 Ty'e A Sta da*dB + ording to lo al spatial plan of Jakarta, turban green spa e is di"ided into , types, there are) 0onser"ation green and ulti"ated green$ +nd the differen es an be seen belo#)
C! se*2ati! G*ee 1$ 2ature o ns er " at io n (terrestrial, island) ,$ 5$ *reser"ed Forest Tourism Forest small 1$ (Grban ,$ 5$ Cu6ti2ated G*ee *ubli Fa ilities forest, 0emetery 1uffer 'reen 9i"er H #ater ity park,

7 I stituti! B Jakarta;s regional pro"in e administration established an institution to manage '(S alled *arks4 emetery Ser"i e 1,$ 1ut, beside that there are another institution #hi h also has similar responsibility in managing '(S there are +gri ulture and Forest Ser"i e$ +nd e"en other bureaus like *ubli =ork, Sports ser"i e, and Indonesian se retary also in"ol"ed in management of '(S15$ Jakarta;s go"ernment also di"ided into A muni ipalities #hi h are ha"ing their o#n #ishes and makes it be omes so ompli ated$ 1esides, there is not leared responsibility bet#een the *ro"in e park ser"i e and Muni ipalities; park ser"i e$ 7 Fu di .B In term of funding to establish and managing the urban parks in Jakarta) 1$ *ro"in e park ser"i e) <o al go"ernment bonds (+*18), ta%es, donations, et ,$ Muni ipalities *ark ser"i e) (+*18), The interesting point is *ark ser"i e in the pro"in e le"el is separated #ith *ubli =ork ser"i e #hile the muni ipalities park ser"i e

re reation park, sport park)

(?igh "oltage line, 9oadside green#ay, E$ A$ bodies, spe ifi ) Island greenery Grban +gri ulture

(*lant nursery, *addy ri e field, <o# land agri 7home garden)

The park planning standard is)

N!Ty'e !: A*ea Sta da* Re$a*"

inside *ubli le"el)1E$


ser"i e

(muni ipality;s

7 Data a d 5! it!*i .B an;t be ignored that the o"erlapping management of '(S leads to the diffi ulty in inspe tion and monitoring$ Se"eral green spa es #ere loss and had on"erted as building onstru tion$ +lso there is no re apitulation data or information enter that able to monitor the ondition of '(S in Jakarta$ 3-3 T#e C!$'a*is! !: Pa*" P6a 0et9ee Y!"!#a$a a d &a"a*ta +i . Syste$

e%$ 2atural *ark$ Grban park in the le"el lo al region is more lassifiable as the lassifi ations in pre"ious presentation 7 &a"a*ta: There are , types of '(S 1) onser"ation green e%$ preser"ed forest and ,) ulti"ated green e% publi fa ilities$ Grban parks an be onsidered as ulti"ated green #ithout urban agri ulture 4Sta da*d !: U*0a Pa*"s 7 Y!"!#a$a: 1ased on the park planning standard, the target of urban parks in Yokohama is A m,7resident #hi h also still far from another de"eloped ountry 7 &a"a*ta: 1ased on spatial planning standard, the target of urban parks in Jakarta ity is .$:> m,7resident #hi h is far from national target (,$5 m,7resident)

G*ee S'a,e C! diti! 7 Y!"!#a$a: 3%perien ed the de line both in quantity and quality but no# onsidered the total of '(S is 51$/6 (publi H pri"ate) #hi h is still ideal number in big ity$ 7 &a"a*ta: 8e line both in quantity and quality$ +s Fra illia (,../) finding using <andsat TM dated ,..E, '(S in luding publi and pri"ate remained ,,$>A6 of Jakarta$ /- Le.a6 F*a$e9!*" 7 Y!"!#a$a: 'reen master plan is part of urban spatial planning$ +nd the lear land used plan is determined in spatial planning$ 'reen master plan also as the te hni al guidan e for the de"elopment of '(S 7 &a"a*ta: In the le"el of national go"ernment, the + t about Spatial *lanning #as learly stated that for ea h ity is required to pro"ide 5.6 of green area$ 2ational *lan must be determined into 9egional Spatial *lanning and then <o al Spatial *lanning$ In Jakarta ity, the te hni al guidan e still not ompleted yet$ 3Ty'e !: Pa*" a d .*ee s'a,e 7 Y!"!#a$a: , types of parks are lands aped park e%$ urban parks and designated parks


Ad$i ist*at!* !: U*0a Pa*"s 7 Y!"!#a$a: Grban *ark;s administrator in Japan is depended on the geography for e%ample 2ational 'o"t$ *ark (single prefe ture), *refe ture 'o"t$ *ark (single ity, to#n or "illage) and <o al 'o"t$ *ark (daily basis used by lo al residents)$ 1ut in Yokohama, there is no 2ational 'o"t$ *ark, only urban parks that belong to Yokohama ity and *refe ture 'o"t$ 7 &a"a*ta: The administrator of urban park is *ark40emetery Ser"i e (*ro"in e and Muni ipality le"el)$ 1ut sometimes there is the onfli t bet#een them #ho ha"e the right de"elop and manage the parks$ +lso there is another onfli t bet#een *ark 0emetery and 1ureau of *ubli =ork in design and manage roadside greenery$


Fu di . 7 Y!"!#a$a: The funding in established and management of urban parks

ommonly pro"ided by the 'o"ernment of Yokohama$ 1ut 2ational 'o"ernment also assisted the lo al go"t$ to establish the parks #ith subsidi&e$ 2o#adays, the funding also ome from publi orporation and "olunteer a ti"ities (management) 7 &a"a*ta: The funding for de"eloping and managing urban parks ommonly pro"ided by <o al 'o"ernment 1ond (+*18) #ithout in"ol"ing iti&en parti ipation and publi orporation$ =Pa*ti,i'ati! Le2e6 7 Y!"!#a$a: The urban planning and de"elopment in Yokohama ity is in"ol"ing the iti&en parti ipation$ In Grban parks planning, the iti&en #ill be asked to parti ipate in the le"el of planning, until management$ 9e ently, for the small parks are managed by IaigokaiJ and for big parks su h as sport parks are managed by pri"ate se tor$ 7 &a"a*ta: <o# le"el of iti&en a#areness is onsidered as one fa tor the de lining of '(S7parks quality in Jakarta$ 1ut, in term of planning the iti&en not a ti"ely in"ol"ed and only$ The le"el of parti ipation is in manipulati"e stage$ 1ut no#, the go"ernment tries to make the ooperation #ith the pri"ate to manage urban parks$ Data a d 5! it!*i . 7 Y!"!#a$a: 1esides produ ing the park and green spa e map, they also do updating the '(S photograph e"ery A years as monitoring system$ 8ata and information are "ery important not only for monitoring but also for the further park planning$ 7 &a"a*ta: The data and information about the e%isten e of park and green spa e still not priority$ 1eside there is no map about the

distribution of park and green spa e, and the information about the quantity of urban parks really diffi ult to be a essed$ C! ,6usi! 7 'ood urban planning is "ery important in the ity as the guidan e #here to de"elop and #here is dedi ated for green open spa e area$ +lso, to support the urban '(S the green master plan must be determined learly in ity planning$ 7 In Jakarta, the management is the main problem be ause of o"erlapping institution$ (rgani&ation based on geography like 7 8ata and Information an be the basis in the further planning$ =ith good data and information #ill assist not only go"ernment but also the iti&en together do monitoring and 7 The in"ol"ement of iti&en and pri"ate se tor in stage of park planning, management and funding should be done$ They an be the 7 To enhan e the quantity and quality of urban parks need the lear lassifi ation and type based on fun tion, a ess, and management Re:e*e ,es
1) 1edimo49ung, +$<$, Mo#en, +$J, and 0ohen, 8$+$ (,..A) The signifi an e of parks to physi al a ti"ity and publi health) a on eptual model$ +meri an Journal of


*re"enti"e Medi ine, ,>(,S,), 1A:41->$ ,) Floyd, M$ F$ (,..>) + study of leisure time physi al a ti"ity in publi parks in di"erse ommunities$ 9obert =ood Johnson Foundation 5) Fran his, M$ (1:>/) Some different meanings atta hed to a publi park and ommunity garden$ <ands ape Journal$ -(,), 1.1411, E) Frrestone, 9$, and 2i hols, 8$ (,..E) 9ealising ne# leisure opportunities for old urban parks) the internal reser"e in +ustralia$ <ands ape and Grban *lanning, ->(1), A) Ma habee, <$ '$, (leson, J$ J$, @in&ig, +$ *$ (,..A) 2eighborhood parks uses by phoeni% residents) +n

e%ploration of so iodemographi differen es$ *eople, *la es, and *arks -) More, T$ +$ (1::.) Fa tors affe ting the

produ ti"ity of urban parks$ 8ept$ of +gri ulture, Forest Ser"i e, 2ortheastern Forest 3%periment Station$ G$S /) *arks and 9e reational 'reen Spa e +dministration

in Japan$ (1::E)$ *arks and (pen Spa e +sso iation of Japan >) *hillips, 3$ (1::A) *arks) 8esign and management$

M 'ra#4?ill$ 2e# York :) 9abare, S$ (,..:) The role of urban parks H so io

e onomi de"elopment) 0ase study of kisumu @enya$ 1.) =alker, 0$ (,..E)$ The publi "alue of urban parks$

The Grban 11) Su#argana 2$, and Susanto$ (,..,) The 8ete tion Spa e #ith 'IS Te hnique (0ase

of 'reen (pen

Study)Jakarta 0ity)$ <+*+2$ Indonesia 1,) ?akim, 9$, (,..E) The alternati"e of green open

spa e management in Jakarta ity$ Indonesia 15) Fra illia, (,../)$ The orrelation analysis bet#een

green open spa e and ground temperatures using the te hnique of 'IS and remote sensing, the ase study at Jakarta$ 1E) Jakarta *ro"in e 'o"ernment$1:::$ Jakarta

Metropolitan <and Gse *lanning$

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